Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1958, p. 8

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CANADIAN GIRLS IN TRAI 'Work, Worship, Entertainment Program For CGIT Annual Rally One hundred and ten Canadian/ about the material for mis- Girls in Training met in St. sions, which each of the groups Stemhen's United Church for their will be using this year. 1958 Friendship Rally. The theme A short period of recreation fol was "New Trails of Friendship". jowed. Mrs. R. L. Johnson and the King| Street girls supervised the regis- d#ration. Mrs. David Duchemin and girls from St. Stephen's Unit- ed Church were hostesses. Mary-Carolyne Warburton was Ia', depicted the great work in charge of the literature table. done by Dr. and Mrs. Darby at Mrs. A. C. Ferries Jr. led the the United Church mission hospi- 'group in a fine sing song, after tal, Bella Bella, British Columbia. which Mrs. Clarence Penfound The meeting was closed by the gave some very helpful hints benediction, The worship service was con- ducted by the girls of Northmin- ster United Church. Oshawa Is Well Represented The colored film called "Wo-Ya- i i i i G AT | IN FRIENDSHIP RALLY | | omen Dial RA 3-3474| Jo Aldwinckle, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 1, 1958 Stuart Seymour Takes Bride ' In Ceremony In Toronto A wedding of interest to Osh- wore harem-skirted dresses of awa was solemmized in Donlands | peacock blue peau de soie with Women's Editor {United Church, Toronto, on Sat- matching headdresses and acces- - At Opening of GM Motorama The preview and formal open- tion" was equally applicable to "ing of General Motors Motorama the stylishly clad women throng- in the Automotive Building of the|ing the vast floor. Fine Fabrics, 'Canadian National Exhibition luxurious furs and chic little hats 'was attended by some 4,000) complimented the lines and «guests on Friday, with a greatcraft hip. of gleami 'majority from Oshawa, St. Ca-'automobiles. 'tharines and London, Ontario. | A departure from the , The vast building was trans-| blacks was the range of brown formed by the magic of mirrors, (tones, from beige, coffee and the interplay of changing colored bracken to cinnamon and spice lights and enormous silk um- shades. In step with the trend brell§ ceiling. |were Mrs. T. Harold Coppin in An {impressive array of Aigui, 'taries and guests were gree! by Mr. E. H. Walker, president/art R. Alger in a trim brown en- 'and general manager of General| semble. Moors of Canada Ltd:; Mr. E. J.| Mrs. E. H. Walker was also in 'Umphrey, vice-president and di-/brown. Her cafe-au-lait sheath of 'rector of sales and Mr. Carl H.|georgette was designed with Kindl, vice-president of General swirls of fabric roses on the slim 'Motors Corporation; Mr. W. Cn and around the neckline. Cannon, president Frigidaire] The acceptance of the Empire 'Products, Canada, and E. I. Bar-iline was noticeable. One fags -beau, president McKinnon Indus-/of brown peau de sole and lace 'tries Ltd., St. Catherines y by Mrs. The theme of th with a tiny French 'stage show "Imagi to match, GROUPS, CLUBS [mice in eet ae ttt AUXILIARIES | The lustrous fabric lent itself to e pleating at the hipline, re- leasing a full skirt with cross) {ties from the bodice | |side sash. In the deep shade was CALVARY BAPTIST thes feathered, velvet hat. The regular meeting of Cal-| Beneath her mink stole Mrs. vary Baptist WMS was held re- Fred V. Skinner was a gay fi- cently, Mrs. Harvey McGhee led ' |pretty little hat of white velvet 4n a short song service, after) tals tipped with pearls. which Mrs. D. M. Alloway led| yayoring the blues Mrs. R. L. in prayer. |Gough chose a bright sapphire Mrs. Grace Moncur, the presi-|silk on princess lines with a chic dent, gave a few thoughts from black hat and Mrs. G. D. Conant the first chapter of Philippians. wore French blue in a softly Mrs. Otto Sharrard read an in.