3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 tous Dour ' "we "col the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM to 5 PM, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY # 10 1h INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | Accountants 2~Barristen d=Chirepracter 4=Dontists Be-Mursing Services bl Tburveyern Ta==Yeterinarians B=Bullding Trades Building Material |0==5harpening Service 1 e-Business Opportunities 1g==Eusiness Opportunities Wanted | 2-=Dressmaking |3=~Gardening & Supplies | deHouseheld Repairs | B==Instruetion | bo Iraurance | 7e=Monay te Logn | B==loan Wanted | Ba=Mortgages | 9==F arsenal 20-=Cartage 21 ==Fersongl Bervies {2d~Radio Repairs 23~Women's Column 14=Market Basket 26==Faty and Livestock Farmer's Column Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this eolumn; Births, Memorioms, Cards of Than ky = 9 AM, SAME DAY DEATHS = 1AM, SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS Jim and Dorothy (nee| ® happy to announce the ar | heir son, on Monday, De | gomber 8, 1068, at the Oshawa Gen: | oral Hospital. A brother for Cindy Lou and Barbara | CHAMPA Morris and Clare (nes Mayer) wish to announce the birth of a son, James Leo, 7 Ibs, 4 0x, OB Saturday, December 6, 1058, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Thanks te Dr. Anderson TAYLOR Kev. and Mrs, John Taylor (nee King) are happy to #n nounce the birth of a son, John An drew, Thursday, December 4, 1068, at Women's College Hospital, Toronto DEATHS BOWYER, Henry Br, = Entered into|l 27==Fusl, Weed pest in his family residence, 37 Hearst 28. Summer Resorts Circle, Weston, on Bunday, December | 28a=Hunting 7, beloved hushand of the Iate Ger | ude Clark, father of Henry of Whit || 39==Summer Properties For Sale ar Wanted by; Wilms Gorman, Ouaws; Beatrice Caswell; Fthek Jarvis, Violet Knapton, | 30=Lost and Found Jlo=Articios For Rent Charles, Sydney, Iris Yales and Ruby | awle gronto the Mi . Bowles of Toronto, Hesting at the [| 32=irricios Wanted S4==Ayction Sales Dougall and Brown Funeral Home Borvice to be held In the Chapel Wed nesday, December 10, st 8 p.m, Inter 35==Employment Wanted ment Prospect Cemetery Jb==Female Help Wanted 37==Male Help Wanted 38-=Malis or Female Help Wanted 39-=Agents Wanted A0==Opportunities 41 ==Room anti Board 42-~Room and Board Wanted 43=Wdnted Te. Rent d4=For Remt 4b-=Real Estate For Bale ba--Real Estate Exchange d6--Real Estate Wanfed 4/==Autamabiles For Sale AB=Aulomobiies Wanted A9==Aytomabile Repairs B0-=Articies For Sale Bl ==Swap end Barter 82-~Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of less Cash Charge At the family res on Monday, | Victoria of the) loving FERGUSON = dence, Taunton Road KE. December 8, 1008, Maude Loren Wilson, beloved wile late Albert N. Ferguson, and mother of Juhn E, In her 88th year | Nhe Inte Mrs, Ferguson fs resting at Molntosh Funeral Home. Service In the Wednesday, Decemb 0, Interment Oshawa Cemetery 26h chapel LL gpm In Oshawa General Hos December 7, 1964 helaved hushand of loving father of MoGirath pital on Bunday, Harry B. MoGrath Eunice Parks, and Shawn and Julie Anne, dears son of rath and the late Ben MeGrath of Clifford, Wil Ham, Robert Jeffery, Miss Margusrie and Beuty (Mrs. N Gus his 48 year The late Mr sting at Melntosh Funer in the chapel on wer 10, 1:80 pm vent Union Cemetery, In leu of flowers, donations the Cancer So olsty will he appreciated 46h Edward at 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 178 413 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rata will apply 2138 2.48 ¢ For Funeral Flower Arrangements r] LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3.9533 24 King 5t. