Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1958, p. 15

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41--Room and Board (44--For Rent 44--For Rent 44--For Rent 435--Reol Estote For Sale 45--Real Estete For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale \ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 28, 1958 15 "ROOM and board, close to south piant,| APARTMENTS -- one-, and two - bed- FIVE Soom Spuctimett; 3 Wentworin FW Teoma; unfurnished, A A town ti refri reet, wa asher, dryer, ve, home, at door, One child in a log al. Near school.|Also furnished double room, breakfast 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sele Apply 1493 Ontoed Street oll ox Hod frigerator, TV aeri x a refrigerator, aerial. South, " " Hand gow. iri Big oe Phone MArket 3-3611, Rowmanvily | served, Sirls or boys, 624 Olive Avenue. 4 . 4 4x ATS siness girl, ie co We - ls' past) APARTMENT ntral, a it, 2 i modern bachelor iy . : oy Hops cel 5 . fe me tor bu , une block 10] couple or two sts, "Prone RA int three large rooms and bath, oak and ment, bed - sitting room, kitcheneite JUST 3 LEFT! H North Simcoe . Phone 58013 on RA " tile floors, of] heated, Private entrance. and dinette, bathroom. 460 King Street Li modern baterment|iawn and garage. RA 53896. 274 West, five minutes to Shopping Centre. 43--Wanted to Rent apartment, Private entrance and bath; MODERN" two Dadroom_ apartments . . . ! DUTCH Soule with awa children would door" chil welcome, a Taandry. Ses this ieee" vat, aerial asher, EL A Wh ite Christmas ? In -YOUL, own home can Now Ha 3 dhedroonn Shick biingelons e's large : ALLY hy RR Many extras including built in valance box in living Phone RA so0d wen 2st art. BRIGHT thi rtment, down- 1. # ree-room apartm NICELY decorated three ,» room apart.| Coon h, oo lomo sable for ' couple, | Centre. 212 Stevenson South, 2754. ent, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna, | 9 and washing_ facilities. Available De | Available Jan. 1. HA 31806 atiernoons) THREE toon apartment, complgtely ; easily be ) reali ity if you let us be soon) veld 3s val, ove selling with, fetiem, Semi R LLOYD REALTY cember 15. RA 81913, Hulor cn: Ta phewly rate ENTAL AGENCY [ONE or two unfurnished vooms @th|trance, adults only. 580 Drew treet. HOUSE, close 1a school and Bos, $40 ' bi These ranch style homes must be seen to be apprecis Gew Home. Reasonable rates, Norih|erance, adults only. Nov.27|a month, RA $1730, 78 your Santa Cl aus! atd. Be first, you are not under any obligation. Full Our fee is less tha : 51723. RA 5-7506. 7 fea is. 1838 Than © 2 IMMEDIATE possession, nice four- Lowen duplex, $50 per month. RA price as low as $11,380.00, with down payments of vacancy, orly screened TWO r 276e|robm apartment, downtown, washer, 5- Grver, TV aerial, furnished if désired -- FERRY -- six wom Bouse. $1680.00 with one mortgag=. Call ond reliable tenonts, Dt "propper Tr egy OR Uoyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, [FOUR room House aTTS Clive Rivlaizo 's furnished bachelor aparimient, iniee bedrooms. full basements 00 WE WILL MOVE YOU INTO A, BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED N.H.A, BUNGA- Phone OZZIE ADDISON--RA 3-2254 sue, Available December 1 Avply 178IRA Port Perry, YU Wy 101 Simcoe St. N. Olive Avi 4 23 Ce eer ATT 13131 Z| OW ON FULLY SODDED'7S LOT WITH'S REALLY BIG BEDROOMS, ETC. RA 8-51 FURNISHED houlekeeping room for! rooms, private bath, builtin cupboArds| GNF Targs room In pHVALe home, sall- " ng space. Apply am age space, heavy, or r two 8, 44--For Rent Kimeoe North or RA S458. 