Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Dec 1958, p. 20

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S0--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale S50---Articles For Sale SU--Articles For Sale S0---Articles For Sale i 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 3, 1958 50--Articles For Sale ORDERS taken for storia sashes, meas-| pANOS, all makes and sizes, from $79 COLORED deluxe portabl wri .|ONE _E » I 4 e typewriter, SEWING machine, forward and re asy 1ironer, $45; one new Fo Resul S BENDIX automatic washer, like new, used only six months, $76.80. Irvine urements and estimates free. Terms |up, terms, gusranteed. Ostrander Plano Smith Corona $75. Whitby MO 8-4651.| verse, demonsirator, like new, with full ¥ ; ; Queen' Stree; Ena. 282(| set of attachments, including button. SPray, $65, Phone RA 5-5802. 28ic LASSIFIED ADVERTISING wi Ao, x dan. 1. ify an. Lists 1 Fr | maa $100 DOWN will completely furnish|HOward 6-2313. De ; C -- oy d holes, List price $115, sale price $65. nt rigerators, di- . Thi price ONE Be FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators, recondi-|your home. s BLAUPUNKT short wave ra ios. HIGHEST Prives aid for esd Jarl. Call RA 5-8976. 28% | tub atty Jump 3 pump and Teundry A L L t 0) (Continued from Page 19) tioned, with warranty, $69.50 up. Large bedroom suite, television, refrigerator, . Irvine A 50 Bond |Kitchen set, washing machine, lamps, asic-eve tuning, 11 »|C F Store, 19 Prince East, RA 8-5841. Jan. 1{tables etc. All items reduced in price. SW. aM, LY atin, Thrss speak. Street. Phone RA 8-1131. 4 2 . Ey Am Se icious Sooming be oaolp . : SEWING machine, practically mew, re. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe| yi 'golly TV, 81 King West. Dec. 2 BALANCE ware, Salesman's sample. t R A 3 3 49 2 1 47 --Automobiles For Sale |[49--Aut bile Repairs [verse stitch attachment etc. Less than Street South. Dec.13 e Vogue J ho Sais Rock tom Ia BOAT KITS all RA Hg ™ I, Devt he | half price. Also size 20 boy's bicycle.| AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, SACRIFICE prices on bedroom suites, formals etc. Drastically reduced. May REPOSSESSED -- Exciting new type. : 28 beautiful triple dresser, large chest and be seen daily from 1 y $56.00 and up automatic Sewing Facing new type, USE I .m., 0 wing , algzags, 53 CHRYSLER Windsor sedan, semi- RA 5-8654. prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and table| bookcase bed, regular $269, cnopped to| Kaiser. Crescent, darns, mends, complete with cams automatic, custom radio, showroom BRAMLEY MOTORS |THIFTY Wemingion poriabic Se writers, 15 per cent off list price till rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, $188 . . . Gorgeous new mocha finish-|Street, Phone RA 5-1212. 0 % pen Evenings & Weekends Fully guaranteed. Take over . ans, Be eck can Fn sim| TIMES-GAZETTE condition in every way. Royal blue, $895 Fried ed double dresser, chest and bookcase .| VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes;| Brooklin Marine Storage Cl ASS FIED King West Motors, opposite Shopping v Christmas. Easy terms. Oshawa Busi- Centre 22 SALES LTD. ness Machines. 329 Simcoe Street South. bed, regular $229, 'smashed to $148 . a FAIRLANE hardtop, automatic ; RA 81211, 281f COHBINATION door. Phone RA B7d81 Fits for Se, 300 can choose either a parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. ransmission, custom radio, power TUN ron spring mattress, or a five|teed rebuilt machines. free L- PURPOSE H Classified steering, white walls, washers, cope 1271 SIMCOE NORTH I a4 Dusting Soni FUR coat, new, natural brown Otter. Piece chrome set. Wilson 'Furniture. 20| Rentals, Nicer es a mates Ser. Supply Ltd. pr Ti . EDEL Ema owner. Only $19.95, King West Motors, plies, new and, used. For, the bes' Sond, Cost $1200. Will sell for $680. Phone|Church Street. 282b/vice. RA 81081 anytime. Phone 87 Bt To 20y, Mel: swap, Temi, Hire, eal opposite Shopping Centre. 