S0--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale O--Articles For Sale MARCONI and Admiral, Hallicrafter,| ORDERS taken for storm sashes, meas-| MO' A vol car radio, Rogers, Fleetwood for 1959, $199 up. urements and estimates free. Terms. eight months old, Cost $80 new. Stereo Hi-Fi from $99.50. Kelly TV, RA Please order early. RA 3-4989. Jan. 1 offer. Dial'RA 5-8640 after 5. Jan. 1. sol. Dec 29/50 DOWN will completely furuish WE pay highest price in %he city for TV AERIALS, all channel, installed, your home. This d used Pretty's Used Furniture une year Piaraniee, $29. Kelly ny 81) bedroom suite, television, refrigerator, Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. ng West. RA 55121. Dec. 29 kitchen set, washing machine, 1amps, THREE - piece chesterfield suite "7 . KELLY TV, your authorized Beatty tables etc. All items reduced wn price. and gray, chesterfield, folds into bed. . ; 2 4 | dealer offers you up to $100 for your Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $80 cash,' Good condition, 262 Oshawa old washer on a new Beatty i Sirset South, Dec.13| Blvd. §. or RA 5.7554, 279 or wringer washer. 81 King West, AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, GIRL'S winter coat, size 14, Phone RA 5-2017. 281a bec. 2 prompt service. Free estimates, Order and | now for early delivery, Chair and table tentials, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, 51--Swap and Barter USED friges, washers, automatics, SPACE heater, Coca Cola cooler, roto ranges, "rangettes, TV and radios. L07c see] door, combination TV, ches new plumbing supplies and piping of all kinds. Chinn's, Park Road and Hill |sice. RA 3.7088. Dec. 8 off = i [$2--Legal Notices Tad fh ; ¥ H 7 ; i . | s 4 4 a ] 7 on : 0 ?| The subject of a turkey supper NOTICE TO | was discussed but left over until after the Christmas season. CREDITORS Several box tops were brought IN THE ESTATE OF NICHO- LAS KINISKI, All persons having claims i 4 against the Estate of Nicho- a § gi 7 over. los Kiniski, late of the City v / / 4, 0 | A motion that $100 be given to of Oshawa in the County of . 4 7 y. / the chi Ontario, deceased, who died ; i : | e church board for the base- «34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 2, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) Bazaar Report At WA Meeting By F. E. SMITH PRINCE ALBERT -- The No- vember meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. E. Martyn Wednesday with 17 members present. Mrs. G. Robertson conducted the meet- 5 the absence of the presi only | Best 45--Real Estate For Sale $1500 down full price, $12,900, orick, four piece tile bath, colored S, @iiplanter, six rooms, basement, oil tubs. $80 bly. P. T yke, MO #7984703. G. Newell, Broker, 143 Picker- we dng. 278¢c for sale -- witn garage, on 209 a erson "Strect, Whithy. Prone RA 8-6549. Dec, 1. 792000 DOWN buys a five-year-old SiX-| ig GR¥vV mor fo Trees room ranch style brick bungalow, fire.|'4 CHEV. coach, two of these popular place, everything in good condition, Models 12 cose tem, Both have Wie i 1 4 3 s , 4 vacant, north section. Asking $12,500 West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 281 47--Automobiles For Sale '57 METEOR sedan delivery, clean, $1595. Bramley Motor Sales, 1271 Sim- coe North. RA 3-4675. 281a '56 METEOR Niagara coach, one own- er, $1495. Bramley Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe North, RA 3.4675. 281a '54 NASH sedan, low mileage, radio, $895. Bramley Motor Sales, 1271 Sim- coe North. RA 3.4675. 281a RADIOS, record players, hi-fi stereo are all here at the lowest prices. It will pay you to shop at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, sewing - $10 de- livers a brand new Singer to your home! A small deposit will hold yours until Christmas; Get the best -- get a fully guaranteed Singer sewing machine from your authorized dealer, Barons {Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street | South, Dec. 14 THREE large wardrobes, with full parse length mirrors, drawers. Beautiful de- "52 DODGE sedan, standard transmis-|sign. Can be seen at 1081 Rossland and dryers. Rated No over all sion, custom radio, snow tires, perfect|West or phone RA 5-8233. 2781 others, a nes usimers Sport, = in every way, only $295. King West/ THEY said it couldn't be done, look at|g; 4 bs ' West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. |what "Ed Wilson™ is doing. Chester- $199. