THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 2, 1958 {5 «GOING TO SET ME LP SOLID | | WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT A y v ( WITH MISS AMNESIA? RAMI f ATE S00 cou wan : RE rem an | [Eien Yan | Say Burglars uP YOUNG Foi J " FUNCTIONING TOO FRAMED IN YOUR MAGAZINE = eB SOMETHING! Fi ; AND LIVELY re 2 SNORTY- : : NN i pip 1:4) LATE WELL~BUT WOULD 4 | CIRCULATION FOUR. 18 ; Started ire ANOW | 10 ND TELLIN On At Belleville: BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Police said Monday that safecrackers started a $500,000 fire Saturday which burned down an appliance store and furniture shop. : The fire swept through the Wil. liam Deline Company store. os Coleman Street. : It touched off several propane gas tanks and spread to thé Ar thur E. Sills and Son store, which sold plywoods and The Deline store contained tires and electrical appliances. Police said an acetylene forch and tank were found in the De- line store office where the safe was located. A strip had been |burned out of the back of the safe. : ce said They Shocked: the ul at 2:45 a.m. turday. The .. broke out at 3:15 a.m. Police said they believed the safe. crackers became frightened and fled, leaving the torch SALLY'S SALLIES JULIET JONES DUR eta] 7 D. DUCT] ET SHO fe MUGGS AND SKEETER TILE, DO YOU Mi F 1 SIT AT YOUR CROOKS MWO MADE CAMP IN OF THE WOOPLS, HERE 80 THEY WON'T BE TO FIGURE OUT WY I ~ | ® THE WOODS, COULD IT BE, HEARD. EXPENGE / * | : Mey lire K S ACCOUNT? A IND : ALWA! BW [ETS HOPE ITS THE @ [ REIN UP AT THE £06E | (WELL LEAVE OUR HORSES = A BEACON OF SMOKE GUIDES THB = / pit A \ A APY | MARSHAL. AND DEPUTY» » o = ny = WY! | ) IER, Fro iN' THE LONE RANGER "Keep on trying. That's best way of learning the shee | business." 1 THOUGHT 1 | ! SOUNDS \ \ Just at that moment on the street above HAD AN ANSWER ™HEY h. vw ONB IN HERE, 3 3 8 Jorgorainian soldier carrying a lanterm YOU'RE A LA: "FOR- FOR YOU,BUT I 0 ' i Bn} GOOD. FOR-NOTHING i o OR £2 Lon Hage ARR sereeat! ! § plasty the grate under which Phil © g MORTGAGE LOANS 0 i Eis to buy a home to pay off a mortgage to pay all your bills, NO BONUS SUPERIOR DISCOUNTS LIMITED 17 SIMCOE Sy N._ Sr es pee a WR RT ee MANUAL CONTROL - 53.75 Auto Radios - Special Prices 1993 BLlcK | ST 1 ve - CUSTOM PUSH-BUTTON - 74.95 | SECRET ARGENT X9 CUSTOM PUSH-BUTTON - 72.75 IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION SUSSCRIZERS | osHAwA many other accessories aT reioucer CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4634 NO WAITING 1 ror missep papers AND UCKS, 1 TLL FIND OUT THEY WASN'TRUNNIN' | [GRANDMA MADE ANO a Fh WHERE ITIS/ | .* TA FIRE, MR. OTIS! [| | BATCH & GINGERBREADS OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI THEN, CONFOUND 7; MAN, WHERE EEE : A FIRE...I HA SERVICE PHONE CAN I FIND HIME iy ; [To UNITED TAXI 0) (Fs | RA 5-3541 If you have not received your Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI Calls ecepted between 7 7:30 p.m. only, «BUT I CANT CHANGE THS COURSE OF THE SATELLITE! HELP ME RUN DOWN THE I Just CONTROLS, DR,EASTLAND! _ ZA k ANTLY! A I MUST HAVE overLOokeED Ford Bb 1" J THE VIEWNS M i] SOUETHNG! 58 SCREEN! THAT VL 2 3 CONTROL THE your KITCHEN this winter! BRICK BRADFORD YOURS RIGKT, JRLY ~L MY BEST, C'MON, ' KNOW I'VE BEEN ? Emmy WE KNOW WHAT H JES PROCRASTINATING - 4 i or ¢ gerTeR FoR ad / THEY WANNA TELL Nil . 4 SOME PLACE ~ i ans ~ { TLL CALL HER- TS * MILLWORK & i 2 WA BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 Simcoe N., 3-4694 UH-HUH, BUT MILES DOESN'T KNOW IT! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY INSTANT MONEY! THE SEABOARD WAY Here's How It Works , , o PHONE RA 5-1121 Tell us Your Require- ments in Most Cases, We 5 7 ¢ a Will Have Your Money I Was ABOUT TO | | WHEW! I GraBaeD) [TRIGGER AND THE BLACK | [WE'LL SEE YOU LATER, MISS! 3 Ready, For You By The GIVE YOU A HAND, COLT ACT LIKE OLD y=] | 00D LUCK IN Time Y Reach YOU CAUGHT YOUR. RIENDS, ROY! TODAY'S RACE! ime You Reach Ques ou Ct FRIENDS, wed " Office: We Know This is THANKS ANY- THEY ; : INE a Busy Time of Year for WAY, MISTER ROGERS! / 3 BURE | x Hdh sp A SR | Most Folks, so we are concentrating on SERV. ICE. GLE £5) 59) 15) y) & lobed iiibai LZ 2 £ yy 7 & : : FINANCE COMPANY , g J a A) / , 3 <\f d Li 958 A A p ») [23: iy [ | @ fs; I Walt Disa Denductions 29%; SIMCOE SOUTH A | A) 5 5 \ \ / World Rights Reserved Rl 5 A 4 Whitby Direct Line Number ZA =~ J | A b\ | v HR , y ' " "Wonder who the sneaky, low-down, selfish, selfe _| is MO 3-429) \ Open Saturday Moni 2:8 centered coward was who invented screens!" for your convenience. BOY KOGERS a: |