Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Dec 1958, p. 13

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13 rag THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Desomber 9, 1958 Ab--Reol Bstate For Sole A5-Rool Estote For SANPN Bailey fh J w tia (A8--gel Wotote Por Sule (48--Kool Wotote Por Salo _( ad LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fos is loss then & vaconsy, only sersened and reliable tenants, Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) 44, 101 Simos 1, N, nA 88148 OPEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAY OR EVENING $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENT MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED ONE NH.A, MORTGAGE These homes ere located In one of wa's fastest grows Ing visions, Close to new school, bus service and THEY FEATURE; Sewers, water, strats In and paid for, d fronts, louns tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, bedrooms, hot water tank, wdewslk, gravel drives end many other extras, FOR INFORMATION; RA 68-1338 | GUILDERAFT HOME BUILDERS B 25---Pots ond Livestock |30---~Lost and Found (36-=Female Walp Wanted (44---For i, aby 3, veal To FOUND -- To Wack snd tai TOUH MIDDIE - AGED lady, pensioner or IMMER] PETIT" fle ' A Phone Brookiin ni 6 widow, looking lor # home, we valet, FOR sols ~~ Boxer 8, Rent -- spiion 10F seminyad | An fr vq / male, Wire nwosT fin mssswrs, "Vane. WA $4091, ohh A My 37~Male Help Womed ici, i Phone BA $4055 Wal Library book entitled A YOUNRG pdm (oF sulomotive Pl Av anTMENY Waliding ow Toome,| -- p p Ung bo . 26---Farmer's Column JOURNALIGN from nese (GGL "fin "ine Sovsnegg Len, "Siktre Bho (Lf room of the Oshawa Times, . {818 Slovenson Bowth, FOR sale ~ sight Yorkshire pias, § J handle new! gigs Woke' vie, "Brake, rahe wa| Please rem seme, HW ug irate Alig rd yt A HavaK. avalisnly (Tr hogy BAD farm sock pleked Wp | Jan, A|Yenement with new Wi. Mus be Homme Wins Vom, i ddirily oH i ll fdret, eltariare, Ap, ol rum son opt 93 Margwill Fur Vorm, Tyrone, 3) Articles For Rent et Mig Mig Nthans Thmat | hi Wa Hand / / 0 : "Foil, REQUIRED b 27-=Fuel Wood ANTE (TR LL al KA HALA 7 AT Eh hs ite a HE ------ fa. a. Arig ah rag A piace 4 RETA ES "3 bedroom Rungalow, red 1 brick, MA, sale, Boon: Ap) LW fully lendschped, worm wine part 10 dows, new/decorated, close 19 y " BOURKE, bine "voomi, Wieck Rf jan hae, tus and publi schools FA #0 araps Hans Thunion, On Ie Howd Bowih, av y " 'Win, venlh, WH Toubion Hing oll Tere on fag helow sont, Bh $9) 108, 48 Voie Biaens, BA VINE, Anpd / -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $15,000,00 DOWN Restaurant and living quarters, spotless condition on main street 4a Newcastle, turnover approximately $60,000,00 yearly, Many extras included in purchase price, owner ling dus to poor health, For further information call Ozzie Addison at RA 3:2254 any« time, Lloyd Ayers Realtor, $1,000 DOWN Country living with eity conveniences, fives bungalow, near re ng Centre, on 6 large Jor 80/ # ie Two rooms finished in basement, oil heating, Garage 12' x 20', Rear sonable taxes, Full price $11,500, GROCERY STORE~~7 ROOMS I located, liens turnover, owner sling dus 10 poser health, loads of squipment included In purehase price, stock af Ine voles, living quarters sorwisting of @ 700m brick hems whish sould oho used as on incomes, Attached garage, For further Information, sontest this office, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2 stores, plus B rooms, sentrally located, suitable for apartments, new forced air oll heating unit, full size basement, Make on sally appointment, we are open for offers, $1,400 DOWN Large 6:room brick storay end a half home, enly 7 years old, north-west district, 2 rooms up with bullion cupboards, sink and