| PIANOS, * WANTED -- Child's c W. ' 32--Articles Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted JUNIOR bedroom suite, or junior as ve in good condition. Call 10 h alr OURG. Rian. about 20 years of ate, ation office, Should ha 278f at least a Grade 13 special commereial course ill pay cash. State oh and price. rite Box 237, Oshawa Times. Deec.20 desk and chair, aT size doll carriage and hoy an, RA 3-3660. aly for & young man who 1 1 Apply giving [ification to W. Gordon Bunker, Busi. {ness Administrator, 179 Simcoe Sires South, Oshawa. MIGHEST prices for used furni- ture, "also sell exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. 28 SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal. I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE ~ SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4139 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP 35--Employment Wanted BARBER would rent chair, in shop. Phone Cobourg, FR 2-3404. le GENTLEMAN would like rn + time work, evenings and Saturdays. Book: keeping, accounting hye r- ed. Write Box 301, mes. 281 GERMAN SHEPHERI the perfect Christm of excellent blood ) hold until Christmas. Pickering ne 36--Female Help Wanted TORONTO -- Two girls for domestic help in neighboring home, live in. Must like children. Write Mrs. Green, 42 Blue Forest Drive, Downsview, On- tario or phone MElrose 3-3517. b/d WAITRESS id work in clean snack bai st neat. Experience not necessary. Phone RA 85-0939. bd HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for friendly home in country, private room, five- day week, $80. per month. Must like children. Phone 3-23W, Brooklin. 277 WANTED -- A qualified hairdresser or hair stylist for full time or part time. Apply to "Fern", st the Town Toggery Beauty Salon; or phone Ajax 336. 23lc EARN 50c a pair commission selling hosiery to friends and relatives. Free sales kit supplied, Write: Harmony Mills, Dept. A, 42 Camden Street, To- ronto 2B, Ont. 28le YOUNG lady required for administra tion office, must be a good typist and have had experience in general office work. Apply giving full particulars of education and experience to W. Gordon Bunker, une Administrator, 179 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 2791 sipteocinds cashier for evenings for Oshawa Supermarket, Please write stating full information and particu- lars to Box 250, Oshawa Times 380c ut itlinist die Anita Ett RELIABLE girl to care for one enfld, pre-school age. Call RA 8-1782. WAITRESSES wanted. Apply "i Campbell, Genosha Hotel, TTENTION housemaids and Fass Fri Would you like a job in Toronto? Apply Employees Unlimited, 76 Church Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. $350 A MONTH PLUS A BONUS FOR A YOUNG MAN TO REPRESENT LARGE COR- PORATION. --No travelling --Established resident ~--23-45 years of age --Married, ambitious --Capable of assuming re- sponsibility in a sales position, Please write, giving details regarding education, previous employment record, marital status and phone number to: BOX 136, OSHAWA TIMES All replies Strictly Confidential [+] HAVE-YOU A NO-FUTURE JOB? There Is a career with e future for you in the Canadian Army. A healthy outdoor life with good poy makes this on excellent opportunity for ically fit young men of 17-35 who meet Amy selection requirements, LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES NOW IN THE FOLLOWING: THE CANADIAN GUARDS PRINCESS PATRICIA'S CANADIAN LIGHT INFANTRY THE BLACK WATCH (ROYAL HIGHLAND REGI- MENT) OF CANADA THE QUEEN'S OWN RIFLES OF CANADA ROYAL 22E REGIMENT THE ROYAL CANADIAN REGIMENT Enquire now, or mail this coupon to: ARMY RECRUITING STATION 507 College St., Toronto, Ont. Tel. EM 6-8341, Loc, 277 | Please send me, without obli- gation, details on career opportunities in the Canadian Army. City/Town .. Province ..cvevese ver | Telephone .... 