Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Dec 1958, p. 18

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B6--Female Help Wanted 44--For Rent For Rent ool Estote Por Sele 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale SIRE To work in n modern food 'sior wore, perience pref i Apply In person, SiFoud's ood Fok, AN fimeoe North, Wie | i MODERN large three - room ground floor apartment, Refrigerator and washing facilities, Corner of King and Division, Phone Whitby MO|Z 82308 Ld TED ~ pd perience, and references, Apply, ingars Health Appliances, 250 Simeos t Bouth, 283 LARGE modern apartment, two bed. rooms, in brand new apartment block, entral lo GM, rot N_ houseinaids and domes est Would you uke a Job in ton to? om, nlimited, Birest, i bg 1 Ontario, YOUN I indy required "for administra. office, must he a good typist and ve had experience in general office work, Apply giving full particulars of education and experience to w, Gorden 'oron! Chureh | Now available, $95 monthly, %A Hija THREE . room unfurnished downstairs Louisa Btreet. HOUSE, ¥ nine rooms, brick, for rest part "Ye. home, two Bunker, Bimoos Street South, Oshawa, 279 37--Male o Help Wanted YOUNG m man about 2 years y of Age age, for administration office, Should have jou least a Grade 12 special commereisl or Grade 13 education, A good avperunity for a young man who is in. n his future advancement, Apply giving full particulars of qu tleation to W, Gordon Bunker, ness Administrator, 170 Simeoe St South, Oshawa, 39--Agents Wanted NEW to Canndn. Proven "Magic Voice" courses solve personal prob. tems. Invest $100. Get hack . $247.50, be retail $40.50. Audio Suggestion, 2040 Agency in subserip: to all 1431A Yonge Wie 270 ™ TO represent the Davis own locality, sellin, , new and renewals, ing gaz [] rite D, E. Wilson, Sttvet, Toronto 7, Ontario, #1--Room and Board M and board for gentlemen, Apply | ry Obert Street, 2841 | ROOM and board for gentlemen, par | #levlarly friends, abstainers, seconds from bus stop, RA 8.1776, 77 Gibbon Street, opposite Shopping Centre, 204f | ROOMS and board for three gentiemen, Apply 21 Gladstone Avenue; RA 8.0203, ROOM and board, close to south plant, General Motors, within walking dis. tance, Apply 1403 Oxford Street off Park Road South ROOM and board for gentlemen, cen: tinuous hot water, home privileges Apply 241 Ritson Road South 2 COMFORTABLE room with board, in quiet country home, sult older person Reasonable, RA 5.4060, ROOM and board for modern home, home TV, For information, gentleman in privileges also oall RA A] wm LOVEL Y, newly decorated ~rivaiel room with board for young lady, in| adult home, - North Simeoe distriet Phone RA 5.8017 2001 | ROOM and board for gent ROOC menls, single beds, continjous hot water, Apply 252 Arthur Street, RA| 80729 2821 ROOM, board, double, single, Good European meals, Close Four Coram, and GM, 20 Elgin East, RA 8.3160 Dec,13| ROOM and board for gentlemen, good meals, single beds, home privi parking space, close to all south pi 102 Mul or RA 3.3101, Deed PEST (n town, single beds, all modern conveniences, close to south GM, RA 85-4220, Apply 8536 Lorraine Street. ROOM and board for three gontiemen, | in private home, walking distance f vom | South GM. RA 5.5570 2031 | ROOM and board for gentlemen, "close | tw to downtown, Apply Elgin Street East or RA 3.7814, Dec. YOR gentlemen, Wn beds, south GM, Duplate and Pedlars days weekly esll RA 57754, 43--Wanted to Rent ed ~ - rere WURINESS gentleman desires furnish. od room, breakfast optional, State par close to Six| ee | BULAN UI Apply 147 Mill Btieet of formation phone Mr, Clayton, RA 5:50) | SINGL E bathrooms, good location, just oul oity. H ARMS, 'Taunton, Ontario 0, THREE - room modern basement ide 3 stove, rigerator, door, Child