stool, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette and 4.ps. bath down, oll heating, gerage, lendsaped ond decorated N.HA, New N.H.A, 3:bedroom brick bungelows en a large lot, located In the north end with reasonable Yaxes, Many extras Including bulltsin valenee box In living room, wall to wall, cove selling with pattern, semi-divided basement, expert workmanship throughout, These ransh-atyle homes must be seen 10 be appre- slated, Be first, vou are not under any obligation, Full price as low os 811,380 with down payments ef $1,680 with ens mors gogo, or OZZIE ADDISON ~ RA 3.2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 Park Road South, Oshawa MINDEN 5ST, Groom brick bungalow one year eld, many extras Included, caramie tile bathroom, fan in kitehen Plaster moulding, patterned hardwood flooring, fully deserated, Asking $2,500 down, balense one NH.A, mortgage, Call Sid Martyn, A 9810 CEDAR ST, $700 down, &-reom bungalow, large let, asking price $7,700, 855 per month on balance, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 ar evenings RA B5:4162, FOR SALE OR RENT 6:r00m, | Viatoray frame home located en Mentrave Ave, close 10 shopping centre, new furnace, new het water tank, new hath. room fixtures, private drive, $6,900 full pris, §(,00 down or $65.00 per month rent, Call Sid Martyn, RA 39810, BURK ST, 6 rooms, 2-atoray frame home, plenty of kitehen supboards, hards wood and tile floors, Jovd Iurnaee, new plumbing, sterm wins dows, large lot, priced to sell with $2,000 down, Call Keith Peters, RA 8.876) or evenings RA 5:4162, NORTH CITY LIMITS 1,800 down, #:-r00m ranch style bungalow, large rooms, tile loars, forced air oll heating, laundry room off large modern kitehen, attached a'age Joes lot, full price enly $11,000, Call Sid Martyn, R CRERAR AVE, Brick bungalaw, | year old, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, ell heating, Aplece bath, laundry tubs, Asking $ 900 dawn, balance one phen aq 'eament Call Keith Peters, RA 5:8761 or svenings $1,000 DOWN, 8,900 FULL PRICE Shadroom, | Vi-atoray home, large modern kitehen, living room and dining ream gombined, aluminum storms and sereens, good fumace, private drive and garage, eentrally lesated, Call" Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810, DREW ST, DUPLEX 9 rooms, briek, 2-storay, 2 bathrooms, 2 meters, 2 stove cables, 2 modern kitehens, hardwood floors, full basement, garage, cash sale to close estate, Call Keith Peters, RA b | or avens Ings RA 5.4162, CADILLAC AVE, NORTH Super briek ond stone bungalew, extra modern kitehen, dining wom, living ream, 2 bedrooms, 4:pe, bath, full sire high bases ment, reereation room, Koolvent awnings, storms and seresns, ved drive, attached foros, on beautifully landscaped lot, Call Id Martyn, RA 3:98 y ESTATE SALE me eh ad Bem slot re ol a $0980 Ea Keith Peters, RA Sore) or out Ne Vg if be MEMBERS OF THE LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOARD 0) In paint 4 yin, UNV RNINN as 08's RA Bob260, Wan wes oan, ry r/o re a WME Isindad, ek ame AT RTE 4985 J BOVIREREPING 7 y 3 na 3 fi wile Fin >. PO IT YOURSELF | with the power tools end savipment you &an rf hi fan's a pen rvice (garner Ki Y Burke) RA 3.3224, Chain Saws Floor, Belt, Diss and Oscliloting Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric Hammers and many other tools, a td i Hint. ts vl Padive Vis ® i wml, 018 Clarke Jon, b he ite, ie mer oo; oo noms ; i hie na on Io hone WA i410, WH) 30--~Lost and Found ; v now $100 monthly, eld fhe wed Suds ed tid LOBE = yourold Beagle hound, Please YOUNG MAN Fried Toe So LC Phone Alex 1164, Rew, "is for ahd branmen wo rn, iar wr, ces oll bask, Wale, of LABRATORY CONTROL Hr piste ue. ue ih Jr wag Bh Wig gr TESTING' Cunt gt Sed rn ol FULL DOWN PAYMENT $69 MONTHLY Bix full size rooms, new solid brisk bungalows, excellent