Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Dec 1958, p. 13

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32---Articles Wanted Must be ia good RA A |36--Female Help Wanted B bedroom waite, 5d rid bed. RELIABLE girl to care for one child, pre-school age. Call RA 8-1782. WAITRESSES w od, i] PIANOS, 10 _upfghis oF es. win bith d eash. State make and price. Box 237, Oshawa Times. Dec.20| iii -- Child's desk and chair, Apply Employees Unlimited, 76 Church and tario, doll. carriage whos 3660. PIANOS wanted immediately make, or size, cash. Ostranders, Susen Street East, Toronto, HOwal 1-1 ¢ Dees SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? You will get your high est price when you phone RA 5-8131,| 'The Oshawa Trading Post, 46 Simcoe Street South. SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal. I. TUKNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG & METAL CO RA 5-2311 89 Bloor Street East OPEN SATURDAYS 35--Employment Wanted BOX 136, OSHAWA TIMES 43--Wanted fo Rent BARBER would rent chair, shop. Phone Cobourg, FH 2-340. GENTLEMAN would like part - time work, evenings and Saturdays. Book- keeping, accounting, anything consider- ed. Write Box 301, Oshawa Times. 281f YOUNG girl (Dutch) requires house keeping work, full time, sleep in (ex-| perienced). Phone Bowmanville, MA! 3-7188. 281a 36--Female Help Wanted in sood HAIRDRESSERS fully experienced in tinting and bleaching, for new salon. | Apply to Eileen's Beauty Salon, 259 Simcoe Street South after December 1. HY WOMEN earn big commission iy orders for Christmas from friends, rel- atives, etc, for men's, women's And children's hosiery, slips, etc. We sup everything you need to start. Write w free sales kit to: Harmony Mills, Dept. | B, 42 Camden Street, Toronto 2B, On- taro. 278¢ TORONTO -- Two girls for domestic help in neighboring home, live Must ke Ge a Write Mrs. Gd "1 Forest Drive, {ario or phone MElrose 3.3517. WAITRESS to work in clean snac ATTENTION housemaids and domes tics! Would you like a job in Toronto? Street, Toronto 1, RELIABLE women for baby sitting and homemakers club, for information. call Babysit- ting Bureau, Mrs. R, S. Dis- ney, 17 Sunset Drive, RA 3.4921, diy |37--Male Help Wanted AMBITIOUS houng man under 25, wiih working for public account's uifise, a sured future to right man. 1245, Oshawa Times. - ot | | ENERGETIC young boy, 16 to 18. to Apply in 54 Sim- | work in modern food store. | person. Stroud's Food Market, coe North. 281¢ YOUNG man about 20 years s of age, {for a (ministration office. Should have lat least a G#ade 12 special commercial course or Grade 13 education. A good opportunity for a young man who is in- terested in his future advancement Apply giving full particulars of qual-| ification to W. Gordon Bunker, Busi- ness Administrator, 179 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 279f SERVICE STATION MANAGER GOOD OPPORTUNITY Write to Box 144, OSHAWA TIMES 2781 $350 A MONTH PLUS A BONUS MAN TO COR- FOR A YOUNG REPRESENT LARGE PORATION, --No travelling --Established resident --23-45 years of age --Married, ambitious --Capable of assuming sponsibility in a position, Please write, regarding education, record, re- sales giving details previous employment marital status and phone number to: All replies Strictly Configentic) a 38--Male or Female Help Wanted YOU CAN MAKE $500 Even Before Christmas. A Sensational Game-- New In This Country. | Am Looking For A RELIABLE SALESMAN Write immediately to: GAME PRODUCTION PESCHEK - BOX 1202, | ATIKOKAN, ONTARIO." | 28la Arsly Dri e6--Male or Female 3$8--Male or Female Help Wanted Help Wanted OSHAWA RECREATION COMMITTEE WANTED RECREATION RACTITIONE The Oshawa Recreation Committee is soliciting ap- plications for a position on the full-time staff, from anyone qualified to act as an Assistant to the Direc- | tor of Recreation. Qualifications: University Degree, with specialization in Recreation, | from an accredited institution -- with a Recreation Specialist A or B Certificate (Provincial Department of Education) -- OF -- Such other qualifications as can be