rr ---------- i COBOURG Staff Reporter AMONG NOTABLE GUESTS at Wednesday night's annual meeting of the Northumberland Progressive - Conservative As- sociation in Warkworth were: Northumberland P.C's Hold Annual Meeting WARKWORTH -- More than| 300 members of the Northumber-| Jand Progressive Conservative| Association braved sleet sow to attend the annual gen- eral meeting in Warkworth town , and to hear guest speaker| of transport rally the| sible provinglal | g. such an election association presi- dent Wes Downs, of RR 1, Hilton, who remarked "All indications) are that we'll have a provincial | election next year.' His comment | was supported by guest Hon. W.| A. Goodfellow, Ontario minister of agriculture. The time may be |which was being spent the year enrol, he said, Will Rent Rink Allow Skating PORT HOPE -- Children injbuilding project, Mrs. Helen Port Hope will be able to skate Upper, chairman of the special through their Christmas holidays. | buildi ittee, reported that The Recreation Committee decid- (more than $1000 has been receiv- ed Tuesday night to rent theled as a result of last week's Memorial Rink blitz canvass. ' The Moss Hewson Memorial i especially Dinner (at $5 a plate), in support Christmas tree" skates, could of the project, has been changed try their skill in the holidays. to Jan, 10. Also assisting in the Those with a yen for self- drive for funds for the senior citi- expression through painting and zens' building is the IODE which drawing, may find an outlet for|is convening a card party at the their artistic talents if the com-|Legion Hall, Thursday night. Skene Building Up In Port Hope A considerable number of per- PORT HOPE -- Town engineer, sons have indicated an interest in art instruction. The department of agriculture will be requested, through town Ross Simmons, announced today that four construction permits, for a total value of $60,000, were council, to extend a grant for the lsupport of the senior citizens issued in Port Hope during No- vember. In November last year centre, 3 In charge of the senior citizens four permits were issued for building worth $73,900. AND DISTRICT NEWS ROBERT CZIRANKA FR. 2-7657 BOWLING Port Hope -- a tight race still exists in the Ladies Afternoon Bowling League as Orioles are in front only two points ahead of the Ravens. They have 36. Jays are threatening with 32 while Robins have 29. Trailing are Sparrows with 22 and Wrens well back, although moving up this week, in the cellar with 15. Win Bell has the high average with 189 while the top single was rolled by Dorothy Towers with a 302. Those hitting over "200" were Win Bill with 255 and 228, Helen McCavish with 229, 203 and Marg Parks with a 201. Pigeon Show At Port Hope PORT HOPE -- The fourth ex- hibition show staged in the town hall by the Port Hope Racing Pigeon Club was for hen birds and 12 lofts entered over 40 birds. |Ontario final will be staged Thursday when all the winners in the four exhibitions will be back for the purpose of determin- ing the best cock and hen in the Port Hope Club. Ted Hunt got home in front with the best red checker, while Ha- 12 Qualify At Port Hopelsiss was fui has been: authorized. This is PORT HOPE -- Twelve candi- Substantially more than last dates have qualified for election german and Son copped the award for the best blue hen. | Emil Johns took the blue bar |and mealy class, with John Pott THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 4, 1958 7 Stone Heads Clarke Polls PORT HOPE--A new contest- ant for a seat on Clarke Town- ship council, John W. Stone, igaded the polls with 594 votes 0) wer: Cobourg Man Dies Suddenly COBOURG -- Wilfred D. Rich- ardson, Cobourg insurance broker, died suddently at his home shortly before noon yesterday. Age 35, he leaves a wife and two young children. Mr. Richardson came to Co- bourg from Belleville six months ago, and took over a downtown insurance agency operated by re- tiring Russell Manning. His home was at 814 University avenue east. No inquest is planned, accord- ing to Crown Attorney H. C. Dey- man. Deputy-Reeve Earl Walkey. nday. Two council members e re-elected. Councillor Russell Savery re- acclamation were Reeve James P. Brown and SETS | Striped or plain patterns in washable taffeta. All colors. 