le- cation, sewers, sshooly, buses os, ONE MORTGAGE RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON youn, Phone BA 59066 alter §, Biol 4 rok f fate i 4 LY vir he Moree A ig rs w Tw Bi nds in Yelver: ag Fad Bi 0B vr A Anytime LAL ASO. I 0 Teh onl, IIR evp: FOUR wud 574 ih aR Vash i I Wig Ry Ky ¥ - Iphit LL LJ 4 REY «+ oom apart 0 hoe! | BY i em ghia snd walter, oh el hen "Wi lo iis ont Ati ¥ Jia Ws monty, Coll NA ' som LLL wo bull, Whane BA 53470. Reward ] is on FRIGHT, the, ; oh ulm ce "so, 10] Oropden Rond Whithy I Jad Labratery sxperiance prefers od but not essential, Educar tion, Juniar matriculation or squivalent, Interesting work with eppartunity fer advances: ment, Company paid medical ond welfare plans, Apply DUNLOP CANADA LTD, WHITBY RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from PO IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simeon 81, 8, RA 3:4428 Ah Wi Central) fanthered feel, a pot, I seem doll HA RL wan BIBAVED from French Breet, Noy ©, Wack and while female cat, tap Io Winch, stomach and legs mostly white Hewid HA Bb dah wh Articles For Rent WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating and Cirevlar Sanders; (wa have a King Brest Bast, Bowmanville, THREE uhfurnithed rooms, Wi fons, hosted Tomo nd sleeinsity, Vi bath, eouple enly Salinbis' "ow, [] 1084, dan, 4 LOsY Belge enloved pigeon, with ONE ix a fr vgn, unhenied; alsa 8 _ Four m bath, heated, A re, 6, Analg, 10% Ld 9, i] onl Drew Brest, KA JER ri i, THREE allraetivaly firnished votins| SINGLE room #1 -=Room end Board ROOM and board, single reams, pa toy font, newly Asiornied, | digi) o A wi [iA $10 weekly, 468 Albert § io A MH REAL ESTATE LTD, 45--Reel Estate For -- NO DOWN PAYMENT KOOM and honid, near BGM, parking | Twn furnished Foams, slate Is Ton CORURUAUE hot waler, PRIVILEGE 10 DAVE [tall may be used 80 80 Apartment, RA hb va 1 / ' Only 1 Left--Builder's Model No Salary Requirements sandwich and tea Ih Kitehen quietly $115 Monthly 26% Line o TRURRY Tasiiitien "Indy oF gentiom a complete line of sealers and waxes) Circular Saws; Electric Drills) Staplers; Blow Torches) Soldering Irons; Centrifugal Pump) Pips Tools Wie, Tr Tmmed|ale Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many ether WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING when on might shift, BA S9710, WTI FIVE + rem BOOMS and hoard far thies gentlemen. (noeupaney, nets Oshawe, Pasiden fh Titi h th | Apply 81 Gladstone Avenue, WA BOUL (Lin) aren, for fn i LL "i whi Wl premines, Cn ; am apartment and JOHN A, J, Abbly 18 Wilson BOLAHOOD LIMITER REALTORS 169 SIMCOE 5, RA 5:6544 MUST BE SOLD $1,000 POWN $1,000 This smart 2 year old, 4» bedroom home Is priced right for 0 quick sale, It Is 8 | V4» sorey design, with dd cons venience of modern living, features extra large kitehan, # uated on eo large lot, 70 x 10) close ta schools end buses, For more particulars goll Eugene Patterson ot RA B6844 ol pi 6-room bungalow, fully decorated, colored bath fixtures, completely finished, Move furniture ar cleaning Yau will get your high: | BOOM and hoard, good home cooking | YHREE Contral, 10 minute' walk from four heavy duty wining, Central Park earners, Apply $40 Division Blrsel, Saf lava, Now avallanie, 0 men 1 ROOM and honed for sentioman, single | Phone KA B8iM y a Pom, saith end, five or seven days # HOUSE fur rent 282 KING ST, W RA 3.4873 week, HA Aih wih | Hand Bowih a wy VE YY PY Fru ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, close FIVE = room downstairs spariment, 813 32-Articles Wanted |32-=Articles Wanted fo downtown Avily Wikia aad Oshawa Boulevard Bouth, ThA Vil i hone HA. B7814 dan hi WANTER = Used pounter stonls, RA PIANOS, 10 uprights or miniatures | ii : $070 Will pay enah. Btate make and price. | ROOM and hoard for gentiemen, Apply SIX hme these Medreoms, 1 WANTED Thine Guimes unifarma, mye) WOLe Box 887, Oshawa Times, Dee bo 119 Albert Bives! 