a rn ow? YULE DECORATONS AT THE SHOPPING CENTRE Christmos decorations at the Oshawa Shopping Centre have been added to again this year ond present & seasonal end glowing scene by day and by night. Favorites with the younger set, of course, are the reindeer that seem to prance around the Times Photos) trees ond huge Christmas econdles, WHEN SELECTING A GIFT FOR YOUR VERY SPECIAL "Mother. - to. - Be | yp DELIGHT HER WITH THE GIFT OF HER CHOICE . . . A GIFT CERTIFI. CATE FROM OSHAWA'S FINEST SHOP FEATURING THE FINEST IN MATERNITY WEAR, MATERNITY FASHIONS ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE e CULTURED PEARLS SINGLE STRAND CULTURED PEARLS REG. 35.00 27.50 SPECIAL. ... TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK ® JEWELLED MOVEMENT ® GENUINE LEATHER CASE ® GUARANTEED LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL... 3.95 MAN'S ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS SPECIAL. ... 89¢ 3.50 | R 3 %. FOUR FOR. , SELF-WINDING WATCH 17 JEWELS WATER TIGHT DUST PROOF AUTOMATIC UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING UNBREAKABLE CRYSTAL EXPANSION BRACELET YELLOW GOLD COLOR SPECIAL... 39.95 SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING Ya CARAT SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING SPECIAL. ... 119.00 RE TC OS PERS RH - RRL PN A TN EN Ll SF SN Ee | NJ din 8 TE SAWA TWEL Temi Beste 6 WO0 § 1 Wide, Wonderful GIFT SELECTION fo Delight Men and Boys | Mode by Top Menutasturers SPORT SHIRTS Gey Colours--Populer Pattern yth + ude ' attroctive checks, fancy design; tartans, Mripes . . - with long sleeves, clos ing collar, Excellon for men, Sizes Hida and EX-L, ory Ml terns Inc Here's something men slweys forget to buy! PYJAMAS Choose Plain, Faney: or Stripes or preadeloth, vomfortable hid iy akin, Garay ASO for n ' nelstte iomas neat ripe dations " ou A L] CARDIGANS Long sleeves, V-neck |, styled, available In wide colour range Sizes S-M-L, Slipovers from Give Him A Gift y He Con Wear! Famous Forsyth "NO-IRON" 3 : SHIRTS __ X¢ SAVE ON a LAUNDRY BILLS! Will wash easily safe to bleach, Handsome sheen; smartly styled. Choose single or double cuffs, Sizes 142 to 17, 5.95 Also regular Arrow Shirts, with popular Arden collar style, rr. 4.95 Famous Makes Include Penman end Tony Dey PULLOVERS AND 69s 085 1095 % 5 #; % bd , . carefully WITH SMART 2-COLOR TRIM , . . TWO POCKETS 4.98 MEN'S "COMO" CARDIGANS The new popular style! Leng 95 trast trim, In Orlon and other T blends. Large range of colors, " sleeves, 3-button, 2-tone con. "wi hout SI thout oeves "from 6.95 1 2.95 M Him Hell a Dosen Pain! EN'S SOCKS Choose all-wool, all-nylon er blends, Stretchies, Many patterns, The Renowned Brand Meke-- surely o Luxury Cost "ZIBELINE" Doxene of Patterns and Styles! Give Him TIES All s of patterns . ./. come and see them! COATS Famous Borg Lining, plus Quilt Lining Give him « Gift Certificate from Jack Fraser's g bi GIFTS FOR BOYS Werm High Bulk Superior styling end talloring. Generous pockets, four buttons down front, Choose sliver grey, skyway blue, end oatmeal, 36 te 46 R29 % 85 RRC | Boys' Neat Stripes and Colourful Checks SPORT All-Wool Melton BOYS 'COMO' CARDIGANS The new 4-buttoned style, With two pockets . , . long SUBURBAN COATS Cozy quilt lining. Smartly styled with four leather buts SHIRTS Make includes Dan River Also Letter quality cotton cashmeres in bright checks, sleeves, blue. Sizes to fit 8 to 14, 4.95 and 5.95 two-colour contrast trim. Red, beige and Powde tons, Silver grey, char grey and skywoy blue. Sizes 6 to 1 14.95 All sanforized and colorfast, Sizes 6 to 18 2.98 On Until 9 P. m. n Mon., Wed,, Thurs, and Fri. at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE