Harold Dearborn | presen : my " Lena Bradshaw | Wed At Point Anne | Harold Ray Dearborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn lof Port Perry, took as his bride, récently, Lena Unita Marguerite, = |daughter of Mr, nad Mrs. Leeman * | Bradshaw of Point Anne, Ontario. | The ceremony took place in | Point Anne United Church with the Reverend A. McDowell offi ciating, Miss Lois Bradshaw of # |Belleville played the wedding ' Imusic and a solo was sung | by Mrs. Roy Neugler, | '| Given in marriage by father, the bride wore a ballerina 4 gown of white net over taffeta 7 | with a-chantilly lace bodice styled ! |with a sabrina neckline and short 4 |sleeves, Two fly-away panels at the back were caught at the neck- , Her elbow-length veil of ® bridal illusion was secured by a _ |crown of iridescent sequins, She carried a cascade of Sweetheart {roses and white carnations on a ; 2 vr 7 {white Bible with red rosebuds en- Air / : : ; . a fwiged iv the ally yivsamiest, ; : i ' Once again "Erwinne's" are proud to offér to Te 4 i STI -- 2 the people of Oshawa and surrounding district | X in beige] 7 ai yy » ; X § (Geraldine, Revelie, was, n, bi igs 1 : -- ' | f : Weis big preCylistmnas Sale bargains. Huge ; ' ; . AY i 7 savings to you. You will also find many bar- away panels at the back. The EF "We / / La 14 A gains throughout the store. Cbme early and |ehiffon neckline falling in fly- ; bridesmaids, Miss Doreen, Hol- i ; ? ! } tov | ih . (lomby and Miss Kathleen Payne 4 i 7 ) ; " stoy late . . . he ourself 1 the o [were similarly dressed in fur-| SMCS. / 4 4 A Savigs ever of A Pp greatest y * |quoise blue with matching acces ' : 7 L g er a rwinne's re-Chri BORies 4 i ge Wh } oy #5 Scle. We box all Christmas gifts free. Mr, Fred Dearborn acted as best man and the ushers were Bi doin Save aad i. Sumas] "yi ppy WO.YEAR-OLD | AN EWR We Cash Christmas " cept held at the Ea | A reception was he | Sandra Doreen who celebrat- | Mrs. John Finley, Oshawa, and te Hotel, Belleville, To re | / | Quinte Ha bride's mother wore ed her second birthday on Oc- | Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Vickers, n » Wid # | A | > TEP! ith brown acces-| tober 22 Is the daughter of | Whitby, and great-granddaugh- bine i ® Kirst Quality iy WEDDING PRINCIPALS olive BID oridegroom's mother| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vickers, | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ] § o Saight Cut u ecKs I Pictured after their wedding | John Drewniak and Mrs, Flor- [was in sapphire blue with white Somerville avenue. fagira i Vickers, Whithy. Studio Ph # Th [] Lace Tom op recently at Albert Street Unit- | fan Kwiotek of Oshawa and the accessories. Each had a corsage the granddaughter of Mr. and | --I color Studio oto ' 1 18 . na CT ed Church are Mr. and Mrs bridegroom is the son of Mr. [of carnations' A yA & Fite Only Ee ALL WOOL Walter Rohrer. Formerly Miss | and Mrs, Frederick Rohrer of | The couple took a wedding trip { . / ) Reg. $2.98 value 1 ski Camille Marie Drewniak, the | Biene, Switzerland. to Niagara Falls, As they left the 50% OFF bride is the daughter of Mr, Photo by Ireland bride was wearing green matte | - . ' ' ; . Sweetheart % d y Sisters of St. Joseph's Welcome [cost sna corsage o ii Ae HAN Mr, and Mrs, Dearborn w b : , * ; : ake their } Bellevill / ; as 77 SRE 5 All beautifully pleated, Guests to Convent For Centenary make I OI frown ih v / f 4! 