welcome, South, RA 58000, a FRONT = three . room Apariment, ground floor, Private entrance. leavy Simeoe Hireel wa heated, | apartment, Private entrance and bath; I, Bus at) FURNISHED room for lady, bus ser: vice, Phone RA 8:0780 or If no answer RA 88509, 29 SIX - room frame nouse, hydro, close to Port Perry . Oshawa Highway, Im. mediate possession. Apply to Fred Carnochan, Box 110, Port Perry, N TWO nice room close to bus, Taundry | facilities, Reasonable, Will "cire for ehild while mother works. RA 5.0241, Dee. 10 RELY - co immediate possession, large living room, two bedrooms, kitchen with cup. 8, four-piece bathroom, oll heated, hot water, sult four adults or family with po bables, $65 a month, in | Hampton, + _MArket 3-24 A Li rds, Mn k o iment buitin cup [ ards sink, duplex y an ing. Phone RA 54830, 2001 FOUR niee clean rooms, in private home, kitchen sink and eupboards, dren, SGM. Phone RA 3.9788, No ii wiring, Heated, Apply 263 Quebec Street, side ss APARTMENT = two large furnished or unfurnished rooms, private bath, ards, sink Hewvy oy wiring, suit two ladles or supe, | 33428, 210 Mary Stree ROOMS for gentlemen, a Ya 50601, 29 Charles Street, 2 APARTMENT building, three rooms, bathroom, washer, aerial, parking, adults, Near Oshawa Shopping Centre, 213 Stevenson South, w NEW home, six rooms, $95 monthly, with washer and dryer, hardwood and tile floors, Phone collect MO 8.2413, Whi hitby wi FOUR - toom house with bath, ga: ha Fie all Miiached, in Courtice, $75 a mont mth, Wo . Eo ultra modern a ment, conveniently located near id ping Centre, stove and refrigerajor, au. tomatic laundry facilities, Apply 208 omwell Avenue, Apartment 3, 264f ONE room, divided to make wo vo good NEW home, me, Six Toom house, newly dec: |orated with three bedrooms. Mel: sryite, Available anytime. Prone HA Fo Fnished rooms, close (0 hospi: (tal; may be used as an apartment. RA 05004, EL ITWo furnished | housekeept {near Shopping Centre, Call RA i) 107 Fernhill Blvd. : | FOUR = room bungalow, iso three: | | roomed apartment, heat, Yynls and | water supplied. RA 370 Dee. 25 f| ONE "large furnished room, i, Nice for { gentioman, 444 Fernhill Boylevard or | RA 37070 Deed SINGLE, unfurnished * room, N, Auifable [for light housekeeping, newly degorat. ed, Very central, Hest, lights and | water included. RA 33004, 2000 BIX room house, heated with stoves, vacant, $50 a month. 97 Nussau Street, [Apply 78 King West, RA 5.0333 203 | THREE rooms, upper "duplex, "private bath, separate entrance, heavy duty wiring, Downtown, Immediate posses: sion. $60 monthly, RA 39248 sur de NINE room house at 473 French Street Apply 8. A. Gates, 22 Simcoe Street | North, Phone RA 33732 daytime; RA 5:0704 night ns FOUR and three room rimont, heat, lights and water, private bath: also single rooms, sentlemen only, Plone RA 5:5814 an ONE #ix room apartment "With bath, unheated; also one four room with bath, heated, Apply Mrs. G, Annis, 100 King Street East, Bowmanville 200 FURNISHED room, sult one or Iwo gentlemen, Phone 'between 6 and 10 weekdays: anytime Saturdsy and Sun: day, RA 5-8252, _ 283¢ TAREE unfurnished rooms, "econd | floor, heated and. electricity, private | bath, couple only, avallable now, 580 Drew Street, RA 5.7506 _Jan 4 THREE attractively turnished rooms jor rent, newly decorated, suitable for #15 weekly, 466 Albert fie} RA 8.0069, APARTMENT --three rooms and bath, stove and refrigerator, newly decorated. Reasonable rent to good tenant, For .n. We "furnished bedroom, clean, meals optional gy ulet, private home, entleman preferred. Phone RA 5. ticulars, Write Box 403, Oshawa Times, | HOUSE = six = room brick, oil heal ae | al XK ; required "two, or othe now. $100 monthly, Phone RA tli Hill or one WA" D008 or garage, Ava ble 2 conveniences, | Fo