"Football Men Differ * On Shrine Game Date ¥ 4a middie faction appears to have had misgivin Kip bbl 1 i | OSHAWA TEAM COMPETES IN BERMUDA GOODWILL GOLF TOURNAMENT "Hob! Patte, Alex Mackay and | four-hall, best-hall 'ehamplon. | with 217, one stroke better than | George Relenger of Toronto, A ship and pan Hore Monttent Hamilton's Dick Borthwick, In ecord entry of 61 UN, Cana slesmere team finished ninth [ and Dr adi elubs par with 186. The Oshawa team, the final 'event Baturday, won ticipated in the hd-hole pro-ama with a total of 191, finished well | by Ralph Hutchison of Rethle teur links tournament, Toron up among the 18 Canadian en hem, Penna, with a three to's Forest Hill club finished under par 68 ecard, Hal Rutler fourth with a total of 182 In the tries, "Hal" Butler won (he Canadian pro Individual event | tied with Ktan Horne at J0 This eity was well represent ed In the Bermuda Goodwill Tournament last week, hy members of the Oshawa Golf Club, shown above, at Belmont Major Golf Club, Bermuda, | Left « to « right, they are Osh awa Club pro, Hal Butler, SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' | Running Tracks In Wage NEW YORK (AP) For the pari first time in the 10-year histo.y| was construction of © the out Most running. track THE EAST-WEST AllStar (Shrine) game was played Ratur boing rn a a 4 Awami day but it certainly lan't all over by any means, Back last week we wrote that #t couldn't be anything else bit an antl-climax fol lowing the Grey Cup classic and that from a standpoint of wining, weather, promotion, ticket sales, interest, eto, it should be hele early in the season, Saturday's game in Hamilton was played in frigid weather, 17 degrees of temperature and with 8h-miles per-hour wind to drive the cold right to the bone, Mayed on al we, flint-hard field which made treacherous footing jor cleated boots, the game from a standpoint of foothall wid # dia ng display, through now fault of the players : " bes t of the various Shriners' bands, trying to march in tha Mind of weather and play a trumpet or other ean be appreciated hy even non musiclans Jake Gaudaur, president of the Tiger-Cats cama owl Katur d sald the game should he played fn July, At that oA ghd player and fan was ready lo agroe--ao were upstate harness lned at night ovals? Harness racing has been cal:|yacationland led the country's fastest growing sport | betting pari-mutuel tracks in New York|Jumped to $465,3% 031, Btate r 1| vas leensed for many more d ys | @0ue climbed to $38,110,309 y [than the flat, or thoroughbred Were records, band Instrument, | oh. Chere were 634 racing! At the running tracks, [the runners NEW TRACKS the flat | What finally pushed the sulky (Bd 041,826 | Hamess Racing Fans Top mutuels past the runners gmith New| Charles Gooding, of pari-mutuel wagering In New $20,000,000 Roosevelt Raceway on BADGERS WIN York, betting on the trotters in| Long Island and the rebuilt Yon y {1000 exceeded the totaly for the kers Raceway, a $17,800,000 lay tracks 0 vietor ofeated that will spread to other atales| also showed increases. In rit their. victory aa they defen where the sulky sport has legal: ition, the new Monticello Race. trotting way in the Catskills opened las summer to draw from that fat Boivin, Altendance at the trotters hit| Pat Donevan 8 of trott a high of 7,080,002, and hetting| Parts Cod Mg TL ov haw, Dale Gallant All[ Blane, Bill Prentice, Gary Bou wager-/Ing, Te. Howe and Phil McKin- days compared with 210 dave at ing totalled $415,605,900, The per ley |oapita wagering was higher, for [MINOR LEAGUE track