Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1958, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 28, 1958 3 Adelaide McLaughlin School Formally Open Glowing Tribute Paid To Community Leader Mrs. 8. R. King presented a 4 Change Location Election Meeting The annual election night gath-| As has been the practice for aring of civic candidates and cit- many years The Oshawa Times izens of Oshawa, which has been will cover the progress of the 1 held in the newsroom of The Osh- vote and, in its Tuesday issue, {awa Times since the days when will carry pictures and stories i the late Charles M. Mundy was reflecting all the color and ten- the publisher, will change its lo- sion of the election scene to- i cation this year. | gether with stories of the results| Colonel R. S. McLaughlin offic-|Rev, A. Marshall Laverty, Chap- ially opened the Adelaide Mec-|lain of Queen's University, Kings-|picture of Her Majesty the Queen, [Laughlin Public Schoo! Thursday (ton, who called for greater recog-|on behalf of the Golden Jubilee night, just six months and afnition of the role played in soci-| Chapter of the IODE and Rev, few days after he turned the first ety by the teacher, . i x Mle, [ecutive ertotary, {| Next Monday night, on an ex-|of the voting. sod, | "Society", he decalred, "'must Public School Trustee Association Boa Oe he 'comvilation| Officials of CKLB have an-| Several hundred civic officials, magnify the teaching profession of Ontario, presented the new of returns,the radio broadcast of nounced that they will broadcast distinguished out-of-town guests until it is second to none in the School with its Bible. _'the results of the voting in the from the cafeteria, adjoining the and citizens overflowed the tiny eyes of God and Man." Greetings from the City of Osh- |various polls, the progress of the council chamber in city hall. | auditorium of the modern 12-| "Mr, Laverty warmly praised awa came from His Worship, Ly- i{vote. and finally the addresses Large blackboards will show the room school, built in a record|joca] officials for their diligence|man A, Gifford. Chairman for | |delivered by the candidates, will trend of the vote by polls and [six months and named in honor|in furthering education in this|the evening program was the emanate from the fifth floor of the running totals. Later in the of Adelaide McLaughlin, LLD. |4gtrict, and congratulated a com-|chairman of the Board of Educa- sthe Oshawa Civic Administration evening the candidates will speak) Col. McLaughlin presented munity which spends almost 40| tion, Stephen G. Saywell. i Centre. |from the Council Chamber. golden key, the trowel used in the ser cent of its revenue on educa. | Special guests, trustees and of- : jcotner-sione laying Seremony tion, but he warned against be-ficials were introduced by ihe ] * . {and a silver spade us Ur |lieving that fine buildings and|vice-chairman of the board, Dr. i R d d K d d [He first sod 19 the chairmab of |cquipment are the only elements|C. H. Vipond. 1 {the Boa tion, p i | ; etar e 1 18S |Stephen G. Saywell, and ten hoeded in. providing. education, | The guest speaker was intro- watched while his daughter, Miss TEACHER SYSTEM CORE duced by Trustee George A. Flet- 1 hd Isabel McLaughlin unveiled the| The core of the system, warned cher. Rev. J, Neil Lothian, actor Work Ex aine portrait of Mrs. McLaughlin|the padre, is the teacher, a per. (oF St Mark's Anglican Church, which will occupy a position of son who teaches because he loves delivered. the prayer of dedica- honor in the entrance hall of fo teach, and who devotes his Ho Mr. Foster said that mental the school. life to *'the training of all for(PLATFORM GUESTS Pejatasiion could Be deseribeg Bs RECALLS YOUTH the Jorviee > se He Siressed Platform guests were: Colon. a boy sitting alone because other ,. : {1 riance of teaching chil-'o] R, §, McLaughlin, LL.D; } children won't play with him, or he colonel recalled that he giep to think for themselves, as o G. 01 augulia, bLD iy a little girl who