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King Neat elds a easton chestortiala [GIRL'S tricycle, big size, Just like new |clear out prices. Restonic chesterfiel » » Ju . orm eY | Cet, $130; two-tone sofa-bed suite,(100 Brock Street East. 281a zsta| trimmed with fravrilite, $e, Jue for WE'LL buy all your used furniture and a SE es Ser a pepper cents you can choose either a five-ipay top money for it. Contac Prince '53 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic piece chrome set or a set of three ar- pay op pi RA 8-1131, A Is Pai 2. radio, loaded with extras. borite living room tables. Wilson hig Kent's Service Station, 40 Albert Street. Furniture, 20 Church Street, WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you | can afford, at Parkway Tlevision, 918 18 Co. = CONTINENTAL S j Phone RA|'52 CHEVROLET deluxe coach, radio. board. RA 5-308 Simcoe Street North RA™ 3-304 3-9810. 281f | heater, A-1 condition. RA 8-5451 between | mich -------------------------- | FOR $ale, custom built, push ,utton ATT 7 6 and 7 p.m, XMAS shopping? Large selection ofl joe0" choy' radio, practically new. Ap- Li HARRIS Avenue, five-room brick bun- gift items, at tremendous savings dur- ly Mer Taxi, 45 King East. Dec.20 ,+ galow stone front, tiled kitchen and 1958 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, ex-|ing Ed Wilson's Big Sale. Hassocks, | PY cury ' King East. 2 5 bathroom, many extras to suit this lo- (cellent condition. Phone Whitby MO pictures, smokers, hampers, tables, cation. L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. [5.320 79f| lamps, cedar chests, Djeors, Kinder. 4" "Park Road South, Phone RA 5-8761.|'53 CHEVROLET Biscayne two-door, Sarten sets, rockers, bridge sets. See ora 2811 them today at Wilson Furniture, 20 low mileage, spotless condition, firade Church Street, 280b " Dec. 1.|BENDIX automatic washer, Tike new, -- RTA PTI TREE r=. used only six months, $79.50. Irvine| '54 PONTIAC Chieftain sedan, 8 cylin- rast. RA 8-5841. |der hydromatic, white walls, only 22,- Appliances; 59 Bond. East. Jan. 1. {000 miles. Doctor's car. Dial RA 85118] -- | after 5 p.m. 8 278¢ FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators, recondi- -- tioned, with warranty, $69.50 up. Large PARTS off of '49 Ford; new generator, capacity. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond I Hollywood muffler, tall pipe, seats,| East, RA 8-5841. Jan, 1jiiome Furnishings, | - - RA, - -- Sou sPesdomerss oe es A es: [SEWING machine, practically new, re- £3 i os |verse stitch attachment etc. Less than after 6 p.m. Dec. 25/121 price. Also size 20 boy's bicycle. Cost $1200, will sell for $680. Phone| |'57 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, radio and [RA 5-8654. eyifiRA 8-550, oH | heater. '56 Dodge coach, radio and "Remington pr le type- COMBINATION d Ph RA 5-7491 | THIRTY Remington rtable type-|C A N' door. one |heater. 'Will accept trade, terms ar-|, iors 15 per gon off list price till|after 5 p.m. 2774 |Fanged. Marion Auto Ltd, 25 Grenfell| Christmas. Easy terms. Osiawa Busi-| GEDAR Chests -- $1.00 will hold your: (ee Ra rea ness Machines. 329 Simeoe Street South. yntil Christmas. Choose from the best |'55 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan 23,000 RA 8-1211. my es -- Lane, Heirloom, Red Seal,| | miles, 6 cylinder standard, radio. white|GyNs, ammunition and hunting sup- (ete. Many models drastically reduced walls, back-up lights, clock, A-1 condi-| lies new and used. For the best deal|in price! Hurry for best selection tion. One owner. RA 8-1939 after 6 p.m. |in town see Provincial Tire. 48 Bond Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 278f Street West. RA 5-6511. |Street South. a Dec. 14 |'58 FORD custom line tudor, custom B, F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter-| NEW sump pump, with 40 feet of |radio, Fairlane wheel covers, white ies, Kelvinatoy refrigerators, television inch pipe. RA 5.9753. 1% 227 |wal "tires, finished in ebony black 'Thiifty budget plan. RA 34303. ___ NEW apariment size Fiance at reduced A es 3 opposite | re cider barrels available, all iow prices. Easy terms. Trade-ins ac- Shopping Centre. 281¢| WINE and cider barrels Shopping Centre. =~ 85,05 Oshawa Hardware and Electric, cepted. A small deposit will hold yours "51 MORRIS Oxford sedan, like brand |8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. FULL DOWN | [till Christmas. But hurry -- the prices 2, Shibata er S---------- janos are going up shortly! new, motor completely overhauled, {CE of entire stock from La on all p are he Tres Prutecs. Hutry! Only M5: Riag| BALANCE of entire stock, MN resses,| Barons. Home Furnishings, 424 Simeve | West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. (co) "0 "hyrastically reduced. May" treet South. .. =~ - Dee M| PAYMENT 2816 | een daily from 1 5 p.m. at 238 SAMSONITE luggage The ideal | Kaiser Crescent, corner Louisa Christmas gift for everyone. Pay only Six full size rooms, new solid | $1 a week! All colors available. Ask Street. Phone RA siz Dec.3 about our reduced prices. Barons' brick bungalow, excellent lo- cation, sewers, schools, buses. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street etc, Mrs. McKerichen. radios. GMAC terms. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King |West. Dec. 29 |SPECIAL discounts for builders, home- owners, on Frigidaire built-in ovens. cooking tops, pull-down elements, re- frigerators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81 King Street West. RA 5-5121, Dec. 29 FRIGIDAIRE 1950 automatic washers J. W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street. w RA 32512; Whitby, MO 8-3231. 278¢ $600 DOWN, $8500 full price, four-room house and bath. RA 8-5205 after 6 p.m. kd #4 SLOT for sale on Elizabeth Crescent, a+ $1400 or best offer. Phone RA 8-0310. ' 279¢|'49 METEOR, Motor Sales, LOT 40 x 105, water and sewer, north h west. Also lot 85 x 200 with well. RA |3-4675. 5-8020. Dec, 4 Sik rooms, hot water, Rs $1000 down, $6,900 full price, furnace, three-piece bath, central location. L. S. Lid., 43 Park Road South. . Parsonage bill be paid was car- i| Several carols were sung and | the Mizpah benediction closed the | meeting before supper. HANDICRAFT TREASURE VAN TOURS CANADA | over he world that ave ls. | The van with 510019 woth | vide Fast. The nantcarves | _PRINCE ALBERT played in the World University | 3 Sots, Site Ui rsiges | table lamp from Quebec, | Service of Canada treasure van | and funds earned in the sale of right, is one of the Candian | are the 175-year-old chess set | displays. Solicitor for the Administra- ay Uranium, Live Stock 5 Help Canuck Exports ron, Sy Ge pond By FORBES RHUDE (tember alone they were $10,516,- Canada's wide range of other Mrs. T. Cole in Oshawa. Canadian Press Business Editor | 000. |products--even though some of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and Uranium and cattle have put a| The extraordinary trade in cat- them have had severe declines, Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith spent Sun- sustaining hand under Canadian|tle started in mid-1957, | In general, export declines day in Toronto where they visited * exports at a time when they| Drought had reduced American point up the industrial and busi- Mr. and Mrs. I. Harper and Rev. otherwise would have sagged. |cattle to a relatively low level. ness slowdown. Losers include 20d Mrs. R. H. Wylie. Increased demand for uranium When it ended, restored range newsprint, Canada's largest sin-| reflects the movement of the|and pasture, combined with high gle export; woodpulp, pulpwood, rolling mill products, farm im- 3 world into the nuclear age. It|prices, sent American farmers| iron and iron products, copper,| plements, non-farm "machinery tender not necessarily accept- |may be assumed that it will con- hurrying to restore their stocks./lead, zinc, petroleum and ashes. internal combustion engines and ed. Information may be ob- [tinue to be a major export unless) Beef cattle on Canadian farms| tos. parts and automobiles were well tained from H. W. McNeill, |unexpected technological develop- were at a record level. What! The food front is generally ahead. In the nine months of this 387 Simcoe St. South, Osh- |ments rule otherwise. |might have been an embarrass-| strong. In addition to cattle and!year farm machinery is ahead awa. | Increased demand for cattle re- ment without the American de- wheat, other farm crops are $20,000,000 at $77,462,000 but 281c|flects drought of a couple of mand turned out to be a bon- ahead and so is farm machinery. most other items are down. Iron years ago in the United States anza -- particularly welcome to Sales of fisheries products are ore, which in 1957 was up $7, CHANGE OF NAME southwest. If historical patterns) Western Canada at a time when) also up. {838,000 at $152,281,000, was down ACT, 1950 |are followed this export may be oil and gas companies were hav-| Though 1957 established a rec-|in the first nine months by $38, {expected to drop off, though it/ing marketing troubles. lord of $4,839,094,000 in exports, it| 168,000, at $79,168,000 continues surprisingly strong. Wheat, which had-its record ex-| also saw the beginning i gh Nonferrous metal "and rod. VALUABLE ADDITION port year in 1952, fell off sharply cession and, despite the surge in|ucts: 1957, up $46.715,000 " $1, i 4) el Uranium--chiefly from north-{in 1957 from 1956, but gained months of this year there were 006,186,000: 1958 nine months, us ih io Yering 2 ci ern Ontario and northern Sas-|a8ain this year to give uranium| uranium and cattle, was only|$43.478.000 at $786,905,000. 