attendance was Initial reaction from the West s the July game, Herb) Capowe), genera By THE CANADIAN PRESS Conch Bud Grant of Winnipeg A suggestion thal the annual (Blue Bombers, whose Western Hast- West Shrine football game squad won the Hamilton Game abandon its December dale and 10-4, wouldn't go along with the | be played as #8 July o-season idea, He was chiefly concerned ilspectacle 16 getting varied rene about nities and jam hat | ton across country, oy players would miss early Some football elub spokesmen |LEaining J strongly support the move, others) Lew Hayman, managing direc are Just as strongly opposed and tor of Toronto Ari gh suid i 5 about the whole doubts about both arguments Py the lel Tmportanee President Jake Caudaur game les wi 6 fans," Hamilton Tiger-Cats said a sum {sald The Argo boss sald he wus mer date was imperative' If the undecided how fans would go for all-star contest, a Sharity alll 4 radical switeh tn a traditions) for Shrine erippled children's ate-season event, b pitals, was to survive, "I am not saying anything Most of the still-frozen players either for or against the idea and officials at this year's game yet," he added, "It will (ake agreed, some time to really find out how [OTTAWA FAVORS July ol Of good the sig gustion JF all fam Berger, president | Gorman Kenn: ol ontrea tawn Rough Riders sald his club | Alouettes also declined eomment | would support. any move towards saying he wanted to siudy the la July date, {matter, ; | . Centre St. Cubs End Slum In Biddy Basketball League MAJOR LEAGUE Ontario Steel "A's" remain In first place in the senlor loop as they worked hard and gained a 0747 decision over the Ontarle Bteel "B's" This was the third-straight win for the "A's" who have yet taste defeat, Ontario Steel "A's" = Bill Hor ton, Jim Fegan, Dave Kelly 15, Paul Goldstein, Geo. Fuller 10, Chuck Tuseon 8, GIl Graham 2, Bob Clarke, John Muha 18 and Chuck Debona, Ontario Beel "B's" -- Ed, Kol odsle 13, Jim Brady 4, Jack Lyons 10, Tony Meagher, Paul Bulkowskl 8, Myron Mech 10, Bob McHugh 8, Dave Nicholishen and Dave Brady. Officials ~~ John Matthews and Jim Bishop, Oshawa "Y's" Men's Club, Joe Kolodzle, Myron Mech Jim Longley and Marcel Bolvin, Games this Saturday, Dee, 13 (Biddy ue) w= 9.00, Bt, John va, Bill's Badgers and 9.30, Parts and Service ve. Jaycee Whites; (Minor League) ~ 10,00, Jaycee Blues va, CKLB and 11,00, Police Association ve, Firefight ors; (Major League) -- 12 noon Jaycee Rockets va, M club would he Interested In a Jim Pink, of Calgary, Stamped.| ore and president Bam Taylor of | Saskatchewan Roughriders voiced objections | Taylor didn't like the idea of | training, | Cecll Ross, president of Kd: monton Eskimos, thinks a change should be made In the Shrine game potup, "It's 8 eineh," he sald In a telephone interview Monday, "they could do better than they have for the last four years,' The real test of the proposal will probably come al the annual meeting of the Canadian Rugby Union early next year, Centre Bt, Cubs finally hit the as they trounced the Police Asso- win column Saturday morning | elation boys B5:10, Chuck Debona (an they whipped Bt, John Cadetsled the winners attack as he fired 24-13 In the opening Biddy Bas: home 31 points, , kethall League contest at Bimeoe| Bo'a'iood Bports -- Dave White Hall, ly, Chuck Debona 31, Tony Sara Centre Street Cubs ~ Bob Pol: mak, Bernie Guindon, Dan Beme- lard 2, Frank LeBlane 12, Itod nuck, Merle Cole, Ted Monche: MacLeod 10, Ted Follest, Mark|sky 7, Walt Kurhan and Ben McConkey, Dexter Leven, Jim King 14, Clement, Martin