10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 2, 1958 Toronto, Montreal Stocks 100 z10 100 150 CD Sug C Bronze C Marcon! C Paper Ogilvie Price Br TORONTO By The Canadiana Press Stock Exchange--~Dee. 2 (Quotations in cents unless marked §, Odd lot, x4 -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, sw--Ex-Warrants.) Industrials Stock Abitibi Acad-Atl A Alta Dist Alta Dist vt Alta Gas Algoma Alumini Anthes Imp Arcan Argus Ash Temp B Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bank NS Bell Phone 5% 200 2150 S gu I 1++4++] 1040 100 605 SNoBERES ESS NNER ES = C Mic Mae Cree wis Dev-Pal Duvex Gr Plains Home Oil H B Oil G Marigold Medal Mill City N Bristol N Davies Northcal Pac Pete Petrol Provo Gas Ranger Raoyalite Sapphire Sapph debs Scurry South U Spooner Tidal Trans Can Triad Oil Un Oils F EF FEEEE BF +11 - FF Bank Com 482 Bnk Cm rt 800 dn Brew 250 dn Can A "0 dn Celan "s Chem woo 750 200 Hydro Car 2400 1 I Ol wis 0 PR yekshutt on Gas D Fndry Dom §'ores Fleet Mig Ford A "0 100 12500 1000 7925 10680 1300 4400 08 300 3s 100 2 3 »B 24 4 24 525 525 525 8 $4234 42% 424% -- % By $4515 45% 45% -- W 46% 46% Int Ran Iron Bay Joburke Joliet Jonsmith $000 25% 2B 28% + W 200 195 195 195 2000 -1 1750 -1 "% -- H Smith pr Imp Bank Imp Oil Int Nickel Inter Iroq Gl pr Labatt Mass Mass Mols Mois Mont N Mylama xs Nisto or-Acme Noranda Norlartie Normetal Norsyne N Rank Northsp O'Leary Opem Pato Con Patino M Perron Pr Bord Pronto Purdex QuetAscot Que Chib Q Metal Qunston Quemont Rayrock Rexspar Rix Athab Rockwin Rowan Cons Sand Riv Sherritt Slocan VR Stdcona Page St L 950 10050 Sicks 000 Triad Walk Mtl Trst Co Noranda Ogilvie Royal Bank Salada 8 wis Shawin 4 Shawin 4% pr Simpsons Ssteel Can Tor Dom ris Tor Dom Bnk Tr Can Pipe Un Steel Zellers Zellers pr 5% BU BY 20 2 8 + W 21% 21% 13% 13% + Yb 31% 850 102 -4 63% -- % 37% 3% 42 102 PL Fer Fer pr A new | B new 17 22 Loco z Hers Corp pr Oil GW $1 Uranium Need | Predicted Up INTIA'S FLAG ok a flag of the Sepuplic India is a tricolor, with equal I aade of saffron, white and dark LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- An in- creasing demand for. uranium until the end of the century is | predicted by Dr. Robert J. Uffen, {head of the geophysics depart- ment at the University of Western Ontario. Writing in the fall issue of | Western's Business Quarterly, he says the fusion reactor using hyd rogen fuel is not likely replace the fission reactor a abot ~,000. High power costs for conven- tional fuels, he says, will make atomic power economical for parts of Europe and Asia within the next two years. North Amer-| ica was not expected to reach that point until 1970. US. And UK. | Firms Battle lion dollar battle for control of] Britain's aluminum producer has! shaped up between American and! British aluminum interests. The Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa) already has reached agreement with British Alum-| inum Co., Itd., under which| Alcoa would subscribe for 4,500, 000 unissued British Aluminium {shares and would emerge with a |331-3-per-cent holding in the Brit- {ish firm, But a new offer by a British engineering and .metals group LONDON (AP)--A multi-mil- B=-3 9 10 | green. 