Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1958, p. 6

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of the first 20 minutes of play. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November-28, 1988 o : In the last half the Mathews ; a Tripleheader hh 87: VOTE AND - ELECT | Ted Watts scored for-the Jun- a {lors with John Symons from Alf n own eda ue | Fulford and then Bob Foote un- , | assisted being the light blinkers for the Gravity boys. PORT HOPE --- A good gallery were beaten by id count, High-| "a turned out for the tripleheader of ways goals were single count-| HO S {the Town Mercantile Hockey ers and went to Norm Kelley, SC OL TRU TEE [League at the Peter Campbell! Bill Douglas, Al Lewis, Bud] FOR MISSED SOUTH DARLINGTON SCHOOL AREA = {Memorial Arena with the follow- Downey, George Watkins, Har- ng results, vey Gordon and Larry Batters P APERS | MOND AY DECEMBER 1st a N | ¥ , . ---- J : Lid HE % h 3 [HT HE In the first game Nicholson bY. . |File led the Lawrence Harvest-| Joe Hagerman scored the first ers 340 at half-time, but outscored two for the Eldos with single IN AJAX them 7-2 in the second period to|tons being added by Tom Micks . take a one sided 10-2 win, Bililand veteran Jimmy Hoy. 1# you hove not received your Cancilla was best for the win. Eldos got five penalties includ- | Times by 7 p.m. call i | | nk ners, counting five points made|ing misconducts to Rene Racine ; V 4 up of two goals and three assists. |and Ken Ashton, while the win- AJAX TAXI vy Vote an PHONE | { ghd iad Rich Brown came up with a|ners had four, Elect: {trio of goals, Bob Lax had a pair| JUNIORS SURPRISED and singletons went to Bob Beat- 3 Ered nny and Tom a The Junior ontarios were sur-| JAX 333 | Pete Boncardo set lan Halford |ning when they were held to a} AW sells must be ploced before | ¢ Robert up for the losers' first goal and|iwp all stalemate by the Mathews 30 p.m, i J Ian Davidson got the second.|Conveyor club in an extremely | 3 Harvesters received six of the well played game although a {game's nine penaltfes, shade rough. ' : fa In the second game the Eldos Fifteen penalties were SPEAKER AT THE Durham | dent of the Ontario Junior | Brooks, President Durham , County; Dave Barrie; Oliver lod the strong department of and the Juniors received nine, * County 4H Clubs award night | Farmers Association, shown in | County Junior Farmers Asso- | Dalrymple, Agricultural Repre- highways team 4-3 at half time| George Fenton gave the Jun. . | sentative; Bev Gray, President |b faded in the last stanza and|iors the lead with the only goal UHH d "m ye. mm sank LH a a 5 i §13%3 phil at Clarke township hall, Orono | the picture above, : which in- | ciation; Frances Lampman, | iro" can Leaders Asso. ou. 2eec a Lie was David Barrie, past presi- | cludes, left to right: Ron | Home Economist, Durham ciation for Durham County. mE I Sn -- > he | | COUNCILLOR 'Urges 4H Club Members Pigeon Club | A 2 Keep Furrow Straight Holds Show ar + @ WW a TOWNSHIP PORT HOPE -- The Port Hope Ba Sis By 2 oh - A - de Lo) pe, ORONO -- 'Another "H" was developed. He said that these! Miss Frances Lampman, Home Raciag Pigeop Club Seid Us third 1 1 J added to' 4-H byDavid Barrie marks along the course would Economist, presented corsages to the Town Hall with 45 birds from y : : | on past president' Ontario Junior keep the furrow straight, the Homemaking Club girls who ya lofts entered in the competi- Pe a Farmers, when he addressed a 'You cant start plowing with- gained county and provincial lio for cock birds bred in 1998. 