Cummings and| Police Association--Mike Jack Vern Mulrhead son, Dan Peters, Al Booth, Larry St, John Cadets -- Chuck Way-|Jacula 2, Ken Hickey, Terry lLe- ling 10, Terry Nickolas, Ralph Blane, Lowell Harrison 6 and Les (Branton 8, Ron Laughlin, Vred|Tropak 2 (Laughlin, Jim Watts, Bruce FIREFIGHTERS WIN Barry Couture @nd| The cond game proved to be a veal thriller as the Firefighters Association rolled to thelr first victory of the campaign by edg ing CKLB by a 33:20 score, The | | Firefighters attack was led |Garnde Gunn and Jim Longley while Harry McClurg paced the radio crew, Firefighters Association - Gar nie Gunn 14, Ji.» Longley 15, Ron MoKnight, Mike Bambine, Dave Taylor, Dan Pawlensuk, Butch Mann, Don Calder 3, Tom Beton and Walt Rudy 2, CKLB-~Jim Dulony 6, Jerry Tymoshik 8, Jim Campbell, Lau rence Burke, Paul Gibbens, Brian Tunnioliffe 5, Wes, Mislas- [nek and Marry MoClurg 11, Bills Badgers tralling 6.0 al the lend of the first half put up a de termined fight and really earned [Parts and Service 9-0 Bill's Badgers Dave Lee, Rob Lytwnychuk, Pete Kilistolf, Mike Rose, Marlo Bambino 4, Bob Liebreghts and Gary Le Service 1 and Al man 4, Greville Dixon, Bll Good: Dennis Riggin | SPORT BRIEFS ro ---- Bolahood's Sportshaven gained [11 edr second vietory of the season 'Mince, other club representatives have agreed po iy ineluding Bud Grant of Blue Bombers, furs July not sultable--"because players would miss early traln ng," Other football men agree with Grant's thinking, For what OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Out For Season SPORTS EDITOR DIES PHILADELPHIA (AP)-8, 0, EDMONTON (OP) Dennis | (B08) Grauley, sports editor of Riggin of Edmonton Flyers, the . -- have a suggestion-=the second or third week hy eT ey he excellent, Summer collages would be pd up and folks would all be home, hack (0 normal rous tine, The weather would he Ideal, And the players would not 0 early tralning--they would have already ved a few league games hy that time, and so would he In condition -- thus greatly decreasing the risk of injuries, And to the foethall offielals of all elubs=this too should he res membered = the East:West game and Wa result, In Replem. ber, would serve to hulld up Interest In the Grey Cup game it self, oven to a higher piteh, The Shriners would also have less expenses--and the clubs wouldn't have io keep the All-Stars bere In Canada for an extra week walling for the game, or MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL The iy news this week centres Around the Genosha Club, whe were | led by Capt, BA wminaki and D. WU #00 a8 they dhe while: wash brush ta Clarks when neaded 0 uperies, ABD but eould only fathom ons pint [up Blesly lod the Talore. M, Kalynke and 7 [for Gol'Dail Barnes were impressive for Queens as Biatlon By running » steal weeks, the Interest [ors | Motor Oity hed de Nigh single of ; T 1846 but slipped hadly th the other two BRIGHT RITA: -- George Imiach, general manager of T0500 Fic" ackioots, Capt J. While rontn Leafs, ta flying to Vancouver to try and talk Alfie Tike MOI ied the Movers white Capi, A, Smart signing a contract to he coach of the Toronto Leafs PIKE, | eurvied the MAN for Motor Oty %. ua a . _ } : Y tanding with one night to go in this a former Winnipeg Monarch Junior star, was with the NIL Res oo ang 8 MEN to go tn ha for alx seasons, then coached Guelph Biltmores where Queens 101 CGenesha Bi Westmount § develop such stars as Andy Rathgate, Dean Prentice LOW Gillards 9: Clarks Ti Motor City Fontinato and Harry Howell TORONTO LEAFS, thelr own team