; NE Et ra ff de Sh gh ene Po sd oR vi mL Re | How Much Linen | 30 Million Christmas Trees mp ha Cr r= Eos bag Big Export Business For Canada sigs st vise hymarl NEWS BRIEFS Edna nn Hats {tive benefit to it, By the same N Canada's multimillion dollar ized the revival of the sun godi¢,ken it is possible to thin out| CREATE HUGE WATERFALL San oi i oss gone Christmas tree decoration bg TI Bd stands for fuel and obtain faster| Wiciigl BB) Soviet es. OSHAWA Si OPPING-CENTRE Vi er li e ness has already begun and mab; "(growth and greater returns in 1° Siberia Xe } Legh to do, The|throughout the vast ea ateas|ed branches of evergreen placed|gay timber from the remaining|an artificial waterfall twice the |engaged girl can't pass a towel and on the plantations of southern over the door would keep out|(rees, height of the 167-foot Niagara ' 3 ! : , Mosc: i d Frid. ~B lor a tablecloth in the stores with- Ontario, the big search for|Witches, ghosts and evil spirits. In any event, hundreds of Ca- Falls, M ri Tadio, sa A ay lout wanting to buy it, and--too|Ch istmas trees is on. Hundreds! Still 'more recently has grown ,.4ians are now working in the formed by the dam of the Bratsk frequently for her own good--she|of rural families have, of course,|the custom of decorating the|search for and selection of sull-,virelectric station now under|l ~~ |does! ISTIC LIST already Selecied Jie ites Whilh Christmas tree -- a custom which able trees lop e3DOrL, for delivery construction on the Angara Riyer. | BEALE agree that a realistic|living room when the time comes. has Sow deepine if hae be long now before every avail- KEEPING STEP is of nna for he bride's | But tht in nolbing compared un morhrs for ini {amie Sie Vactil ot in downienn, To MONTAEML, fF, Seni] @ DRESSES {home should run something with the Wholesal e purcliage and| pave are few Canadian homes in| "OM Maplt foig BRL By Sa A es ae fe: f bed linen for Jubsonical i f ry Te which the Christmas tree is not i ee of every size, shape grad College together on their Three ge sets of bath a oor go Fp ners| decorated before the arrival of 2nd variety under the sun, first wedding anniversary. Mr. Ho Tag jo and face a the Rr With a ve apy the the happy day. Thousands, even millions of Oulton received a science degree, y \ A HATS cloths for each member of the future planted their crops years pany, Sl walt wast Christina those trees were raised in pro- his wife an arts degree. | household; two sets of bath rugs,|ago. Most of the trees to be sold|EVe: after the children have gone|;, i.) "tree 'nurseries, sold for a |bath mats and seat covers: |in Ontario this Christmas -- and hen BU Rh AT % reforestation purposes at about ? ¢ SUITS ; [twelve each of dishtowels andit; be exported to the United one cent pert ree, carefully cul- |dishcloths and. half a dozen guest States, one of the world's major brougm igo the Jduse a Wi tivated and nurtured by private Jowels. markets -- were provided by On- and commercial organizations| or |TABLE LINENS A tario's Department of Lands and| viding 2 constant sores of de ne and ame vow destined to yk My REDUCED UP T0 | "For the table, a practical linen| Forest through its system of tree| ght and amusement for the chil-|l oye op riimas the happy time! ; ' ist should include one extra-long nurseries. From these nurseriesdren who help do the decorating. |; =, cloth and, say, a dozen matching|each year are shipped over 30|The custom of leaving the ees i \ napkins, plus two or three smal- million small trees, some of|\1 place ust) the Weekend after n ler cloths or runners for daily which will ultimately grace the * ew Year s, has also grown. " 0 use. living room at Christmas time; | Objections are still raised about HALL S BEAUTY | | And let's not forget the plastic YMBOL OF ETERNITY | cutting evergreens for Christmas place mats. These come in such|S 8 [trees, but opinions are divided. PARLOUR a wide and wonderful variety| Research carried on by the De-|1t .is true the living trees have that it is simple enough to pavimon of Lands nd Forests helped Jreserve water supplies: 15 King St. E. g ype that goes perfectly indicate that even belore e provided cover for game an . hig jr (able wrk Christian era, trees and boughs birds: helped beautify the coun- Phone RA 3-7011 and Ri Jide Jamily wil be |" The plastic place mats are were used for ceremonials. Egyp- | tryside. OPEN p Loge sogke pad leasy to keep clean 2d pretty. fans Soseriiug He dinter Jol. FORE-TS UNHARMED VION vabbi with a sudsy s s ! J A meal, and |into their homes as a symbol of|_ Foresters: L however, believe EVEN INGS « MADE-TO-MEASURE they're nice and new again. life triumphant over death. Ro- Siongly tha ores crops can Choose NOW for Christmas w The art of making a small mans raised evergreen boughs to oie e improved hy thinning. Free Draw on Delivery ! Open Mon. ed. Fri. mber of linens go a long way celebrate the feat of Saturn: "Very gardener knows that a row I " 3 4 er and prompt care. Soap early . Scandinavians believed OF Sariols 1s a by un Christmas Gifts with w A R D S TO 9 P.M. or detergent suds, rubbed into SPrigs of evergreen brought in to wiih e same applies to a fores Every Appointment. Shee ot Arial == RA SHISY stains after wetting the fabric, the house signified. eternal life; . : will keep most stains from set- Norsemen thought they symbol-' By careful selection of trees to ting. Frequent washing is the best treatment, always. NO PROBLEM We have such wonderful wash- able fabrics today that there's no problem in laundering. Colors last, fibers thrive on suds, de- : IT