Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Nov 1958, p. 10

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1978 Ls THE CSHA'VA TIMES, Fridoy, Novembsr 28, | MARY HAWORTH' 5 MAIL DEAR MARY HAWORTH: Our! ; marriage is very happy but we have one disappointment. To be frank. our daughter, now 14, is _ very homely. This is very dis- E appointing because both of us f were very attractive in our vounger days and received many ? honors and preferences, due to ¢ our good looks in those years. We don't have the money to pay - professionals to beautify Polly /T'll call her); and believe me they are the only ones who could help. Now don't get us wrong: we do love her. But we feel we just have to write and get your \guidance. Dyeing her hair, eye- brows and lashes, and using makeup hasn't helped at all. Please answer we need good sound advice at once. E.D. PARENTS' VANITY DEAR E. D.: I am willing to, bet money that it isn't Polly's homeliness per se, but rather, your misconception of what con- stitutes bone-deep human attrac- tiveness, that is giving you trouble. and handicapping her. bed gather that you, the worried critics, set too much store by "looks." You expect looks, in terms of calendar art sex appeal, to do the lion's share of the work. in winning a person's way to what he (or she) may want in society In truth, however, it isn't a child's physical looks, so much AFTERNOON TEA TEMPTERS Butter-Rich Shortbread Wears A Cherry-Nut Marshmallow Top MARSHMALLOW SQUARES (Makes 6 Dozen) Even though it seems ages away, Christmas will be here be- fore you can say "fruitcake", <o| 3; cup butter now is the time for all good|1/3 cup brown sugar cooks to begin collecting special| 1; cups sifted all-purpose flour recipes, 2 tablespoons unflavored Here is a new cookie bar that gelatin you'll find pink, pretty and dif-| 2 cup cold water ferent. Be sure to have a panful(2 cups sugar on hand during the holidays. It{ '2 cup warm water has a rich butter shortbread base, 2 cup chopped maraschino red 1 | Homely Daughter Is Bane i To Happiness Of Parents ~~ | immediately, as ~ |looks, spirit and persenality, so | as it is the "'tone'" of his spirit, that spells success or failure for him, in relation to other people. And I suspect it is Polly's poor showing, in your estimation, in social situations and scholarship, as compared to other children, that gets your goat. It weighs upon you as a great disappoint- ment--and she feels that. As a matter. of family tradition and parental pride, you'd like Polly to be an easy favorite in her age-group on the basis of looks, just as you were, "away back when." Thus you feel per- sonally cheated, obscurely humil- liated, and dissatisfied with her, because she hasn't got the same winning cards that Nature dealt you. But here is a fact for your con- sideration. A healthy, happy, emotionally secure, well-groomed, confidently outgoing child, oc- cupied with a variety of interests and enthusiasms, and equipped with several skills--the ability to swim, skate, dance, ride, act in school plays, paint scenery or what-have-you--will win friends and a following, even with a face as homely as mud. Provided, however, that the child to whom. the face belongs. | By the same token, nothing takes the starch out of a child's completely, as sensing intuitively that his parents regard him with disfavor, as compared to others |whom they admire more. Emo- tionally burdened on this score. Polly may indeed look pitifully |homely--and never more so than | {when you strive, iritably or iron- ically, to paint some ceme-hither lon to her heart-sick face. INEEDS SECURITY' Possibly the most hopeless as- pect of her looks is the deep dis- couragement that underlies her | self-consciousness about your dis- | pleasure with her showing. Maybe if she could forget herself and her looks, and be busy and useful. just having a relationship with Life itself, she might blossom. 