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store) GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL | The finest service ot moderate prices, RA 8-6226 390 King Street West IN MEMORIAM CHRISTIE Mary J. Christie Above rates @pply enly te erl gin al orders for consecutive inser sequent Insertions ordered at later date constitute a new original order Protessional and Business listings $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line 75¢ per month. Each initial letter, abbrey $ and & figure, sount as a word, Box erged 18 additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be In by 9 am. the day of publication, Office hours Pally 5, Saturday 8-13 REGULATIONS The resp ments submitted writing, ner for Incorrect insertion vertisement. nor beyond 'ne price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs. And alsa reserves the right fo classify advertising accerding to iy own classification, ation, Daily Times shall not be sible for errors in advertise thwise than mare than of any In loving memory of who pa Away | 1==Accountants | BOB CLANCY'S Ontarlg rrr Beivices offers services for small husiness Street West, Room 1, Office RA 80497; Hesidence, RA 37606 5B, T, Ropkinse and Company, Fublie Accountants | East, Oshawa, Ontario, BA B45 | VALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co. Accounts, and auditors ldcensed Trusts In Bankrupicy, 54 King Bireel East, Oshawas; B Yale, CA; F Friedlander, B, £omm., CFA MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, Chartered Accountants, leensed Trus Lees, Alax, Oshawa, Biratford, Toronto Hon. 4. W. Monteith, FAC; A Mon leith, BE. Comm., CA; G. W. Righl, CA} RB. F. Lightfoot, CA; George W. Treth | ( [1 (B~--Building Trades complete honkkeeping|ed sand, $2.60 yard, Also fill, #5, load 164 Bond (Phone BA 54150 ne Certified | Alterations and repairs. No Johs toe hig 172 King Street| or log small 9 | 4-867 ANDY gravel, 86.50 per load Bereen: ARPENTER work, framing, rim. ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved Work gusrantesd GRAVEL Cement $9.00 per head. Road fine end coarse $6.00 per load, Be satisfied Dial RA 5-65279 wey, CA. BA 53607, 135 Bimeoe Slisel orth, Oshawa 2---Barristers CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and | Murdaeh, Barristers, Balieitors, Notary Publi, Bank of Commerce Bullding, § Simeone Street North, BA 34446; T, K Creighton, QC; N, C, Fraser, GC; G, K | Dyynan, GL, Murdoch, NHA mort Haken arranged GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar risters, Bolicilors and Notaries Public, 6 King Btreet East, BA 84717. Russell J, Murphy and James A. MacDonald | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll leitor and Notary Publis, 26 King | Blreet East, HA 81763 dan, 4 | MeGIBBON and Basteda, Barristers, | Balieitars, Clients' funds avallable for first mortgages, 80 Bimeos Street North, KA 63566, Charles C. MeGibhon, | QC; Edgar ¥. Bastedn, QC [JOHN A. MaeDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 101 Bimeos Street North Phone KA 6.8511 [RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas H Greer, Associate Barristers and Bole) | tars, 65 Bimeoe Btreet South, KA B-4548 Mortgage loans available JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Bolicl tor and Notary Public, 184 King Stree East, KA 32260. NHA and private mort | BAKeN arranged DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Bardisier and Bolleltor, 26% King Bireet East Telephone: Business, KA 8-6801; Hes dence, KA B-5474 HUMPHREYS solicitors 58 Bao BA, HA 51177 MO 82761 CAMERON, Barrister tor and Notary Publi, 1814 King Street ast. HA 3.2800. NHA and private mart gages arranged GREER and t Boyehyn, Bar 1. Humphreys, BA; James B King West, Fhones Hesidehee, BA 54604 Maney to nan and i yehyn, risters