38--Male or Female Mele or Female 38. olé ot Help Wanted Help Wanted OSHAWA RECREATION COMMITTEE WANTED RECREATION PRACTITIONER The Oshawa Recreation Committee is soliciting ap- plications for a position on the full-time staff, from anyone qualified to act as an Assistant to the Direc- tor of Recreation. Qualifications: University Degree, with specialization in Recreation, from an accredited institution -- with a Recreation Specialist A or B Certificate (Provincial Department of Education) -- OF ---- Such other qualifications as can be accredited so as to receive approval to practice from the Minister of Education, under authority of Provincial Legisla- tion affecting programmes of Municipal Recreation. All inquiries and applications should be directed to: The Oshawa Recreation Committee, c/o Mr. W. Brewster, Director of Recreation, 100 Gibb Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Applications should be received no later than December 13, 1958. + 280c 0 rooms, unfurnished, in new anid Rent TW . home, bus at door.eOrfe child welcome, Also furnished double room, breakfast served, girls or boys. 624 Olive Avenue. RA 8-6903. 277% FURNISHED modern bachelor apart- ment, bed - sitting room, kitchenette, |and dinette, bathroom. 460 King Street | West, five minutes to Shopping Gentle, THREE - Tye Partment, completely dren Phone RA 8-5332. 2781 $50 per month. RA 278f [welcome. LOWER duplex, 5-7081. FOUR-, and five - room self - contain- ed semi - furnished or unfurnished apartment, stove and refrigerator. RA 5-6300 or RA 3-9358. 496 Simcoe Street North, Apartment 4. 278¢ LOVELY home in residential area, fire- place room, three bed: rooms, two bathrooms, $110 a MoM, RA 83-5017. TWO "weeping bedrooms, one Bh and one double, women preferred, newly painted. Apply 178 Centre Suse, UNFURNISHED two rooms and Kkit- chen, stainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, parking space. Apply 42 Ritson South, 2791 THREE rooms and bath, heated, un- furnished apartment, light wiring, working couple desired. RA 8-8387. 278f SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet home for business gentleman. Arply x ec. FOR rent or sale -- new six-room bungalow, near South GM, Apply. 254 Malaga Road. c.28 SNACK bar concession in new Sowing alley, the LakeShore's most modern size 20° x 36°, Apply C. McDonald, Pine Crest Bowl, Port Hope, Ont. 278f HOUSE -- seven rooms, oil heated, good well, pump in cellar, children wel- come. If interested, phone RA 506 after 5 p.m. Bf TWO room basement apartment, three- plece bath suitable for working 'couple. Call RA 5-4087. 2781 | GROUND floor, two clean unfurnish- ed rooms, sink in kitchen, private en- trance. No children. Phone RA oh, Dec. FURNISHED bedroom, very large, suit two, very central, Phone RA 5-2867 or apply 114 Ontario Street. 280f WIDOW would like girl or, widow "to share small apartment, or will rent privately, ground floor, separate en- trance Apply 165 Ritson Road South 280 at_ Courtice Colborne Street West. after 6 p.m. | HOUSE p= four rooms, 41--Room and Board 44--For Rent meals, single beds, parking space, close to all south plants, | North, 102 Mill or RA 3-310: General Motors in walking distance. [Available immediately. RA 3-7091 ROOMS and board for three gentlemen. {ed. RA 5-6133, Oshawa. Apply 21 Gladstone Avenue. RA Paw Tom Tol brick, BEST in town, single beds, all modern |buses. Immediate occupancy. conveniences, close to south GM. RA Hill area. Phone RA 59191. 5-4229. Apply 536 Lorraine Street. [FIVE room apartment, ROOM or room and board, seven days rooms. All spacious rooms, |a week. Apply 54 Oshawa Boulevard mately 1000 square feet. North or phone RA 8-6053. 278f | building. Private entrance, two | men, board optional. 181 Celina Street.| mile from Ajax, E 282 | Phone Pickering 382. Pr and board for gentlemen, "800d | LOWER duglex, meals, single beds continuous hot| available January 1. | water. Apply 252 Arthur RA | | Brooklin 143. 3.0723. FOUR room apartment, centrally RA 5-4221 Street. ROOM, board, double, single. Go European meals. Close Four Corners, Adults: Apply 481 Drew Street, and GM. 29 Elgin East. RA 8-5160. | block east of Duplate. Dec.13 yHREE FOR gent! gentlemen, | single | beds, close to conveniently lncated. 