|dreped afternoon dress with a teresting letter from Audrey Hurl-|hat to match of corded velvet. bert, missionary in Nigeria. She] A shimmering -grey silk bro- tells of the transforming power| cade cocktail sult, teamed with the gospel brings into the lives|black accessories looked smart of the women there. on Mrs. Lloyd Collacutt, while Mrs. Sharrard gave a report of Mrs. G. W. Read wore an exclu- 'the year's work. Mrs. Clarence|sive black after-five frock with Henry brought the treasurer's re- free-falling panels and' a white port, The amount raised was/feathered hat with black velvet $570.65. crown. It was moved and seconded] Following the preview many that Mrs. Grace Moncur be presi- groups formed parties for dining dent for 1959. |and dancing at the Lord Simcoe, The new officers are as fol. the Royal York, the Cabaret and lows: vice-president, Mrs. A. R.|other night clubs. Alloway; secretary, Mrs. Otto 'was worn beautifull W. E. Austin h e glittering tion in Mo- a year when polishing up the house {gure in red satin brocade with a| an urday evening when John Stuart sories. Their flowers were roses Seymour, Toronto, son of Mr. and chrysanthemums in blended land Mrs, John E. Seymour of|yellow and gold. {Oshawa, took as his bride Eliza-| Mr. William Rayme was best June Ingram Kelly, daugh- man and the ushers were Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. (Robert A. Kelly and Mr. Den- Kelly, Toronto. nis Hubble, | The Reverend I. G. Perkins of-| For the reception the bride's {ficlated. Mr. W. H. Wildrhan mother wore a mink tone matte |played the wedding music and jersey dress, brown and gold ac- {the soloist was Mrs. Rhoda Ker-|cessories and a corsage of cream ridge. |roses. The bridegroom's mother The bride was given in mar-|was in periwinkle blue chiffon riage by her father. She wore over taffeta with matching hat |a floor-length gown of white peau with a corsage of feathered car- |de sole with a full skirt and long nations. |and a coronet of pearls held her away, the bride wore a chocolate | shoulder-length veil. She carried brown suit, matching feather hat white chrysanthemums and step- and a corsage of tea roses. hanotis, | Mr. and Mrs. Seymour will re- The matron of honor was Mrs. turn to live in Toronto. Guests Robert Kelly and the bridesmaids were present from Oshawa, Or- were Miss Audrey Weldon and|illia, London, Ontario, Seaforth, Miss Anne McLoughlin, They| Listowel and Detroit. Plan Now To Get Home Ready For The Holidays By ELEANOR ROSS surprise to find there is mo There's at least one day in the much free shell space! While you're about it, wash the is pure fun. That's when you start cleaning house for Christ- mas, fe Not that you're likely to get PHU HE chores. Ad van ce preparations vAll make life easier for every body in the household. There's always enough to be done, any- way, during Christmas week. Be- gides, ¥ you're having house guests, you won't want to appear as hurried as you may feel On your check Mst, jot down window - washing and swabbing off light fixtures. Decide where you intend to hang holiday dec- orations. Add a reminder to check the linen closet, to be sure there'll be plenty of clean sheets and towels for your guests as well as the family. il + i B : i {! © a = o " 3 i ] g= g § 3 Ih i 8 Sharrard; treasurer, Mrs. Clar- ence Henry; press reporter, Miss HOUSEHOLD HINT Edith McArthur; social conven. With colder weather coming on, or, Mrs. Clarence Henry; pianist, you may be tempted to fiddle with Mrs. Otto Sharrard; rhusical the furnace thermostat if the heat convener, Mrs. Harvey McGhee. doesn't seem properly lated At the next meeting Miss Mar- PIODETY Telu i garet Miskelly, missionary from t Is a delicate mechanism, how- South Africa will speak and show|ever, and should be adjusted only pictures of her work. by an expert. SPECIAL EFFECT Bathrooms will need a real go ing over,with an extra bit of ef- |fort for that special effect. This |Is a good time to clean out the medicine chest, discarding out- |dated medicines, old containers |and the like that always seem to pile up, no matter what one |fun--not for feeling frantic as does to prevent it. last-minute chores pile up be After the medicine cabinet is|cause of a lack of timely atten- 'cleaned out, it's always a pleas-|tion. A Christmas Party A Staff Partv A Banquet Phone RA 3-4641 Make Your Reservations NOW Christmas Dinner Reservations Now Being Ac cepted 'GENOSHA HOTE -| LISBON, opposition | 'Ardent Workers' | Exchange Gifts Candles and