takes years to} 25 five and one half years. o {opposed to education in a totalit- McEacher: Bop. Ga al i 4 ; when he came first to Oshawa. |, ; " 1 Lalit: | McEachern, Major General and learn how to tie a shoe lace. 4 ' |arian regime which minimizes|nrs, €. C. Mann, M d Mrs. and in those days, he remarked : : rs. C. C, Mann, Mr, and M Some of the causes of mental} hoard of education would not the importance of self-expression. ¢, E, McLaughlin, Mr. T. D. retardation are injury at birth, ly oa dreamed of a splendid Each speaker throughout the) Thomas, MLA for Ontario riding; lack of oxygen during birth or school like the new Adelaide Me. Program paid tribute to the late! Mr. G. L. Duffin, assistant super- through accidents in later life. [Laughlin Public School 4 Adelaide McLaughlin, describ- intendent of elementary ecduca- CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE Keynote address was made by|ed in the official opening program tion; Mayor L. A. Gifford, Ar. Mr. Foster said, "It can hap- in ~ as "Teacher, Mother, Leader in John B. Parkin, architect; Mr, pen to anybody. Retardation aan {Home and School, Champion of R. 8. V. Burgoyne, architect; Mr, hit 'any family. the tame wav ap the good and true." D. D. Allow 'contractor and Sor can Bila child. Pha birth on B A tribute to Mrs, McLaughlin Mr. H. J. scoigne, contractor a mentally retarded ch 1d can be was paid by Dr. George Telford,!and others, unpredictable." who was many years her minis- Officials and teachers of the The: associttions are. started by ter : new school taking part in the pro- paren's of mer y retarded chil- ~The poitrait of Mrs. McLaugh- gram were: Principal, Harold N. n geiting together and discuss lin was presented to the school Pascoe; teachers, Mrs, Myrna ing the problems that parents ex- by Mrs. J. A. Gaskell, president |Bayliss, Miss Elaine Bell, Miss perience with their own childre of the Oshawa Home and School{Margaret Dancey, My, Dave Realizing that, out of tr Council, on behalf of that organ.|Goldman, Mr. Gerald Harper, diction and individual opinion, ation. Mrs. McLaughlin had or-| Miss Barbara Little, Miss Mar- they were basically talking abou ganized the first Home and School! zaret Ann Masterson, Mrs. Olive the same t! blans were dis- Association in Oshawa and be-! McIntosh, Mrs. Jane Nelson, cussed as to wh came tha first life member © Miss Judith Seneco, Mys. Jean to help the tally the Canadian Heme and School Ward and custodian, Rebert child, Parents hrgan o and Parent Teacher Federation. | Clark. programs (o make the Ud EE Sh children comfortable and even u- ally teach them how to absorb ¢ GET ouT VOTE legree of learning. - | D.S. R J Pl 3 Ph Blit | nn 11Z IsFormed | YhONE The rabbit population of Osh-! Avowed aim of the competie . . awa vill go up if the city's pro- tion is to bring about a greater n istrict portional vote in the aldermanic sense of responsibility on the Jections Monday less than|part of the public for geod gove By 1s otinad Harold Cannon, RIA, president those of 19 otiier Ontario com. ernment, C. ; . et ee ed persons in Ontario will re. of the Society of Indusirial and mun ties. ; . Other cities competing in 'ad. ag a re. eastodial cam . } Accou Ontario. to-! Sarnia Junior Chamber of dition to Sarnia are: Brantford, complete mental developmen' quire custodial care by 1970. It Cost Accountants of Ontario, to Cc erce has challenged Jay-C . . d dating from birth or an early age. was renorted that in four or five day announced the formation of - en ns cha! on Bed S27 Chatham, Cornwall, Fort. Wile It was said that it should not be years, two new schools will open @ local chapter of the Society in gobs n 1g, 3 ilies to a Ey liam, Guelph, Kingston, Kitehene Loonfucad with. mental illness, at Cedaf Springs and will accom. the Oshawa area. out and bid, Smpelition, The er, Niagara Falls, Peterborough, | medate approximately 1290 each. Mr. Cannon stated that due tol Dre LS os the bocby var- Port Arthur, Sudbury, St. Cath. When these schools are compvlet- the rapid industrial growth a need| ™., bbits. pl Lely" off. arines. Sault Ste. Marie, Barne, ed, there will still be a waiting for a chapter had been exoressec| he 'rabbits plus their off-/Galt, St. Thomas, Woodstock and list of annroximatelv 7000. by accountants in this district.