po J0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 4, 1958 difficulties, and dressing up is al- ways pop youngsiers. "Mrs, Needles, 35, born in Recommends Drama Course | roreio, wen is soot in 5s ' a studied at Toronto Teachers' Col- As Part of Teacher's Training iss ie sy she wie ber mt By EDNA USHER children of different ethnic|four; her next at 10, and started ) - \ ' 4 & RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS |earning her craft when she was oS Es 1 ern CSN TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA fo Canada says Dorothy Jane The course would precede giv- . og lessons in acting and drama br 3 £ fo children in Grade 3 and up. & Vi N : E DOWNTOWN oause it is a universal form of : ) polf-epression -- some children N - ol f cannot master the manual tech- A -- a i ; 9:00 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. ailing or music--but the child who | Hf" ; : \ \W. 3 TUES, THURS. SAT. cannot give something to, and |} HH finest family gift of them all yery rare," she said. p ¢ WRITER, LECTURER e Eb Ne , SHOPPING CENTRE written 35 plays, many of them ¢ } 5 S ' MON., WED., FRIDAY for children. She also has writ- : J : \ 1 / J teachers on dramatic training. y A ? TUES., THURS., SAT. And in private life, as the wife from 11 to two. ((=-- t Mrs. Needles says that Wi = jf : /R hi » a / t Playing cowl : E § 3 3 TOYLAND - 3 k | "Acting should be taught be- Sy) (IN . J . J / MON., WED,, FRIDAY niques of drawing, painting, mod- 1 ¢ 4 \ & y \ Ny WP 7 9 AM. UNTIL 6 P.M. fearn something from drama is Dorothy Jane Goulding has ? ¥ , | ; 9:30 AM. UNTIL 9 P.M. ten radio shows and lectures to ) f=} damm ain \ ' § : \ ; « a / § E 8 RYE © 4 9:30 UNTIL 6 P.M. o acwl William Needles, she is £ . \ y \ mother of five chidren, aged |. 3 ; | : 7 VISIT SANTA'S ldren act. ¢hi end Indians or throwing a tant-| rum is all acting. [ She thinks discipline and direc. | tion can best be introduced when | children reach about Grade 3 in school, y "Advanced children can start : at seven, but most are ready for : ain ri acting in school at about nine," she "hey shoud ot be_siven| BROWNIE M (AMC, CAMERA KIT, f/2.3 reams of lines to learn, but should study a few exercises and TE s ; : ; then develop their own plot." Genuine Kodak movie kit at this low, low price! For example, youngsters can be given an exercise in crawling, || Great team for indoor-outdoor movie-making. This handsome. falling flat without hurting them- | ly packaged outfit includes the deluxe-model Brownie Movie 3 Q 1 & oR MN / elves, of yn, Tet) they. can Camera with fast £/2.3 lens and the Brownie 2-Lamp Movie A : ( 'y AY y "TINY TEARS" a pay ee actions | Light, complete with reflector flood lamps, Titler Board for | [§8 on - N G hiss. . "Each group will produce a dif-|| easy home-movie title-making also included. ot. " DOLL ferent interpretation," said Mrs. | . ' Needles. "Boys in the eight to) \k IF h § e : Over 12" high a cuddly lovely dol pine age group usually want a All F 25 ir ME . ; % who Is great fun to play with. Join violent death in their play; others or 8 RA ap ted "Vinyl" body sleeping eyes. Sh interpret crawling as sneaking up | GUA / drinks, cries, blows bubbles gnd ha on somebody." a lovely layette, Complete. Mrs. Needles says groups i MN i %/ 4 should be as varied as possible. S T a i "Children today tend to live in 7 OR 7 . _ Jarger communities, and there fore have a tendency to play only with their own age groups," lg . SAM ead. ers play cowboys and RALAS ALILT Photographic mach ioe. But the age troupe (ECCT E ENT UT EE aa aad | | i else. Bu e age groups || : { C . 9. 3 were mixed, the vould 1 dif- | RA.3-2245 { RA. 5-3546 ' ¢ ferent YY ji : : dan 4 \ | Ra A POLKA SET pig i in dr. 1S RING ST. W. 2 BOWMANVILLE ~» MA sna \ \ 5 Bonnet and Bootees with layers of " : \ . \ Say may | VinSsug IE loop stitch edge with silk Te * N ELECTRIC ond children of different ages | vi de x should be included in the dram. 317 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY MO 8-2338 ! line, ghoterorey., Pointed collar with ribbon ti Bh | I' la: "ow oP ONt/e, or w ri tie ot atic otis. Ditisrent handling of | | White, Jo ny neck, Ribbon in bootees and bon- h TRAIN SET plots among B NKET daugdlt | 4 of net. Long