22] PHONE RA 3-4675 [Siceet west. RA 56511. RA 85531. 2778 : MOTOROLA volumatic car radio, only 58 PONTIAC tudor, six cylinder, cus- ALK ; INE and cider barrels available, all tom radio, yellow with green flashings, Specialists in Ford service hiivy Bory Hardware and Electric, ¢jght months old. Cost low mileage. Only $1995, King West Mo.| and parts. Wheel alignment, [8 Church Street. RA 3-7634. offer. Dial RA 5-8640 after 5. out| WE highest price in the city for Ui Furniture tors, opposite Shopping Centre. 283| wheel bolonce, with lotest [SELLING furniture or cleaning pay ] 3 our basement? You will get your|used furniture. Pretty's 750 PONTIAC sedan delivery, new seat| type equipment. Newest type | covers. foo ts nem Sant ov | _elecromic tune-up equipment. (Hebe Set Sun EI el ac praia ds 3 i , y n 3 re heavy duty elec- reasonable offer considered. Phone RA|50--Articles For Sale Street South. tric range, excellent condition. Phone 282: FRIGIDAIRE 1959 automatic washers RA 3.7329. sid 5-8931. ce o- - Eo ------------------ ow IMARCONI aud Admiral, Hallicrafter, doin ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to Manco i 1959, $109 up. aid dryers. Rated No. a over oo BEIGE two-piece chesterfield, excei- 30 per cent. Nine months 0 Day, [or Sicveo HLF| from 9990. Kelly TV, RA loverncad means. lowest prices, From leo Phone RA 3.2340. 28 5 . , S802. 59 4% youI Some a SoiqL Dec. 2 $199. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West. |B. F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter. Cc. ies, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. Thrifty budget plan. RA 35-4543. "56 PLYMOUTH V8" four-door sedan, SED tires, most aN dies, Sup. BF, + ari oo push button drive, tutone, in excellent| ~ -- 543. ______|WE'LL buy all your use uy condition. RA 3-4887. Dec. 5|TV AERIALS, all channel, installed, Pay top money for it. Contact 19 ce| "FUR, full-length muskrat coat, size ONT solar io adn | ht Year. siaravies, $29. Kelly TV, 5 Street or phone RA 81131. Jan. 2.16, excellent condition. Phove RA 55 » , , y X o many extras, perfect. Will accept small Rig West, RA 55181, Des. 29 WILLIAMS pianos, now at a iad you 3-3190, , 208% car in trade. RA 5-0547. 278¢| KELLY TV, your authorized Beatty |can afford, at Parkway Tlev WARDROBE, bench saw, white figure - - 47. Bt ealer offers you up to $100 for your|Simecoe Street North. RA 3-3043.|gkates size 12, girl's coat and skirts PARTS off of '49 Ford; new generator, old washer on a new Deatty automatic R sal stom built, sh outton | size 12. Reasonable. Apply 92 Elgin Hollywood muffler, tail pipe, seats,/or wringer washer. 81 King West. 3 0 cle, sus mba, Eo Ap-| East 4 i 282a speedometer, clock, rear axle, brakes, Dec. 20/1958 Chev, radio, pr Jew. i . springs, front end, etc. Phone RA 3.9066 ply Mercury Taxi, 45 King East. Dec.20| gp CIALS for this weekend. Wednes- ¥ % RADIOS, record players, hi-fi and| ry TY pe Py after 6 p.m. Dec. 25 iereo are all here at the lowest prices. SKATES, new and used. * s No.|day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, #57 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, radio and|It will pay you to shop at Parkway 1 Skate Exchange". Used . Fryag Shiekens win 8 Without bir heater. '56 Dodge coach, radio and (Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. New scored bok Bg Ay 2 ae bss eed 4) ae, ed ati i 3 . ee ~ |in town. cle, 8 3 | heater, will accept trade, terms ar GINGER sewing machines -- $10 de-(gireet East, cumbers, 3 for 25c. Glecoffs IGA Super-| ranged. Marion Auto Ltd., 25 Grenfell| ioe ca prand new Singer to Catket, 174 Ritson Road South. Open §ireet. RA 85179. ~~ 280flpomer A small deposit will hold yours FREE -- Absolutély Free -- Up to $100 to 10 p.m. daily; 282d | CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan 23,000/until Christmas. Get the best -- get a|worth of gifts and furniture (your boendl discal miles, 6 cylinder standard radio white fully guaranteed Singer sewing machine choice). Our Christmas gift to you -- DION, 60 bass, good condition. | walls, back-up lights, clock, A-1 condi.