SALVATION ARMY REHEARSES FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON Some members of the Osh- awa Salvation Army Band hold a rehearsal in preparation for the coming Christmas season. The playing and singing of carols throughout the residen- | tial and business areas of the | | city is an annual feature of the | Salvation Army Band's Christ- | | mas program. This service of cheer is extended to hospitals and other institutions. Despite adverse weather conditions, the men gladly play their music in | order that the true meaning of | Christmas, with its message of hope and faith, be brought to as | many as possible. Collections | | | taken up during this period and donations received are used by the Army in its work among | the needy people of Oshawa. This includes assistance to needy families on a year-round basis and the seasonal helping to provide Christmas cheer. The carol program starts next Monday, Dec. 8. --Oshawa Times Picture Dunlops and Ottawa May Enter Joint Team In thie face of a flat refusal by [Fort William end Kitchener- Kitchener Senior 'A' Hockey Club management fo contribute play-| ers to a team to represent Canada Blair stated that at the World Winter Olympics in 1960, announcement has been made' that Whitby Dumlops and the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens may Join forces to send a team. Barlier this week, Whitby Dun- Waterloo. In making the announcement, Hull . Ottawa Canadiens in the| he hoped to amalgamate their forces and send a team composed of the best amateur players from {each team. Kitchener, who lost out in the last Olympics in 1956, Jops' General Manager Wren replied that they would either Blair withdrew the Dunnies' ap- send their own team or would not plication to go, when Blair de-/go at all cided that the task of winning the world even '1 felt that we could not honest- amateur tourney required ly say we could win," said Blair, more than the team that of the withdrawal, "All reinstated could be mustered in Whitby by|pros must be removed from the Olympics time. WITHDRAWS APPLICATION |roster to play in the Olympics |and, without such players, we gamate their club, 8am Pol- {fock, general manager of the to Eastern Ontario League and inci-| make an arrangement with Kit- chener dentally one of the better oper-| CITY AND | DISTRICT QUIET NIGHT The Oshawa Fire Department spent an alarm-free night, with no fire calls and no ambulance |calls, | 10 YEAR'S SERVICE Robert L. Clancy was one of Rir Cadet Quarters Improved By F. 8. SHATTERLESS Due to the prolonging of exam- inations in certain schools there were only 36 cadets on parage Tuesday. We hope the attendante will get back to normal after the exams are finished. evening der F/O Gilbank. The interme- diates had service familiariza- tion under Sgt. Horton and the juniors had principles of flight I| with Mr. Peterson. | chocolate bars and soft drinks from the NCO's canteen. The second period started off with the seniors having range. The intermediates had principles | of flight II and the juniors had a gruelling period of drill. The store has been fixed up at last, A counter was built down the centre of the room and most of the dust-catching shelves have been removed. This rearrange-| ment should speed up the issue) of uniforms to new cadets consid. erably. | By the grace of the Rotary Club and our own hard work, the classrooms downstairs will be | fixed up during the Christmas holidays. Cadets coming in at the start of the New Year will be sur- | prised at the changes. We can| truthfully say that the hall has never looked as well before The dance is beginning to catch | fire. Lately quite a few tickets, | which were promised, have been sold. The dance committee paid) a visit to the Sea Cadets Tues day and found things are going well in the decoration plans also. | Out-oftown visitors promise to) be numerous. The latest addition | is a group of Sea Rangers from | Toronto. The girls have decided | to come down and help make the dance a complete success. Don't forget, ther will be an| orchestra, prizes, refreshments, entertainment and fun for all Bring your friends and come on out and enjoy yourself on Dec. 12 at the armories. Remember it's only a week away. Friday, Dec. 12, at 8:30 is the time. We would like to extend our congratulations to Adjutant John Steffen. John, it seems, is en-| gaged, and to a wonderful girl, | ators of hockey in Canada, thinks SIX veteran trustees recently re-|ioo" Much happiness on your com- it an