499 Albert Street. south GM. Duplate and Pedlars. Six| days weekly. Apply 147 Mill Street or SIX . [call RA 57754. Children welcomed. $80 a month, 5-7830, ROOM and board for gentlemen, good ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail home privileges, able in Pm home. 33 Fark Road | ] -8671. Dec.4 THREE rooms, unfurnished, complete- [Five = ROOM and board, close G south plant, |ly redecorated, heat, lights and Sori as me Oshawa Boulevard South Armly 1493 Oxford Street off Park Road | THREE - | - room heated apartment in THREE rooms with private bath, sec: 377f| Bowmanville. Available now, unfurnish-| ond floor. 267f| Phone RA 3-2606. modern | ONE double room, oil heat, close to schools and|gingle room, suit lady. Board 'if desired Avie. Use of kitchen, close to bus, in Cana 0 bed: | Appro: AL trally located. All conveniences, parking. - IMany extra features included. tue TWO . PRIVATE home, one or two gentle-| schoo) three blocks away. Location X- Pickering Towns: | located, [Fi 2817 | Phone RA 52646. , newly « ry APARTMENT two large rooms, Good | ated, heavy wiring, kitchen cupboards. | [mishen, first floor, one | i 279 | THREE - room unfurnished apartment, 281f| aerial, - room house, downtown location, RA FOUR. 282f ond floor, private entrance. RA 5-0212.| 282 |utes from GM north plant, gentleman jonly. RA 3.2403, 2801 - room downstaiis apartment 2801 Apply 539 Albert Street "suit couple, one f| dian home. RA 3-2863. shed single room, cen Phone NICELY fu |45--Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale ste; pisses Phone RA 8-6779. 240f| | ROOM for rent, close to bus, five min 2801 | RA 3-3000 or 150 Burke Street. Dec.10 room apartment with bathroom, |private entrance. Central location, | Phone RA 3-7092, 2791 'OUR - room apartment, private bath, wiring, suit working couvle 280f heavy ~ fur- Drew. Street. Phone 2811 "unfurnished down stairs apartment, tiled bathroom, close {to YWCA, heated, private entrance, TV immediate possession. 216 Cen "room, tre Street. to five - room apartment, sc THE OSHAWA TIMES, WednesSay, December 3, 1958 Se - 19 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. Lorge é-room, 2-storey brick and stucco home with attached garage and fenced-in yard overlooking golf course. The ideal , family-home, both in location and size. 22 x 13' living room with natural fireplace, good sized dining room, modern kitchen, large master bedroom, 2 other good sized bedrooms new bath- room. Forced air with oil heating, Just listed ot $15,900 with approximately $8,000 down or will take small bungalow as trade. CHURCHILL AVE, 6-room ranch style brick bungalow on 79' lot landscaped and decorated, natural fireplace, L-shaped fiving and dining room, tiled walls in bathroom, shower doors, high dry besement, im- mediate possession, Price reduced to $12, 500 with $2,000 down, SUBURBAN LIVING Lovely 5-room bungalow, * nicely decorated, complete in every way, including aluminum storms and screens, venetian blinds, and T.V. ontenfia. Grounds nicely landscaped, 102' x 660°, with garage. School close by. Just listed ot $11,900.00 with $4,100 down. Must be seen to be appreciated. After 5:30 call Dick Barriage, RA 5-6243. FAREWELL AVE. Extra large 5-room new bungalow, living room 23' x 14', ultre- modern kitchen, tiled bathroom with beautiful vanity, sodded front lawn, panoramic view, close to schools and buses, end fruit trees, @ good sized lot. This home is ready for i diat 45--Real Estate For Sele 45---Real Estate For Sale * NO DOWN References required but you will excellent property. COMMERCIALLY Prominent Simcoe Street location RA 5-6165 19 ATHOL ST. W. occupancy. Call for early appointment to see this modern home. Asking $13,500 with $3,500 down. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE- 3V2 Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Dial Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Joe Maga, RA 5-9191 Dick Barriage, RA 5-6243 282¢ 2811 $1,900 DOWN-$1,900 DOWN Country living with city conveniences, 5-room bungalow near Landsdowne Shopping Centre, on a large lot 80 ft. x 188 ft., 2 rooms finished in basement, oil heating. 