qc; 4 Lavis Office Whithy JOHN A L, HA B-8632, Duncan H H. Comm, RA 81674 JOSEPH FP. MANGAN,Q( iieitor, Mong to loan King Street East, Oshawa residence, HA MANNING ¥F Phillips Barvister Office, 1444 RA B-8333 BL SWARTZ, Barrister, tor, Notary Maney ta loan, Henry Block, 26'4 King Street East, RA 3.4687 Hesidence, Dial 34080 4---Dentists nr. GT, SCIUK Open evenings Street Sauth Sali: | Offiee hours § to # tment HA hy Amen 5--Nursing sn AVAILABLE ~Fractical nurse exon! lent references, in or out of town. HA #1235 Pee. | ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST, WEST nursing heme for it and elderly peo and Women) dieticians in Tr service, | ur Exclusive lesce (Men and lance con ple MN alter radi | | 6--Optometrists HH TECR speoializing | eyesight and Wed. Fri, 68 we. RA 8.6143 metrist ( Opt Dacamber 0, 1048 JAY mother you are not forgotien hough on earth you are ne more; Bull In memory you are with us As you always were hefore weliver remembered hy daughter anal Me and soninlaw Tom Damage Suit Filed By Housewife * MONTREAL (CT) Damage actions totalling $113,000 of a heen filed against a Montrea FARRELL In loving memory. of Nl dear brother, Gordon Farrell, who pass 0 away Deoe His memory ear today eo passed Away missed brother Ken Helna Ha and | wile, LOTT In loving memory dear grandmother, Emma Jane Lott, wha passed away Dec, 8, 1857 Gone from us but leaving memaries| Who claims she suffered irrepar Daath oan never 'ake Away, {able Internal injury through amories that will always linger J J SN 3, While upon this earth we stay surgical error a year ago wAlways rememberad hy granddaugh Mrs, Rita Toupin, 45, tera Shella, Ruth and Lois |hushand, Emile, declared in th LOTT = In loving memary of Emma ROHONS that the surgeon acknow Jane Lott wha passed away Deo, 9, |/0dEed his error and wal n ! [them they would be repaid unde OAT mother you are aot forgotien | 'e 3 Though on earth you are 'no more ah Malirante Policy he he Id The All in memary you are with us | Maid that so far the only wor AS you always were hefare; [from the surgeon, whom the One year has swiftly passed, dear named as Dr, Emile Hebert, wa mather, Though still we don't faret, [a visit from an insurance Your memary lingers yet wlavingly remembered hy daughters and sondndaw, Florence, Bernice and Victor ir hearttelt many Wo APR express our Allon ta our We wish thanks and family in education---hy hol Init classes during Christmas v eatlons Mey maonstration, and | Russians flowers DALE iness. | WM nw Gd reranta burned him HRY, and serenaded him strong under his office windov "Come down, come down fron your ivory tower." they sang Uy Union Official um, i iin (oes To B.C. ved put Mike Wl mal Nicke Mud by In el hl able settlement Mrs, Toupin's declaration sal she suffered a bladder incision | give during an operation Deo 1987, The operation did not CARD OF THANKS | volve the bladder, she said Students Riot us in the loss of and mother, Fern | Jver asses especially wish tn wid the doners of the many heaut ful floral offerings and Dr. J. BE. Rundle ave of Afax, alva ly 0 eat uss" x of 4th floor, Private Pa. | Hen, Taranto, and Rev. Mel. | low for his eonsaitng words WEST LONG RRANCH, N Mr, Clarence Crandell and {AR Students at Monmout 1 would like to take this apportanity| C0080 saw red Manday . ove to thank my relatives nelghbors for the ecards Bis alta the pavers and th Christian foiends dun my would alse ke lo thank Iv Shaw of Oshawa, be WF Gres and Dr. WG. Higelow of Thanks also 10 my nurses and espe ly my hushand Fred Mrs Jean Jonnsion Ie were called out the 1 readin tudents Heat watched a car Ru | VANCOUVER (CP Sal ski, leader of Internat Company strikers al made A quick visit ta V Monday to seek support