Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Dec 1958, p. 3

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° , 7 WE GURAWA YTUES, PAK, BA § WI Tg \ 1958 Oshawa Building Is Ahead Of Last Year 60 New Home Permits Issued In November Oshawa police will continue to|ing regulations, if necessary un.| November building permits is- American Oil. Co, Toronto, new, Storar and Dunbrik, Simcoe lay charges of careless driving der other legislation, sued by the city slid to 140 from [service station -- $20,000; Gillard] street north, brick kiln -- $1,000; when warranted, even though the) The Attorney General's office 242 jgsued 'the previous month. |Cleaners, 92 Wolfe street, altera- M. Starr, 25 Olive avenue, gare future of the careless driving has announced it will appeal the Estimated cost of construction [tion of dry cleaning plant--$1,000; age -- $600; Kas and Rog Build- section of the Highway Traffic Supreme Court ruling. Until this represented by the permits also|Rosslynn Estates, new house -- ers, 318 Guelph street, two hous- ' Act is now a matter of litigation. |appeal is heard, police will con-\qropped heavily--from $1,417,775($12,500; J. Ochonski, 621 Crerar|es -- $21,900; Subway Lunch, 738 A. police spokesman indicated tinue to lay charges of careless to $986,395, avenue, riew house -- $10,000; J,|Annis street, new food packing Friday morning there will be no|driving pr until instructions from| gyen go, the amount of build: Ridgely, 986 King street east, new plant -- $6,000; Brewers Ware relaxation of the regulations or! Queen s Park are received to the ing for which permits have been|house -- $17,000; M, Dubyk, 89|house Company, 165 King street enforcement. contrary. issued so far this year exceeds|Luke street, new garage -- $500; | west, repairs--$3000; A. Collins, Police Continue Laying Charges It is expected that future cases Despite an Ontario Supreme| : the total for the whole of last court ruling which invalidated will not be heard until an appeal| yon. $15,134 309 of ey the careless driving charge earl- decision has been reached, and $12,254,430. And with another jer this week, police will still be|cases now pending in the courts $500,000 or so expected this MORE THAN 200 OSHAWA RESIDENTS GIVE BLOOD able to enforce traffic and driv-will be held over. month, the figure will go higher Te yet. B. P. Canada, Ltd., Toronto, sign|16 Centre street, new store, of« -- $800; Smith Sports, 353 King fices and bowling alley -- $160,» street west, addition to sports|000: E, Hansink, 65 Bentworth- store -- $1200; M. Heidt, 1482 avenue, Toronto, five new hous Simcoe street north, cellar alter-|es -- $66,000; Park Lane Aparte ations -- $1500; 8. Jackson, 288 ments, Mary street, TV antene« Red Cross officials report | took on the appearance of a | clinic opened. In the above | George McCammond of the that the first Oshawa-blood do- | hospital ward as the clini¢ was | picture, Red Cross nurses Eva | Oshawa City Police, More than nor clinic, held in St, Greg- [set up with neat rows of bets | Hardwick, left, and I. Knunsi- | 200 donors gave blood at yes- ory's Auditorium Thursday, | for the donors who arrived in a | gagi, of Toronto, collect blood | terday's clinic, was a success. The auditorium | steady flow from the time the | from Detective - Sergeant | Oshawa Times Photo. $10,000 For Shorthorn Bull |," $i 5 Canadian Shorthorns were at a|, Business Group Organized Here The Oshawa District Chapter Ltd.; Ferranti-Packard Electric apartments, bringing the estimat- of the Society of Industrial and|Ltd.; Trans-Canada Pipe Lines oq construction cost to $581,200, founded Itd.; Smith Mfg, Co. Ltd.; Mas- ; Arthur street, nine new houses -- | 5 NEW OMES $90,000; A. Potter, 204 Elizabeth| Engineering department figures | straot cellar alterations -- $1500; | disclosed that permits for only 60|4 Bathe, Pinecrest road. new dwelling units - were granted in swimming pool -- $5000, November compared with 110 for| Nn Goldman, 167 Park road October. Included in the total are north, seven new houses 42 'single family dwellings, 10/8) 000: W. Hartwig, 630 Wych- demi . detached units and eight iy ig 5 yy {$650; M. Deboski, MI Shatburs 0 |street, new house -- $11,500; F. Building of the new F. W.