5000 MATINEES: Adults Students Children . . Tue OrEATEST EVENT IN MOTION PicTURE HISTORY! {Eisen ay ROBINSON: DE CARLO-PAGET 90 Ad ES Twice Da y 3;30.7:% , 75 Students 7s 50 Children . 50 SORRY--Free List Suspended FILL-A-CARD TOMORROW'S NO NOS. 0-65 GAME "gr BINGO 1 18 19 21 24 25 26 53 57 60 52 58 (TRates Dates DON' T GO TOGETHER! on Florida's Fabulous West Coast A DAILY PER PERSON DOUBLE OCC. Including mouth. watering DESERT RANCH MEALS, NZ Nel El 2 -- = INCREASE = sity -- -- Z FEB. rs § GL Paper Greyhnd 1125 Tube Investments, Ltd.--was an- 12 600 nounced Friday night which some 29 54 Westburne WC OG ris Stanleigh 100 Stanigh wis "I 7m, EON Canadian Hees Imp Bank Imp Oil Ind Accep W Decalta W Dec wis Windfall 1750 200 500 Steep R Sturgeon Teck-H Temag Abitca Ang Pulp Ang Nfld Arcan 2000 45 " 275 de tl 875 100 hy 115 I wis - Ingl Mines MINES 500 60 2000 41 7000 11 100 340 1000 72 00 113 500 200 100 400 Inland Gas Inind G wis Inter PL Inv Syn A Kelly D A Labatt Lakeland LobCo A Loews MacLeods A M Leaf Mill Mass F Mex LP Mid-West Molson A Moore N St Car North Star pr 70 N Star wt 56 75 N Star wt 57 100 Nthid Util 150 Ont Loan 190 Page-Hers 161 Parker 100 Pbina Powell R Pow Corp 25 P Pipe Mig 100 Pres Elec rt 1000 Q N Gas 210 Roe AV Can 2306 Roe AV 5% 10 Royal Bank StL. Corp Salada-§ 500 Salada wis 90 Scythes 100 Shawin B pr 25 175 25 125 z10 1000 100 Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl Algom wis Am nephe 300 210 50 250 100 385 250 500 150 50 4 Area Atlin-Ruf Aunor Barnat 100 Barvue 1100 Base Metals 3500 Beicher 3200 Bethim 1100 Bibis 7000 Bieroft 600 Bonville 500 B 2 140 13 18 922 Boa Brunswick Buffad Cadmet C Dyno C N Inca Can-Met Chimo Coldstrm Comb. Met C Callinan Con C Cad Denison Den wis Discovery Halliwell ® Northland C Sannorm 1000 2200 2100 1600 1200 1000 3000 185 300 300 7500 1000 1500 500 50 835 Sicks Sicks pr Silverwd A Simpsons SKD Mig St Pav Steel Can § Propane § Prop wis 110 Tor-Dom Bk 50 Tor Dom rts 1585 350 200 Union Ace Un Gas U Corp A Un Steel Frobisher Geco Mines Genex Glenn Uran Gold Eagle Granduc Gunnar Gunnar wis Headway Hoyle Ind Lake Int Nickel 11% 11% 85 3 31 33% 33% 15 15 13% 13% 19 19 1000 $13% Woodward A 125 $19 Curb Anglo-Nfid Asbestos TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiiton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale 900 $7 7 3. 150 8364 364 BU 60 60 41 1044 340 112 18 255 140 13 U Asbestos Un Fort Ventures Waite Am C Do 4 104 M0 - 72 72 13 18 2558 140 13 Nfld Pow Que Shop Bulolo 378 11 am.: 770,000. MONTREAL By The Canadian Pre Montreal Stock Exchange--Dee. ? (Quotations in cents unless marked LB g--0dd Jot, 3d -- Ex-dividend, xr -- Ex. rights, sw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials . 11:30 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 2% -- 4 20 145 344 'a 30% -- % Sales to Canal Cent Sioek Ac a A A Algoma Alumin Alum 1 pr Argus Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bank NS Banque PC Bell Phone Brazil 728 BA Oil 805 BCE 4%pe pr 43 BCE 4pc pr 120 BC Forest 235 BC Power or Brown 200 $13 Bruck A $8 Cal Pow $77 Can Cem $34% Can Cem pr $29 C Bank Com $5914 C Brew C Brit Alu C Celan C Husky 00 Com Bnk rt 3275 C Int Pow z15 C Int Pow pr 70 Cdn O11 25 CPR 696 Can Pet pr 25 Cockshutt Con M § Corby A Crown Zell Dist Seag Sales 30 C Bi 100 287 Fano 250 75 200 231 190 210 35 1015 Gold Kerr Merri Monp! N Sa NW Y% kK -- Yi -- % Porta St L Steep Sulliv Tazin Titan Troja x15 Wend A 265 400 z10 D Brid D Coal pr 25 Marconi Hydro See Lochaber Moore Phone Trans Weste: Augustus Bateman Bonnyville Bouzan Calumet Cap Lith Con Q Yell Dome Gunnar Haitian Hollinger Iso U Marpic Mcintyre Montgary N Hosco N Mylama Orchan Paudash Porcupine Provo Que C2 Que Smelt Tache Tib Expl U Asbestos Westville Sales to 11:30 a.m.: 202 2025 229 95 z5 375 25 -85 pr 220 75 $25" 25% $54 490 $4214 42% 108 106% $14 14 150 150 $88 88 m Sug Light Corp $49% 49% $43 43 $287% 28% $17 16% $10% 10% $15 15 Save Mtn el 550 100 100 1 sources interpreted as insurance |against letting control of the {British firm pass outside Britain day. This compared with 72,063,- 801 a year earlier. With 197 of the 276 U.S. and! Canadian blast furnaces in opera- totalled 9,519,832 tons, 10,729,129 for October of 1957. For the year to Oct. 31, consumption Mines 713 3200 6700 1000 2200 500 100 ask Del Cominga Ore y 7 $16% 16% 8 Futurity 1500 100 9000 Age wis 195 7500 600 500 ran Ad 19%4 3 13% 50 $854 B5% 1800 90 90 250 1100 2200 1500 ntiago 4500 Amulet Tue ii re 700 500 1900 100 500 500 River 21050 R an ge balt 300 8500 4500 17500 6900 4000 500 1000 750 n ell Industrials 35,000; nd oils '126,600 |Stratford--R. E. Mountain |Sudbury---Joe Fabbro | Toronto--Nathan Phillips | Windsor--Michael Patrick | Cities, Towns Elect Mayors Woodstock--George T. Laflalr TOWNS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | aArnerctirg E. T. Lafromboise CITIES | Aylmer--Ellison Randall |Fort Frances--J. T. Livingstone | Kingsville--Harold Cull | Leaside--Charles Hiscott {Mimico--W, A. Edwards Prescott--Mark P. Salmon Riverside--Gordon Stewart Southampton--W. Rogers Trenton--Ross Burtt in the United States and Canada {amounted to 75,036,576 tons, com- pared with 112,799,819 tons in the (like period of last year. i Via, oy Truth TERY-THOALS «PETER SELLERS - PEGGY NORNT SETHI - DNS PRE +) Academy Award Winner PAUL NEWMAN 5 ----- -- wil The FAULKNER'S LONG, CiINnemaScorPE COLON wy OR LUXE (ADULT) 5 30 28 56 51 The month of the year means no- thing at The Desert Ranch! You poy the same low rate from now GET CHOICE ACCOMMODATIONS ~RESERVE NOW! o Air Condi- Honed Room With Private tion last month, ore consumption | against | Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affilioted with the C.N.1.B. BINGO CARDS ON SALE AT YOUR NEWS DEALERS! ransfers bo d from tel ® Entertainm, Nightly Dane- A ry 9-Hole Green ¢ Private Beach Large Swimming pti ® Outdoor Borbecues o Shuffle Board ¢ Table Tennis ¢ Surf Casting. Chicago: ANdover 3-5737 *Slightly higher rotes Dec. 20 thru Jon, S, to February 1st. Only at the DES« ERT RANCH, on Florida's beouti~ ful Gulf Coast, can ycu enjoy Fall and Winter luxury (when all other resorts raise their prices)--at low low Summer Rotes ! For Information.