918 G10, "wiring "Su bee ear: of gouple of Getaws Bouvard. sia Wilhm| 4 PCE. BATHROOMS. AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR ONLY LLOYD AYERS REALTOR APARTMENT --thres rooms bath, THREE - room, 0H - Sustained aparl:| RA 3.2428. 310 Mary St. Nov. 29 Streets. Phone RA 5-2261. stove and refrigerator, newly 'decorat. ment, heat, lights, waiat 1 ONE large furnished room, nice for|ONE furnished housékeeping room for} . ; ed. Reasonable rent to good tenant, Piece bath, private entrance, available) pun" 44s Fern Boulevard or ih parking spare. Apply 276 For information, phone Mrs. Claylon, PO%. RA 34009. Deeds) SRitiemos ory Sentismany will parking sp yt RA 53501. Sc [NEWLY decorated five - room, Li- r AP ARTHENT=Gowsmigire ive Toom, 1101eY brick home. ip Southmeade dis- FOUR Toors Se FO ov spaTiment: ws 1 A ted 285 Meadow ' » » new! ject , Apply it Osawa Boulevard South BE phone RA 81736, 274i em kitchen, second floor. 539 Albert|in, rote entrances central, Suit. DOWN PAYMENTS FROM i CAN BE ARRANGED IF YOU QUALIFY H WwW OER Street. RA 8-1003. 213 apie for young couple. RA 5.4837. 278f ET SOE CT ren, mn TE "FULL PRICE ONLY $11,895 - BALANCE FULLY CAR- rf hety LIGHT ed, suitable for king "ein, central, | gh Tone person a couple. 242 Blnabeth room. Private entianee, RA 3.3994, La Pr Jr Badage two large rooms, at FOR rent Becher, modern Toe FOR RENT RIED ON ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE, LOW TAX AREA. : 130: Brock. Siréer North TWO unfurnished rooms, sink and cu ter and on bus stop.|bedroom ranch style, ofl-heated, dzuble boards in kitchen, central. Adults pre- Ee A ply 119 ork. arage, breezeway, basement heated, : Whi itby MO 8.2527 ferred. Abstainers. Phone RA 35-2006. |awa Boulevard North. hone MA 3-279 Bowmanville. 2758 MEADOWCREST 276 | mpi ---- » furnished 8s, Sat TWO ground floor, light nt housekeeping : Ince home, ed oy Seat, suitable THREE uniursivhed rooms, 'Mbet 3 rooms, private enicance. Apply 341 Ver BROOKLIN A OSHAWA =n: Tus storey brick house, centrally located, near sep- two ) arate school, modern kitchen with extra cupboards and builtin RA 8.5878 Or RA' 5.5433, 2 | eee | THREE attractively furnished rooms, d Bi dais breckfost area. Total price, $12,000. Gall RA 8-8228 or RA a . rt t, builtin _cup- ROOM in nice 'home, close to dwn. dy wink, duplex. App 163 Ban. newly decorated, suitable for two| N.H.A. BUNGALOW, ALL 3-91 town, Apply 229 Clarke Street. 276¢ ing. RA 5-8830 274¢ | working girls. Apply 466 Albert Suset, MODERN LUXURIES. OWN- 3 MODERN three-roomed apartment, i ET Tet " yy Ma » Dias a4 Bl a Bday ; : electrically equipped. heated, garage mas gentleman. Avply 4 "|CARGE furnished bedroom, cookng| ER TRAN $FERRED TO FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, in Oshawa with thies1eom. basement ava'lable. Available Dee. 1. Phone RA |r iherne Street West. c.24 | privileges, oy decorated. Phone RA USA MAY ALSO BE apartment, private entrance, aluminum storms ond screens, 'extra 276¢ | af 275¢ fe lorge lot. Call RA 8-8228 'or RA 3-9139. 5.3815 7 ap 75 -- FOUR "room, self - contained "ZF TWO nice rooms, close fo bus, laundry o an New stove and refrigerator, three or four PURCHASED ON MOST a : facilities. Reasonable. Wil care. for Aduits only, Phone RA 5-459. 