|SPT"8 in the course of the next siratford. 3 two vears will be presented to| --------- Foster sz tha he inter-IThe ¢ r will encompass e A fr | ( aid that the inter he chapter will encompass th the city having the lowest pro- relations hetween sc i-i i P 3 pe i yetween schools, medi-|indusirial area from Port Hope portional vote at the next elec. cine, social and rehabilitation|to the houndaries of Metropolitan Hons ) . ervices need strengthening.|Toronto, and some accountants No pe . Many of the mentally re'arded/from the Scarboro industrial area) To save the city from the rab For Board of . Education The work being done by the Retarded Children's 'Association of Ontario was explained to mem- bers of the Kinsmen Club of Osh- awa, at its meeting in Hotel Gen- losha Thursday night, by Harry |(Red) oster, well known Toron- to advertising executive. | Gordon Garrison, president of {the club, presided. The meeting Iwas conducted by Vice - Presi- {dent Jack Nicholls. | It was announced that the Ux- bridge Kinsmen Club is holding a benefit dance Saturday, Dec. 6. Ito raise funds for the Uxbridge Cottage Hospi al. The Oshawa Club will lend its support to th event. During the meeting Raike was elected a dir the club. The other campaigning for the were Robert Taylor and Edward Mothersill NOW CANADA-WIDE | Mr. Foster told the club that the retarded children's movement is now active in 10 provinces wit! ont 116 groups which are joining in of edazaiion. a national campaign to acgnain! --Oshawa Times Pholos. |capadians with retardation worl ~ He said there are approxima ~h 500,000 mentally retarded chil dren in Canada and 'people are FORMED IN 1953 beginning ccept this as an- Vain i health hazards.| The OARC originated in Apri | He also emphasized that retarded 1953, and 49 local units in 49 dif children can be helped. ferent cities were formed. At thi Mr. Foster went on to say: time. provinecinl institutions were "The inci'ence of retardation is unable to meet demands for ac- far greater than any other sommodations, The hospital fliction of childhood. Of each school at Orillia commodates 100,000 children there are 990 and has a waiting list of mated to be 700 rhuematic approximately 1.500. Overcrowd- disease 350 with cere ing. is so bad that beds have tc palsy, 200 blin be placed between beds, mentally retarde It was stated, by Mr. Foster that an estima.ed 17.000 retard- Norman 4 THE OFFICIAL OPENING | of the Adelaide McLaughlin | Public School. Ros land and Stevenson's Rds... Thursday night, was attended by a large number of residents of the area. In the upper picture Col. R, S. McLaughlin (left) is seen with Rev A Marshall Laverty, chaplain of Queen's Univ Kings on, and Stephen G. Say- well, chaiiman of the Oshawa strong, chzirman of the prop- Isabel Mec- | erty, planning, , unveils a alter whom the school is named. At right is Tiustee Harold Arm- proper'y and building committee of the board Milk Producers Praised | For 'High Quality Product | ~ Members of the Oshawa Milk discriminating Producers' Association, at their|with envy. {Peterborough Milk Foundation. annual dinner, in Harmony Unit-| Following the dinner ,| They explained what the founda- ed Church Hall Thursday night, gathering enjoyed a fine ? tere is doing to increase the use were informed that 98.7 per centihy Rey. C. D. Cross, rector of St.|0f milk by stressing its nutritional of all milk they shipped during|George's Anglican Church, who|and health giving properties. l the past year had "been given|dealt with e various philoso! A delightful pros 1 fealuring| 1 Grade Ome rating. In making the phies prevalent in the world to-|Jack Bateman, slic of hand| E.; announcement W.F. Nesbitt, as-\qay Mr Cross stressed that tho |artist and Nick Brown, piano ac-| Burk sociation president, emphasized| Christian philosophy of life is the|cordion virtuoso, brought the eve.