Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1958, p. 11

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Toronto, Montreal TORONTO ° TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto 2--0dd lot, xd -- Exz-dividend, rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industzials Stock Exchange--Nov. 28 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. ar--Ex- Macassa Macdon Madsen Magnet Maralgo Maritime Milliken Min Corp Mt Wright New Cal N Goldvue N. Harri New Hosco NN Mylama '2 925 265 545 Acme Gas Bailey § A 22 25 ritalta 265 Cdn Atl Oi} ks Fam Play 225 Fraser 55 ¥ r Pete pr 500 Gatineau GMC 203 203 +3 25 240 240 10% 10% 2% 28 29 $31 825 $3844 $4642 $38 $584 $23 $4344 $13% $8314 846% 2% 1% or] 3 2 825 825 38% 38% 46%s 38 25 100 250 150 zi5 230 455 %0 10% G L Paper Hud Bay Imp Inv S140 Imp Oil Imp Tob Int Nickel Inter P L Jamaica Labau 110 112 215 220 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT. Swine Industry Battles Disease EDMONTON (CP) -- Alberta's swine industry, already plagued) The worst is the acute type, caus- with rock-bottom market prices,|ing sudden death. Another form is in a running battle with an in- affects the animal in the joints, Erysipelas takes three forms. lince's swine population, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 28, 1958. 11 come more widespread as the |hog population has increased. When hog prices zoomed last year to an average $53 a head, hundreds of f ers entered the swine business. result was a |27-per-cent in¢rease in the prov. to its present 1,860,000. Since then, prices have dropped stockyards on Wednesday, grade A hogs were even with the fed- steadily. At the Edmonton public| eral support level at $21.50 a hundredweight, . compared $30 a. few months ago. Offigials see little hope of immediatejre- covery. % Meanwhile, the Alberta swine population still is big, 'and*in- cludes hogs owned by fariflers who entered this field with little experience. 4 Veterinarians say the old hands in hog raising are having little MacMill B trouble with erysipelas, Fer vincible hog disease called ery- causing crippling, A third and sipelas. milder type results in "diamond There is no doubt of the out- Skin" a mass of purplish come. Erysipelas, sometimes fa- blotches on the hog. tal and often crippling, has been, The organism responsible for increasing in incidence in the this bacterial infection is hardy, last five years, and veterinarians and able to live a long time in report that the chances of stamp- soil after leaving the body. Good ing it out are 'practically nil." sanitation and husbandry cannot Last year there were 270,000 always prevent the disease, which cases in Canada--mbst of them travels easily along the well-en- in Ontario and Alberta. The num. closed hogs. ber of hog deaths was not kuow IMPOSSIBLE TO RID here. Most recent reports in berta was of 21 pigs that died on Er alae head of H t of Cal 'he a farm. neat Hanna, Sag ug ary service, said Wednesday it is virtually impossible to get rid of the disease, which can be L awnor Noranda Norgold Norlartie Normetal Norsyne N Goldert N Rank Northsp Ogzama O'Leary Opem Pater Paymast Pee Expl Pick Crow Placer Pr Bord Pronto Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Cop Q Metal Qunston Rainville .Sand Riv Sherritt Slocan VR Stanleigh Steep R Sturgeon Sylvanite Teck-H U Asbestos Un Keno Un Fort Ventures Waite Am Yale Lead Young HG Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. 755 Acad-Atl pr 50 596 96 9% Alta Dist 175 255 255 255 Alta Dist vt 1000 185 195 195 Alta Gas 700 $20% 20% 20% Algoma 410 $33% 33% 38% Alumini 350 831% 3 Argus 100 828 27% 20 Argus 240 pr 75 9861 61 61 Atlas Steel 1016 8% 21% + Bank NS #15 n n Bath Pow B 225 26% 28% Bell Phope 2214 9 an Bowater 200 Braz) 217 BA Ol M21 BC Forest 100 BC Pack B 225 BC Pow 34 BC Phone 2 Bulld Prod 25 110 245 z10 240 510 sll rsl+ Mols A new 165 Mols B new 250 Mont Loco 225 N St Car 100 N 175 Want cash to fix up your home # Just call NIAGARA on the phone! Sapph debs Secur Free Souris South U Stanwell Tidal Tans Can Triad Oil Un Oils Wespac W Decalta Que Nat Gas 350 Que Pow z10 8: Roe AV Roe AV pr Rorat St I. C St L Corp Salada-$ Shawin Simpsons Steel Can L 00 805 LOANS wargest All-Cenadian Loan Compeny » Street Kost, Bul (ext 78 Bimore Thgute! Suite 2 Open Until Noon On_Seturdey 300 220 2:20 22 17% 17% gary. 100 161 161 Eventual extent of swine losses will depend entirely on farmers, officials here say. Hogs contract. carried by healthy-looking hogs. ing