Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Nov 1958, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 29, 1958 chalrman of the committee of the Home for the Aged because -I ST. ANDREWS BALL H The annual 8t, Andrews Ball," held in the Picadilly Room of | Hotel Genosha Friday night, was a most successful event despite most inclement weath- er conditions, A large number square dances. Caught by the camera during the evening, IGHLY SUCCESSFUL EVENT of residents of Oshawa and dis- | trict attended to take part in | the traditional Grand Mareh | want some place to go when I get too old to work. I also worked with Mrs. Thomas.on the jail committee, but I don't want to go there." FIRST FORUM The first Open Forum staged here after the Second World War was arranged by Alderman Hay- ward Murdoch in 1948 when he was president of the local Jays cees. The show has been an an- nual event since that time. LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD DEPT. Shirley Harmer of Thornton's Corners has learned one impor- tant lesson since going to Holly- wood: , It's nice to have a seven-year film contract, with a substantial weekly pay cheque, but there's a catch to this -- she is restricted in her TV work and ti GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN Oshawa's newest municipal baby--the 1959- 60 City Council -- will arrive in this world late Monday night. Its arrival promises to be a dull and drab af- fair and is certainly unlikely to set off any pan- demonium or hilarious celebrations. The plain, unvarnished truth is that Oshawa people are not too concerned about the incoming Council, or the civic elections. There is not much chance for any major changes in Council; the new candidates total only Rooke, a 15-year veteran of the|store at high noon Monday whea Oshawa force, who took a course/the following Oshawa lawyers titled "Technique of Instructors." assembled for. an unscheduled This course has to do with the visit John Cameron, John various methods of preparing les- Regan, Terrence V. Kelly and sons for firemen and aims Jt Jonn Regan? making the students better teach- a ers I they return' to their{17 CANDIDATES : fire halls. The course is conduct-| There will be 17 candidates, for ed by the Ontario Fire Marshal's|12 seats on the Oshawa Separate office for firemen of various School Board next Monday, an ranks, including district and dep-|2!l-time high mark which reflects uty chiefs and full - time instruc-/two things: tors. The growth of Oshawa's popu- Capt. Rooke obtained a mark lation, especially her SS popula- of 91.3 pér cent. |tion. | This year will mark the first REFRIGERATION WORLD time the 12 SS seats seats are for Michael Rudka, of 654 King'a wo - year period. ! street east, was recenly re-elect.| There are currently 1988 Sepa- ed a director of the Refrigeration|rate School students attending sik Service Engineers Society at the|schools in Oshawa; three of these 21st annual convention in Colum-|schools were built in the past bus, Ohio. three years. The term is for two years and Last year the Separate School Mr. Rudka is one of two Cana- Board held its elections in con- dians elected director of the|junction with the municipal elec- the wait between pictures can be a lengthy. one. Shirley recently finished her (first picture (a non-singing role THE SAD TRUTH (an utterly fantastic claim, inci- as the pregnant wife of an out- That's the sad truth, It became dentally, and one unsupported by|lawed cowboy. Name of the pic. painfully obvious Monday when the records.) ture is "The Hangman" and the the Jaycees held their annual] Mayor Gifford opened oom tar is Robert Taylor but Shir- Twelve members of the out-|sistence of this department and| six and, with one exception, their experience is too shallow, Open Forum. tee room doors only at the in-|ley has only a secondary role.) What 'irks Shirley no end is going Council, all seeking re- with the stipulation thatthe press| 5 election, were there. Six new would be admitted only when the fn' She has Nad SVU wenih candidates were there. So were| committee chairman agreed. 