4 ipigon Street, in the City = |paichewan--is a vast new re. and cattle a helping hand in $49 348000 ahead of 1956 gf igri ted Io of Oshawa, in the County of | source added to Canada's bag of Maintaining the over-all export| cdi 1 J | Uranium prevented losses ia Ontario, to change his name {Soiree ee Io Bhaca 5 bad DH evel, | Here are some facts about the this group. Nickel, chiefly due to to William John Winters, will | i 1 bh 4 ' |action of classifications and va-|a price increase, also, advanced be heard by His Honour, the |in8 its place beside such other) Wheat, however, faces many rious items of export in 1957 as|in 1957 by $25,344,000-f0 $248,253 presiding Judge, in the (recent additions as oil, natural uncertainties in world markets compared with 1956; and their ac. 000 and Yo the nin pdb County Court Chambers at |88s and iron ore. |and has lost some of its increase tion in the first nine months of $3,068,000 to $190.303,000 5y the County Court Building ot | In 1954 export of uranium ore Of earlier months. {this year as compared with the! Th : traditi 1 ba : als Whitby, Ontario, on Friday |and concentrates totalled $8,056, In 1957 wheat exports were same period last year: |e . Tacitional age met hit the Sth day of Jonuary, (000; in 1955, $26,533,000; in 1956, $380,415,000, down $132,667.00 Agricultural and vegetable by falling prices and falling d 1959, at the hour of 10.30 |$45,777,000; in 1957, ,127,935,000; from 1956. In the first nine products: 1957, down $143,385,000 d. H their 1 » e o'clock in the forenoon. and in the first nine months of months of this year there were| (including the loss in wheat) to| oo oc are their tosses: DATED ot Oshawa this 21st this vear $184,391,000. Most of it $34,558,000, up $55,824,000 from $831,579.00; 1958 nine months, o COPPET: 1957, $32,007,000 to day of November, 1958, goes to the United States. the 'same period last year. up $45,395,000 to $643,249.00, | S.02109.000; 1958 nine months, HENNICK & HENNICK, Cattle exports in 1956 were, While uranium and cattle are| In this group, in the nin $21,433.00 to $107,584.00, 31 King Street East, only $630,000. In 1957 they rose currently spectacular, they could months, in addition to Aig | Lead: 1957, .$5.620.000 to $20, Oshawa, Ontario, | spectacularly to $41,678,000 and not have upheld the export bal-| substantial gain h 396,000; 1958 nine months, $6,- Solicitors for the Applicant. [in fi ! re ure pehiown bY|578,000 to $17,844,000. pp |In the first nine months of this ance unless there had been a other grains, flour, fruits and Zine: 1057, $9,090,000 to 164,- Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9 year reached $61,624,000. In Sep-|relatively sustained demand over vegetables. Seeds and oilcake and 991 000; 1958 nine months, $10, oilcake meal and vegetable fats| 365,000 to $39,604,000. : ¢ on or about the 24th day of August, A.D. 1958, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned, on or before the 5th day of January, A.D. 1959, full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated ot Oshawa, Ontario, this 28th day of November, A.D. 1958. HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, single bed, with head- 1. 280f & E SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa's No. 1 Skate Exchange". Used skates $1 up. | |New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection| lin town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond| [Street East. | FREE -- Absolutely Free -- Up to $100 worth of gifts and furniture (your choice). Our Christmas gift to you -- with the purchase of a chesterfield. or a bedroom suite, or a dining room suite, Easy terms. This is no gimmick! Come and see for yourself! Barons' 424 Simcoe Street Dec. in [FUR coat, new, natural brown Otter. | By F. E SMITH PRINCE ALBERT -- Mrs, A. |Raines was taken to hospital in (Port Perry where she will re- main for several days for ob- servation. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fudge, Osh- |awa, visited her parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Raines during the week- lend. 0. Beacock, Oshawa, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. L. { ed, terms |RA 5-8640 after 5 p.m. COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS. CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL THE Tenders addressed to Pro- perty & Maintenance Com- mittee, Women's Welfare League, 387 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, will be re- ceived up to noon, December 15th, 1958, for supplying | fuel oil, for Simcoe Hall Set- tlement House, for a period of one year, January lst, 1959 to December 31st, 1959. The lowest or gny of CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. South. ec. 14] teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. FP Dabs oa Hage, in new condi- Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. LLOYD, Baby, Corl ni vice. RA 8-1081 anytime. | dealt smi-- ge - my er 500 REMNANTS scatter rugs, special, PIANOS, all makes and sizes, from $79 ¢, 50° Axminster and Wiltons. Nu-Way, Street i i stair carpet sales, special stair carpet sale, $4.99 lin- Nu-Way, 174 Mary Street. 