274f|rooms, unfurnished, all conveniences, pAVORABLE TERMS. ale I -- Five-room bungelow, newly decorated, new fur child while mother works. RA S01. | Giiuie™ i sarage, immediate pos second floor, central Park Blvd. school: BR( X KLIN nace, extra large kitchen with dining area, three bedrooms, ec : 10 ession, 8 Woodhouse Crescent, Alax Bred child welcomed. Ava'la Ho PHONE ets, one jorge) NICELY furnished single en- | 583 278b Ceram cei : ™m ngle room, cen- 5 ODERN four-room apartment with WALTER MITTLER NORTH-WEST CORNER 7 & 12 HIGHWAY --- DRIVE THREE-BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL With finished recruqlion f y re Ph Mi trally located. All conveniences. PRONE |g ;Gag™_ "single beds, continuous hot| jc ue hey "oder and dryer. Ravine ool $2,300 down, lower down payment con be arronged. Me RA 3.300 or 13), Burke Street Dee. c.10| ater. Corner store, William and Mary stoves Phone RA 5-580 275¢ BROOKLIN 291 GROUND floor, two clean unfurnish (Streets. 3d foamh, nk on kuchen, Wh so [FOUR room Rose, nor ve TAT, BOSE SATOK REAL ESTATE RIGHT INTO BROOKLIN AND TURN LEFT AT 8-2527 anytime on these or other listings. 5 Dee. 1111, ivate drive-| +4 ROOM suitable for gentleman or lady, way an paved sirct Frome Almx. a plied ph amis very LTD. 278d BROOKLIN HOUSE. FOLLOW SATOK ARROWS downstairs, close to Shopping Centre, |for appointment to View A 2 277c [central uptown. Apply anytime 221 Ar THROUGH SUBDIVISION. 335 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA RA 5-3406 63 Grenfell Street. 276 | December 1, oh i thur Street. 275¢ a] 5--Real Estate For Sole NEW modern fwo - bedroom apart [FUR coat, new, natural "brown Otter - A ment, near Shopping Centre, child wel-|Cost $1200, Will sell for $680 Phone [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms. avail rere ee come, electrically equipped. Available| ga 8.5531. 2774 able 1m private OIE. a7, a SEVEN . room brick income Jame. December 15. RA 8-5504, 276¢ ee : : 7 p.m, good poof, garage, garden, centrally FOUR - room apartment, private Beh ARGE, b Bright furnished housekeep.| located, owner leaving town. Write Box ) IVE + room modern bungalow, Of |heayy wiring, sult working couple. 2a ling room. Suitable for two ladies or|243, Oshawa Times. 27it Cadillac Avenue South, $9 monthly, : &, r---- one year lease preferred. RA 5.0771 ch --_--_""|gentiemen. Apply 171 Nassau Strec yoo powN, $6300 full price, founroom between 7 and 8 p.m. 76¢(|SELF - CONTAINED, three - wong. |i house and bath. RA 8-520 after § p.m. TAREE - room apartment, -- road Apartment (new ume "h heavy Wiring | THREE -room apartment, two "wo Blocks| 2774 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 4 EE - , NGM. Parking J er floor, heat and lights included. Pri. Adults: Near ar Dec, hom, downtown; Rest f ater and hydro | GORNER store and house, No. 2 high- vate bath. Apply 476 Albert Street. 276( Td ec 18 supplied. alse TY erie San RA 5.002 way Dunbarlon, solid bri newly de. , N m for lady or gentlem , low down pay! , HOUSE -- seven 200mE, oo, Jaated, iy GLE 'room and washing machine, after 6 pm. Bi 275¢ | coated. SL0.500, 1 " Whitby. MO ONTARIO S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTOR OPEN FOR INSPECTION 0 WE, aa "5.0064 | very central. Phone RA 5-8150. 275(| TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished, 'g.2550, qe "sink, cup-|for couple, two girls or two ladies. BASEMENT apartment, oo, cp Also room for single person, 620 Si man] THREE Teoma, unfurnished, complete- Write Box ur Oshawa Times. ( : L Resi !Rvaiiavie immed po WALTER MITTLER--BROOKLIN 291 ply 421 Nipigon Street, anytime. 278b| pou" oii December, modern, three [aot e Noa seed WESTVIEW HEIGHTS SUEDIVISION TWO = wn ted, doubl six rooms a Nassau Street, TRACE TWO room basement apartment, three-| bedroom ranch style, oll heated, v, Soubl: sri Rail Shen WILL Call RA 35-4087. {10 minutes downtown Oshawa, Phone = 3 wmanville u OW -- mo ern th-ee-bedroom, ble J 1. Phone RA 5.4221 or i sat a ionad pk sa gd 4 oi: 12 FOR OLDE thi 7) d . able Jan lac North, $95 monthly, vacant. Phone is area. nd street south of Whi istrict Hi lin 143 28e rroms, sult one or two gentlemen, 310 [RA 50352 after 6, RA 39210. 