12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 2, 1958 | Call the Direct |" Classified Number | 'RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Deadlines now In effect for this column: Births, Memorioms, Cords of Thonks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 Please Note INDEX | TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | | --Accountants 2-Barristers || 3~--Chiropractor II 4--Dentists | S--Nursing Services BIRTHS ALEXANDER -- John (nes Collins) are happy to announce the arrival of their son, John Bradley, 8 Ibs. 8 ozs, on Monday, December 1, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital. and ARMSTRONG--James and Aredeth (nee Brant) wish to announce the arrival of their daughter, Nancy Faye, § Ibs 1% ozs., Monday, December 1, shawa General Hospital. A sister for onda Pearl. Thanks to Dr. E. J. Run- dle FLAGEL -- M announce the arr James, on Tuesday at the Oshawa brother for Michael of their son, Brian November 25, 1958, neral Hospital. A and Jeannette. 281a | nd Lillian ahnounce the | FORREST Charles (pes King) are happy to birth of their son, Frank Charles, 8 Ibs $% ozs. on Saturday, Nov. 29, 1958, at Women's College Hospital, Toronto LOSCOMBE -- Donald and Barbara (pee Sleep) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Shelley Lynn, 8 lbs 10% ozs., on Wednesday, November 26, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital 'WOODWARD -- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Woodward (nee Marie Falconer) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Debra Louise on Tuesday, December 2, 1958, at the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital DEATHS COOK -- Entered into rest at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Monday, December 1, 1958, Willard Cook, in his 32nd year, beloved hushand of Jean Malcolm and dear son of Mrs Horace Gibbs, and the late Lorne Cook, loving brother of Mrs. G. Kerry 'Ruth), Howard and Murray Cook. Mr, C pox 3a! resting at Gerrow Funeral Chapel, King Street West, for service in i ehapel on Thursday, December 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery 202b GIBSON--At Fairview Lodge Whitby en Monday December 1st 1958, Ruby Mildred Gibson, beloved niece of Alma Gibson of Whitby, and dear sister of Holtby of Kingston Washington, Ber tram of Santa Ana California, and Edna (Mrs, Claude Gamble) of Pon- tiac Michigan. Resting at the W.C Funeral Chapel Whitby, for service In the chapel on Wednesday December 3, at 3 p.m. Interment Salem Cemetery Pickering Township. HALKO -- At the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, December 1, 1938, | Michael Halko, in his 83rd year, be- loved widower of Mary Harrison, and loving father of Mrs. Bessie (Ann) of Toronto, and Mrs. F. Dzumara (Sophie) Oshawa, Mrs. S Myket (Pearl) of Windsor. Mr. Walko is resting at Ger- row Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West. Funeral Mass at St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church on Wednes- day, December 3, at 10 a.m. Frayers will. be sald at the chapel on Tuesday | evening at 8 p.m. Interment St, Greg. | ory"s Cemetery. HUESON, George A. -- Suddenly at Toronto on Sunday, November 30, 1958, George A. Hueson In his 77th year, late of 63 Harcourt Avenue, beloved brother of Mrs. Lily Maw of Whitby, Mrs. Hugh Cameron, and Miss Bertha Hueson bath of Oshawa, Maude (Mrs, Frank Gaston), Walter W,, and Ernest E Hueson, all of Toronto, Clarence of Massey, Ontario, and Edgar of Whitby WMesting at the Trull Funeral Home, 1111 Danforth Avenue. Service on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Inter ment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, on arrival of motors Diane | at the | | and Ed wish to] Thomas | ists ra-- 7--Surveyors 7a-- Veterinarians | 8--Building Trades | 9--Building Material 10--Sharpening Service | 1 --Business Opportunities 11o-- Business Opportunities Wanted | 2==Dressmaking 13--Gordening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs | 5-- Instruciion | 6 Insurance 17-=Money to Loan 18--Loan Wonted 18e--Mortgages 19--Personal 20---Cartage 21 --Personal Service 42--~Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24--Market Bosket 25---Pets and Livestock 26--Farmer's Column 27--Fucl, Wood 78--Summer Resorts 