4 7 ; g | y packed Clarke Township. Hall here out having tools with you," he honors. They were Pat Knox, Lor- The club intends to hold one ; di | id Wy y + Thursday night. , He was guest|said, "The tools you need are raine Rosevear, Audrey Wood, | oe show at the Town Hall in ; | H D 1 speaker at the annual Durham | education. A good formal educa- Patricia Davis, Dianne Bigelow, preparation for the A om b 7 y Countq Junior Award night, Jun-|tion starts you off . .. and then (Shirley Quantril. This presenta- | scheduled for mid-January 7 4 ; J i , ior. Farmers and 4-H Club mem you need the kind of education|tion is made possible through the The 1ast show attracted a large : 2 J sbers from all parts of the cour. you get in 4H and Junior Farm- E, A. Summers Memorial Fund. | gallery, mostly friends of the dif-| a ? 7 4 ty, with parents and . friends ers. . 4-H CLUB AWARDS [ferent loft owners and also a good -- crowded -the hall for what is re KEEP SHARE SHARP Trophies were presented to: {not from the neighboring! garded as -the- highlight of the, 'However, even with this, it'Potato Club, Cameron Porter: |i ,o, or Cobourg. 7 Me. " Junior year, and the start of an does not amount fo much unless|Grain Club, Jim Rowan: Swine| "we. naocTaggart took the best i : hg 5 ' i . . w': , other. you keep your share sharpened. Club, Ed Kowal; Beef Calf Club award for the Blue Bar and . L btn, ' D | t T . h Cc | J i Shear Sh Hi a a ie Cay chun [quand for Blie, Bay wad all arlington Township Counci father and brothers near Galt, can keep your share sharpened|Donald Welsh: Tractor Club, and McGillis winning out in the 4 J stated at the outset that his re-|by passing on what knowledge!James Coombes: Millbrook Calf Red 'Checker Class. The Blue # marks were particularly address- you have gained," he said. Club, Donald Winslow. Checker winner Was Hagerman) ed to the 4H Club members, who| Bev Gray, president of Durham| Provincial and federal cheques and: Son with Ted "Hunt taking would later become Junior Farm- County 4H Club Leaders Associa- ito sponsoring organizations were |. Tor the "other color" elas ers. "It is something to look for-|tion presided, and referred to the awarded to: Millbrook Calf Club, oy tu We ak bobs ; " | ward to, 1 would like to do it all fine display of trophies set up on!Millbrook Agricultural Society. MF. Frank Smith, long Sime over again/' be said. | the platform by the junior farm-| Beef Calf Club, Cartwright a ; He Poka ¢ Atripsi fob various (ers. He complimented the leaders Agricultural Society,Les Taylor, eague ow S 1 resident of Ajax will seek el. parts BF (6 Wo W*# Canadian|and members of 'the 4H clubs for| President. . lection as Public School Trus- Junior , Farmer repgesentative, [their achievements and paid trib-| Swine Club, Cartwright Agricul- and sald, that the Capddian Jun-lute to the service clubs and|tural Society, Les Taylor, Presi t 0 ourg jor Farmer emblem was a fami: others who had contributed time dent. lar sight at all world youth' gath and financial assistance to aid the Tractor Maintenance, Port] COBOURG --- Cooey's broke a MRS. ANNA BOYCE tion. A veteran of the last erings. work. {Hope Agricultural Society, C. W. three-way tie for first place in A LIKE/PLOWING Ron Brooks, president of Dur-| Billings. the Men's Bowling League in the war, Mr. Smith saw service| Be likened life to plowing, and ham County Junior Farmers in- Dairy Calf Club, Durham Cen- eleventh week of action and Will Contest Scouts Plan From 108 16 1942 in the illugtrated his falk with signs on|troduced the guest speaker, who tral Agricultural Society, C. W. moved into sole possession of top gtakes, "When we start plowing, |he said was not a stranger to the Billings. spot. Team standing is 'we set up stakes. The start, for| county, which he had visited dur- Potato Club,Durham 500 Bush-| Cooey's 71, Tuckers 70, Mclv- School Board . R.A.F. He has taken an ac- Paper Drive tive port in the affoirs of the tee in the forthcoming elec- «us, means home, However, I think ing his term as president of the el Potato Club, Delber Olan, Pres. ors 69, Clarke