union Mr. Salski Ing Loca Un W oi si wade union movemoe Asked if that meant discussio With the H hit odd anon of \ Rd op nm people 1 plan to see, we { wd pelted | With then | priow feathers ton \ t Seh rey - w ny ones a it a over Ancouver for his range dumped owerdd before off p i) Dr Wi of Lhe Mine Mil {In an hh nt ute nl Smelt of nation © Strix al th h LER LS peated \ view he i hh in the u n Labor AUNost as RIgLt studen many have surgeon on hehalf of a housewife a and hep Plumbing, wd jus For (nthe hearts that loved you hest lor who suggested an unaceept:| plik Ares, ROW Bi iy i | friends ana | their president's plan to beat the| a staged an uproarious de he is |G. T, HORTON and associates, |taria Land Surveyors, Professional En gineering® 70 Harwood Avenue South, | Alax, Phone Ajax 738 PF. 1, DONEVAN and Associates, Surveying and Engineering, 18 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario A633 DONALD WN |Burveyar |8--Building Trades PLASTERING and rep alive, cement |{ plastering, waterproofing = hasements alterations tiling floors Workmanship guaranteed, A, Woods [RA 81311 Dee 10 ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Phone RA A-3321, Harold R, Stark, Ltd heating and engineering, 858 Simeone Street south [OARPENTER work, framing, trim ming, kitehen cabinets, NHA approved on Land Hioay HA Ontario Land J LOPE el. HA A-6lil _Alice St ArehWAaYS, e assured | Alterations and repairs, No Jobs toa hig rior toa small. Work guaranteed. RHA 1387 ME types dwelling vepairs, veafing, Wisiding plastering and vepalrs, Chim Y[neys, new and repaired, Dial RA 8.7847 | Gordon May PLUMBING and heating pipes; fittings changing fram a specially. In stalltions al reasonable rates, Informa d| tion and estimates free on any type lof plumbing. Dial RA 54241, J, Faley itle tanks | TRIMMING KITCHEN CUPBOARDS | RECREATION ROOMS | All Repair Wark | J. VANOOSTEROM 13L PRINCE ST, RA 5.8933 Dec 14 SPECIAL Good Top Soil RA 5-2156 $1.50 per vel 44 tractor hi vl vard stone and loader work 52156 f| HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Fl Ll | | fl ni office | \ \ wl wl i" 5" at | HAVE your lawnmo FREE catalog: businesses, and logation desired ly, 1717 13th Bt, Bask [SNACK bar | heat, Bolle [3 |12--Dressmaking | ha SEMAKING | LEN Bowlers' 2870 34001, 10~--Sharpening Service sharpened now, saws, scissors, knives, ele, Perey Neil, 102 Highland, RA #8363 SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! ud The most complete autematis grinding equipment in Oshe awa for sharpening Hand» saws, Bandsaws (metal and wood), Lawnmowers, Skates etc, STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke 'RA 53-3224 11-~Business Opportunities Contalne hundreds of farms and imeome proper Canada. Specify ty Deal direct with Business and Fropsry Month Dept. 1668-C, Regina, les throughout OWNErs nod lo Ham wn King Breet Dee. 18 fully equipped, cation, near GMC, Apply 186 Slreet East mn STORE for rent, Ww, West, KA #1460 TO lease, office, Kan and hydro 806 Oshawa central, furnished, For appointment write Box Times ant NEW BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE york stations Two dryers, Sickness Apply 259 Sime. mending, #p clothes dani PLAIN pers ele Arapes children's sewing pant puff ial KA 52608 and and Phone girls aitera HA Jan 8 Ta Gardening & Supplies ARDENS ploughed, driveways level led, trees removed, wood eut, Fhone HA S707 ladies' measire Avenue y vadeta foe 2h (live 1] hid landscaping and garden Ing servige- lawns seeded, soddea, fer Hhiged, gardens and lawns ploughed rato-tilled Sidewalk slabs, patio. slabs Everything for your garden, RA 85753 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING VET SOD supply SERY STOCK ur garden, 3-9020 GREEN