Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Nov 1958, p. 8

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APPLE ORCHARD + Even if you can't build your dream house, you can easily precious stamp of your individ- uality. This pattern gathers to- gether a rug, 25 inches in dia- meter, the stool covers and thes pot holders. The crochet in- structions can be obtained sim- personalize your present sur- roundings with charming cro- cheted accessories. Each piece you make or decorate bears the Women; Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 8 Tiaras, Coronets and Diadems Bread And Butter To Miss Willis By SYLVIA HACK [pounds of rare gems, also copes Canadian Press Staff Writer |with insurance valuation and pro- LONDON (CP) Fitting ti- bate and spends time testing the aras on royalty and diamond pen- | authenticity of stones. dants on ambassadors wives is| One of the few women to pos- only part of the job for Lena Wil- sess a diploma in gemology, the lis, a director of an 'exclusive study of the science of pms, London jewelry shop. Miss Willis says: "Synthetic Miss Willis, who in the course stones are so well made nowa- of her day handles thousands of days, it becomes increasingly dif- Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 29, 1958 'THE STARS SAY Miss Willis, 45, is the first wo- man to become a director in the |false. We have to use special in- |struments for the job." By ESTRELLITA century - old Hancocks Jewelry FOR THE BIRTHDAY Company, a firm that has served 'Even though this will be a Sun- every crowned head of Eu- day, you may not find as much rope and still numbers royalty pleasure in group activities as and aristocracy among its clients. you usually do. Look, instead, for| The company, the first and only contentment and relaxation jewelers to make the Victoria | Sunshine Group (Simcoe Street) ' Elects Officers | The regular meeting of the Sunshine Group of the WA of Simcoe Street United Church was held on Monday evening, Novem- ber 24, in the church parlors, with the president, Mrs. Roy Bunter presided. She thanked the members for helping to make the Christmas pot luck dinner, which they had prior to the meet- ing such a success. , The devotional was conducted by Mrs. George Pearce, and Mrs. Jack Murdoch read the scripture lesson. Mrs. William Hamley, chair- {man of the nominating commit. |tee, gave the report on the new {officers for next year, as follows: Past president, Mrs. Roy Bunt- er; president, Mrs. Stanly Sar- geant; vice - president, Mrs, Jelle Bakker; secretary, Mrs. P. N. Perry; treasurer, Mrs. William Foreman; group leaders, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Clayton Hews er, and Mrs. Hugh McLeod. Rev. J. K. Moffat conducted the in- stallation of officers. Miss Margaret Haines intro- |duced the guest speaker, the| Reverend S. C. H. Atkinson, who| |gave a very humorous account| of the arts of opera, On behalf of| the gruop, Mrs. Wilbert Sheffield , thanked the speaker. ply by sending a stamped, self- | addressed envelope plus 10 cent | for handling to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, re- questing APPLE ORCHARD, Leaflet No. C-S-871. ' Music Teachers | Hold Meeting The November meeting of the | Oshawa and district branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teach- ers' Association was held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Parrott, |Mary street. Mrs. J. H. Kerr presided, and in the absence of Mrs, A. L. Gunn, the secretary's report was read by Mrs. J. H. Wilkins. Plans were discussed for a |special speaker' from the Toron- to Conservatory for the Febru- ary meeting. Mrs. G. T. Baker sang two solos "With Verdure Clad" from the Creation by Haydn and '"The| Laughing Song" from The Bat| by Strauss. Mrs. Baker was ac-| companied at the piano by Mrs. G. R. Booth. | The program was in the charge| Mrs. V. P. Stouffer Mr. Roy Cornish, principal of] Port Perry public school, who illustrated by pictures, all taken| within a radius of 50 miles from| here, that our own district has| many beauty spots to photo-| graph. The pictures included scenic views, and wild life. His] interesting