10,000 - Member RSES wid is|tion for the first time. the largest society in the refriger-| ation industry. The convention|INAUGURAL MEETING lasted six days. Four hundred] The inaugural meeting of the delegates from U.S. and Cana- Oshawa chapter of the Society dian points attended; there areof Industrial Cost Accountants 1000 members in Canada. Jo yi held n the Hotel Genosha |Dec. 2. The chapter was organ THE LEGAL WORLD |ized by Douglas Reid of Dunlop What knotty legal problems (Canada) Ltd. of Whitby and a were being untangled at the group of cost accountants from lunch counter in Karn's drug-'this district, lis only allowed two TV app six spectators, including relatives| The co-operation has been good ances in the U.S. annually, but ; |of some. candidates. {since that time, but let's give It was not a pretty picture -- credit where credit is due. [fre Sau pake su vuliiiited Bum 4 COMING EVENTS those 18 candidates arranged so For instance, Alderman Cecil| neatly around the stage in that Bint was the first 1958 councillor on CBC yaiils hee for several as, MPP; J. MacGregor, past |beautiful auditorium are those to personally invite this depart-|® . president and Piper Ross Fin- rows and rows of empty seats. ment to a committee meeting --| -Shirley recently told Art Rush, back row, from left, are: Piper Guy Wilson, W. K. Dalgleish, chairman of the entertainment BROOKLIN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS and the program of round and | committee; James B. R~id, president of the St. Andrews Society of Oshawa; T. D, Thom- ley. Seated from left are: Mrs. Dalgleish, Mrs. Reid, A wit once said that City Coun- Home for the Aged -- and he was/her Hollywood agent: "Money fs Mrs. |cils are like children -- they need quickly supported by Alderman|d wonderful thing, but I am ac- Thomas and Mrs. MacGregor. [constant and careful supervision. Walker and Alderman Branch. --Oshawa Times Photo | The Wednesday program was Holstein Club Holds Successful Banquet The Ontario County Holsteinjat the Port Perry Black and Sub bed is Slval bane i White Show Sept. 1, and Jreenban n urch, . nesday, Nov. 27, with a splendid attendance, The highlight of the banquetithe winners. was a very interesting and Inspir-| 1 the 4-H Junior section, J. R. ing address by Wm. A. White, Helm, manager of the Port Perry personnel manager, John Inglis Branch of the Canadian Bank of Co., Scarboro. James T. Brown, Commerce, presented the show- Neweastie Dtaviasnt of the Hol: | manship trophy, donated by the stein I . |bank to Miss Elaine Medd, the Canada, spoke briefly on the1958 winner of the Port Perry work of the asociation during the calf Club. year. At the conclusion of his ; talk he presented Norman Hogg,| The Showmanship winner at Uxbridge, with a 40-year veteran| Sunderland Fair, Neil Raines, Holstelo Breeders pin. |was presented with a silver tray, Harold A, Werry, president of|also by J. R. Helm, in the ab- championship show at Peterbor- the Ontario County Holstein Club sence of Harold Jenkins, manager was in. the chair and welcomed 0f the Bank of Commerce, Sun- the guests and Holstein breeders|derland. . to the banquet, | The Dr. D. C. McMaster Spec- The many trophies won by On-|ial prizes were presented to John tario County Holsteln Breeders Leask, Elaine Medd and Carol music. |arranged and supervised by the ful to these aldermen for being The taxpayers should be grate-|it, | CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & TEA Masonic Hall, Brooklin Saturday, December 6 customed to work, and plenty of and this idleness Is killing." Rush, who is also agent for { NEXT MONDAY You Have a Vote ! Don't lose it! Use it! the County Herd Trophy won at the/the absence of Dr. McMaster. {ough Oct. 15, were presented to sentative, was in charge of the | vided by the Junior Farmer Mix-| Winds west to northwest 15 to 25. | Chas. Hadden expressed the Ontario regions, Windsor, |Jaycees, one of our most civic-/the first to open the doors, for|Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Is |minded groups, and no praise rendering an invaluable service, |hopeful MGM will cast Shirley in WEATHER |could be too great for their ef-| The freshman candidate refer- an early picture fort. It is only to be hoped that red to is John Wacko, a person- TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-|the air listeners outnumbered the|able fellow whose main pitch is(to get home to Oshawa at Christ- casts issued by the public|library audience. that Council needs more youth. [mas to visit her parents, Mr. weather office at 5 a.m.: | If there were more public-| This department will endorse/and Mrs. W. H. J. Harmer of Synopsis: The snowfall which spirited citizens like the Jaycees,/that argument with might and 493 Rossland west, reached depths of four to six|Monday's vote would be a whoop- main but apparently Mr. Wacko PAGING MR. GAY inches on Friday eased last even-|eroo. lis not too conversant with some A, ah | ing in Southern Ontario but snow-| The Open Forum oratory wasfof the pertinent facts of Osh. An amiable cigar and cigarette| [squalls along the lee of the lakes|anything but stirring. Mayor Gif-\awa's municipal world. (dgaler on King street west is will continue through today and ford, Aldermen Walker, Bint, If there is one thing the in.