277 New 6-room brick bungaiow 0 itby District High School) car garage, Immediate possession, FOUR - room bungalow, also three Na sink, soace heater. rangette, ) d 2 N.H.A. MORTGAGES stock approximately $1,000. Phone RA|roomed apartment, eat, lights and| civerator, hydro paid, $30 monthly. Subdivision. 3 bedrooms. furnished apartment, Sint irings] and ole, Souble, Wome Jreforted;| |FOUR - room basement apartment, working couple desire newly painte! pPly entre Strect. |p iivate bath, sink and cupboards in . CENTRAL, private entrance. partly a 277 |kitchen. RA 5-5825 276¢ REAL ESTATE 1 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. furnished; living room, bedroom, ONE-, "or two - "bedroom ~apariment,| THREE . room heated apartment in equipped. | Bowmanville. Available now, unfurn'sh 278 b J come. If Interested, phone RA 8-8084 j ; all conveniences. APly 208 Malfoy oo gown payment for five-roomed For information, phone agent-- 6-room Bungalows situated on Burns Street * ri Suit pensioners, or business couple. Ap- | Rvailable immediately. RA 37001. 2774 ln BIAS wah sre "HE Er BF mun downtown. Oshawa RA $9898 alias 4 -Rp S020. $030 P.S.--We have several excellent N.H.A. Resale listings in WHITBY LOWER duplex centrally locaied, ava + |attached garage, oil heated. 128 Cadil- - weekly. RA 81255, STORE for rent with four rooms, two | Weekly. J: WO room cottage, furnished, ecup- with carport, in Apple Hil 57919. _278b water supplied. RA 3-7 25/guit middle aged couple. 1438 Simcoe OPEN WEEKENDS bathroom, kitchenette, laundry facill- furnished, kitchen fully . wr 64 Prince St. after. 3 p.m. 278f| GN large room and furnished kitchen} © 5a hree-bedroom brick house with age. THREE rooms and bath, heated, un-|TWO sleeping cd ingle |[Scuth, i 277¢ JONES tes. Atply Apt. 1, 234 Athol Streel adults, parking space. 150 Division (ed. RA 346133, Oshawa. FOR Teh oF Street. 2781 | : FOR rent or sale -- new six x-room | APARTMENT. main floor, 385 Ma bungalow, near South GM, Apply 23¢/TWO rooms for or light Dousekéeping, Street, four large rooms with modern RA 5-6412 or RA 8-1566 i . Malaga Road. Dec.28 | heated and hydro, RA 8-0339. cpnveniences. RA 5-69 947. 277 27¢c 2 PICTURE BOOK HOME FOUR - room, furnished apartment and | LOVELY home in "residential area, area, ire. THREE rooms, upper duplex, Tate separate entrance, heavy duty bed |bath, arage for winter months, central, re. place in Hving room. three , di to i edlat: 5: SE PR ii 5 my tn, fre ims 400 + nef SAT he TRS TF DISTOW FOR LESS. THAN. RENT BRICK. Donan: Sol VE Hath | POR genemn: silo bois ist 1o TWO ORY Nom Suter two 13 iki NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS oll heated newly decorated, south end, south GM. Duplate and Pedlars. Six|c,, Bloor East. RA 3.3211 evenings 8 OLSEN IN EXCLUSIVE Quality- built Model Homes near bus and school, $80 monthly, days weekly, Apply 147 Mill Street anor | RA 5.2539. 2771 Available Dusember 1 Avil Ply $s call RA 57754. et = -- ford, 5:30 - m. Saturday, 1-5, BUNGALOW -- six - room, modern TWO - st 3 2. i Sewareay. FOUR-, and five - room self - "contain. | brick, oil heat, close to schools and THREE-BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS orey brick house, oll heated,ed semi - furnished or unfurnished pull Op FEC ON cupaney. Apple REALTORS . and garage. RA 52192 278a | apartment, stove and refrigerator. RA |yi| area Phone RA 59191. ' 277! COMPLETELY DECCRATED oe 630 A 3.9 8 t i h.