|pohan, 392 Wellesley drive, To- na -- $500; T. A. Wilson Lum ber Company, Cannington, Ont.,~ new house -- $10,000; Russell" Transport, Ritson road south, storage building -- $50,000; G. Lepine, 112 Buckingham avenue, garage -- $700, Principal Investments, 138 Richmond street west, Toronto, finish store for Ontario Licence Bureau -- $4000; G. Lysyk, 728 Chesterton avenue, new house -- £10,500; premium at the Congress Sale, Education Board Dean Opens School Addition a ra of the finance committee, G. A. $10,000 was paid by a Canadian Fletcher, and the staff of the'for a Canadian bred bull Sunset Heights School was pre-| N. D. Hogg, of Uxbridge, was sented by the Inspector of Public the pur r and the bull, Scots- Schools, W, J. MacDonald dale Marshall, grand champion The Oshawa Superintendant of| from the recent Royal Winter primary Education, Dr. C. M. Fair, was consigned by S. G. Ben- Elliott, introduced the gues t/nett, Georgetown. speaker Second high price of the day, A member of the teaching staff $5,000, was for another Bennett Miss Beth Travell Sang a Rolo a bull, Scotsdale Medallion, both selection which was warmly com- being sired by Calrossie I refect, \ o Supreme Champion, Perth, Scot- plimented by Mrs. Colpus. land. in 1 The prayer of dedication was "Top priced female was pur- offered: by C. D. Cross d at $2 950 by Louada Farms PLATFORM GUESTS Peterborough, Second top female Other platform guests included; Price, $2,700, was p aid to Richard A. Sutton, principal of Sunset son Stoc ms, Winnipeg, Mani- ahts Public School: Mrs. C. C.[toba 1s for Kelburn Cro s. A. Wilson, B. Arm. cus 19th, Senior Champion of the O'Neill R. Brit-| International Show Drynan W. Min-| Canadian Shorthorn bulls sell Coffey. A. Yanch. ing in this sale averaged $4,006; J. R. Bachus and Canadian Shorthorn females av- eraged $1,031, the overall Cana- Staff members introduced Gian average was $2,519. were: Miss Grace Trull, Mis: Anna Stadnyk, Mrs. Edna Coul- ter, Mrs. Glenna Bailey, Mrs. Marion Teskey, Miss Beth Tre- vell, Mrs." Pauline Toenjes, Mrs. Irla Hart, Miss Georgina Clark, Mrs. Mary Wright, William Ri- educator the Ontario Teachers Federation wound up a career spanning after 20 years as a charter mem three decades Thilrsday night, by ber. Mrs. Colpus also has the delivering a series of sincere distinction of being the only "plugs" for music, kindergartens, woman honorary president of the teachers and the Home and Public School Trustees Associa School Association, tion of Ontario. Mrs. B. C. Colpus mentioned] When Mrs. Colpus joined the only briefly her own lengthy con- school board, Oshawa had eight tribution to better education; in-|public schools and one collegiate stead she called on parents to/During 1958,. the last year in have more _sy thy with the which she served, the city opened fy teabhers, under-|/three elementary schools, one col- importance in the|legiate and the Sunset Heights work done "lined the gf education of the kinder- addition. Her coll ies all fran! garten classes, and admitted that|ly admit the great part she ha td a certain extent she liked be-|played in this extension and im pep music provement of local education at "The press," said Mrs. Colpus. the primary and high school ley "has usually ignored the presen els tation of music when commenting Stephen G. Saywell, chairman on school activities. I hope they of the Oshawa Board of Educa will make an exception tonight. tion, acted as chairman for the! '1 am glad that music instruc- evening program tibn has become firmly-establish-| «po nam py ba . in our school system. It is cer GREAT EXPANSION tainly not a frill." I even approve," Mrs. Colpus, 'of a A veteran Oshawa Res Rev 1ehe H F ¢ tt, Rey J /. G. Bunker H. W. McNeill Greetings from the city were continued presented by. Ald: A, Haywood certain/ Murdoch, who noted that during amount of be-pop, or whatever|/his 10 years in public life, the they call it." board of education had handled 'Mrs. Colpus, the first woman $3,000,000 for public school «and elected to public office in Osh- slightly less than $2,000,000 for aja, was