Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1958, p. 6

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SLT mm rm en pe 2 . BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT| Bond Issues Representative -- R. CZIRANKA -- Phone MA 3.7224 Sat New High to "wrap up" your AT BOWMANVILLE Tonovto cp, -- cusses HOLIDAY EXPENSES Don't Expect -- 1. CASH for your holiday shopping! \ 2. CASH to clean up back bills... 10 put your winter budget in shapel BENEEISUL., 3, CASH-CREDIT wherever you go during the holidays . . with dikes to sayy BENEFICIAL's exclusive International Cash-Credit Card! and corporation public bond fin-| Jean in 1-visit or ancing in the first 11 months of ams In todays this year totalled $9,201,975,844 compared with Bas in asf Vf : C- oR N.C SALVATION ARMY HOLDS BAZAAR the | ful affair with a large display | members of the Home League of attractive items, most of | for unstinting effort during the held its annual bazaar and sale | which were the work of ladies. | year in preparation for the ofl, Christmas novelties and | Lieut, Pearl Donnelly, declar- | event. Shown at one of the home baking. It was a success- | ing the bazaar open praised | many stalls are Mrs. David RJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 No Big Issues Town Foru In Ajax Polls | At Pickering AJAX (Staff) -- With acclama- be centred on the fight for the, PICKERING VILLAGE (Staff) tions for the two top offices for|deputy-reeveship. Mrs, Mary -- A town forum will be held in the 1959 council, interest in Sat-|Reid, the present deputy-reeve|the Memorial Hall tonight, Mon- urddy's municipal elections has has had one year's experience on|day when candidates in the mu- not been too apparent. It is a| council and one in the higher of-|nicipal elections will give an ac- different situation from the fice. She is the only woman mem-|count of their stewardship during town's first election in 1954 when ber of the council and during the the past year. New candidates over 30 candidates sought seats past year, the only woman on will present their ideas and plat- on. the Sirs camel and school county council. |forms. This type of meeting is board. In that election over | Mrs. Reid came an innovation in the village. The pet 'cent of the town's electors| joss gne is an te Am a usual practice has been for candi- turned out to the polls. worker and has served in the/dates to speak on nomination Inferest may be stimulated by|Sunday school of St. Paul's M&ht. the town meeting sponsored by | United Church. She has also been Six candidates have qualified the Ajax chamber of commerce active in the Home and School |for the three council seats, while scheduled for Wednesday evening | Association. {two candidates were given an ac- In Parkside auditorium. At that Prior to her marriage she clamation for the new offices of " : un was | " ae : sc atearcas the goth employed as secretary at RCMP public utilities commission, 3 $9!' headquarters, Toronto and | The present reeve, Cyril Mor- ering and questions are hyd at McLean's publishing ion (ley, who is also the Warden of fr the floor at the close ®| Chairman of welfare committee Ontario County was given an ac- addresses. : |of council. She is the mother of Clamation. The six council candi- With Mayor William Parish and five children. She took a course dates, with the sitting members Reeve John Mills returned with-in gonial and political ideals at named first are, Albert Reeve, out ppposition, chief interest will ithe U, of T. in 1956. Harry Purvis, Ronald Hall. New Mrs. Reid's opponent is Pat. candidates, Victor Dingley, Ron- rick Sheehan, who is well known|ald Watson, George MacCal- in sports circles in town. He was man, Sefoa ied P.. the deputy-reeve's| | seal 1955. He served overseas |three years in the RCAF as in- BAD MONTH IN UK. structor. Played one year profes-| LONDON (AP) -- Fog, smog, nal basketball, was assistant floods, snow and ice made Nov- of athletics at U of T,|ember a nightmare for Britain's Ajax division. He is at present motorists, the Automobile Associ- director of recreation in Scar- ation reported Sunday. "There borough. {were only five days when traffic {The Home League of Ajax Salvation Army Saturday Russian Warming Sent To Japanese LONDON (Reuters) -- Russia has 'sent a new note to Japan repeating warnings that contin- ned use of American bases in Japan for "anti-Chinese aggres- sion" risks "involvement in a Heavy Vote will be a heavy vote in