15.00, 16.95, 20.50 Betty Haydl Oshawa Youth For Christ __ HERE FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY "KINGFISH"" 0 Famous Amos and Andy Show SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Saturday, Dec. 6th 7:45 P.M. Guest Speaker: REV, E. LLOYD of London, England EVERYONE WELCOME INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King St. East RA 5-2686 |Fox winning out for the *'other lcolor" class. ' year's 12-mofith total of $1,272, in council elections in Port Hope. 800. Of the eight candidates run- ning for the six seats on council, only one is a newcomer. Martin McIllvena, welder and former union president at Brun- ner Corporation (Canada) Ltd. is running for the first time. T. A. Brandon served for two years on town council and withdrew last year because of expansion in his business. He is seeking election A. Goodfellow, Ontario minister of agriculture; and Wes Downs, re-elected association president. --Photo by Macdonald left to right, Ben Thompson, (MP (Northumberland - PC), Maj. R. E.*Drope, chairman; Hon. M. B. Dymond, Ontario minister of transport; Hon, W. and W. H. Walker. SHOP AND SAVE AT CHERNEYS IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ras € James R. Carr will again op- pose Reeve Read Budge. by saying that over 90 per cent ditional 2000 new classrooms and | May Start teachers. of the people in Ontario had en-| comm or moveamion Iie, 2 bar Political Probe Soon The total education grants bud- | Government Hospital Plan. Oppo-| get of $155 million, he said, far sition to the plan predicted that | surpassed the $18 million per year not more than 50 per cent would | COBOURG -- Investigation by a Royal Commission of charges of political partisanship levelled against two Northumberland civil servants, R. T. Love, Cobourg, |and W. Denike, Brighton, may not be too much longer in material- izing, according to statements made yesterday by the two men responsible for the investigation. Commissioner Harvey Brent, QC, assistant Crown Attorney in Cobourg, said yesterday that "it won't be too long now." Mr. Brent Tost ernment took iors The Frtet aon HIGHWAY TOLL Dr. Dymond, speaking on the] Dr. Dymond called for a halt) Russian system of education, said (to the tremendous toll in money | " don't think we want it here. and lives which occurs during the There are many ideas in their|Year on Ontario highways. system which we might adopt, There were 1279 fatal accidents) Pot don't let amybody tell you in 1957, and 76,000 reporfable acci- that it is 5 taxpayers, you dents. A total of $36 million prop- ha 4nd x a y| erty damage was recorded, not for it in the end, whether on a|counting hospital, docor, and icipal, rincial, or federal Wage loss costs. Tut pe, prov o He mentioned the demerit point| tem, due to start next Feb. 1,| which driving offences will cost motorists specified point "There is a danger of making Sys life too easy for our students," he bY limited themselves to the pecord of the Frost government warned, "by which we rob them values. After 12 points are ac- the past 15 years. Dr. Dy-|of their personal initiative and mond outlined department grant ambition, mil-|Ontario taxes is turned back to municipalities, raise, the province adds another | , eolleges, and other 50 cents," he said. learning re- jon a year in|will have been spent among the fice. capita cost province's 973 municipalities. In| |the case of my home municipal- Education is expanding at such 76,000 new students with a re-| for annual demand for an ad-' cumulated, the operator's licence llar of is suspended. cents of every dollar of ® yo) May, BR. E. Drope, 'took the chair from supervise "Forty i sts eva president Downs to | ceptions, last year's seven-mem- "In 1958, a total of $250 million Der executive was returned to of- Members are president, Wes Downs, Hilton; first vice-presi- ity, this means a cut in the local dent, Roy Whittington, South tax rate of five to nine mills." (Monaghan; second vice-president, Dr. Dymond described the con-{louis Caine, Cobourg; third vice- foundin: " ets of doom'/ president, Mrs. Harda Morrow, g of "proph righton; fourth vice - president, J's Tie Grafton To Hold Slim Lea COBOURG Bob Parnall's Ihird period goal lifted J's into a 44 tie with Grafton Broncs Tues-| day night in the feature game of the Cobourg Mercantile Hockey League tripleheader. The dead- Douglas Haig, Brighton; vice - president, Ruth Devinney, |Fenella; and secretary-treasurer, | Mrs. W. Tatham, Brighton. The two members not re-elect-| ed were former second vice-presi-| |dent Harvey Brent, Cobourg, and | | fifth vic-president Pauline Drope. Mr. Brent is at present serving first, 4-0 after two. Ken Marsden on a Royal Commission investi- and Dave Stewart paced the win-|gating charges of political parti- ners with a pair of goals each.