excellent idea. Calling Blair on Wednesday, Pollock proposed that the Dunnies and the Hull team amalgamate for the Olympics. He was more than willing that such a union be {made for the national effort, 10 SEASONED PLAYERS The Hull -. Ottawa Canadiens boast 10 players who were mem- bers of last year's Memorial Cup| team and in addition, have not| one reinstated pro on their roster. turned to the Oshawa Separate| School Board. He has served on| the board for the past 10 years but it was erroneously stated in a news story after election day that he had been returned to office after an absence of three years. BUILDING TOPS $5,000,000 Building construction in the Township of Pickering is expect- ed to total close to six million dollars for 1958. To date at the ing marriage, John. | It has been brought to our at- tention that we are missing a {basketball If anyone has seen or |knows of the whereabouts of the |said basketball they are asked to et in touch with one of the offi-| |cers. f 1 Cancer Group 113111345 Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF . 12 KING EAST RA 3-3633 Lean, Sliced Breakfast BACON 5. QO TENDER AND o SIRLOIN o WING o T-BONE Ir {end of November, the figure has [reached $5,486,800. During Nov- |ember, 23 permits were issued, valued at $251,300. On Monday, Blair announced Would have a pretty tough time." that he was withdrawing the Whit- NO PROS ALLOWED by entry for the games in Squaw| Blair pointed out that for the Valley, Calif., in February, 1960, Olympics, no reinstated profes- idea of taking members from at Three other Canadian teams have sional players are permitted. least two teams is the proper one. tiled applications, Kelowna, B.C., This would mean that seven of This way, it puts Canada's entry the players who were on the Dun-|on a more national basis. th i lop roster when the team played, |, i ; as agreed that 55 municipal em- | "Also if Whitby, who are world ploves should receive Christmas Jos, winter would not be able to : i114 : Pastor Tells play at Squaw Valley," he said. Champions, ae willing turkeys. This has been a prac- This ruling, he added, applies Craw as a Sing e beam With tice in past years. The cost will particularly to Canada and the ing be approximately $400. U.S. entries since no other nations| chances, then Kitchener, who The story of Scotland's only "lI feel that Hull and Whitby both have better teams than Kit- chener," he told Blair, 'and your Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST nrers ies ar | LEAN, MINCED CHUCK STEAK | Division, Canadian Cancer Sock. || et ommend PORTERHOUSE STEAKS which enter have professional |D8Ve already lost in the Olympics at the Royal Connaught Hotel, | teams. once, should give this proposition Hamilton, Thursday and Friday, dimited. * ould |? lot of study, At any rate we'll| WEATHER Dec. 4 and 5. | Tina, be wg del koa be glad to amalgamate with the | The delegates who will be at. [ NEL E p T R maa 4 * | Dunnies to improve the Olympic| |tending from Ontario County are: | played in the Olympics without v | TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-|T. Hopki |reinstated pros, would have to squad, Pollock concluded. |casts issued by the public wea- Tks, eT a Sarto] meet possibly the same teams| Meanwhile Blair and Pollock ther office at 11 a.m.: women's service committee, On- ib. &Ie ib. §9: Ib. 89. Ib. 49. Plans Rally Six delegates from Ontario County will be among approxi- mately 200 delegates from across Ontario who will be attending the TO GIVE TURKEYS Pickering Township Council TR Be ------ reigning queen was told Tuesday to an audience in St. An- drew"s United Church Chapel. The story was told by Rev. Dr. Telford who had spent the pre. ceding following the footsteps of Mary Queen of Scots from her birth to her judicial murder in Fotheringhay Castle on Feb. 8, 1587. The recital was accompanied 'by a large number of colored pictures of men and places as- sociated with the queen's life and adventures. Many of the pictures were unique in Interest and value. Mary was born in Linlithgow on Dec. 4, 1542. Her youth was spent, from age six to age 19, in France, the only truly happy period of her life. She became Queen of France but was wid- owed after two years. Summon- ed to assume the crown of Scot- land at 19 years of age, she en-| tered on a task far bevond the powers of a much older and more experienced monarch. It was her fate to try to rule her country wisely, bring some sort of harmony among constant. ly intriguing, jealous