0 olf heaton pi Hodis Bhi) L y ip 14 alse Guide uniforms, twa sles 18 PIANOS wanled Immediately ay Loom, md hourd for Jentlomes, $id Mokering y ; vf [i 17h Hey y friends, ahstalners, seeands | x 44d 4 she 1 RA iy af ed] fra? ol Form HOwabl from hus shag HA 61778, 99 Gibbon THREE « beam apartment, faphrate SELLING Lt pr Des § Binet, nppasite Shopping Centre, M04 Aisin And hath, wast ond, Phe Ff i 4 h Four bitenuats i phone RA A810, | [moom and hoard far gentlemen, eon PWN roam HER) with hathrnm " AIR / -- (rm | wr, h ) 4 | Fe "Dehaws Trading Fost, wh simeos| 38 =--=Employment Wanted |iniois ut waier, Cie iiviieges frivate' Rinne ooniral lnentian Arrest Routh GFNMAN SHEPHERD gipples Mako | oie foo nm (hans AW Vi I the perfect Chelatman gE Bath sexes | tau WIth BOREL, WR maame for gentleman, ahsiainers, BA [of sxpeliont Wioad fines. A deposit will slat enuniry hme (ai alder WAAR | B01, 9 Chriee Bireel PM In for Christmas, CALL RA 8-892] -- RA 59647 VICKERY & GOYNE RA B:5155 Rose Bowl Bldg, 39 PRINCE ST, $1,800 down, NH.A, resale, $10,900 full price, 8 rooms, 3 hadrooms, 5 years old, Good sized rooms, Fully modern, New vagant, One block off Simeos Street, Close to school and bus, Custom built builder's #:room , ranch bungalow, Jrarything that went Inte this heme 1s of tha best, Living reem 18 x 16, wall:te wall broadicom, Large decorated kitehen, extra supboards, vine tile floars, Three big bedrooms and oversized 4-plage tied bath, Patio at rear, sidewalks all around and wide driveway, Closes 10 REC ond publi sehoals and hus, Just off Stevenson's Read Noph, Sherwood Avenue, | Va storey white clapboard with garage, 2 large bedrooms up, living room, large kitehen bedroom end Asplase fled bathroom on main fear, Home in beautiful ond tien, Aluminum storms and screens, Paved drive, Lot B50 x 183 Priced to sell, $12,800, Easy terms, AFTER HOURS CALL 5, Maeke, RA 8.0771, J, Goyne, RA 5:8378, R, Viekery, RA § a4 , LJ SCHOFIELD | BE; Insurance Associates Ltd, mediately for Jack Appleby at REAL ESTATE RA 516544, DUPLEX LOW LOW LOW Vary elean medem duplex with poraes 2 kirghens, 2 bathrooms, + DOWN = PAYMENT 2 heavy duty: meters) heating fereed alr oll, For further infers Custom built, B-reom brigk, mation, please eall Henry Stinson, avenings RA 5:0343, reannsed black mortar, stained VERY CENTRALLY LOCATED and vanished trim, lary ausan, axhaust dan many 806m brick, 2.atorey home, 4 bedrooms) large living reem her oy ion Jue with natural fireplace, heating het water oil, For further Infor: d mation, please coll Bill MeFeetars, avenings RA 5.1726, $12,700, Call Bugens Patter: TWO BEDROOM COMFORT on to view this beautiful home at RA 5:6544, Only twa blogks to Shopping Centre and close te schools, Mod NORTH-WEST orn nearly new stone fronted bungalow denoted throughout with MUST BE SOLD extra high basement, suitable for mee, rem, re Ih 8 G0 arate slab ready for building a double garage and breeseway, Baw, nev. lly posh The home stands on a fully landseaped corner lot, For further Y information, please eall Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243, meve Inte, A, mors A THREE BEDROOMED BEAUTY Hy for the balance, ot 4% 83.44 monthly, Interest and Nil i ianed | Srinelpar aomhingg, band: Decorated threugheut and standing en « ly landwee ot, seeped, sahwools, ehurehes, This home has ony nished 4 oom with ext Pumbing, buses at door, Call Patrick Corner windows In living room, double stainless steal sink in O'Donnell at RA 5.4544 kitghan, ted bathroom with anleured fixtures, Outside there 1. i tio, fish pond and sun deck, Close to sehoals and bus, J urther Information, please eall John Zakarew, evenings RA | R ' § Move In By Christmas Before 