Christmas centre- pieces decorated the tables for the pot luck supper held by the |Ardent Workers Group of King Street Woman's Association on Thursday evening. Also a gaily {wrapped Christmas gift was placed at each setting. This was Jan exchange of gifts among the members. Following the supper, [the president, Mrs. Frank Hortop, |presided for the monthly meet- ling. It was opened by reading a |poem, "Make Us Worthy'. Mrs. Clarence Scott led the de- votional period, taking as her topic "Christmas, THe Festival of Peace". Mrs, Wilford Harris read the Christmas story. This was in- terspersed with the singing of carols, Mrs. Scott also gave a reading, "The Christmas Sur- prise'. Mrs. Leslie Guy gave the report of the nominating committee, Mrs, Frank James thanked Mrs. Hortop on behaif of the group for {her faithful work as president for |{the past three years and Mrs. Harry Blakely presented her with a cup and sagcer and bouquet of chrysanthemums. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given; also plans were made for catering for a banquet in Decem- ber. Miss Margaret Pellow gave an interesting talk, accompanied by glides, on her work this summer in northern B.C. entitled *Cara- vaning for the United Church". This was enjoyed very much by | those present. LODGES AND SOCIETIES OAKLEIGH LODGE { | | | | | | |fright one night and he hasn't {liked them since. "1 don't like the idea of cross ling the Rockies for that reason. |They tell me that the bears are \bigger than ever oul there, and {much more fierce than the enes UX. Nurse Hopes To Cross Canada By Milk Wagon The regular meeting of Oak- leigh Lodge No. 151, LOBA, was held in the Orange Temple re- cently. Kirkbride presided, with Deputy sisting. A mnber of visitors |were welcomed, being members of "Pine Ridge Lodge'. Bowman- ville, 'Vimy Ridge Lodge," Whit- by and Queen Mary Lodge, DOC. Sister Ann Graham introduced Past Mistress Mrs. E. Karp, Bowmanville, and Past Mistress Mrs. D, Anderson, Whitby. | A service was held for dedica- |{tion of new regalia. Brother Bateman presided. Deputy Mis- tress Sister May Oster; chaplain, [Sister Winnifred Mills; pianist, Sister Frankie Branton; PM Sis- | | {brown chiffon with graceful float- train. Lace and seed pearls ac., The honeymoon is being spent ter Eva Hastings invested the ing back panels and Mrs. Stew-/cented the waist and neckline/in New York city. For going [WM with the new regalia. | Worthy Mistress Sister Nan {Kirkbride then invested all offi- |cers with the new regalia. Fol- |lowing the ceremony, Sister Kirk-| bride sang "The Lord's Prayer." General business was then re- sumed. The sick report was given by Sister Oster, and reports from the various committees. Prizes for the evening were won | Worthy Mistress, Sister Nan| Mistress, Sister May Oster as-| Making their home in Cour- tice are Mr. and Mrs. Allan Venema whose marriage took place recently in Hebron Chris- tian Reformed Church, Oshawa. | The bride is the former Alice DUTCH COUPLE WED | land. 35-year-old English nurse has de-| cided to stop here for the win'er after comnleting 1,000 miles of a fournev across Cancda in a horse-drawn milk wagon, Audrey Goodchild of Seaford, Sussex; took eight weeks to reach here from Galt, Ont,, behind her 10-year-old horse, Bill. Her trav- next winter the heart of the Rockies. PORT ARTHUR, Oat. (CP)--A|we've met so far." she hopes to stop However, in Banff, Alta., in Miss - Goodchild js all in favor of her means of moive power. Bill, she said, "seems to exectly what to do without being told." | elling companion is a German shepherd dog, called Jade, She made un her mind fo travel across the country while working as a nurse in a hospital at Brampton, . After the horse plodded down the main street of Port Arthur, finishing a stretch of the Trans - Canada Highway, she found a job for the winter in the Port Arthur Gen- eral Hospital. SLEPT IN WAGON Miss Goodchild sald she slept in a bed only three times during the first stage of her milk wagon tour, At other times, she slept in the wagon. She said in an interview that the trip wasn't too bad. "The bears were a bother, though, One of them gave Bill a |} SOFT AND FLUFFY Eiderdown, the soft filling