12 x 20 ft. garoge, reasonable taxes, Full price $11,500. GROCERY STORE-7 ROOMS Centrally located, excellent turnover, owner selling due to poor heclth, loads of equipment included in purchase price, stock at invoice, living quarters consisting of a 7-room brick home which could also be used as an income. Attached garage. For further information, contact this office. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2 stores, plus 8 rooms, centrally located, suitable for apartments, new forced air oil heating unit, full size basement, Make an early appointment, we are open for offers. $1,400 DOWN Large 6-room brick storey and a half home, only 7 years old, north-west district, 2 rooms up with built-in cupboards, sink and stool, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette and 4-pc. bath down, cil heating, garage, landscaped and decorated. N.H.A. New N.H.A. 3-bedroom brick bungalows on a large lot, located in the north end with reasonable taxes. Many extras including built-in valance box in living rocm wall to wall, cove ceiling with pattern, semi-divided basement, expert workmanship throughout. These ranch-style homes must be seen to be appreciated. Be first, you are not under any obligation. Full price as low as $11, 380 with down payments of $1,680 with one mortgage. Call-- OZZIE ADDISON-RA 3-2254 Yes, it sounds unbelievable but nevertheless it's true. this quality, six-room brick home with attached gaicge can be rented for the winter months while you PAYMENT Actually, * "try before you buy', see why when you inspect this ZONED RENTAL with parking facilities, new hot woter oil heating plont, new plumbing. Suitable for offic commercial use or weekly rentols, Availcble immediately. RA 5-3412 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS OSHAWA 282a COMBINATION Park Woad South. Phone RA #00 DO! #000 DOWN, $8560 Il price. four room house and bath. RA mr 4 3.0, SEVEN - room brick income a _home, good arage, garden, located. leaving town. Write Box 243, Oshawa Times, me LLOYD REALTY Insurance- Realtors 101 SIMCOE N. Open Evenings FREE Auto Dryer Since there are only four (4) homes left for you to buy so the builder can move on to a new location, the already low price is being reduced again by over $300.00, a direct sov- ing to you the purchaser. These quality homes are being offered for only one week to clear. A very low down pay- ment if you qualify. Full price $12,200 with one mortgage for the balance ot $68.00 per month. Shown by appointment only. Call RA 8-5123 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS. CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 . Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM NEW HOMES: BY CARAVAN |, CONSTRUCTION 50 HOMES 3 DIFFERENT MODELS DOWN PAYMENT ONLY MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY 1PM. -9PM. Floodlights for your convenience, THE For . Information and Appointment 0T10/43--Wanted to Rent | MODERN downtown apartment, furn.| Bond East. arge Dec.3,10 DUTCH couple with (wo children would | ished or unfurnished, three rooms and ONE "furnished housekeeping | | like nouse. If , possible with garage.|bath heat and water included, use of room, refrigerator, and rangette, down. | 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR RA 8-1338 RELIABLE women for baby 3-492. sitting and homemakers club, for information call Babysit- ting Bureau, Mrs. R, S. Dis- ney, 17 Sunset Drive, RA |38--Male or Female Help Wanted BOYS! GIRLS! EARN EXTRA CASH 279¢, AFTER SCHOOL SELL Ladies Home Journal Magazines on 1 Years Subscription Basis Make enough for those little extra Christmas gifts or save for the future. It tokes only o few hours each week in AVON CALLING Aven Cosmetics has immedi- ate opening for mature women to service ao good Avon territory. Good com- mission, pleasant dignified work, Write Miss E. Outer- bridge, 42 Saranac Blvd, Toronto 19, Ont Dec. 1,3, 5 bedroom house, in College Hill or Street area. RA 58885 or RA 35-3622. 