Toomas and bath, heated, un 44--For Rent LARGE | ese Phone RA Brive ia. for couple. Phone RA 37174 3836 downtown. furnished bedroom, sult one or [RA 3 near Ped | GOMPUETELY Furnished four apartingut and garage for four months, SXF furni or gentlemen, 1ars, 29 Elena Street. RA $1003, 20h | Ferm wx. es | jour plece bath, le 'at ane acre Jot, | P room bungalow, hres [to relia 4 doub! Charles reat. RA 5 10, "| Working couple desired. RA ya. 3 | lights - | NICELY decorated three Absihiners RA 81770 or 71 Gibbon Street, opposite Shopping Centre, sec: onds to bus stop, wi TWO unfurnished rooms, vale bath, clean, private ig central, Newly: weds or young couple welcome, RA 5-7263, 2040 REE - room apartment, unfurnish- completely redecorated, heat, and. water, bulltdn cupboards, {Avatiable immediately. Phone RA 3.7081, 204 ™ od, ATTRACTIVE Aurnished rooms, avail. able In private home, 82 Park Road North, § «+ 7 p.m, RA 8.8071, L LOWER duplex, centrally located, available January RA 5.4221 or Brooklin 143, wu R room Apartment, newly decor: ated, heavy wiring, kitchen eupboards Adults, Apply 481 Drew Street, one block east of Duplate, THREE . room unfurnished apartment, conveniently Incated, 499 Albert sireat, RIX room house, downiown location Children welcomed, #80 a month, HA 5.7830, m3 « room apart ment, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna, and washing facilities, Avaliable De cember 18 RA 81913, 200 FOUR - Adults only room ground "floor duplex Phone RA 851334, 8 - 6 | RA 3.4221 evenings 200 THREE . room, self « contained apart ment, heat, lights, and water, three. plece Jan, Soyate agirance, available now, Dec " ELV " SR ATRED: "three + room apartment (new home), heavy wiring Adults, Near NGM, Parking. RA 3.7806 Dec. 18 THREE - room apartment, two blocks from downtown; heat, water and hydro supplied, also TV aerial, No ghlaetion to one eohild, 885 monthly, Call a 56020 wfter 6 p.m RIMCOR North, four-, and five + artment, fully equipped, Call 6343, # am, - 8 p.m, J ONE or two furnished rooms, sink and room RA an? a cupboards, near SGM. Apply 208 aa aga Road, TWO furnished sleeping "Faoms. Avo able now. 111 Colborne Street ast, RA 58431 after 8 p.m, FLA WO - room apartment with bathroom, le entrance, Central location, hone RA 3.7082. bu APARTMENT two large rooms, fur she: irst floor, Drew Street, Phone ni TAREE . room, unfurnished To stairs apartment, tiled bathroom, elose to YWCA, heated, private entrance, TV A immediate possession, 316 'con , [tre Street, wi gle beds, Breakiant, lunches Corner store, William "a business poly B43 ar A Nort ae or * Toom couple, Abstainers, a 0, , on Paved road, one mile east of unton, Close to new public school, $100 monthly, Apply evenings RA 8-155, ni upstairs; RA Wi SMREE unfurnished rooms, | two children welcome, Phone W000 or 724 Cedar Street. ROOM, in Courtice, new private quiet home, with all home convenlenc Jhone MA 3.5381, an WWO light housekeeping rooms, 813 weekly, girls or couple. 341 Verdun oad, an THREE . yoom apartment and bath, heavy duty wiring, Central Park Bou. Wri now available, $65 a month, RA 3304. 240 THREE . room, aefrigerator, stove, eto,, 2 Gladstone Avenue furnished apartment, central. Apply anit room, " basement apartment, private bath, modern kitchen, heavy wiring, TV outlet, bus service, Phone RA 5-382) ni T™WO private entrance, apartment with same, 004. private bath, #35 or three room $63. Phone RA wu room apartment, SINGLE room, furnished, kitchen priv. fleges, suitable for two. Appl hy 213 Osh. awa Blvd, North, RA 5.8025 after & pm, 4 COSY room In private home, sult busi. ness girl. RA 5.3069, PLT] 'FOUR room, self "contained private apartment, Bath and sunroom, Reason HOUSE, a lo im 01 Bonnie a Point, BEST APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD, NORTH Private entrances to upper ond lower apartments in new duplex. Beautifully decorated in, pastel colors, 2 blocks to Coronation public school, 18 foot family-size living room, 2 large bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, table and chair areo. Tiled bathroom,. bal- conles overlooking lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome, Stoves, refrigerator, washer, dryer and TV on- tenna included. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION able rent. Apply 332 Elgin Street-West Call Mrs, Wrightee RA 8.1527 2844 WHITBY CLASSIFIED CHRISTMAS trees for sale by John's Anglican Men's Club, on sale i Silver Grill, 1628 Rrock Street South Free delivery, Dec. MANTED ~~ Young man wishes "oh | ployment. evenings and Saturdays, elers fecal or otherwise. Write Hox 301, Osh.| Wie awa Times, Whitby, FOR SALE -- Used rug, 644 x 9, 410; | floor lamp, $3; easy chair, 87, Brockiin " FOR SALE -- 21° Canadian Torry Electric TV, console model, very good | condition, $169, Independent Sales, Whitby Plaza wn Ab SELF . contained three.room apart. ment In Whithy apartment building Heavy wiring, washing facilities, park ing, Vacant December 13, $60, RA S30. wm FOR reni -- small apartment, heated, | suitable for two or three, separate entrance, ground floor, Immediate pes. session. 110 Ash Street, side souln rear Wie "would like MO 84%) 2 door. Near bus terminal YOUNG Dutch woman housework. Phone Whitby, Ie FOR sale -- Gas and wood ran white enamel, Apply 314 Chestnut E after 5 p.m. Me FOR rent -- TTwg or three.roomed un. furiished apartmeht, second floor, Also, partially furnished 'two.roomed base ment apartment. Dundas Street East | MO 8.2063 Balsam Aeross CHOICE Christmas trees, Spruce, Pine, May be seen from Grand Union. Free delivery, G Ra y, MO a3al0 Dec 4) BUY and sell used furniture. Grixt! furniture will pay cash for used appli ances, furniture, Apply basement, 131 Brock South, MO 8.22 Dee AED FURNITURE Teavings, erih, modern bedroom suite, sectional ches tarfleld, guaranteed piano, $130.00. Re. frigerator (practically new) save $170) off new price, beds complete with spring mattress, 817; 2 plece chester field suite, 339; Many more bargains To buy or sell glean used furniture dial MO 84881. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion) Whithy RC Tanks cleaned A ron Dec. 12} (FOR SALE --- 21" Ei Fo aa Streets, FIVE + room 3 | Sireet, Oohawa, [ifigeratar, MArket Bowmanville Dee, 2) IMMEDIATE possession, nice four room apartment, downtown, washer, ryer, TV aerial, furnished If desired Also 3 oirhished bachelor apartmen RA Dee, M ihe TWO nished centrally locate working couple, RA 5.727 Yoom fal, furnished or unfur- table for er § p.m Jan, 3 FURNIRHED bedrcom, very large suit two, very central, Phone RA 5:2807 or apply 1m Ontario Street, 2001 WIDOW would like girl or widow fo share small apartment, or will rent privately, ground floor, separate en trance Apply 185 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m, 2001 HOURE -- four rooms, at Courtice, water inside, Phone RA 8.6770, 200f ROOM for rent, Floss to bus, five min utes from GM north plant, gentleman only, RA 3.2403 200! FIVE . room downstairs apartment Apply 212 Oshawa Boulevard South after 6 pm, : - 20 THREE rooms with private bath, sec ond floor, Apply 530 Albert Street Phone RA 3.2608. : 2001 ONE double room, sult couple, one single roam, sult lady, Board If desired Use of kitchen, close to bus, in Cana dian home, RA 3.2063 ___ not NICELY furnished single room, cen trally located, All conveniences, Phone RA 3.3000 or 150 Burke Street, Dec. 10 SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet home for business genteman, Apply Colborne Street Dec n FOR rent or sale -- "mew six-room bungalow, near South -GM, Apply 384 Malaga Road, Dec. 28 GROUND floor, two clean unfurnish. od rooms, sink in kitchen, private trance. No children, Phone RA J-4378 Dec, TV, very | wv good condition, §189. Independent Swe ER Whitby Plaza. SALE -- Weekend Special, new '59 GE washers, $119 -after trade. In. | dependent Sales, 309 Brock South. 