28a-- Hunting 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost and Found 31 --~Articles For Rent 32----Articles Wanted 34--Auction Sales 35--Employment Wanted 36--~Female Help Wanted 37--~Mcle Help Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted 40--(\pportunities 4) --Room and Board 42--Roem ond Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estote Wanted 47--Automobiles For Sole 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Aptomobile Repairs 50--Articles For Sale $1 --Swap and Barter 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge | 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS é CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 373 4.13 M not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rotes apply only to ori ginal orders for consecutive inser- tions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later dote constitute a new original order 2.25 2.48 |10--Sharpening Service a YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co.,| HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, | Accountants, and auditors. Licensed saws, scissors, knives, ete, Percy Nell, | Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Sree) |102 Highland. RA 8-8363. Yale, CA: A. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete auto- matic grinding equipment in Oshawa for sharpening Hand- 1--Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting |Services offers complete bookkeeping services for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room | x Office RA 85-0397; Residence, RA 37 RRISTIIS GIFT SUGGESTIONS? "ea 21--Personal Service 's. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fied Public Accountants. 172 King |Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509 saws, Bondsows (metal & wood) Planer Knives etc. CHRISTMAS TREES SANTA'S SHOWCASE GIFTS FOR HER YOU NEVER SAW A SAW SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW | LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, PRECISION GROUND STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FAC; A. B. Mon. teith, E. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA; R. F. Lightfoot, CA; George W. Treth- wey, CA, RA 5-3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. | 2--Barrister | GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- Cor. King and Burke risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, A 3-3224 i King Street East, RA 5-4717. Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. | McGIBBON and "Bastedo, | rristers, 12--Dressmaking |Solicstors, Clients' funds avatisble for/PRATN icwiie, drapes, mending, sv Lots of Free Parking PARTY DRESSES, HATS, r St t North, RA".3566. Charles C. McGibbon, |ste. Dial A a, Eres. Gethey, RA 5-2533 GLOVES, BAGS, SKIRTS ond QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. | " EI NM Su : SWEATERS. i -- --,. ladies' and __ girly' JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister wear, _made-to-meas ers | CHRISTMAS TREES, . pruned MILLINERY WORLD Scotch Pine, about 2,000. RA 5-1052 uj and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. tions. 345 Olive Avenue. oe RA Any quontity at 50c to 1.00 5 King East Phone RA 8-851, [sss Jana §, Barrister according to size. Priced be- MAS trees, Scotch pine, bulk or in. dividual orders. 50c and up. Phone Orono, § R 10. Dec. SANTA SUGGESTS "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" A COMPLETE LINE AT POWELL'S DRUG STORE 352 Simcoe North RA 3-4734 FRED'S DRIVE-IN 111 KING ST. W. CHRISTMAS TREES Order now for guaranteed de- livery. Also T.V. tubes, Bar- B-Q chicken. Open till mid- night ever; night. For Your YOUR DAUGHTER'S CHOICE Gift of Lessons, in Ballet -- Top -- Baton or Highland. From-- HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY RA 5-6122 424 King St. W. FLOWERS FOR HAT CLEANING Ladies' and Gent's Hats cleaned and blocked, $1.00. New ribbons, 75¢c. Shoe shine a specialty. SHARKY"S PALM CIGAR STORE 14 Simcoe N., Oshawa Dec. 13 CHRISTMAS | | Winter Wreaths--Centre Pieces Christmas Flow R. B. REED & SO FLORISTS Chiistmas Corsages | Ph. RA 5.1131 -- We Deliver TAILORING Own materials made up. Alterations of all kinds, Invis ble - weaving. Dress alterations. 