Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Dec 1958, p. 8

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a 3 Bo i (the Associatiof. Paul Prachum MORE BASSINETS | North District, Girl Guide Assn. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ie el FEET | Discusses Badge Work, Testing ---- fran te Aronson. | The regular meeting of the | bas. luets. the Christmas party on Tuesday. ; A 4 December 16. Zena Dikewich, a pupil of -- North District of the Girl Guide badge secretary and her badge, t t | Association held an informal cor- committee, Mrs. Alex Yonsgn, [Ficasant Vonday Aftergonn cu Mrs. Douglas Branton and Mrs, Grade 7, played Christmas music| i Se 3 9 Frank Welch will convene the|selections on the piano. An inter- ference on badge work and test- Mrs. 0 . Glover. rs. on : : : i at its November meeting, Brown then divided the group 1 with Mrs. Olive Harrison pre- PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE THURS., FRI. and SAT. DEC. 4 10 6 All. DRESSES, SKIRTS supper. Mrs. - George Pearce esting film called 'Christmas sidi North District Commissioner, will| " This conference was well attend-/into two for discussion purposes.) og: Leonard Fisher called the|Pe invited to install the officers| Customs Far a gy iy {ed by Brown and Blue Guidefs| The Blue Guiders were led bY roll. Mrs. George Whitbread read shown by Mr. G. W. Reddick. for the coming vear. { j |of the north district. Mrs. Yonson and the Brownlthe Scripture lesson. Secretary's Mrs. David Hutcheon, a past There was a discussion on how to Mrs. George Pearce, district Guiders by Mrs. Johnson. reports president, presided for the elec-raise one hundred dollars, this commissioner, - welcomed e"ery-| and treasurer's were tion of the following officers: one to the meeting and Mrs. R. E. Wilson, division commis- Many questions were asked and|read. many problems were discussed] Mrs. M. Bradley was still re- |between the testers and the Guid-| ported to be on the sick list. P-esident, Mrs. Eric Brock; vice- president, Mrs. Frank Welch; secretary, Mrs, Harry Pearce: being the amount needed to out- fit the .school children on field day. It was decided to bring up and BLOUSES { | sioner, spoke to the Guiders, test-\ers. It was suggested that tests| Faverite hymns were sung, A i 4 ers and badge commitiee andi. set up and test work outlined|reading was given by Mrs. Rose(PTe% conveners, Mrs. Lloyd Dal- i by; treasurer, Mrs. David Hutch- eon; . flower conveners, Mrs. Charles Reader and Mrs. Benja- min Hitchens. GERTRUDE COLPUS H-§ b! Mrs. R. M. Edmunds presided ' ' > 1] f Table Lamps and Bed- at the regular meeting of the room Lamps. Choose a Gertrude Colpus H-8 Association. Mrs. R. H, Beharrel read the gift for her from" our } large selection. TO YOUR SATISFACTION |help available for their use in|Eagle. Altogether there are 36 minutes of the last meeting and 13TH GROUP COMMITTEE Betty Haydl World NU-WAY RUG : |camping. Brownie Testers and 50 Guide| Mrs, R. V. Sheffield read the | Mrs. Robert Hayward and Mrs. Testers in the district, | The annual meeting of the treasurer's report. Tom : | Si p ack INTERIOR DECORATOR 5 KING ST. E. 15 King St. East and CARPET SALES OPEN FRI EVENING TILL 9 P.M. 174 Mery St. RA 5.0433 20% OFF Fine Velour and Melusine HATS winter stock to cleor | Sharply Reduced | this discussion again at the Jan- uary meeting. Mrs.\R. V. Sheffield led guests and members in some games, {thanked them for their work ins, {hat each Guide or Brownie|Anne Donaldson. the cause of Guiding. may have the same standard to] Mrs. Benjamin Jacklin will Mrs. D. E. Fox, area camp|achieve, |eonduct the election of officers |adviser, told of work being done] Another meeting te discuss and/next Monday. The Christmas lin the area and told of the towns|plan Blue tests was thought to|party will be held on December and cities in the area boundaries. be necessary and of real value. [15 with exchange of gifts. Gifts 4% | Mrs. Duncan Nesbitt, division] Testers present at the mccting|to be to the value of one dollar. camp adviser, explained some were Mrs. D. B. Fox, Mrs. Hay-| Refreshments were served by | rulings on the caper badge and/den Macdonald, Mrs. B. W, Buek, (Mrs. C. Brown and Mrs. George |acquainted the Guiders with the Mrs. J. H. Joyce and Mr. Orval|Bell, ini |the Sea Rangers who meet at|Committee was held at the home Hutchinson's class, Grade 7. [part on Bainings, recently attend see Cadet Hall each Monday eve-|of the president, Mrs. Eric Brock,| Mrs. R. V. Sheffield gave a re-| |phenson