|from your authorized dealer, Barons'|with the purchase of a chesterfield, or| Phone RA 3-3818 between 4 and 5 p.m. | tion, One owner, RA 8-1939 after 6 p.m |Home "Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street a bedroom suite, or a dining room 282b | i : 278¢ | South. Dec. 14|suite, Easy terms. This is no 1 eed ar Soest | RC Toriere""o closing ont Come and see for yourself! Barons' 58 FORD custom line tudor, custom SELLING furniture or cleaning Ovt|fome Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street|size 11, reasonable price. Phone days. radio, Fairlane wheel covers, oe igh pasoment! do aL South, Dec. 14| RA 8-541, evenings RA 5.8517. 282b wall tires, finished in ebony black. Thy Whe | PIANO, very modern appearance, ex-| XMAS gift bargains, fabulous savings, #3195, King vest Motors, opposite D131. be oth, Post, U5 cellent condition, concert pitch, small| cedar chests $29.95; Shopping Centre, i | CHATN saw ----spray palo out, 756 upright, $185 cash, RA 57001 after|end tables 34.99; bridge sets $19.95; 51 MORRIS Oxfon dan, like brand Saw, a | a derella hampers, ula .95, clear new, id ris overhauled, | Plymouth, 24-ft. cabin trailer, furnace, fics, | out $7.95; GE floor polishers $35.53; friges, Washers on padios | Walnut finished desk $16.83. Wilson) pectes, | Furniture, 20 Church Street. 202b | CORAL organza, ballerina length dress, Pee perfect Hurry! Omly $s. King|space heater, 3-plece bath, sink arbi... West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. | plumbing supplies, 2 all kinds. Sell 95|GMAC terms. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King Furniture, SEER Sine) nef T i | FRIGIDIARE special big 10% eu ft.| "oo Dev. | WHOLESALE prices ou Menace, din} i958 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, ex. . . | SPECIAL discounts for builders, home. nerware, the newest in unbreakable cellent condition. Phone Whitby Mo fridge. ah frecter, bulter-keoper;, 10 EPECIA LT Frigidaire built-in ovens, | dishes. The ideal Christmas gift. We | § 2258 wror/money down i eekly, Kelly Frigid: cooking tops, pulldown elements, re. have & Sompleie line of new patterns i49 CHEV. coach, two of these popular (aire, 81 King West. Dec. 29|frigerators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81fand designs, For free home demon nodel ve white | eee = = |King Street West. RA 5-5121, Dec. 29|stration. RA 5-8603 or see our complete | madels to choose from, both have v THREE large wardrobes, with full = A bef Jr t Budget Sales Sh 269 5, heaters, etc. 'only $195. King CPOE UES drawers. Beautiful de. CEDAR Chests -- $1.00 will hold yours iftlay at Bldget Seles Showroom, M4] r until Christmas. Choose from the best King Street West. 1) wa West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. | be seen at 1081 Rossland 2818 | Syn: San 5 278f makes -- Lane, Heirloom, Red Seal, | f | = Ta west or phone RA 58200 Vaies etc. Many models drastically reduced %2 DODGE sedan, standard transmis. | THEY said it couldn't be done, look at|;, Mod hoes tor best _selection.] MEAT DISPLAY CASE sion, custom Tadio; mow He et That "Ed Yilsow! is hii Fhester. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe In every way, only $295, King West fields and sofa-beds, chop to fabulous Dec. 14 West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre [clear sms. coupterticld [Si eet South, hii Modern, 12' double duty, 281f | cer" $130; two-tone sofa-bed suite, NEW sump pump, with 40 feet of 14| 0 itice $290. Phone collect 52 CHEVROL ET deluxe coach, radio |trimmed with frabrilite, $188, plus for|inch pipe. RA 5-9753. 277 ; is Beater A-1 condition. RA 8-5451 between % semis I ean aoose dither 8 Ere NEW apartment size pianos at Teduced| Or write quickly, 7¢ | Piece A "|low prices. Easy terms. Trade-ins ac- 80nd 7 BI: Ey ra borite living room tables. Wilson sted. A small deposit will hold yours JOHN HARVIE LIMITED 58 CHEVROLET Biscayne two-door, Furniture. 