has been eliminated, ih In the playoff positions The standing Rolahond's tate 17 Lueky Strike Grill 13 Pavilion 18 Oshawa Auto Loekwoods fea) rim 10 ineldentally Triples: J. White 746 (307, 848); ( made & much improved showing over the week-end, in fact, have Winacelt Td (303, S401 W (inthe done very well alnce Imisoh, fired Buly Reay and enlisted Hew M.Kalynko 660 (M3, 310) D. Walle Olmstead as a temporary "playing-coach" There are some Wii da (363, BI); J. Gow' M10 (I, 319) think they've found a working combination and per haps shouldn't hel) sit Ho, loi MY on LRN be in a hurry to make a change DR. JOHN RROCK'S Osha. | 30H, Huan : wa rink lost thelr first game " he anna) rupees, Houpiel ati Rikon D. Reading 308i J, Abrams [001 JOR Maslewioh To ia vesterday, Bert White la skip of another Oshawa entry, sei #8 A Goguen 361; T Barngs 9 el didn't play in the early draw DENNIS RIGGIN, Fd BD, Wilko Wm N Olen w £ How. monton Fivers' star goalie, voted hest in the Western League last) far do or Welsh $16: B Wit season, Was struck by a puck hw Nov. 4 in Dractice He ta 10 UN son BIA K. Smarr Dili 6 SHokwood dergo eve operation but will not play again this season wl \ DAVID RARER, wary quarterback of the Oklahoma "Soon: Attention atiornaon how rh Pleats ore." will not be plaving In the Orange Bowl on New Year's Dav. Go wav' prise money ee, We funked out of school yesterday, was dropped heoause of Poor team when you howl at night. Ia (hat |, Hhomdance #0 now he's not eligible for the team FRANK clear? « UCKA, passing star of Sask, Roughriders, doesn't want to n na again, he wants to be traded, The club officials are with his play and will not release hm, but might consent ® a trade deal, Seems the Regina fans have resented Tripueka ever since he took the quarterback job away from the fremen dously popular Glenn Dobbs, back in 1943 HARNESS RACING fans, In New York State, wagered more money at the parl-mu mel this past year than was bet at thelr running tracks -- proof of the fast-growing popularity of the rotifers" Belleville McFarlands Warned To Be Prepared Ry RON ANDREWS to coach Jack O'Reilly and Wi Canadian Press Staff Welter | Packers, was part of the plan to A note fram the erities to Hel: lull Belleville Inte a sense leville McFarlands, Canada's rep: false seourity. But O'Reilly was vesentatives at the world amateur not fooled toa much. He sald hockey tournament at Prague, Rellville would have 10 be plenty Ceechoslavakia, next vear: Re good to beat Russia" ware the Ides of March! Rlair can into the same situa What has become an annual tion before Duntops went to Oslo occurance in Canadian sport for the 1988 tournament, R Mm AD swing again. The oritiols sent a team of all-stars to tous are hollering from all corners Ontario last winter and Dunlon that Canada might not be strong walloped. then al lub § High Individual Boores TR (340) RAL] oo Jack Kpenoer Orest Pldwerheckl 10 week with 763 triple (327 B89) Wanna 20, 8 Neve . Chomnlok 67) al Nala 6 your Hiveoeok AY (230. 0 Aubrey Rennett 6M NOE 80 (249, Hrown # 07) Janet Stark a0 George Killen B00, Al (300 Ford O'Reilly 03 (ud MEN'S MAJOR Lucky Sirike Grill wade the head lines hy stopping Bolahood's Real Ea tale hy a two to one e0uUnt, this heing the first loss for Rolahonds's In 16 games I owas a most sxolting tussle the "grillmen taking the frst game handily, Bolahood's took the seoand hy 4 pins, and Lucky Strtke Grill grabbed the third game hy one pin Newcomers Mel White and Al Wwely ith played a hig part tn the Lueky Hirike win while "Hed" MacDermald Mary Orm Hourth 207 