8:00 P.M. RA 3.2265--Betveen 5:00 & 6:00 P.M, -- RA 8.1624 A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO PIONEERING STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY in Alan ny mit hold until Christmas, Piokering bh TT) ) TWO nies ranma, elose tn hus, Tandy [vai wei Tali K y or oon ad hoard fog pAniieman fantiitien. Reasonable, Will oars for Bd i eet kealtibn woe ol IV, Far information. esl KA ohild while mother works, HA Li HAIRDITENRER seeka position, fully Raw furs, live paultry JA ee nth: | ROAM aid avd (or genie, Kom thers, serap iron and metal single heeds, eontinunie oe 10 FOUR mam house with hath, Call WH Ul GATE Meals, Mah Sxperieiy What y [water, Apply BOF Arthur Blyest | Fae attached, in Courties, 878 8 month desipon parktime employment, |g orgs hat HA 8-744 YY housework fram B30 a.m, to 180 pom | HA 001 TWO hedragin Wile made apart NYS I] Phone HA #6808 She (ROOM, hoard hh f ANON _ home open far Kuropsan meals [ment AHly Inpated near [ears Phone HA 60380 and GM, #0 Elgin Kast | -- ---------- |36--Female Help Wanted canvenienves, elose Wo south GM Ahstalners. BA 81978 ar 17 Gibbon {LEGAL secretary experienced peal A 48R0 Apply B30 Lorraine Biyest Blige, apposite Bhapping Centres, sen CEDARDAL E erable, salary commensirate with bili ROOM and board for ties gentlemen, OA (8 Bia slop, L111] "SCRAP deo Apply th denen Ail Greer, Hin private hae, walking distance fom ewe unhienished dime give hath, a | Bi meoe Birest Routh gH " Ri Routh GM. HA 8 AAT OIE glenn, private home, central, Newly IRON METALS LTD [GIRL fn hunch sauniey Ply MA i ROOM and hour nt Henilnime h iA hs OF YOURE eauple weleeme, al UL] 16 #; Ban IRON METALS [OFPIOR girl wanted, shorthand and inf Rt Bd POOL WI RER ponm Apartment, WARP PAPERS RAGS IVPINE SXPRTIRNER NECRANATY BIEAY | pon wom ad, pomplelely | Pedeenrated, heb 4 position inte experience AR salary Iahts anil water, pale In suphosrds OPEN SATURDAYS ALL PAY ¥ RA 5.3433 | fen BROOKLIN $1,500 DOWN #1500 NEW, new, new NHA, homes, Boom brigk bunge lows, features oll "the gon: venieness of modern living, sodded front and rear lawn, naw schools In subdivision, for more particulars gall Bill Rat slitte ar RA 5.4044 LOUISA STREET $10,800 FULL PRICE 3 year old, bedroom ranch style bungalow, large rooms, clean condition, excellent los eation, this house must be sold, only asking $1,350 down, This price gannot be beat, phone now and make an appointment with Jask Apples by at RA 5.6544, 8 ROOMS 8 KING STREET EAST This house will take a very reasonable down payment, hrigk ganstruetion, with gar 0ge, hot water oll heating, 4 badrooms, this house is In en I. TUKNER RA 3-2043 (eallect) double, single, Goadiging Centre, slave and refrigerator, ali Clone Baur Corners fymatie laundry fagilities, Apply wl HA #4100 Cromwell Avene, Arariment 3 i pusm, Mvided 10 make twa gol furnished hauselesping volma hildren, day PU [LLC Te y | 4 BERT In town, single beds, all modern ized ley Crenennt \ HAIRDRESSERS wages Apply 59 RA Experienced, highest and eammission Eillean's Beauty Salon Simcoe 50, § Phone A013, pooled, Write Hox #04, Osha ws 43---~Wanted to Rent Avaliable Immediate Phone | ONE Will Vime younk Indy required | GM emplafe, Whithy, Oshawa ar Bow [ATYRATTIVI FRTANeA Foame AvAll RESIDENCE RA 8:4189 ! ! ne of, in oni 7pm HA B81 YOUNG man with high sehonl educa MIX A BT THREE + roam apartment, very osh | 57840 CARS WANTED | {rom nim 0h pm WAR, -alave, Pelrigarator, TV anisnn wired, B18 Ballard Birest WF yin Foam. 80 SORVATRGA RPAH [MODERN Taree three haw: HA #4 0 bought Call WEL APALEMERE (Rew home), heavy wiring LL ne UA WANTED = Hose, three bedysams fy [5.708] ; 1 lv Biliait's Westadrant, ¥ Simean MARYS distpiel Phone MA 3480 We in pRVAIS 100 ANNIS STREET | Mirest Nor ay ioe 38 Kn bi -- 5 ------ roam house, downtown