Brothers 65, Sol : that we are too inclined to take association, Grain Club, Durham County Margles 64, Homelike 61, Cha-' BOWMANVILLE -- Mrs, Anna p home and what it means for AWARDS Junior Farmers, Ron 'Brooks, teau 59, Matting 59, General Boyce, of Mitchell's Corners, it/ BOWMANVILLE -- Bowman- Town. An hone graduate of granted. We are too prone to let| Awards were distributed as fol- Pres. Foods No. 2, 57: C.G.E. No. 1, making local history by being the ville Boy Scout Association willlthe R ; 'others do what we should be lows: shld R ols Piie money or Joes ide Som: 55; Plaza 54, Primeaus 51, Den- first woman to run as candidate stage its second fall paper drivel e Ryerson Institute of| ing ourselves," he added. CNE Shield -- Roger Gillis. petitions at Guelph was present- ton's Florists 51, Jefferys 50%, Hi S : day vil : . ; A his theme, he listed| United Nations Trip (cheque for ed to: Jim Rowan, William Tam: Kinkaid Sunoco 44, Beaver Lar usiee 2 Sowy Darlington Friday, Bo. 3 sarting at ¢ p.m. | Technology, Mr. Smith has, Home, Church, Canada and $35 presented by the Durham blyn, Lorne Tink, Ronald Welsh, her 42; Legionnaires 40; CGE| 'noo movie a housewif dlto have their bundles of paper|S€'¥ed 0s Secretary of the » Junior Farmers as inter est s| County Juriior Farmeérs) -- Helen Donald Welsh and Bruce Bow: No." 9 Sg! Tnanveal mother. ied sha 2 Wi Toh and mag ie) Jind and. rea ido ELT rwwhich should be cultivated and|Knox. man. Wilson Motors 99; MAL Serie generally, men only become inter. to. be ek & ¥by6 p.m. to ef ® {39,Nichols Movers 37, Indepen-| iio in tiie education of children able the drive to be completed Branch and a Director of the dents 36, Ewarts 36, Cooey All-\aney 'they have entered high early [two of the three penalties which] Re b, 5 ey ' id 2 Three (Game all came in the first period. Approve [Blas 3 omen, Tndians 35: school, Mothers are more inter. The scouts previous drive Kinsman Club. During the : The winners got five goals in po AY Had Bodh ested in the children's public netted $151 which is devoted to - | $ 8 {Brothers 32, OPP 31, Sawdust] Netted 131 Which is devoled 12 past year, Mr. Smith was o : om school education, mer camps and outings. member. . of the. Library ar x, the first period and four more : a 4 did 18 in the Kings 27, Bell Cleaners 24, Cooey thie wa : : In Bea er ali hin] Pabors Reneds. Fa. t Rangers 22, Jennings 22, Wilson| For this reason and the belief bib ididt » A ION . first. The l te ite red f i» oe 0X oun Contractors 21, Cherneys 16, that "women should take a more Board. FOR BET TER bo) DMINISTRATIO ' - first. The latter scored four goals y Knights of Columbus 14; 1.0.F, active part in administration of i L R COUNCIL! A in five minutes in the last period . re a schools, Mrs. Boyce is hoping to Ph 2 ELECT BOB TREMBLE FO uv fi five goal effort. Pollock, COBOURG -- Foxes will be 13 . Devoma tie first. wor of SUBSCRIBERS oto by John Mills 2) u e i 2 ed. " worth $4 each to trappers and High single -- C. Clarke 388, become the irst woman to be | Johnson and Kennedy earned as- ion of Northumberland and high triple -- Bud Mclvor 84: elected to the South Darlington THE TIMES -- sists, Durham this winter. At United|high team single -- McIvors 12 Township Area School Board. T Jon ore Tot 0s ive | Counties council final day's sit- high team triple -- Denton Flor- | -- ------ BOWMANVILLE Pp S eaver iting yesterday, a bylaw re- ists 3446; hidden score -- Knights Athletic Association regular H 1d T S : sili : eek| po ceived third reading to pay the|ot Coumbus 2621 (2609) i aay Started, Pie week! 0 S ' op t new bounty effective December 1,| Over 800-- Bud Mclvor 842, FOR MISSED PAPERS AND y Arend. Following are the results| vg [Aug 0 » lu.Almed at curbing rabies out- Qver 300 *C. Clarke 368, B. Mc- BOWMANYILLLS FINEST H (0) YO | RS! of three games played in the| In Seorin Rac breaks in the counties, the by- IVOr 94d, WL. HE wit 792, G. Was Menace I 3 CE PHONE Pee y Wee Division. 