|0Pposed to a two-year term for Sunday, coming Counel does not need it City Counell on oaly Sue grou; .| s a new alderman to bolster the ans, e 8 WwW : lle alt We very Nu mayor's inner court guard. |wry smile, "that Aldermanic cover the entire province bring- 7! It needs such a man just about|Candidate Cephas Gay will only At the conclusion of the pre- ing the coldest weather this win-|} 'as much as Elizabeth Taylor be in here to buy cigars every sentation, Neil Raines, a member |ter, ' needs a new husband. |two years instead of every year, |of the Sunderland 4-H Dalry Calf| Regional forecasts valid until | THE NEW AREN as in the past. Cephas does give Club, expressed the appreciation midnight Sunday: i E RENA |our cigar business a boost at of the 4-H Club members to the| Lake Huron and southern Geor- |! Questions about the new arena election time, but I rarely see Ontario County Hol tein Club for|gian Bay regions, London: Cloudy | kept popping up at the Forum him in between votes. their assistance and co-operation with snowflurries and occasional|' with monotonous regularity and A JOB WELL DONE | with 4-H Club work. {snowsqualls today and Sunday. this time Mayor Gifford carried Ald John Brad th | Special entertainment was pro-| Turning colder Saturday night. the ball himself. Oa rman 4 ConBihid l His words were important in- asmuch as they represented his| Jeserved pat on the back recent- y. first public statement on the proj- That was when it was an- ect since the committee was ap- pointed six months ago. nounced in City Council that an His Worship especially resent- Oshawa fireman recently placed ed the implication -- made in seventh in a class of 29 in exam- inations after a two-week course "Good Evening" -- that he had 8 "taken the committees, placed jt the Fire College in Graven- hurst, Smith by Alvin Blades, assistant agricultural representative, in H. L. Fair, agricultural repre- | presentation of prizes. Lake Erie, Niagara and Lake | isor, Ham.| appreciation of the group to the|llton and Toronto: Mainly cloudy | } ladies for their very splendid | With a few snowflurries today | § banquet. W. Stone expressed ap-/and Sunday. Turning colder to-| | preciation to the speaker and to night. Winds west to northwest : the tette for thei ial 15 to 25 | 26. Juarieite 10 Rc apee 8) Haliburton, Northern Georgian Bay and Kirkland Lake regions, led Quartette. | | | OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF Police Probe 10 Accidents | sms misces Samana | The first heavy snowfall of the| Frances Abraham, 27, Westmor- winter brought a wave of traffic|land avenue, who died suddenly sccidents to Oshawa Friday, as Tuesday, Nov. 25, was held at motorists and police battled icy,/the McIntosh Funeral Chapel at slippery roads and bad visibility.|2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 27. Traffic slowed to a 'crawl.| Rev. R. B. Milroy, minister of Most of the accidents were min- Knox Presbyterian Church, con- or, as motorists cut their speed ducted the. services, Interment and fought to control their vehi- was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. cles on the treacherous roads. | The palbearers were John Weir, Most of the accidents vere at lan Chalmers, Ed Farrow, Stan. traffic - clogged intersections,/ley Cook, A. T. Findlay and where drivers found their brakes Robert Munn, , useless on the hard-packed | + snow. Due to the generally low EARL A. TOMLINSON | speed, damage in most cases The death occurred suddenly was minor. at the Oshawa General Hospital Three city drivers accounted following a heart attack on Fri for three city traffic signs. John/day, Nov. 28, of Earl A. Tomlin Yallencourt, 525 Miller Ave. son, beloved husband of the skidded into a stop sign at Gren. former Florence Blight. Mr. Tom- fell St. and Pine Ave.; Helen linson, who lived at 265 French Gertrude Engleson, 328 Leslle/street, was in his 64th year St. knocked over a stop sign atl Born in Pickering township, King St. W. and Nassau St., and May 16, 1895, the deceased was John Peeling, 586 Carlyle court, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs accounted for a third stop sign|Francis Tomlinson. He was mar. at Ray and King Sts ried at Brooklin, June 2, 1920. Bruce D. Morrison, 419 Louls) A resident of Oshawa for 38 St, skidde out of control and years, Mr. Tomlinson was em- struck a hydro pole and