Tenation FREE PICK-UP Han would (ike steady employment |44---For Rent [Children weloamed, th s month, NA mmm | Phone RA 0077 "i (Al wptewn AWRY WAL AVURE BAO yom EY ada RTRA Tied 5 Taam Aha [BINGE roam furnished, housekeeping | and washing facilities, Avaliable De A fining erly MAR ar Woman presleember 18, RA B18IA, LL] y | FOR WRECKING BASEMENT apartment for rent, Apply (ment, heat, ghia, snd walter, Hh | 17 Hibbert Bisel Wid piece hath, RELY snbianes, " " Scrap ron and metals Tham Arann ud 4 | [aay apartment, Retegerator a nd RELF © CONTAINED, hiss ranm Ave, Washing facilities Lanes . 2821 Lng and Division, Phone Whithy NH Adults, Near NUM, Parking, RA 37 SHAW ' a) Des, 14 . | Iwan bed: BIMOOE North, four thea Hive seam RAG & ME TA - FORMA In Brand aew aparbinent Block, | apartment, ly squipped, oy ha co : " 10 GMB, am ob pW WA BAL own furnished Nesping Il ! AA LLL AVON CALLING Aven ood Income close art or full time Write at ence, Miss E, Outer Tor Wa | Appliances sipplied, eentral Naw available, S88 manthly Foome Ay representative pent Han [Mule now, Hi Oolhorie FRONT thies voam apartment, A041 after A pow ground flare. Private sniranes Heavy gp py | A | AUntalned Baur and Five rem Honted, Possession Deesinber go iimentn, fumished oF wahirmished, AR KINE, Immediate possession. A ieee North, ApL 4 RA B6a0N, BM [TWO partly furnished moma, Working [FIVE © ram Apartment, 87 WaniWarth onuple preferred. Call WA A 0003. B01 Kiet, nave W : Budi itiny THREE room APArment, Fauna Iaireeraiar, TV seria oar aehanl flan, madera, eamiariable, stave, TV Phone LLU ELLY Rowmanvi W aerial, unhurnished, Phone RA Sond | - bee, 4 #0 IMMEDIATE TD CO wll aniained 100M Apartment, downtown, HP hai fiver, w HA {aria ol 0 Nh wert Oaliawa HA A4AD INR, A ritened aeheloy bl Vii] ¥ MODERN shawroam, afin and ware [TWO furnished moans, SAK AA OUR haune far pent, approsimately S800 BonTAe Rear AGN 400 NAIRER Boat. [font Parkin snene Ra Saat ai 3 } © TWO «ream Apartinenl, jrivae Bath, I imediate POF (private entiance, #8 ap nN a "i . Bs on and earn a RA 5.2311 89 Bloor Strest East OPEN SATURDAYS SATUS | s6--Fomale Help Wanted OCCASIONAL SUPPLY TEACHER | The Township Scheol Area of East Whitby wishes to contact qualified teachers, who would be available as supply teachers for occasional days or short per lods alse one for as possible extended period of time after January 1, 1959, . seanlon, Phone RA A a0e 0 Apartment with same, 4, ( Apply giving age, experience, references and pre CENTRAL Prva SMRITE Votniek. FIN o - In private home, sult TE TH W iH a PASC of op uniurnished, ving ram, hed: [CORY pon ference of grades to) H PA COR §6C, treas,, Taun [Foam hathronm and Mit FI Taun [oon wl ton, Ont Phone RA 8.8042, [Avy sleeirionlly equiped, Apply Aart THREE , ry 2040 |M™™ hh 3M Athol Fant MOE fw entideen welonme, LAERIS aR wales WHITBY CLASSIFIED ooo ch: son por seg fanes, will furnish, sink, euphoaards, Aires) heavy duly wiving. Apply 18% Rito ROOM, 1h Conrtign, new Privals quiet BRAND new three bhedronm Bungalow. 84 HOUR all burner servies, night and TWO unfurnished roams antamatic heat, private drive, devavate day. 81 John's Heating Service, MO househeaping, quiet eauple None Bouth, after 6 pn [homey with all home eonvenisnses Mi WSL tenant Reasonable far vight 0 338T, reverse oharkes far long dis THREE oams, modern aparhnent, Phone MA 3881 1, LL og \ Vor PAT Wille Box 313 Oshawa Times, [lanes sally ALL HY Mave and vefrigerator, Na ehlldven, awa 1g Novsekaepi AL) oom flak, heat and lig WY pan RENT Apartment, downstaliai | Apartment Centre Niveel it Weekly, Ela oF soup far light | Head wit 110 Albert Hives, Job an Baby aller, five! alse ale on second Hoar partly furnish oR eanveRisnees Wi 1a home wiring APRIY 80% Quehse Hiresl, side deny | | [LARGE minders apartment | bridge 42 