28; Phone RA 8-8841. | COUPLE with two children won'd like aa AE to rent house, north west district. Rea- | NICELY 'decorated three - room apart. optional. 282a nen, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna, Mary Streets. sonable rent. Phone RA 5-5118. 278f| washer and dryer. Available now. RA [town area. | 3531. 282f URGENTLY required two-, Phone LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a vacancy, orly screened and reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 Three: | comber 15. RA 8-1913, Available De- FOUR - room ground floor duplex. Adults only, Phone RA 51334, 8 - 3 RA 3-4221 evenings. EE - room, self - contained apart- ment, heat, lights, and water, three- piece bath, Soya entrance, available now. RA 3 Deci24 SELF - CONTAINED, three + room apartment (new home), Beary wing Adults. Near NGM. Parking. Bee THREE - room apartment, two hy from downtown; heat, water and hydro supplied, also TV aerial. No objection 44--For Rent to one child. $65 monthly. Call RA| 5-6628 after 6 p.m. 281f your neighborhood. Sell sub- scription as Christmas gift. Write to CANADA CIRCULATION CO. 1431a Yonge St. Toronto 7, Ont. HAIRDRESSERS Experienced, highest wages ond commission. Apply Eileen's Beauty Salon, 259 Simcoe St. S. Phone RA 8-0131. 282¢ THREE stove, door. refrigerator, Child welcome, FRONT -- three . room apartment, ground floor. Private entrance. Apply 263 Quebec Street, Suit couple. Phone RA 3.7174. = Toom modern basement apartment, Private entrance and bath; optional. Bus at|trict. Simcoe Street |8-6511. South RA | §5-3860. 282 Heavy wiring. Heated. Possession December side door. 282 KITCHEN and bedroom, unfurnished. 282¢ SIX - room apartment, all convenience es, heated and garage. Claremont dis- Phone 13W evenings, days RA 281c SIMCOE North, four-, and five - room apartment, funy equipped. Cal, 23 5-6343, 9am. - -5 p.m. LARGE six - room brick house, --_ street, garage, very desirable location, close to GM and downtown, Phone EA 8-8175, 2811 !| nished 114 Athol East 280f | ROOMS, single beds. Breakfast. lunches Corner store, William and 201f "furnished or unfur TWO room flat, 5.7279 centrally located. RA p.m. room apartment, Oshawa. Washer, TV aerial. 3-3611; after 6 FIVE - ! (Street, refrigerator. Phone MArket 57 Wentworth dryer, stove, Near school. Bowmanville. Dec. 21 IMMEDIATE _ possession, nice four oom apartment, downtown, washer, yer, TV aerial, furnished if desired Also a furnished bachelor apartment RA 8-8180. Dec. 14 - room flat, furnished or unfur hand centrally located, suitable for working couple. RA 5-7279 after 6 p.m Jan, 3 BRICK HOME New five room 1)2 storey home in Southmead, newly decorated, Located ot 1285 Meadowvale St. $90 month- ly. Phone RA 8-1756, ATTRACTIVE three - room apartment, self - contained, all conveniences, cen- 37--Male Help Wanted APARTMENT ~ two large furnished tral, RA 3-2180 or apply Jan.2 | | 80c| SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE REDUCED TO SELL Lovely 5-room brick and stone bungalow in good district with bus service at your door. This home features -- 3 bedrooms, large modern kitchen with ceramic tile, nice living room, 4-pc. ceramic tiled bath, all drapes, tracks, valance boxes, asphalt drive, patio at rear, landscaped all around and decorated throughout, T.V. rotor aerial, hot water heater ond laundry tubs. Please call John Zakarow, evenings RA 5-0494 GOOD FAMILY HOME b-rooma brick home with a brick garage, located on a corner lot in the'Highland Ave. area. Home is comprised of a good size living room; dining room and modern kitchen. 