|sanship against two Northumber.| Singles went to Jim Hessin, Bill jand civil servants. Miss Drope| Marsden and Bill McBride. Ivan has moved to Toronto, where she Harwood 7-1. It was 2-0 after the election of officers. With two ex-|W fifth [oh was named by the federal govern- ment to investigate charges filed in parliament by Ben Thompson, MP for Northumberland. Q d last night at a Con servative political ti in y . Thompson said only that "these things take time, but it shouldn't be too long in coming." Both spokesmen clined to name specific dates. The charges have been pending since September, at which time issued t Mr. Th to the effect that reports county as to the political activity of the two men had necessitated arges. 1t is not yet known whether or not the investigation hearings will be open to the public, although when asked some time ago Mr. Brent said he thought that they probably would be. BOY, 5, KILLED OTTAWA (CP)--Five-year-old Gordon Campbell, son of Sadn. Ldr. and Mrs. Donald L. Camp- bell of Ottawa, was killed Wed- nesday night when struck by a Jock gave J's nine points in the West ruined Stu Lingard's shut- hag enrolled at Teachers' College. car while playing in the street. standings and allowed them to cling to first place, one point ahead of Grafton and the onrush- ing Hydro crew. Keith Burley, Gerry Wildey and Bill Turk tallied first period coun- ters for Grafton and they led 3-2 as Larry Baxter and Bob Parnall answered for J's. The teams di- vided two second period tallies, Keith Burley netting one for Brones and John Skillen for J's. Seven penalties were meted out, four tothe league leaders. Hydro climbed into a second place tie by dumping winless out bid with a second period marker. Hydro was assessed five of the eight penalties. Training School also closed in COBOURG BOWLING on the leaders by blinking hap- less General Foods 6-0. Les Ste-| vensou gave OTS a 140 first] period edge, Chub Meclvor and Al Church upped the count to 3-0 heading into the final stanza when Bob Jones, John Patterson| and Al Church notched goals to! complete the rout. Only two pen- alties, one apiece, were called i the clean contest. Highest COBOURG -- Bill Woodward, this week. Bill, bowling for Mat-| ting in the Men's League, toppled| Juniors Still "Unbeaten In Town League PORT HOPE -- Town hockey Teague results at the PCMR Mon- day night were as followe. NICHOLSON FILE 3 WAYS 2 Nicholson File vaulted from fifth to second place in the opener as they edged the star studded Hi-Ways by one goal in a wide open game. The File led 3-2 at balf time, with Hi-Ways getting the only goal in the last half hour of play. Hitting pay dirt for the winners with single counters were Jim Gilmour, Bill Cancilla and Rich Brown. Big Bill Douglas potted both of the losers' tallies. Johnny Keeler, boarding, Larry Batters by, charging and Norm Kelly, bolding were thumbed for the losers with Fred Ashby and Bill Cancilla sitting it out for the win- ners. ONTARIOS 5, HARVESTERS 4 The Juniors remained unde feated and held onto first place ir the league but had their work cut out edging the Harvesters by the odd goal in nine. It was a two all stalemate after the first 30 minutes of play and ghen Juniors outscored their rivals 3-2 in the last half. Chub Mclvor and Ron Pills worth scored for the losers with Brian Highfield and Dave Green away retaliating for the J's In the last period Garry Sheppe eounted twice, and Garnie Harris once for the win with Chub Mclvor notching his second and third counters for the Harvesters. Bob Douglas of the winners and Jim Davidson of the Lawrence gang were the only penaltiesgoth for tripping. ELDOS 6, CONVEYOR 3 The River of Gold boys: moved out of the cellar against the fifth place Gravity in the last game of the night with their first victory of the season as they doubled the count on their opponents. Eldos led 3-2 at half time. trinle. this year, easily beating Bob Cane's previous high' of 893, and even topped the winning mark lest season, Bill put together somes of 246, 360 and 331 for his fabulous total as Matting up- set league - leading Tucker's five points to two. Standing in the Men's League is: glas 71; Homelike 68: 64; General Foods No. . . Chateau 61: CGE No. 1, 57; Jef- Their scoring plays were Tom frays 55: Plaza 54; Primeaus 53; Micks from Al Dark, Timer penton Florists 53; Beaver Lum-| Fox from Garnet Clayton and per 47; Kinkaid Sunoco 46; Le-| then Clayton from Fox. MN gionaires 45; Wilson Motors 44. | Simmons unassisted