Saranac Blvd onta 19, Ontario Nay, 17,19, 21, Dee, 9,11, 13 | CLEAN hiss + roam [ARAFEMERL, eauple Bnly Near highway FOUR roam bungalow tot pad f RA 3 (THREE 0 ae of washer von aelbeantalned healed TWO. roam fal, hmished oF WARY: | AA Mary Street. ALL wad ished esntrally loeated, sultahle fer Phone RA AAR Pouple gli A AF Wer 4 am | WW, Fefersnces. MO 441i BTC SUPERIOR Aluminum, Bhat Esloring THREE roam, Aenished apartimsil NICELY Ra Rd" SiREls Team, ooh FOR RENT Two roamed apartment, doors, #0801 hall Jalausie, $63 505 any PeIvigeraton, stave, sie, eential. ARBIY [irally |nonted, All a By Phone wabirnished, dpiece Bath, heated, MO double hung window, $1830, installa: #8 Gladstone Avenue WE HA 30000 or 150 Burks Airest, Dee 10 HART after 80 pw HAL Hn eluded. Phone MO 8308 or BA MODREN, six oan Bungalow, hes svat finished om Ih ule) BRIVING dawnlawn Tasonta dally, any: HS Pee. 3 padvaaims, Fir plese hath able Mame fae Business Kenteman, RN LL) te Shaing to #9 phone MO RHI alter FOR rent-Thies = roam ARTO oh thehed Hathin, Hh atte The Maan Colharme Street Wash " Mn : A \ . - ground level, private hath and a . " \ Wn Clans W0 Rew publie shoal, | FOR real ar sale Aw oles INTMAR trees for sale. Hooton trance. HEht wiring, helween Oshawy |Ja08 Fit Hand (ne wok Rar of fa and Whithy, 1088 Kingston Road West A WORRY, ARBIY SveRings RA Nikaine, howe Wh GM, Apply " SATREEA AL NuReea (ax Siation, Ses SYORIAES WH SRed" MeCay ar Barl Paseos Fiee gauvsE for vent Delivery Dee 18 giod mame, modern conveniences. sen ORK WANTED « Datel gli) would ral clase ta sehoal, shopping and new 8 hausewark, five days a week, fond Plants. Phone Oshawa RA SHEL 0 of ehidion. MO § Heh BIO ARARTMENTR for tent -- four reamed TWO FOR RENY Rooms, hoard optional [and twa roamed, heated, central, hot Wafurnished centrally lavated, twa blacks fram main and eald water, Rrivale snirance, iw GRe SIRES Taam thieteschion MO Rae We Waa Mediate possess. MO §30 er 3 auth Wie wee Wass L13 BEST APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA JARIATMAS trees for sale hy SI FOR ALK Ranieite, aven vanteal, | John's Anglican Men's Club, on sale at 81a velvigeratal, AL Wl all huraey 2 FE n NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING Suver Guill, 1608 Broek Steeel South M0 washing washing, 330: double hed Free delivery Dee. $4 APrings, mattress, AA onih, samples S30 peal ald wand seve, BIA AK SELF Santhine ree rani apart: & 348 TUN went in hithy ON WHSON RD, NORTH Private enhances 1a uppers and | apanments in new ated his, WH We 514% N.HA, RESALE--AJAX $35.08 CARRIES An sutstanding buy for someone! Five minutes walk te shopping eentie, 2 blocks te school, Three headroom bungelew, extra lorge garage with workshop area, fenced:in yard, com lately lend: aeaped grounds with an abundance of ross bushes, Basement has builtin playroom, sxtra plumbing for steal and waah basin, gles: lined alestrie water heater, taundry tubs and formed alr oll heats na. This home (5 only 4 years old, fully decorated and i vipped with aluminum starms and sereens and new all-ehannel AY antenna, This home should be asen to be appreciated, Full prige only $12,500 with term, For further intormation please soll Bill Norra at Ajax 1290, FULL PRICE ONLY $9,500 Payments only $50 per month, In an established and quiet reals dential neighborhood, gloss 10 shopping centre with saty acces to GM, south ulant, This home is complete with storm wine to GM, south plant, This home Is complete with stom wine 207, Owner transferred = must sell, For appaintment call Stan Skea at RA 5.6580; after hours RA § TH CENTRAL-=NEW--AND READY FOR YOU! Spanking new and ready for immediate eecupancy, this 3bhed WANTED Aare & week, while mother works, sood od. Apply 80 Dundas sas [NOE "glean comfurtable moan five GROUNI Soni (wa oIoAN WN IAh