| .nnapolis Ave.: Robert Wat- that this was an achievement ofl, ic one which can save the|ning to close. son, 133 Tyler Cr.: Ron Loft. which they might well be justly world as it is not centred in man| Special guests included Roy F.| house, 109 Northview, RR 3, prod. 4 H United but in God The Creator | Lick, secretary treasurer of the} Oshawa; Kelvin Smith, 587 e ladies of Harmony United i reas |Ontario Milk Producers' Associa Stevénsen Rd. N.: Mrs. Church served a hot turkey din FOUNDATION WORK [tion and Mrs. Lick; Maurice] Malcolm Smith, 211 James ner with all the fixings and al Short talks were also delivered |lLiart, president of Oshawa Dairy| St: Jimmie Setc mn, 45 Di- variety of pies which would have William O. | , president of| Limited; Harry Wallace, secre-| vision St Lew W. Yourke- made the mouth of even the most'the Oshawa Milk Fourdation and|tary of the Oshawa Milk Founda-| vich, 171 Stacey Ave.: Miche tion and the representatives of| ael Greer, 320 Cadillac St., P the Bowmanville and Whitby Milk] S COMING EVENTS | Producer.' Associations, The as The first five persons to sociation was also honored to| inform The Ozhawa Times of have Arthur Stainten, one of the {heir birthdays each day will BAZAAR TEA original members of the associl-| receive double tickets to the At ST. GERTRUDE'S tion, when it was formed 42 years Regen theatre, good for a | 120, in attendance. four-week period. The cu PARISH HALL {CIVIC WELCOME : WED., DEC. 3, 2 to 9 p.n Delicatessen Table, Bake | Sale, Aprons, Novelties, Fancy Work, Knitted Goods and Mystery Table. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations ard best wishes to the follow i dents of Oshawa and disiric who are celebrating birth- days today Mrs. E. well Ave Grassmere 80 cad | 13] " af- gourmet water | Mrs, Whiltaker, representing the S rial and 3000 who are d."" Jordan, 65 Crom- Bob Schmidt, 58 Ave ( nce Res land road, Melissa Tuck, 74 Judy Rahme, 379 is Cox Mrs BINGO Harman Park Asscciaticn FRIDAY, 8 P.M. ST. JOHN'S HALL (corner Bloor and Simcce) 20 Games -- $6 and $8 5--%$40 Jackpots | rent attraction is Walt Dis- Ald. A. H. Murdoch, who iep- resented His Worship Mayor |Lyman A. Gifford, extended a civic welcome to the members. [Ross Lee extended a vote of thanks to the ladies. 277b| Those at the head table in- ---- | cluded Mr. and Mrs- W. F. Nes ney's 'White Wilderness." Mission Work 278b MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS | on... 4p Sotunisy. Noveip: hitt, Rev. and Mrs, T. Holmes Mrs. Whittaker, Mr. and Mrs. W To Be Cited |accountant's contribution to in-| |dustrial management. He ex-| Two Cars Meet i can become productive citizens have shown an interest in asso- Dit inva ion dl and 1 Taye 4 while others can be trained and'ciating with the Oshawa chapter. sequent irom » st wks ol et- 2 partially self - suoporting. |Present membership includes ac-[tuce -- Oshawa 2 cans are em. It was announced by Mr. Fos-|countants from the leading indus. barking on a "telephone blitz ter that there will be a *'Retard-|tries of Oshawa, Bowmanville, |tonight. 12 YEARS AS MAINTENANCE AND CARPENTER IN OSHAWA SCHOOLS ber 29, 3 p.m. Christian Re- formed Church, Elizabeth Crescent off Thickson Road North, Fancy work, aprons, pyjomas, tea, grocery stand For children, fish pool and lucky dip, etc esig- = NEXT MONDAY You Have a Vote ! Don't lose it! = Use it! AND RE-ELECT GEORGE DRYNAN 0. Hart. Ald. and Mrs. Norman Sunday, Nov. 30, will be d | Down, Ald. and Mrs. Murdoch, nated as Missionary Sunday in| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner and First Baptist Church, Oshawa,! Mr. and Mrs. Cx Werry. 