maillployed at General Motors for 25! box at Thorntons, and Rossland years and was a foreman on the Rds truck line. He also operated a There were two three-car tle. Bas station and refreshment ser ups. At Athol St. and Ritson vice near Broughain for three Rd., vehicles driven by George Years. He served for two years Atchison, 303 Richmond St. E.; in the armed forces during the David M. Disney, 445 King St, First World War. E., and August Huth, 447 Wilson| He was a member of King Rd. N., collided at the intersec- Street United Church and a foria- tion. On Simcoe St. N. ec=s driv- er member of the General Mot- en by Steve King, 261 Mar- or's Veteran's Association, quette St., Ross Silverthorne, 582) Besides his wife he leaves a Bonnacord St. Peterborough, daughter, Mrs, Earl Henry (Lor- and Malcolm B. MacDougall, raine), of Oshawa, and five Brooklin, collided. sons, Erwin, of Niagara Falls; | {Gordon E., Geor 1 Daniel, | 1 involved Dor- ge and Daniel, 220 oe ig Ave, and ©f Oshawa and Lloyd, of Toronto John Carnv ith, of 811 Glenmanor ALO surviving are five grand- Dr., who collided on Rossland children. | Rd. E.; George Russell, 707 The memorial service will be Besshorough Dr. and Gordon E.| held at the Armstrong Funeral Brown, 462 Ridgeway Ave. who Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec met at the intersection of Divis-|1, followed by interment in fon St. and William St. E.; and Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin Eric Greene, Ritson R. N., RR Rev. H. A, Mellow, minister of 2, and Barney Kacson, 189 Osh. | Northminster United Church, will awa boulevard N., were Involved | conduct the services. CITY AND them in a boat and pushed them Said Alderman Brady: out to sea to solve the arena question alone." |" "This shows the high quality He heatedly denied he had any of instruction being given . to such plan, but he failed to men-|members of the Oshawa fire de- tion that the project almost died partment." mins - Kapuskasing: Partly in Council a few days ago when| The fireman singled out ni with pi en one committee asked for $2400 n| The mention was Capt. M. H. North Bay and Sudbury: Partly cloudy with occasional snowflur-| ries today and Sunday. Colder. | Winds west 15 today, northwest | 20 to 25 Sunday. Many Streets Still Not Plowed Out ALBERT WALKER Shirley still hopes to be able) | for | wey, Decora AND RE-ELECT HHT Nv 29.003 GEORGE DRYNAN BAZAAR & TEA At ST. GERTRUDE'S PARISH HALL WED., DEC, 3, 2 to 9 pm. Delicatessen Table, Bake Sale, Aprons, Novelties, Fancy Work, Knitted Goods ond Mystery Table to Board of Education Nov.24,26,28,29 SPECIAL UNTIL CHRISTMAS KINSMEN BINGO | | 278b BAZAAR and TEA Christ Memorial Church Jubilee Pavilion (corer of Mary and Hillcroft Ag) EVERY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 |. 20--$20 games | at 2:30 p.m. { : $150 Jackpots Dperid by ns Micheal or 2| $20 each line Plus $50 full card | 5--%$30 Games BINGO { 10--$5 Door Prizes | CORONATION | 2--%$250 Jackpots 59--55 One $250 jackpot must go every week. If over 400 people in attendance. ADMISSION $1.00 INCLUDES 1 CARD BUS SERVICE ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, NOV. 29 | 8 pm. | 20 ragulor gomes--"Share- the-Wealth'--4, $40 Jack- pots to go. 1, $150 Special to go. 278b| and Sunday. and Hopkins spoke well but none|Was lost this summer when no Forecast temperatures {was outstanding. The new candi- meetings were held and that two Lows tonight, highs Sunday: dates also tried hard but they committees -- finance and site -- ia | The Oshawa Board of Works fought its first engagement with ries today and Sunday. Colder. Branch, Thomas, Murdoch, Bas-|(conduct a survey. He also failed -VOTE- Winds northwest 15 to 25 today|tedo, Marks, Down, Dafoe, Dyer|to mention that valuable time| the elements on Friday as the Windsor ... 5 20 [were not effective. {have been forced to stand idly city felt the full brunt of the|st Thomas 15 20 | perhaps the three-minute time|PY, until the property committees » heaviest snowfall of the season.|London ..... 15 20 [limit was too confining, but there 8¢t organized. Harold An estimated five inches of snow|Wingham . 