VEL laid NUI verything for PHONE RA and f SOD AND SERVICE and COURTICE LANDSCAPING A-1 field, fertilized, F call Ed Knowlton RA 5-6047 sod, sprayed r free estimates AJAX Sod loading, | stone, Grading, SOD SUPPLY lelivered and laid, field sand, fill and asphalting im anon AJAX and excay PHONE RA WILD BIRD SUPPLIES FEEDING STATIONS Priced from $2.38 NO, 1 WILD BIRD SEED MIX 1 SUNFLOWER Colorful Hohby Cooper Smith Co, 16 CELINA ST. RA 3.2312 431 1422 or and up NO SEED Enjoy this Winter AA CHRISTMAS TREES L] a KMAB trees, Beoleh pine, bulk or In dividual orders L) Orone, & K 10 CHRISTMAS (ress, spruse and balsam Take your pick, ¥ Apply 1907 Bimeae Blrest North, Phone Ws _ ble 4 each ond up Dee CHRISTMAS TREES 1000 all kinds up to B ft, high Scotch Pine the Leader, Wholesale. 40c ta 90¢ accords ing to size each, Two hundred Or mare to ong customer, J R, FOWLER, 192 Verdun Rd, Oshawa FRED'S DRIVE-IN i KING §T, W, CHRISTMAS TREES Order now livery BQ chicken night every night Lots of Free Parking CHRISTMAS TREES, Scot Any quantity at 50g to 1,00 according ta size law market best leading Grow RA 5-2 h Fine, selection Lert er, IR14 Orono, for guaranteed de- Also T.V Open tll mids tubes, Bar. 533 about 2,000 Hamiltan Ont wv CHRISTMAS TREES Scot Pine, and feet h also retail Pine Spr All White and Red Whelesale to 20 ce sizes | FOWLER FORESTRIES 106 CHRISTMAS 8 King W h Pine, 5 iuce, [5 i} RA Dec TREES Wholesale and Retail } Bowr CHRISTMAS Nurs free Phar 1OWARD nanville ery @rowr 20 1 e MILLSON MA 3:279 TREES teh Spraye 1 S¢ alsam ight into tion KINGSWAY MOTEL 695 King BU « Wi 460 PS RA YOUR D Y teh Pine SPRAY CO Plenty ¢ One Big PARK St. East 1-7553 TREE FROM AND D CHRISTMAS TREES Spruce ANY and TREES LOR it Parking Location RD RA 5.7426 Bring the children Dee, 14 to get their tree and talk anta Dec. 28 CHRISTMAS TREES The Best You Can Buy Pruned by professionals Spi men Cale silve dec arated Nurser ice and t, table and larger sizes red== pink rand gc gifts AW free y Grown Pir Balsam. Apdr blue, whit Lights ar stands ar ld RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1018 KING ST OPEN E EAST VENINGS dee. 24 |14-- Household Repairs |[CHESTERFIFLDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay more? Are reasonable Batisfaction guaran teed, Mattresses vehullt, Oshawa Up {holstering Co, 10 Bond Street West Dial RA 5.0811 YOUR local ehlmney neys built and repaired, stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti mates, HA 32047 GENERAL contracts. Alterations, Bx perienced carpenters decorators Floors veereation rooms, or any aller ations you wish ta have finished he fore Christmas, MO 84010 Whithy, salf CALL Joe, RA AR01H carpentry painting and handyman fl RNITURE repaired and reupholster od. See our materials for recovering [Hiuee R, Dalton, 78 Charles Street. RA yn recovered Our rates cleaner, chim Has linings in for [15--Instruction | MUSICAL Instruction on Spanish Sultar, plana accordion, saxaphone. We Will teach In your home or our studios {Far information phone RA #639) Doe. 18 HARVEY Dance Academy Raton Royal Academy uallet, Highland ster now, 48 King West. RA | tap Hogi EXE June 2 13 yoars' only Call student counsellor, | [TUTOR Appointment experience HA S108 FRENCH grammar Beginners or advanced vate lessans. Plunge RA A LILLIAN Mae Marsh Dance Educator and conversation students pri 2608 Mra dh GOOD EATING Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre sohoal acrabatie Friday and Saturday | Masanie temple, RA 3735) May 2 and | not all instruments coe Atreet South 7 16mmlnsura rance ALESTATY Aula Insurance Save wy RA ol 17 --Money to Loan CLIENTS \ MF Swa a Ki Oshawa, RA Chir UPTOWN MEAT MARKET Offers vou the best in meat 'and y Dinners Pre QRORCHR PORN