Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Dec 1958, p. 15

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Jesus' Matchless Power Jesus and His disciples embarked in a ship to cross the sea of Galllee, A fren storm arose while Jesus slept, and His companions awakened Him, Christ rose and sald to the sea, "Peace, be still," and the water be came calm, --Mark 4:35.39, the demon crying, ' As Jona landed from the ship, a man possessed of an evil spirit met Him, 'What have I to do with Fe, Jesus, Son of the most high God? I adjure Thee, by God, that Thou torment me not" it out of the man"--Mark 5:28, ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON the demon by which he had? mented, begged that he might with Jesus in the ship, but He sa to him, "Go home to thy friends, and tell them how grea! things the Lord hath done for thee." --Mark 5:18:19, Christ cast - As Joys landed from the ship in De. oapolls, great dn met Him, One of the rulers of th and knelt at His foot, bes ging Him to go to his home and heal his daughter, ~Mark 5:21.23, MEMORY VERSE---Mark 5:19, synagogue came SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Christ Calmed The Waters And Healed The Sick By NEWMAN CAMPBELL | After preaching to His listeners 8: 10.13, in parables, Jesus sald to His| The man, now sitting clothed apostles, 'Let us pass over unto/and in his right mind, begged the other side" of the Sea of|that he might go with Jesus, but Galilee. 80 the multitude was He sald: "Go home to thy friends sent away and they entered aand tell them how great things ship, , . "And there arose a|the Lord hath done for thee, and great storm of wind, and the hath had compassion on thee." + waves beat into the ship, so that Mark 8: 15-19, it was now full.'--Mark 4:36-37,| I have wondered if we of this Je doubtle " wearled with generation, in a world that has "MEMORY VERSE "Go home to thy friends, and tell Som how great things the Lord hath done for t thee." Mark 5:19, "were choked in the sea. Mark so many serious problems to solve in our denne for peace and tranquility, give thanks to God the Father our petitions for the many blessings the world still gives us, Let us not forget to do His work, slept on a pillow in the stern of the ship, but His fright. ened disciples wakened Him, ery- ing, 'Master, carest Thou not that we perish?' He arose and "sald unto the sea, Peace, he find kind, friendly people in them all, However, the people of Jesus' time, learning of this man who had been devil-possessed and in torment, were filled with fear, and asked him to depart out of thelr coasts.--Mark § Then came to Jomus one of the rulers of the synagogue, who fell at the Lord's feet, telling Him| that his little daughter was at the {point of death, and begging Him to go to her and heal her, On the way, many followed Him, Amon them was a woman who suffere from an issue of blood, When she heard of Him, she came with the crowd, saying, "If 1 may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole "land she did and was healed. -- Mark 5: 26-29, Jesus, "immediately knowing in Himself that virtue had gone out of Him," asked who touched Him, The woman, fearing and trembling, "fell down before Him the Lord hath done for thee," Ralsing the daughter of Jairus, "Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things Mark 6:19, and told Him all the truth, And He sald unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague,' Mark 5: 27-34, The ruler of the synagogue, Jalrus by name, was told that he stralghtway the damsel arose, laughed Him to scorn, AROSE, WALKED "And He took the damsel by the hand, and sald to her, Dam- sel, 1 say unto thee, arise. And need not trouble the Master fur-land walked; for she was of the thing should be oat, f_ Mark 5: 85-43, such faith in God and Christ--to believe, as He sald, "Jesus came to earth to do for men what they most needed-for Bm her to| What this generation needs Is Jesus and wine on the floor, Love doth not hehave itself unseemly. 1 Corinthians 13:5, He made cour. teous request, He did not want to endanger the life of the eunuch but asked for a ten-day test on a simpler diet for himself and his companions, "At the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king' " meat." " Right Spirit Required In Standing For Truth By R. BARCLAY WARREN It's not just what you stand for that counts, but how you stand for it, Consider Daniel, "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself," Daniel 1:8, This youth had heen taken captive to Babylon from his home in Jerusalem, He might have sald, "I'll Just forget my training concerning the laws of cleanness in regard to meats and the warn. ings of Solomon with regerd to strong drink, When in. Rome dof as the Romans do." (Incidentally the last statement isn't in the Bible though some people think it is and more people live as though it were,; But Daniel, noble youth that he was, purposed