are Brown Trainers for|Mng at 7.30. Girls 16 years old Ritson road north. port from the conference she at- ? Oshawa Division land over are very welcome. The minutes of the last annual|tended recently. oo { activities Mrs. J. D. R. Galbraith, north meeting were read by the secre- It was decided to purchase a i | Reports were heard o activities district Guider, was secretary for|tary, Mrs. John Evans and the|Christmas tree stand for each in the packs and companies ofiye reeting, treasurer's annual report by Mrs. |classroom. Mrs. W. H. Rooke] § jnorth district, Special mention] "perechments were served by|Eric Bauder. |made the presentation of the ; [Was made of two ee lain at|Mrs. Léo Glover and members of Mrs. Benjamin Hitchens invit-|school pemnant to the principal, | irecenfly opened, the 18th atiype oro yn committees. led the members to her home for'Mr. G. W. Reddick, on behalf of The #17. C. Stephenson gave a short re-| Special mention was made of 13th Guide and Brownie Group prize was won by Mr. RA 5-2686 A THURSDAY NIGHT FEATURES 6:00 TO 9:00 P.M. FREE One Stainless Steel Pearing Knife with every order of 5.00 or more Value 29¢ Limit One to @ Customer. CATHOLIC NUPTIALS {an Legion four, 'Pictured after their wedding | is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Elects Officers recently at St. Gregory's | Frank McPhee and the bride- ' Roman Catholic Church are Mr. | groom is the son of Mr. and Ja ioe AUSNELY, Cot ¢ |Thornton's Corners and the 20th at Taunton, THUR. and Mrs, Thomas Elias Luke | Mrs, Fred Fairhart, all of Osh- | Tuesd: : i : 4 1 | ay evening, December 2] Fairhart. Formerly Miss Jose- awa. |with First Vice - President Mrs. Mrs. Walter Johnston, district _and- phine Rose McPhee, the bride Herbert Bathe presiding. The| FRI. charter was draped in memory | --Photo by Ireland BASSETTS -- 49¢ ALLSORTS .39° DAVID'S CHOCO--REG.49¢ BISCUITS +. 39° BORDEN'S SLICED--REG. 35¢ on CHEESE ; nw 29° § TV TIME--REG. 19¢ POPCORN - 15° LIQUID--REG. 49¢ AEROWAX-- 39° 16.0L. ing recently done. | JAR Election of officers followed | with Mrs. Robert Williams con-| ducting the election. The. results| were as follows: President, Mrs. Herbert Bathe; 1st vice - presi- dent, Mrs, Edward Bouckley; 2nd vice - president, Mrs. Norman LB. LAMS IN A away recently. ] (oo) ») M .\ 2 K ke i Mrs. Robert Burkhart, treasurer, | the Retarded Children's project, | Christmas tree expenses. Mrs. | P Butt GOVERNMENT GRADED--RED AND BLUE BRAND BEEF eanul er LEAN, MEATY 'Go North, Young Man, Go North' 19* orin, Ioung Man, ort FRESH PORK : ™™s 49* Maree Lear--riG. 31c BONELESS ROLLED 8.0%. Lavender; sergeant - at - arms, | 509+ nation's future," declared|fund, $25; Provineial Workroom, LB. and Mrs. E. Anderson; executive, | BONELESS ROLLED LEG OF Sor 39 monthly meeting of the Golden $25 food hamper to a Hungarian/nan, I. Gibbs, M. Oster, L.| 89 49+ K AM "The bountiful resources are article on the Prayer of the Or-|cox and Mrs. Matthew Bell; | PRIME RIB BASKET of an old and, faithful member, | Mrs. Alice Twine, who passed The financial report of the baz:| } aar held recently was given by| ure ph. b4 SIMCOE ST Ni RTH A donation is to he sent for ] also a donation to the men's Gres re ene 3 | JIIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 5h Je Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 [C. E. Vermoen reported on cater- | 33¢ 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 4, 1958 . FRESH PORK CHUM-REG; 2 TOR 2% | * SHOULDER .. 35° ; BLADE LB. 69 Ls. DOG FOOD a 16.0% SHORT RIB . 73* BUTT » LB. Advice To Youth Of Today McEvers; secretary, Mrs. Alyn | Bost; Wesairer, Mis. Ali FRESH PORK -- END CUTS LO AF CHEE d 25° "Our north hoids the key to|Peace Garden fund, $1; Shipping(Mrs. Richard Burkhart; stan-| BRISKET LOIN 49+ dard bearers, Mrs. Frank Davey | ; . C. M. Elliott, superintendent $25. CANADA PACKERS--REG. 51¢ of Oshawa Publi¢ Schools at the] The membership will send a|Mrs. C. E. Vermoen, E. Guilti-| PRIME RIB TIN Jubilee Chapter, Imperial Order, family for Christmas. {Grant, M. Brown: auditors, Mrs. | Daughters of the Empire. Mrs. R. G. Mills read a moving| Clifford Pilkey, Mrs. Charles Wil-| STANDING 6th & 7th TULIP--REG. 29¢ wmlimited; the position is strate-|der, written by Mrs. H. Jean savings, Mrs, 1K 25° RG 23 ard Weeks and Mrs. William LB. Kna; , . gle which makes this area of cur|Knapman, Provincial President pianist, Mrs, William the cross roads of air| Mrs. §. King reported on the| Riley; Ls. province A travel. Children today should bec held in taught Canada's status not as/OCCI in November naming stu- she was, but is now, as an inde- dents who received IODE awards, member pendent of the Com-| monwealth," claimed Dr. Elllott.