RO RK CHRISTMAS PARTIES Eh RR EE EEL LL BUCKAROO RANCH IR RE { Comp Dine GR At The AND RESTAURANT (Up: For ( ese food Take O RA goods or Look f¢ on th T stairs) hristmas our ut Orclers 3.9422 QUALITY BAKERY 77 CELINA ST, RA Far the hest Christmas baked \ the table QUALITY eo label DELICATESSAN 77 Sim assorted Chris RA our THE coe St, N cold cuts tmas Parties 8.8172 ACRES RESTAURANT CHEF; 71 Lu Reserve CHRISTM {IRISTM NEW Ph prietress Yi LI ERVE ! hes ne MA ete Later K. ISHII for == AS PARTIES Al DINNER ond ARS DINNER 1.2561 now Mrs we TTL W FOR YOU LA Ww RAS Fhane Free delivery pruned Priced be- Come early for Cut ready for Phone 1685 Red Pine Pine, SOUTH WOR specialty, 5.7573 Banquets Royal Ishil 2737 | SANTA'S SHOWCASE SANTA SUGGESTS "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" A COMPLETE LINE AT POWELL'S DRUG STORE 3514 Simeon North RA 34734 For Your PARTY . DRESSES, HATS, GLOVES, aaAGS, SKIRTS and SWEAT MILLINERY WORLD RA 8.1082 : i) King Fast merge -- Now $11.95, Features the world's most popular eamera Just right for veungsters er grown-ups alike, MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simeos North DIAL RA 3-343) COLEMAN Oil and Gas Heaters at HOME APPLIANCES Sales & Service 90 Simcoe §, RA .5-8332 I LOW COST MOVIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY KARN'S FOR CAMERAS (KARN DRUGS LTD) 28 KING ST, E RA 3-462) CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Gigantie Savings Regular $50 Dance Course NOW ONLY $14.50 Students and miners net eligible ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS RA 8-168) 3 ¢ 1 Visit Oshawa's Largest Dawntuwn TOYLAND See our complete selection of toys COLLIS & SONS b. SOLLIS RA 5.6311 Opposite Centre Street Give MOVIES for Christmas Movie Camera Kits from $48.25 up JURY & LOVELL "For Everything Oshawa~--Bowmanville Whitby Dae 2 THE PERFECT GIFT PORTABLE "TYPEWRITER Prices as low as $79.50 . ' oe vd vd LIMITED A large selection of used and rebuilt machines, 64 Celina Street PHONE RA 3.2233 for a free demonstration, OPEN ON SATURDAYS A GIFT THAT PLEASES EVERYONE A Jolly 00 d way ta remember your friends and relatives this Christmas Is to give them Books of Famous Players Theatre Ticks ets, They are good the year round and come attractively boxed in gift cartonettes, The cost is small compared with the pleasure given. Books may be purchased by both Adults and Children and are accepts able at all Famous Players Theatres from Coast ta Coast, NOW ON SALE At the Regent | Theatre Box Of | fice or Dial | § 2304 for im | mediate delivery BOOKS FOR CHILDREN SIX TICKETS fL10 ULTS ) 7 +2 or BOOKS FOR AD FROM BROWNIE fTAR FLASH OUTFIT Photographie" GENERAL PRINTERS GIFTS FOR HER Bh ia SSRi-. YOUR DAUGHTER'S CHOICE From=--- HARVEY DANCE Gift-of Lessons, In Ballet = Tap == Baton er Highland, ACADEMY. "A GIFT OF WARMTH" "KENWOOD" All wool blankets, Priced from $1760 TO $2095 WARD'S = 1) Simcoe St. 5, RA ' ALL SINGER SEWING MACHINES $119.95 As low as terms), . Baskets . ® Buttenhols Attachment SINGER 14 Ontarin RA & LAMPS Chaose .a Gift our Large 15 Kir RA DRAPERY 9 RA 5:6122 424 King 5: W, Sewing Cabinets and Scissors and Scissor and SEWING CENTER Street, 5443 FANCY CUSHIONS IMPORTED POTTERY for Her fram Selection BETTY HAYDL ] 2686 BROADRLOOM (sgsy Sey Zig-Zag Oshawa f wy Ha Nt FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Christmas Flowers R, B, REED & SONS FLORISTS mulled post pi velopes with yy Hat, 6 samples 1 Junborional "Tribe "1 GIENIO mo Tn IH Led w 8 samples S100. Mall Order wi ALL, Mev, Rubber Co, fix i", milkgn, Ontarie, oe, 9, RK leaving for Mancton, NR, Des, roam (oF btwn passengers. MO wher Bb No charge, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous helr, Marie Murduftf