accredited so as to receive approval to practice from the Minister of Education, under authority of Provincial Legisla- tion affecting programmes of Municipal Recreation. All inquiries and applications should be directed to: The Oshawa Recreation Committee, c/o Mr. W. Brewster, Director of Recreation, 100 Gibb Street, Oshawa, Ontario, should be 1958. Applications received no later than December 13, 280c 41--Room and Board 44--For Rent ROOM and board, close to south plant,| ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, General Motors, within walking dis-|able in private home, tance. Apply 1493 Oxford Street .off North, § - 7 pm. RA 8-8671. Park Road South _____ M|THREE rooms, unfurnished, complete ROOM and board for gentleman in |ly redecorated, heat, lights and water modern home, home privileges also|Available immediately. RA 3-7091 IV. For information, call RA 57547. BUNGALOW -- modern three-bedroom 281f| attached garage, oil heated. 128 Cadil unfur-|lac North, $95 monthly, vacant 5.7279 RA 50332 after 6. RA 13-9210 Jan 2| APARTMENT, two large rooms, a {lake with city water and on bus stop Rent, $20 per month. Apply 119 Osh To Te So: voutd | {awa Boulevard North D couple wi wo children wou FREES like nouse. If possible with garage. MODERN, two room Phone RA 8-8841. apartment, private bath, ground floor. | Suit one person or couple. 242 Elizabet} URGENTLY required two-, or three Street. RA 5-8106 bedroom house, in College Hill or Mill THREE Street area. Phone RA 5-8885 or 5-3622 furnished or located. RA TWO nished after room flat, centrally 6p.m ed. RA 5-6133, Oshawa. | BUNGALOW rik oil heat, uses. Immediate occupancy. Hin area, Phone RA 5-9191. APARTMENT, sell - co rooms and bath, unfurnished, wiring, downtown, heat and ratef, adults only. 360. Available December RA 8-8175. |ONE single and one double room, sin gle beds, one block from downtown. Ap- ply 45 Albert Street. room apartment, FIVE . rooms. All spacious six LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a vacancy, orly screened and reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) 101 Simcoe St. N RA 8-5123 |44--For Rent FIVE - room apartment, 57 Wentworth Street, Oshawa. Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV aerial. Near school. Phone MArket 3-3611, Bowmanville, Dec. 21 IMMEDIATE possession, nice four- room apartment, downtown, washer, {dryer Tv Aerial; furnished if desired Ltd. two bed rooms, approxi mately 1000 square feet. Duplex type building. Private entrance, parking '(Many extra features included. Public |school three blocks away. Location 3- mile from Ajax, Pickering Township, Phone Pickering 382 LOWER duplex, available January Brooklin 143 located, $-4221 or 2814 centrally | 1. RA bar. Must be neat. necessary. Phone RA 5-09 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for Frid home in ountey, private room, day week, $80 per \month. Must like & children. Phone 3-22W, _ Brooklin. 277¢ Phone RA 5-8013 Experience * hot bomen and Board LOVELY, five- Toom with board for young newly decorated private lady, in North Simcoe district 2801 dult home. WANTED -- A qualified hairdresser or| ROOM and board for gentlemen, close | hair nyliat for Apply to hosiery to fliends and relatives. sales kit supplied. Write for full time or part time. |to downtown, Apply "Fern", at the Town Toggery | East or 'RA 3. -7814, Beauty Salon; or phone Ajax 336. 281c| RG0M and EARN 50c a pair commission selling m Free parki Harmony 102 Mill or 23 Elgin Street] Dee.7| ard for gentlemen, good single beds, home privileges, g space, close to all south plants RA 3.3101 Mills, Dept. A, 42 Camden Street, To- ROOM and board, close ronto 2B, Ont. YOUNG lady required for admini tion office, must be a good typis education and experience to W. Gordon Bunker, Business Administrator, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 279¢ EXPERIENCED cashier for evenings for Oshawa Supermarket stating full information and particu- lars to Box 250, Oshawa Times 281¢| General Motors in walking dis nce ra- Apply 1493 Oxford Street off Park Roag nd South. have had experience in general office ROOM and board, ne work. Apply giving full particulars of home . 