276 TAKE NOTICE that pursuant | to the above Act, the appli- cation of William John Wei- 27. INCH Wilton 4-ply wool "hardtwist.] $7.95 a yard. Nu-Way, 174 Mary Street. | $10 276i 820 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid RA 35-1181 or RA 5-1182, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3.9421 ironer, $45; one new | Youngstown kitchen unit, with dish spray, $65. Phone RA 5-5802. 281c ONE Beatty sump pump and laundry! tub pump. Phone RA 8-8662. 281c 49--Automobile Repairs MRS. CHARLES REESOR BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. CHANGE OF NAME {and oils were substantially down. | ACT, 1950 Blue Ra Is Host | Animals and animal products: | progects: "1957. up $55,608,000 to 1957, up $41,802,000 to $302,051,-| 00: 1¢ ign TAKE NOTICE that pursuant 000: 195 rid and »0ol,-1 $347,705,000; 1958 nine months, to the above Act, the applica- . ' 8 nine months, up $70,-|$g4 286,000 at $183,308,000. czorkowski, residing at 463 At B C m Fibres, textiles and produc! { Nipigon Street, in the City of 1 ere on 1957, up $4,594,000 at $27,162,000; J dr anee y $37,052,000 to i 5 ,975,000, n the nine Oshawa, in the County of +1958 nine months, down $4,456,- month period dropped by $56, Ontario, to change 'his name of Laurel; Mrs. Mabel McCully, 000 at $14,829,000. i: the bile 420,000 to $60,801,000. Asbestos, ber of visitors and members of |of Blue Ray and George La thonths, wool and wool products i Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238 met Blue Torn ' a0, of and synthetic fibres and products the ine months, : in the auditorium of the Port| During the evening several 8 the chief losers. Chemicals and allied products: Perry Public School to honor highlights took place among| Wood, wood products and pa- 1057, up $12,449,000 at $195,308, 1957, down $58,330,000 at/000; 1958 nine months, dows RILEY SALES & SERVICE. |HOward 6-2313 5 SPECIAL highest price when you phone RA 5 8131. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN W. T. LAMSON Street. Phone RA 81131 | monthly. Call 5-8976. OSHAWA, ONT: | Plymouth, 24-ft. cabin trailer, furnace,|1 Skate Exe Te try ade, Chinn's, RA 3-7088. Dec.15 Street Eas WANTED -- 30 - '54 Chevs., any con: money down with trade. Only $199.|writer, adding machine. Reasonable. RA| dition throughout, will pay cash. Write SELLING furniture or cleaning owt length. 9, 12 and 15-foot widths, grey, CONSTRUCTION want | 8131. The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 174 Mary Street. 276 276¢ ! AND SAVE dishes. The ideal Christmas, gift. We MODELS stration. RA 5-8603 or see our complete Budget Terms ist, and| tion of Massey James Wei- 337,000 at $263,040,000. | HALL runner, Belgian hardtwist, an y oe In this Zou, in 1957, pele. approved. Service centre, for ONE Easy 50 "2" "MODEL HOME OPEN A STORAGE to_Massey James Winters, PORT PERRY -- A large gp Sunland; Mrs. Jeanne Dymond | In this group, ahead in 1957, was also down in RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, up, terms, guaranteed, Ostrander Piano) joi" year 2761 : ONE MORTGAGE |SELLING furniture or cleaning out Axminster . | : | SABYAN MOTOR |The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe ture, also sell and exchange. Contact| AUTOMATIC knitting machine, made | SALES and SERVICE REAL ESTATE LTD. HAIN saw, spray paint outfit, '56 SKATES, new and used, "Oshawa's No. 2 L heater, 3-piece bath, sink taps, New sl TEL: RAndoloh 3-3461 |puumbing supplies Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond| |FRIGIDIARE special big 10% cu "i. [NATIONAL cash Teputer. gives cur, fri dition. Phone RA 57436. 278 GMAC plan, $2 weekly. Kelly Frigid-3.4434, TTS till Dee.15 | i --BY-- particulars to Box 335, Oshawa Times. your basement? You Will get your green, beige, mink and Vellumn re-. AA Simcoe Street South. |SOATTER rugs 27 x 54, clearing 70 30 HO ES | WHOLESALE "prices on Melmac din | have a complete line of new patterns PETERBOROUGH BOATS DOWN PAYMENT ONLY display at Budget Sales Showroom, 399 Free winter storage on mMO- | nderpad, 27 inches wide, 8 feet long, motor repairs. Open evenings DAILY AND SUPPLY LTD. MORRIS, MG., WOLSELEY, Company, 1378 Queen Street East |your basement? You will get your eal yard. RA 5.883] SALESLTD. [Street South Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince(in England, take over payments, dh HE le |aA = e Exchange". Used skates $1 up. plumbing supplies of all kinds. Sell or|in town. tr 2 NEW HOMES 43Automabiles Wanted dge. 42-1b. freezer, butter-keeper, no omers tickets, best offer. Portable type- = WANTED a '51 convertible in good con. Aire, 81 King West. Dec. 29) oy 7 wool Wilton 4-ply hardtwist, 27" CARAVAN Dec. 20 highest price when you phone RA 5-/duced to $10.95 a square yard. Nu-Way, | per cent off. Nu-Way, 174 Mary Street. | 3 DIFFERENT BUY NOW |nerware, the newest in unbreakable and designs, For free home demon- EVINRUDE MOTORS King Street West 281f 3 Q Q 5 tors. Boat storage, Factory | cinnamon. Phone RA 5-4570. 