1 with the emphasis on the over-| are dizeclors of tie Sulouia on seas mission of the church. The : guests for the day will be the 278a F. Werry, Norman Down, A. | io __"'®% Muir, Earl Disney, Gordon Cor- Rev. M. Bennett, BA, BD, | ner, Harold Werry, Hans Gejs- the secretary of the Overseas Board of Education | berger, Walter Holliday, Hugh Missions and Evangelism of the Nov.24,26,28,29 Ormiston, Wes. Yellowlees and Canadian Council of Churches, ERENT . Ew: Leask. and his wife, Dr. Ilo Bennett. | COSTUME BALL Ewan wc AN | Mr. and Mrs. Bennett have re-| BINGO CLUB LORELEY CORONATION SATURDAY, NOV. 29th ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, NOV. 29 UKRAINIAN gam HALL CORNER SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AND BLOOR STREET Rudi Bushman and his band. EVERYBODY WELCOME 5 1 i dE -- 4 1 H ' * a 20 rogylar gomes--"Share« the-Weqlth---4, $40 Jack- pots to go. 1, $150 Special to | 90. | 278b| MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth TURKEY TICKETS WITH ADMISSION FOR OUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S DRAWS SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH Your Vote and Support is Who is Sincerely Interested in the Welfare of our Citizens and the Progress of 1958 ' PONTIAC--PRIVATE SALE A 1958 4 door Strato-Chief Pontiac, 6 cylinder, tan and sierra gold, windshield washers, with 18,000" miles on it. New muffler. This car has been greased oil changed etc. regularly, and is in good mechan- ical condition and nice and clean. It's for sale because my company is now going to supply me with a company car. I'll consider taking an old car as a trade. Price is 2295.00 or best offer, and terms may be arranged. Call me at RA 5-7462, or 121 Stevenson Rd. N., after 6:00 p.m. or Satur- day morning only. Oshawa ! of Do- Company VOTE: and RE-ELECT Alderman Christine Themes ed Children's Week" and the|/Port Hope, Whitby and Ajax. | Twenty or 25 of them will money that will be collected dur-| p. §. Read, RIA, of Dunlop| Pend hours on the telephone to- ing that week will go to the Ca- (Canada) Ltd. Whitby, has been | Might urging taxnayers to get out adian Association for Retarded! ional chal and vote and thus prevent the hildren. named provisional chairman, chamber having to go into the ------ Dei ze | Mr. Read explained that local |jjvestock business. | chapters are located in all major - . |industrial areas throughout Can-| 1 eo |ada with the purpose of aiding the, | W k1 C [pressed the wish that the new| Atl t ti ! or n ongo |chapter would be i genvice to n ersec 100n | Rev. E. J. Pudney, general sec-|1ocal accountants and industries, A car operated by John Thnat retary of the Unevangelized 3nd, that it would keep pace in 430 Ridgeway Ave., Oshawa, COMMISSIONER FELTWELL Fields Mission, will be the spe-|tc Increases lus ri CHARS 0) was involved in an accident cial speaker at the evening sery.|about to ta 2 place n e red: mh ursday evening with a motor ice in Calvary Baptist Church The society also provides a for-|yepjcle driven by Betty Povin- rm ans [Sunday night. |mal course of training for its stu-|giy, 59 West Beach, Bowman- Mr. Pudney has completed 34/dent members, successful candl-|yijle, at the intersection of Bond ECONOMY . |vears of missionary work and is/dates being conferred the RIAig Ww and MacMillan Dr. well qualified to speak on the degree, (Registered Industrial | The Povinsky vehicle was re- or ee IQS proviems confronting the worker|Accountant); however, member: sorte; driving south on MacMil- WITH GOOD i: 3 |in the foreign field and the needs Ship is also open to general mem- jan Dr. a stop street, when it {turned to Canada fo serve in the] Morning and evening meetings of the various missions. |bers who are interested in indus- wag in collision at the intersec- JUDGEMENT Checker Club loffice of the Canadian Council of at the Salvation Army Citadel| For years he and Mrs. Pudney|trial accounting. tion with the Thnat car, which Churches after 28 years of dis- next Sunday will be conducted Were missionaries in the Belgian| An inaugural meeting will he was going east on Bond street, tinguished service under the Ca-|land addressed by Commissioner(Congo, caring for a very exten- held at Hotel Genosha, Oshawa.