Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Nov 1958, p. 13

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|ed the directions om ¢he ean. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 29, 1938 13 TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK | FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSF, EP nm sr too generous with the cement; By ROGER C. WHITMAN ' best solution is to take up the|ial that is rolled and kneaded onfwood floors in direct contact with" ie the paper, not rubbed. It is avail- the ground will rot. If you want a wood floor, it should be put tiles and re-lay them without an| CEMENT SIDEWALK is of wood. Painting the boards|board. Can it be painted success- excess of cement. | QUESTION: What <38 be done all over before jaying them will {fully? What, { finish would You CLEANING WALLPAPER to raise cement sidewalk sections, prevent absorption of moisture; | recommend? I UESTION: Thi all WOOD FLOOR ROTTED {| which have settled without break-|aluminum paint is excellent for| ANSWER: Smooth surface in-| Q : The wallpaper in : ing them? The section next to this; followed by deck or porch sulating wallboard can usually be| Our ny logis dingy, It is not QUESTION: a oud its Soue' Sah ap 2) asphal: . aatuis X {our front approach has settled enamel, the floor should give sat- painted successfully. Various was a we . . re aly way was pu os Jn my gilar ao : Bo or a a * j[below the brick line of the house, isfactory service. If floor is al-| paints can be used. If you prefer ANSWER: re fen te can be me A a te best Roig hb Manufacturers Association, 'giving an unsightly appearance. |ready laid, be sure to paint under|an oil paint, size the surface leaned with a Paper en io sol. it? Memphis, Tenn -- ANSWER: This requires two side with aluminum paint also; first. If a casein or resin emul-{¢.eAned With a special wallpaper replace phis, . .. people for the project. Use aallow wood to dry thoroughly for |no sizing is necessary. The kind 4, illong 4 x 4 as a lever to pry up several days before applying of finish depends on personal , He oitled section on one side, paint. | preference. # §|While this is held up, force I wal crushed stone or gravel and sand CALIFORNIA REDWOLD |WARBED FLOOR - #3 under it, until level of adjoining| QUESTION: Is it necessary to| QUESTION: I tried shampoo-| section reached. Seal the eérack| Paint a California redwood fnce? ing a very heavy rug while it was between the brick foundation and] ANSWER: Painting a Califor on the floor. I apparently got it dewalk section with caulking nia redwood fence is not meces-|ioo wet and the floor warped from ALUMINUM compound or asphalt roofing ce-|Sary as the wood weathers, usu-|the moisture. What can I do?. lally to a pleasing color. How-| ANSWER: Allow the wood to e »/ ment; be sure sides of crack are 2 [wi ad| dry, before patching. |ever, De gure 3 SpPiY wing pre dry out thoroughly. Then, if th 3 SECURING PLATE TO FLOOR |Servative to ends 0: posts |floor is still warped, sand the QUESTION: I have asphalt ground and to add at least four yards down with a floor sanding - inches above ground level to pre-| aching. Wipe off the dust and h with He 00 uY Tate ea Tow. 1 vis vent entrance of moisture. I Sug- | finjs| a floor sealer, shel- Ne - 357 ment with a wall. Will I have 86st You get leaflet information 50 or penetrating wax finish. Of ; from California Redwood Associa-| course, the rug must be kept 1461 SQ.FT. to remove the tile where I am|,; 2 te to|tion, 405 Montgomery street, San|gomewhere else while this is PRICE INCLUDES 18318 Cv. FT. going to secure the sill plate to TLRRACY the cement floor? Francisco 4, Calif. going on! - noon A 1 wn ws ANSWER: No, the tile won't REFRIGERATOR LEAK TERRAZZO VINISH Weather-Striped Z Bar Frame Extruded . : : - have to be removed. Drill holes| QUESTION: Is there any way UESTION: 15 4 (not cast) corner gussets guaranteed NOT RC EB I ; i through the tile into the cement!:, test a refrigerator door for an| 9 ON: ave a terrazzo} wo BREAK under Wind-shock ! - [] able at wallpaper dealers and hardware and paint stoves. v eS 4 [to receive lead anchor or expan-|air leak? It seems to "frost up" cocktail table which had a nice STRICTLY |si hield, Then fasten the sil : i |waxed finish when purchased. . Le ince by bale. Study for |e, Quickly, nor does it keep (0 Fy table 4s gettin dull, How|] 