THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 8-3492 All other calls ........RA 83-8474 Fhe Os hata Tones WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight, a few snowflure ries with sunny periods Wed. nesday, continuing cold, VOL, 87--NO, 289 Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WH ITBY, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1958 Aorist beporimens, Mall awe PRESIDENT APPEALS Work Of 17 Agencies In City Threatened Social welfare work in the city will be seriously curtailed if the objective of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest is not reached, Chest President Frank McCallum said today, The objective is $175,000, and up to Monday night = $142,500.86 had been donated, "our original objeetive was $167,000," Mr, McCallum said, "This was increas ed by $8,000 when the Red Cross an= nouncement of 'ree blood service at the Oshawa General Hospital was made, This blood service is a tremendously important development which benefits the entire community, and for that rea son the addition to the Chest objective was not only justified but imperative," Community Chest officials are mak- ing an all-out effort this week to give the campaign the momentum that will carry it to the objective, Mr, McCallum said, Virtually every gathering in the city will be told about the Community Chest's situation and urged to help do something about it, "With a united effort and the full co operation of the community," Mr, Mc« Callum said, "I am sure that the ob- jective can be reached, If it is not A -------------------- Court Blames Township Act Chief Justice J, C, McRuer of the Ontario Supreme Court turn. ed down a realtor's assessment petition Monday but accused au- thorities of neighboring Pickering Townshi of conduct that "amounts to little less than tak ing fraudulent advantage of a taxpayer,' A. M. Realty Investments Lim. Jted went before the court seek. ing an order to compel a county Judge to hear its assessment ap- , Ontario County Judge J, E, already had refused to hear the appeal and Chief Jus- A. M, Realty by placing it in a reached, however, I hate to think of the consequences, "There are 17 agencies participating in the Community Chest, They are all worthy of support, and their work all means a great deal to the pebple living in this city, Their budgets were care~ fully examined before the objective was set, The total represents their mini v mum needs--and their needs are act ually the needs of people who are part of this community, "If we fall short of the objective, their services will have to be cut and in some cases perhaps even suspended, I doubt if any thinking person in the Greater Oshawa area wants that to happen." Mr. McCallum urged a renewed ef fort by individuals, groups and canvas= Bers, "Many people may have hesitated to contribute what they would have liked to, they were uncertain about the future,' he said, "These uncertain- ties have been cleared and Oshawa faces an era of stable prosperity, Many people, therefore, may want to recon sider and to thelr donations, di= rectly or through payroll deductions," Rirline Union 'Receives Loan WASHINGTON (AP) The Plight Engineers Union sald Mon-| § |day night it had accepted an of-| | fer of the Teamsters Union to|§ guarantee a loan of $200,000 to help It in the strike against Eastern Air Lines Henry Breen, secretary-treas- E urer of the engineers, sald the| SrA 3 union would pot receive any funds directly from the teamsters but from another party, Breen declined to identify the source of the loan He sald the Teamsters Union would stand behind the loan, how. ever because add add The new driver examination centre at the Oshawa Shopping Centre was formally opened in the presence of honored gests Monday night, Looking Into a BUMPS AND GRINDS French Strippers Dislike U.S. Men DRIVER EXAMINATION CENTRE FORMALLY OPENED mond, Ont, minister of trans. port, and Donald Collins, dep: uty minister of transport, «Oshawa Times Photo, tor vehicles, Walter Reynolds, manager of the Highway Safe. ty Branch, department of trans. port; the Hon, Mathew B, Dy. driver alertness test meter is T, D, Thomas, MPP for Osh: awa Riding, flanked in the rear standing from left by Hugh McNab, registrar of mo. THOUGHT FOR TT Battle : Ice, Odds wisn For 14 Freighters worry more about having an empty gas tank than an MONTREAL (CP) - Weary, Besides the foreign vessels, 18 crews on the Lachine Canal Mon. (Canadian canallers walted their empty head, BABY REFUSED BLOO BY JEHOVAH PARENT Province May Take Action TORONTO (CP) = A day-old oan get all the necessary people baby is reported in serious condi | together," he 3 If necessary, tion In the Bick Children's Hospi: | legal action oa proceeded tal, sufferipg from