GROWS W ITH HER signs are beautiful. : yi So our advice to brides-to-be * Here is a practical jumper | light color broadcloth. To ob- is to keep your wits about you with a lovely peasant blouse for| tain the easy sewing instrne- Buy pretty linens, but don't . the tiny tots. As the girl grows, | tions, simply send a stamped, overdo it. After all, the stores are A ---------- A ------ . the ties can be adjusted. When | self-addressed envelope, plus 10 | always well stocked and the iii ? OE _ : i i dm straps become too short to tie, | cents for handling to the Needle- |¢tock usually includes plenty of wou can make a buttonhole in | craft Department of this paper, new and attractive models as Fhe front soap and grind button | requesting IT GROWS WITH well as the basics. Bo on the back. The | j : | -- be made of plaid or printed HER (Children's Suny and CARROTS SUPRE} : - cotton; the blouse of white or Blouse), Leaflet No. SS-21. |: Sante whee EME irl : { ; : AND MORE TO CLEAR All this season's merchandise ALL SALES FINAL Ia lin butter or margarine to which 'Singhalese Honor Dr. Rutnam founded women's add light brown sugar, a pinch Ha pa en 4 i ¢ d |each of ginger and powdered dry justinstes 1 Cevion 1 1¥0, an mustard. Toss in the skillet until Dr Mary Rutnam [75.000 women now belong to the well coated and tender. Garnish LT ee THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th - 9:30 A.M. evion, ls the first oat eveey | LAV VAAVAVAVARNVNANAIY | BO ue, Ok. Looking for a clean way out ? Give a book of . . . | NOW Rutnam was born in Clinton, Ont. « The announcement was made $10 BOOKLETS (good for 8 washes) : 0 N A * % <, & VWARRARAAS here at the public relations of- fice of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. + The award, named for the late Ramon Magsaysay, president of | the Philippines, is presented to Persons in Asia "for exemplify- ing the highest type of demo-| 43-45 SIMCOE STREET NORTH atic leadership. wy AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD. Frwin, joined a medical mi rs | 116 BOND ST. W. RA 5.0322 | D | S p LAY § OSHAWA #t Jaffna in Northern Ceylon in 5 | bd . ; Our spacious new premises has been designed to make your shopping more con- It is a pleasure for us to extend our invitation to you el 11 (© n A and to your friends to visit our new Order Office on * ; venient. Many of Simpsons-Sears famous brand lines will be on display such as WHERE SMART WOMEN SHOP" Thursday, December 4th. We will open the doors of | Coldspot Refrigerators and Freezers, Kenmore Home Laundry appliances, Ken- our new premises at 9:30 a.m. We hope that you will more Cooking appliances and much more . . . available for immediate local come, because we had you in mind when we designed | delivery. All of the Order Office facilities have been greatly improved to make our new Order Office, Bring along the children... poss : our invitation on to your friends . . . we want everybody | your shopping from Simpsons-Sears catalogue a pleasure whether you visit the to join in our GRAND OPENING ! L} Order Office or place your orders by telephone from home. Reitman"s superb sheath; glam. ourous holiday fashion at a fot ¥ FREE NYLONS very basic price! The first 300 ladies who make a purchase in the new Order Office 12.95 f . o) P E N I NG S P EC IALS on Opening Day will i a FREE PAIR OF NYLONS. FREE ROSES Each lady who visits with us on Opening Day will receive a beautiful Three-ply nylon yarn In assorted colors Thick thirsty bath towels in pastel shades and ; a ; ith | : Regular 39¢ ball. 4 balls 1 25 colorful stripes. Size 22" x 44" Seconds of ose With our compliments - for Wn» OPENING SPECIAL ....... Reg. 2.98 line. 1 11 OPENING SPECIAL, pair ......... ¥*® FOR THE CHILDREN ! Full-fashioned first quality nylon hose in 51 | ay (ag Sen gen 1 poir 9 00 Fine quality chenille bath mat sets in white, BALLOONS 2 lL} | OPENING SPECIAL ......: for blue or gold floral patterned. 4 69 Reg. 6.98. OPENING SPECIAL, set ¥* Bring the children . . . we have balloons for each little visitor. NTE RSS SE - Cosy flannelette blankets, whipped singly, ink or blue borders. Size 70" x 90. i [ iti : I ie upper. | {PS EASY NO SHOP NING SPECIAL, pair ......... ¥® OPENING SPECIAL ............. ¥» . BY CATALOGUE Thousands of our customers in OSHAWA and surrounding Also on display we will have a delightful selection of toys and games right from the colorful areas rw fig easy, convenient and economical it is te pages of our Christmas Catalogue. Bring the children with you when you visit with us on Shop anf"Save with Simpsons-Sears catalogues. Many like to shop/by telephone from the comfort of home, others like to visit our conveniently located Order Office--either way, it's the easiest and most convenient way to buy the things H you want or need. Still the most flattering of all sithovettes -- the sheath, strikingly smart and simple! With the look of a far more expensive 'model, high-lighted . by sparkling A rhinestone trim . . . discovered at Reitman's in 3 ; \ : : ; SIMPSONS-SEARS Zip 7 Black, also Ch Bl ed. Sizes 10 7 220400 FR irote flit feo ok So Sry faetion SIMPSON-SEARS on a er ria Ls ov flory fstmdtead 4345 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 5-4784 day ond Saturday--9 am to 6 p.m. Wednesday--9 a.m, STORE HOURS: 98Q a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mon.,, Wed., Fri te 9 p.m. Friday. Tues, Thurs, Sat. #30 em te 6 pm ae opening day. Do all of your Christmas shopping the easy and convenient catalogue way. this year through your new local Order Office Ee at] LE TH Gli i i