Ernie Kehoe 314; Wilson 207: Joan Riohards 206; Nid Huy nok, Winnle Killen Will Manning, Bill Eliot 303 Stark 208; Warh Pisani 301 and 307 Team standing with Goofers and Aces 14; Planeers and Dillys 11 Darts Dragons § Total pine B10801 Exits 8,782. Plonesrs Gooters 33.500, Jokers 38,000 D040; Aces R10; Kareks 10a Dragons 81 08% three sirides ahead of our fel lows right away, Of course, they ikate fearlessly in that middle one, because there Is no hady checking there under Interna tonal rules "Our fellows are hesitant be cause their training has heen that they can be nalled with a hodyeheck there under Canadian One thing Is sure; in order for Canada to continue winning n international competition, she will have to improve. It seems that many other countries are elling hetter every year at pokey while Canada stands Toronto TITRE lyn 21,68) Hy virtue ened up the Wop Positions ) Standings as follows 0 Rudily Eleetrio 18, Town TV 1%, Fire Fighters 16, Tony's Barbershop 18, Hen Pies Cornish 12, Morris Here's 9, Augrogates #, Koolvent § Triples -- BH Witherley #3 (314, 07 Do Henning RO (47, B80) W (981, WM we BALE RO Aller TAS (OW) { Po Shady TR (an J WAR TE (B11 0 Karnovaky 14) M. Fontgn 11 (86g i is x LN) (AR) John Helen, Ken Donaldson and anchor man Boh Gallagher also got the pins Ea Jubilee Orest Pldwerheek! oame through for Smith 718 (308) Jubilee Pavillon with » nles triple 0] 11, Davies 713 (340); 6, Hickey 715 (04, Keep his elub very much in the running, | 360)1 A, Prout 710 (094)) Westmounts rolled (he high triple of while John Masiewieh also held his end B. Barta 703 (81); J, Cory 708 (860) from Dunns who are pressing the lead | Gol'Dell Homes Kept improving with | (368) ors. Coe. Winnacott and Ladder Smith a (wo to one win over Henning's crew were hot for Westmount white J. Hell | with Mickey MeMaster being top man | ied, Oshawa Auto Trim dropped haek o(T. Costante 360, B. Rerwiok 34, R they teak & B1 win over Gliards Ao|liie hy losing to Jublles Pavilion while | lagher 863, B, Tarnawsky M6, B Allen stay 10 the hunt for a play-off spot, J [the Bd Wilson Furniture oluh forged 358, C. Waher 846, 1, Patterson 80, B bring them hewe from thelr homes--where they Ko a8 #000 88 Gow and M, Vennor paced (he Clean: Ahead at the expense of Dove's Fina Honeham 84, J, Stark " fine sohedule of | M nthe league has wreatly improved and Judaing from he Ughtening up In the standing Iately, | there ts no telling which clubs will fin Kd Wilson Furniture 101 Dove's Fina | Niation 8; Gol'Dell Homes A; Henning's Ousle Real: Lanning 637, Ina Bowman 084, MWelen Field 180; Miokey MoMaster 717 (300): lap) Lou Dobbine 617, Helen Rutt 617, Doun Harding § Aakorohuk 613, Rea Milton 604, Bde beat Don Henning | geading #0) CANADIAN ORDER OF FORRATERN yg Reeds Floviste 16, Fashion Village Misconducts, ALR Greens was the Big bowler this 1g Del Woadlyn Beauty Lounge 13, Nu-Way Ru . AWKEE WAR 1h NOPe 100 WIth TY | 3 et China lea seven misoconduots "Wess Riohards 68 (300, 845); Wes 206); | with 38 points, followed hy Roo Art| Sputniks and Dots DoLitties Walt Tippett 284; | ers Bay Pipher, | 80, George Morgan and Lucky Wills 280; | Beards 2, Flo Tippett 207 and ears 3, High Balls and Ernie Burniss Ken Johnson 218; Jim Nemiah 218; | 83, Ktarters 20 Al Nmith 200; Harveld Len Barker B08; lor ¥20 (R15, 258; MT) and Dot Paradise Nandy TOR (331, Bal, WA) Hoola's ave still] (201, BIR, 340); BIL Baker 663 (2%, holding the lead with 19 pai Exits 18; 330) Pat Jarvie 881 (0, BY Jokers | Mekle 688 (268, Si8arcks & and 622 (BOR B41); Ralph Shemilt Hoola's on top too