10 Prince St. (near bus station) RA 8-5311 LEN PULLAN T.T.S. Dec. 9 "A GIFT OF WARMTH" "KENWOOD" All wool blankets, Priced from $1750 TO $20.95 WARD'S 31 Simcoe St. S., RA 5-1151 IBROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT Now $11.95. Features the world's most popular camera. Just. right for youngsters 'or grown-ups alike, MITCHELL'S DRUGS manure, CHRISTMAS TREES SAiSLL s DAY Scotch Pine, White and Red DIAL RA 3-3431 Pine, also Spruce. Wholesale ae and retail. All sizes 1 to 20 { feet, | FOWLER FORESTRIES COLEMAN 306 King W. RA 5.1685 Oil end Ges Heaters a Dec. 24| HOME APPLIANCES Sales & Service 90 Simcoe S. RA 5-8332 OST MOVIES HOLE FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine, Spruce, Red Pine. Wholesale and Retail 2 -- 20 ft, Phone: -- HOWARD MILLSON Bowmanville -- MA 3.2793 COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE A-1 field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For tree estimates call Ed Knowlton <@ RA 5-6047 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply ond laid NURSERY STOCK. Low FOR THE See KARN'S FOR CAMERAS (KARN DRUGS LTD.) 28 KING ST. E. BUY YOUR TREE FROM D AND D SINGER SEWING MACHINES As low os $119.95 (easy terms), ® Sewing Cabinets and Baskets ® Scissors and Scissor Sets ® Buttonhole and Zig-Zag Attachments SINGER SEWING CENTER 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa RA 5-5443 ® LAMPS -- FANCY CUSHIONS IMPORTED POTTERY Choose o Gift for Her from our Large Selection BETTY HAYDL 15 King St. E, RA 5-2686 DRAPERY -- BROADLOOM FURNITURE | | | | GIFTS FOR DAD CHRISTMAS PARTIES LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Steom Bath and Massage. 451 Simcoe St. South RA 5-9602 For Appointment Open 10 a.m, -- 10 p.m. BANQUET, DANCE Hi-Fi Included Complete Catering RA 5-2737 17--Money to Loan y | See Seaboard | "Your Lending Neighbor" LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 29V2 Simcoe St. South RA 5-1121 COBOURG OFFICE King Street West FR 2-7461 SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Formerly Bellvue T.T.S. Dec. 6 |18a--Maortgages RA 3-4621 CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine and Spruce Everything for your garden, PHONE RA 3-9020 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL WE SPRAY TREES ANY COLOR Gigantic Savings 5--Nursing Services Regular $50 Dance Course AVAILABLE Practical nurse, excel: DONALD BLAKE DODDS - t East, {13--Gardening & Supplies low market. Come early for | MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister rotted garden R16. | |508EPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden. | | | | eras ; ; 1 | CREIGHTON, Fraser, 3 | Everything for your garden. RA 8-5753 T. K. Creighton, QC; Fraser, Nursery Stock, Garden Main- tor, etc., 132 Simcoe Street North. Dim} oh RA 5-1721 East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort | | tors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-352. | East. RA 3-2269. NHA and private mort tors, etc.. 74a Simcoe Street Phillips, B. Comm., RA 8-1974. Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223.| Plenty of Parking 135 Declll Roto-Tilling. 460 PARK RD. SOUTH | Students and minors not land Solicitor, 26% King Street East Hh ng vy be RA 535015 Resl: GARDENS ploughed, driveways level. i- RA S51 removed, wood cut. Phome| (oct golection. Cut ready for | citor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry - loading, Leroy Hamilton, | Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697; |W Grower, Orono, Ont. Phone Dial 3-4029. 3- Hts Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% ing service lawns seeded, sodded, fer. King Street East, Oshawa. RA $8232, |tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, residence, RA 5-3405, roto-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs Drynan an Murdoch, Barristers, SolieRols, Net t Public, Bank of Commerce Build-| ing, 8 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446:| SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE C. doch. | ah a Museoe { tenonce, Tractor Grading and Hister. 