1 think the exquisite Julie Har- Iris is the greatest young actress today. And the hallmark of her I ee AUTUMN HAZE, child's parents, or those adults flattering shade, is seen in this who supply: his emotional secur- luxurious hip ity. never fret about the homely | jacket face: but warmly love the whole eiegant for day or night. The coat has littie hip pockets and that new, | straight, length ink | 8 mink | neckline that is equally with large cuffs. manipulated many ways. will find it will make any room more attractive. "Above all, be sure that the painting you select has enough in it to hold your interest for years-- you should be able to look at it 15 years later and still see some- thing new." [of matching the furniture. You | Canadian Painting Can Add Lustre To Your Living Room By EDNA USHER will buy Canadian art they may Canadian Press Staff Writer have an investment which will in- | TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian ©Tase in value. ai paintings are not luxuries--they Mrs. Bagnani gives these point- as. Dagny avs yicunehare lare as important as the chester- rs to choosing appropriate pic- oo oan' he had for about $15, (field and carpets in any Cana- tures: : or the work of a well-known and dian home. "Don't buy anything you don't established artist for $350 to $450. So says Mrs. Mary Stewart like. You've got to live with it purchases can be made at Bagnani, director of the exten- so make sure you enjoy it. ' 'commercial galleries in big |sion department of the Toronto "Don't buy for investment cities at sale exhibitions at gal Art Gallery. ; alone, leries, or in small, isolated towns, "Our Canadian art is the most '""Make sure you understand the through travelling exhibitions of advanced section of our culture," message the artist is trying fo Canadian work she said. "Paintings and draw- convey in his work. pgs by Canadians have an inter- "Investigate the artist by: national message, but appeal es- checking on other work he has pecially to Canadians because done. High - power businessmen {they are about things which hap- who never hirg staff or invest in pen only in Canada. stocks or tt exhaus- "Families will spend hundreds, tive inquiry often buy paintings o! dollars on furniture whichloff the peg. |wears out in a few years--if they * 'Don't worry about the paint- odd A TE BE HR HH Looking for a clean way out ? : pd Give DRAPERIES ond the whole family will be pleased. Large stocks of , . . REARY-TO-HANG Give a book of . . . CAR WASH TICKETS $10 BOOKLETS AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD. 116 BOND ST. W. RA 5.0322 MADE-TO-MEASURE Choose NOW for Christmas Delivery ! WARD'S Simcoe at Athol -- RA 5-1151 (good for 8 washes. wrist - length sleeves An intricate treatment may be --By TRACY ADRIAN -- SHOP AND SAVE AT CHERNEY'S IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ---- A Perfect |genius is her matchless projec- topped with almond, marshma!- or green cherries |tion of the understanding that Automatic Clothes Dryer Xmas Gift Balance As Low As low, cherry and nut-studded 15 cup chopped toasted almonds ---- 1 teaspoon almond flavoring food coloring, if desired Cream butter and brown sugar. Sir in flour until mixture forms a ball of dough. Press into 9 x 12 inch pan; prick well. Bake in 2 slow oven (325 deg.F.) for about Y2 hour or until golden brown, Ascociation: at Soften gelatin in cold water. Ineeting. ombine sugar and warm water M Yack EK ; in saucepan and boil 2 minutes TR eo aui nes agin Dissolve gelatin in hot syrup S Beat with rotary beater or elec-| by Mr. Norman Raike. Mr. Don- tric mixer until very stiff fot, fia _Supden Dresenied She soared cherries, almonds, flavoring and p \u ny . Selections from "My Fair 1-7." olor, Pour over. shortbread aPpropiaie to the Men's ' hours unt. surface gloss disap : gh y Bs Mrs. Donald Sugden read an!' Ses. Cut by Squares ation. Reports on the aves con. Safe Driving Week Starts On Monday ference held in Courtice, were given by Mrs. R. I. Mark and Mrs. R. A. Donald. : : The atiendanee prize was won OTTAWA--From coast to, coast By Mrs Audrey Keyes : I Canada, next week will be 4 00 Safe-Driving Week. Mrs. James Young outlined the. The Canadian Highway health program in the school. TB Conference, sponsoring the cam- patch tests will be given all grade paign nationally, has appealed tol school students after Christmas. every motorist and 'pedestrian to A spot dental test is to be given\make a real effort to get through pupils of Grade 2 to check on next week without a single acci- fluoridation - efficiency. Vision!gent A similar appeal has been tests are given in Kindergarten, made by the Governor General Grades 1, 4 and 8. and the Prime Minister. as well | Mr. James Allen introduced the as the Premier of each province. | guest speaker, Mr. Robert Mc George B. Kenney, chairman of | Leod, principal of the school, the Conference, points out that | whose topic was 'What Is the the responsibility for the preven-| Use of Education?" a question tion of traffic accidents and the frequently encountered by par- resultant toll of death and injury ents of