Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1958, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-37 Present Badges To Girl Guides The meeting of the local asso- ciation of the Girl Guides was held in the United Church on Tuesday. It was opened with the Guide prayer by chairman H. T, Cook who welcomed new mem- bers and explained how the local association operated, being made up of any interested mothers of a Guide or outstanding local men or'women from the district, also Night" with the date tentatively set for Feb. 4. Mrs. F. Weaver was appointed convener of a committee formed to make preliminary arrange- ments assisted by Mrs. Town, Mrs. Whale and Mrs. Clairmont. There will be' no meeting in De- cember, the next meeting will be held Jan. 27. GUIDE BADGE REPORT 3rd Company Girl Guides--E. tives from different + Packs and Guide Com- Mrs. P. Neal read the treasur- er's report in the absence of Mrs. | W, Scott. Badge secretary, Mrs. F. Weaver, presented her annual r inte ing activities for the 1st Brownie Pack A and B, Mrs, Cook | addressed a very successful Dis-| trict Patrol Leaders' training) course with 32 attending. This was held at All Saints' Anglican Church Hall on Saturday, Nov.'iassed the Needlewoman Badge, pajng. 'Mrs. W, Mantle and Mrs. Lloyd Sales, Whitby Paint W. paper, Wilson Grocery, Ottenbrite plied. 22, Leaders from Dunbarton and Ajax attended. Hickey, S. Miller, K. Kahn and C. Marlow passed the Teymaker Badge. 3rd Company Guides -- McDonnell, J. Marlow and Oetelaar, passed the M. . Mrs. E. Harlow reported Badge at a Hallowe'en Masquer- | ade Party, the testers being Mrs. | D. A. Calder, Captain of the 1st Company, and Mrs, F. W. Weaver. Calder, M. L. Cuddy and S. Gray. the tester being Mrs, Pritchard. Canadian Legion held its bazaar on Tuesday at the Legion Hall which was very well attend- ed. The president and general convener, Mrs. George Brown, in- troduced Mrs. W. Evens, of Osh- awa, past zone commander, who is very well known. She opened Hostess | dy the_bazaar and expressed her sin- |cere hopes and wishes for a very !successful one as the money' goes to very worthwhile causes. Mrs. Fred James, a past presi dent of the auxiliary, pinned a beautiful corsage on Mrs. Evans. The following gaily decorated tables were convened by: bake table, Mrs. N, Kyle, Mrs. W. Cas- and Mrs. E. Ormiston; candy table, Mrs. W. Holley and Mrs. Gordon Brown; fancy work and hand knit, Mrs. Fred James, and Mrs. Frank Barton; aprons, Mrs. A. Stanlick, Mrs, L. Dews- : . vist bury and Mrs. V. Moore; cards ern Tire, Stokely VanCamp, Do- 1st Company Girl Guides -- J. ani" oll clothes, Mrs. S. Wilkin-/minion Store, Houston Shoe Store, Mrs, S.!Whitby Home Furnishing, Fletch bargain table and jewelry, er's Market, Wilson Cycle and son; touch and take, Hicks; tea tables, Mrs, Legion Auxiliary Holds Successful Bazaar The Ladies Auxiliary of the Kendrick, Burns street, Whithy; By CLIFF GORDON What's wrong with the Dun- nies? That is the question that hundreds of fans have been ask- ing us of late. The Dunnies, it would appear, by losing three games and tying one in the last four games, are away off form. They won their first 10 in a row and have been not faring too well of late. We had a talk with playing coach Sid Smith last night after the practice and pickei up some information we would like to pass along to the fans. When asked what he figured was wrong with the local team, he replied as fol- lows. He feels that the fellows bath set, Mrs. A. Piper, Bow- manville; hamper, of groceries, Jerry King, Oshawa; 1st basket, Mrs. B. Sackett, Whitby; 2nd bas- ket, Reta Nicholas, Kingston road bronze picture, Mrs. G. Brown, Athol street, Whitby; box of thoc- olates, Mrs. G. McDonough, 306 Chestnut street west, Whitby. A special thank you goes out to the following merchants of Whit- by for donations: Allin's Drugs, Courtice IDA Drug Store, Bar- gain Centre, Whitby Hardware, Independent Sales and Services, Colling Shoes, Art's Clothing, MacCarl Hardware, Miss Slee- men, Edwards 5c to $1, Eaton's, Gartshore's, Jerry's, ~Breslin's, Butt