today's|cities. Mr. Fice is a former mem-| | municipal election. This despite ber of council. {the fact that the voters will also| The other issue ip the munici- be asked to decide the question i | of Sunday sports. He thinks that Bal Joie is {he question of Sun the vote will be heavier than last|%2Y, SPOris. #4) sy has been provoked by this 1 | Jeat, because {his Hine Ue SE soos in comparison with the re- tie vear term {cent liquor vote. | ""I"don't think that we'll come, There has been extremely little] |anywhere near the 90-per cent campaigning done by both sides, | record vote. We got out for|and the majority, of He voters : who were as what 'they he Squor_plebrseite two weeks go th entoome feel that There are 3856 eligible voters in|it Was a cut - and - dried matter but only about 2000|that the sports question will not| or roughly 50 per cent'of the elec-|receive the two-thirds affirmative tors are expected to cast a bal-|majority. lot. The mayor - elect, Wilfred Car- Vive former councillors, O. J.|ruthers, has voiced his strong op- Presson, Ivan Hobbs, Lloyd Pres-| position to the introduction of ton, Ab Sturrock, and K eit h/Sunday commercial sports in the| Lathanague, are seeking re-elec-|town, and has gone so far as to tion along with three new candi- head a committee opposed to any | dates, The three newcomers, Ken|form of commercialized Sunday Walker, Mrs, Sidney Garside year, says Wood, Gundy and Co. Ltd. : Canada conversion loan which re- BOWMANVILLE -- Town Clerk holme Hughes, have been active funded $5,803,000,000 of the fifth Alick J. Lyle does not think therein civic affairs in different capa-|to ninth victory loans. |ancing was $736,809,401 compared {with $1,507,269,465 in November a |year ago. corresponding period The large increase is due to the In November public bond fin. | FOR MISSED PAPERS Loans up to $2500 or more--up to 30 months to repay on loans over $500. Your loan can be life-insured at Beneficial 11% SIMCOE ST. 2nd FL. (Over Bank of Nova Scotia), OSHAWA OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE FOR EVENING HOURS OPEN SATURDAYS 'TIL NOON Serving Canadians for 25 Years...1933-1958 OF CANADA BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. IN AJAX i you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 AN golls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. |Nicks, Wesley Fice, and Glen-|sport. | Seeks Attract 'Suppliers Here BOWMANVILLE -- A zone 2 the sportsmen's shows in Toron- | project committee of the Lake to, Harrisburg, Pa., and Syra- Ontario Regional Development |cuse. Last year the association Association has ed that exhibited displays in Cleveland at the Salvation Army Sunday. |2ccurate information on raw |and New York, and the commit-| Lieut, Patricia Buckin ham | eral and equipment pur. |tee's report indicated a high de- spoke during the Holiness et. | chases by industries in the area gree of success in view of the ling bringing ont TIC os par Ls to be made, to encourage sup-| substantial number of additional Iraarde Wnich are given in scrip. | Pliers to build in this region. tourists in 'the area during the | [ture which must be obeyed if| The delegates at a recent Past summer, |Christians would progress spirit- Meeiing of zone 2 felt that if it| In attendance at the meeting) ually. can be demonstrated that there is Were delegates from Brighton, i ifi Newcastle, and| Some of the com a heavy demand for a specific Port Hope, Orono, , |God's LOL The Srannts Judie material, then it may be possible|Hastings. i ple to work for souls, prayer, | {0 persuade a supplier to estab -- |and open confession, lish a branch factory in the lake . |DID YOU KNOW ? area. Taking the message in the| The committee is headed by evening Salvation meeting, Lieut. | I Pearl Donnelly quoted scripture | Hoge. Read Budge, of Port That we fepair end service all from Ezekiel 47:1-12, the 'river of| Orono delegates reported on [life being the subject. She said|another special project, the es- TYPEWRITERS {God sent the Holy Spirit so that tablishment of a provincial park ADDING MACHINES {man can be held up end main-|in the community. They said that CALCULATORS CASH REGISTERS [tained completely by the Spirit. the project was progressing at a DUPLICATORS Wamsley & Magill | Dec. 16 there will be an ex-|good pace, with co-operation ex- |change of pulpits, when Captain|tended by the superintendent of Office Equipment Ltd. 9 KING EAST DIAL RA 3-3333 and Lieutenant Donnelly. Pro- | ceeds will provide Christmas | cheer for many families. | Photo by John Mills | Snow Did Not Mar Services | AJAX -- The poor weather con-| | ditions did not affect gatherings] | Ivan McNeilly of Rowntree Corps, (the Orono Forestry Station. A | Toronto, will speak at the Ajax more detailed report is expected |Corps services. at the next meeting scheduled MANCHESTER | 1054 'ou Zone 2 has also recommended to the LODA Tourists' Commit-| MANCHESTER -- Mrs. Me.