WARN Fram dawalawn, AE TRAY oF ed roame Cwink In Kilehen, private an gentleman, Apply #8 Nassau B0eet ivanes. Na children, Phone RA 440 RA Ath wit Pes, 1) reamed apartment, fraished or SIX © ream Mick house, Toeation, WERE housekeeping roam, eaniral, Lmmediate posseision, Phone RE Aaa AERA Noe Wa PLEANANT Ahvee roam alt onntalned In ated apartment, with hathrmam, sioe frie stove, frigidaire, large lawn and NAVARRE ATARS, ARS AIneIS anly, BY WARE Oeeupaney Dee Phone HA RAM alter ¥ pw BAM [TWO single roams Rrnished for single » BF single gentleman, Phone ven Rewly deen ROADS SEWERS SODDED apartment Wailing Heavy wiring, washing faetition, park SENIOR high school student, respon SY mE Vacant December 13 380 RA MBI, desires baby silling Joh een saan aA And weekends. Reasonable fates. Bb y 1) CHOICE Chiba MORERN apartment, new refrigerator An stave, aur renma and Bath, sah Alle TAF 1easWer, Wi RuEse, private en Wy ees Balsam duplex witihully dee Hanes Apply 300 Mary Stheal, Ma our roam apa {1 Sven, Pine, May FOR rent in Whithy fram Grand Union Ravaiy, MO S80 Pee. 8 RUT and sell used Barmibare. Gels RIES Will pay cash far weed apshi ARORA, ATRL, ARBIY hasewment, 18) Rook Souih. MO § a Deo PARED FURNITURE savings, ouih AIGA Dadian suite, seelional oles fei guaranteed plana, S155 00 Re ARRTALAL (prackioaliy aew) save SIH oll Rew polee beds camplete with SPARE WATIess, SIE 3 eve chester fell wile, BA Many mere hargaing To by ar wil AR weed husaiture dal NO BIL Midas Rest Ww Legon) Waithy BERTH cleaned the sanitary WAN, BAW Lanka natabied Waker Wa 4 Uhastaut Weal Phone AO 8 3% Be AOR AEIONs Fron delivery. G i Faia Pee 13} Wank BIVE POVITRY alae feathers wan IM IMATAGL prices pall. Phone FH Whitey Jan a MO Raw Phone Alay al Went hewiy deearated WE aller © pw FOR sale Christian ees Soatoh PARE RAIMI Brawn. All alses Free Golivary. Rival Conk, AI Mary West Wi PANT ouifing anid alterations, men's AR ladies' wear: drapery alterations BOW Machonald, 1013 Contre Senin Dee. 3 FOR REM guns WIN and £0 i dey 0S, Shot canon % t shill saws Pam spray ' pe of ¢ Notes SALE MO 1] 1/4 in pa Coronal ot family-sige living eam ight bedrooms, tot family sed Kitehan, table and chair Tiled bathe overlooking garden ' of © A 4) 0 0 es landscaped weloow washe ou ) large h wt ne ard Soy byes Wace UUW TY 2 hlogks n publig se ve ached OW > OPEN Es ALY MN RA & LR b \& ool hal lovely m \ Children gemtae A" an FOR FiO { SOLER Weiek, new split level, Whies hodronms, Halahed recreation vaem, ae CUBAREY Fehinaty | RA HI0W, BN TWO barkly furnished reams, oF Whe samplelely faraished, © Avi SERA, Al PORVRRIBRCEL, Rew Whe vasanahie, ARply BB (live Avenue Ww HA w IVR oi Basement apartment vale Bath, modern Kite, heavy wiring: TV autiel, Bua services. Phone RA An ll BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS GPa iment, alee \ Cie bad ppd good lesa 4 coe Nb WA #8078 Des Appt A A § 5 H | | | | | wom brik bungalow on Chadburm invites you to spend a ha WY Christmas this year, Completely modem throughout with ¢ 4H shen 10 delight the housewife. Full price $12,400 with a low down payment makes (t yours. Far further infermation please soll Jack Sherift at RA S:4588; after hous RA 3.377% NEW N.H.A $1,036 DOWN For the widest chaiee and ange of new homes he sure to call us today. ALL aur new hames include 3 hedioams, oll heating, laundey bs, hat water heating and many other extras. Down payments $1,048 and wp Wilson Realtor RA 5.6588 Qshawa Shopping Centre ! Ws FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT} Contact Your Rosslyn Agent WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 56588 RA 3.2265 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6544 RA 56165 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8.5155

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