Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1958, p. 12

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THE OSHAW » : Isfle to Britain om a monthly] ROLDUP MEN AID VICTIM .L A IMB, Mander, bar ), 1998 Blaze Leaves | 60 US. Thors basis, according to an RAF an.| ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--Tws | 9 . nouncement, | holdup men paused in the middle Famil Given To RAF | Britain plans to use the Thor, of the crime Friday to adminis S Y which has a range of 1,500 miles, (or medicine to their victim, Ray y . LONDON (AP)--The Royal Air until home production of similar- Boch, 57, who suffered a mild o Without Home Force reports it expects to be range missles gets under way heart attack. Theh the men fled 7 100 $33 3; 0M operating 60 U.S. medium range on a large scale with about 4,000 in cash and TORONTO Yeu Ye - oh pH 10 , Uk Fog 2 oe +H Pras Ppr 90 850 850 850 +28 STRATFORD (CP)--A family Thor missiles in Britain by the Transfer of Thor missiles to jewelry, police reported. Bloch, ; of six was left homeless Sunday end of December the RAF is expected to continue owner of a coal and coke come oodw " C) 5 5 y 275 $64% 64 64 + TORONTO 11 AM. . Woodward A 100 $18% 18% 18% Lake Cin 400 115 115 118 Gen Dynam STOCKS Curb Lorado 1000 38 38 38 GL Paper 350 $38 37% 3744 -- By The Canadian Press : © Paper 80 $424 42% 42% Lyndhst 30000 21% 2 2K + W Home Oil B 215 $17% 17% Toronto Stock Exchange--Dee. 1 Lob Ine 80 $130% 139% 139% Macdon 1000 25 H Smith 3 mas presents, was destroyed by ------ (Quotations in cents unless marked 8 Magnet 1 +H Hud Bay fire. | Odd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex. " Maralgo William Mohr, of nearby New| rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Oils Hamburg, Nort Easitons Town- Ind Acce ship Reeve, an is wife were Industrials A= 1a45s xo Va V 4000 I Ace wo doing morning chores when their chor New Hosco Int Nickel " {eldest son, John, 11, in pyjamas Jule 14 oi Nor ama i 5.1 11 fue BL pr 2100 12 |and barefoot, ran to tell his Stock Sales High Low 11 a. ; Pritaita 280 ; Noranda 5 - % Laban a $291 29% parents that the house in which Acad Atl 25 $20 2 Cdn Atl ON 30 : Puaje ME Me Fer pr 250 $1051 108 his three younger brothers were Alta Gas 250 $20% 20% C Chieftn 200 Borpms : Mols A new =25 $2 Z 2 still sleeping, was on fire. Algoma 413 $338 33% C Fx Gas 250 226 N Kana 5 + Mois B Jew 0 2 Mr. Mohr rescued David, 8, i TO 160 3 & fn or 10800 60 87 -- bY Not Car 100 $234 24 who was sitting on an upstairs Arcan 2200 110 105 103 C Husky wis 210 700 700 Paymast 20 20 +1 Noranda 5 $52 52% {window sill ready to jump. Two Argus 240 pr 25 6 Cin W O 800 Perron Pac Pete 3m 1s other sons, Roger, 6, and Irwin, Pick Crow 500 86 86 86 Penmans $33 3 4, got out safely. Argus 250 pr 75 C West Pete ' Pioneer powell R $38 38 i Atlas Steel 425 00 -3 Po 600 Pow Corp $64 64 Cause of the blaze is unknown Bank Mont 159 $53% : 3 5 3 -- s Bank NS 211 2 72 , : Pros Air " Price Br 50 M47 47 No estimate of damage was Bell Phone 389 5 Que Ascot 3 3 3 - Que N Gas 213 i] Hn available. Bowater 220 6 6 Home Ol A 15 od, Que. POW an a oh Brazil 243 } . Midcon 600 66 66 - ! = J kT 100 $74% Te Th Br Tnk 230 2114 N Chamb 1 : S000 nn 100 $179 17% . BA Oil xd 260 $39% 39% N Cont - . 2000 3 In No Devaluation BCE 4% pr 220 $43% 43% N Superior 3 3 & 9 8 4 $99 0 9 BCE 4% pr 25 $91 91 Nosthcal 3500 3 29 Sua 8 h StL Cora) $15% 15% . BC Forest 275 $13% 13% Okalta 100 1 3 alada § 3. 