and utter-| ly unscrupulous nobles, meet the|- onslaughts of fanatical Reforma-| tion leaders, and defend herself and the realm against the subtle] designs of neighbor Queen Eliza-| beth Besides all this she must] manage the aspiratons of her own inexperienced and impulsive heart. It is no wonder that Queen Mary, after a reign of only six years, succumbed to the assaults of the formidable forces arrayed against her. Her enemies were they met in Oslo since no mem-|Will continue their talks on this| gy nq. Colder air is on its bers of that team are deemed pro-|theme and it is a fair bet that| oo from the Prairies and will fessionals although hockey all the time," they play some of the Dunnies and Whitby will be represented at the Olym- Of his offer to amalgamate with | pics in 1960. Kitchener to ice a team of top DUTCHMEN THIRD amateurs from both clubs, Blair The winter Olympics are held |reach Southern Ontario tonight |Friday will be cold and windy | across the province. There will be considerable drifting in the northern regions tonight and Fri- said: "I felt we were being very every four years. In 1956 they|day. Some snowsqualls are ex- fair. We are the world champions| were held in Cortina, Italy, where pected and are withdrawing because we Canada, represented by the Kit-| southeast in the snow belt area of Lake Huron and think this is such a tough job that chner-Waterloo Dutchmen ended Georgian Bay. it's a great gamble to go it alone.|in third place in the hockey STATE OF FRUSTRATION championships. They ended be- "Kitchener, who have probably hind both Russia and the United lived in a state of frustration|States. In 1960 (late February) | Regional forecasts valid until midnight Friday: : | | Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake On- tario, Windsor, Hamilton, Tor- since losing in the Olympics inthe winter Olympic games will| to. Overcast with showers to- 1956, probably want chance to redeem themselves in fornia. the eyes of dians," he said. their fellow Cana- In the three intervening years {the world ice hockey champion- another be staged at Squaw Valley, Cali- day. Cloudy with u few clear in- tervals tonight and Friday. A few snowflurries Friday. Colder to- night and Friday. Winds south- "This is very commendable, but ships are staged. It® was this|yest 20 becoming northwest 25 it is a pretty long gamble and event that Whitby attended and|tonight. instead of redeeming themselves, could wind up with a double ships, reinstated professionals are they loss on their shoulders," he said. won last year. In these champion- allowed. In the Olympic year no However, although Kitchener reinstated pro players can par- management does not care to! ticipate. CAPSULE NEWS 6-Year Sentence In Wife's Death HULL, Que. (CP) Nicholas, 22, convicted of man- in penitentiary. The Crown| -- Gaston|by 100 feet and capable of being Lake Huron, Southern Georgian Bay, London: Overcast with showers today. Mainly cloudy to- night and Friday. A few snow- squalls Priday. Colder tonight and Friday. Winds southwest 20, becoming northwest 25 tonight. Northern Georgian Bay, Hali- burton, Southern Kirkland Lake, North Bay, Sudbury: Overcast with snow occasionally mixed with rain today. Cloudy with rain today. Cloudy with snowflur- ries tonight and Friday. Colder tonight and Friday. Winds south 15 becoming northwest 25 tonight. Northern Kirkland Lake, Tim- mins-Kapuskausing: Cloudy with moved out of the grandstand ings today and Friday. Consid- slaughter in the drowning of his|five minutes. Cost is estimated 511. jie Mi Friday. yo to- 19-year-old wife, Jacqueline, was upward of $300,000. x sentenced Wednesday to six years| MURDER CHARGE | cruel and persistent -- her own charged Nicholas deliberately up-| 'PORT ARTHUR (CP) -- An- impulses led her into two disas- trous marriages. | Not least among her enemies was Queen Elizabeth, whose fear| and jealousy, joined to her con- tinually vacillating spirit, led her to keep Mary in unwarranted ent for 19 years. Dur- ing all her troubles Queen Mary| met the assaults of fate with dignity and courage, and at last accepted death at the hands of TORONTO (CP) -- As a cau-| an executioner as a martyr to/tjon to Toronto motorists metro- her faith. The pictures showed politan police" have taken to dis- her various homes and friends as| joging the positions of radar well as the succession of prisons in which her last years were spent. : Mrs. L. Pegg was chairman of the meeting and Scottish songs were enjoyed. Two