281a and weekends. 1P.M.-9P.M. and the nome of his wife, Barbara Weiczorkowski, to Barbara Winters, and the names of his children, Joyce SEE! per: 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, Floodlights for your convenience, For Information and Appointment RA 8-1338 Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 and the new FIAT For economy and perform- ance. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3.7132 Dec.15| 46--Real Estate Wanted | $1,000 down payment for five-roomed | three-bedroom brick house with garage. Write Box 247 Oshawa Times. 278¢| 47--Automobiles For Sale CLEARING -- '49 Pontiac, PHONE 87 BROOKLIN, ONT. | ! sssPontiac, $1 *50 Chevrolet, { #4 Pontiac, $1 50 Chevrolet, $195; rwuMeteor, $15 57 Chevrolet, $1695; '58 22|50--Articles For Sale PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. SWING SATIN $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. First Come First Choice «WWEBBING'S. HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873 PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS) | AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS EVERY MAKE Best Prices Best Terms WALMSLEY & MAGILL OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD. 2 11 King St. E. RA 3-3333 Jan.2 MEAT DISPLAY CASE Louise Weiczorkowski, Mar- garet May Weiczorkowski and Barbara Ann Weiczorkowski to Joyce Louise Winters, Mar- garet May Winters and Bar- bara {Ann Winters, will be heard by His Honour, the pre- siding Judge; in the County Court Chambers, at the County Court Building, at Whitby, Ontario, on Friday the 9th day of January, 1959, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon. DATED at Oshawa this 21st day of November, 1958, HENNICK & HENNICK, 31 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Modern, 12' double duty, Applicant. newly elected worthy matron, which was the presentation of a Marion Sandison and her staff of white leather bound Bible encrust- officers for the 1958-59 term. |ed with a corsage of pink carna- Worthy matron Ethel Notting-| tions and white streamers to the ham welcomed Mrs. Edna Ander- matron-elect from her three son of Bowmanville, past grand sons. matron of the Grand Chapter of | Mrs. Jeanne Dymond PM, had Ontario and honorary member the honor of performing this duty. of Blue Ray Chapter; past dis-|GETS GAVEL trict deputy grand matrons Jean.| The, newly elected patron, ne Osborne, Ruby Clarke and James Sandison, presented his Meta Moore, all honorary mem-|wife with an ivory gavel to com- bers of Blue Ray Chapter,' and memorate the happy occasion. several other ished| Mrs. Osborne, PDDGM, guests. [the soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Opening ceremonies were car-| Marie Taylor sang several appro-| ried out under the leadership of priate selections. the retiring matron and patron. Mrs. Martha Dunlop PM, Sun- Guests were present from Sun- beam Chapter, Oshawa, and hon- | beam, Durham, Whitby, Sunland, |orary member of Blue Ray Chap- Laurel, Markahm, Aloha, On-|ter, the foral marshall performed $1,456,125,000; 1958 nine months, $5,078,000 at $14,325,000. |down $71,145,000 at $1,030,795,000.| In this group, fertilizers, down | In this group, in the nine slightly in 1957, lost $4,331,000 at months, newsprint was down $34,818,000 in the nine months. ,543,000 at $511,839,000; wood Plastics and plastic products |pulp down $17,824,000 at $207, were also down in .the nine |457,000; pulpwood down $10,092,- months, but drugs, medicines and [000 at $26,245,000: planks and Pharmaceuticals were ahead boards down $1,314,000 at $208, nearly $2,000,000 at $7,096,000. 484,000. Miscellaneous c 0 m modities: | Iron and iron products: 1957,/1957, up $29,914,000 at $154,147, |up $59,986,000 at $518,835,000; 000; 1958 nine months, up $54, 11958 nine months, down $71,-/ 181,000 at $159,002,000. |248,0 at $321,557,00. | In this group, in 1957, ships In this group, pigs, ingots, sold totalled $30,805,000, com- [blooms and billets, which had pared with $6,963,000 in 1956. In !declined by 38 per cent in 1956, the nine- months they totalled {more than doubled in 1957 to $17,276,000 compared with $26, 1$42,226,000. Heavy demand from 331,000. | Europe more than offset a de-| Aircraft and parts totalled tario, Starlight and Scarborough the ceremony. The floral trib- cline tothe United States. In the $39,910,000 in 1957 and were up Chapters. |utes were made up in the shape first nine months of this year,|to $86,740,000 in the nine months. Past matrons and past patrons | of corsages with vari-colored cro- however, thay were down some| Miscellaneous consumer goods $10,000,000 to $18,458,000. in the nine months were $2,822. NEWS BRIEFS | Els, Rey, Chapter, welcomed chet-edged handkerchiefs and ' |to the East were Myrtle Palmer, carnations, which were carried| Also, in the iron group in 1957,/000 compared with $3,575,000. Helen Colbear, Mildred Jeffrey, out in the star point colors. DAILY CROSSWORD GEM FORTUNE VANISHES [Mabel Chapman, Jeanne Dymond,| The incoming officers present- CHICAGO (AP) Theft . of Jessie Espie, Margaret Cornish, ed the newly appointed matron $1,500,000 worth of diamonds from Margaret Jeffrey and Margaret with a gift set of rhinestone jewel- a Chicago hotel vault was re- Hood; Hugh Espie, Len Colbear lery and she was the recipient of ACROSS ported Monday by Charles J.