736, P STEVEN'S TAXI . Mouncey 732, T. BOWMANVILLE --A bell which MAPLE LEAFS 2, RANGERS 0 | COBOURG »~-- Cobourg - Port i i Galaski 735 ' ; = {ed «in a report given Monday TASH! FCT : . i " The game was closely contest: fope's Bfid McDougall, slick cén|by a newly-formed special Ra. | Medhurst 728, G. Tomaso 129. D. nas been hung on the roof of the MA 3-5822 ed all the way with only one pen-| a Ibies Control Committee Ford 712, T. Sedgwick 709, C. Mc- old post office building sinde 1903 alty dished out to Ricky. Me- treman, has regained sole pos-| i 4 Ivor 709, W. Feltis 707, C. Hie/when the post office was opened I# vou hove not received Murday of the losers for boarding| 565510" of the top rung in the| Each municipality will pay 705° G Turpin 704, W. Whitefield was removed Thursday afternoon Fi 1: FageIve yoye - ' : Times phone your carrier boy i . | t six - mi {scoring race of the Eastern On- bounty for fox tails to claimants, - as 700 for reasons of safety au RR awe mark of the|. oo Intermediate "A" Hockey and will be reimbursed by the i: D MINED LEAGUE The 1500. pound bol which has] first If you are unable to con- .| League following a prolific night's| counties. Dark Horses 66, Central Con: not been used for some time | tect him by 7:00 p.m. . Toth Cressey opened the scor: -- ---- : Ho ing A the game after five min.|S¢Oring at Kingston Monday. |struction_60, Training School 50,|caused the roof of the building | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI To Darlington Council on Dec 1st » {some time, and was recommend- | Nusa OO RS oO O Po rt rd pk dh fk tt oD > ' w TT mn utes of the second period. Keith| McDougall #scored ' two goals F L Spark Plugs 50, Bobcats 41,15 sag slightly and tual Douglas added an insurance goal|and assisted on three ors in Iee ove Smith's Taxi 40, Duteh Oven_33. iis Wadi gone ually Colls Accepted Between Red Dots 32, Pavilion 31, Bee|. eati onsdoralle i a a . - ve iD on: The ve points he Societies Tee 21 Head Pins 18. Strays Th Locating Sausidersble pnage 7 +7130 p.m. Only Allan Thompson Fred Smith Earl Trull BLACK HAWES 1, BRUINS } he scoring derby and a five- Brien 356; Ladies: Julie Ritchie | -- a iid id : J oa The clubs fought on even terms point lead over his closest com- Are Formed 1804; high triple -- men: Leo » RR wig : ; : / { Hawks ceva the game's only ston and Jack White of Napance.| VANCOUVER (CP)--Two "free 645. Christmas cake winner -- Lil T tripping » ivy peti yi! The top 11 scorers are: [love societies are reported tom Harden. "ty YO E AND ELEC WY, p s of | G A Pts, Peting for membership at the LADIES LEAGUE lead 'on a goal by Bill Foster| Meeker, King 9 ily i Xess <a ' , J. White, Ni 2 the daily student newspaper, said Drome Ladies League after 10 who was sat up by Peter Berry, e, Nap 6 about 40 students, four of them weeks. Team standing and indiv- Be aker evened the count for|p" Gilmoir, Nap e Bruins with Bob Wright as- ' hdd . Zn: 25 K. Medhutsi, CPH . nN , {L. Douglas, N REBWINGS 5. JUNIOR a I. Digest, Nap 2 jivuncing formation of a free-love|47, Grafton 40, C.G.E. 37, a : - club. ic 4 37, Bowlaways 31, Kellys ¢ H. Ball, Kin | Cleaners 37. Bow | SOUTH DARLINGTON SCHOOL AREA hi pe macy for the older and; Rowe, Minden, : 10 12 per claimed a group calling jtself|eys 4. ' DS orien nl opponents in| Cobo Pe La Societe de I'Amour Libre, Bowling over 200 -- E. Babcock MONDAY DECEMBER 1 n le Sh eg 3 ar i ton pri. ol Hope Combines (free love society) has been in(242, J. Hartley 210, 228; J. Bates, S § only three regulars league standings via their Monday | existence at the University since 212, S. Platt 252, L. Adams 249, and were icing a team who were archs has two games in hand. | The Ub id "ini Wi er 25 i ; yssey said "initial rep- G. Wilcox 201, C. Power 250, R. partitipating in their first or-| The two league leaders met in resentation" has been made for Lewis. 