commentary added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. | Refreshments were served Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. and Mrs, F. McClintock. introduced b; Stouffer through such quiet pursuits as Cross since its inception in 1857, ° reading, music, enjoying a hobby. specializes in Edwardian and Vic- FOR THE BIRTHDAY torian jewelry and in antique If tomorrow is your birthday, silver. your horoscope indicates that, in Occasionally, Miss Willis trav- |: job and financial matters, you will els considerable distances to dis-| | have fine planetary help begin- cuss transactions of silver plate; * ning with mid-December, so try which has to take advantage of this excel- through the ages. lent situation. New ideas, backed "It sometimes seems very sad been handed down ' up by sound efforts, should yield when these historic families have} gratifying results -- If you put to part with things their forbears forth your very best efforts andyged." | use good common sense where Mids Willis, who has grey hair, your pocketbook is concerned. |plue eyes and a gentle manner, | Domestic matters, romance first became interested in pre-| and creative work, will be under cious stone in her teens, when generally good aspects during she worked as a secretary in a most of 1959, but be alert to a jewelry store possible period of stress late in|" «yre" mind kept wandering to March and - or early in April. (10 merchandise and when I was Look for great happiness through osrered the chance to learn the social contacts between June and , ici. cide I was happy to do September. " "A child born on this day will be endowed with unusual tenacity of purpose and will have a great love of the outdoors and animals; could pursue a profitable career int hese fields. THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW You can make Monday a truly fine day by planning smartly. Keep your most worthwhile goals $0. CAREER HIGHLIGHT She recalls the gold rush of 1931 as one of the highlights of her career. "It was the busiest time of my life. In response to the excheq- uer's appeal for people to sell their gold to replenish the gov- ernment's reserves, they actually| in mind and pursue them with enthusiasm. You can accomplish big things now. If Monday is your birthday, you should find the current month marked by excellent op- portunities to improve your job and financial status. December is queued up with hoards of it out- side the shop, I spent weeks test- ing and pricing it." Miss Willis, who has held her present job since 1945, became a director in 1950. Apart from ar-| tistic ability and judgment, a good knowledge of mathematics truly the Sagittarian's month, and is necessary too, she says. this year it's an exceptionally "I have my eyes tested regu- good one. Be alert, therefore, and larly. Accuracy of vision and un- put forth your best efforts, since biased judgment are 'musts' in your achievements between now this profession, as it is possible and the end of 1958 will greatly for a one-carat diamond to vary influence your progress in 1959-- from £20 to £200 with only eye- a star-studded progress if your judgment and maybe an ordinary co-operate. magnifying lens to support one's There is a possibility that you knowledge." will travel in the middle of next year, and the trip, whether taken for business or pleasure, should prove highly stimulating. Domestic, social and sentimental| matterss hould prosper for most of the next twelve months and, for those engaged in the law or diplomatic work, new and orig- WIFE PRESERVERS New idea in window shades is an indoor cloth shutter. The pan-| els can be attached to each other, making them adaptable to many window sizes and decor ideas. DINNER SPEAKER Music plays a major role in the celebration of Christmas and the University Women's Club is fortunate to have as the speaker at their Christmas din- ner next Thursday, Dr. Ettore Mazzoleni, principal of the School of Music of the Royal Conservatory, Toronto, A bril- liant and progressive leader in his field, his wit and wisdom promises to make this annual event a delightful one. RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG ond Carpet Sales 174 Mary RA 5.0433 inal ideas could prove highly beneficial to the world at large| duri he coming y NS bo Yor day il NR PROMPT be endowed with tremendous \ _ PRESCRIPTION will power and the persistence 3 SERVICE \ and determination needed to N achieve all worthwhile goals N "There's No Substitute for Experience' ChEANIT SERVICE DRY CLEANING OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5.3555 MO 8.4922 CAMERAS - COSMETICS Shirt Lounderers Moth & Burn Holes Rewoven STORAGE 8 KING ST. E. PHONE RA 3-2245 Rexall [ITTH PROMPT FREE DELIVERY (NTITY STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m. to'9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Tp.m.to6p.m. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA5-3546 Refreshments were served by {Mrs. Elmer Middleton's group. | CLUB CALENDAR [MONDAY | Mary St. H-S Assn. Albert St. H-S Assn. Westmount H-S Assn. Women's Welfare League Gertrude Colpus H-§ Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah Lodge TUESDAY Knox Presbyterian WA | Dr. C. F. Cannon H-S | TOPS Club SA Home League Queen Elizabeth H-S Christ Church WA WCTU Kinette Club Ever-Ready Class Centre St. (West Group) St. George's Guild Alice Jackson Aux. 9th Scout Mothers' Aux. Victoria Lodge, LTB 11th Group Committee Daughters of England Holy Cross WA Onward Group 15th Scout Mothers' Aux. of the Port Perry members, and] WEDNESDAY SA Prayer Meeting Northminster WA Queen Mary Lodge All Doubles Club Rundle Park Aux, 3rd Scout Mothers' Aux. Women Teachers' Assn. Harmony WA 10th Group Committee 2nd Group Committee Albert Street WMS CP and T Fund Y THURSDAY 50-50 Club 12th Scout Mothers' Aux. TOPS Club Pilot Club Sunbeam Chapter, OES St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS. Simcoe Street WMS St. George's Aft. WA Challenger Group King Street WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild FRIDAY Christ Church Aft. Aux. Simcoe Street WA (Grp. 3) Superfluous Hair Permanently Re- moved by Electro- lysis and the new- est, fastest, elec- tronic short - wave diathermy, reveal- ing your true self, free from worry and embarrass t. FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genoshe Hotel, December 2-3. RA 3-4641 Phone for appointment on those Litttle items of social news are always welcome in this column. P 1 R S 0 N A L S |1f you are enjoying the company ' The French Conversation in the parish hall at Christ Mem. of visitors or have been visiting Group of the Lyceum Club met orial Church on Wednesday, De-|yourself, why not telephone RA at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cember 3, under the auspices of|3-3474 and share your pleasure BRD Ve x the combined women's groups. with others. Maher, vice-principal of Oshawa Collegiate, directed a lively pro- gram in which the Franco-philes participated. Prior to her marriage, Mrs, Charles Robert Powers, the for-| mer Miss Barbara Ann Mattice, was honored at several parties. | Miss Lillian Martin entertained at a linen shower at her home on Gibbons street. Assisting in| serving were Mrs, Clifford Trick and Mrs. Robert Oakes. Mrs. Ronald McNaught was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at her home, Cadillac avenue south, Mrs. W. Spencer and Mrs. K. Mason served. Mrs. Robert Mar- tin, Farewell St., entertained at a miscellaneous shower when many of the guests were fellow- employes of the bride in General Motors. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Donald Gibson and Mrs. J. Van De Walker. A miscellaneous shower was held at the Gospel Hall, Nassau street, when Mrs. R, B, Brown, Mrs. Ray Fice and | Mrs... Herman Fice served. Mrs. Mrs. Powers was also presented with table lamps, a woollen blan. | | ket and several pieces of crystal from the Sales Department, Gen- |eral Motors. Mr. James Myles, College av- enue, left on Thursday night for a four-month trip to Scotland, where he will visit friends and {relations in Greenock, Stirling, < ...at KARN'S FREE 50x 50 - PROJECTION SCREEN with ten-year guarantee - 28.95 WHEN YOU PURCHASE KODAK'S Sensational automatic calvacade SLIDE Li : Lochee-Dundee and