an RH nega-| with in the hospital," tive blood disorder, fatal to 78) The province would act under a babies out of a 100 unless they section of the Child Welfare Act receive a blood transfusion, {which permits placing a child in The parents, Mr, and Mrs, [temporary custody of a Children's Ken Campbell of nearby New: (Ald Society if there Is proof of market, are Jehovah's Witnesses neglect, Fallure to give proper and the father has refused per: medical treatment is considered mission for a transfusion on re- neglect, Mr, Bowman added, liglous grounds, |I§ ANGLICAN Officials at the Hospital for| G, W, Campbell, the baby's Sick Children said today they are!grandfather is an Anglican and not sure yet whether the baby | sald today his son's refusal will require a transfusion, not Christianity," SAYS WILL ACT "I keep hoping and praying he W. C, Bowman, senior solicitor | will change his mind," he said, of the attorney-general's depart: | He sald his son was raised as ment, sald today the province will|an Anglican but at the age of 18 act immediately to see that the | married a Jehovah's Witness and child is given a transfusion if|joined that sect, medically necessary, | The parents have two other "We can act within a matter children, Heather, 8, and Deborah of hours or even minutes if weld, UAW And Ford Resume Talks TORONTO (CP)--Labor negotl: a two-year contract with a 1% ations with Ford Motor Company |cent increase, resumed Monday with union] The union is understood te spokesmen bargaining from last willing to settle for the Gs week's agreement with General Motors pattern if the Motors of Canada---a three-year| withdraws other contract p contract Jroviding # 22 S-cont-an als which the union says hour package wage increase, Introduce a up and The United Auto Workers has seniority rights, Ford for a general 20-cent| Meanwhile the General Motors increase in a one-year contract, contract has won ratification in an additional 10 to 20 cents for voles among 15,000 em at skilled trades, improved vaca. plants in St, Catharines, tions, supplemental unemploy- Oshawa, Windsor and Toronte, ment benefits, insurance and pen. Approval was 46.2 per cent, 97.8, where is appeal could pot win, This was done, the chief Justice said, by wrongly advising the company how to proceed with fs appeal so that when the case finally came before Judge Prit-/that they had asked the clerk thaugiis chard the required preliminaries | bad not been followed. As a result, sald the high court decision, the real estate firm "was deprived of its statutory rights because it had done pre- cisely what it was told to do by the township clerk' although he was not suggesting the latter bad not acted in good faith AJAX - It is understood that the court action arose when the realty company attempted to ap-| peal its assessment before the| township court of revision, It was then told that it had falled to file its notice of appeal' in e Company spokesmen charged Port Arthur Vote LLOYD JOHNSTON about appeal procedure and he misdirected them, They filed the appeal with the clerk instead of the assessment commissioner, they said, An appeal to the county court failed, and it was decided to make the appeal to the Ontario Supreme court Pickering township clerk L, T Johnston said that the situation arose because he had followed "normal procedure' Mr; Johnstone sald that in the 25 years he has held the job of township clerk, he has followed the Assessment Act, All appeals according to the act, he said are lodged with the clerk who advises the taxpayers where and when they may be heard Johnston sald that he had over - The |dignities, cheapened they feel imported strippers at the Star-|At least one of them plans to LAS VEGAS, Nev, (AP) Hotel hide little but their quit, and it's a good thing| when the girls first came here, Ithey thought Las Vegas would hosomed beauties [be a wonderful place to meet with American millionaires, Some of them did American wo: to their sorrow, Red-haired Anne Gibson, 20, men shout obscenities at was Introduced to a wealthy Am them. The women giggle so erican soon after arriving here loudly that a few have been|from London last May, wsked fo leave Did he propose marriage? The girls, members of the Lido| 'No, he proposed something Club troupe from Paris, always else," Anne said, "I got up and regarded themselves as artists-- left the table," until they played Las Vegas Katinka Bleeker, formerly a Now, after seven months of in. photographers' model in Amster dam, summed up the troupe's at b titude toward American men Russ Chief Is Sacked "They are not nice," sald the 19-year-old blonde, "I don't like MOSCOW (AP) Gen dust they do All 12 hare - re d men, men The usted and with too people who like to buy things with