not to defile himself, Daniel didn't throw the meat became a great witness for God throughout the kingdom of Baby. lon, When jealous enemies plot- ted for his death In lions' den, God protected him, 1 don't think he even hesitated to continue his praying three times a day even|ter though his enemies were watch. ing, had made the great de- cision In his, youth, He wouldn't fall his God now, Let us stand for the truth in the right apirit; not with a chip on our shoulder nor assuming the martyr complex in self-pity, (Those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake are happy. Matthew 5:10.) Sometimes we shall use strong § language In of in earn estly contending faith which was once delivered unto the saints, Jude 8, Jesus sald to the hypocritical Scribes and Phar- isees, "Ya serpents, ye genera: tion of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Matthew 23:33, Stephen sald, 'Ye stiff. necked and unciriymeised in heart and "un, e do always re sist the Holy ost," Acts 7:81, But always in the right spirit, Paul, when accused of madness, calmly replied, "I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness." Let us stand for the truth in the right spirit! It Is very Interesting how Daniel | "THE GOHAWA TIM, Setvrivy, Bossier 6, 1990 1 TORONTO Lp) RH carnation cheque from the Metropol to Sharsay to the Soringhil oa Relief Fund in Montres Dep! WOMAN STATE SECRETARY NEW YORK (AP) -- For the second time in the state's history, New York will have a woman Governor: nec sate Floct Nelson A, Rockefeller says lawyer Mrs, Swrolise K, a 58, will serve retary of state when Th istration takes office Jan, 1, I tals coal! state of Sine 3 mh, Fan aE lon Jossrament lite 3 The Christadelphians CHRISTS BRETHREN -- S08 Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible literature, NO OBLIGATION Write: CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 131 Oshawa, Onterle WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH On Floyd ot Gibbon W, BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH €. MORGAN - PASTOR , DIAL RA 8.1318 10 A.M, ~Sunday Schoo! 11 AM. Morning Worship ALL ARE WELCOME 7 BALSAM, MT. ZION; zanr and tea Saturday Rev, Wm, A, Gibb Pleo Mrs, Willard Cook, afternoon at the home of the asst. leader, Mrs, Thomas Jordan, By MRS, LORNE JONES BALSAM AND MT, ZION A shower was held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Jack Ward, Claremont, for Myrna Jones, bride-clect, whose mar. (riage will take place Dee, 20. The monthly WA and annual meeting will be held Dee. 10, at the home of Mrs, Jack Empring. ham, Mrs, William Harbron is in charge of the program, The Mission band held its meet ing with the president, Doreen Jones, in the ohalr, Shella Disney led in prayer, fol. lowed by the Scripture by Janetta Hoskis, Doreen Jones read a story, PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Lota Parrot and Allan of Myrtle, Mr, and Mrs, Dick Ward and Diane of Clare mont, had Sunday tea with Mr, and Mrs, Burnett Jamieson, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Brooks ARCT, HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T, Holmes, B.A, B.D, Minister Ross Metealt, ARC.T, Organist ond Cholrmaster 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP (Nursery during the Service) 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL Junior to Senlor 2:00 P.M, CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery to Primary 10 e.m.==Sunday School 11 a.m~=Kindergorten Class 11 a.m~~Morning Worship #0, instead of always asking for | The Mission Band held,its ba: future blessings, The earth Is still beautiful, our glve their sing, reveal God, and bestow on them eternal life." Quoted trom Peloubet's Select still, And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm,' Mark! i 4:38-09, ther, for his daughter was dead. age of 12 years," All were greatly When Christ heard this He sald astonished but "He charged them to Jalrus, "Be not afraid, only | straitly that no man should know "Your Community Church" A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Jesus then rebuked His com- panions for their lack of faith, and they, awed by (he miracle, sald, "What manner of man 1s this that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"--Mark 4:38-41 On the other side of the sea a man came out of the tombs, one tortured by an unclean spirit that made him so powerful that no chains could hold him as he broke them all. He lived in these tombs "and always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the| and cutting him- * tombs, crying, % self with stones, But when he saw . Jesus afar off, he ran and wor- . shipped Him. "Mark §: 26, | | ENTER SWINE The evil spirits recognized Christ, and after they were cast| * out of the man they begged that § Bani enter into some swine nearby, and and when given leave, they entered the steep place into the sea and friends are faithful and true, there are