20 FOR SALE -- Accordion and case, ex: © cellont condition. 130 bass, Phone MO 8-2462. ie FOR SALE -- Murphy Richards | steam and dry lrons his end only, HH 85. Independent Whitby Plas, Mid MOUSE for sale -- Private sale, three rug brick in Whit. ly s finest subdivision, a stp from St. John's Catholic Church and school, Many extras included. MO 8-403, wi FOR JAE - 1 square Sieetrie in "try special, $19, 300 Brock South, Whithy |p de ~ Sale ™ FOR rent -- modern four.room To ment newly decorated, self-contained, [nice size bright rooms, TV outlet, paved parking. Immediate possession | Adults, MO 8.4282, we FOR wale -- Christmas trees, Scotch pine, nursery grown, all ob. Free delivery, Mirrell Cook, 318 Mary West MO sam wn FOUND -- One small "dog. Contact Post Office Box 1, Whitby, Me | FOR vent -- "Large four-room apart. {ment, self-contained, front and back entrance. Available December 13. MO [823% mi LIVE POULTRY also feathers want ed, highest- market prices paid. Phone collet MO 340 Whitby Jan, 2 PANT cuffing and alterations, men's and ladies' wear; drapery alterations R. HN. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South | Dee. 21 FOR RENT Shot guns, decoys, cortop boats and canoes, skill sews, paint sprayers (go: and elec. tric), pipe dies, cement mixer, automotive tools, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES, WHITBY MO 8.3226 Dec. 10' "two rooms and Rib. ohn, "stainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, parking » , Apply 42 Riltoh South, ot BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One bedroom apartment, elec- trically equipped, good loca~ tion. Apply\498 Simcoe St. N., Apt. 5. 8.8676. Dee. 25 (45--Real Estate\For Sale --500-- CHRISTMAS TREES FREE FREE To qualify just model home in Gardens, Stevenson's Rood North ot Annapolis, then | block west to Elizabeth, HOMES BY ir ok LOW DOW PAYMENTS FROM $12,999.00 MODEL HOME OPEN 2 PM. TO DARK ONE OF THE 2 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A: J, BOLAHO®D LIMITED «= REALTORS visit our Braemore ~~ |WARBIS Avenue, five-room brick bun galow stone front, tiled kitchen and | athroom, many extras to suit this lo | eation L. 8, Bnelgrove Co, | Park Jtoad South. Phone RA 8.8701, NO DOWN PAYMENT i Only 1 Left--Builder's Model No Salary Requirements "$115 Monthly 6 room bungalow, fully decorated, colored a $1000 down, $6,000 full 5 Ix rooms, furnace, three-piece bath, hot water, | central location. L., 8, Snelgrove Co. LL 43 Park Woad South. Phone RA 308 21 Lor i x ton, "water and sewer, north west, Also lot 85 x 200 with well, A 58020, Dee, IMMEDIATE "ocoupancy, $1000 Ley modern four-room stucco bungalow, well-built, large landscaped garden, garage, sutiful location, 3% miles north four corners on Himcoe, Best offe: over $10,500. Brooklin 64382, Pyi- vate: Wile ~ No dealers. wu WILL TRADE FOR OLDER HOME New six room brick, bungalow with car port, on Robert Street, bath fixtures, completely finished. Move in for Christmas. CALL 1-5®M. -- RA 5.9647 284 Close to Simcoe North JONES OPE N H O U > E REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 | 61 prince street [RA 5-6412 or RA 8-1566 1.30 TO 6.00 P.M. 283¢ AT 214 WINONA STREET, OSHAWA | A J. SCHATZ (Ansley Subdivision) GENERAL INSURANCE OSHAWA RA 5-8461 WHITBY MO 8-3337 PICKERING 590 LOTS of LOTS 15 fully seryiced lots In Whitby, suitable for erection of homes, apartments or commercial buildings, Buy now for early spring