2 11 around Sliced awa, Port Perry, Toronto, Brock- i owe Deals. sort The Sisters of St. Joseph's Con- Minister of Labor, and Mrs. |ville, Don Mills, Buffalo, Brook- | a a 4 -- | jersey, patterned in charcoal grey t, SL street north, were(Starr; Mr. T. D, Th MPP, |lin, Brighton and Ottawa. ; | vent, Simcoe stree were| Starr omas { Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 o NYLONS ff : : 1.99 |and rose with a dark brown top hostesses to some seven or eight/and Alderman Christine Thomas; | pundred guests on Sunday last,| Mayor Lyman Gifford and Mrs, | - £4 when they held "Open House' on|Gifford, and Alderman R. Cecil PERSONALS B. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 26, 1958 7 Hirst Quality i the occasion of their centenary in!Bint and Mrs. Bint, 4 [] Ee - Ay § 7 TWO-IN-ONE Oshawa. Guests. from out of town were , f . +r \ : ¢ . A dinner party was held at LLL » . ; ® New Christmas Shades = Mrs. Leo Karnath, Centre Sister Margaret Mary, of St 4 T id : 1 b , introduced the guests to|Joseph's Convent, Tan | Adelaide Bouse 9 Monday eve. illing-McDonald Nuptial Rites Satin 4 X REVERSIBLE SKIRTS | the Reverend Sister Mary Cath-|former Mary Venini of Oshawa nw po iy Lo. Jama for- A i 2 i 2 | | Reg. fo $22.50 erine, Superior of St, Joseph's|and a sister of Mrs. Karnath, and | } I A i S 1 a d A S G 4 | 20 k mer Miss Sally McConnell of Osh-| 0 emnize t regory S | [ Pair A By Lady Ame superbly Setsieg Convent here, who presented|Sister Magdelana, the former them to the Reverend Sister|Bernice Noonan of Oshawa, of By, [awa by Hor former asociaies is | : ; that are stitched to the hips for Maura, Mother General of St.|Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Sis- - nding several months in Can.|.. The Very Reverend Dean Paul chantilly lace over taffeta, top- SEAMLESS NYLONS ht / erfect fit. Reverse for a different Joseph's, Toronto Archdiocese, (ter Thomas Aquinas, the former ape and the United States before| PWyer officiated at the marriage ped with a bolero jacket. She ve 4 ook and color scheme, All the and her assistant, the Reverend Helen McGrath of Oshawa, and & retiring to Ireland in the spring, [OF Saturday afternoon, November wore white gloves and a matching | \ ® First Quality ig newest Tartans. All sizes. Sister Mary Angela, member of the community here, [yy (1° epee are (0€ SP 08 122, in St. Gregory's Romn Cath. headdress accented with seed | ® Sizes 9 to 11 : Among those calling to tender was also present. ' he n oh 3 ON nie olic Rectory when Margaret|pearls, and carried a cascade of | ® New Shades congratulations and good wishes| The Sisters escorted their| poi 0® "PL % TEE ITOTICE FE Louise McDonald of Tamworth, yellow chrysanthemum. ® Reguier $1; were the Hon. Michael Starr, guests through the convent and yeolio- Simeoe street south, |Ontario, daughter of the late Mr,| mr Michael McDonald of Tam- 2 $ . pr EM --=|tea was served by the St, Gregory | and Mrs. Thomas McDonald Was | wos cousin of the bride, was | TARTAN |the Great subdivision of the Cath. | united in marriage with Ronald i y | The students of the Oshawa best man. Montreal W oman |olie Women's League under the|govoci 'of Hairdressing held their Hing, son of Mr, and Mrs. The : Held at ection of the president, Mrs, r | RINT Takes Cyprus Job [5,5 Mur, and Capanly con. ar Ried soweilin on Mor| Given in' marriage by ber Canadian Lagion Hai, where ue | [o -- 1 dus SLIM Mrs, Ray Scott, Pouring : | [senior class, Betty Jermyn; In- Donald