with neal 847 (311, 210, 386); BI Guise! BRAND; | (B16, BOX, WB) Marsy Fayle 648 (31, Darts Mh) Dil Pestle Fave 634 (388) Kinloeh's 3, Osoar Morvison 813 3% hany Restaurant 18, Jury and Lavell 18, Hoppa 611 (218, 319); Maudie Cook 610 Sarnovaky's 24, CPL 30, Duniops 30, Al (208, 381): Lily Rae IM well Paving 18, Canadian Tire 13, HULI901 Joan MoComh 8, General 261, Gren Willams 34, Don Brockman Foss B00, Alan HILL B40, 208, Stan Cook 286, Ron |S Mandeyk ¥H0 (00h. Howell 237, Ruth Hoppa, Harry Keys NY AC WrEht TIO Fred Davidson 338 and KN Right 898 Tosior TAR (BAR) 112th (Pp Lounds 795 (M3); NH. Saraoveky TW (aM) 1 J. Parker 184 (010); N, ORallly TiO (0); J. Riehards Ti8 (B04) . Maddogk 714 (300)) ley, the Philadelphia Inquirer since Western Hockey League's all + n 1028 and & peloved ry ty 0 NOW world for 61 years, Mar goalie Laat season, will net] oi "Saturday in is to th Phila Bud Polle, Myers' general delphia home, He was 80. manager, sald Mondax an eye GET RETTER WMREAK Injury sulfered by Riggin In NOLLYWOOD (AP) «- ry n gh practice Nov, 6 has falled to re: 00,» singer Bing Crosby's annual "i, spond fo treatment. He was hit [000 pro-amateur golfing olambake Gal: [by a pue has been revised to give the Riggin, who had three shutouts H Keys 04, B Gedpe WW T. Masters , J. Marshall 0 G, Hudson #99 (380) Angles Potlagney 300, WN, Mann | Kesler 177, K. Foe #73, D, Reynolds man yr of od their lead in the OHA British Columbia A ahager, his ban League with a 6 to 8 win in the Port Perry arens, when summer game and would help Smokerings In talk it up, But general manager day night, { THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Decomber 9, 19 Brooklin Defeat Newmarket Squad Brooklin Combines strengthen bre | the second place Newmarket ort Perry Batur-| over The Combines have yet fo) taste defont in league competi! tion, Bll! Cornish, Danny Grey an| Lawky Wills sparked the Brooklin scoring attack with two gonls having key players miss early each, with Cornigh picking up|10 wo assists, | For the Smokerings, D. Camp. bell netted two, and B, MeNab| scored one, Merv, Morden re! placed Jim Topping In the Brook in net, Jim Is reported Ill, | Brooklin took an early lead, sooring shortly after a' minute play, and added two more before | the end of the period, Newmarket fought back gamely in the sec: ond period with two goals to thelr| oredit, but the Combines added another a minute later, SEVERAL FIGHTS The third period, although mar-| rad by several fights was a close battle, with the Combines netting! two goals to elinch the game, Newmarket scored their final goal with 35 seconds remaining| in the game, Referee was John! Hudson, and linesman, Harold) Jellrey, Black Hawks Lead CYO Atom League Teddy Dionne opened the scor- ing for the Rangers in the first game of the CYO Atom Hockey League on Sunday, with an as sist from Mike Conway, Grant LeClair hit for Bruins on a pass from Paul McAllister, Walter Krochmal put Rangers ahead again on a solo effort, (rant LeClair evened things up again unassisted, but Harvey O'Connor knocked In the winning tally with an assist from Teddy Dionne to make the final seore Rangers 3, Bruins 3 Steve Jarrell led Canadiens to dated " 9 Brooklin's next home game ls scheduled for Saturday Dec, 18 the visitors will be Orillia Ist PERIOD I. Brooklin Cornish (unassisted) 6, 2, Brooklin Wills (Marjerrison) 1.00 3, Brooklin Cornish (Grandy) Penalties: Hill, nut ledge, Pascoe, Gray nd PERIOD l 3, Jowmareet McNab (Million) ), Miller, b, Nowmarke Campbell (unassis ) 0, 6, Brooklin Gray (Cornish) 16.12, Penalties: MeNab, Davis, Laws son, Davis, Goodlellow, Vuirey, Rutledge, Cornish rd PERIOD 7. Brooklin - Wills Marjervison) 15.10 0. Brooklin Gray (Cornish) 18.27, 0. Newmarket Campbell (unas sisted) 19.25, Cornigh(b min, roughing, 8 min, fighting, 10 min, mise, ), Rutledge (6 min, fighting), Million, (2 min, roughing, 5 min, fighting, 10 pin mise,), Falrey, (2 min roughing, b min, fighting), (M. Jones, up one goal and Robert Kennedy was credited with an ist Black Hawks Canadiens Red Wings fouls langers Bruins 08 0 Sunday, Dec, 14; 5:80 - 6:10, Black Hawks vs Bruins; 6:10 6:00, Red Wings vs Rangers and 6:50 - 7:50, Leafs vs Canadiens, HOCKEY'S BIG 7 By TE CANADIAN PREAS Bernle Geoffrion of Montreal Canadiens scored two goals and pleked up two assists during the kend to advance into a tle ho 4 1 ] ] 1 vietory with two un goals, Cire Bryat picked up the other Canadien tally on a pass from individual Larry McAvoy, Tom Dart hit for Red Wings on a pass from Larry Judge, who ploked up the other Red Wing goal unassisted, Final soore; Canadiens, 3; Red Wings, 2 Goalie Tommy easy night as Black Hawks remp- od to a 90 win over the Michael Keenan counted fo goals while Paul Blgdon ploked with New York's Andy Bathgate the National Hockey League's point « scoring leader. Vann had an|Meore Lasts. 1} Richard, Beliveau, Montreal MAYBE THE COACH HAD SOMETHING? Fg MOUNTAIN Wyo, -r 1 8 coach Prank Bonds stormed inte the team . practice session, Leaming % type on 0 late made typewriter, ean be & vary rewards Ing experience, Por Bpoainl Student Rontel Rote PHONE RA 3.323% " a, if we're going win ball games, you've got to think football, eat football, sleep footbal I," Bonds pro olaimed One player looked up. "But soneh, this Is basketball," he sald, WALMSLEY & MeGILL orien MUI, LTH, ? KING RAST OANAWA } amateurs a better shake, Tour and the lowest goals-againat av MOTOR CITY LADIES MAJOR "A" fd, Dot Clements 683 | King 079, Rv Harding [non 668 (319), Rdna Hy Wiking 630, Ann Chubb 631, Ede Ryan Tean: standing: Coes Colas Young Moderna 17, Hayden Macdonaids| nament director Larry "oll erage In the WHL this season, [announced that an even 300 : y ab. (WI undergo a minor operation Tae, Tote Nitto. Who 24 paieh yh Jan, 15:18 at Pebble Reach, Calif, will not be ahle to play next sea: (30 more than h The on Reynolds at 3.911% or Stella Makor Poll 1d Shuak 84 Sai) re - win a8 many days, instead of two There are several nies triples this 1) Odd) \ week with Betty Baokedt tapping the 1st The professionals take over for| AM, Marton Dingman 683, Mavis Taylor REMEMBER WHEN ? . i the past, (300), Laabelle| WY oA Beal Wim Anywhere ideon 838, Allee tablished in the NHL five years ago tonight with a total of 204/alded Don Jordan of Los Angel new Sellorwelght Doking eh Montreal Canadiens 30 at d, ia loo | Toronto, Canadieng had 106 min: ward to a return bout In 8¢ Louis with Virgil Akins, "I beat and Toronto waa Horwioh Jowsllers 13, Strouds 10 ansensned 80 minutes including| Louis," sald the new champ, who outpointed the St, Louis veteran LAER PANIEY. HOUNUAS [men were on the ice, cluding PRE yo Blue BR hd goalies, as the game ended, and {The rematoh probably will be ors -will participate in the ™ terested In howling please contaet Mel ore 1a no reason he e he eretofore. mmateurs will play three rounds | -- [with a lovely triple of T41, Janet Peel the fourth and final day, as In O14, Jean Jaek:| A record for penalties was es LOS ANGELES (AP)--Unher [minutes as Toronto Maple Leal plon of the g fore utes in penalties, meluding eight hm here, so why not In St, Only