Radio, Snelgrove Drugs, Mc Intyre Hardware, Hicks Jewel ery, Mesher's Jewelery, Bassett's Jewelery, Mercantile, Agnew Sur- pass, Style Rite, Wool Shop, West- the last few games. Also there are five or six players on the team who are not pulling their weight, He said that he expects more goals out of players like Pete Babando, Gordie Myles, Tom O'Connor and Fred Etcher. The latter named player knows his production is down but has |been playing with a handicap the past few games. The other play- ers were given no excuses. He said that he realized that Tom {O'Connor was not a high scorer but he was not skating as well as he should, as well ds not potting goals. When asked what he had done to correct this situation he re- and Wall- T Smith Encourages » Lagging Dunnies are taking it a little too easy in, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, November 28, 1958 § EARL PASCOE'S SUNOCO SERVICE STATION CUSTOM BLENDED GASOLINE 6 GREAT FUELS Automatically blended by ONE PUMP | { Mrs. 0. Hunter Entertains 3B's | The regular meeting of the Whitby Baptist Church 3B's was held at the home of Mrs. 0. | Hunter, of Palace street, last! '| Tuesday evening with 13 . . a bers and a visitor present. Mrs. M. Detlor opened the meeting with prayer. After the roll call and the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, a business discussion took place, The membership pledged their support both prayerfully and financially to the urch site fund committee in the purcha 'ec of a new building site for the Baptist Church. Mittens were brought in by all members fo be given to the Baptist home mission board in Toronto for welfare services. Conveners who volunteered to take charge of the Ladies' Aid Christmas party were Mrs. M. Detlor and Mrs. R. Sturgess. A new slate of officers was elected to hold office in the club |for the year 1939, Mrs. M. Detlor still remaining as prc. dent. Mrs, D. Mitchell took charge of the | meeting and DipuZht a very in- | formative and inspirational mes- SID SMITH sage on the Bible a: iA is i n history, why and how we shou aur fing, ier DioTers. am. that | read it and the inestimable value thing if some of the fellows do not it holds for all. ite get moving. The Mizpah Benediction was The Dunnies will play host to|repeated in unicon and a lovely the red hot Belleville McFarlands lunch was served. here tomorrow night and they -- -- -- could be gunning for their 7th . straight win. The Macs are in Kinsmen To Make Cornwall tonight and a pin over _-- L Fo p Specializing in... o TIRES o BATTERIES » ACCESSORIES Sunoco A to Z Lubrication and Related Services We Guarantee NO SQUEAL Lubrication EARL PASCOE'S 132 Brock St, North, Whitby, Phone MO 8-2252 FREE LOCAL PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Gift To Library Whitby Kinsmen Club voted | Tuesday night to award annually a $25 prize to a student of the It was reported that the 4th| 1st Company Girl Guides -- J. parkinson, Mrs. I. Humphreys Tailors, Jury and Lovell Drug|" «jy nave started with tonight's the Chevies would put them just Brownie Pack has commenced Calder, M. L. Cuddy, B. Dilling, land Mrs. J. Clark. Store, Beauty Spot, Adams Furni- practice to have the defencemen [two points behind the Dunnies, meeting on Monday with Mrs. H.|F. Gibson, C. Harvey, L. McKim,| praws, Mrs, W. Ashton, Mrs. ture, Corner Sport Shop, Visser hit the forwards as they come in. and a win over the Dunnies . ould | Harvey as Brown Owl and Mrs.