8 Roto-Tilling, Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl- | HARDSAND LANDSCAPING office, RA 5-3741; residence, RA JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl tor and Notary Public, 18'4 King Street gages arranged RALPH S. JONES, BA, and Thomas H Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- Mortgage loans availabl JOHN A. CAMERON, tor and Notary Public, 18'5 King Street gages arranged GREER and Kelly, Barriste Residence phones: BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence V. BA, BCL, RA 8-5832, Duncan R.| 4--Dentists oo DR. G. T. . SCIUK. Office hou hours § to 6. Open evenings by appointment. ig] | SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main- . lent references, in or out of town. RA| tenance, Tractor Grading and One. Big Location NOW ONLY $14.50 Ee | Co" : le HARDSAND LANDSCAPING RA 5-7426--RA 5-2317 | eligible. A 5.1721 3 | ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS RA 3-0166 RA 8-1681 ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for P.S.: Bring the children Dec. 14 to get their tree and talk to Sonta. | AJAX SOD SUPPLY Visit Oshawa's Largest Professional and Business listings $6 00 per month for 3 dines daily Each additional line 75¢c per month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, count as a word, Box charged |15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the doy of publication. Otfice hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULA 1 IONS-- The Daily Times shall not be responsible fer errors in advertise- ments submitted othwise thon in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor bevond 'he price charged for o single insertion of the advertisemerits in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify odvertising according to its own classification. Sod delivered and laid, field loading. Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting ond excavation, PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422 convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men orid Women), Nurses and dieticions in attendance. Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge. PHONE RA 5-2330 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, Optometrist, in muscle anomalties, eyesight and glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri, 6-8 Invalids examined at home. RA 35-6143 Disney Bldg., 31 King East 7--Surveyors | ie 2 PATI | G. T. HORTON and associates, Om.| tario Land Surveyors, Professional En gineering. 70 Harwood Avenué> South, | Ajax. Phone Ajax 728 | DONALD H., TROLLOPE, Ontario to Land Downtown TOYLAND See our complete selection of toys. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. RA 5-6311 Opposite. Centre Street Dec.28 CHRISTMAS TREES The Best You Can Buy Nursery Grown Pruned by professionals. Pine Spruce and Balsam. Apart- ment, table and larger sizes. Colored--pink, blue, white, silver and gold. Lights and decorated tree stands and gifts, COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE A-1 field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For tree estimates call Ed Knowlton RA 5-6047 WILD BIRD specializing | MOVIES for Christmas Camera: Kits from $48.25 up JURY & LOVELL "For Everything Photographic' Oshawa--Bowmanville Give Movie A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5-688 J015 KING ST. EAST |F. J. DONEVAN and Associates, Land Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bioor| {Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA| 5-5632. SUPPLIES FEEDING STATIONS IMESON -- In Oshawa General Hos- pital on Tuesday, December 2, 1988, Christine Isabel, beloved Sauginer ony NEWS BRIEFS OPEN EVENINGS Dec.24 Robert and Helen Imeson (90 Road South), loving sister of 4d ™ . Jean, Joseph, Allan, William, Donald ADLAI WON'T RUN Sith Adlai PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings. Priced from $2.35 and up. NO. 1 WILD BIRD SEED MIX 8--Building Trades GOOD EATING George and Ralph of Oshawa and WASHINGTON (AP) heating i Harry of Toronto. Resting at Mecin- n fixtures, new and used, changing from Stevenson says "I am not and I JH *V nil" (0 sewer a specialty. In tosh Fneral Home. Service In the|> Go RB chapel on Thursday, December 4, at Vi! not" he a candidate for a stalltions at reasonable rates. Informa-| Int Union Cemetery. 