THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 2, 1958 11 [] [] By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- The WA held the November meeting at the home of Mrs. Buttars, Pickering. The president, Mrs. Bert Guthrie, conducted the businesss. Mrs. G. Squire conducted the worship service, Mrs. John Puck- rin led in prayer, and Mrs. Brian Churchyard read the scripture. Joan Esdale gave comments on the scripture, followed by prayer by Mrs. Arch Bell. Mrs. A. Bush- by, Pickering, gave two read- ings. Ian Buttars played two piano|™ selections. Mrs. Fred Puckrin gave a paper. Rev. M. Buttars conducted the election of officers from a list prepared by a com- mittee. The east group served re- freshments. The WA officers for 1959 and 1960 are as follows: Hon. presi- dent, Mrs. M. Buttars, Mrs. W. H. Guthrie; past president, Mrs. Bert Guthrie; president, Mrs. James Cowie; 1st vice- president, Mrs. Geoff Astley; 2nd vice - president, Mrs. C. Squire; recording secretary, Mrs. Arch Bell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. John Puckrin; press secre- tary, Mrs. Fred Puckrin; supply secretary, Mrs. Stanley Powell; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mgs. C. Clemence; treasurer, ME Frank Murray. Group leaders -- East, Mrs, Bert Guthrie; West, Mrs. A. Thompson. Baby Band leader, Mrs. Bill Guthrie, assistant, Mrs. Brian Churchyard; pianists, Mrs. Arch Bell and Mrs. C. Clem- ence; auditors, Mrs. G. K. Pratt and Mrs. M. Hedge; flower com- mittee, East, Mrs. G. Astley and Mrs. Bert-Guthrie; West, Mrs. M. Hedge and Mrs. Fred Puckrin; stewardship committee, Mrs. Frank Puckrin, Mrs, Wm. Guth- rie, Miss Q. Astley and Miss Susie Puckrin; citizenship com- mittee, Mrs. Bill Guthrie, Miss J. Esdale, Mrs. Irvin Puckrin, Mrs. Bob Pardon; parsonage, commit- tee, Mrs. G. Squire, Mrs. G. Ast- ley, Mrs. J. Cowie. The annual convention of the Pickering Township Sunday school association was held ia Audley United Church Wednesday of last week. During the evening se "THE OSHAWA TIMES = > NE ana Your chore of or meer POPULAR when he attended the World Sun- fay School Convention in Japan. Leslie Morley of Pickering gave 2 short talk on the Upper Can- _ada Bible Society, during the ser- 'vice Sunday afternoon. The club will hold its next meeting in the school in the form of a box social Dec. 6. There Mrs. Sydney Sufoed home from Oshawa hospi- : will be an election of officers. / j 3 , Mrs. G. K. Pratt and Joan i Esdale attended a teachers' meet- iii ? ; ing at Cherrywood school Tues- A ~ f Rh 4 day. ! ec §? \ { 3 Wonnacott has re- wh Xe] % a 2 \ Lik ro B " 7, ] Oshawa, Ww, 1/4 s : » ed J x oF sof "A ~~ 0 teaching Audley 7, 4 4 * \ ville school Dec. 17 CEDAR CREEK By G. KILPATRICK CEDAR CREEK -- The Pros pect WA held its November meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Bruce Holtby Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Attwood MacRae, Linda and Carl of Oshawa were Wednesday evening visitors of *Flote Spencer stented th | TL MARK AN (X) OPPOSITE THE MAGAZINE 0 OF YOUR CHOICE Raglan WA bazaar Thursday New R evening. Nominations were held Friday afternoon at Manchester. Cedar Creek has two candidates this year, Sam Oyler is running for Deputy - Reeve and John Green- wood is a candidate for the school board. Charles, Jim and Sam Parm were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. FILL OUT enewal MCCALL'S ........... or dy oo TING FOR YOUNG GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .... 3 ym. HOMEMAKERS ........ CALLING ALL GIRLS .. 30 Issues POPULAR SCIENCE MTHLY. 3 yrs. CATHOLIC LAMP ..... 3 yn. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY . 3 ym. LOOK (every other week) . 3 yrs. HARPER'S BAZAAR WEEKLY SCOTSMAN (Edinburgh MADEMOISELLE PARENT'S MAGAZINE .... CHILDREN'S DIGEST (Ages 8-12) POPULAR GARDENING ... 3 yrs. CHARM eee 3 ym. CHRISTIAN LIFE ....... 3 ym. | COMPACT 3 ym. MODERN ROMANCES .. 