officially opening an collegiate buildings and facili- addition to the Sunset Heights ties. chardson, Donald Sutton (princi- School. Last year she was| Platform guests and trustees pal); honorary - Philie nt of were introduced by the chairman'ham, R. Johnston and H. Wagg. Many CRA Activities 'Show Big Expansion ~~ A year of considerable progress] Day camp attendance for spe- if all fields is summed up in thecial interest groups increased annual report of the Oshawa and from 55 last year to 123 in . District Community . Recreation The report on winter activities Association, released this week. [presented the same glowing pic Wanted Dogs 'Bre Found is over. Dr. H. C. officer, un@ported mals had been | under 14-day observation. Fair, 15, of 529 Masson street laga road, were attacked and during the year. Inthe central school shortly after. building on Gibb street, a con- The dogs were picked up siderable amount of repair and Wednesday and Thursday alteration has heen made to the electrical system. Cigaret sand-| urns have been distributed The search for two dogs who Cecil Brownson, Edgar Gra- had bitten two Oshawa girls in| separate incidents late last week| Stevens, dog control | that both ani- picked up and| were being held at the city pound The search began after Marcia| and Gloria Gulenchyn, 239 Ma- bitten, Neither girl was serious- 3 ly injured and each returned to|papairs to the breakwater at Osh-| § on Tuesday evening at an inaugural |sey-Ferguson Ltd.; Canadian Ko. dinner held at Hotel Genosha,|dak Limited; Philips Electronics The largest group of accountants|Industries Ltd.; Labatt's Ltd.; ever to assemble. in Oshawa was|Sangano Electric Ltd. present, Mayor Lyman A. Gifford, who The meeting was conducted by welcomed the guests, expressed the executive of the Toronto Y | Chapter of the society which surprice at the number of in- sponsored the new chapter, Har- dustries represented by thz new old Cannon, RIA, president of chapter, and suggested that this| the Ontario Society of Industrial|¥as an indication of the industri-| and Cost Accountnts, installed|al stature of the area. His Wor | the executive which includes: ship was particularly interested Chairman, D. S. Read, RIA, of|in one of the projected programs, (Dunlop (Canada) Itd.; vice| How to Prepare a Budget and| |ohairman, Norman' V. Roe, of|Live With It," and thought some Duplate Ltd.: secretary treasur- of the members of city council er. Gordon 1. Rimmer; direc-|could benefit from this type of tors, A. S..Venn, CA, RIA, of|discussion Robson Leather Co. Lid.; P.| Guest speaker of the evening Fletcher, of Duplate Ltd; G. was J. N. Allan, RIA, executive Howell, BA., RIA, of Field Avia- vice-president: of the Canadian tion Co, Ltd.; G. W. Riehl, CA Society of Industrial and Cost of Monteith Monteith, Riehl and Accountants, who outlined the Co.: A. Attersley, of Dowty history of the organization, its Equipment of Canada Lt4d.; R.|present stature and the anticipa- B. Black, B. Comm., RIA, of{ted growth, The society was Bathurst Containers Ltd. and E.|sponsored in 1921 by representa- S. Cheetham of Fittings Ltd. tives of the Provincial Institute 'Accountants from the Toronto of Chartered Accountants. Today chapter represented some of | the society is the fastest growing |Canada's leading industries in-| group of professional account- [eluding General Foods ltd, ants in Canada as it keens pace Marathon Corporation of Canada|with Canada's industrial growth, To Repair Breakwater At Harbor The department of public works has awarded a contract for $10,920 to Ontario Marine and Dredging Limited, of Toronto, for | | awa, The company submitted the| lowest bid on the project in re-| | sponse to the department's adver-| tising for public tenders. Spegi- fied completion date is Feb. 2, 050 |76 permits covering $28.445 worth Woolworth store on King street| pronto, new house -- $11,500; Osh- Loupan Developments, west is included in the overall|,wa Fur and Storage, 81 William |Toronto, two houses -- $20,000 total. It will cost $126,000. | street west, truck garage -- $1000, 1. Kayel, 108 Olive avenue, new, Here is a breakdown of the| Holden Brothers, 63 King