1 bedroom down- stairs, 2 large bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bath upstairs. The lot is enclosed with a tall privet hedge, sidewalk, close to schools, bus and shopping. $2,800 down, open for offers. For further details, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726. LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Dec.1,2,3,8,9,10 Dec. 15 JOHN A. J. Realtors BE INDEPENDENT While your husband works and 'you are gonfined to your home to care for. the family, this neighborhood store and home combined is a wonderful opportunity to live cheaply ond get ahead. May be pur- i $1,000 down plus stock and invoice, IF YOU HURRY you can move in and be set- tled for Christmas. Six large rooms, well located for schools end shopping in a splendid, established area. Low down payment consid- ered, Enquire today. RISTOW & OLSEN BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5-6544 1 ACRE : $500 DOWN $500 And only $6,200 full price for this 5-room, 1V2-storey home on lot size 68 x 660. Featuring modern kitchen, storms and screens, low taxes and only $65 monthly. Call, Eugene Patterson at RA: 5-6544, » NEW -- NEW -- NEW * $11,500 FULL PRICE Imagine, just $11,500 . fé¢" this brand new 5-room bun- golow. Extra large kitchen, drive-in garage, situated on" a large lot 120 x 102; oil heat. For more particulars BEST APARTMENTS | IN OSHAWA NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD, NORTH Private entrances to upper ond lower apartments in new duplex. Beautifully decorated in pastel colors. 2 blocks to Coronation public school. 18- foot family-size living room, 2 large bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, table and chair area. . Tiled bathroom, bal- conies overlooking lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome. Stoves, refrigerator, washer, dryer and TV an- tenna included. NOW OPEM FOR INSPECTION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Call or Write FRANK HAZLETT 3005 BATHURST STREET TORONTO RUssell 3-1733 or RUssell 7-9387 rooms, private bath, 192 Ritson bunt: in cupboards, sin k. Heavy duty wiring, suit two ladies or couple. RA 3-2428. 210 Mary Street. Jan.3 ROOMS for gentlemen, abstainers. B54 5-9601. 29 Charles Street. South. TWO housekeeping rooms, sink, use of washing machine, Couple preferred. 48 Drew Street. RA 3-4152 after 4 p.m. 28lc 2¢| FURNISHED bachelor apartment, pri- vate entrance and bath, Central. $12.50 weekly, Phone RA 5-3954. 2811 TWO nice rooms, close to bus, laundry facilities. Reasonable. Will care for child while mother works. RA 53-0241. Dec.10 ONE or two furnished rooms, sink and cupboards, near SGM. Apply 268 Mal- aga Road. 280f FOUR nice clean rooms, in private home, kitchen sink and cupboards. Near SGM. Phone RA 3.9788. No chil- | ren, 2311 NEW home, six rooms, $95 menthly, with washer and dryer, hardwood and tile floors. Phone collect MO 8-2413, Whitby, 281f SELF - contained basement apartment, Immediate possession, large living room, two bedrooms, kitchen with cup- boards, four-piece bathroom, oil heated, hot water, suit four adults or family with no babies. $65 a menth, in Hampton. MArket 3-2460. 2801 SINGLE, unfurnished room, suitable for light housekeeping, newly decorat- ed. Very central. Heat, lights and water included. RA 3-3984. 240f TWO - room apartment, builtin cup- boards sink, duplex. Apply 163 Bant. ing. Phone RA 5-8830 280¢ THREE - room lara downstairs apartment, close to hospital, heated, private entrance, business couple or nurses. immediate possession. Apply 37 Louisa Street. Dec. 1 and Dec. 5 AN EXCELLENT BUY $10,900 -- Lovely S-room brick bungalow. Beautifully dec- orated, large living room and also dining room, 2 nice bedrooms, 4-pc. bathroom with tiled walls. Modern Kitchen, lots of cup- boards. Rec. room, workshop, oil heating, private yard compietely hedged. Located close to King St. E. onvenient location, This home is priced to sell. Monthly payments only $47.65 P&I&T. For further information, please call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243. SUNSET HEIGHTS Five-room brick bungalow in excellent condition, complete- ly decorated and landscaped. Owner transferred will give possession early in the year. RA 5-6165 RA 5.3412 19 Athol St. West, Oshawa OPEN TILL NINE AT NIGHT ENERGETIC young boy, 18 to 18, to ood store. A work in modern f 5 in 4 i 2 person, Stroud's Food Market, call now for Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544 KING ST. E. EXECUTIVE'S LOCATION 8.room brick home situated on large lot on King Street East. This home has been very well kept; 4 bedrooms, oil heat, with storms and 'screens, draperies, mirror over mantel, many other extras. This home shown only by ap« pointment. Call Bertha Appleby ot RA 5-6544, N.H.A. RESALE 5V4% -- $55 MONTHLY Come in, and tell us where = you can get terms such as this for a 5-room, 3 year old; brick bungalow; built on a lovely landscaped lot, fires place in living room, many other desirable features. Call * Bill Swarbrick-ot RA 5-6544. 