20 Church Street. till Christm But hurry -- the prices PETERBOROUGH low mileage, spotless condition, trade| gue Teonara 'frig; one rangette, very(on.all pianos are golng up shortly! Dec. 5 considered, terms available, Phone|go,q condition, cheap; recapped snow | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe RA 5-8640 after 5 p.m. Dec. 1.|iires, reasonable, installed free. RA Street South. Dec. 14 54 PONTIAC Chieftain sedan, 8 cylin-|5-4811. _ BUI SAMSONITE | Tuggage = The ideal der hydromatic, white walls, only 22g 0" ctric Tange ke | Christmas gl or everyone, Pay only| -- mt ae me he Vali oh | PRIGIATRE Gr Hecne Tug, Uke CIAL KL, OL GIRLY SL RACE hese, Con CL ST aiief 5 pm %78 vine Appliances, 50 Bond East. RA Nome Furnishings, 42d Simeoe Street|terfield, truck, trailer, tile "nachine, | 8.3041, Jan. 1. couth Dec. 14 new plumbing supplies and piping of| | " -- --,~_|all kinds, Chinn's, Park Road and Hill | SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa's No.|gide. RA 3-7088. Dec. 8 1 Skate Exchange". Used skates $1 up. BUYING or SELLING BUY NOW New skates $495 up. Largest selection | co egal Notices TED CAMPIN AND SAVE . Street East. MOTORS | PETERBOROUGH BOATS Sc! Tenders odirsad to Pr- 607 KING ST. -- OSHAW, T : perty & Maintenance Com- (Just Eost of Wiisen Read EVILR oe MOVORS FRIGIDAIRE! : mittee, Womens Waliere RA 3-4494 Res. - L e, imcoe St. . Free winter storage on mo- SHEER LOOK -- PLUS Sot. Oshawa, will be re- tors. Boat storage, Factory ceived up to noon, December Try the 1959 d. Servi ntre, for 4) fi lyi arped Sevee cre | HOME APPLIANCES | [=i 1738 I wophis Paris Styled motor repairs, Open evenings T.S. RA 5-5332 Rede Dovphing, | yeni [ERE pg oh © YOU GIVE Four doors, 44 mies galen, | ANID SUPPLY LTD, [PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS] 1385, 15, Cuter ory | A 52.WEEK GIFT SUBSCRIPTION water cooled. BROOKLIN, ONT. hi AT PHONE 87 Beit Prey 2 Bast Tome ed. Information {Toy be iy | tained from H. W. McNeill, | TO THE OSHA A VAN HEUSEN MOTORS OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD. Ring Trom Scat on 149 King W. PAINT SALE 11 King St. E. awa. 281c RA 5-3557 RA 3-3333 : Dec. 11 At Almost Wholesale Jan.2 Prices NOTICE TO CREDITORS .] § MAS & MACKIE MOTORS SUPER KEM-TONE BUY NOW AND SAVE AND OTHERS $5.99 gal. $1.80 at. Peterborough boats, Evinrude In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN STONEHOUSE, Farm- Will buy good clean cars. | p i" 1 Sell SWING SATIN Motors--budget terms. Free | ay off liens, Jel} on con- $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. winter storage on motors. er, deceased. M k . E signment. Trade up or down. First Come First Choice Boat storage. Factory ap- All persons having ' claims a e it au HRIST AS--each day of the year-- proved. Service centre for against the estate of William the NEW LOCATION ' mot irs. O i John Stonehouse, of WESBING'S | timp Comerins | Jon Sivsiug, of oe King St. East HARDWARE DRIVE-IN | MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY | County of Ontarid, Farmer, | for those at h f LIMITED ome or rar away. Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In 282 King St. W. deceased, who died on or RA 5.5743 RA 3.4873 Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 about the 27th day of Oc- field to send in to the under- tober, 1958, are hereby noti- CRANFIELD [MOTORS | NOW IS THE TIME signed. Personc| Representa. 