the virulent disease--which His department concentrates on usually strikes in hot weather-- field work aimed at keeping can be saved by quick action with 10sses to a minimum penicillin and other antibiotics. | In Alberta, erysipelas has be- Tor Dom rts 1 Tr Can PL Triad Oil 600 Un Steel 200 Walk GW 100 Webb Knapp 800 Mines RA 5-656 8570 2000 L) 2750 Agnico 63 390 Alba Exp! Algom Amal Rare Ansil Apex Res Area Aunor Barnat B-Dug Bevcon Boymar Bralorne Broul Reef Buff Ank Camp RL C Malart C N Inca Cdn NW Candore Can-Met Cassiar Cayzor Cent Pore Chester Chib-Kay Chib M Coldstrm Coniagas Con-Key C Denison © Den wis Discovery Halliwell Mogul Con Sud Conwest Cop-Man Coprand Craigmt Daering Deer Horn E Amphi Elder Falcon Fatima Francoeur Frobisher Geco Mines Glenn Uran Gold Eagle Gulch Gunnar wts Gwllim Hard Rock Har-Min Headway Heath Heva Hollinger Hoyle Int Nickel Canadian 4500 1625 200 2800 Cdn Celan C Chem C Collieries C Curt W C Fairbks Cdn Oil CPR 3 CWN Gas 5'3 Abitca 42 Ang Pulp Burlington C Marconi C Paper 585 Ford A 125 Horner A xd 250 MO Paper 500 Que Phone Reitman Russell Trans Mt Un Gas Waterman 40 00 $27% 620 28 60 59 Sales to 11 am.: 541,000 MONTREAL MONTREAL 11:30 A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--Nov. 28 (Quotations | meents wmiess marked §. 1--0dd lot, xd' -- Ex-dividend, rights, sw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Dom Wool Gatineau G Dev H Cotton Hees H Dauch Imp Oil Ind Accep Inland Gas Inter PL Inv Syn A Iroquois pr Jefferson Kelly D A Kelly wts LobCo A MacM Mass-F Mass-F pr McColl Milt Brick Molson A NO NGas Nor Phone 325 0 Jock B pr 100 0 Jock wis 1500 Orange Cr z12 Page-Hers 25 Pbina 500 Powell R P Pipe Mig Premium Roe AV Can 525 Royal Bank 120 StL Corp 125 Salada-S 75 Shawin 400 Simpsons Spartan wits Steel Can 72 Tor-Dom Bk 165 Tor Dom rts 3095 Tor Iron A 25 T Fin A 135 Tr Can PL 1737 Trans-Mt n s xr--Ex. Alscope Aull Bailey § A 'Baker Tale Barnat Bateman Belle Chib Bornite C Lithium Chib Jac Continental Falcon Fatima Futurity Gold Age Haitian Hollinger ize Uran Kerr Add Maritime Merrill Mid Chib Mountgary N Formaque 5000 N Jack L 2000 N W Amulet 7500 Opemiska 200 Orchan Paudash Portage Que Cobalt Que Oil Que Smelt St Law Riv Sherritt Steep R Sullivan Tache Tazin Tib Exp! Titan Trebor U Asbestos 11:30 Net Stock Low a.m. Ch'ge Abitibi 7 Algoma Alumin 7 L 3 + Anglo Tel pr Argus Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bank Ns Banque ( Banque PX Bell Phone Bowat Pap Brazil BA Oil BC Forest BC Power Build Prod Can Cem Cl! Fndry xd Bank Com Brew Celan Chem Cell Int pow pr Cdn Oil CP 2175 C « 650 5 « « 250 100 300 « « « L§ 1000 600 6250 5 Cdn Pet pr C Vickers Cockshutt Com Ent Con M § Con Glass Dist Seag D Bridge D Steel ord 7500 5500 1000 5500 1500 200 365 240 295 100 3%0 "ao 60 Walk GW Model 651 Webb Kap Sales to 11:30 a.m.: industrials 28,900, mines and oils 100,700. " 125 $47 +1 Electrolux "BA Tanker 'Animal Attacks * JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS 302° SAVINGS onthe HOOVER : CONVERTIBLE A NEW KIND OF CLEANER--PERFECT FOR EVERY JOB Oblate Dizector Raps rau Underaoes-- Canadian Writer Mowat EL Pefferlaw Man OTTAWA. (CP) -- An Oblate choose what they want to accept, FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- The spokesman says Canadian writer|grom our way of life." British-American Oil tanker Peer- F# ley Mowat mixed error with {léss, Canada's largest in domes- Alfred Mathews, 30, was attacked | and they rolled into the bushes, sé de truth in a statement crit- An earlier Oblate magazine ar! (jc gervice, will undergo major al- ticl id federal government of-|terati t Port Arth hi by a unidentified anima) today "Marews Manas ni hold icizing Eskimo licy of the ticle sa 8 nt of-/terations a or rthur ship- uf iba of a tree branch and ve off i Catholic iar or- ficials in the north are ill-equip- yards this winter. to fit her for and suffered deep bites on his; "i" If ran: back to the der. ped for their jobs. year-round service. leg, hands, arms and face. Half\ goats but did not molest any of Jev. Paule Piche. director of Mr. Mowat, writer on northern The vessel will be shortened by his right thumb was chewed off.