will be In Oshawa, Dec, 16, 17, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, Deg, 17 Winter Wieaths=--Centre Pieces Christmas. Corsages Ph, RA B:1131 oe We Deliver 20---~Cartage MOVING and chringe. Phone" i Li a, 2 GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY wn LU BEAUTIFUL HAND-SMOCKED BABY'S NIGHTIES Regular $1.98 for $1.50 HAND-SMOCKED DOLLS NIGHTIES, RA B-8700 GIFTS Far All The Famil WESTERN TIRE Take advantage ef Layaway 74 CELINA §T, and Budget Plan, Fres park Ing apposite store, WEBBING'S HARDWARE Drive-In 282 King St, West RA 3-4873 EXCLUSIVE GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS! ® Wicker Chairs ® Stainless Sesl Kitchen Wear (lower prices in fawn) 50s FURNITURE GIFTS FOR DAD feels And Hand ir The Handy Man ® Power Tals Always Ample Parking Space HOBBY CRAFT 4 Dee. 24 CHRISTMAS Re TRANSPORTATION Celebrate Season The Sate Way The Holichwy RIDE WITH MERCURY TAX! RA 4271 45 King & QIHAWA'S MOST MC TAXI SERVICE to (9 VERN | AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas e fe | Blankets, Packs, Cushions, WIDE SELECTION at OSHAWA AUTO-TRIM Cor Chureh and Bond St, FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS With your purehase of a sult for Dad, you will receive a Suburban er Car Coat ghse lutely FREE Good At Your Credit Is DUNN'S TAILORS 16, SIMCOE ST, § POWNTUWN OSHAWA CHRISTMAS FOWL LYMER'S TURKEYS Specially flaver, Fresh and delivered OSHAWA RA 5.0217 BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5049 selected killed, far fine dressed Pee 2? CHRISTMAS TURKEYS All quanti all sizes, Dressed and Delivered, KEN WHATTAM 912 King St, E, RA 3.9322 CHRISTMAS FOWL CAPONS & TURKEYS | DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG Road West RA 5.6837 Rossland DIAL TOWNLINE TURKEYS) NOW FRESHLY KILLED DELIVERED OVEN READY "The best is your best buy DIAL RA 5.4233 TOWNLINE RD NORTH OSHAWA TURKEYS LIVE AND FRESH KILLED DELIVERED Qrelers? SPECIAL PRICE! IOHN BODNAR Big RA 31.9012 Dec TURKEYS Fresh Killed Special tor Chueh banquets Suppers and PHONE RA 8-5392 Hn 24 Aleahalios Anonymous, Bax 34% O and Models PHILIPS TELEVISION POLLARD'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Simcoe Street South PHONE RA 3.9512 [ i] GIFTS FROM INBIA Genuine handmade- ivary carvings, rosewood elephants, Kashmir carving sets, Gurkha knives,. inlaid coffee fables, LONDON (alloF = LLL 1==Personal Service men ne. ii LN ade bg nrdey ae ng. 4 HAT CLEANING Ladies' and Gent's Hah cleaned and blocked, $1.00 New ribbons, 78¢, Shes shine a specialty SHARKY'S PALM CIGAR STORE 14 Simcoe MN, Oshawa Dec, 13 JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, redusing, Steam Bath and Massage, AB) Simcoe St. Seuth RA 5:9602 For Appaintment Open 10 am, == 10 pm: FEELING TIRED? OVERLY TENSE? THEN VISIT Homewood Health Studie for a completely private steam - bath, invigerating massage or try eur amag- ing Relaxatron vibrator couch 204 KING ST, E, RA 8.0511 Dee. 30 22-~Radio & TV Repair NOALyaurself, Teal your awn TV, radie And HEFL tubes Open HH midnight Dally and Sundays, Fred's Driven 101 King Street Weal dev, 80 id brass, gases, trays, ash trays, planters, candle holders, bells, sill: stales, sterling silver jewellery, ete, Very reason: ably priced. To view display RA 5-2987, RR 17-==Maoney to Loan FIRET and second mortgage, hale agreements purchised and sold. Hen nigh and Henniek, Barristers, 31 King Hireel East, KA 37088 CLIENTRE' money ta loan an first mort Wage, Mortgage and agreement af sale purehased, NHA mortgages srranyod Creighton, Fraser, Divan and Mus doch Money Available to Home Owners! Up ta $3,000 for any goed purpose, including down pay ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida tion of debts or purchases