183 C d D 11 BC Pow 345 $361 364 Pac Pete 1200 $173 -3 i gy 1200 24% 2% Shawin e £20 3 pd anadlian voilliar y 300 152 58 58 ta 5 aw 3 ; ome, Blue ih Pemo or. oe ; Stanigh wis 140 42 Q Sicks 125 $31% 31% OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern Can Cem-pr 25 $20 29 Provo Gas 100 305 3 : +3 Steep R 377 Simpsons 30 saan io] d iment has no intention of inter-| Can Term 0.458 38 Range; 100318 5: ol Siivanite 0-107 io ib ee om rts 125 360 © 360 |fering with the freedom of the an Derm | BD 3 Ne : s 175 360 C hailk Lom 102 Janu 50M , Rienull i 9 : Temag 3 Tr Can PL 125 $27% 2 |Canadian dollar, a finance oe Cdn Celan 200 $i8% 18% 18% + Sapphire Tribag 1 3 Yak gw 430 Lg Honig pastment spokesman said Friday. C Chem 710 S84 8% Scurry 50 18: Y Asbestos ili Zellers pr Rumors that the dollar might/ C Collieries 100 450 450 South 39 39 . C Colli pr 300 70 70 Spooner 1 Vandoo - . be devalued were unofficially re- Dredge 2100 $24 24 Stanwell Ventures Canadian ported to be circulating in some oF Violam . {PO > ; : {overseas centres, including the 210 $17% 17% Tidal 3 Ci Willroy 1500 Cdn Oil yO S77 BW Trans Can Willey 40 brie ioe . fe CP 375 $2014 29! y Triad OAl 3: ; 8 " 500 44 4 on Gas 292 brit na 4 Un Oils 1 18 Y lores jon : 7 Ang Nfld r125 36% 6h | The spokesman said he wants Crow's N 500 $1414 144 ; W Dec wis 1 Yk Bear 300 89 C Dom Sug 25 $26 26 to emphasize most clearly that Dist Seag 55 $324 32% Young HG 35 C Marconi 30 485 475 5 +8 | n D Bridge 100 $2 Bn 2 Zenmae 1000 C Paper 379 sau' 424 the government has no intention D Fndry 230 339% 39 H Zuapa 6300 » Horner A 0 $18 1 of devaluing the dollar and never Dom Sorw Ho ibis 14% Bales to 11 am.: 520,000. Joy Fond : a had any such intention. The dol- 2 55 : lar was set free from government 5 Eady A Bs > Advocas N $: 28 28 control eight years ago. Ford A 25 $1044 10434 Agnico 2720 Gatineau 50 $38% 3 Akaitcho 2000 4 2 MONTREAL v oY | B. C. Butler, Canadian com- Q Dev sani 5 $63 : Alia Expl ow NR, 148 Reitmans $224 22% 4 |mercial counsellor at The Hague, Hees 200 Ang Rouyn 2000 28 28 MONTREAL 11:30 AM. STOCKS Russell i 3 1 has reported that occasional ru- Be g and hg pu aeseresy BBL EE meme ene MEN WHO MUST GET H Smith 37 Atlin Rut 1000 7 Un Gas : 5 Ind Accep 38 'Ya Auno! 300 Montreal Stock Exchange---Dec 1 valued has caused some Dutch (Quotations In cents unless marked 8. investors to hesitate in placing I Ac wis 33 Boney Metals ti 9 . E : § 2 y Inglis 450 450 Bask 5 : 2-0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- orders for Canadian stocks. STA RT EE D ls © i Y Oo N | { ¢ Inland on pr on 3 34 33 rights, xw--Ex-warrants,) Inter PL 370 $464 46 " -- WH J) El 9 +3 Agustas when their brick farm home and The U.S. Air Force has been at least through the first three pany, credited the robbers with {contents, including some Christ- delivering the Thor ballistic mis- months of the new year. possibly saving his life. S-- 13% S---- FE ----------------------------t-- : gn . : ; : Kely DA is ith ou 8 an 1 $4 Ind it ials Alscove 00 ay A a Fire Destro gs | A few years ago only Mounties and An Exide Battery is more powerful . [ ustrials, Bellechas Eskimos made the Timberline in than a team of Huskies. 70 years of " + 3 a ; : : : : Bo Sis i+ 2 M 3 11:30 Net Poeun \ S Winter. Today in the Northland's vast, continuous researchinall climates have i 3 3 1 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch' : 5 2% 2 | t i i ' H : i ' MacMiu 3 ; o th We ar tp : : ore, riome ore rich country, men live and work gone into making an Exide the most Abitibi pr 3 . id 250 " " | TECUMS Ont. (C -F : . A ibs MeColl Colaghim Alsoma 1040 i ; Pi-Tire huskies as the means of transportation ~~ men possibly trust their lives to an Mont Loco 100 1 C Bellekeno 2000 14 13% 13 Argus 60 . 