77 South a beds, and privileged to near single also privileges, unches packed, 179 have sandwich and tea quietly in Kkit- chen when on night shift. RA 5.3710 277¢ Please write ROOM and board with Dutch family for gentlemen. RA 5-1632 or 590 Wilson 280c| Road South ROOMS and board for three gentlemen. 2774 Apply 21 Gladstone Avenue. RA 8-0283 PART- TIME SALESLADIES 277% BEST in town, single beds, all modern conveniences, close to south 5-4229. Apply 536 Lorraine Street ROOM or room and board, GM. RA seve a week. Apply 54 Oshawa For shop Must good appearance person, exclusive Experienced desirable sportswear references and Apply hove n SEIGNEUR"S SPORTSWEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FOR gentlemen, south GM, days weekly. call RA 5-7754. ONE room, German home. Apply 71 Thomas North or phone RA 8-6053 ROOM, board, European meals. and GM. double, single. Good Close Four Corners, RA 85160. Dec.13 single beds, close to Duplate and Pedlars. Six Apply 147 Mill Street or 280f with kitchen facilities, in 81a 29 Elgin East. WHITBY CLASSIFIED TTwo or three-roor hed un- furnished apartment, second fl partially furnished two-roo rod ment apartment. Dundas Street MO 8-9065. FOR RENT -- New home, $95 monthly, with washer hardwood and tile floors lect MO £-2413 Whitby WANTED Typist, lant for three hours capable of accurate, intelligent work Electric machine, no shorthand. Ap- ply Principal - of Ontario Ladies Col- lege, Whitby CHOICE Christmas Spruce, Pine. May from Grand Union MO 8-2810 FOR rent base East 2811 six rooms and dryer, Phone col 280f senior matricu- daily. Must be trees, Balsam, be seen across Free delivery. G Ravary, Dec, BUY and sell used furniture. Grixti furniture will pay cash for used fap:li ances, furniture' Apply basement, 121 s Brock South, MO 8-4822 Dec 29 GENTLEMAN furnished apartment with bachelor. separate bedrooms. Phone MO 8-3686 279 's4 CHEVROLET -- black, two door, white walls, custom radio, rear: speaker, turn signals windshield washer. Excellent condition, Whitby MNO 8-3680 2764 FOR RENT -- Small furnished self contained apartment, -uit two gentle men or two ladies. MO 8-4436. Dec.1] USED FURNITURE savings, crib modern bedroom suite, sectional ches terfield, guaranteed piano, $159.00. Re. frigerator (practically new) save $170 off new price, beds complete wilh spring mattress, $17; 2 piece chester. field suite, $39; Many more bargains To buy or sell clean used furniture dial MO 8.4981. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion) Whitby. Dec.12 SEPTIC "tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563 Dec. 25 to share C 6 e T n u s M Ty © ment entrance 8.239 : f FOR RENT apartment, 8-3 LOST yellow es' 2964 LIVE POULTRY also feathers want ed, highest market prices paid. Phone 9c collect MO 8-3486 Whitby FOR SALE outfit v 25 5. FOR RENT -- Santa Claus suit avail able anytime without Santa, able with Santa, nights and weekends, FOR SALE FOR SALE mediate possession, $125. J APARTMENT FOR RENT ate Phone MO 8.2780 after 5, PANT euffing and ladies' R. H. FOR rent Large four-r self-contained, front Available December oom apart and bac K 15 Sa four roomed Phone MO 281c white, "Patch After 6, MO 8. 281c Large heated, central 032 -- Cat. tortoise shell, and black. Answers to Reward. MO 8.3325 Jan, 2 Girl's 3-plece winter size 2; baby's snowsuit up to 1 ear; child's white fur galoshes, size MO 8-2680 after 7 281c $5. Avail 10. MO 8-3794 281c FOR RENT -- 4 room self contained heated Brock Street apartment South, all at 1002 Henry lower floor, 1100 private entrance Street 28lc Spaniels. Apply MO 8-3003 281¢ ~-- Duo-Therm space heat r, large size, pew condition. MO 8.4774 281¢ -- Cocker 10 Brock South 0 rent -- with option to buy in Whitb ew six-rcom solid brick bungalow Itra-modern in every respect. Cle chools, shops and transportation Wilson Toronto io Tir 00 28)¢ Two hot and central, priv Immediate possession 276e fain Street. OX 9.9673 oom self contained, heated, old water, refrigerator, entrance, "and alterations, men's wear; drapery alterations. MacDonald, 1013 Centre pl | Dee. ¥ AVON CALLING Stort exciting Cosmetic an Avon Represen Write at once s E bridge, 42 Soranac Toronto 19, Ont Nov.18,20,22,Dec.2.4.6 your own career in the bu 5 as ve Outer- Bivd., tat A FOR RENT Quns decoy cartop boats and canoe skill saw go: ond elec- cement nr Shot xer Also a apartment. RA 8-8180. ec. 14 |ONE large furnished room, nice for gentleman. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or RA 3-7070 Dee. SINGLE room. continuo close to downtown; for 13-3015. THREE unfurnished two children welcome. 8-5009 FURNISHED room for vice. Phone RA 8-5789 or {RA 8-8509. TWO unfurnished rooms. RA 8-0829. la FOUR room » apartment, . newly "decor- ated, heavy wiring, kitchen cupboards Adults. Apply 481 Drew Street, one RA | block east of Duplate. 79 279 c| THREE hot ntleman. ~ room, modern basement apartment. Private entrance and bath; refrigerator optional. Bus at Colla welcome. Simcoe South stal ups RA |stove, 2761 | oor, br |B i yy rms - f no a Frio pot room for lady or gentleman, 279 use of kitchen and washing machine, Foo ET PTC Tr very central. Phone RA 5-8150. room modern apartment, al conveniences, hot water heating, laun.| THREE . room unfurnished apartment, ry, bus at door. Apply 165 Verdun | | conveniently Incated. 499 Albert Street Road. RA 3-3096. THREE - room, self - contained apart- ment, heat, lights, and ater, three- plece bath, private entrance, available now. RA 3-4009 Dec.24 | ATTRACTIVE 'three - room apartment, Iself - contained, all conveniences, cen- tral. RA 3-2180 or apply 162 Ritson South, 277 THREE unfurnished rooms, reasonable and central. RA 3-9287 277¢ | wr cottage. [FOUR rorR before 3. pons 2oat nue. Available' December 1. FOUR iment: J Olive Avenue artmen Biehl ian Verdun Ross iis FOUR - room bun, 1 ~ -- roomed apartment, TWO rooms dow d A d sink in kitchen, hot water suphile an sin n itchen, water. Separate entrance. SELF : CONTAINED, | three 8-1415 apartment (new home), heavy wiring Adults. Near NGM. Parking. RA 3-7886 FURNISHED room, 1, pri » GM uptown office, breakfast if desired | - RA 3.2357 or 58 Kenneth Street. 277¢| THREE - room apartment, from downtown; heat, THREE - room unfurnished downstairs | supplied, also TV aerial apartment, close to hospital, heated, {to one child. $65 monthly. private entrance, business couple or |5-6628 after 6 p.m nurses. Immediate possession. Apply | Louisa Street Dec. 1 and Dec. 5/81X - HOUSE for rent. Apply 149 Wilson Road [trict South, 8-6511. SELF - contained basement apartment, SIMCOE North, four-, and five - immediate possession, large living apartment, fully equipped. Call room, two bedrooms, kitchen with cup- |5-6543, 9am -5pm J boards, four-piece bathrocm, oi! heated, | - wric-------- continuous hot water, suit four adults| LARGE six - room brick house, quiet or family with no babies. $65 a month, | street, garage, very desirable location, in Hampton. MArket 3-2460. 280f close to GM and downtown. Phone EA SINGLE. unfurnished room. suitable 88175 281 for light housekeeping, newly decorat-| TWO ed. Very central. Heat, lights and water included. RA 3.3994 240f | TWO - room built-in cup-| boards_ sink, duplex 163 Bant. ing. Phone RA 5-8830 280f ONE or two furnished rooms, sink and cupboards, near SGM. Apply 268 Mal. aga Road 280f FOUR nice clean rooms, in private home, kitchen sink and cupboards. Near SGM. Phone RA 3.9788. No oe dren NEW home, six rooms, $95 monthly. | with washer and dryer, hardwood and tile floors. Phone collect MO 82413. modern bathroom, garage, Whitby. 