street|house -- $9,000; Kassinger Con- November figures: Single family cast. new sign -- $1,400; The struction, 901 Colborne street dwellings -- 42 at $476,300; semi- Times, King street cast, new Cast, new house ~~ $12,000; Ex detached dwellings 10 at|sign -- $1500; E. Hansink, 65 Hansink, 'Toronto, three new $95,000; one conversion to an|Bentworth avenue, Toronto, new houses -- $39,600; S. Jackson an apartment building producing|house -- $13,200; M, Segal, 733|Son, 288 Arthur street, new eight units at $10,000; new com-|Glengrove street, cellar . alters house -- $10,000: ¥. W. Wools mercial buildings seven at|tions -- $1000; L. Canning, 757 . IAd., Toronto, new dev = $366,700; new carports 'and ga- Masson street, addition to home partment store -- $126,000; F.., rages -- eight at $4950; and one|-- $3000; M. Labriola, 328 Sim-|Beuchler, 1042 Farewell avenue, swimming pool at $5000; addi-|coe street south, repairs -- $600; new garage -- $500. tions, repairs and alterations ~(H. Kassinger Construction, new home -- $11,000; E. Schiller, 131 FREED ON BLOOD TEST Norwood court, new carport -- KITCHENER (CP) -- An im- $500; A. Wilson, 169 Sherwood |paired driving charge against a ; avenue, garage -- $500; F. Sleep, Waterloo man was dismissed in Details are as follows: |Whitby, new home $10,000; | court Thursday after a blood test John Romanuk, 36 FernhilliBrocton Construction, 77 . Lloyd showed no alcohol in his blood. boulevard, conversion of building Manor drive, Toronto, five semi-/stream in spite of police reports into apartment -- $10,000; British! detached houses -- $95,000, {his breath smelled of alcohol. worth Co of work. PERMITS LISTED To Conduct | Army Service A unique idea in bringing the | young people to the forefront {which was. begun six years ago, is being carried out at the Osh- awa Salvation Army again this year, Next Snday will | young people conduct a Sunday's program of meetings and, for the day, assume the) duties and responsibilities of their) adult counterpart. Evelyn Sargeant and Ruthe) Nelson, captain and lieutenant, |respectively, will lead the meet ings and preach the sermons, Barbara Jean Rankin will be ser |geant major for the day, and other young people will perform | various other offices even to con |ducting the band and the song- |sters. Services of this nature in other years have brought out hid- den talent and produced many surprises, CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE Construction of Sidewalks ood, no orpora- the see several In future, unless required for the common sidewalk will be built or replaced by the tion until a petition has been received from owners of the abutting property. . Petitions must be signed by at least two-thirds in number of the owners representing at least one- half of the value of the abutting property. The 1959 sidewalk construction program will in- clude streets for which petitions were received before December 31st, 1958, if construction is feasible on such streets, Participation, in the varied ac-|ture, with an increased and still throughout the building and new tivities of the CRA, the report growing interest in all activities states, increased more than 30|Arts and Crafts classes increased per. cent over the most successful during the fall to such an extent rubber matting has been install ed in the main halls. Much of the Safety Week Traffic Deaths Four boys, who did a splendid | * This work involves the building {up and reinforcing with rubble | Job on one occasion, are now Sal vation Army officers in charge of} plBvious year. tLat some classes had to be split, ymmer = activities reached so that the instructors could cope s a volume, in 1958, that staff With the numbers. There are was doubled at 50 per cent of the|2100 boys in the CRA Peewee CHA playgrounds. These summer Hockey league, and bowling and activities include the 52-team dart leagues are also gaining in mipor baseball loop, which al-momentum. most doubled in size during the| The Judo club, and the Health year. and Strength club both show an Swimming, and water - safety increase in membership this win- classes under the CRA enjoyed ter, and for the senior