and Bob ndependents 43; Ewarts 43: Coughlin from Bob Foote were Nichols Movers 42; MaclLarens the scoring plays for the Math- 41: Cooey All-Stars 40; CGE No ews. 2, 39; General Foods No. 1, 37; In the last stanza, Bill Har- Homelike Indians 35; Payne vey and Dark scored, each time assisted by veteran Jimmy Hoy, Clayton got his second goal from Rog Phillips. Only scoring play for the losers was Bob Foote from Garry Wakely. Once again only two penalties, one each. Har- vey for the winners and Alfie Fulford for tripping for Mathews. Matting | 9 ning's Coal 24: Cooey 24: Wilson Contractors 23: Cher reys 16: Knights of Columbus 16; IOF, 13 High Single -- T. Brooks 357; High Triple -- G. Caine 799; High Team Single -- Homelike 1394; High Team Triple Mclvors 3642; Hidden Score Clarke Brothers 3239 (3251): Over 300 Brooks 357: K. Deinstadt 314; . McDonnell 315; G. Caine 354; . Knott 301 . Caine 799; K.| CHARGE VIOLATION GAZA (AP)--The United Arab Republic charged that four Is- raeli planes violated the Gaza Strip's air space Tuesday. It pro- tested to the Egyptian - Israeli A » mixed armistjce commission. The LL Ww Sige ye uo; ES F seizure of a little Egyptian ship jvor 797 BM Tor 2: off Haifa Saturday also drew alAyre J. Manning 736; protest. The U.A.R. demanded Brown 716 ; release of the 150-ton Mossaada,| Sommery have moved its cargo and crew. nearly out of sight in the Bowl-| Deinstadt 75 B. Martin 716; L. Landymo.e Medhurst Me-| H AW n Hie s H. McDonnell 718; | M Woodward Has Triple 0-Drome Ladies' League. Stand- n was the big news in bowling here ing and individual high scores fol-| low: Sommervilles 71; Park Plaza the pins for a tremendous 93754; Caldwells 52; Harnden and | |King 49; Grafton 45: Dunn Clean-| The mark is the highest triple ers 42; CGE 39; Bowlaways 38; | Beginners 21; Uptown 20; Kellys 20: Cooeys 9. Bowling over 200 -- C. Mott 225, 207; E. Ingamells 228, 263, R. Lewis 238; I. Riley 215; B. Long- hurst 226, 210; U. Meclvor 214, 224: L. Johnston 210, 221; M. Ark- les 200; G. McDonnell 205; M. Marshall 221: L. Edgell 208; J. Tuckers 77; Cooeys 76; McIvors Bate; 206, 209; P. Fish 260; C.| 76: Clarke Brothers 72; Sol Mar-|Clayton 244; P. Rowden 203; P.| Harris 217; S. Platt 247; P. Coyle 62; 208; J. Dolley 205, 203; R. Clinton | 17; P. Quinn 247; D. Petite 232; M. Cane 207. High Single -- 8. Platt 247; P. Quinn 247; High Triple -- E. In- gamells 659. MIXED LEAGUE Dark Horses 68; Central Con- struction 67; Training School 57; Spark Plugs 57; Bobcats 43; Smith's Taxi 40; Red Dots 37; Brothers 32: Sawdust Kings 32;|Dutch Oven 33; Pavilion 31; Bee| OPP, 31: Bell Cleaners 26; Jen- Tees 26; Strays 20; City buiry| Rangers|18: High Singles -- Men: Ralph| Baker 292; Ladies: Julie Ritchie 269; High Triple Men: Baker 770; Ladies: E. Ingamells 673. TOWN MIXED LEAGUE Ramblers 69; Eastenders Dodgers 55; Mooseheaders Toppers 46; Lucky Strikes Burley Bus 40; Hot Rods 36; ! ley Cats 28: Aces 23; Hyro Crew Cuts 22. High Singles Men: Keith Burley 329; Ladies: Lila Johnston 268: High Triples -- : Bob Cane 721; Shirley Cane 63 LITTLE AMATEUR LEAGUE Strays 39; Go-Getters 32; >trk- ers 30; Red Wings 29; Peanuts 28: Whiz Kids 25; Gliders 22; Blue Birds 19; Flyers 14; Pee Wees 11; Cardinals 10; King Ping 10. Exactly es llustarted rocker action, | | ! [ certain to get a lot of attent! Il able plastic. Grey or Yellow. YEARS AHEAD STYLING, QUALITY and COMFORT The smartly styled sofa will sleep two quite comfortably, It's just like a chesterfield with full spring construction throughout .. . . uphol- stered in top quality frieze . . . in assorted colors. Comes complete with two sofa pillows ond @ matching chair. pi f Modern 5-pce. Chrome Suite The kitchen Is never forgotten at Christmas . . . but k Is on with this sparkling chrome dinette. The extension top table has a mar-proof plastic top. The chairs are comfortably padded and upholstered in @ wash It's exactly as illustrated and available in Blue, The sofa opens quickly end easlly to form e eomfortable bed. The chair has exclusive $10 Down Delivers . . . $9 Monthly TV SWIVEL KROEHLER CHAIR Comfortable Kroehler swivel chairs In the newest designs ere evalil- able in essorted colors and fabrics, selling as low os 49.50. 4.50 Down Delivers MARCONI RADIO-PHONOGRAPH A beautiful eonsole with automatic 4-speed changer, 3 balanced speakers, 7-tube radio, sapphire needle, power transformer, base reflex chamber, base and treble control -- all in @ handsome hand-rubbed cabinet, and yours for os little as $10 Down . . . $10 Monthly.