2810 thir residential nomination in/tion and estimates free on any type TI. Intern. Unie " 4 Dres {|of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley iyou. Some talk has persisted o - Stevenson as a possible choice CARPENTED work, framing, ¢ a Quinton, beloved husband of the of the Democrats, despite the|Alierations and repairs. No jobs too big late Cynthia Freeman, dear father of fact he was defeated twice by or too small. Work guaranteed. RA Clard and Harold of Waithy in his| president Eisenhower. |3-3579. Funeral Chapel, Whitby, [ALL types dwelling repairs, FIRE KILLS THREE siding, plastering and rep NO. 1 SUNFLOWER SEED Enjoy this Colorful Winter Hobby «\Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. -- RA 3-2312 oping, m-|14--Household Repairs QUINTON -- At his late residence, #38 Brock St. 8. Whitby, Robert Henry | for service - December 4 all the chapel on Thursday, at 3 pm. Temporary entombment BARBERTON, Ohio (AP)--Two yo a Fepairea. Dial RA $7217 Union Cemetery Oshawa. Interment elderly men and a 19 - year - old x WY L in St, Phillips Cemetery Walters|,, L grave mer n lips Cem sgin| youth died Monday in a fire that gg Ny Ry I er 1h ire reasonable.' | : :. ebuilt. Oshawa destroyed four one-room houses Phone RA 3-4130. holstering. Gor 10. Bund Soy SUMMERS, James H. -- At Whitby, on the Ohio Canal. The three were ppASTERING and rep alr s, cement|Dial RA 50311 en Friday, November 28 1958, James ;gje in the house where the plastering, waterproofing basements, Henderson Summers of Whitby, beloved BD he hous ae ee Plastering. ys uling floors GENERAL contracts Alterations. Ex. husband of the late Marion Niddrie and |! A othe, e Workmanship guaranteed, A. Woods, | Perience carpenters, decorators dear brother of Mrs. S. F. Bassinger houses were occupied, by 16 per- p."g'1a1) Dec,19| Floors, recreation rooms, of any alter- (Jean) of Ohio; Mrs. E. Childs (Mary) sons -- including 10 children [ations you wish lo have finished be of California; Willlam E. G. of Whitby, i ALL PLUMBING and heating "supplies. | [fore Christmas. MO 8-4010 Whitby. 281f ha Tooth véar. Service was held »n WHO escaped injury. | Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, Ltd, oe RA S801 Tor Cari ) Ww | plumbing heating and engineering. 25. 4 carpentry, the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whit. | BAT BITE FATAL Is St: cet South. in ing and handyman. by, on Monday, December 1. Interment . IAT. 4 4 imcoe Str! FURNITURE repaired and reapholster Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. | BERKELEY, Calif. (AP)---The CARPENTER work IE To oy respholater first clearly-established case of ming. Jiichen cabine Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA rabies, infection from a bat's bite Ateral OE A Ts, erapted. 3.7212. in the U.S. was reported Monday 3.3579 the California state health -- (CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, recovered ike new. Why pay more? Our r | on. $6.50 per load. Screen | i SO EP atistaction gu $5, load. |® i; | Dec.2 Jp West , framing, tr 1 m- WOODCOCK -- At the home of his daughter-in-law, 74 Gibbon Street, cn Sunday, November 30 1958, Oscar L Woodcock, in his 80th year beloved by widower of Ella May Tryan, ang dear/fepartment. Mrs. Flora father of the late Vernon and Loretta i Woodcock, dear brother of Wellington Venzelaar died Nov. 4 at Para-| of Arden, and the late Norman of Leth- dise, Calif. Dr. Malcom M. Mer bridge, Alberta. Mr. Woodcock Js rest- rill, state health director, said| ing at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel. 380 jahoratory tests conclusively King Street West, until Wednesday morning, then to 'Arden Church, for Proved her death was caused by service at 3 p.m. Entombment in Tam. rabies. worth Cemetery, Tamworth, Ontario -- HONOR SCOUT LEADER LONDON (Reuters)--A movie of the life of Lord Baden-Powell,| who founded the boy scout move ment 50 years ago, will be made be Cecil B. de Mille in coniunc tion with the Paramount Com- pany, the Boy Scout Association announced Monday night, Lady Baden-Powell said that 'since the death of my husband in 1941, it has been my dream that a film of his life would be made." GROTEWOHL ILL | YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. (neys built and repaired, gas linings in. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti mate. RA 3.2997 | TOO MUCH ROOM? Rent the surplus through For Rent ads; get steady in- come! Call RA 3.3492 HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts. Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty. CALL RA 3-7196 | 15--Instruction |maRvEY Dance Academy. Baton, tap, |Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Regi [ster now. 424 King West. RA 56i2 June 2 student counsellor, 13 years' Appointment only. Call -- GRAVEL experience {RA 5. 1054. | om itt nies sms? Cement $9.00 per head. Rood | yercieay instruction on Spanish guitar, piano accordion, saxaphone. We will teach in your home or our studios For information phone RA 3.2849 c 18} N | For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3-9533 24 King St. Eost, Oshawa (2doors 'from Korn's Drug store). IN MEMORIAM fine ond coarse $8.00 per load. Be 'satisfied -- Dial RA 5 5279. LILLIAN Mae Marsh, D: | Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre. | school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday | Masonic 'temple, RA 3.7253 May 21| TRIMMING KITCHEN CUPBOARDS RECREATION ROOMS | All Repair Work Music Studio for all Instruments Dine At The GRAND RESTAURANT (Upstairs) For Christmas Chinese food our specialty. Take Out Orders RA 3-9422 QUALITY BAKERY 77 CELINA ST. RA 5-7573 For the best Christmas baked goods on the table Look for QUALITY on the label. UPTOWN MEAT MARKET DELICATESSAN 77 Simcoe St, N. Offers you the best in meat ond assorted cold cuts for your Christmas Parties, RA 8-8172 THE ACRES RESTAURANT CHEF: T. K. ISHII Dinners, Lunches, Banquets. Reserve now for -- CHRISTMAS PARTIES CHRISTMAS DINNER and NEW YEARS DINNER Phone MA 3.2561 Proprietress: Mrs. Royal Ishii ELLENOR -- In loving memory of a BERLIN (AP)--Premier Otto] dear mother, Hilda Ellenor, who pass. Grotewohl of East Germany was | od away December 2, 1952 reported sick Monday and resting The depth of sorrow we cannot tell > Of the loss of one.we loved so well; OF doctor's orders. 'East Berlin And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep SOUTCes said the 65 - year - old!" Her memory we shall always keep. premier is ailing and exhausted J. VANOOSTEROM 134 PRINCE ST. RA 5-8933 | Dec. 14 Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New ond Used Pianos (New ond Used) | Full selection of all instruments HOBBY CRAFT ond Models PHILIPS TELEVISION GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY | Whitby A GIFT THAT PLEASES EVERYONE A Jolly good way to remember your friends and relatives this Christmas is to give them Books of Famous Players Theatre Tick ets, They are good the year round and come attractively boxed in gifi cartonettes. The cost is small compared with the pleasure given. Books may be purchased by both Adults ond Children and are accept- able at all Famous Players Theatres from Coast to Coast. NOW ON SALE At the Regent Theatre Box Of- fice or Dial- 5-2304 for im- mediate delivery. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN SIX TICKETS BOOKS FOR ADULTS CHRISTMAS TRANSPORTATION | | | Coe. 24 AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas | Blankets, Packs, Cushions, etc. WIDE SELECTION at OSHAWA AUTO-TRIM Cor. Church and Bond St. WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on first and second mortgages and pur- chase of agreements of sale, Louls S. |Hyman. QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. awa, RA 3-4943 MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS With your purchase of a suit for Dad, you will receive a Suburban or Car Coat abso- lutely FREE. Your Credit is Good At DUNN'S TAILORS 16 SIMCOE ST. S. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA First and Second. Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on City and Farm property and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 ond up. OSHAWA ACCEPT- ANCE CORP, LTD, 112 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3566. Dec. 18 |19--Personal HYPNOSIS relieve tension, fears, frus- tration, complexes, nervous pains, hab- reduce weight, stop smoking, help its, concentration in studies, improve sales- | manship ete, Consult Edwin Heath, In- { rivets, NEED CASH? Br Elliot Street 22--Radio & TY / Repo A DO-it-yourself, Test your own TV, and Hi-Fi tubes. Daily and Sundays. 