15 20 |were some dull performances and] One of the highlights of the fell during the day. Officials of Toronto 15 20 [painful recitations of oft-stated/Open Forum was the statement the board reported this mor.!ng m----r ty, {by Alderman Bastedo that he that the battle still has rot been! | won as much cleaning up remains HURS of the| coul ' give no assurance the Coul-| Mayor: Gifford gave one |ter Manufacturing Co. Ltd. would Turkey To Ea he tow = $@)petr prtormances a8, over hui + tairy oe 14. Salting and sanding operations| {195¢ policies and once again he|3Cre harbor area site recently were started early Friday and] |emerged as a forceful and highly-| Purchased for $900 per acre For Board of i mpor {emerg 81-1" Mr. Bastedo said th erty continued throughout the day. |pleasing, if not always convince. | r. ast 0 said th e property . Superivienden: J Wood said C di d ing, personality. [vas sole on good Jan ad te Education any SLT P yw. many Ue mve mot been L,ANA(NIAN Goo S| He Is a ast thinking and adrolt he president of the firm, A. F political quarterback and a fairly| in whic indi. At 7 pm. Friday four graders) By ALAN DONNELLY (B00, dtm Caer ane A Coulter Te which ie Turion foal 12 YEARS AS were sent out and at 4 #0 Canadian Press Staff Writer ing better than to toss the ball tolhe built there » MAINTENANCE today a snow blower and six| KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya , team-mate when he. thinks such| Some industrial sites are sold trucks began removing snow|(CP) -- Malaya's Prime Minister|,oring will distract the enemy. {with proviso tags, others "in good AND CARPENTER from te Sueels. Dunne. Shion | TolkR Av Rakmas 2 Remember at the Civic dinner|faith," Mr. Bastedo added. IN OSHAWA ti Bo it am ay adde tomouneed Prday I elon "restric. |1OW he tossed the ball to Mrs. "The industrial commission he dificulty, Ty's y Gifford who ran for good yard-\must decide which firms are SCHOOLS "Traffic was extremely heavy" | tions on dollar imports from Can: commented Mr. Wood, He des-|ada. ; cribed Hart's Hill as being the| Relaxation worst to cope with. The road at|no longer age while turning out to be the|dealing in good faith and which "should be delayed star of the show? | firms are speculating," he ex- he said at a state] Somewhat the same strategy plained. Canada's Pri Min.| was in evidence Wednesday when . | hat, point had to be plowed and bane ur Cd's rime Mi ol avr on OLD. AGE PLANS | . Wa lof his pet messages -- that the| , The following is a quotation ying te Rpight of the storm adminis £3 Juske the idea of press censorship at City from Alderman Cecil Bint at e Dos of V § 8 : | ECONOMY WITH GOOD JUDGEMENT MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth TURKEY TICKETS WITH ADMISSION FOR OUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S DRAWS SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS TWO EXTRA GAMES AT $25 Oct. 17, 18, 31, Nov. 1, 14, 15, 28,29 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 8 P.M. : Hal! was always a myth, that Wednesday's open political forum | D) / 5 oon | he hd ' : : of salt s of .rangements for review as s 4 nye! i sri oS La wy om of agers as possible in order to achieve committee room doors were al-/for aldermanic candidates: 2 § z 8 a- ray § "I worked. hard this year as ' a this objective." ways opel, --- - am o------ tions .m, | A a Hons iegan 51 5 3 yg Diefenbaker sald Canada Tie YI3H WHY SIM De tm They are still continuing. deeply appreciates the announce. Wednesday was a freshman ald-| HEAR {m ermanic candidate who tried des- At the height of the after-work REV. TOM SUMMERS | perately to create the impression rush hour, motor vehicles were| ! field evangelist from Toronto C.B.M.C. lined up in both direction~ on|Dalances with Canada, exporting |i 1S, WO Juestions int bow Bond street west from MacMillan| MONDAY, DECEMBER Ist, 6.30 p.m. at SOUTH END RESTAURANT $23,000,000 in gous alt Year] One of the questions was: 'Do drive to Park road as vehicles| Mostly rubber and tin, while buy- you think there are too many CHICKEN BARBECUE DINNER ONLY $1.50 PER PERSON lost traction. Traffic was moving |P8 $3,000,000 of various Canadian Monthly Supper Meeting of slowly through the ereek vall {products. Closed Deennes a} Cuy Bala on King piv but was po Bin The Malayan leader's state- : CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN'S COMMITTEE OF OSHAWA 3 ent. Malaya has a big edge in trade (tiie air audience that such talk & tions will be relaxed. They were ya hog - wash; the audience Imposed as part of the sterling| oud take it from him the press ROTARY SPEAKER area's move to protect its dollar | had always been well treated. Ted Tozer will be the speaker reserves. In the past Canadian = what the audience couldn't| t the meeting of the Rotary|goods have heen able to circum: know was that this candidate's Club of Oshawa on Monday. He vent restrictions by going vial two questions were planted and will show colored slides and ex-|Hong Kong but this has meant that he had plenty of time --un-| A CASH $1 1300.00 CASH PRIZES PRIZES $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZE INCLUDING Four Prizes, $50, $25, $15, $10) TWO $250 JACKPOTS (50-54) ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 games at $20--5 games at $30 Plus Free Pass to Person on Right of Every Regular Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100 CASH DOOR PRIZES BUS SERVICE TO DOOR RED BARN (TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) | " : ki Ta de oat restric. 