for bed covers, comes from the elder duck of Arctic Canada and the HAVING Wringer Troubles? We are wringer specialists. Our experts will rebuild your wringer es good as mew . . . ot reasancble rotes ! JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jock Christie, owner) At Rear of 68 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-1179 For Pick-up end Delivery |sea coasts. van Leuveren, daughter of Mr. Andrew van Leuveren and the | bridegroom is the son of Mr. | and Mrs, F. Venema, all of Hol- | --Mary's Photo Studio PERSONALS age ot the drug store; go end thot's encther. The Salvation Army Home League held a special] meeting last week when the husbands and families were invited to attend. leadership of Mrs. Willlam Saun- ders presented the sacred drama, wave of stains in the shop. The weather man talks ebout host waves . . . that's one th The ledies go out end buy ¢ home and give themsel makes the ladies think about @ cold wave for heir . . . end the result of thet combination is thet | | GET WAVES, T00! ves You know the weather m "I Love to Tell The Story." 14, hall Mrs. William James, Hom e|Malor gave a League secretary, was in charge and closed in prayer. of the. program. Mrs. Charles Cathmoir led in the singing of a| Oshawa guests at the Seymour. Kelly wedding on Saturday in To- hymn, followed by prayer b i Braye a lrouty Inludog Nar. and Jars. Ed Mrs, Major Rankin. Mrs. May- nard Nelson read the Scripture, |ward Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleury, Mr. and Mrs. Eric The Home League singers under k I the leadership of Mrs. Chris Os-| Norris, Mrs. S. J .Lowe, Mr, and borne sang "Give Me a Song." |Mrs. Donald Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Langford led in a Russell Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. od. | Maurice Winter, Mr. and Mrs, st testimony. pe Norman Grierson, Miss Enid Hall, Mr. and Mrsi Orland Orr, Mr, Dennis Hubble, Miss Betty Dart and Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt. There were also many guests from Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dobmey, The Drama Group under the ZIPPY DIPS HORSERADISH - MAYONNAISE by Mrs, B ville, elyn Potter, Sister Oster, and Sister Ev ckes ducted by Past Mistress D. Anderson, Whitby. Final plans were made for the birthday and Christmas party to be held on Friday, December 19. Turkey supper to be at six o'clock followed by a social period and exchange of gifts from the Christ- mas tree. The regular meeting to start at eight o'clock. There will be installation of offi- Sister d.lcers for the coming year. SPANIARDS RELEASED Portugal (AP)--Four leaders arrested last Saturday in connection with charges of writing and circulat- ing subversive ifest; Fickes. 2 Election of officers was con- mix thoroughly. Makes 1% cups dip for raw vegetable relishes. LOW CALORIE CLAM DIP 2 cups cottage cheese 1 7-0z. can chopped clams, drained % teaspoon thyme 1 tablespoon chopped chives 3 - to % teaspoon salt Combine all ingredients; mix well. Serve as dip for raw vege- tables. Makes approximately 2% cups or 14 calories per table- spoon. AVOCADO DIP medium size ripe avocado 8-oz. package cream cheese were released Friday night. They are Jaime Cortezao, Antonio Sergio de Sousa, Mario Azevedo Gomes ;|and Francisco Vieura de Al meida. A communique said in- vestigation of their cases will continue. lemon juice RN = for raw vegetables. Makes 1% WHAT DOCTORS sa © Whiskey Nose ® Odorous Shoes © Bedwetting Q. "Can doctors do enyming for whiskey nose?" --B.J, A. Yes, the condition can be greatly improved by proper treat- ment. The term "whiskey nose™ is misleading because many suf- ferers are strict abstainers from alcoholic drinks. Mild cases can sometimes be helped by skin planing. Plastic surgery with re- in > excess tissue is re- the nose is markedly disfigured. Q. What can be done to pre vent or remove tl odor in shoes? peraponion A. There is no really satisfactory method of deodonzing leather once unpleasant odor has devel oped. However, unpleasant odor can usually be prevented by daily foot care. The feet should be thoroughly washed and dried. Use of a 'foot deodorant also helps. Q. "Please discuss bedwetting." --A