| 56309 or RA 3.9358. 496 Simcoe Street | 124 COLBORNE ST. E. . : : : : THREE - room apartment and bat ROOM in quiet home. central, for re. room. 'Also single room for rent. 13 North, Apartment 4 a | ROOM dn ay Gentleman. RA $:3160. 2741 --Four-piece ceramic bath with colored fixtures Division Street, RA 8.1207 278 | ROOMS for rent. Centrally located. Dial | -'c Trg a APARTMENT at 1393 King East. four] For only $3,800 down yéu ' , ' SNACK bar concession in new bowling RA 5338 id |rooms, ground floor; adults, $45. oe con have this large seven. HERE'S FAMILY. LIVING AT ITS BEST! Aluminum sliding windows alley, the Lakeshore's most modern) --=------------==----"= Hancock, RA 5-170! 74f ¥ size 20° x 36', Apply C. McDonald, Pine Hane a Line i i room brick home with a four- Crest Bowl, Port Hope, Ont. 2781 | APARTMENT, self - contained, three| oon gpqrtment upstairs now NO PIONEERING --Deluxe self-edged kitchens - rooms and bath, unfurnished, heavy i ' TWO large warm completely furnish. | H U E wiring, downtown, heat and water,| renting for $75.00 a month, : ed light housekeeping rooms Includ-| adults only. $60. Available December 1. A new hot water oil furnace ----20-minute bus service ee uersier, hy, Senin TO RENT odovere | Tots the complete house for ROADS STREET LIGHTING 8 mires to 25hoo) | gle beds, one block from downtown, Ap-| Tastefully decorated through- SEWERS DOUBLE SASH MOVE RIGHT IN! machine. Central to Shopping Centre {ply 45 Albert Street 276f and downtown, suit working couple. $15 eekly. RA 5-5227. 278¢ i , this i f be: Toe. RA50 BOUARE Ca eh i SODDED WATER {mately square feet, uplex ty . - LARGE SIX ROOM | pa CE CENTRAL [Hine brs, antaace, in| FOR THE GROWING A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY OPEN FOR INSPECTION NOW) BRICK HOUSE ole trom: Ajax. Pickering Township. | With @ school only four min- FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Go direct: King St. East to Farewell Then ; South to Satok Model Home Quiet street, garage, very Phone Pickering 382 Z| utes : owe ie el 1 f : sea y, this six-room ; desirable location, close to PHONE |ATTRACTIVE three - room apartment,| brick home is ideal. A large Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: RCL USE AGENT G.M, ond downtown. Avail- |self - guntained, al conleniences, cen- ¢ i n. livi : ole Jo. a : i RA 3-948] frat, WA" S2is0' or apoly lb nig. room nd a + WILSON REALTOR - SCHOFIELD INSURANCE - | ATI ey px ry Tp r i - g 8175 red yy NEE SE roe Troe S15 DEO MS a RA 5-4588 RA 3.9065 SATOK REAL ESTATE FOUR - room cottage. Phone a coming family, LIMITED WHITBY CL ASSIFIED [Fon om i Ham AN INCOME HOME BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS 276t| This six-room brick home on | FOUR-room apartment, main floor,| Oshawa Blvd. N. is ideal for RA 5 6544 RA 8-8921 RA 5-9647 {ant conveniences, free parking, im. the people who like low cost - RA 5-6165 ROOM and board for one gentleman FOR rent -- Modern four-room apart [Routh door. ; 1 APPY. 91 Celinay living. The upstairs is now willing to share room with twin beds. ment, newly decorated, self-contained, rented and with the home : Phone MO 8-2802. 278a | nice 'size, brigh M |ROOMS "on ground "floor, sink, ¢ cup- icely d VICKERY & YN e 4 right rooms, TV outlet,|poarde heavy duty wiring. Apply after| Nicely ecorated and a garage CH R of Hy im busigalow, oil | Ate. RI A ediate Possestion | |6 p.m. 165 Ritson Road South. 