|a through street. | H 1d T nadian Baptist Foreign Mission|W. Feltwell and Senior Major H.|sive area and three district tribes| at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 2. J. | 0 S ourney Board in India. During the war|/Rowlanes, of London, England. |of Congclese. In more recent Nelson Allan, RIA, executive | |Dr. Bennett was widely used and| Commissioner Feltwell is the|vears he has directed the admin- vice-president of the Society of The playing quarters of the honored by the Indian government Salvation Army's auditor general, |istration of the Unevangelized | Industrial and Cost Accountants] {Oshawa checker club at the CRA both in political and military a position he assumed in 1955 Fie'ds Mission in North America.[of Canada, will be the guest were crowded last Wednesday matters. after several field appointments/ with headquarters in suburban speaker. night. Fourteen players werc, He comes to Canada with a and the managership of the Re- Phila., Pa., and Toronto, Canada. present including four count' first hand knowledge of the ex- liance Bank Ltd. | The Unevangelized Fields Mis-| {players. A county versus Oshawa tent and the urgency of the Over- Major Rowlanes, also from the sion has 340 missionaries, to be| SKUNK HUNTER WOUNDED 278a contest was arranged by trans-|seas Mission of the Church and audit department, has spent 19 found in Brazil and Britishi HAMILTON (CP) -- Peter i -- |ferring three Oshawa players to is qualified to assist the Church years as a missionary in Chile.| Guiana in South America, Domin-|Chewka, 27, was wounded in the R. Solicited for one {the county team: to find the best and most effect] y aes - |ican Republic and Haiti in the/arm when a young companion's y * A series of four games was method of accomvlished hei |West Indies, Belgian Congo, and|.22-calibre rifle accidentally dis- played and resulted in a tin of 28 calling. During the vears of her al |New Guinea. This society is able| charged while the two were hunt- total points for each team. Fol- service in India Mrs. (Dr. Ilo) to report tremendous blessing in|ing skunks in the city's outskirts. lowing are the scores with the Bennett was a leader in the field ] A each field, with thousands of David Washnuk, 14, told police Oshawa player listed first: C.|of medical missions. alue t souls saved and established into|the rifle discharged when he slip- Woods-2, G. Moore-6, L, Hager-| Rev. R. Bennett will preach at| many churches. {pec on some ice. man-7, C. Hyderman-1, W. Lynde- the morning service of the First $1126 SEE i Ss niles, J. oS clei Baptist Church. Dr. Bennett will . Neal-4, E Power-3, J. Gibbens- bring the evening message and ORON' (CP) -- J 5, V. Russell-2, L Rorabeck-6, W. then at the after-church-fellow- ORONO Riis has 4 Torous Meredith-2, C. Evans-6 ship hour they will show the|that gold now can be bought in The Oshawa players will start most recent pictures of the work| Toronto by paying only three per competition play next week for in India. cent down. Class A and Class B city cham- John Rogers, partner pionships: It is expected to have hertv Roadhouse and an increased number of contest HUNTING TOLL MOUNTS |caiq his firm will sell gold bars ants this year. This tournament WELLS, Me. (AP) -- Armand |on margin as stock is sold on i ume all winter on a Gertin, 15, of Sanford was shot|margin. round- n series of play. through the head and killed in a| The gold is available in two ADMISSION $0 CENTS = Qeer Jutnking acelen) here Thurs. sizes. A kilo bar weighing approx- |day. Police said the youth appar-|imately 32 troy ounces of 1,000 TWO EXTRA GAMES AT 25 MAMMOTH SUBMARINE ently was struck by a bullet from |zrams is worth approximately $ | Largest of us. CE a companion's weapon, He was |$1,126. To obtain a certificate of Ww . | submarines, the triple-dec ri- Maine's seventh fatality of the ownership on this would cost less ~. Ost. IL 18, 31, Now, |, 14, 15, 28, 39 ton displaces 5,450 tons. {1958 season. y than 34. vost less -

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