money." ONCE WITHOUT SHAME Russia's top | Linda Evans, 20, who appeared policeman, Ivan A, Serov,|with Cadi Adjourns day night figured they had won a turn to come down the nine-mile| major round in the struggle to|Lachine Canal, clear shipping before the But the battle was far from freeze-up as ocean freighters be: over, Zero temperatures during gan spewing out on Montreal har: | the night promised to add more bor, ice to the congealing waters of "If nothing goes wrong," sald|the canal, a veteran locksmaster, 'we'll put A sudden, heavy snowfall could em through about one an hour, "the canal with slush, ending he sald, he will make a ruling on|[Maybe one every 45 minutes." |}, 00 of freeing' vessels in the the manner in which these cases| The German Suderholm was upper end, will be handled the first to go--at 10:08 p.m, EST] Canal workers, the men who | He explained that today is the after a cracked hinge on lock pry and poke at the ice and blast first time he has presided over/No, 2 was patched up by repair|j away from the lock gates with [traffic offences since Chief Jus- crews who had to blast away RY compressed alr, re. tice J, C7 McRuer - ruled the heavy ice coating with steam main optimistic g ' |careless driving section of the|jets, L etenip ' 1 [Highway Traffic Act Ultra: Vires, Behind her was the Dixie, and| 'We'll get them all through, |or invalid behind the Dixie, in reaches of|® 1ockmaster said flatly, Crown Attorney Alex Hall, QC [the canal near Montreal harbor, WOULD BRE UNLOADED requested that all careless driv(were 12 other foreign ships, the) If any of the ships are trapped | Ing charges before the court be hulk of those in danger of being for the winter, their cargoes |adjourned by consent until the trapped by the early onset of would probably be unloaded and [first week of February, pending|winter taken overland to an icedree la decision on the section under, They were below lock No, a port, [dispute by the Court of Appeal,(which also developed a ecracked|" After the foreign freighters | Jan, 12, 1050 . [hinge under a pummelling by reach the harbor, they will have He pointed out that if anyone heavy chunks of ice Monday, |800 miles to go before reaching Driving Cases Magistrate A, 8, Mitchell, pre. siding at Whithy Police Court to. day, adjourned all careless driv- Ing charges before the court un {til Wed,, Dee, 17, On that date, slong, Ford countered with an offer of 86, 87 and 60 per cent respects ively, ! RCAF Scours Brushland NORTH BAY (CP) -- Ground parties and searched bush and farmland parachuted from his flaming CF 100 jet interceptor Monday night, navigator, 8qdn, Ldr, R, J, Bum ett, 37, called the RCAY's North Bay base with word of the crash, Burnett said he and Buckman twin-jet aircraft when it devel oped trouble on a training flfght, Burnett, from St, James, Min, landed near a farmhouse, REAF patrolling planes south of here today for a young RCAF jet pllot belleved to have FO Leslie J, Buckman, 21, was reported missing shortly after his| had been forced to abandon the 20,000 Men Idle In UAW Strike DETROIT (AP)-Total idleness in Chrysler's Dodge main plant strike mounted to nearly 20,000 {Monday on the fifth day of a |work standards dispute, Management laid off 12,040 workers at plants here and in Indianapolis and Syracuse, N.Y, mostly because of parts shortages from Dodge main, The United Auto Workers went on strike last Tuesday, char a speedup, The company dend officials said the younger man's|this, Negotiations are continuing, the show at the Lido injaccused of careless driving In:icanal crews counted on having/the open Atlantic, And fhe lower Yoke clause in the Municipal Phi The it looked a dlayse in Y ECIPAL as been relieved of his job, The paris without shame, says *Ilsisted on being tried, he could parachute may have carried him| Monday was the fifth work day For Amalgamation By THE CANADIAN PRESS Lakehead amalgamation, an ls of sue which appears to be a dead duck a week ago, has come back to life more confused than ever Port Arthur voters supported the proposal 5,008 to 4,785 in municipal voting Monday. Neigh boring Fort William turned it down Dec, 1 by a count of 6,031 to 3,569, The future of the plan, under which the two cities would ex tend their present physical union to a municipal 'one, is uncertain, Act, which requires that all ap peals must be lodged directly with the Assessment Commission "It has been my practice to take all appeals to the commis sioner at one time', he said "There was absolutely. no in tent here, he sald, "It was an unfortunate mistake, Both myself and council were anxious to have these appeals heard', he sald Mr, Johnston revealed that the property on which the asses ment was disputed is a new shop ping centre at