101 King Street West, |TV TOWERS completely Open till Tidnignt Fred's Drive-In, Dec. 29 installed, 1 $64.50; no ts, no all welded. All channel aerials rom $29.65; easy terms. Kelly TV, RA 5-5121 ear guarantee, radio and Call RA 39792 FAST T.V. SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert job Call RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED Moved or 50 foot Repaired tower and head $113.00 Len and Lou's T.V. RA 5.7844 - MA 3-3942 ELECTROHOME, R.C.A. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television ond service. PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Muved and Repaired 20-tt. aerial, $29 ond up. ROLLAND T.V. RA 3-4849 23--Women's Column SPECIAL -- heat permanents, $6.503 cold waves, $5.50. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5 | 24--Market Basket CARROTS and parsnips, $1.25 per bus- hel. Turnips $1.00 per bushel. RA 3-4953. Dec.28 SWEET cider and apples. W. T. Cox, 1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville, 25--Pets and Livestock stitute of Ethical Hypnosis, Professional Bidg., 304 Dundas West, Whitby. Daily 1.9 p.m. Saturday, 10 am. - 1 p.m, | Phone MO 8.4832, Dec. 18| | GIR wuld like ride to Toronto. Phone | {RA 5-7833 evenings. 281c| | DRIVING to Toronto, room for two, | CHRISTMAS FOWL (or would like a ride. Young and Bloor | district. RA 8-0714. Nov. 29, Dec. WHEN SERVICE counts, let ot LYMER'S TURKEYS Specially selected for fine flavor. Fresh killed, dressed ond delivered. OSHAWA RA 5-02 12X, BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5049 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS All quantities, all sizes. Dressed and Delivered. KEN WHATTAM 912 King St. E., RA 3-9322 CHRISTMAS FOWL DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG Rossland Road West DIAL RA 5-6837 NOW FRESHLY KILLED DELIVERED OVEN READY "The best is your best buy" DIAL RA 5-4233 TOWNLINE RD. NORTH OSHAWA The Safe Way to Celebrate The Holiduy Season - RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI RA 5.4771 45 King E. OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN | TAXI SERVICE ~Ever remembered by daughter Marion, son-in-law Orville and grand children ELLENOR ~ In loving memory of a dear wife, Hilda Ellenor, who passed away December 2, 1952 My lips cannot tell how,l miss ner My heart cannot tell what to say: God alone knows how I miss her In a home that is lonesome today Lovingly remembered by husband Hartley. HARDING -- In loving men our dear mother, Mary Hardin passed away December 2, 1953 feacetul be thy rest de mother ory of In d ath we do th ne ~Lovingly reme mbered 'by the family KEWIN In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Claude Kewin who passed away Dec. 2, 1943 loving remembered by family, ¢ Lowho yor after feverish activity in connec tion with the Berlin crisis and the Nov. 16 parliamentary elections HOLD TRADE TALKS WINDSOR (CP Charles M Forsyth-Smith, Canadian trade commissioner to Hong Kong, in Windsor Monday to discuss trade matters with area manufac turers. Mr. Forsyth - Smith has been on a tour of Canada for the month. Following a tour of the western provinces he will re turn to Hong Kong CRASH KILLS 10 BUENOS AIRES Reuters: --Ten per led and 18 i two buses collided. sons were kil was Argentina injured Monday when 477 Simcoe Street South. SPECIAL Good Top Soil RA 5-2156 $1.50 per vard GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY | POLLARD'S RADIO AND TELEVISION 153 Simcoe Street South HONE RA 3-9512 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance Save up to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For personal service at your home, eall RA 5.7413 | BEAUTIFUL HAND-SMOCKED BABY'S NIGHTIES Regular $1.98 for $1.50 GIFTS FROM INDIA HAND-SMOCKED | DOLLS NIGHTIES, 50c Fill, loader |17--Money to Loan CLIENTS monies available for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and 11--Business Opportunities agreements of sale. purchased. Apply ROCTTIINDEICOOERES TERT TURKEYS LIVE AND FRESH KILLED DELIVERED Big Orders? SPECIAL PRICE! JOHN BODNAR RA 3-9012 TURKEYS Fresh Killed Special for banquets Church Suppers. PHONE RA 8-5392 and Dec MW TOWNLINE TURKEYS| LIVING LOVABLES STORE for rent, 21° Swartz, Barrister and Notary Wert RA bi x 3, ublic, 2) King East, (Oshawa, RA King Street P Dec.13 4 TY SALON R SAL E Four Te bocirse 5 dryers. forces sale | coe St. S, knives, inlaid coffee tables and second mortgage, fal