2%" DOUBLE THICK FRAME 2 glass CASH ducts? and can I get the high glossy finish|] panels, 1 large screen ALL STANDARD wo Lr mR ir. iy STAINED FIREPLACE close the door on it. If the bill ARGC oo LL terran NO COMPETITORS CAN TOUCH THESE CARRY QUESTION: We are building a/can be withdrawn with little ef-| So : a gE |new home and the brick fireplace fort, the closure at this point is| table, one of the nationally known PRICES because they must add dealer TORY markup but our products are made IN FROM FACTO became smoke - stained {0m not tight enough. Work the bill preparation available for refin using it to heat the house last around the entire door. If there: " ) 1 : i | winter. I would like to know how are many weak spots, have the ishing and Jr ecting tertasio, OSHAWA, from aluminum extruded in . 04 Bruce St; Oshawa to clean this before we move in. entire rubber seal around the It tar e, use 3 mo 1s ng OSHAWA, | J | Answer: Scrub with a stiff|door replaced. If there are oply|Wat, 1 thie hi 2 marie i e, {brush or steel wool and a me-|two or three spots, the following | OF 1 e Tare F Dees Lik yo |chanic's hand soap containing simple home repair can be made: [CSI long, patios: Rng bi: {- sand. Then rinse well with clear (Cover the seal at the weak| "ater an pray ht en Od . | water to remove all traces of the places with several thicknesses of > >, plied Toe Bay | soili i ck plastic tape, . teSSAry. d |cleaner. If the soiling is too deep|friction tape or black p p | powder is 'available at monument ; for removal this way, rub the to increase the thickness of the FZ BLD RM LIVING [brickwork with a carborundum | seal. Continue until the dollar bill Yarcs. 100 + IE J : 20.0" + 150° . block available at paint and hard-| resists being withdrawn while the PASTE SEEPAGE ] (ware dealers). Plenty of elbow door is closed. UESTION: The waterproof| |grease required for this! {ELECTRIC HEATING CABLE fre keeps coming through the| : : di EE ET : E | INSTALLING CHIMNEY FLUE | QUESTION: Every winter the vot mire owl blocks are| er QUESTION: 1 would like in- eave troughs fill up with ice. |{ ined, although the blocks were | |formation on installing a flue in| When thawed it runs over the top| Ww ear ago. We follow-| 4 put down a y ag! |a brick chimney. {of the walk, which makes w ol » HOME DESIGN NO. 337 | For further information write | Homes for Canadians", price ER: Jealle] euliled; Hig rr ng a I The living-room Combination to: Builders Page Editor, The | 75c., includes this design and aaumeys, Klyes on ig id ela ie. wiring gga Ye ! " . . ' in this design runs the ful shawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. | may be obtained at the news- y oe : | » ? 9 | Y C B Id depth of the home, with the | A new Home Plannor book en- | paper office or by writing to available from Natioust Pice Pro. ale hong How 1 thie dune: ; | our ommunity ul ers dining area opening off to a | titled "71 Selected Low Cost ' this same address tection: Association, ater: bles or wires are available tsr rear outdoor terrace. A corner rhb Ry jie Fin ot o Bubainidly Consult an == Siuplace 38 festrod is the live The Bullding Editor |" QUESTION: Will a first coat of|electrician or electric appliance : Home purchasers who think of tomorrow BE AIC3 3 ome. nie three bed- : aluminum paint followed by ena- dealer for information as to in- | : : : : rooms is designated as a study. utiawy Ties G weit, mel give longor wear and protec-|stallation, etc. = are investing wisely today in re double closets in the awa, Ontarle, [tion to a porch exposed to weath- PAINTING BI | ; ' 4 : Fiore ore Guu sores u tie a sor QUESTION: I am finishing a Oshawa's finest residential area of bonus closet at rear door. No- |( ) Please send me further detalls about how to obtain standard ANSWEW: I assume the floor room in the attic with insulation - . i tice the compartmented bath Bullder's blueprints for home design No. $37. i : I Rn medium pr iced homes. . . one area with vanity is a raises the question of what the eras and radar reconnaissance | perfect powder room. The kit- Plans entitled "71 Selected low cost Homes for Canadians." planes were doing there. This the gear rather than bombe. Their | fi / y y Exclusive Agents: chen is L-shaped, for easy ar- (Please make remitt United States has failed to ex-(Likely mission was photographing ance payable to The Oshawa Times- plain, beyond using the broad |the Soviet tine. | rangement of counter and cabi- 'echnically, coastal NO NEE i {ign 0 oro ER ET bed | YI VICKERY & GOYNE WILSON REAL ESTATE - 600ml: .S. planes | Safir Bil" fir ston ii, ve iy io Dh Gere nu one Wash Let us fix them in a jiffy! 