| {Beth, Toronto was a weekend tee that it exhibit next spring at| guest of Mrs. Jo Bain. Mrs. J, Torrens and Kenneth of| Kingston are visiting her mother, | Mrs. F., Johnston for a few days. | The = Woman's Association] catered for the Milk Producers'| Meeting Thursday. | EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Civil Service of Canada) AIRCRA PRODUCTION OFFICER (with related responsible admidistration end ogineeris experience), Defence Pro- duction, Ottawa. $8,340-$9,420. . | ECONOMIC PLANNING OFFICER SEconcmist ie Msparsivle could " gai | experience to study wartime 'economics), Privy Council, pi ini abou freely; ow on Ottawa. $8,340-$9,420. For details, write to Civil Service month." iy Commission, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 58-2254, war. with all its grave conse- quences," Moscow radio sald Fri- 4 day night. [art h ( » i , (\ "J ' @ The note sald American troops, VY \%) (X¢ »¥ / a material and supplies were being . b / { pent to Formosa from Japanese f A bases and declared that the "lib- \ ration" of Formosa was a Chi- nese domestic affair in which no one has the right to interfere. The broadcast was beamed to North America. A MODERNIZED ART "OR r by Ronald Bilsky, D.C. Chiropractor Specialist in Palmer Specific Upper Cervical Method DON'T BE MISLED Sik people are more frequently than otherwise unaware of spine failure in cases of sickness, pain ond disease. Spine failure does not always produce pain or dis- comfort in the back unless there is'acute backache or lumbago, but don't be misled. In the great majority of cases the effects of spine failure are observed ot some distant point remote from the spine, such for example as neuritis in the arm or leg; head- || ache or malfunction in one or | more vital organs. Because of this foct, you con be. excused fot not immediately recognizing the location of your pain or ill- nes, 'being in the spine. If you have been doctoring fot some time, and find your- self, relieved, but not entirely well, might it not be wise to try something different, some new opprooch and means to locate | ond remove the cause, rather than treating the effects ? dn the spirit of q sincere help- fulness it may be suggested that you consult a modern Chiro proctor. It may mark the day || when you start on the road to || vibrant health One of a series of articles published in the public interest to explain and Wiustrate the practice of scientific chitopractic, written by Ronald W. Bilsky, doctor of Chiropractic, whose offfge is located at 100 King Street East (Ploze Theatre Building), Tele phone RA 8-5156. * MOR CTY TAD eRe @ > say "Merry Christmas" "ROYAL BANK MONEY ORDER Br gift of cash is always welcome--and when you buy your money orders this year be sure to get them at your nearest Royal Bank branch. With each Royal Bank Money Order you'll gel--at no extra cost--an envelope and a mailing folder in gay Christmas colours, with which to send your gift and personal greetings. You can use Royal Bank Money Orders to send gifts of cash to friends or relatives in Canada, the U.S., Great Britain or The West Indies--and Royal Bank Drafts to send money elsewhere in the world. ad ea = Oshawa Branch S. A. 1 *™ a Sve Oo " ay ®ve ® ao @ onl ao. So a. e. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA REGIONAL SUPERVISOR OF FISH CULTURE (Biologist with | several years of responsible experience), Fisheries, Halifax, 3 1 N.S. $7,980-$9,060. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 58-738. "A () MATHEMATICAL STATISTICIAN (to assist with sample sur- veys), Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. $7,500- $8,580. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-2308. MANAGER, CIVIL ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE SECTION to supervise repair program in shore establishments of At- lantic Command), National Defence, Halifax, N.S. $6,840- $7,860. PARLIAMENTARY REPORTER (to toke verbatim shorthand reports of debates and proceedings in English). The Senate, Ottawa. $6,360-$7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-739. SHIP INSPECTORS (with Canadian Certificate of Competency os Marine Engineer First Class valid in United Kingdom, or equivalent), Transpart Department, various centres. $6,300- $7,020. HISTORICAL RESEARCH OFFICER (university graduate with good knowledge of Canadian History), National Defence (Army), Ottawa. $5,820-$6,540. ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER -- PERSONNELL SELECTION (university graduate in engineering with some professional or technical experience, preferably in administration, per- sonnel selection, placement or training, to recruit and select engineers and allied technical personnel for the Federal Government), Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. $5,400- $6,180. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-314, LABOUR LEGISLATION RESEARCH OFFICER (university gradu- ate with some related experience), Labour Department, Ottawa. $5,130-$5,730. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-737. TIME AND MOTION STUDIES OFFICER, Printing Production Bench, Public Printing ond Stationery, Hull, P.Q. $5,130- RADIO TECHNICIANS (with experience on electronic equip- ment including transmitters and receivers), Transport De- partment, various centres. $4,650-$5,100 and $4,980- $5,430. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-494A. Time: limit extended to December 8 DIETITIAN (university graduate with responsible experience), Indian and Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare, Edmonton, Alta. $4,290-$4,740. For details, ~-wwrite to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for cir- cular 58-833, LIBRARIANS (with Bachelor's degree in library science ond some professional experience), Government Departments, London and Ottawa, Ont, and Regina, Sask. $4,500- $4,950. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottowo, and ask for circular 58-830. FIREFIGHTER CAPTAIN (with supervisory experience in a fire fighting organization), Civil Aviation Branch, Transport, Malton Airport (Toronto), Ont. $3,900-$4,500. FIREFIGHTER LIEUTENANTS fto supervise and train airport firefighters), Civil Aviation Branch, Transport, Malton Air- port (Toronto), Ont. $3,570-$4,020. LAND SURVEY EXAMINERS, Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. $3,420-$4,020. BIOLOGIST (mammalogist to undertake scientific investigations in the Mackenzie District), Northern Affairs and National Rerources, Yellowknife, NN\W.T. $4,200 to $5,580 to start, depending oh qualifications, plus northern allowance. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-546, HOSPITAL NURSES (with registration in a province of Canada), Veterans Affairs Hospitals, at Toronto, London, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man. $2,700-$3,150 and $3,120-$3,540. For details, write to Civil Service Commission Office at Toronto (25 St. Clair Ave, East) ond Winnipeg (356 Main Street) respectively FAY RIP XC HY /) with o® oo J A sole S! ° Cross, Mdnager Except where otherwise indicated, details and application forms ot main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices. ee woo ® o8 SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you hove not received your Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between 7 ~7:30 p.m. Only" "My Holiday REMODELLING Is Done Too!" CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS ! OAK HARDWOOD Flooring SHORTS per th. $125 POPLAR 4' x 4 x 4" PLYWOOD sheet 1.25 APPLE play at friendly OSHAWA, KING at WILSO @ PRICES EFFECTIVE TO 6 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 @ Pkg. Special! LYON'S ECONOMY TEA BAGS Special! piLLSBURY CAKE MIX Special! KOUNTY KIST GREEN BEANS Special! NATWELL HOUSE COFFEE Special! GERBERS or HEINZ BABY FOODS See them on dis your POWER- PRICES ARE LOWER! Oshawa housewives are fast learn ing that the Power slogan 'MORE POWER TO YOUR DOLLAR' is more than a good sounding slogan, it's a fact. If you are not a Powel shopper now, we urge you to ghed Power prices ond quality 4 « * HIGHWAY SODAY.! NO. 2 "Special! 200's Regular or 300s Chubby OAD q Limit 4 fo a Customer -~ 3 Special! BRIGHT'S JUICE 2 PKG. OF 100 [4] BET 10 [ol F:N [ec] Mu J 13 or CHOCOLATE 15-0Z. TIN LENS) or JUNIOR BONUS GIFTS... Towels ® Cutlery ® Cookware eo SILHOUETTE PICTURES o DINNERWARE DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE--25¢

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