21% 27% 4 94 94 and an adjoining home in this and Exide Batteries have replaced the Exide, what better recommendation NO NGas 100 $13% 13% 134 -- % C Discovery 1200 3 3 Asbestos 5 $36 36 36% i e 8 x 100 $8% 8% 8% C Halliwell 3000 Atlas Steel $2 ¥ 5 9 3 causing damage estimated at 35 $38 38 38 Con M.S 220 y 4 21 Banque PC : 4 399 94 Due, ] Po ity Mp Ho wb WO C Morison 1000 : Bel Hone p ling ? - families homeless Daerin "0 C . N Santi 500 StL. Com A i od p40) : 05 3 Santiago Sor were a family living upstairs in| Salada-8 29% 29% Dome b 16 ; 161 " p 3 33 3 k Obalski 0 2 b 13 . rp Y ™ " Salada$ B 40 $5214 S524 52% -- Wb Donalda 1 1 ; : Okalta 500 1 2 Mr. Parent said the fire was 1 5 mis! 5 apparently started by a hot plate 350 315 315 3S 8 Abitibi 370 ' the year 'round. Motors have replaced dependable battery on earth! When McColl Coldstrm 3 35 3 Alumin 555 308 30% + Fh ) J Saturday ni : destroyed a store 3 7 Cc i 450 11 11 y 55 61% ? 1c 5 $27 1 ] 4 , i ; Moore Deatson Argus $30 pr 1 ; 8 south-eastern suburb of Windsor, whip that furnished the starting power. could you have? Buy a an Exide today. 25 $32 3% 3% + W Con Howey 500 328 5 Bank Mont 200 5 3 g : op 49 = nearly $30,000. and leaving two Pres Elect 1500 185 163 165 Con Negus 5000 1 Bow Cbr.5pe 2° a 2000 3 L The fire destroyed the Shaw nee | ) 12 Con Sud 2600 S 5 Bowat Paper 1 5 5 5 Kon 3000 - ¢ Conwest 600 Brazil by L Too. 3 Mahet 2 he, dome oo : y 1 bl 100 Coprand 9 195 7 - BA Oil xd 3 3 3 : 100 ¢ f f Y ar . | ' Croinor 10 1 10 BC Forest 1 : ' 1id Chit 3000 3 has a wife and daughter. | WHEN IT S AN YOU START 1 Crowpat 1 Power 3 Y 2 3 2000 Also left homeless by the blaze | D'Aragon | St. Maurice Deer Horn N W Amulet 500 the Parent house 40! Shawin 20 $32% 32% 32% -- WU Elder 3 7 Can Malt pr Sicks 55 $3ita 31k NY -- WY El Sol 50 3 114 + Bnk Com 59 58% 1 2 3 left on by accident Eureka 1 ha > 35 a + ¢ a t 3 No one was injured in the fire, Falcon 3 \ which provincial police estimated ' Francr : 100 $17% 1 17% "+ 3 a aobalt 3 - 5 1 Frobisher 7 7 7 +8 J 5 ] ' y Que Smelt 2 did close to $30,000 damage. 5 u ee om B : re : SE ge I d_close age. SERVICE STATI Grandroy 1 2 va + 18 14 94 a, - Ya Sherritt 1 2 s randuc 145 4 145 + ~ksht $ 3 3 + teen 5 ! y 3 | y 50 $524 52% Granduc 4 Cockshutt Steep R 5h 1 HONORED CLERIC J LJ 190 365 360 5 Greyhk 17 7 1 Cocm Ent 225 a 114 14 Tazin 5 2 | 225 $4214 4214 42% -- 4 Gunnar 7 Con M § ' % Tib Expl 00 $2 ¥ i | Settled in 1903, Lloydminster in 590 $27% 21% 27% -- W Gunnar wis 53 755 735 Con Textile 17 50 25 Titan : 7 Lc visa Trad 67 KING WEST RA 3.7822 Trans-Mt N 3135 $11 1 11 Gwillim : 1 1 Corby A D 1914 19% U. Asbestos : ' : Saskatchewan was named after Trans PPL 2 nn 2 Heath Dist Seag : : : Ventures 2 Rev. George Lloyd, colonists Un Gas 100 $16 Hoyle 00 395 3 1 D Bridge Li % i chaplain and later bishop. U Fuel A xd 25 $57 Lid Hud Bay 75 yf 59 D Fndry 7 3 39 Sales to 11:30 a.m.: Industrials, 27,700, iba air aa------a---- Viceroy A 200 io 14 Int Ran N 26 3 Dom Stores 9 mines and oils, 103,300. Viceroy B 1000 200 200 ~35 Irish Cop 220 220 Dom Tar 55 $1414 Walk GW 345 Fe 13% i " Jellicoe 600 15° 15 15 Donohue $154 6 ; Weston A 0 Mn Kerr Add 300 -$19% 19% 19% Dupuis Fr A 225 87% ( 74 TIME 11:33 am. EST 'BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Industrials Recover Man Never Stands So Tall From Earlier Beating Lao, esses AG When He Industrials came close to tak-| For the first time in a month ing one of their worst shellack- the swing was forward. ings in a couple of years on Ca-| Western oils also benefitted. nadian stock markets last week; But federal cabinet chipped in of Jeanaged Hose er : with a couple of favorable deci Stoo S to Hel a Ch small gain thanks to a number sions on freight and telephone in- of optimistic news. items. creases and CPR and Bell stocks Toronto, following hard on the responded favorably. heels of New York, tumbled 9.18) cae and base metals ol i points Monday, paused to take the week with one point } stock Tuesday then climbed back on index at Toronto. Neither sec- y fone, Point index gain on the tion was heavily traded. The Oshawa