appropriate Scofgish solos were sung, "With- in a mile o' Edinboro' toon," by 4 Four Mary's" by Mrs we set a canoe while he and his wife were River. ' SPRINGHHILL FUND MONTREAL (CP)--The Spring- Disaster Relief Fund has was found dead in a bedroom of hill reached approximately $1,400,000, drew Pappas, 36, was committed boating on the Ottawa s,. tris] Wednesday on a charge| |that he murdered his wife in their {home hepe last Nov. 7. | His 25-year-old wife, Audrey, their home. Medical witnesses at fund chairman K. M. Sedgewick |the preliminary hearing said she reported Wednesday night, WARN ABOUT TRAPS speed traps. They released the location of three traps which will be also announced there will be six more --and they're not telling where. be in operation today but | PLAN MOBILE STAGE TORONTO (CP) A 200-ton Mrs. Dorothy French, and "The mobile theatrical stage powered Helen De by electric motors is planned for Boo, both accompanied by Kel-| the Canadian National Exhibition production of dames, grandstand. had been strangled. UNEF BUDGET UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) The General committee has voted a $19,000,000 fund for support of the United Nations Emergency. Force in the Middle East in 1959. Detailed con- tributions by individual countries will be worked out after the as- sembly, as is expected, approves the committee's recommendation SCIENCE ADVANCE Australia willy begin regular dioisotopes for , The stage will be 80 biological"research in 1950. Assembly's budget | night and Friday. Winds south- east 15 today, northwest 25 to- night and Friday. | HOUSE FOR SALE l Sealed tenders will be received | up to and including December 15 for the sale and removal of frame house ot 101 Brock St. East in the City of Oshawa. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Appointment for a survey of the premises may be arranged by calling Business Administrator, Board of Education, Oshawa, Ontario. | | W. GORDON BUNKER, L tario county uit; Mrs. Edith Harlick, Whitby Branch; V. W. Harris, Whitby Branch; Mrs. | A. C. McKenzie, Beaverton-Thor- ah Branch; Mrs. W. H. J. Thomp- son, Ajax-Pickering Branch. | Chairman of the Campaign Con-| ference is Tom Mepham, Port Credit, Ontario Division cam- paign committee chairman. Chairman of the extension confer- ence, which is running concur- rently with campaign, is Dr. Ivan Smith, director of the London) Cancer Clinic, and Ontario Divi-| sion Extension Committee Chalr-| man. | Guest speaker is Dr. Louis Sim-| inovitch, one of the team of bril-| liant young scientists currently at| work on cancer research at The Princess Margaret Hospital, His| \subject, Viruses and Cancer, is {one that is causing speculation, excitement and immense interest in cancer research jpboratories everywhere. | At this dual Conference, one of the most important of the year for the Cancer Society, progress | reports for the year will be given. | Campaign objectives and exten-| sion plans for 1959 will be out-| lined, and workshops, comprising | rural and urban organization, maintenance, and duties of ex- tension chairman will be held. | YOUR NEW DRAPES FOR CHRISTMAS NOW Betty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King St. East RA 5-2686 LEAN, PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS $1.00 Specials! Small Link Pork Sausage . 2 1bs. Lamb Chops Shoulder .... 2 lbs. Lean Lamb Stew ......... 41bs. Bacon Squares ........... 41bs, Lamb Steaketfes ....... 2 lbs. PORK CHOPS SPECIAL PORK HOCKS . WINNERS OF FREE TURKEYS AND SMOKED PICNICS ! TURKEY WINNERS: Mrs. G. Sloan, 370 Lakeshore Road Mrs. J. Tobin, 630 Carnegie Avenue SMOKED PICNIC WINNERS ! D. MOUNTENAY MRS. T. WELSH | _MRS. E. BLAKELY GUELPH. STREET | 306 FESTHUBERT ST. |! 771 KING ST. EAST | 43 Cut Up Chicken LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS 2 ,, 1.00 WINGS 4. 100 BACKS and NECKS 3. 25° LEAN, FRESH LEG O' PORK SIDE PORK 49 2, 89 2. 89 ) 1.1.00 whole or half 1b. (SLICED) (SHOULDER) MRS, C. PATTON 230 ELGIN ST. E HAROLD BUCKLER MRS. ROSE WILLIAMS |MRS. 232 ATHOL ST. EAST 456 FERNHILL BLVD. | 364 FREE!!-- FREE!!-- FREE!!..- SATURDAY ONLY! : FRESH MADE--COUNTRY STYLE. SAUSAGE BUY 1 LB. AT REG. PRICE. 29¢ AND YOU GET ONE LB. FREE CLIP THIS COUPON 1!!! PORK SHOULDERS I No purchase necessary. Just fill in Coupon below and deposit in I box at Buehler's. Draw to take place Saturday, December 6th ---- SMOKED PICNIC STYLE 5 p.m. Winners announced later. Name ........ iio co iia. Tg pen / Address 0 0 0 0000000000 retest