5 | RA 8-5166 RA 65-6588 standard Builders' blueprint strrurrenvnis viirvaiesines SEO newspal i- | to's set may be ob | : ey Toi i hem. shou ly. here cortaisy. would be | 12 ol handy voter cute SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES--RA 3-2268 eosting ; tained for this design No. 337. six minutes from the Russian|"consternation'" within the] '" Your yard, or @ complete sprinkli tem, All ork Sou ATE TALE 0] ried NE CATIIE [eine inant ah Wt tone 1p come aa ace someon. RISTOW & OLSEN REAL ESTATE--RA 56-6168 bo Hornless aristocrats of the beef | ira y QI HOME the United States as an importer cattle world, poe rb - US. Air Force later disclosed|to American shores, even within LORNE GOODMAN ORKSHOP [5inish care in 197. takin cattle come from orthess Sow ia. fie alveatt Wess secousaie"lfie Coafises oi pusracconal air. - plambing § Heating JOHN BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE--RA 5-6644 | INTERPRETING T la | | 758 Mary St. RA 5-1044 | HE NEWS | U.S. Protest On Russ POGONIY | Good Plumber By GEORGE KITCHEN |'dangerous, offensive and pro- PHONE '| The United sive : ow chr ev 'ere uy i ihe ng Wd T PLUMBING 1673 hag Bane de Ber {were TT On nes : CO. LTD. 23 CELINA RA 5-3279 JUS. planes flying . | But the proximity of the Amer- RUTH W. SPEARS y e er BY YOUR DOOR or _ inside an planes to the Soviet coast sear the tree or tel this jolly figure is sure to please. Pattern 359, which gives actual- size guides for cutting him out of | hardboard and painting in life-| - like colors, is 40c. This pattern : 4 also is included in the Christmas ¢ Cut-Out Packet 55 which gives WINDOW DEALER different designs for yard and house -- all for $1.75. Address orders to Home Work- shop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. {plate in place by bolts. Studs for things as well as it did. ay = Sod partitions are nailed to the sill] ANSWER: To test, hold a dol- : KITCHEN [TT DINING plate. lar bill half in and half out, and that is found on marble pro- SIZES TO 36- 84. Fh PIE WE wax manufacturers has a new we " "VY NN 7 4 i Dick Turpin, the English high-| , a. Tm To wayman, was only about 30 years f r Y & { old when hanged at York in 1739. | 5 I hi ( ah an hn 1 -_ | Saiford, textile - manufacturing | town in Lancashire, England, ob- | tained its first charter in 1231. | By MORTGAGE LOANS AND SAVE THE AVAILABLE DEALER "MARK-UP" Ralphs. Jones "EXAMPLE" Barrister & Solicitor ALUMINUM DOORS 65 Simcoe St. South weedy 94 BRUCE STREET "Dial RA 5-3525 STRICTLY CASH AND CARRY FROM FACTORY : - ; . of Normal Human Beings! YES . . . he made the team and most children do... BUT... 34 children are born every day in Canada that DON'T MAKE THE TEAM . . . They're I a -- MENTALLY RETARDED and they need YOUR help. A new school build- [TR ------------ . . - A Ir e-- ing is required in the City of Oshawa to house these children, a building that has been specifically designed with the retarded child in mind. DON'T LET A RETARDED CHILD BE A DISCARDED CHILD . .. HELP BUILD THE SCHOOL FOR f .95 ALUMINUM ; RETARED CHILDREN. BY-PASS EE PLEASE GIVE WHEN THE VOLUNTEER CAN- © ST PICK UP THE PHONE JALOUSIES VASSER CALLS OR IF YOU WISH... | vod ja | | AND GIVE US A CALL Neitoiie ORS GREEN | MAIL OR DROP YOUR CONTRIBUTION INTO THE * Weuather-Striped Z Bar Fra Extruded ( ct) Somer gussars guaranteed NOT To BREAK der PRIME WINDOWS i | ; LD | i b CAM PA| [3 i ; U A D -shock ! * (for new construction) 294" DOUBLE THICK FRAME 2 gloss ronels 1 @ AWNING and CANOPIES ANY OSHAWA BANK large screen ALL STANDARD SIZES TO 36-84. > ; | | NO COMPETITOR CAN TOUCH OUR VALUE igr i i By Tol + UR VALUES Campaign goal for the new Retarded Children's School is ws ff --But our products are COMPLETELY MADE IN 7 W.R. THO MPSON OSHAWA, from Aluminum extruded in OSHAWA. S 5 000 J So you CAN save, and have better selection and N wr service by BUYING DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORY COMPANY LTD. Man J | NosnAWA BRUCE STREET. OSHAWA THE RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION OF OSHAWA

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