|them. He then came here." thes Oblate commission on Indian|matters, said Tuesday that the 5 je aud outfitted for jcean| Cliff Harding, owner of a ga: Dr. C. S. Noble of Sutton said and Eskimo welfare, said in a| Oblates fear that government sub-| 80 ng work, She may ply the conter statement Thursday *we|sidies, which he called their chief Great Lakes in summer and [Tage to which the injured man |the wounds appeared to have , ' b ; re bei ocean trade routes in winter, Made his 'way, said 'Mathews been inflicted possibly by a bear fow's say that the Esirmo Suonid gotiree of revenue, are being re pi i service in 1952 the Peer- tole me had heard a noise out|or large dog. "He was badly ; : less has moved about 22,000,000 Where he tethers about six goats mauled," the doctor said. "The Oblates respec! the efforts| Father Piche replied that gov- barrels of crude oil and petrol. and he went to investicate. Police Chief Len Donner of b ing made to prepare the Eski- ernment subsidies don't cover ac-leym products and travelled more "Two goats ran towards him, Georgina Township organized a mos (for change) because they|tual mission costs and don't than 360,000 miles. he said, followed by a large ani-'hunting party to seek the animal. must change, but in too many| '€ven take into account the idea | -------------- areas undertakings are being|of salaries." . { launched without sufficient study TTT | and without safeguards. VALUED EXPORT | "If we don't want to break the, World's largest exporter of | personality of these people, we radioisotopes, the United King-| must go slowly, exposing our cul- dom shipped £650,000 worth in ture to them and letting them | the fiscal year 1957-38. PEFFERLAW (CP) -- Farmer mal. The animal attacked him OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE extra power for efficient suction cleaning of drapes, furniture and bare floors, A complete set of cleaning tools, doubles stretch hose, throw-away-bags, and other features make it the ideal gift to thrill the busy home- maker. Attractively styled in Pearl White and Heather Rose. There's no need now to choose between a canister type for suction cleaning and an, upright model for rugs-- the Hoover Convertible is the one cleaner that's perfect for every job! Exclusive Hoover beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans action gets all the deep-down dirt that other cleaners miss. Then, just click in the Converter to get 50% Save | EAs Gift 0 NOW! Give the thrill of seeing pictures that "come alive"! See our brand new View-Master Starter Sets... each oné an exciting package of on viewing fun, specially priced { for Christmas giving, Choose from favorite Starter Set picture subjects for everyone -- save It's actually TWO cleaners in onel (! / / nN YOU will be amazed at the new low price! SHE will be thrilled by the ease and efficiency of the Hoover Convertible! BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES 118 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-3707 MacCARL HARDWARE 113 BROCK ST. S. MO 8.3546 NU-WAY HOOVER SALES & SERVICE RA 5-1202 RA 5-0433 MEAGHER'S ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE 5 KING ST. ST. W. 92 SIMCOE ST. N. CLICK in the Con. verter and this Hoover switches instantly to a suction cleaner! Perfect for rugs as only a Hoover can be! Beats, asit sweeps, asitcleans to get deep-down dirt othercleaners miss. Perfect for suction cleaning. Motor steps up to give 50% more power. Makes short work of clean: ing drapes, furni- ture, bare floors. a Dover Suit . . . why settle for less ? Here is value that is beyond compare anywhere. A new grouping of Dover suits that will be an important event to every man who aims to dress up to a high standard on a low budget. Qos You get 7 Starter Set Rg Pictures with Viewer plus 2l Extra Gift Pictures Just think! Four different Starter Set Picruce Subjects to choose from: Lassie & Timmy, Three Little Pigs, Robin Hood Meets Friar Tuck, and Brussels World's Pair. And in addition to the scene Starter. Set Picture Reel, each set holds the famous View-Master Stereo Viewer that makes pictures "come alive" . . . plus three extra gift reels with 21 scenes from the fascinating "Treas ury of View-Mastér Pictures". Come in--see this wonderful gift today! See New View-Master 21-Picture Packets, Viewers, Projectors, 3+Dimension Gifts for Everyone . . , [0] | 8} 3 A395 V Dover suits are clearly superior in fabric and styiing . so why settle for less? English worsted flannels and the new stripes in fine worsteds. ONLY 59:50 OSHAWA SHQP®IN ® Sowyer's Inc. Portiond 7, Ore. G CENTRE OSHAWA CAMERA CRAFT CENTRE "Photographic Specialists" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 8-5211 ASK ABOUT OUR DIGNIFIED AND CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN -- 19 --

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