206, C. Mott 241, G. Bain showed well for the A's with will cement the gri i ; i N th . . | p on the top, There was no immediate com- M. Arkles 203; H. Lingardyj203. . ay Jur The ve wile) rarer as vo immetipte sont. fries Bs: Lingueafh. GORDON L They have represented you on Darlington Council for the '628: High Single -- B.\Long- " . ip' Go; View 'cose oom] OB wg dig past two years during the Township's most progressive TOWN MIXED LEAGUE | a Ramblers and Eastenders fail- 5 vive] od to break their first piace dead. En gl | Fete even better when they are re-elected. standing Is: $ { Ramblers 62, Eastenders 62, LE a . Dodgers 33, Mooseheaders 46, \ y | st Whitby Twp. | Toppers 44. Lucky Strikes 39, Rial © 3 tizen of long standing in Burley Bus 35, Hot Rods 34, Alley 3 4 § East 'Whitby Twp. Born and # raised in Ont, County. Served g Cuts 17. i director of Federation of High Singles Men: Leo Lena- P Agriculture in Ont, County han 316: Ladies Pat Dawe, : od Jia a FOR SOU N D ADMI N ISTRATI ON y 90: Ladies. Pa ' \ his par die {Goulding 839; Ladies, Pat Dawe his_part to Improve, candle TORONTO (CP) The CNR Don Lawrénde' vice : Dresden fice canvasser, May Robinson, Super-continental will serve New- shown - EY ceiving the cash _fron{ Al Van midway through the third stan. leading his team to a 95 win za. picked up gave him'21 points in High. single -- Men: Leo O'- RAR ------ v throughout. Mike Lindop of the petitors, Tom Meeker of King- |0"Brien, 781; Eleanor Ingamells, play, there was no score. » Universi vitish C. : rille's ) ed . B. McDougall, CPH o1| University of British Columbia, Sommenrville's have opened up Inithe third, Hawks took the 4 ¢ lo. 4 A letter Thursday in Ubyssey,la 14-point lead in the Bowl-O- SCHOOL TRUSTEE West, BOC 5 3 p u 3 girls, appeared at an organiza- idual high scores follow: 5 ist the play 4 tional meeting Tuesday after af. Sommervilles 64, Caldwells 50, sisting on the play g/notice appeared in Ubyssey an-|Park Plaza 48, Harnden and King h 'ees H. Ball; Kin Al two years less than the Pee-Wees 8 Another letter in the same pa-/20, Beginners 21, Uptown 18, Coo- remaining off last year's club|victory. Runner-up Minden Mon- the fall of 1957. D . Marshall 200, P, Kelly 219, Saude hockey game. {Bobcaygeon Phuvsday: might. 'Ala constitution und y AS § ! % fod Yi Si ed . Al er the Alma 242, P. Coyle 221, 202: P. Quinn \ a of these Heweomers, fresh win for Monarchs will give them Mater Society, which is the sfu- 228, J. Dolley 249, L. Massey 218, . | Nd i od winners, Brock Hills top spot but Combine triumph dent council. |B. Longhurst 294, U. McIvop 204, an : Se ~~ I REI wi NA RTE -- 1629, B. Longhurst 631 §§ ,Platt hurst 631, ; de § § » ity : COUNCILLOR period. Their experience and ability will make Darlington lock 'in the eleventh week of play TAREE : ! as both swept seven points. Team § 4 Cots 28. Aces 23, Hydro 19, Crew r Baran a i aBagin 288; High Triples Men: Bob Twp. for 5 years. Also a >. - A ------ ese betterment of all its citizens ff REROUTE CNR TRAIN Mark Your Ballot for CORNER IN DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP of the assocTation, 1¢ 6 |. ark A Allis m---- % shop eanvasser and Rod Mav. Market, Barrie and On illia begin. heel te se | On Monday, Dec. 1 POLLS OPEN 10 AM. TO 7 P.M n on a . . . . , Dec. Ist ' Housen. . #%o0~ mn. gs Paul Gregor, inspection department up the east side of Lake Simcoe McMullen "aestetinet™ "général | canvasser It will be rerouted to the CNR | 'manager, Ruby Patterson, of | Piolo Shy John Mills, [line on the west side of the lake. . al

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