--See Your Trovel Agent--or write direct +Desenr Rane John Astarite, Mg. Dir, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. FRENCH CUISINE FRENCH DECOR FRENCH JOIE DE VIVRE Reach Europe relaxed on JOANNE WOODWARD Liberté Liberté Liberté Flandre Dec. 9 Mar. § Mar. 21 Mar. 31 oe Libert See your authorized French L! Liberté Flondre drench fine me LIBERTE sails Dec. 27 i Jan. 14 oo May13 « « May2s + May 29 « June 17 Liberté Flondre Liberté Liberté Apr. 9 . Apr.18 « Apr.25 Flandre Liberté Flandre Liberté « June 20 o duly 3 « ly 8 July 18 Thrift-ssason raies from Sept. 1 through April 14, 1059 6 « Moy 7 . oe Ine travel agent. French fine § Adelaide St., ., Toronto, Ont. «= EMpire 4-2278 TUESDAY EVENING | 5.00 P.M. Sports Town l1--Theatre, Whistle 5--Playhouse 4Santa Claus 2--Three Stooges 5.15 P.M, 4---Chilaren's Theatre 6.30 P.M. 6-8Sky King 4--Dinner Date Theatre 2-Woody' Woodpecker hon P.M ~News; Theatre; Weather 6-News 2--8ky 11 King 6.15 6---It's A Great Life S--News 6.30 P.M. 5----Bengal Lancers 4, 2--News, Weather 645 P.M 2-News 7.00 P.M. 11--~Theatre 6--~Tabloid 5--Zorro 4--~Annie Oakley 2---1f You Had a Million iw PM 6--Donna Reed 2-5-Dragnet 4---Whirlybirds Kon PM. 6-Front Page Challenge 8-2-George Gobel 4--Ann Sothern x30 PM. 11, 6---Chevy Show 4---To Tell The Truth son PM 2-5-George Burns 4--Arthur Godfrey win PM. 11,6--Folio 5, 2--Bob Cummings 4-Red Skelton 10.00 P.M, 5. 2--Californians 4---Garry Moore nae P.M 3.Death Valley Days 2--Highway Patrol nee PM Weather 8, 4 11, OUT FOR B--Movie 1.30 P.M. 4--Theatre 3--Jack Paar 11.8 PM, Weather; 6--Boxing 12:00 11-Late Show 6-Sports Views 1.00 AM 2--Public Defender WEDNESDAY 00 AM. 8,2 -Today 4---Capt, Kangaroo 2.00 AM, Christian Play. 5---Dr 4--Popeye's house 2---Trouble With Father 9.30 AM. S--Favorite Story 4--Susie Christian 10.00 - AM. 4--For Love of Money 5,2--Dough Re Mi 10.30 AM, 5.2 Treasure Hunt 4--Play Your Hunch 1.00 AM, 5,2--Price Is Right 4--Arthur Godfrey nan AM. 4-Top Dollar 5,2--Concentration 1200 NOON 4 News aud Weather 5,2--Tic Tac Dough ais PN 4---Speaker of the House 1230 FM, 11--News 5,2--It Could Be You 4&--Search for tomorrow 12:45 Star PM. 11---AD Theatre MM. 6--Matinee 5--Movie thea. 4--Meet the Millers 2-Mid Day Matinee 1:15 P.M 11--Movie Matinee 1:30 P.M 4-The World Turns 2.00 P.M, 4--Jimmy Dean 2--Helen Neville FAST KICKS Po ADULT ENTERTAINMENT S5--Home Cooking | 4--House Party 2-Haggis Baggls { 2:45 PM. 11,6--Nursery School 3.00 P.M, | 11,6--Dear Phoebe | 8,2---Today Is Ours | 4=The Big Fayoft 3.30 P.M. 11,6--Open House 8,2--From These Roots | 4=Verdict is Yours 4.00 11--Bugs Bu 6--P.M P.M. nny Party | 5.2--Queen For A Day 4 Serials 4.30 11--Paopeye 8--Howdy Doody 8--County Fair | | ¢--Edge