11ential tone, proceeded to tell plain what to look for in the|/added cost which often priced |like other candidates--to rehearse \ What many didn't Yealize Slsof |was tha is same candidate JD Sprain BANK iy Jose 2 personage fan His Wor-| " hs ip Mayor Gifford. | OWS DAD 5 RDVIC | fanatical desire to pose as the AND DISTRICT | tion of Oshawa Blvd. and Rich- DISTRICT mond St. CHECKER SOLUTION Following is the solvtion to the checker problem which appeared In Friday's paper: 23.19, 15-24 | 16-11, 7-16, 30-25 21.30, 8-11, 30. 23, 11-9. White wins.--18, 23-14, 21-25, 30-21, 7-10, 14.7, 15-19, 21 14, 19-17. Black wins Brechin Blaze Razes Stores BRECHIN, Ont. (CP)--A bed- ridden woman was carried to safety and other persons scrambled of ger as fire destroyed two stores Thursday in this village near Orillia. Firemen from the newly- formed Brechin Fire Department,| Rev. Tom Summers, a rura tackling their first major blaze, evangelist, who has been n had to push their truck from the charge of the Christian Business nearby firehall after the motor |pen's counselling booth at the failed to start. CNE for th~ past two years, wil) The blaze began in an uphols- be the speaker Monday night at tery and furniture store operated the regular dinner meeting of| by Joseph Catterall, who escaped |the Christian Business Men's| with his wife from the apartment Committee of Oshawa and Dis.| above. It spread to a bakery next|trict. The meeting will be held| door from which Gordon Yule, |at the South End Restaurant his wife and daughter, and two|Rev. Summers has been a rural sisters, Annie and Barbara Gra- evangelist for many years. Don bam, one of them an invalid, |Munro, of Bowmanville, will bel were helped to safety. {tha guest soloist, | CBMC SPEAKER | I help you?" asked the banker. | boy replied. taking of color pictures. 'goods put of the market. |the answers, | was nominated recently by no) Mayor Gifford, of course, has a |great champion of press freedom! LOS ANGELES (AP)--'May | SHOWS WEAR "This ball is just about worn out," said Musante. He and Billy agreed it and the glove weren't worth more than $3. "I've got a bat in the car," Billy said. He ran outside and returned with the bat. "I think we can lend you the $5," said Musante, Billy signed a note agreeing | to repay the loan at 40 cents a month. Also eight per cent in- terest, the bank's rate for small | loans--an additional 40 cents, "I want to borrow $5," the wat are you going to do with E bd itor ey a model alrcraft-car- Vote for Xperience rier kit." "How much does it cost?" "Three dollars." "Then why do you need five?" "I want to buy some Christ- mas presents for my mother and father." Assistant cashier Mike Mu- 6 Consecutive Years On Council VOTE sante got out a loan-application Billy's father, Harmon Jus- | | form ter, general manager of a knit- Name? Billy Juster. Age? ting mill, had stood outside in GORDON B ATTERSLEY | Eight, Married? No. Occupa- the lobby of the Bank of Amer- Ld | tion? ica branch throughout the tran- | "I go to school--and help saction Friday. : | father." Billy had asked his dad for ! FOR ALDERMAN "Do you get paid?" | the $5 loan. Juster told him: I "Yes--15 cents a week." | "You know, son, when I need "Have you anything to put up | money I go to the bank and as collateral?" dad Barn A 1 "A PROVEN RECORD OR SERVICE" Billy handed over a baseball | 'Let's go to the bank," said and glove ' | Billy. ' 27% WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd CLUB BAYVIEW BYRON STREET SOUTH, WHITBY--GAMES START AT 8 P.M. Bus Service leaves Oshawa Terminal--25¢ SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 20 each horizontal line--$200 full card TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES S4 and 57 numbers or less, co line is worth $50 in first 7 mi 5 Games at $30,- $1.00 admission Door prize .and tre to the the Whit olation $25 each game. Top must go once a month 20 Games at $20 1 admission tickets, » of Ban t ers card pur new instruments for by ds 4 Turkey vouchers will be given away every night 27% .

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