of any kind NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS For fast, friendly servige call SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANARIAN LTD 291% Simcoe Street South RA 5.1121 (Formerly Bellvue) mw. flan 9 4 180--Mortgages WE WAVE clients' monies for 10ans an first and Wd mortgages and pur ib of agreements of sale. Louis § a RAS FIRAY a money wanied at ¥ Per cent Intevest for $4700, Write Rox [413 Oshawa Times Wa | MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE First and Second Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on City and. Farm property and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 and up. OSHAWA ACCEPT ANCE CORP. LTD 112 Simeoe St. North, Oshawa Phone RA 5.3568 Dee. 18 [19-=Personal AVE you a deinking problem Wille Shawa Times WILE Mu Fred Kelly, father of Stephen Bulan Fraderiok Kelly, please cammu Reale With PO. Bay 831 ar RA $4830 This matter is wigent Ul PO au have a hahy far New AV AAAR tay eh. Will cave Qelek neon New sired sitter problem Year's Eve! HW sa gall RA Oo, veliahle care af your ar them up Ww 13 Year's Day, if de Wa HYPNOSI voliove tension, fears, fis ation, complexes, nervous pains, hab _-e LIVING LOVABLES WENNER NEMO EN | WARD el Fish Budgies Tropical Canaries stands all kings cley t and ( Ww PET STO # Celing 3, pet Cher Pupp N | Aquariums, Cages, supplies of os nll ¢ \ RA 5.0343 Is reduce wolght, stop smoking, help eoneentration in studies, imprave sales Cansult Edwin Heath, 1a stitute at Bihical Hypnosis, Professional Ride, 304 Dundas West, Whaithy. Daily 1+ 8 pm Saturday, 10 am 1 pm Phone MO #442 BARY Hable experienced women oa LIL \ Deo BUIGAN CAR supply Wahy si Cider) sithing R oN \ 01 pa Closed LN \ Miernoons WAR, a 1 King Street Bast, Osby | LY | TW TOWERS eam pletely Inatalled, YOAur dranien, Join nn holla Fivets, all welder i from, B80.080 sary terme, "Raine teil SPEOTALIEED vaio and television services, All makes, Fred Thompson, 8 Billa Breet, Call HA 86760 Jan FAST T.V, SERVICE From A to 2 Guaranteed expert Job Call RA 8.5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS I, V. AERIALS INSTALLED Moved er Repaired 50:foat tawer and head $113.00 Len and Lou's T.V, RA § 7844 « MA 3.3942 i ELECTROHOME, RCA VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television end service, PARKWAY TELEVISION _918 Simeos N.==RA 3.3043 T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20:11, aerial, $29 and up, ROLLAND T.V, RA 3.4849 23---Women's n NFROTAL = heal permanente V6 pall ) Hy hve $23 fe Widresting 24----Market Basket CARROT and po hal. Rh Shane, WE IT i on 14 mites nt HR newman 25---Pets and Livestock FOX hound -- twa years, good on fox AA Jacks, Apply ATH Albert Woot, we RONER, purebred, with papers, from champion Hi Teasonable 0 good home, RA &4 Wn LOVELY Ph . sation far 812 BOXER = fomale, Ton ANS Vat, repistered, well trained, $88, Pha Plekering, TEmple § 1888 PHN PURERRER Boxer, wal 1] 10 goad home. Phone RA FH at REGIRTERED German Shophe MARE all, hansehraken, pene loves ohiliven, 3%. 64 BD Street Eas TINY, part Dasehound puppies. Wi hold WIE Cheistimas Vhone A P \ Wi el, Ale ye id hie he ¥ a py [RRGIRTRRED he 1 PUPS, golden HY PRG MARS LR ALLA LL WELSH Covgl puppies ® Shiiaiina [LV LA TE han Po Vikan SHE wr YUkon &TW SIAMESE Kittens i Sealpaint. Pedigrond slack JUN Christmas. RA § 130 FOR sale Finest quality Chihuahua Pupies, ready far Christmas, Call Wo SA Winky Wu BEAUTIFUL white winiatuie poodle PURRIeS, champion heed. WIL hat wath Christas, Als poadie olinpning and (bathing. Codarview Paadie Kennels RA Shoes Det. W | ROARDING, tehmming, bathing |floolng. Wanhena Kennels, RA § 8a | HORSES BOARDED Reasonable Rates Phone RA 5.6808 R&C, weeks ald Will hot a We 1 | ll}