GIFTS nts . purchased and sold. Hen | For All The Family and 'Hennick, Barristers; 31 King East, RA 3.7232 | CLIENTS' money fo loan on first mort. | gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale pitchased NHA mortgages arranged. | Creighto (Sia m, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- | in vases, trays, ash trays; candle holders, sterling . NEW ita brass, bells, Genuine handmade ivory | RA 8-8700 WESTERN TIRE " carvings, rosewood elephants, Kashmir carving sets, Gurkha 74 CELINA ST, Toke advantoge of Layaway ond Budget Plan. Free park- ing opposita store, planters, silk stoles, silver etc. Very reason- ably priced. To view display. RA 5.2987 Sickness = jewellery, Apply 237 Jun v Fish, Aquariums, Budgies Cages, stands, and pet supplies of all kinds: Cocker puppies. A deposit will hold till Christ- mas. PET STOCK SUPPLY 9 Celina St. RA 5-0343 Tropical Canaries | Gazette Classified ad-writers serve you WELL. Dial RA 3-3492, WANTED -- One girl to # furnished apartment. Phone RA "2 | between 5:30 and 7 p.m, HAVE you a drinking problem? Write | Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 249 Oshawa| | Times. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Dec. 2 and 3. Phons Genosha Hotel on these dates Saturdays 10 a.m. -- 4 p.m. for appointment, re, semi. 9, BABY SITTING BUREAU We can supply RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED WOMEN | | baby sitters, also to care | for infants and children, and | "elderly people by day, night and vacations. Reasonable Rates | further information call | MRS. R. S. DISNEY, 17 Sunset Drive RA 3-492] Closed Thursdoy afternoons. Lal |20--Cartage us For done ath ome. Drapes, a spe Alterations and plain rew.ng Reasonable rates. RA 8.5097. 1523 Lake | | side Street | LONDON tailor -- men's, ladies' "suits | made to order. Alterations, fur Sosts) remodelling. 31 King Street East. 18-5531 . Dec: po Dec 24 FEELING TIRED? THEN VISIT Homewood Health Studio {id "OVERLY TENSE? | L for a completely private steam bath, massage or try our amaz- ing Relaxatron vibrator couch. invigorating 204 KING ST. E. RA 8-0511 Oec. 30| -- |training, {half cord lots. |Skate exchange. | GERMAN Shepherd puppies of Bur-Hil, | registered champion blood line. Picker- |ing 240M4. Dec.8 { BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de- | fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. [BEAGLE pup, puretwed, female, eight SF {months old. Phone RA 278¢ |SPANIEL, female, sp: [s15. Apply 302, Ridgewa. BEAUTIFUL baby "budgies, ready for talking strain. Apply Mra Broad, 114 Elgin Street t. BEAUTIFUL white mi puppies, champion bred. will hold until Christas. Also poodle clipping and bathing. Cedarview Poodle Kennels, 5-5062, Dec. 23 HORSES BOARDED Reasonable Rates Phone RA 5-6808 DEC. 18 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3-2679, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. | FOR SALE -- Building, 180 ft. x 25 ft., | CAPONS & TURKEYS | ° | | Pickering Beach Road, first farm south of school, near Ajax. H. Bradshaw. 28le | |27--Fuel Wood good inside lumber, tongue and groove. DRY beach hardwood, stove wood length, split, $20 full cord. Delivered in Also dry cedar. Phone C. Smith, 612 Clarke. Jan, 2 28a--Hunting DEER rifles for rent, 15 per cent off all amunition and hockey equipment, Sportsman's Corner, Whitby, MO Dec. 1% Syn Street South, 30--tew and Found LOST -- Lady's gold wristwatch, vicin- ity of Mary and Rossland Road or OCVI November 26. Reward. RA 35-1692 ; 580b STRAYED in Apple Hill area Saturday, kitten, three months, tiger with white | chest and feet, 765 Shelley Avenue. Phone RA 3-2787. |31--Articles For Rent |SANTA "Claus complete suits for rent, book early, avoid disappointment, |RA 5- 3294 Dec. RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF ARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. 5. RA 3-4425 DO IT YOURSELF ! with the power tools equipment you can rent at Stan's Sharpening Service (corner King & Burke) RA 3-3224. Chain Saws; Floor, Belt, Disc and Oscillating Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric Hammers and many other tools. ond |32-- Articles Wanted | WANTED -- One acetylene torch, weld. {ing tips not essential. Reasonable, MO |8-4100 Whitby, aster 6 p.m. Ask for Rom. ni