con. struction, outstanding value, builders' terms, FOR RENT Modern apartment suites In new Whitby building, olse five- and six-room bunga« lows. Call Mr, Daly, even ings, MO B8-4775 SPECIAL OFFER From now to Christmas, very low down payments on solid brick homes on Scugog and Sharbot Sts, Oshewa, Buy one and enjoy the Builders' special Christmas gift, Open House every week-end from now until Christmas, Call Dorothy Palmer, evenings, RA 8.5097 A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP 2840] Beautiful architecture designed ranch style bungolow with double ottached garage in this exceptionally good area. This home just completed in solid brick, with large panoramic windows to catch the view of the scenic valley in front, radiant heating, broadloom In living room, dinette and master bedroom, modern kitchen with naturpl cupboards, ceromic tiled bathroom, 3 bedrooms, utility rooms, sodded ond decorated, Ideal for a middle aged couple wanting a, good home in a good area at not too high a price. Call this office for further particulars or see it for yourself this Saturday afternoon, LOW DOWN PAYMENT N.H.A. HOMES In Harmony Heights and Highland end Codillac Ave. Down payments from $1,092 up with no second mortgage, All ser; vices in Harmony Heights are prepaid, resulting in low taxes, Close to schools and buses, Call this office for an appointment to inspect these quality built homes which come complete with storms, screens, hot water tonk, laundry tubs, light fixtures, some with sodded lawns and ceramic tiled bathrooms, No better buys available in Oshawa, Prices start from $11,500.00 and early possession available LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3%2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL RA 3.9329 or RA 5.6551 After 5:30 Dial Everett Elliott, RA 3.9290 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5.6983 Joe Mage, RA 5.9191 Dick Barrioge, RA 5.6243 284¢ FREE CHRISTMAS TREE TO 500 LUCKY VIEWERS AT THE N.H.A. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, December 5, 1958 " .|45---Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY MO 8-2527 - HOLIDAY SPECIAL $12,250 Christmas comfort, summer resort fun in season, extra low down payments can be arranged on these beautiful new three-bedroom homes at Lokeview Heights, Oshawa. Call Mrs, Coulson, 'RA 3-9139; or Mr, Hinkson, RA 8-822 IN WHITBY Three and four bedroom N.H.A\ homes, choice location at modest down payments, Immediate podsession. Coll MO 8.2527 any. time for additional information, "Newly decorated three-bedroom, big, big kitchen, nice living room, new furnace, aluminum storms end screens. All for $11, 000. Call. the office ~~ MO 8.2527 -- anytime. 2840 HOMES OF DISTINCTION BY "GOLDELL" OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION THIS WEEKEND in ""ROSSLAND MANOR" FROM 2 P.M. TO 5 P.M. TURN NORTH AT THE CORNER OF ROSS- LAND ROAD WEST AND GIBBONS STREETS AND FOLLOW THE RED ARROWS, ASK THE SALESMEN FOR YOUR ENTRY BLANK WINNERS WILL Be NOTIFIED BY PHONE ON THE 15TH DECEMBER. H. COLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-516] ACT QUICK $500 DOWN - 4 BEDROOMS Close to G.M. Plant, 6 rooms, 2'storey, hot water ail heeting, nice size lot, oll rooms very tastefully decorated, this home spot. less, owner taking back mortgage for balance, terms reasonable, this is one of the best we had this yar, hurry! For appointment contact Howard McCabe ot RA 5-6544 DON'T DELAY $8,200. FULL PRICE $8,200 Lf you are looking for @ home to pay for itself, this Is it, 8 rooms, oil heating, upstairs rents for $50 monthly; taxes reasonable, this property must be seen to realize the value that Is bein, offered. Schools ond buses at door, for details contact ony McCabe at RA 5:6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 