Le a op WW WE wl BR I A A WW WO EE ST I Say Sa ho Sr SIs 3 i oR Me. FSA Ra THE GSMAWA TIMI, Thersdey, Boromber 4, THE 37 'Mothersl... Here's Great News| You Can Get a... i JOLLY JUMPER" ... For Baby PLUS An 8" x10" SILVERTONE PORTRAIT Absolutely FREE See a live demonstration of the Jolly Jumper on TV every Friday morning over Channel 4 at 10 a.m. JOLLY JUMPER .. . the sontilic exerciser. Tre A PERFECT GIFT TO GIVE AT CHRISTMAS modern developer for the development af the modern infant. The creeping-age baby never experiences the frustra- tion of not walking; iAstead he becomes an actor and very shortly appreciates the fact that this act is being enjoyed. A baby of three or four months has a natural urge to kick and hop about. JOLLY JUMPER now makes it possible for this urge to be satisfied to the maximum. The JOLLY JUMPER is as valuable to mother as a nursemaid. Baby is eager to be in the JOLLY JUMPER at any time, leaving mother ffee to attend to household duties. YOUR FAVORITE TODDLER WILL LOVE THE JOLLY JUMPER --_------ em mm ORDER FORM | THE TIMES dn di " A Portrait hy Hornshy Photographer 3 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- OSHAWA : for your child, grandchild, cousin, niece or nephew. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN GET A JOLLY JUMPER AND PORTRAIT SECURE (4) NEW 4-MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE OSHAWA TIMES ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET A JOLLY JUMPER AND PORTRAIT is secure four (4) NEW 4-month subscriptions to THE OSHAWA TIMES. It's just that easy ! All subscriptions must be NEW subscribers, who have not taken the TIMES within the past 30 days. Orders are subject to approval, acceptance and verification by THE OSHAWA TIMES. If the paper is to be delivered by carrier boy you DO NOT COLLECT ANY MONEY. If you should obtain a subscription which is to be delivered by mail in Ontario you collect $4.75, outside of Ontario $5.75 in advance and include it with the order when sending it in. 'Allow about ten days for notification that your JOLLY JUMPER is ready for you. Send Your FOUR New 4-Month Orders in the same envelope. Orders Must Be Taken on the Order Forms Printed Below -- Mail Your Orders to THE JOLLY JUMPER OFFER, Oshawa Times Circulation Dept., Oshawa, ey Ont. ORDER FORM ORDER FORM ORDER FORM THE TIMES | hereby order THE OSHAWA TIMES delivered to my \ house for a period of four (4) months or longer. | also agree to pay the Carrier Boy the regular weekly subscripfion rate lb understand that the person who secured my order is using house for a period of four (4) months or longer. | also agree to pay the Carrier Boy the regular weekly subscription rate "| understand that the person who secured my order is using | hereby order THE OSHAWA TIMES delivered to my I hereby order THE OSHAWA TIMES delivered to my house for g period of four (4) months or longer. | also agree to pay the Carrier Boy the regular weekly subscription rate. | understand that the person who secured my order is using | hereby order THE OSHAWA. TIMES delivered to my house for a period of four (4) months or longer, | also ogree to pay the Carrier Boy the regular weekly subscription rate. | understand thot the person who secured my order is using THE TIMES THE TIMES | it to obtain a Jolly Jumper from The Oshawa Times. it to obtain a Jolly Jumper from The Oshawa Times. it to obtain a Jolly Jumper from The Oshawa Times, it to obtain a Jolly Jumper from The Oshawa Times. Name of Subscriber .. Nome of Subscriber .... civ 00000000 Nome of Subscriber ... 00000 vees . Nome of BuBIEHDOr oo uusenernsensinnsnsrrsstnsansarrissrserssnnene seaestsecsanc nt ttrsnns PLT L Tore eresene Address $00000000000006000000s0vsencrescasssennsssssieg (2 TL TR Address EE EE EE EE TT TT I Address TT TT IE PPE PY FTN CPT T TT TE TU PG Oa pa gs City or TOWR .coevescsccsssscsonasacss. Phone seen eseceem Oy or TOWR covsonsesonnsossocsssocess PROMS commence ss om Clty OF TOWH susevecenvesssssvusnssinee PRONG cousimvenssnn | GY oF POWR oaesssscsscrnsssessvessscn Subscription Taken by Subscription Token BY ..seevnverencrcceterserrirnnirs srsesesseesrunans Subscription TOKO BY vse ssvicsniinvnsisvvurivisansvesvinidivye . Subscription 'Address .. Adress .. i ivuvevisarinme Feusns tevin vans isan sates rnnee Address ....c000c0000ti000nns Address .. Address ..... ER ERT IT tessa seee City or Town City or Town ..... seven City or Town .. sess esnnen