eight In & stunning upset Friday night, | {the benches were alse bare load staged In mid-February, Rings 31, Ups and Downs 39, booooh: | Jumpers, Feroen and O K's Ril's Pills and B-Roba 37, Gray Lucky "13" and The On GET OFF TO A FLYING START AND A SATISFYING CAREER! The honor roll this week 1s Rent Harding 740 (201, BAN, #4); Mavis Tay | 400 Ariples are: Howard Read WM 200); Jaek [80 Len Gray 831 (300); Mille Cor 1 AY Autumn Shaw 638 (208, B30, 207); Ey. Harding | BF (BFR); Jack Moltntoxh 636 (323, B81) All Brisebois 6M (JA, 38); Pete WEDNESDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL (Wright 634 (307, BAT); Helen Read 623 of Town TV's three point | (BF) victory aver Kinloehs, 1t sort of Gght Soot! Smith 628 (349, 332) Harey Noy Jim Morrison 623 (B11, 24) On 621 (340) Bob Carter 419 (31, 28) | My JohARY 2%, 8) Qearge Taylor 408 (347) Over 323 singles training and career as a PILOT or OBSERVER In the RCAF {A Mang Howell M1, Tod MeCamb 80, | Flo Tevoloek and Bruce Hudson 933 tan Parner! Don't forget the ehleken roll on Dee epouglt to contain the Russians next Mareh While some people seem to make it an annual pastime to blast the Canadian representa tives in the international clreuit there seems to he at least one oritie in the erowd OF CAUTION Wren Rlair, wha had a taste of International competition lad A a8 general manager of al Dunlops, Winners of the tournament with a 43 victory ever Russia In the final ¢ ATE Mas heen cautioning Relley Re says the lea wid forget what the R \ id a Kelowna Pa froin an exh ew last menih Blair warns the MeFarlanils ne attention to what hap during the Kelowna tour J won two, Hed two and one against Russian teams A he believes the Russians Are PAYIng possum "RR Is the Russian idea oglcal warfare Rl "I believe the Kelowna wr, and thin with all deference A sl YI wd i in Mo ke on se ¥ of Mantle Leaf Garden Had Bir taken that game as a sulde-post, he would have heen lulled into a feeling of false se ourity Fortunately, Rar lot the result guide his actions in rounding out the team for in ternational competi I's known fact that Russian plaves are used to outdoor rink Canadians play all their here in heated TOUGH CONDITIONS The MeFarlands will be in the \ Ws a e were tl they) fa A witdooy refused to Ww a whereas hockey Ione arenas \ W nk t san a 9 ht off the } gives th ORL advantage a One eran, 1 h who has seen admits are composed of ext skaters and deft Fred (Cyclone) Tavion companied the Packers on tour, had this to say "Ir in pleking centre-ice sone, \R In ¢ R ans will be Any ane play Rus te nel ely \ CKey hew stiekhandlers who ae thelr tussians are success PUER In the they are two or up a loose can start right here In TR00000000000000000000000000000 OSHAWA R000 00000000RRRRRR RRND when you see the ac RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR Wednesday, December 10th at the ARMOURY 11 amb p.m, LOOK! NEW REDUCED PRICES Ellective Immediately On Premium Quality <URNACE FUEL OIL NOW REDUGED 16 TO GAL. WHY PAY MORE? For Prompt Delivery By Our Fleet Of Metered Trucks Phone VIG OR OIL COMPANY RA 5.1108 OSHAWA MO 8.3644 WHITBY © OIL BURNER SERVICE DEPT, @ AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL DELIVERY o * . . . . M * » . TO RESIDENTS OF OSHAWA A Royal Camadian Air Force ------ A ET -- Want to feel refreshed? Change into a fresh, clean shirt that has been laundered by our experts. We hand-finish your shirts to perfection you them spotless ACADIAN CLEANERS PHONE R 299 BLOOR ST, WEST like them . . just the way return and bright! A 8.5141 131 BLOOR ST, EAST