283b JOHN WACKO INSURANCE -- REALTOR SPEND CHRISTMAS IN YOUR OWN HOME! Only a few left, 3-bedroom brick bungolows, with'ell modern conveniences ond services, Low down payment, mortgage at 6%, payable $69.00 per month, Full Hing $11,975. For information coll Mary Hobbs =~ RA 3.9 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, $995 Down. 6 rooms, oll heet, all conveniences, close to school and transportation, Full price $8,500, Easy terms. $65.00 per month, Toxes $108.00, SEE IT NOW. Call Mike Hrohoruk -- RA 5.7587, A LOVELY PRESENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, Bark brick, stone front bungalow, 3 bedrooms, oll heat, large lot, many extras and oll services, Wilson Rd, S. Asking $12,500 with $2,000 down, Mortgage 6% payable $67.00 per month, Call Steve Melch -- RA 5.4481, HEAR THIS! Ranch-style with' attuched garage in north-west area of the city, Lot 70 x 158, 3 bedrooms, large living room, combined dining, large kitchen. Close to schools and shopping, This is a beautiful heme, Asking $15,000, Call John Wacko ---- RA 5.7472, 136 SIMCOE ST. RA 5-6569 2840 STORE, Plus eight rooms living quir. tors, two kitchens, modern, three-piece bath, toilet In basemen t, Laundry tab, of forced air heated, nearly aw, lurge nude yr wii exchange for wood property, Tindsl al eta Bond Street West, Phone RA Didi , on 208 RA £01 for sale -- with gars, Whitby. Dec, 1. Anderson Street, 86840, TEN acre pares, off Taunton load West, $6000, Terms. W, MeAvipy, Reals tor, 26 Prince Street, RA "Va12, Jin 4 SAMPLE ¢ ay "cottage at 280 Park ota for quick sale, in $2,000 down----a new three. bedroom bungalow, with one ocre of lend, 4-pce, bath, oil heating, low taxes. See this before buying, g DONALD SCOTT REALTOR DIAL 3.7607 2840 'LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less ther a vacancy, only screened ond reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8.5123 Peter Feddema Real Estate Broker 114 ocres north of monville «= 9.room stone house, large barn, imple ment shed, henhouse, gare age. Very productive farm, Price to $18,000, terms, 4 ocres near Newcastle «= 6:room Insul brick house == 95% garden soil, Price 3,000 -- down $500, Three-opartment building on main street; city woter ond sewers, Good Income home, ° Price only $10,000, easy terms. 3-bedroom bungalow at Maple Grove, hydro, good well, large gorden, Price $5,500, terms, 189 SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3.3644 2849 NEW--N.H.A.--6% LOW DOWN PAYMENTS ONLY 2 LEFT 2 Bow- OSHAWA New bungalow, near 401, ready for immediate occupancy, In good residential section, paved roed, 3-bedroom bungalow, has tiled bathroom, forced oir oil heating, large living room, Pris vately built and priced to sell at $12,990 with low down pov. ment, Ask for Mr, Runiens, OSHAWA Simcoe St. North, priced at only $12,800, é.room brick, two. storey, has beautiful 240 foot deep bock yard end garage. Mod ern kitchen, oil heating, oak floors, Only $3,000 down and poss session in two weeks, Ask for Erv, Atkinson, WHITBY Owner will trade large 3-bedroom brick bungalow, about 3 yeors old, for a larger home, or with a substantial down payment, the balance carries for $63 month Including faxes, Hos 20 ft, liv- ing room, forced alr oil hecting, storms, screens, landscaped and decorated. $13,500 full price. Ask for Grace Neil. WHITBY--4 BEDROOMS $14,500 with $2,500 down or reduction for good cash down. Very solid, pleasing older 2-storey home in good section, central, Brick construction with verandah, hot water oil heating, perfect oak floors, plenty of kitchen cupboards and large clothes cup- boards, Beautiful landscaped lot with fruit, 80 x 136 ft, ond garage, paved drive, If you prefer the comfort and security of a very sound, clean, spacious