still more good people than bad, We can all help, even the smallest and weakest of us, to make our homes places of love and peace, FRIENDLY PEOPLE Those who travel in many lands believe." Taking Peter, James|it; and commanded that some- and John with Him, He went to|=====srmmsm== the home where all present were weeping and mourning, Jesus sald, "Why make ye this ado, and weep? The damsel Is not dead, but sleepeth." But they BROOKLIN BAPTIST CHURCH TOWNSHIP HALL BROOKLIN, ONTARIO GIBBON STREET || BAPTIST Pastor: Rev. A. G. E, Mitchell SPECIAL 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, REV, CLAN BASS Ceylon General Mission who ran My ow a GRACE LUTHERAN 7:00 P.M, SPECIAL MUSIC COME AND ENJOY THE OLD HYMNS Notes, by Dr, Wilbur M. Smith King Street Pentecostal Church REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT 7:00 P.M.--OLD FASHIONED EVANGELISTIC SERVICE SINGING 10:00 AM,~--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, ~MORNING WORSHIP ALL SERVICES IN MASONIC TEMPLE THE CHURCH WHERE YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER MISSION SUNDAY 9:45 AM, BIBLE SCHOOL 1MTAM & 7PM, REV. W. BEACH SOUTH AFRICA REV. R. A SIMCOE STREET Pentacostal Church BOMBAY, PASTOR VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME 11:00 AM -- COMMUNION The Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond E, betwetn Codilloe N, end Central Park Blvd, PASTOR=REV, Wm, J, wih WANE T=-MA. T. FARMER cho DIRECTOR---~MR, 7 PM. --(3) AMOS AND THE TERRIBLE REFRAIN "YET HAVE YE NOT RETURNED" ® ANOTHER CHALLENGE FROM THE MINOR PROPHETS ® GOOD GOSPEL MUSIC 11:00 AM. BELIEVERS COMMUNION SERVICE "OUR CLEANSING ANP SANCTIFICATION" 10:00 AM~--FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL A FINE CLASS FOR THOSE OF EVERY AGE St. Andrew's United Church. MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, Organist and Chelrmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, AT.CM: 11:00 AM.--THE LOVE OF GOD 9:50 AM.--Senlor, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11:00 AM.--Nursery, Primary and Beginners Classes 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST, CHURCH REV, J. K, MOFFAT. WILL PREACH 17 ERIE ST, DIAL RA 5.3872 REV, R, E, DARGAN, Pastor COVENANT SUNDAY SNDAY SCHOOL TOR Alley I SOVINANT SE The CHALLENGE OF i) 4 RUE THE FAMILY GOSPEL MISSIONARY FILM oN CUBA NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER == REV, HA MELLOW, B.A, ORGANIST == MR, J, R, ROBERTSON SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS == 9130 AM. AND 11:00 AM, 11:00 AM. --""WHITE GIFT Service" TOPIC OF SERMON "THE WORD MADE FLESH" SOLOIST; BRUCE DIzLeyY OF TORONTO PASTOR'S SUBJECT: | THE FRAGRANCE OF MY CHURCH The Free Methodist Church will soon be observin id 100th Birthday, We Invite you to Join In this Covenant Service 4 NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT . , , The Annual Sunde y School Christmas Concert at 7: 30 'p.m, 7:00 P.M.~="FRIENDLY HOUR" (in the Ladies' Parlor) Tople: "I BELIEVE IN FORGIVENESS" THE SESSION WILL MEET AFTER THE EVENING SERVICE CHURCH 150 Albert St, Pastor: CARL A, KARTECHNER 7.00 PM -- EVANGELISTIC 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School and Bible Classes THE SALVATION ARMY OSHAWA CITADEL SIMCOE S. AND OAK STREET MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers YOUTH ON THE MARCH | we 7% M THE PULPIT 1 AM, and 7 WECIAL SIRVICES CONDUCTED BY iy YOUNG PEOPLE USIC BY CITADEL BAND AND SONGSTERY 2:00 PMs SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M, == The Home League (Women's Meeting) Christmas Carolling by the Citadel Band will commence next Monday and Will continue on selected nights until Christmas 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM, SERVICES 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM, ADULT BIBLE CLASS 10:00 AM, Lutheran Hour: CFRB "THIS IS THE LIFE" Channel 11 4 PM, | | CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Re. Warren G, Dickson, B.A, Minister Mr, R, K, Kellington, Organist ond Cholr Master 9:45 AM --DIVINE WORSHIP ot the ho f Mr, oe Jems o Rh, and Rg A Re Nelson, 1218 Sun Velley 10:00 AM, -- Centre St, A School, A close for ell ages, 11:00 AM. ~DIVINE WORSHIP IN @ENTRE ST, CHURCH, Topic: "The Night of Nights! EVERYBODY WELCOME Albert Street United Church REV, 8, C,H, ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist end Chelrleader 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT "Come, O Come, Emmanuel" 7 P.M. THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR "THE ERRAND OF THE REDEEMER" 9:45 AM, ~Primary through Senior §.5. 