281 | utilities paid, low rent, TWO nice rooms, close to bus laundry | Phone RA 8-8589 facilities. Reasnable. Will care for child while mother works. RA 5.0241. | 282b| Dec.10 Wo anfurnished rooms. smi and eup- 21X ROOM BRICK HOUSE hoards in kitchen, central. Adults pre ferred. Abstainers. Phone RA S298, | MODERN BUNGALOW with attached good residential north Write Box Times rooms, Phone NICELY decorated three - room apart- ment, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna, and washing facilities. Available De- cember 15 RA 8-1913 2761 ONE or two unfurnished ne home. ' Reasonable Oshawa. Call RA 5-1723. FURNISHED housekeeping room gentleman, parking space. Apply Simcoe North or RA 3-4376. shed rooms, rates room house at 145 Olive Ave Phone Apply bo o lights and coid Phone 22 "heat, 708: two blocks Call RA Phone 13W evenings, days room furnished housekeeping 107 Fernhill Blvd. apartment, Apply Drew Street FURNISHED bachelor apartment, pri- vate entrance and bath. Central. $12.50 | weekly. Phone RA 5-3954 811 TH REE SPACIOUS ROOMS In one ot Oshawa's better homes (Simcoe 'North of Louisa), fireplace, 4-piece Quiet street, central location, immediate possession. RA 5-1089 Five rooms garage in district 281a ~ APARTMENTS Alsc Responsible port 248, Osh- awa 279 WAREHOUSE TO RENT 2630 SQUARE FOOT FLOOR SPACE -- CENTRAL | KINGHAM MANOR PHONE ---- RA 3-9481 'ly suitable for office spdc REASONABLE RENT APPLY 8 KING STREET WEST RA 5-1932 Nov.25,27,28,29,Dec.1,2 e. BUC artment avail-| 82 Park Road|ed rooms, sink in kitchen, private en- 2771 | two, ii 276f MOUSE unfurnished of! only room heated apartment in|FIVE 1¢ | Bowmanville. Available now, unfurnish-| Apply 212 Oshawa 267f | after 6 p.m. room, modern THREE close to schools and ond Apple Phone RA 3-2606. - contained, three single room, suit lady. Board if desired heavy | {ise of kitchen, "nei ROOM suitable for "gentleman or lady, 276f | FIVE Xl | petween 7 and 8 p.m. 276f | to YWCA, heated, private entrance, 281f| FOUR-, to five - room apartment, | 281f ONE In| ROOMS, single beds. Break! North for i 2761 Apply 1791 2761 three- | and Dec. 25 room Dec.18 water and hydro No objection 281f room apartment, all convenience. | 5/es, heated and garage. Claremont dis-| RA 28lc| RA an.2 rooms, | near Shopping Centre. Call RA 5-4373.| 2811 | TWO housekeeping rooms, sink, use of | washing machine, Couple preferred. 48 RA 3.4152 after 4 p.m. 281c| -- |44--For Rent 145--Real Estate 'For Sale a5--Reo! Estate For Sele TWO rooms, unturnished, in new home. bus at door. One child welcome. | Also furnish dob room, breakfast served, giris'or boys. Olive Avenue. RA 8-690 207 FURNISHED modern bachelor apart- ment, bed - sitting room, kitchenette, and dinette, bathroom. King Street West, five minutes to Shopping centre) THREE - #00 apartment, completely newly decorated. Children welcome. Phone RA 8-5332. 278¢ LOWER duplex, $50 per month. RA 57081. 2788 FOUR - room apartment, unfurnished, newly decorated, private, Heavy wir ing, separate entrance, central. Suit- ahie for young couple. RA 54837, Z78f FOUR-, and five - room self . contain. ed semi - furnished or "unfurnished apartment, stove and refrigerator. RA 5.6308 or RA 3-9358. 496 Simcoe Street | North, Apartment 4 278f ONE-, or two - bedroom apariment, | furnished, kitchen fully equipped, adults, parking space. 150 Division Street, LOVELY home og residential | place in livin; room, rooms, two RS atroome: "io" » month. 5017. TWO sleeping Segrovs. one Tod and one double, wom preferred, newly painted. Apply 178 Centre sireet. UNFURNISHED two rooms and kit- VICKERY & GOYNE ROSE BOWL BLDG. RA 8-5155 39 Prince St. $1,500 DOWN -- N.H.A. RESALE -- $10,900 full price. $5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 5 years old. Nicely decorated and land- scoped. Large modern kitchen. 4-pc. tiled bath, Rooms all goed sized. Immediate possession, CLOVERDALE. AVE., SOUTH- MEAD. $11,250, GOOD BUY, 3 YRS, OLD. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. Bright airy kitchen, large roomy bed- rooms and cozy living room. Full deep basement,~ forced air heating. Aluminum doors, windows, metal railing end T.V. aerial. Wide drive, landscaped fenced lot, N.H.A. terms. $2,000 DOWN OR BEST OFFER. NEW BUNGALOW, AN- NAPOLIS AVE. 6 rooms, schools one block, Bus at door. 20 ft. kitchen. Big living room, lots of wall space. Bedrooms good sized. Possession Dec. 1st. $11,500 full price. FOR RENT -- 4-ROOM APARTMENT, DOWNTOWN KING ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION er hours call: J. Goyne, 85-5378; S. A 5-0771; on R, Vickery, 5-6342 | 28 la chen, stainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, parking space. Apply 42 Ritson South. 