citizens, their best year ever, with more|the less strenuous shuffleboard that 450 registered for the|league flourishes. courses, and 80 children taking| Although, including affiliated red Cross lifesaving courses. organizations, the CRA boasts a The increase in attendance atitnta] participation roll of 4500 playground -activities necessitated more than 1000 more than last much hard work for the CRA year suitable pro- staff, in arranging suitabe PLO. ,cp mies IMPROVED interior has been repainted, and a new stove has been installed in the kitchen. A number of stack- ing tables were presented to the CRA by the Oshawa Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber- shop Quartet Singing in America. 4 The CRA now plans to deal ported for the first three day with the. problems of paving the Saskatchewan, New Srumwick, east parking lot on Gibb street, Newtoundland amy Prince 1d Lmpreying the he ating system in| mv. canadian Highway Safely all and increasing the avail- for 5 i able storage space in the hall {Conference has p redicied 2 sob * |deaths during safe-driving week % dose "| this year, Last year's figure was | 45. : Seven fatalities were reported Wednesday with all provinces ""Comnarable" OTTAWA (CP)--Safe - driving week traffic fatalities matched last yea figures near the half- way mark with 18 deaths re- SHARE STRIKE RISK { WASHINGTON %AP) The armor stones certain weak sec- [tions of the existing rubble break- |water for a length of approx- imately 580 feet. Rubble stone comprised of single blocks uni- formly shaped and varying in weight from two to five tons will be placed on top and along the east side of the existing rubble| breakwater, The average width ward Itand were fatality free, |over which the new rubble will be}. placed is approximately 20 feet. Approximately 1300 tons of rubble {stone will be used. | Plans and specifications were prepared by the Toronto district office of the Harbors and Rivers Engineering Branch, Department SPECIAL SPERKER Trustee Albert E. O'Neill, of the Oshawa Board of Educa- tion, former principal of 'the Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute, who will be the speaker at the Brock District High School Commencement Exercises in Cannington to- night. 'Butos Damaged corps in various parts of Canada. Oshawa Citadel has reason to be proud of the aggressive spirit of Walter R.Branch, Chairman, Board of Works. its young people. A good man to know! YOUR FRANCHISED Rollei pear grams, and in sub-dividing activ- ity groups. Trained playground To keep pace with the increase staff was increased during the in participation, the CRA has im- summer months. proved its facilities considerably among six airlines to share earn-|tario, two in Quebec and one in ings if one is grounded by a;Manitoba. strike. The agreement provides| The highway conference gave for monthly payments to the this breakdown by provinces as {grounded airline by the lines still| of Wednesday: Ontario seven operating, out of additional reve- Quebec five, British Columbia nues they derive from traffic di- three, and Nova Scotia, Manitoba Civil Aeronautics Board Thurs- but British Columbia and Alberta | of Public Works. . ow day tentatively approved a pact|heard from. Four occurred in On-{ n 1s10n Robert Mullins, 24 King St. W., and G. Winston Petherick, 105 Olive Ave. were involved in a |traffic accident Thursday even- |ing at the intersection of Simcoe Start Appeal He's proud to sell and service world-famous Rollei Cameras and all their outstanding accessories -- and he's right in your own neighbourhood. If you're a picture taker, get to know him. You'll find him an COMING EVENTS BINGO Coronation Orange Temple SAT., DEC. 6 -- 8 p.m, 20 Regular Games Share the Wealth BAZAAR held at St. Mary's Church, Hall, corner of Bloor and Ritson, Fri.| day, December 5, Saturday, December] , Bingo games and home cooking. 