11:00 AM ==Nursery, Kindergarten, Beginners, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) 812 HORTOP STREET Rev, N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Musie 9:45 AM. -- THE BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM-- "THE ONE QUESTION TO ASK GOD" GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST, SUNDAY 10:30 A.M --REMEMBERING THE LORD 12:18 P.M. ==SUNDAY SCHOOL and ADULT BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M, ~=GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: J, JOYCE of Toronto Wed, 7:45 p.m, = Bible Study end Prayer Meenng A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S Ime , at Brock St, WILSON AND ROGERS Simcos St. N, ot Brock § Pronk Walter: Organist ond Cholr Director The Rev, Robert 8. Milroy, MA, Minister Interim Modarator REV, D, R, MeKILLICAN, B.A, B.D, Mr, David Jenkins, Musical Director Dial 19, Markham, Ontarle 7:00 PM, -- "THE ONE ANSWER TO GIVE GOD" Oshawa Youth For Christ HERE FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY "KINGFISH"" OF THE Famous Amos and Andy Show $IMCOR ST, UNITED CHURCH Saturday, Dec. 6th 7:45 PM, Guest Speaker: REV, EL LLOYD of London, England EVERYONE WELCOME 11:00 AM. & 7 PM, THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 10:00 AM, JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP REV, J. WASSON D.D 2:15PM, CHURCH SCHOOL Tues, Dec. 16, 8 p.m. -- Induction Service REV, DEREK ALLEN ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Rev, Clinton D, Cross, B.A, L.Th ADVENT 2 9.00 AM~HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM. ~HOLY COMMUNION «= REV, C, CROSS 7:00 P.M~~EVENING PRAYER-~REV, P, TRANT KNOX SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 AM, ADULT BIBLE CLASS SOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30 AM. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED RA 5.2386 THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH The bestowals of God are all and always mani- fest, The promises of heaven are ever present, For Further Information Write:=-- OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY 293 Glenview Ave, = Phones RA 3.3281 SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city oe the Nord on Its heart, MINISTER: REV, JOMN K, FAT Director of Music: Mr, R, To or tC CM. 1:00 AM.--"THE CHRISTIAN AND WORLD NEED" The Minister will preach at both services 7:00 PM.--"THE LIGHT THAT CANNOT BE PUT OUT" JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE $T, CHURCH inion, Sn ot oun People unlor, Intermedia w==Infants cared for In the Halle Y Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hilecroft Streets Rector The Ven, H. O Cleverdon -- Phane 3.8793 100 AM. = 11:00 AM. = 7:00 P | CALVARY BAprTIST CHURCH CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS (AFFILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP O OF SYANGRLICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES NA MR EL LLOYD from London, England HEBREW CHRISTIAN REPRESENTING BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE PRO- BATION OF THE GOSPEL AMONG THE JEWS. THIS SOCIETY WAS FOUNDED IN 1842, 11:00 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M. 9:45 A.M.-BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES @® Choir and Music. Under Direction of Miss Ruth Skinner, ARCT, td HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrle Streets, one block eost of Albert RECTOR «= THE REV, E, A, IRWIN, LS, 8:00 AM. == 11:00 AM, == 7:00 P.M, ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH ~ WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev, R, A Sharp «= RA 5.7064 8:00 AM, == 11:00 AM, = 7:00 P.M. Secretary: ST, MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD, NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV. J. N, LOTHIAN, S.Th, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRS? CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST SUNDAY SCHOOL--9:30 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM, -- SUBJECT: "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock Includes testimonies at hegling through Christian Science. READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE: Monday .7:00 pm, to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday ond Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS REV, MERVIN A, BURY, MA, B.D, Minister Mr, Rhyddid Williams, Chair Director and Orgonist 476 Beurling Ave, == Priest in Charge 10:00 a.m, uae and Church Schaal, 8:00 AM. = 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M, Your Eapanmens Baby Creche 11:00 a.m, Sacrament of MERE and Reception of Members 11:00 AM--"A ho ST. THOMAS CHURCH, BROOKLIN DISCIPLES THE FRIENDLY REV. E,W, FULLER, B.A, B.D, ST.M, RECTOR Read: St, John Nk BAL 10:00 AM.=MATTINS, 1st ond 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Anthem: "In oak Mid TIER 7:00 P. Mn THE MIGHTIER 10:00 AM EUCHARIST 2nd and 4th SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL Solo; "0 Saviour Sweet" (Bach' p ® Great Congregational Singing. PEN AL S V. aten T y w= Rev, Mery ury ARY M ALL A E FRIENDL AMIL of SuhcH WAYS A WELCON E AT C4 \L Listen to "Friendly Chat" Rev in A B® tonight +o oo. XR id

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