|B. Newman, D. Speers, M. sheridan and Mrs. Hancock, The Foods, Hemman's Men's Shop,| He said the blame for the prac- \mean they would share the top Ar MacNoughton as Tawny Owl, |Weaver and W, Wilson, passed winners were as follows: Swan, Seaway Motors, Whitby Motors, tices being too easy would lie [rung with the locals. . . . So you Al discussion on the requirements g } Roy Campbell, 600 Kent IGA Grocery, Tuck Shop, Chain- within himself, And he sees the |can bet that coach Smith and wih.' District High School for the religion and life badge testers being Mrs, J. W. Everett, 00 Whitby; doily, Mrs, way Store. need for harder work. He said/manager Blair will be cracking | Vhitby istrict igh Se ,. followed. It was decided to hold | Mrs. Harry Town and Mrs. EN eee -- ------------ that some of the players appear [the whip with some sting come Presentation of the ward will the 'Guides' Annual Theatre| Weaver. to be out of condition so he is[tomorrow night... The Dunnies|start in 1959. On what merit the po ais -------- er eee eo. 0 giving them some stop and start|can get back on the win string|aWard will be presented is still Wi ith S t A k | etition S S treatment to help build up their (here with a win over the Macs in |under consideration, | [J Deathless Week On Roads Library Support start of the season. He also said [of champions. We are sorry we |$150 to the Whitb Public Library that he has not been a man in|do not have our copy of freee purchase books for the child- } . . A petition is to be circulated to of 20 per cent is paid. Larger The Canadian Highway Safety Observe the ratepayers of School Area No. levies also mean larger grants {favor of fines, but it has pro- league statistics as yet but hope [ren's section. This is another in Conference is once again spon- signs; 1 in Whitby Twp. asking their up to a maximumof 65 per cen! duced action by some of the other to ° have them for tomorrow |the many donations the club teams when the coach and man- night's paper. has made to the library = : id Claire Rich and Charles Snel- soring "National _Safe-Driving| Adjust speed to weather and approval of a school area public (which is paid on a per capita Week sampalge across Sanada. other traffic conditions; library. The area includes Brook- levy of $1. The campaign begins Monday.| never drive your cag across lin and its immediate environs. The letter states "the library . grove were named as a com- Issue Warning Of mittee to investigate . "vice pro- : A # Dee 1 pu us Shivazs 0 centre line of road unless you! In a letter issued to all rate-| board has decided to take steps | Sunday, Dec. 7, Inclusive. ve a clear view ahead for payers in the area, the plans for to carry out Mr. Mowat's recom- anger a 1S jects for the club. Plans for the New Year's Eve dance were announced. The event will be held at the Spruce Villa Hotel, " ha hig ool Chasis Hefteton of ample distance; such a library are outlined. The | mendation and to this end a peti- Ie ay a has urged, Never enter an interesection circular appears over the names tion will shortly be circulated ask- : : : citizens to observe Safe-Driving| Without first taking due. pre- of the three committee members, ing the support of the area rate- Dr, w. E. McBean of the On-_licity which has been attached to Week and help make it a death. cautions; Mrs. F. Holliday, W. H. Down payers for this movement. A|tario County Health Unit has the subject recently, it would be oe 8 P he highwa's Nev ssume that there is no and Mrs. C. DeJonge. straight majority of the ratepay- [cautioned municipalities in the |wise to keep a sense of propor- lest pveck he a else ray 35mm at a. crossing: It states that Angus Mowat, ers must approve the project be- county of the danger of rabies. [tion on the subject of rabies. Al- 3 Molorists wou ls NF Director of Library Service for fore further steps can be taken." | "Rabies is a fatal disease though as many as 47 rabid foxes which may affect all, and domes-|have been killed this year in On. tario County, the total number of ™ HAH (3 N O.H.A. SENIO BELLEVILLE McFARLANDS ef Gree the Emergency Helper Badge, the nrg t WORLD CHAMPION WHITBY DUNLOPS and obey all traffic MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 83111 it you have mot received your Times by 7 p.m, Coll SAT.. NOU. 29th -- 8:30 PM. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA the 10 basic rules for safe driving| Never combine alcohol and tne province, has met with coun-| The letter adds: it of felt gL, 2 tality set gasoline; cil and the library board and has| A public library thus establish: {jc animals, and human beings," week can ac : Never car stated that the present library ed will be free to all readers ine points out in a letter sent to|cases which have occurred in follow another drive slower this and every week, the conference urges. RULES OF ROAD | Never The 10 rules motorists are chance when take any walking school library the a suggested library, He has area public fee would be arranged. Our popula- tion now numbers approximately 1450 and may reasonably be ex- asked to use during the week, street or on a highway; ! r kre o Keep on the job of driving which would be tax-supported and pected to continue to grow, A and during the future are: ) Observe the speed laws and every minute you are on rules of the road; road. _--rnT " i cy ; See Film Of Aid For Refugees ter, guidance and technical as sistance, was shown, It was re ported that the United of Canada by the end of 1958 wil have shared in this effort follows: cash $1,075,000; used clothing, ete evaluated by United Nations $2,254,000; othe. con and shipping 5 $160,000 -- a total of $3,489,000. '"The Open Door' \v. as the title of 'the sermon at thé Whitby United Church on Sundav morn- ing In his 'message the challenge of "the great opportunities of Christian service was presented, and an appeal made for young men and women to dedicate themselves to the ministry and deaconess orders Phe choir sang the anthem "Sing and Rejoice" by William James. At the evening hour, a movie partrayal of the great need of|a youth caravaner among the overseas refugess and neg-|B.C. Indians this summer lected populations, and of the that the next Sacrament of In work of the Protestant churches fant Baptism will be held in providing food, clothing, shel- Sunday, Dec. 7. emrelet---- evening hour . xt Sunday Margaret Pellow will fllustrated talk on her work Church as contributions tributions It was announced that at the Mis give an as| the and on per capita must be raised for this purpose. On that amount, | the a minimum amount of 50 cents good public library is a basic need in any community nd your support for this good work is soli- cited." letter, a legislative grant | orp agencnen Re-Elect]. M . Hicks Lawn Bowling President The annual dinner and meet. ing of the Whitby Lawn Bowling was held in the Whitby District High School on Wednesday coven. ing. The guests and bowlers were welcomed by the president, *'J. M. Hicks. C. A. Freeman, local games chairman, presented club games nrizes to the fol'nwing sucress- ful bowlers: Mixed doubles, first prize, Mrs. Donald Tutt and Wilson and Ward Bick Mrs. Frank Roberts presented the award to the winner of the ladies' singles event, Mrs. C. A, Freeman, while last year's win ner, Miss Eileen McBride, | Herbert 0. MacDonald; consolation, Mrs. ' awarded her the trophy. NEW OFFICER' MacGillvray | closer than two feet for every accommodation is totally inade- resident in this school area. To|whithy Town Council. mi'e per hour you are travelling; quate for a growing community readers outside the area, a A kind of a TAX SUPPORTED across a "The most likely carrier of the |disease is the fox," he states. Other information contained in the letter was as follows. The disease is carried through bites and scratches and the saliva of the infected animals, and also through the handling of their car- asses. | Animals killed, or found dead, therefore should not be handled with bare hands; the carcass | should be either burned or buried |at least three feet deep. Children in particular should be warned [not to play with or handle wild animals either alive or dead. Family pets, cats and dogs, {should be vaccinated against ra- bies by your veterinarian. This Results of the election of of- applies particularly to dogs taken ficers were as follows Men's Section: president, M. Hicks; vice-president, MacDonald; secretary, Ro s; treasurer, Harry tournament games C A main, Freeman; J. 0.