| The Golden Jubilee chapter, | IODE, has adopted schools, one| of which lies 40 miles west of Sudbury called McKerrow School. As this was in the area served by Pr. Elliott he was able to tell the members about this school and give details of the handicap under hich it operated. he thanked the members on behalf of these children and their teach- donated by the Golden Jubilee chapter. Empire and World Affairs eon- vener, Mrs. Stanley Gales, read a paper written hy Mr. M. M. Hood of his trip through Britain, France, and West Germany wi Prime Minister John Diefenbak- T. Mrs. John reported on the most successful Birthday Ball of which she was the con- vener, Mrs. Houghton thanked Reed; reporter, Mrs. Wil- inn Lok i PEAMEALED There will be a business meet- | ing next Tuesday, December 9, | at 7.30 p.m., and on December | 16, the Christmas party and ex-| change of gifts. I The installation dinner will be | held on January 13, 1959, with a thi provincial officer conducting the | installation. | | IDEA FOR HOMEMAKERS Doubly welcome in a house with combined living-dining areas is a foldi screen in delicate | the bers of her 144, er for the gifts and equi t they received over 'he years. Dr. Elliott was introduced by Mrs. R. W. Barr and Mrs. Roy Day expressed the appreciation] of the chapter. for their assistance. Mrs. Willlam Locke who is in charge of the annual Christmas dinner to be held at Adelaide House on Monday, December 8, matchstick leather. This gift has | utility and beauty as a roon}| divider, or it may be used to] create the illusion of an entrance urged members to reserve their | hall in today's smaller homes. | COTTAGE ROLLS » RINDLESS BREAKFAST 45. BACON = +37 HOSTESS CHEESE ROLL ".. 25° DEVON BRAND ib. FREE! BASKET OF GROCERIES Get Your Coupon and Depasit it with the SWIFT'S MONEY MAN TO BE DRAWN 4:00 P.M. DEC. 6 FREEZER SPECIAL MAPLE LEAF FROZEN Beef Pies SAVE 33° wi 33° Turkey Pies ...33° Chicken Pies .... 33° Buy all 3 for 99° Get One Steak and Kidney Pie FREE Mrs. Douglas Langmaid, Re-|tickets early. | gent, peesided for the business] Winner of the raffle gift was meeting. Services at Home and|Mrs. H. E. Grose. | Abroad convener, Mrs. Emmety| The meeting closed with the Baldry, proposed that the follow- singing of the National Anthem. ing associations receive assist-Mrs. L. R. Sawyer carried the smce: Korean projects, $10; Brit-|standard, and a social time fol- ish . Eurpoean Relief fund, $25; lowed. Question: "Who gives the best deals in town?" Answer: | Bay ® D WILSON Gift Worthy Fashions | IN LEATHER JACKETS For Sports, for Town, for Country, for any weather + . . and certainly fine to give for Christmas. ... Leather walking jackets, two season lining. Beige, pink and blue. Sizes 10 to 18. 1 FURNITURE | 20 Church St. RA 3-3211 CHESTERFIELD ~ SUITES By the dozens. In every size, shape and color * imaginable. Chopped } to unbelieveable prices | with fantastic savings to you " , PLUS PLUS Your choice of So Only Ed. Wilson Could Do It! / . HOSTESS CHAIRS 7.89 ONE TO A CUSTOMER 6-PC. KITCHEN CHROME SUITE KROEHLER T.V. SWIVEL CHAIR 3 LIVING ROOM TABLES Modern coffee table with 2 matching step tables, or RESTONIC MATTRESS Spring-filled end g d spring or GENUINE LANE CEDAR CHEST BEDROOM SUITES You've never seen so many beautiful bed- room suites at such rid- icululously low prices for such high quality. G. E. FLOOR POLISHER Complete with buffing pads. Reg. 49.95, Slashed to 385.95 CORDUROY CUSHIONS A festival of colors. Cash and carry. SLASHED TO FLOOR LAMPS These prices have been ch ppd and chopped regardless of "ost, Values to 29.95. Cash and carry, AXED TO 9.9 with the purchase of a living or bedroom suite ag Your choice of special 99¢ offer EXAMPLE : SPLENDIL NEW MOKA FINISH DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, AND BOOK-CASE BED. REG. 229.00 SLASHED TO 148 SPECIALLY PRICED 24.00 special 99¢ offer EXAMPLE : RESTONIC CUIESTERFIELD SUITE REG. $219 Plus your choice of 99¢ offers LADIES WEAR LTD. AXED TO 72 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-1912 ® OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. @ During December we will remain Open Wednesdays till 6 p.m. Take advantage of these sale prices by using our FREE lay-away plan. A small deposit will hold any article 'til wanted, LS ee TO St eh

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