3 YEARS OLD MUST BE SOLD ¢ Only asking $1,350 down for * this- 3 year old, 5-room, 3- bedroom bungalow, 4-pc. bath, large rooms, near schools, shopping, bus. Full = price is only $10,500. Don't delay, call today for Jack. Appleby at RA 5-6544. = N.HA. RESALE -- 513% NORTH-WEST a Here is your 3 year old, 5. room brick home to settle | down, in one of the best resi- 3 dential areas of the city. | Close to schools, churches and bus. Call now for Pat | O'Donnell at RA 5-6544. 2830 46--Real Estate Wanted | $1,000 down payment for five-roomed three-bedroom brick house with garage. Write Box 247 Oshawa Times. 278! 47 --Automobiles For Sale. CLEARING "89 Pontiac, $1 Pontiac, $195; '50 Chevrolet, §: Pontiac, $195; '50 Chevrolet $1! Meteor, $1595; '57 Chey, rolet, $1695 "58 41--Room and Boerd coe North, 281c| ROOM and board, closes to south plant, AMBITIOUS houng man under 23, with| General Motors, within walking dis- in tance. Apply ig Oxford Street off working for public account's office. As-|Park Road South BY Fran ti on a ured HET oun man. Witte Bol ROOM apd Youd Tor gentlemen, con- (including hot water, light » tinuous hot water, privileges. (ing, garage, newly decorated. Phone TWO young: man 18 - 20. Neat and free Api Apply 241 Ritson Road th. 282(| RA 5-1036. to travel to up o top American publisher in Canada, Sat. ROOM and Yes for Poem 18 APARTMENT building, three rooms, ning Post, Ladies' Ho , washer, aerial, parking, a ng ore, Hxuerieios 'mos|TV. For information, eal RA S741. | adulte, Near Oshawa Shopping Centre, fiecessary. We train you, Liberal draw 212 Stevenson South, 282¢ during training. Top commission paid ROOM and board, near South GM, NEW home, six room house, Bewly dec- single beds, and privileged pply 34 Sim- BEFORE 5:00 P.M, -- RA 3-2265 BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. -- RA 8.1624 orated with three Ref- 2810 HOUSE, nine rooms, brick, part ve. modeled. suitable for rest home, two bedrooms, good location, just outside city. Haass, Taunton, Ontario, Jan. 3 TWO furnished rooms, close to hospi- jaf} may be used as an apartment. RA -5984, 282f bs room house, immediate posses. sion, heavy duty wiring, bath, no fur- nace, children welcomed. $60 a month. as {nium Street. 282¢ | 7 Move In By Christmas ~A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO PIONEERING STREET LIGHTING ~ DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD?INSURANCE RA 5-6588 RA 3-2265. BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN Hillmas 'Demonstrator. Exes teria RA 5-6544 RA 5-6165 or EV. CST VICKERY & GOYNE EL RA 8-5155 d rooms, oF A RA 3-9287. downstairs, cupboards 277¢ 279¢ 45--Real Estate For Sale THREE SPACIOUS ROOMS| In one oft Oshawa's better CHRISTMAS homes (Simcoe North of Louisa), fireplace, 4-piece TREES FREE FREE modern bathroom, garage, utilities paid, low rent, To qualify just model 'home in Phone RA 8-8589 Gardens, Stevenson's Road 282b North at Annapolis, then | block west to Elizabeth, HOMES BY GOLDELL LOW DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $12,999.00 MODEL HOME OPEN 2 P.M. TO DARK ONE OF THE 2 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. ) BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS FOR sale -- Gas and wood range, white enamel. Apply 314 Chestnut East after 5 pm. in Canada. Transportation supplied. Av. | boris privileges, 3 unches 90 to James Gauvreau. 