West Rouge, built by A. M, Realty Investments Ltd 'COMMANDER RELIEVED Naval Fraud Charges On Giant N.S. Base HALIFAX (CP)--The navy has appointed a new commander of its big reserve base near Sydney pending the outcome of an RCMP inquiry into alleged misappropri ations of naval equipment Cmdr, L. E. Simms, an engin eoring officer from the naval dockyard here, was ordered the command of the Point ward base Monday from Cmdr, George M. Wadds, due tu retire in about two months Inspector John Henry, chief of the RCMP's Cape Breton detach ment, confirmed in Sydney that an investigation is under way There was no indication of the CITY EMERGENCY PHONE\ NUMBERS POLICE RA 35-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | to Kd He took over'by a nature of the inquiry or the spec ific allegations being checked An informed source sald a navy-RCMP inquiry began about two weeks ago, after navy equip ment was found in Nova Scotia, The type of equip ment found was not disclosed nor was the site of the discovery A brief statement issued heve navy spokesman said "RCMP are carrying out an vestigation into rumors leg appropriations of na equipment. - Pending Cmdr, L. E. Simms has placed temporarily in charge a base superintendent, Sydney." COMMUNITY CHEST SCOREBOARD mainland of al 1 mi | its outcome } wen innouncement in the Soviet gov-'don't like showing bust to not be convicted, and could not lzvestia to: these men," even be asked to enter a plea, said he had been transferred| Linda does to stay as the charge is 'not known to but gave no hint with the show law," of what they were Most of the girls see nothing) He added, however, that should as chairman wrong with nudity, anyone insist on being tried for| "Why shouldn't girls show careless driving, that he would [themselves off to good advan-|ask that the charge be with tage?" asks Enid Mills, 26, drawn, ad that should the ruling "Nothing in the show is vulgar." of the Chief Justice be overruled| Why are bare bosoms neces-|in January, the person will be| usary? {charged again under a warrant "Now that is a difficult ques.|This, he sald, would mean that sald Enid, "I think that the person would be arrested, both the government and It'S the same thing as looking at{and brought before the court, He party an oil painting, Why do they pointed out that under the act, paint naked women? Because athe Crown is permitted six bare bosom is a thing of months in which to lay the beauty," charge, | | LATE NEWS FLASHES Lord Alexander Seriously Ill WINDSOR, England (Reuters)--Earl Alexander of Tu. nis, former governor-general of Canada, was reported seris ously ill today in a hospital, The military leader was taken to the hospital after a heart attack at his home Saturday, the day after his return from a visit to Canada, | . . UC College Board Refuses Resignation WINNIPEG (CP)--The board of regents of United Col. lege announced today that it will not accept the resignation of Principal Dr, W, C, Lockhart and that it has withdrawn an offer of reinstatement made last week to Professor Har- his ry Crowe, Whyte Further Remanded Point Edward, seven miles Son Of "Mom" BROWMANVILLE (Staff) --Lloyd Whyte, 17, youngest from Sydney, is primarily a re serve area, Many Canadian ww warships are in storage there | son of Mrs, Bertha "Mom' Whyte, owner and operator of wo : Whytehaven Home For Children, was further remanded to Jan, 13, 1959, by Magistrate R, B, Baxter here this morn. | my ernment newspaper day to other duties not plan Serov UCCOSSOT of the committee for state secur- ity also was not announced Most foreign observers in Mos cow helieved Serov 'might per haps been given an even more imporfant job, He long has heen a friend and close associate 4 Nikita 8. Khrushchev, who tion, have of head the Communist The the e statement said the value of ipment involved 'might be in the four-figure bracket." Cmdr, Wadds, whose profici ency at imnery won him the nickname Trigger, was named | commander Point Edward about three ago. He is in 30 years feet 600 eivillang are em- the three-acre base ly 70 navy personne! there About 1 d on ing, Whyte is charged with violating his probation, The youth was ordered to live with his mother when he appears Appr ed before the magistrate last month are Ximale oned No, 4 repaired and working by|St, Lawrence is filling up with early today heavy ice pans, A . - Lachine Canal and compara. tive safety in Montreal harbor, Ahead is a Colonial Steamships THE FRENCH freighter Jo. liette, foreground, eases toward the ice-choked entrance to the into dense bushland, canal ship which appears stuck with her bows toward Lake St, Ithat Dodge main was closed, Louis, «(CP Wirephoto, ) $30,000 $50,000 $90 ,000 | $110,000 $130,000 |__ $150,000 $175,000 din di