274| ond private drive, the price of U CHILL AVE. rr Dua 2) Th : RA,8-5155 000 down. in Whitby. W. M~. FOR SALE -- bunk beds, % bed, double THREE unfurnished rooms in Tekawa, $12,500 Wy only $2,500 y Realtor, MO 8.3231 278¢ bed, crib, Duo therm space heater, at Ta, inl pow Call ff dg gd Jecoted = oturel braplace, L-shepeq living and dining foam, HOUSE with garage, Immediate vor (able and chairs, refrigerator. MO|ywater included. Phone for Intrmation, uy. Call us today for an . tiled walls'in bathroom, shower doors, high dry basement, im- se sion. B Woodhouse Crsecent, Ajax | 2703 | Ajax 47IR2. 277¢| @PPointment, ; mediate possession, Price reduced to $12, 500 with $2, 000 down, ; 583 278b [FOR rent "Central, Seca, a "four-room HEATED tment, three - piece bath, FOR rent = Three-rom self-contained Self-contained heated apartment. Adu ults| ppg vate D apasim E, three = oh ae, RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 apartment, heated hot and cold water, Sul. Exenliont office space. Phone MO |1mmediate possession, car parking. RA | 19 Athol St. West, Oshawa : . : TAUNTON RD. E. he pdern Kitchen. immed ate possession 278c | 8-7580. 277 OPEN 6-room ranch-style ho wi 4 918 Centre South MO 8-4126 2783 BUY and sell used furniture. Grixti| clean. furn H E FOR rent Anartment. large living furniture will pay cash for used ap oxE ea bh Hahed oom bora) - T | Even JINGS IN YOUR OWN' ; OM x 264' Sahaive iy fin Sidshey Savile gore on i room with fireplace, kitchen and bath, | &nces, furniture. Applv basement, 121|p) x phone A I | church, Jo Vv : "i er DA n : f - ply 109 Celina Street or h R C paved rood and offering plenty of space for a grow. Sultans Jon business yoms an or cou oie Brock South. MO 8-482. Dec 29/37995 2774 : : MO 8.2303 2 - : : Tories Tera Fie Me WANTED -- Lady (of evening clerical | {wo rooms downstate, cupboards 278a THIS CHRISTMAS ing fomily. Modern large kitchen, forced air with oil heating, : E -- Plano. good _cond'tion. | ¥ a permanent posit'on.|and sink in kitchen, hot and roid / aluminum storms -- twindow in living room and dining, room. 208 Craydon Road. Phone MQ 8.4085, Contact Mr. Donald or Craig at| water. Separate entrance, Phone $2,500 down with month! f $85.01 Owne " "4770 Harry Donald Ltd., MO 83304, 278 27 IMMEDIATE ferred forces sale of thi y ii 785,00 "dren is pr 4 6-room ranch-siyle brick bungalow on 79' lot landscaped and 8-1415, FOR RENT -- Furnished housekeeping FOR SALE -- Girl's three pince winter N TPH! oom. "MO. 8 2810; 300 Pine Street, \ et, 6x; baby bassinette. MO 8.4074. 217c [IVXSRHED. Fol, Bivats home. at OCCUPANCY Ys N 77¢ FOR RENT -- Three room a artment, RA 3.2357 or 38 Kenneth Street, 27 . » CHEVROLET -- black, two dooF. hedied, Jeary uly wiring. private en-| gRIGHT, warm room, central, every You Can Be In Your ONLY white walls, custom rad'o; rear irance. $35 monthly. 1032 Brock South: | convenience, breakfdst if desired. RA 0 Cb , wn Home By : * e speakers "turn signals windshield MO 8-226 277¢ | 3.9202. 277 washer. Excellent condition, Whitby ROOM FOR RENT -- Prefer pension Christmas Foi RE" rau, Rar sed gor WILL MOVE YOU INTO A BRAND NEW BUNGALOW BY S. JACKSON & SON LTD FOR RENT = 'Three roomed un. able: $4.00 per week, Write Box an furnished apartment. 100 Centre South, Oshawa Times, Whitby. 276¢ APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA'S FASTEST MOTHER will ive loving, care one room self contained, heated, hot and Also suitable for office space. L V 8. 905 | of water, refrigerator, central, priv REASONABLE RENT CUPBOARD SPACE 4 PCE BATH DECORATED KIT: . v . No stoves --~ ne refrigerators and no free rides, also no sec furnished apartment on ground floor. POR rent -- one or two room partly ~ FOR RENT -- Small furnished self " LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS men or two ladies. MO 84436. Dec.) (SPruce. Pine May be seen across Greenwoed Crescent, 276¢ ate entrance. Immediate possession. | ! mortgages. Just the best house for the least Central locaton. Private entrance. |pumished. 