279% THREE room self-contained apart- ment, private bath and entrance, light wiring. On highway 2 just west of ao 9c ms SL bath, heated, un- furnished apartment, light wiring, | working couple desired. RA 8-8387. 278f FOUR - room basement apartment, private bath, 276f sink and cupboards kitchen. RA 5-5825. 276 SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet home for business gentleman. APRS | 3 Colborne Street it FOR rent or sale bungalow, near South GM, Apply. 25 Malaga Road. SNACK bar concession in new Soins [ alley, the Lakeshore's most modern size 20' x 36'. Apply C. McDonald, Pine Crest Bowl, Port Hope, Ont. 278¢ |HOUSE -- seven rooms, oil heated, | good well, pump in cellar, children wel- | If interested, phone RA 8-8064 after 5 p.m. 278f TWO room t apartment, three. piece bath suitable for working "couple | Call RA 5-4087. 2788 GROU new _six-room D floor. two clean unfurnish- |trance. No children. Phone RA 3-4378. Dec. 11 FURNISHED bedroom, very large, suit very central, Phone RA 5-2857 or| 114 Ontario Street 280 | like girl or widow fo| share small apartment, or- will rent| privately, ground floor, separate en t trance Apply 165 Ritson Road South | after 6 p.m 280f | Courtice. | 2408 | apply WIDOW would four rooms, at water inside. Phone RA 8-6779. ROOM for rent, close to bus, five min y utes from GM north plant, gentleman RA 3-2403, 2804 room dow irs apartment Boulevard South] 2801 | rooms with private ba h, ¢ sec- Apply 539 Albert Street 2801 floor. ONE double room, suit t couple, one close to bus, in Cana dian home. RA 3-2863. 280f close to Shopping Centre 2761 os downstairs, 63 Grenfell Street room modern bungal Cadillac Avenue South, $90 one year lease preferred. RA soi ground Pri- THREE room apartment, floor, heat and lights included. vate bath. Apply 476 Albert Street. 276f | NICELY "furnished single room, cen |trally located. All conveniences. Phone | RA 3-3000 or 150 Burke Street. Dec. Sd] TWO - room apartment with bathroom, | |private entrance. Central location. {Phone RA 3-7092. 2794 FOUR - room apartment, private "bath, heavy wiring, suit working couple Phone RA 5-2646. 2801 APARTMENT two large "rooms, fur- nished, first floor. Drew Street. Phone RA 5-6169. 281¢ THRE room, stairs apartment, , unfurnished down- tiled bathroom, close TV immediate possession. 216 Cen- 281f soc private entrance. RA 5-0212 282( "large furnished housekeeping room, refrigerator, and rangette, down town area. 114 Athol East. 280f TWO rooms, ground "floor, partly fur- f nished. Phone RA 8-8430 after six. 279¢ lunches William and 2811 aerial, tre Street. ond floor, 74 Bond East optional. Corner store, Mary Streets. BRICK HOME New five room 12 storey home in Southmead, newly decorated. Located at 1285 Meadowvale St. $90 month- ly. Phone RA B-1756, 280c Spacious one bedroom apart- ment with large living room, good size kitchen, 3 piece bathroom. Laundry facilities. Private entrance, garage. Everything paid. Suitable for couple or couple with one child. $70 monthly, Rangette included, RA 5-2022, FOR RENT MEADOWCREST BROOKLIN N.HA. BUNGALOW, ALL 'MODERN LUXURIES. OWN- ER TRANSFERRED TO | USA. MAY ALSO BE PURCHASED ON MOST | FAVORABLE TERMS. WALTER MITTLER BROOKLIN 291 SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. 278d | BEST APARTMENTS | IN OSHAWA NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD. NORTH Private entrances to upper and lower apartments in new duplex, Beautifully decorated in post colors 2 blocks to Coronation public school. 18- $1,900 DOWN-$1,900 DOWN Country living with city conveniences, 5-room bungalow near Londsdowne Shopping Centre, on o large lot 80 ft. x 188 ft, 2 rooms finished in basement, oil heating. 12 x 20 ft. garage, reasonable taxes, Full price $11,500. GROCERY STORE-7 ROOMS Centrally located, excellent turncver, owner selling due to poor hecith, loads of equipment included in purchase price, stock at invoice, living quarters consisting of a 7-room brick home which could also be used as on income. Attached garage. For further information, contact this office. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2 stores, plus 8 rooms, centrally located; suitable for apartments, new forced air oil heating unit, full size basement, Make an early appointment, 'we- are open for offers. $1,400 DOWN Large 6-room brick storey and a half home, only 7 years old, north-west district, 2 rooms up with built-in cupboards, sink and stool, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette and 4-pc, bath down, oil heating, garage, landscaped and decorated. N.H.A. New N.H.A, 3-bedroom brick bungalows on o large lot, located in the north end with reasonable 'taxes. Many extras including built-in valance box in living rocm wall to wall, cove ceiling with pattern, semi-divided basement, expert workmanship throughout These ranch-style homes must be seen to be oppreciated. Be first, you are not under any obligation. Full price as low as $11,380 with déwn payments of $1,680 with one mortgage. Call OZZIE ADDISON-RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 281b L. S. Snelgrove CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA RA 3-9810 RA 5-8761 A HOME FOR EVERYONE $1,000 Down. 6 rooms, bath, hot ments, one mortgage, central, $900 Down. 6-room unfinished home, approximately 12 acres of high land, $60 per month. $6,500 full price, located north- west of City limits, $1,000 Down. 5 rooms, chen, 3-piece bath, $1,500 Down. mortgage, $5,500 full price. "New 4-room bungalow, hardwood and tile floors, bathroom, basement, large lot, low taxes, located near Bowmanville. Duplex, 2-storey brick, 2 meters, 2 stove cables, full basement, garage, very central, estate sale. $6,900 full price. 7 rooms, large lot near north City limits, Burk St. Modern 2-stotey, 6-room home, modernized, newly decorated, large lot, asking $2,000 down. Grierson Ave. 5-room bungalow, oil heating, modern kitchen and bathroom, select area. Asking $9,900 with $2,500 down. Gibbon St. $1,500 down, 5-rcom bungalow, completely modern, oil heating, sun room, attached garage, landscaped lot. Warren Ave. $1,200 down, 612 rooms, brick, presently used as income home. For location ond income see this one soon. Basement. Apartment plus 6-room bungalow, oil heating, fully modern, garage, central location, list price $12,900 with terms. Harris Ave. Outstanding bungalow. of 5 rooms, complete stone front, tiled kitchen and bath, colored fixtures, fully decorated, storms ond screens, T.V. antenna, beautifully landscaped, an ideal home with all the extras, asking $14,500. Substantial cash required. Cadillac Ave. N. 5 rooms, brick and stone bungalow, KoolVent awnings, oil heating, recreation room, broadloom, attached gar- age, shown by appointment only, 60-acre Farm bordering 401 highway with frontage on 3 sides, high and dry land, modern 7-room, 2-storey brick home, hard- wood and tile floors, 4-piece bath, furnace. Asking $27,500 with terms. water, furnace, easy pay 3 bedrocms, tiled floors, modern kit- full basement, good furnace, garage, central. é rooms, brick, full basement, oil heating, one 2 bathrooms, For further particulars please call RA 5.8761, or evenings RA 5-4162 RA 3.9810 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA Times, Tusrdey, December 2, 1958 URGENT IN NEED OF SIX OR SEVEN ROOM HOME, ANY DISTRICT. RELIABLE TENANTS WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT. IF YOU CAN HELP CALL RA 3.2254, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 280m | | 2810) Centrally Located-Downtown Section This 6-room, 2-storey brick home is within 3 minutes walk from Simcoe Street and only 2 blocks from King Street. Immaculate throughout, it features fully divided basement with new forced air oil furnace and gloss-lined hbt water tank. For further in- formation please call Jack Sheriff at RA 5-6588; after hours RA 3.3775. On A Quiet Street Close to schools and bus service -- this beautifully decorated 6-room house features a colored bathroom, dining area end bedrooms on the main floor with 2 bedrooms and a second bath- room upstairs. To see this valuable gropeny, call Stan Skea at RA 5-6588 or after hours RA 5.897 Stevenson Road North Ideally located. S5-room brick and stone Bungalow. Vacant now and ready for immediate possession. Low down payment will handle, bclance on terms. For further information call Bills Norris, RA 5-6588 or after hours, Ajox 1290 New N.H.A.