33 Issues ROD & GUN IN CANADA 5 yr. TODAY'S HEALTH ...... yrs. SPORT . TRUE ROMANCE . .. FREE PRESS WEEKLY .... INSIDE DETECTIVE ...... SPORTS AFIELD ATLANTIC ADVOCATE .. ] PHOTOPLAY yrs. FAMILY HERALD yrs. | [J FIELD & STREAM .... yrs. TRUE STORY MAGAZINE . 3 yrs. 0 []* LIFE (Weekly) APE i se Note: If you choose LIFE -- select only 1 other magazine from the above list. ot Write Here LE SAMED! y LA REVUE POPULAIRE .. 3 ym. LA REVUE MODERNE .... 3 ym. MODERN SCREEN 33 issues ARGOSY (The Man's Magezine) 3 yrs. HUNTING AND FISHING IN CANADA LIBERTY SATURDAY NIGHT ...... 3 ym. U.S. CAMERA yrs. FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE . 3 yn HUMPTY DUMPTY yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. FLOWER GROWER CHILD LIFE ....... MONTREALER ....... CHRISTIAN HERALD AMERICAN GIRL a 0000000000LO0a 00a. oaoo ---- 000A0aa030000000 00a oooo WW WW NN WW wn 0000000 00000 sizes zeze ssl tendance at the Sunday service when Mrs. Paterson, vice-presi- The Neighborly Doubles Club catered for the banquet at the Your Carrier : Re Tr HOW THE PLAN WORKS ! Or dent of the Dominion Board of new Town Hall, Hampton for the Mail T | ALIA and Mrs. George Parm and daug- A J g LN \ ter at Oshawa. V, \ CO U PO N By MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON V - [) - the Woman's Missionary Society, =f B was the speaker. The CGIT girls and the Explorer girls assisted graduates of Mitchell's Corners school sponscred by the Home and School Association. Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, Your Magazines will Os wa J 5 come by mail Times A We fully guarantze-- Oshawa, visited Keith Stainton. 1 You receive Oshawa Our Carrier will delive gf 0000000 00000 O0ooo0ooooodooog z Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, : : Johnny, Brenda and Diane, Mill: Times Daily. er The Oshawa Times. brook, visited Wes Cameron. Mrs. F. B, Glaspell, Mrs, Alex You have - McMaster, Joan and Ross were ree selec Sunday visitors to George Hilts, tion of any 4 of 52 Oshawa. magazines listed - or Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton i visited Mrs. Albert Balson, Sol- alternatively you may choose Life Magazine ina, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, and any one of 'the Maple Grove, visited Wes Cam- magazines from the eron. Betty Nunn spent the weekend list. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Naylor, and Joe McMaster visited 3 One payment weekly and Mrs. Grant Jack, Scarbor- at our Carrier's reg- Eh is dicey. Hiscock ular collecting period and Brian, Oshawa, were Sunday covers BOTH the offer for 'present or new visitors of Fred Cameron's. NEWSPAPER and Oshawa Times Sub- Betty Munn was an overnight MAGAZINES. scribers . A Oshawa : - Comier's NOME ..ccivesvanisnnanrsnnnsvovies Corier's Route NO: ......can... DON ..invitvinansinsasnses | hereby egree to subscribe for or extend my present subscription to THE OSHAWA TIMES for 36 months and the magoxzines chosen for the term es indicated. | agree to 8 | pay 55¢c weekly for 36 months with the understanding that this amount represents full pay- ment for not only the magazines but also for the newspaper. Allow four to eight This Offer is for a MES ro rest eo in 2% Sniraant in Whe ke sii weeks for first maga- .- . NAME ...0ocesnncnsnnsnsnnonnrannsssnsnsancessnsiess Ap NOL Loivvnannnas Limited Time Only. Act | ADDRESS .....co00nesnnennssnnissnsassaservanans: Phone NO coon ensaness: Now -- And Save OY i li ciineinting . PROVINCE ... ORDER TAKEN BY ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS [0 NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER [J OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER Clg ho Hi Zion -- There was a good at- with the service. Each group sang one selection. Hand To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell. each order. zines to arrive. This is an EXCLUSIVE guest of Miss Lorna Wallace at Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and Clarke were Sunday callers on Keith Stainton. J