teen-agers. Mr. McLeod as well as the multi - million- provided + many answers to|dollar economic loss to the coun- sharpen the processes of thought, | try. rests with the individual mo- to enable the child to meet life|torist and pedestrian. "Each of graciously: to prepare to meet|us must become keenly aware of crises: to devise a code of values: |the fact that a traffic accident to teach people how to work; fo.can be prevented only by the in- discipline the mind dividual who drives or walks. He Mr. Norman Raike thanked Mr.! can never leave it with 'the other McLeod fellow'. He must do it himself With Mrs. G. A. Leavitt and and until he realizse that fully Mrs. W. F. Frobel as conveners. there can be no significant re- the mothers of Mrs. Audrey Keys' duction in highway deaths any- room served refreshments where." ; y Coronation H and S Fathers' Night Night at Cor- and School the November C It was Fathers' onation Home Safety 1 MORE DAY ! SATURDAY MARTEN'S 51st ANNIVERSARY FUR SALE! ---------- Sem -- Take Advantage of this Outstanding Offer NOW +++ and SAVE! 75 King St. East (Opposite Hotel Genosho) Oshawa | feminine fascination and feminine |1oveliness are of the mnd and heart; that happenstance design of face and figure are inconse- [ quential to the woman who knows that: and homeliness a trifle, easily overcome. You might study her acting, on the stage and TV, to get the pitch of self-confident self-cultivation, that ought to be your gift to Polly, try at least to get psycho- |logical help for yourselves as parents -- to correct your false notions of what is beauty, in child or adult. MH. Mary Haworth counsels through | her column, not by mail or per- sonal interview. Write her in care of this newspaper. SOPHISTICATE! By ANNE ADAMS Divine line for holiday prints, fluid crepe, or wool. You'll love the way this sheath is shaped to vou, and to every facet of your day and night life. Note curving collar,..back flare. Tomorrow's pattern: Girls' separates outfit. Printed Pattern 4563: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 3'2 yards 39-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont BUYING A RUG? Before You Do... See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST. RA 5-1202 EASY Exactly as Illustrated $10 Down $10 Monthly Other Models From -- $149.00 One of the most wanted items this Xmas will be an Easy Automatic Clothes Dryer . . . and more than likely this model, with SUPER SAFE 7-HEAT DRYING . .. Porcelain Top . .. In terior Light and Safety Door Switch. Remember, it offers you 7-HEATS . . . the absolutely correct temperature for drying ANY fabric. ORDER TODAY { $1 Weekly WESTINGHOUSE VACUUM CLEANER COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS . Here is an item that will be appreciated on Dec. 25th. But much more, the day after when it comes to cleaning up, It offers you new improved design and performance with a néw mobile plat form . . . all-around bumper brim . ., double duty floor-'n'-rug nozzle and pistol grip suction control ...at. KARN'S FREE! 30 x 40 Glass Beaded MOVIE SCREEN with ten year guarantee (Reg. 17.95) Brownie 300 MOVIE PROJECTOR Complete PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE Just picture this smartly styled sewing carrying case and a beautiful red bow beneath your Christmas tree It is a comes and accessories, ----A BONUS ITEM Included STREAMLINED WASHER You couldn't select a gift that would be more appreciated. A beautiful washer for a family size wash. Check the features ® GIANT 23" TUB © SUPER-SAFETY WRINGER ® FAST EMPTYING PUMP (Empties the tub in 72 seconds). ® 5-YEAR GUARANTEE WESTINGHOUSE > Steam Or Dry Iron 14.95 COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS Exactly as Illustrated machine, complete with round bobbin model and complete with attachments Open handle steam iron--steam FOR ONE EXTRA or dry as needed, wastes no water, wastes no steam, perfect dampening, all-round button edge, automatic self-cleaning. Reg. DOLLAR With the purchase of your new sewing machine, we will include a handy Sewing Bench with padded lift-up top. $18.95 -Sale Price 14.95, (@NVIIHRIAYS 28 KING E. RA 3-4621 PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A Bonus ltem! OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. COMPARE . . Quality . . Price . . Selection 2 TEX-MADE Candy - Strive * COTTON SHEETS Included For Only One Dollar With the Purchase of This Made: Easy Washer UF CANADA'S GREAT STORES FOR THE HOME

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