grandmother. A. Bladder control requires vol untary and involuntary actions. When the bladder reaches a cer- tain fullness the retaining mus- 5 28KingSt ERA edical Mirror Pubiished as a public service by Karn Druga Y ABOUT. cular valve automatically Felaxes,' the bladder contracts, and empty- ing takes place. This is the proo- ess in babies and young children. Complete control is gained as the child grows and develops. As a Swedish physician said, night bladder control is not so much a training process as it is 8 maturing process. Children don't deliberately wet the bed. They need medical attegtion, not punish Try to ince the youngster that the doctor can help. Under no circumstances should a big fuss be made over bedwetting. |3-3474 and share your pleasure Mary street, were entertained at the home of his son, Mr, F. W, Dobney, Jr., and Mrs. Dobney, Masson street, on the occasion of Mr. Dobney's 86th birthday on Saturday, November 29. Among those present were his great. grandson, Mr. Roy Bunker and granddaughter, Mrs. Reginald Scott , and great-grandson, Mr. Scott, from Cooksville and two daughters and their husbands, Mrs. Waltr Bunker and Mr. Bun- ker and Mrs. A. E. Evans and Mr, Evans from Oshawa. Little items of social news are always wel in this If you are enjoying the company of visitors or have been visiting yourself, why not telephone RA You see, it tokes oiny strona chemicals solutions to make those curls stay In your heir . . . and some queer things con happen when some of the chemicals get on clothing. Some hair- do chemicals take the color out of clothing, some moke @ stain . . , ond other appear to do nothing . . . until you put the garment under a hot iron, then presto you have e stain contend with, Safest, surest wey to aveld trouble is te weer old clothes when you heve & home permanent . . . If you get a stein on thing washabl with clear water . . . and be sure you have it all out before you iron the garment. With other garments, be sure you get as possible . . , and be sure to mark the stain. Just tell us what made it, and we'll give the garment our expert attention. As I've said before, that advice goes for all stains . . . get the rment to us as quickly os possible, with the stain labeled. Shot way, we help you to get more value for your clothing dollar . . . and you keep your clothes looking like new so much longer, Remember, eur expert clothing core helps you to got more value for your clothing dollar. MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN FAST 3-DAY SERVICE them to us es soon Here are the Lucky Winners of $5.00 Dry Cleaning Voucher and a chance of an all-expense paid trip to Florida next winter. E749 Mr. Stevens, 98 Perk Rd. South. B7958 Miss Pet Ring, 283 French St. C7988 Mr. Smith, 47 Churchill Ave. NOB Mm. E, McAvoy, 196 Oshawa Bivd. North K6735 Mr. Allen, 23 Peloce St, Whitby Bond 9. Mery ". North Oshawa Delivery Whitby with others. will she have to suffer the pounds will melt away f Answers do not necessarily re-| flect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of risease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Dr. J. D. Ralston, Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario will be incorporated in these columns when possible, 3-461 Oshawa important places. For a wife whose husband loves and understands her The gift she wams most of all is a beautiful new figure. And the "Magie Couch" (Posture-Rest®) which is heart of the Stauffer Home Reducing Plan of effort- less exercise and calorie reduction can help her achieve it. It will mean the end of that losing battle with starvation diets. Never again strain of fatigue of strenuous exercise. Inches and rom hips, thighs, tummy, waist, legs and other She'll look and feel years younger without those extra pounds, And you'll have a happier wife, one with young ideas and a figure to match, " For further information, call or write today. CALL RA 3-9212 STAUFFER HOME REDUCING PLAN = 392 Phillip Murrey Ave, Oshawe 1 would like complete details -- without obligation -- on how 1 can give the Stauffer Home Reducing Plan this Christmas. Name. Phone Address City. : State

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