849 Cochrane Street, Whitby STREET WEST. CHEN. HOMES ARE FULLY FINISHED AWAITING low-priced field in Oshawa. Rast IMiey Wt contained apartment. -ult two gentle. CMOICE Christmas trees, Balsam USED FURNITURE savings. crib. [Ravary, MO e030. 0 0 bor. 35 | CAN BE ARRANGED ' Check these Features: modern - bedroom suite. sectional ches. a Nov.25,27,28,29,Dec.1,2 MO 0 terfield. guaranteed plano, $139.00. Re. |For rent, beautiful newly decorated | DEL HOME gh gi 2 Sian dos frigeratof (practically new) save $170 seven.roomed house, all conv | | OPEN FOR Portis] sire fom 2 Alo ne | . uminum storm win 6c | APARTMENT 'FOR RENT -- Two GROWING SUBDIVISION WITH 3 LARGE BEDROOMS, AMPLE CLOSET AND ON HIGHLAND AND CADILLAC AVE FOR rent -- threeroomed heated un. Phone MO 82760 after 5. ad APPLY 8 KING Phone MO 8.2466 © Dec. 2 ] iid | FULL DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-1932 YOUR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Total price $11,500 with $1092 down conveniences . Laundiy tubs off new price, beds complete with Sacluding ofl heating and laundry tubs, Spacious one bedroom apart- 5 spring mattress, $13: 2 plece chester. Immediate possession. RA 3-7473 Osh. ment with large living room INSPECTION J 3 ' . Hot water heater 9. Aluminum storm doors field mute, $38: Many more bargains. [AWa. ny good size kitchen, 3 piece To buy or sell elean used furniture | si | y ie e : . fat MO 8.1981. © Midlown. Furniture PANT cuffing and alterations, men's| bathroom. Laundry facilities. These 3-bedroom homes have «Electric light fixtures 10. Storm sewer, sanitary J(next to Legion) Whitby Dec.12 | 20d ladies' wedr: drapery alterations Private entrance, garage V terrific vol his | I . . Sidewalk sewer and water SEPTIC Tank R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. | id | terrific value at this low, low . rin : SEPTIC Ui Sieaned the sanitary Dec. 21] Everything poid. Suitable for | down payment. ~ Featuring ese homes are under construction with N.H.A. mortgages re- 3 alter War couple or couple with one all the extras you would ex- payable at $66.61 per month. SF Sk Net Pome 60 LE (OR Rr Tem ow Ses | S887 money. a roy TURN OFF HIGHWAY 401 AT WHITBY CLOVERLEAF GO NORTH ON 12 Close to public and separate and high schools; only 4 left in : g75¢| Sewers, water and streets in (BROCK RD.) TO FINA STATION AND TURN LEFT. is aie lane. ---------------- » (Central location. Phone MO 8.2466 FOR RENT i pp»hb io Sl So, churches LLOYD METCALF REA! ESTATE Shot "guns, deccys, cartop AVON CALLING BUCKINGHAM MANOR "and bus service. S AT 0 Kc : 3% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 3-9329 or 5-655] boaty and canoes, skill saws, paint sprayers (ga- and elec Opportunity for women to APARTMENTS FOR INFORMATION AFTER 5:30 DIAL:-- tric), pipe dies, cement mixer, represent Avon Cosmetics part | One bedroom apartment, elec- RA 8-1 338 REAL ESTATE LIMITED Dick Barriage .... 5-6243 Joe Maga automotive tools . or full time, Excellent com- tricall \ipped. od loca- WILDE RENTAL SERVICE mission Wi te Mis Quner | a hi gr gos Joes: SYS ONARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTOR Everett Elliott 3.9290 ALES, Wh bridge, 47 Serene | N., Apt. 5. RA 88676. UILDERARY Tome PHONE MO 8-4741, RA 8-8921, HU. 5-0733, RA 5-9647 "ee 18 Nav 1019 14 24 94 "8 Near 9K Mac 20 278} (Continued on Page 18)

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