284b BAZAAR Saturday, Dec. 6 AT 7:30 4--3%$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Special to go 284 $T. JOHN'S UKRANIAN GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4th Oshawa Brownie and Guide Group Committee CHRISTMAS TEA AND SALE OF WORK Scout Hall, Gibbon St. DEC. 6, 1958 - 2:30 to 4:30 Adults 35¢ Children 15¢ BINGO, SEWING AND TEA ROOM | CHRISTMAS BINGO, DEC. 6th' UAW.A HALL 10 Games $10 10 Games $15 Share the wealth to go 5 Jackpots $25 1 Jackpot $150 Turkey Door Prizes 283c Corner Simcoe ond Bloor St. Sponsored by Junior Women's Auxiliary | 2840 ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH GUILD INVITES ONE AND ALL TO THEIR CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE And Sale of Work Saturday, . December 2-5 p.m. Corner of Wilson and Hoskin 282¢ TIP of the day on good job-offers: See the Want Ads! Look 'em over NOW! . 6 7 (verted to them, For Missions and Colborne Sts. expert on all kinds of photographic equipment. ib PHYSICI Dr. Marlowe H.. Schaffner, | MD, one of the scores of dedi- | cated missionary-physicians of many faiths in Africa is inter: cepted on his station by four little patients. The boy holding the doctor's attention, is point ing to a spot that might indi- | AN-BUILDER IN CONGO and Alberta one each. © |ventist § lbs cate the { sinning of leprosy )r. Schaffner's 70-bed hospital s partially supported by funds | given in the 55th annual appeal | now being made Seventh-day Adventist ih Oshawa, by the Church ! |by Christmas carollers. | |drive are Pastors V. W. Collins { | as a widespread medical, welfare, | land educational ministry in 185 . |lands abroad. | to 6,029,403 persons. His Rolleis are the world's most imitated cameras, and he can tell you why. Of course, he stocks all Rollei models and their ies. Your Rollei-franchised dealer has available for you a wealth of helpful literature on photography -- suggestions on how to take better pictures -- ih to use Rollei accessories -- how to make your hobby more rewarding. Your franchised Rollei Dealer' assures you of prompt service, See the full line of Rolleis and let your Rollei Dealer recommend the one best suited to you. Police said the Mullins vehicle was travelling south on Simcoe St. when it attempted a left turn on to Colborne St. The Petherick car was going north on Simcoe St. and collided with the Mullins |car in the intersection. Damage | was minor, rasan In he clyde CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Peggy Ring, 283 French street; Mrs. Tom Wren, 184 Kluane street; Robert Holds- worth, 76 Montrave avenue; Teresa Dowler, 1104 Hortop avenue; Mrs. Winnifred Ane derson, 337 Division street; Betty Bright, 755 Margaret street; Robert Ogden, Trull's road, Courtice; Suzanne Ebbs, 391 Mary street; Lance Beath, RR 2, Oshawa; Mrs. Elsie. Essex, 352 Division street; Ruth Todgham, 251 Baldwin street The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each dav will receive double tickets to he Regent Theatre, good for a four-week peviod, The cur- rent attraction is "Damn Yankees." The 55th Annual World Missions Appeal, sponsored by the Oshawa Missionary College and Albert | Street Seventh-day Adventist | churches, opened this week with] house-to-house calls accompanied and G. FE. Andersen. The a here is $18,000. Funds will go toward extending welfare, disaster aid, and educa- tional services at home as well x and Rolleicord Cameras and ies are g d in Canad by Arrow Photographic, Toronte. The Rollei that suits you best, may be seen at... JURY & LOVELL vm. 8 K . E S950 OSHAWA ** ess 15 kine st. wv. BOWMANVILLE 317 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY Rolleifie; A On a world basis volunteer Ad- workers in 1957 gave 5,868,096 hours in welfare services More than $1,000,000 in cash, some 5,000,000 articles of clothing, and 2,356,000 food baskets were contributed in a relief program conservatively valued at $24,562,401. Approxi- mately 50 per cent of this aid was | given in North America. | Seventh-day Adventist mem- | bers themselves contributed more [than $72,000,000 last year toward [the support of their world church program, in addition to welfare actifities During the pas} year volunteer | Adventist workers in the two Osh- {awa churches gave 1648 hours in welfare services to 524 persons. 2,249 articles of clothing, and 231 food baskets were distributed to ithose in need. MA 3.5778 MO 8-2338

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