282a wich and tea rg BR kit. big 8. Avaliable anyiime, Phone Bid SERVICE STATION ROOM aad board with Dutch family|L}!n8 room, bedroom, bathroom and for gentlemen. RA 5-1632 or 590 Wilson kitchenette, laundry, electrically equlp- 277% | i 287 LOVELY, | GOOD OPPORTUNITY Ln PHvate Write to Box 144, plate home pi Smee dimnict, to downtown, ol. 23 Elgin Street 278t| East or RA 3.7814, used one season. $40. Phone MO 8-401 |610 Brock South. ¢land sink In" kitchen, hot and cold FOUND -- One small oF -- water, Ssparate entrance. Phone RA 28: FURNISHED room, private home, at well our soom rn GM uptown office, breakfast if desired. or, large size, new condition. MO 84714 2096. 211) ROUSE for reat. Apply 149 Wilson Road Bc FOR RENT -- Large fout roomed South. ply Cadillac Hotel, Room 205. Ask for lunch Se Wien 8 34%, ah, EL] CENTRAL, private entrance, Fe MANAGER Road South. | ped, parking. Apply 254 Athol Street. room with board for young lady, in OSHAWA TIMES ROOM and Board for close FOR SALE --Coleman space heater, |FOR SALE -- Cocker Spon) Spaniels, Aply [Post Office Box 773, Whitby. 2¢ | 8-1415. m FOR SALE -- Duo-Therm space he 15. MO | RA 32357 or 58 Kenneth Street, 2774 TO rent -- with option to buy in Whitby, | 3parment, heated, central. Phone MO TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mew six-room solid brick bungalow 3. 281c| near Centre. Call RA 35-4373. vel Close to gos and Trans tion™ 10| LIVE POULTRY alse feathers want.|107 Fernhill Bivd. 281¢ mediate possession, $125. J. Wilson, 300|®d, highest market prices paid. Phone| FOUR - room bungalow, also three- Main Street. OX 9-9673, Toronto. 281c collect MO 8-3486 Whitby. Jan. 2/ roomed apartment, heat, lights and R rent -- TTwo or three-roomed un- [FOR SALE -- Girl's 3.plece winter Vater supplied. RA 3-708. Dee. 25 ished apartment, second floor. Also, outfit size 3; baby's snowsult up to 1/ONE large furnished room, hice for partially furnished two-roomed base.! year: child's white fur galoshes, size gentleman. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or ment apartment. Dundas Street East.|5. MO 83-2680 after 7 281c| RA 3-7070. Dec.4 MO 89065. 21f| FOR RENT -- Santa Ciaus sult avail. FURNISHED oom for lady, bus ser CHOICE Christmas trees, Balsam, able anytime without Santa, $5. Avail. vice. Phone RA 8.5789 or if no answer Spruce, Pine. May be seen across| able with Santa, nights and weekends, RA 8-8509. 2791 WAREHOUSE TO RENT BOY sd wei used farnifure. Grixii| heated NT Eo furniture will pay cash for used appli. Brock Street South, private Se : 2630 SQUARE FOOT FLOOR | SPACE-CENTRAL ances, furniture. Apply basement, 121 Call at 1002 Henry Street. use Brock South. MO 8-4822 Dec 29 PANT cuffing and | terations, | aerial RA 39481 | = men's FOR RENT -- Small furnished sell. drapery alterations. |. contamed apartment, ~uit two gentle- R. H, MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. Rangette monthlv. ROADS SEWERS SODDED BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS\, One bedroom apartment, elec- trically equipped, good loca- tion. Apply 498 Simcoe St. N., Apt. 5. RA 8-8676. visit our Braemore Dec. 25 "DON'T MISS THIS!" . hon Three rooms with 3-piece bath, private entrance, loun- dry facilities, garage, T.V. of recreation erything paid included, $70 RA 5-2022. men or two ladies. MO 8.4436. Dec.11 Dee. 21 USED FURNITURE savings, erib, modern bedroom suite, sectional ches. terfield, guaranteed plano, $159.00. Re. frigerator (practically new) save $170 off new price, beds complete with spring mattress, $17; 2 piece chester. suite, $39; Many more bargains. y or sell clean used furniture 0 8-498]. Midtown Furniture gion) Whitby. Dec.12 SEPTIC tahks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestout West. Phone MO biog ® FOR RENT Shot guns, decoys, cartop boats and canoes, skill sows, paint sprayers (gos and elec. tric), pipe dies, cement mixer, automotive tools. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES, WHITBY MO 8-3226 "3 CHEV, four-door sedan. A-1 condlh tion. radio, fully equipped. white walls, winterized." Phone RA 3-7286. 2528 (Continued on Page 20». # TE TA ----. Dec. 18' 2774l s Ee Rh ctu