Retarded Children's vg bullish item was a state Uratiume' came in for some foll i nest by Artin Sin, meer Join olowing Su anionswenient Association has already accomplished of Parliament for Calgary South, |or0v Commission that it will a great deal to help mentally reiarded who said in an interview the goV- jimit the amount of uranium it > ernment has no intention of im- intake from U.S. producers af- children, but much more can be done plementing all recommendations tar 1962. : 25s in tha fut of the Borden commission's re- The three top uranium issues n e tuture. port on energy resources at Toronto all lost ground. While the statement was ot 3%) Index changes at Toronto: In- ' Is anyone in greater need of con- announcement of government po! dustrials up 1.15 to 509 60; golds o : h " h " icy, the fact it was made by Mr. oer 116 to 84.11: base metals off sideration than "the least of these", Smith, chairman of the govern- 0: wi " : i 2 . : : ve Commitee on ll 0 178:10: westers oils up. 9 4 whose mind, their most essential asset, ; was hailed by market jndey "changes at Montreal: sing NA 4 has been impaired? Any family may observers Banks off .12 to 58.60; utilities off AER La " : GAS, OILS ADVANCE 1.5 to 149.3; industrials off .3 to : X be stricken and latest figures reveal Gas and oil issues in general 294.9; combined off .7 to 246.4; 3 : . and pipelines in particular, papers new off 2.6 to.456; papers . " that 30 children out of every 1,000 scored their best advance since old off 3.14 to 1,397.37; golds off 4 3 9 i the release of the Borden report .6 to 82.02 g in an average community are mentally sent all stocks even remotely con y Rs 1 retarded due to more than 70 known CONSUL NABS THIEF GETTING UP NIGHTS Tai i i causes, KOBE, Japan (AP)--U.S. Con- i. ¢ 43 sul George O. Kephart cornered po ot Satrache, FT 3 Please consider it a privilege--an Hu ; and captured a would - be thief : . who entered his home' early to- opportunity to give thanks to God that day. Kephart was awakened by a , #iny ; noise about 2 a.m. He grabbed a back prove hm lon O78 Don't suiler fs bunting gun, located the intruder another day without asking Your drug. : / a helping hand to these youngsters. 3 and forced him into a corner ; oO on to your 1 e nsurance too You can do this by giving generously, giving from the heart, giving because ce with both hands you really care what happens to these your children are normal--to extend children. Please don't let a retarded Your life insurance policy is very valuable propert child become a discarded child. ur policy y property ® because if anything happens to you, your dependents will receive not merely what you savedy but all the money that you planned for their benefit... either in cash or as an income. ® because, in policies having guaranteed cash values, your savings are protected against casual spending, yet are always there to use in a financial emergency. ® because the payment of every dollar that your policies promise you at retirement is also guaranteed. ANY BANK IN THE CITY OF 0S HAWA Guaranteed family security and guaranteed savings make life insurance the number one gilt- edged investment for over 774 million Canadians. Paten ted 9. Sole" Socks Addressed to the: This valuable property is worth holding on to with both hands. The sole is knitted in two layers, the inner layer re ot yok a BULoie fukn THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA side o h a ric, No Xtra lk or weight. You have THE RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION OF OSHAWA to wear Penmans 2-Sole Socks to believe the difference! amazing sock comfort Please give when the volunteer canvasser calls or if you wish SORT mail or drop your contribution into

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