|and Elgin Hutchinson. The audi- many other gifts. The newly| 4 America's - Staiger of New York, vice-presi-|tor's report was presented by elected worthy matron had pre- Cu Open Evenings & Weekends dent of Harry Winston and Com-|Jeanne Dymond and other re- viously presented her incoming | on ok Brooklin Marine Storage |Pany, gem brokers. Staiger told ports were given by the conven- officers with pink carnation cor- | Sih 10. Gerpir Supply Ltd. {police he discovered the theft ers of various committees. sages. { 11, Sealyham naming Phone 87 |when he went to the Congress RECEIVE GIFTS | The worthy matron in her| 35' goes Jap.) 14. Kind of Hotel vault to add 60 diamonds| The retiring matron and patron opening remarks extended laur-| 3' hb [to those he had left for safekeep-|were presented with gifts from els to the installing officers for 'Man's 16 a a BUY NOW AND -SAVE the chapter by the associate ma- the outstanding way in which the| "20 one i ; {tron, Marion Sandison and asso-\work was carried out at her in juckname 13.Caugnt Peterborough boats, Evinrude | RABID CAT ATTACKS |ciate patron James Sandison. |stallation. One of her first duties - Happy sight Motors--budget. terms. Free THORNTON, Ont. (CP) -- Mr.| Mrs. Nottingham received a card|was to request the presence of| 1~ Study (mus) of winter storage on 'motors. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston haveltable and Mr. Hutchinson a clock. the new past matron and patron | .Not often 19. Beast of Boat storage. Factory ap- [received anti - rabies treatment, Mrs. Jeanne Osborne, of Aloha in the east when honor was be-| . Owned burden proved. Service centre for after a veterinarian reported a Chapter, Toronto, sang to the re-'stowed on Mrs. Margaret Cor-| 2 Sleep 20. Wise motor repairs. Open evenings Stray cat was rabid when it at-|tiring officers and was aecom:|nish, PM, and Mrs. Jeamnette| 2° Tigh priest (slang) 88. Knight's ond weekends. tacked and scratched them Sat-|panied by Mrs. Marie Taylor, of Hutchinson who presented the 2. Moccasin 21. Wing attendant MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY urday on their farm near this vil- Blue Ray Chapter. [retiring officers with their jewels.| =o: Asianriver 22. Discomposes 39. Lean-to | LIMITED {lage about eight miles southwest| The ceremony of installation| Several of the guests gave short | Diversion Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 [of Barrie. | was conducted by pan President addresses and extended best wish- go I a deputy grand matren Rub YVies for the future of the Chapter. OTHER REMANDED Clarke and past patron Bill Wal-| The meeting was closed in short le its exact angie . Vipers | e Hill, 39, charged with? Ee lige lace, of Markhm Chapter. They|form and the farewell was given the axe-slaying of her two small Vere, assisted by Mrs. Margaret hy the immediate past matron | daughters, appeared in' magist. Cornish, PM, as - installing mar-| Ethel Nottingham. p rate's court Monday for the third shall: Mrs Jessie Espie, PM as| The refreshment committee un- FOR THE VERY time amd was remanded until Ch2Plaini Mrs. Martha Punlop, der the convenership of Mrs, Rodent | BEST PM as floral 'marshall: Mrs. | Jessie Slater served approximate- Rind of esis | | LES EVENISS SALES LTD. | 15 PRINCE ST RA 5.4632 Les Eveniss, RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 Ww sday. Mrs i 'as o ednesday. Mrs. Hill was ar Edna Anderson, PGM, as organ-|ly 175 guests. ALUMINUM : Svhere Don Howe, RA 5-0313 liman Demonstrator. Easy terms, BraTUPUNKT short. wave . radios, egertified condition, at Wellman's. RA magic-eye tuning, 11 pushbuttons, FM, @4431. 20c/gw, AM, LW, car radios. Three speak- *¥%6 CHEV. deluxe coach, radio, two. ers Hi-Fi, Europe's finest. Terms. Now "tone green and ivory. Will accept trade at Kelly TV, 81 King West Dec. 29 and cash or terms. RA 3.33%. 281f| ONE Leonard 'frig; one rangette, very "ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up.to| good condition, cheap; recapped snow ! [720 per cent. Nine months to pay. For tires, reasonable, installed free. RA] {personal service at your home call RA 35-4811. 