older home with the breeze whispers ing in the trees outside your bedroom window from which you lock down on a velvety lawn with your own fruit trees = my, isn't a good feeling? Don't wait any longer == while there's still @ chance for you to live in a house that arouses the nos. talgic memories of home, see this house-home and move right in, Immediate possession, Give your family the best kind of Christe mas ond all the year round gift, Ask for Berneice Armstrong. Berneice Armstrong Real Estate 124 DUNDAS ST. WEST, WHITBY RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 Open till 9 p.m, -- After hours MO 8.4135 2840 Move In By Christmas A PICTURE BOCK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO' PIONEERING STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY. PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 5-6588 RA 3-2265 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6544 RA 5-6165 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8-5155 ROADS SEWERS SODDED SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, REAL ESTATE DUPLEX Very clean modern duplex with garoge. 2 kitchens, 2 bath. rooms, 2 heavy duty meters; heating forced oir oil. For further information, call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5.0243, VERY CENTRALLY LOCATED 8-room brick 2.storey home. 4 bedrooms, large living room with natural fireplace, heating hot water oil, For further Information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5.1726, TWO BEDROOM COMFORT Only two blocks to Shopping Centre and close to schools. Modern nearly-new stone-fronted bungalow, decorated throughs out with extra high basement, suitable for rec-room, There is a concrete slab ready for building a double garage and breeze way, The home stands on a fully landscaped corner lot, For jurihay information, please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY 7-room brick English: Tudor-style 1Vh-storey home with 2-car arage, located on Mary St, spacious living room with natural Ireplace, family-size dining room. Ultra-modern kitchen fea- tures all steel cabinets, Gos controlled built-in oven and counter top burners, 3 large bedrooms upstairs with ample closet space, 4-pc. modern bath with tiled walls. Sun room at back 'of home enters onto a patio, All electric fixtured, drapery rods and fireplace accessories are of wrought iron, Base- mek! floors are hardwood throughout Completed rec-room with electric fixtures, A very distinguished looking home situs ated close to public and separate schools, church and trans. portation, Shown bid appointment only, Call John Zokarow evening, - RA 5.0 : BEFORE 5:00 P.M. -- RA 3.2245 é-room, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, $68.00 monthly, Interest and principal come bined, bus at door, high school one block, for ape pointment contact Howie McCabe, RA 5.6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS NEW HOMES ~BY-- CARAVAN CONSTRUCTION 50 HOMES 3 DIFFERENT MODELS DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $995 MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY 1PM. -9PM. Floodlights for your convenience, For a Information and Appointment n RA 8-1338 Dec. 13 NEW HOMES BY KAMAN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Down Payment Only $1075.00 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS 3 BEDROOMS COLORED CERAMIC TILE BATHS VALANCE BOXES LANDSCAPED FRONT DIVIDED BASEMENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CLOSE TQ NEW SCHOOL. FOR INFORMATION CALL RA 3.2265 -- DAYTIME EVENINGS! RA 5.0494---John Zakaerow RA 5.0243--Henry Stinson Dec,5,6,8,11,12 BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. -- RA 8.1624 284al (Continued on Page 18)

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