|by any animal which you think James |may be rabid you should contact Lott; your physician and the Medical chairman, |Officer of Health, If the bite is Donald Tutt; home games chair-|from a domestic animal such as | greens |a dog or cat, it should not be kill- lon hunting trips. If you are bitten or scratched |chairman, J. Coverlev: assistant|ed but confined in a safe place. chairman, Herbert Wilson, Ladies' Section: president, Harry Lott; vice-president, Fileen McBride; secreta"y, Frank Roberts; treasurer, Mrs. [pected by its Miss Mrs. |w Mrs. [should be killed, and the Health Where any wild animal is sus- behaviour to be rabid and has been in contact |with other domestic animals, it T. Mavne: tournsment secretary, |of Animals Division at Bowman- Mrs. Donald Tutt, Award Oshawa Couple George Gouldburn $507.55 In Damages Is WM O An Oshawa couple, Mr. and negligent and King 30 per cent Mrs. Robert King, of 55¢ Oxford negligent. St., has been awarded damage totdlling $307.55 following a civil court action arising out of a motor vehicle accident in Beaverton. The award was made by a county court jury in Whitby The defendant in the action, Phillip Elliott, of Beaverton, was granted damages of '$240.80. The jury found Elliott 70 per cent and F'liott's vehicle collided, Of the damages the Kings, Mrs. Annie received $140 general damages was hospitalized for one day. sented the Kings, Highway 12 and Osborne St. inthe Beaverton, in which King's car Monday night. King | their De. She had suffered a cut lip and Town, John Greer. of O:hawa, repre- George Gouldburn was elected Lodge's regular The officers elected for the 15 meeting New officers are: Bro. John R immediate past master: Bro. Ernie R. Stafford, senior warden; Bro. H. F. Town, 'unior warden; Wor. Bro. F. Marsh, Chaplin. f Masons Very Wor. Bro. W. Pringle, | The action arose out of an Worshipful Master of Composite treasurer; Very Wor. Bro. W. G accident at the i.tersection of Lodge, No. 30, AF and AM at Augustus, secretary: Wor. Bro. : meeting C. D. Ryveroft, director of cere- spending two weeks in Peter. Bro. deacon; monies; Inkpen, senior Harry Bro. awarded to ensuing year will be installed at Guthrie, junior deacon. Bro. ivan Davie, inner guard: |Treen, report Bro. John Breckenridge, senior steward; Bro. C. Stafford, junior steward; Bro. Ivor Lawrence, organist: Bro. John Brecken- ridge and Bro. Fred Otten-Bittle, auditors, WHITBY B Rn (4) C Phone MO 8-3618 ON paving EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M. - A W FEATURE STARTS 7-9.20 P.M. ALY: LF ROBSON: RAMOND MSE 75 OR. BARBARA NECHOLS verses ©) wn (E05 TERRY SANDERS smn om MAMAN HALER mm PAUL GREGORY we RACK WALSH mms WARNER BES. PLAYING SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY 1:30 P.M. "SPRINGFIELD RIFLE" IN COLOR STARRING -- GARY COOPER PLUS « CARTOONS AND COMEDY Legion Auxiliary Welcomes Member | The Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion held their social meeting on Wednesday at the! Legion Hall. Mrs. George Brown presided. Mrs. Ann Wright, formerly of | England, was welcomed into the Auxiliary as a new member, Two donations of $50 each will | be forwarded to the following: | Retarded Children and Muscular Dystrophy. A letter of apprecia-| tion will be sent to Mrs. N Irwin and Mrs Corner for donations to Auxiliary's bazaar, which greatly appreciated N the were winners were: | and Mrs. The Fred James Gordon Brown. Nominations were conducted by Mrs. I. Humphreys. Elections of officers will take place at the next meeting of Wednesday, Dec. 10, also the Auxiliary's Christmas party with exchange of presents and entertainment. The following meeting will be in charge of Mrs. N. Kyle The evening came {lo a close with a delightful' lun_h served [by Mrs. A. Vallee and com meeting Mrs. mittee, [Mrs. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE The high scores for Duplicate Bridge were as fol lows: North and South: Mrs. Hunter home of Mr and Mrs. McGillivray, 852; Mrs. Stiner and Mrs. McMahon, 80%; Spratt and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, 75%; Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 69 East and West: Mrs Mrs. Barrons, 76; Mrs and Mrs. Maundrell, 73%; Medland and Mrs 16 + 64; Mrs Mrs Heron, 63'z. TO HOLD CONVENTION Whitby Township Education Association is holding the annual convention in Whitby United Church Saturday, Nov Guest speaker for the oc will be Rev. John Bra the Ontaric Council o Education. A pot will preceed the 6.30 pm Wiseman and m, luck convention dinner Butt and |C Chubb [Wheeler and family. Mrs. | Jordon, 66; | A draw was held during the Mrs. McLeod and Mrs Freeman, | Christian |~ Almond 'asim Foster, of | Douglas Christian |Censolation prizes were won by , at | Walter An invitation has been were served by the social com lextended to all to attend. | ville notified. Please note that if at all pos- sible, the animal should not be killed by shooting in the head. Notwithstanding the above re- marks, and in view of the pub- WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs, V. D. Richardson, after borough with her son, Stuart, is William |at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer of Euclid street, Sorry to that Mrs. Richardson is under the doctor's care. The many friends Mr, George Fallon, of Mary street, are sorry to learn that he is in the O hawa General Hospital. They wish him a complete re- covery Rickey MacDonald, son of Mr and Mrs. R. H. MacDonald, of Centre street south, will appear on Uncle Jerry's TV program in Buffalo on Sunday. Rickey will perform in a tap dancing of vis week's routine. Mrs, 'John Dalby, of Toronto, recently spent a day at the and Mrs. Sydnev IDalby, of Athol street. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Davidson and their sons, Douglas and Bill, visited relatives in Orangeville last Sunday. They were Mrs. W, Barber and Mr, and. Mrs Hold Euchre At Almonds H-S Home and School | Association held a euchre at the {home of "Mrs. Walter Brown Wednesday evening, Prizes were won by Mrs. R. RR1, Whitby, and Bentley, Peterborough. Mrs T. Crawford Brown Pickering and Refreshments Imittee. BELL TAXI All colls must be olaced between 7 and 7:30 p.m. dogs to date amount to 4 | Only one human case has ever occurred in the province of On- tario. COMPARE OUR PRICES With any in the district, and remember, these cars are really here for sale at the time this ad is published. They are not "CALL BIRDS" to get you to come in, nor are they beat up "knock-kneed horrors"! Each of these cars has been privately owned and has been traded in on a new. car or a: late model used car, Each has been reconditioned where necessary by our own licensed mechanics. FOR THE LOWEST PRICES AND THE HIGHEST QUALITY COME TO YOUR CHEV - OLDS, DEALER. . . HARRY DONALD "The Name That Means A Great Deal" 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN -- Grey, custom radio, one careful owner. Ok. waranty on ..vniennnt 19 BUICK ROADMASTER HARDTOP -- Mar- oon and white, automatic transmission, * power brakes, power steering, power seat, power windows. Cost new il | $5,000.00. O.K. warranty ..... 1695 PONTIAC SEQAN -- Black. In firs class condition. 0.K. warranty Sdadeann CHEVROLET BEL-AIRE SEDAN -- Brown and beige, custom radio. 845 0.K. warranty ©.%595 1958 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF -- Grey and , white, powerglide, 0.K. warranty 1957 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COACH -- Green, custom radio. 1 495 0.K. warranty 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON -- White. One careful owner, low mileage. 0.K. warranty 1956 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN -- Blue. One careful owner, low mileage. 0.K. warranty 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN -- 2-tone yellow and grey, one owner, OK, walramly , .,............ 1595 1955 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN -- 2-tone blue, automatic, custom radio. 1395 0.K. warranty FREE ANTI-FREEZE -- 10 MINUTE FINANCING TRADE-INS WELCOMED OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. 4 SALARIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU DUNDAS STREET EAST Whithy 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN -- Black. Powerglide, custom radio . . PHONE MO 8-3304, OR IF YOU LIVE IN OSHAWA RA 5-4831 ||

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