Angus. While | in Lochee-Dundee he will stay NEWLYWEDS | with in-laws, Mr. and, Mrs. Frank| Ransay. Pictured after their wedding | is He daughter 2 Mr. 2nd Mus. Miss Bayla Rubin of New York at Albert Street United Church | Fred Bolhuis and the bride- |, 4g ceat0 ic visiting h groom 1s. the son of Mr. and and Buffalo is visiting her uncle are Mr. and .Mrs. Wayne Ken- : +o Y «1 won. (and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hor- | . . Mrs. George Meredith McMil- wich, Aberdeen street neth McMillan. The bride, the | jan all of Oshawa. » een street. former Miss Irene - Bolhuis, --Photo by Hornsby studio | Mrs. Michael Starr will open [the bazaar and tea to be held New Cleaning Products Simplify Household Tasks By ELEANOR ROSS By cleverly cutting corners, many a household chore can be come a pleasant and rewarding experience. And household chores loom large now, as the holiday season approaches. ) lone corner and roll the applicator /back and forth in overlapping | strokes. It is best to begin this task by| Suppose you decide to start starting at the corner farthest with the rug in the children's from the door and finishing at bedroom. the corner nearest the exit. In Move all the furniture off the this way, you will avoid stepping rug first thing. Then, with the on any damp surface to get out children at school, get busy. of the room. Vacuum the rug to remove all Use a maximum of foam and loose dirt. Assemble a pail, one of @ minimum of liquid for the best PROJECTOR 184.50 COMPLETE (@AWERIAYS 28 KING ST. E. RA 3-4621 There's that living room rug, the pew rug cleaners and an ap- results. | for instance. We've put off clean- plicator. -- ing it, yet the job must be done. rortunately, new products and new methods will help to make the task really simple. Just a little planning can result in beautiful-looking, spotlessly clean 9 x 12-ft. rug in a half-hour ses- sion How can. this profitable task? Well, just as industrial experts plan time and labor-saving meth- you ran do this in your own home. Don't try to clean all your rugs in one day, for example. Not SAFE 'TO USE The new soapless cleansers, to- gether with a most efficient, easy-to-use and inexpensive ap- plicator, makes rug cleaning easy. The cleaner, the manufac- turers stress, is both nontoxic and non - inflammable, which makes for safety in home use. The applicator has a convenient long handle and its base is equipped with 'a foam rubber roller with brisk bristle brushes on either side. The entire unit be a pleasant, ods, PRICES ARE LOWER! Oshawa housewives are fast learn ing that the Power slogan 'MORE POWER TO YOUR DOLLAR' is more than a good sounding slogan, it's a fact. If you are not a Power... only would this give you a monct onous day, but it would leave you with a number .of damp surfaces and impede the functioning of the household. will fit into any standard pail. Use one part cleaning fluid to shopper now, we urge you to check 12 parts of water. Dunk the ap- plicator tip and down gently and] go to work on the rug. Start at HIGHWAY NO. 2 KING at WILSO Power TODAY. prices and quality , « « --r » || Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 dates. @ PRICES EFFECTIVE TO 6 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 Special! 200's Regular or 300's Chubby KLEENEX | Limit 4 to Custd Pkg. mer APPLE JUICE 2 Special! LYON'S ECONOMY plese) LL 25 E VELEIGH CLEANERS & OSHAWA LAUNDRY TEA BAGS PKG. (0128 vo} 6) WV eririep sanimone ory cleaning EB xceus au others I AunDERERS IN OSHAWA THIRTY YEARS E VERYTHING LAUNDERED | B rowviouaty waskeo G UARANTEED QUALITY Hl ouseroro ano personar & URELY THE FINEST SERVICE AVAILABLE 50 MILL ST. RA 3-4631 Special! piLLSBURY CAKE MIX Special! KOUNTY KIST GREEN BEANS Special! MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Special! GERBERS or HEINZ BABY FOODS See them on dis- ploy at your friendly POWER- OSHAWA, ORANGE, PINE LI, [elelo] DY | 3 EY 1! 15-0Z. TIN STRAINED or JUNIOR BONUS GIFTS... Towels ® Cutlery ® Cookware eo SILHOUETTE PICTURES o DINNERWAR DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE--2S¢

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