1] SEND The person receiving the subscription will receive an attractive TO GET READY FOR or before the 20th day of | Christmas card, informing them, with the sender's name and USED 2ARS WINTER December, J5e, full par- For. the. Yves focion con FOR. THE VERY ticulars of their claims. Im- THIS best wishes. This is a perfect solution to your Gift problems. .. B.A. SERVICE | structed aluminum storm BES mediately after the said date | RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, | windows and doors installed EST the Personal Representatives this year a Times gift subscription . MORRIS, M.G, WOLSELEY, | to your satisfaction at low- ALUMINUM wil Yisjribere the Juste of | | e sai eceased having re- | HAN DY RILEY SALES & SERVICE. est prices. °* hE OF oi ONTHS To pay | Bom Se Bees | Bt re at ayer | , i i SABYAN MOTOR | CALL TODAY FOR FREE = | pilings, Doted of Oshawa this 11th COUPON | CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES SALES LTD. ALEX VAJDA NOBODY day of November, 1958. | MARION RUTH STONEHOUSE, | PLEASE ORDER ( ) TIMES GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BE MAILED TO THE FOLLOWING: 51--Swap and Barter | STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN + | MODERN WOODWORKING BUT NOBODY CHARLES CAMPBELL S SHO SALES and SERVICE RA 3-9851 con beat our quality prices McGIBBON and 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | ond guaranteed installations. EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, By their solicitors, OSHAWA, ONT. | TEL: RAndoloh 3-3461 $AVE -- $AVE HOLODY | Messrs, NedizeoN " 48--Automobiles Wanted | Mackadyen's Reol Seo! ALUMINUM | Barristers & Solicitors, . sietbndiBad, _ | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 20 Simcoe Street North, oie ol COMBINATION RA 5-2431 Oshawa, Ontario, Vania LH eee Ta] ALUMINUM STORMS Anytime. YM 9 pm, Now 77.26, Dee 3) SUBSCRIPTION dition throughout, will pay cash. Write AND SCREENS | ' DRILY CROSSWORD RATES BY MAIL . MAILING ADDRESS ) particulars to Box 335, Oshawa Times regardless of size. Installa- 1. Copies every 21. Died IE saa HET PR ty PROV. OF ONT. . . . 12.00 ONE RA 8-1547 emperor 4. Soaks up 25. Short. P[alc] Gown. Lighy Puig on - 11. Aweigh ll RO im MAILING ADDRESS IARIEREA A] ASA RRS ATA SA SAVAASA VASA ASR IA AANA AS ATRSRTAYATAATS ¢ ATS + + 15 aol 194 + AMR [ sansanans vr a $16.95 EACH 3 EEEETEERCAD) | RA sls] or RA 51182 For any double hung window | ACROSS Z.Partsin ~~ 30.Perch [TIEIEG/ERMMOIEIT 1 YEAR [ HIGHEST PRICES FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE By 2 in ny J 10 oe Goed clean cars. Trade up or ANYTIME I Nae 5.Gifovame © haired Curses OTHER PROV. gracias | UK. and USA... 1600 [ | I [ | I [ DODD MOTOR SALES 12. Rises up 7. Grass ATTENTION ) O[R[B ISA 314 PARK RD, S. IAlG[E] HOMEOWNERS 14. Faults spear pencils [ATelSIUNIBIOMIELD) RA 3-9421 15, National god 8. Sawfish's CALL of Indo- Y OSHAWA ALUMINUM Aryans + 11, Cease! y ) a Dwnus : FOR 49--Automobile Repairs 3. NAME ; . EI I I I EE I I NS SS NS I UY i SALES & SERVI 18. A lifetime (naut.) ; 32, Braid Test-Drive the F h & | CE : 17. Exist 13. Rested 36. Beige color or the best quality alumin- 18. Consume 17. Fellow 30, Respectful 37, | FURTHER D.K Ww 3-6 um ond ex i + Y¥ | pert installations. 19. Dark areas 1 : For org he jo FE All Free JEinotes | ae ans) te 25, Celebes ox MAILING ADDRESS BOS SOS UL OO 0 SL OO UE 00 UL UD UCI TUERIEUETOTY SH ov ales | vipows* *""BoGRs 2 Cay | INFORMATION | RAILING 24. Rome's BODY SHOP Cash or Terms river PHONE ENCLOSED Is MY CHEQUE FOR $. dite hs 408 King St. W. RA 3.7132 Call RA 5-7922 Anytime % Dialed THE CIRC ANDRE VA uried hoard 50--Articles For Sale NDE VALK 13 30. Slight taste ULATION - er ¢. 731 33.¥Fish . 34, Latvian | DEPT. . monetary it { LJ - J Winter-Seal 35. Wastes 4 RA 3 3474 : 37. Untrue © ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS 30, Extend 40. Mountains » ] SENDERS NAME ........... SriRt in ahise beens Rede ee ADDRESS... ..... ORR eH AA J J 1 ] | | | I ! ! ) | I Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings S70) 4 (5.A.) CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE 41. French river ' 4 RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior 12, Movatle 1 arrier. "4 'ireploce Furnishings ond Bathtub Enclosures 43. Ornamental nail EVENISS SALES LTD. "4. Droops .¥ { -, RA. 5-4632 DOWN Bill Galbroith, RA 5-8832 2, West 1nties Don Howe, RA 5.0313 Bland A TE YI YS. =

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