sleeves, Individually i | 1 A boxed. White, pink, blue. ¢ \ i Four-unit with transformer steom type. All steel. Set contains: 1 Locomotive, Deep down rayon an nylon erib | blanket, S&nitized 5" rayon al RE a A | satin rosebud print, Binding size d ABA | re tender, gondola (caboose, 8 sections | 36" x 50". Varlous pastel colors, yg y track. Track connector transformer, 2.98 So it's GOT to he Good [hn #7 270 NES ceoccs nylon with pretty trim- i Two-piece fleece lined cot mings. Gift boxed. ton ribbed neck and cuffs. CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIALS da). | Shi, lglg ti 3 : Sutionen pants with elgstic " TWO-PIE E NYLON anim hs [7 COWBOY RICE SPOR § "an dN % ig TY PART Y DRESS VA 4 bur, yellow: SHIRTS Orion knitted suit. Two but n | 3 NA eter neck?" cut pattern | Pretty Nylon D NC oo { i ty Ny ress with lace © Boys warm flannel cowboy waistband diamond 5 5 | A . { x 8 ! | trim around neck and sleeves NN i | 5 shirts, plain yoke with contras- F on pullover front. Plain knit J ACKETS sb fas | Front and back yoke, two ribbon AW ting" piping. Blues, rece' onc glstic wait." individually 2 Pl fA or . bow streamer." Nylon frill, - tN | oRR-- greys. A pleasing gift for the boxed. : ' / : . . A Lh : young cowboy. Sizes 6 to 16. 2 98 LJ Haond-embroidered flowers cori. You'll Be Proud To y . lete with angelskin slip, Si \ b3 tt Ett SRS EERE SEN GIRLS ) 2.98 J A New Special Group of Al i i £ -- 4 Fine English Tweed Jackets 3 : 2 | 98 4 BN BLOUSES : \ BOYS' from our main supplier of / ba al : TERRY TOWEL } Amal end Terylens, round self ; CARDIGAN Fin 8 J { collar with lace frill. Puff sleeves, bi : S Sport Coats ie yf aay 3 i : BATH SET ; four pearl button front, two rows LEATHER 100% nylon cardi L i a : TERYLENE . lace frill down either side. White, 3 sleeves. Blue, beige. ond FZ NEWEST PATTERNS | Cl [oxied on wy Yous at pn, be, alow. A prety MITTS HSE NEW STYLING " i : on oh DIAPER \ White grounds ig printed fu f Christmas gift. Sizes 4 to 6x, So ern oma eve conTRASTING PuLLOVERS SET Face Cloth 10" x 10" individually mitts, water H \ face « \ nites, repellent, fleece 2 Q \ X 1.98 lined. Red, block, brown. A . EACH gift that is sure to please. 4 i i 3 Gi 3 Contrast pointed collor. Gather. -- i by 5 od back and front yoke. Teddy . § ] 4 3 Bear motif appliques on front Pos 3 $ : jacket. Pants lined with '"San- \ 1 08 - $ AN . itized Vinylite" elastic back and REG. 34.50 \ NR A 1 | ee X ' | : : | 1.98 . " Flany v INITIALLED o - GLOVES (ENGLISH WORSTED FLANNEL ATLTTE : {3 J. Handkerchiefs MEN'S Men's imported -cope- 13 4 - Ss Men's good quality white cotton in- ' PYJAMAS skin Gloves. Whip- Itialed handkerchiefs. Three pack \ 61% 4! iL if iu : nd { e ,ored SLAC 4] 6 gh TOYS 4 ie a 0 fointeq coSnd oged In cello window box, Cotton broadcloth. with oe! stitched slip-on style. a | | CHRISTMAS 'N coor mn trate KA ln Sf tei 1.00 To ER Nylon shearing ined orf CORS AGES Avimal of various sizes ond \ To 6% Reg y 3 9 8 Gift boxed. . . . 'alt | MEN'S GIFT TIES | 3.98 | A greot voriety of Christ- 2 i A great variety of stri Also a_ lar assortment of [] 9 iety of stripes and nove! $0 HM t t of | mas pinon Corsages In designs. Gift boxed. AS. Gift boxed. REG. 15.95 ; Fe mer or ee A : | to to the festive air. { 1.00 3.98 coal or Dark Brown . .. and we'll put the cuffs on now or after Christmas, WV Ea . : ------ SCARVES 4 < SHIRTS r 3 q i. Boxed : Men's flannel sport shirts. Long LADIES .. This Whole Outfit Is Only 39.90 & ' Handkerchiefs Cond wien BATHROBES oe tm fo es. he : 5 nty. "Attractive patterns Tn foshon forized. S-M-L. . i hion-right lors, Choose Use Our Lay-Away and Pay For It By Christmas Dainty white, 'cotton. gift. Handker- oy Chraas Giving. Men's warm checled flannel : chiefs with colored floral embroider 2 vi 5 bathrobes. Shawl collar self * Or Use Our Budget Plan and , designs, assorted fancy loce borders tie. Two pockets. Sanforized TAKE UP TO 6 MONTHS TO PAY "Ny wed whos. Tew pb A a . Christmas gift. \ £) Various colors. S-M.k, 98¢ To go with the jacket . . . fine quality all wool slacks in Banker Grey, Char- YOU CAN COUNT oo | DOWNTOWN ZELLER SHOPPING CENTRE VALUE 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 226 STEVENSON RD. PHONE RA 3-2294 L iM ITED PHONE RA 3-2209 wis \ MN Ba & 2 r