281f] 52802. GENDRON baby carriage, $8; tweed 54 CHEVROLET black, two-door, white top coat $3. Two sports jackets, $2.50 walls, custam radio, rear speaker, turn each; navy top coat, like new. All signals, windshield washer. Excellent g;6 36, 40 inch range. RA 8-5246. 281a condition. Whitby MO 8-3680. 276f | --e -- rn ST EE SEWING machine, electric portable, ' #56 PLYMOUTH "'V-8" four-door sedan, jijye new, darns, mends, etc., with at. push button drive, tutone, in excellent a hments, original cost $129.50. Will ¢ condition. RA 3-4887. Dec. 5 sell $59. Call RA 5-8976. 276¢ tion included. 55 PONTIAC sedan sizes, 83 up. B. F.| FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE 5-4543, | = axe, yoo, USED tires, most all many extras, perfect. accept small Goodrich Store. RA | car in trade. RA 5-0547. f Ee or er | PHONE RA 8-1547 st me---- FRIGIDAIRE 40" Electric range, like | ANYTIME new, completely automatic, $129.50. Ir-| vine Appliances, 50 Bond East. RA BUYING or SELLING }55.. Jan. 1. See TED CAMPIN | NOW IS THE TIME 'MOTORS | TO GET READY FOR | sacrifice $290. Phone collect | Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9 or write quickly, JOHN HARVIE LIMITED PETERBOROUGH $AVE -- $AVE MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size. Installa- ec. BOAT KITS $56.00 and up 5 | IPIA]L |S EPIAIC [OS] [EIMIEIUBNOIPIOIRITIO} [AIM/AIRENLIARIRIU(P] an 8. America's 24. Cup defender 9. Asleep Building addition f Tear [ Woody per- ennial Series of shots God of thunder 85. Under. done, as meat 87. Cabbage salad 25. 30. 33. 84. |S IINIOIR|A] INIOIUIG| AIT RCIAIM[P] INIEE[O[YIREITIA[S] Yesterday's Answer 41, Chinese dynasty 42, Linen ¥-y vestment 44. Girl's nickname ling. ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS CALL OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE For the best quality alumin- um and expert installations, Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS RAILINGS Cash or Terms Call RA 5-7922 Anytime ANDRE VAN DE VALK Dec. 13 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA WINTER (Just East of Wilson Road) For the finest foctory con- RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 structed oluminum storm windows ond doors installed to your satisfaction at low- est. prices, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO.PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP H RA 3-9851 . Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bothtub Enclosures Try the 1959 Paris Styled Renault Dauphine Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, water cooled. AT VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 King W. RA 5-3557 Dec. 11 |rested after the bodies of five- : i year-old Nola and canon ist: and Mrs. Jeanne Osborne,! The newly appointed officers Save f S Cecilia Hill "had : |PDDGM, as soloist. for the term 1958-59 are as fol- ave from Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- ecilia Hill had been found in y A : : Wreck dows. Awrin: nd Porch [their home on the Six Nations, Acting s associate matron was lows: worthy matron, Marion TecKage ows, Swnings. 9 i SIMrs. Ethel Nottingham, PM, Sandison; worthy patron, James . Property Railings reserve south of here. : \ A 1 1 5) g i associate patron, Hugh Espie, Sandison; associate matron, Mar- (L.) NOBQDY | CARTOONIST JAILED P.P., secretary, Margaret Jef-|garet Carnegie; associate pa- . Unsubdued BUT NOBODY | NEW YORK (AP) -- Robert frey, PM; treasurer, Mrs. Dor-|tron, Leonard Colbear, secre. DOWN Wood, 41-year-old former car-othy Haley, PM; conductress,|tary, Helen Colbear; treasurer, . Male deer cari beat our quality prices [toonist for the magazine Crime Mrs. Mildred Jeffrey, PM; asso-|Alma. Reesor; conductress, Jes- . Prison com. ond guaranteed installations. |Does Not Pay, was sentenced ciate conductress, Mrs. Myrtle|sie Slater; associate conductress, partment CALL Monday to four to five years in Palmer, PM. [Adelia White; chaplain, Mildred| 3 Girl'sname prison for first - degree man-| Among those assisting at the Wilson; marshal, Margaret Pod- HOLODY ALUMINUM 4. Goads slaughter. Wood had pleaded various stations for the installing/res: Adah, Doris Suggitt; Ruth, 5. Metal from guilty, in the fatal beating in a board were Mrs. Molly Boyes, of Pearl Gerrow; Esther, Olive Anytime till 9 p.m. MACKIE MOTORS buy good clean cars. Sell on con- will | Pay off liens. signment. Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION King St. East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 6. Color 7. Erbium (sym.) Bolivia hotel last Aug. 26 of Mrs. Violette Whitby; Mrs. Eva Waren, of Painter: Martha. Doris Notting- Phillips, 45. Wood's lawyer de- Durham, Mrs. Eva Coathup ham; Electa, Mabel Chapman, 'scribed both as alcoholics. |of Markham; Mrs. Alice Barthau,|and sentinel, Elgin Hutchinson. | i be