-$1,036. Down For the widest choice and range of new homes' be sure to call us today. All our new homes include 3 bedrooms, oil heating, laundry tubs, hot water heating and many other extras, Down payments $1,036 and up, WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 5-6588 28le H. COLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 Bond Street East RA 8-5161 "HURON STREET" 6-room, 2-storey brick home with garage, situated in one of the = nicest oreas of the city, affording proximity to downtown and shopping facilities. The condition of this home will' certainly meet 'with your approval. Easy monthly payments of $65.00 WITH A 10-YEAR MORTGAGE. "WILLIAM STREET EAST" 2.storey brick home with a closed-in sun porch. and 3 down. Complete with storms, screens and a T.V. an tenna and oil heating. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call tonight for an appointment, "LAST ONE LEFT" S-rodm clay brick bungalow with an attached garage. 3 large bedrooms with on extra large ultra-modern kitchen. Located in lamony Heights. N.HA. terms with ONLY $1,900 3 rooms up AFTER 9 PM. CALL:-- GLEN MacKINNON RA 8.5161 SAM GOLDSTEIN RA 5.6782 SOL HYMAN RA 5-8854 281 WHITBY -- Choice location, attractive SEVEN - room brick income home brick seven rooms, hot water, oil large good roof, gara lot, fruit and shade trees, paved drive, located, owner ieaing town. Write Bar bd LLOYD REALTY $6 5 Insurance Realtors : : FULDOWN |. oo PAYMENT FREE $69 MONTHLY | Auto Dryer brick bungalow, excellent lo- Since there are only four (4) cation, sewers, schools, buses, homes left for you to buy so ma Toten a ese ONE MORTGAGE RA 5-8831 price is being reduced aggin by over $300.00, a direct sav W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. ing to you the purchaser. 282a These quality homes are being offered for only one week to clear. A very low down pay=" ment if you qualify. Full price . $12,200 with one mortgage for the balance at $68.00 per month. Showr foot family-size living room, 2 large bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, table and chair area. ' Tiled bathroom, bal- conies . overlooking lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome. Stoves, refsigerator, washer, dryer and TV aon- tenna included. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Call Write FRANK HAZLETT 2005 BATHURST STREET TORONTO 33 o 7-9387 or RUss : RUssell ell Move In By Christmas A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! 'Q ol HER " NO PIONEERING - ROADS SEWERS SODDED STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR RA 5-6588 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RA 5-6544 RA 8-5155 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 3-2265 RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5.6165 VICKERY & GOYNE by appointment onl Cal RA 8.5123. % i LLOYD REALTY" (OSHAWA) LTD. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Dec.1,2,3,8,9,10 RISTOW & OLSEN | Realtors - BE INDEPENDENT While your husband works and you are confined to your home to care for the family, this neighborhood store and home combined is a wonderful opportunity to live cheaply, and get ahead. May be pur-« chased with $1,000 down plus stock and invoice, * IF YOU HURRY you can move in and be sets: tled for Christmas. Six large rooms, well located for schools and shopping in a: splendid, established area, Low down payment consid- ered. Enquire today. SUNSET HEIGHTS Five-room brick bungalow in excellent condition, complete~ ly decorated and landscaped. Owner transferred will give possession early in the year, RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 Athol St. West, Oshawa OPEN TILL NINE AT NIGHT Rie

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