of 2-My Hero Night WEDNESDAY P.M. PM. 5.00 | 11--Theatre: | Sun | 5 Plavhous Sports | 6--Rope Around The e 4-Santa Claus 2-Three Stooges wb 6--Children' 4-Children' 5.30 P.M s ®t Tha P.M Newsreel atre 6----Danger is my Busi ness | 4--Dinner 2--Bengal 6.00 11--Theatre; | Weather 6--News 2-Colrnel 61s 8--News Date Lancers News: Bleep P.M, 6----Tim McCoy P 0 It To Beaver 6.4,2--News 7.00 11--Family 6--Tahlo* rraine Weat! PM. P.M. her Theatre S--Open House 4-MacKenzie's _2-This Is Raiders Alice Brantford--Lloyd Hogarth Cornwall--L. G. Lavigne Fort William--Mrs. C. Seppala Kingston--William T. Mills Kitchener--Joseph Meinzinger |Blenheim--T. Howard James | Campbeliford--R. F. Rutherford |Capreol--Harold Prescott Chelmsford--J. A. Gratton Collingwood--Julian H. Ferguson Niagara Falls--Franklin J. Miller Coniston--Wm (Pop) Evershed Ottawa--George Nelms St. Thomas--Vincent A. Barrie Sarnia--Iven Walker Deseronto--Harry Sweetman | Exeter--R. E. Pooley Forest--Bert Fraser 11.00 P.M. 11,6,5.4.2--News Weather; Sports 1:15 P.M, 6-- Viewpoint 1.30 P.M. 8--Disney Presents 8,2-Wagon Train 4--Union Pacifie 4--~The Millionaire 9.30 P.M. 11--Civic Elections 6-5-2 Bat Masterson 2.00 P.M. 1 Ye So > Secret 11--Leave It' To Beaver anciseo Beat | 4--Pursuit ose-Up 5-2-Thig is Your Life 4--Steel Hour 0.3 PM. 11-Civic Elections 2-Official Detective S--Flight 8--Scotland Yard 4--First Run Theatre 2-Jack Paar 1:00 AM. | 2--The Unexpected 30 P.M. 11,6~One of a kind | 5,2--Price Is Right "eo P.M, {11--Jamboree | 5--~Music Hall Make Your Plans Now... for Christmas and New Year's Social Parties, Banquets, Dances or Family Get- Togethers! The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Aighway 401 -- Bowmanville Cloverleaf For Descriptive Literature or Reservations Coll Jim Bourke, Manager MArket 3-3373 ry - Ww Walkerton- -W illiam Winter --e STARTS TOMORROW re Stocks At | THT Nea Record ANTINUOUS FROM LRM. ¢ SAT 12 NOON LAST TIMES TODAY: CLEVELAD (AP)--Stacks of "VILLA" in Color iron ore at furnace yards .and |docks Oct. 31 totalled 75.171 030 & "FLAMING FRONTIER" [gross tons, the American Iron ~ Ore Association reported Satur- Over 3 years Overwhelming wy i on the stage! on the screen!!! ' 4 Her hn some GOOD REASONS to BUY T.V. or Hi-Fi eA i Parkway Television © TORONTO PRICES © LARGEST SELECTION © FREE HOME TRIAL © HIGHEST TRADE-IN ® 90 DAYS FREE SERVICE ® WE DO OUR OWN SERVICING Give Us a TRY Before You BUY PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE N. e RA 3-3043 OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS ¢ SS1X MONTHS ouT of EVERX YEAR® LS TISQU 5 NS A thrilling new screen personality «the dynamic red-hegded darling of the show Xo TAB HN TT ess se Ta ayE TOMORROW REGULAR PRICES A « that devil of 2 man WAST and all the shows stars! "FTECHNICOLOR® IA Som ROE ABBOTT og tet WRATH 2 ty ORE NTs DORR LD - Doe RFE obs LAL NE \J LAST DAY JENNIFER JONES "THE SONG OF B INADETTE" GWEN Ji raves sos aseves's "eso FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE CAH ICAK AK ICKL K KK