received, In an afternoon | : £1 \ St BLACKBUSHE, England (Reut. (yf ¥e6 Mrs. Albert Love, MIs. | termediate class, Sharrone oh, the Dre Ez dress of dusky rose velvet, with : % ACH IIMS ers) -- Wealthy, 42-year-old Mrs, A a Dison, Smith; junior class, Marfe Foley. | naried Jace and nylon chiffon over|8 black velvet hat and a corsage 17 R E. A de la Motte of Montreal(o, "st 'Greco ris, OWL. Mrs ne '|Sllver cups were presented to the silk faille. The formal bodice of |0f blue carnations. Assisting was NYLON BABY has left here aboard a chartered, "Ry siaont of at-| winners, The judges, all local iace was complemented with a bridegroom's mother who a JAMAS i Authentic airliner along with 59 others Who|Gartruda's rh 4 L|hairdressers, were Mr, Vincent, bolero. jacket having bracelet|chose sky blue chantilly lace over| \ DOLL PY ; CREE Slim Jims in fine have volunteered to serve British | AtherTold. pre Ic Mrs. Walter ar. Gordon Baker and Mr. Clint length sleeves and a turn over satin, with a small hat of navy | : ; p ' bh wo bo ted Atherford, president of St. Mary pai) collar at the high neckline, A|blue velvet, matching accessories bavi Pp Borg Rg Bg hr ull th Sota hic troops in Cyprus military can- 3 Ww A teens of the People CWL, Mrs, John T plateau cap studded with fluores.|and a corsage of pink roses. Mn Gowns. Made to sell for much high- " } | . er prices. All colours, sizes, small, id quality, 8 shades (ns. . |Mullen, president of Holy Cross i I want to do something use-|~ 'oy Se Little items of social news are cent sequins and seed pearls held] For the honeymoon trip to A ful," she told reporters. "And this| Gp" Gregor hs g Smyth of always welcome in this column. her shoulder length veil and she| points north, the bre wore » req Bed, 2 Jay. 0 avin es ") ; } only, Black Watch, is my opportunity." lh ry ren " Teacher rf yoy are enjoying the company |carried a cascade of red roses corduroy velvet dress, a navy : - ; put, Hunting MacKin- She cut short a six-month vaca. | grant ALM WLS members of St. of 'visitors or have been visiting and white carnations. duster coat, white accessories, | . SK ba be Ls non and Dress tion in Europe and sold her UTOBOTY'S ii vision served the yourself, why not telephone RA| Miss Helen Lajoie of Marmora,|and a corsage of shell pink car-| 7 $ in é i Hunting MacKin- brand new British car to take the 8U¢Sts and assisted in various 3.3474 and share your pleasure was maid of honor wearing a bal- nations. On their return the BS a: ; ' 3 { uring ways, with others, |lerina gown of forget-me-not blue couple will live in Oshawa. [J } Som: San 0 2 for $5.00 ! Quilted Chino Cotton : ' with satin lining and t Regular $14.95 NAAFI (Navy, Army and Alr ; nd Force Institute) she will get £4 Delights your baby . ) : 1 Reg. to $7.98 trimmed collar. Re S ¥ £ id sorted colours and job As a canteen assistant for Bs (about $12) a wkek wages plus ( ) a week ** ge , £ (8,40) a week "danger money sizes. Reg. $19.95, So far 129 men and women ' : os ? . have left for Cyprus to replace tA «+ he S 4 Pa 5 1,200 Greek-Cypriots banned from Wi unn x J " H $1 1 99 working in the island's NAAFI es- Sablishuments by the service ote ' New 'tacte iN baby cereals. NEW HEINZ | { LADIES {RILEY SSE NR 7 §.) rLanNewerte LET ARTA | > \s. PYJAMAS IEE 8 Sa | y y annelette pyfamas, We be u Es i cut in tailored and polo LADIES BLOUSE SALE YLON ® SILK styles. All brand names. First quality. Sizes small, ® RAYON Wait till you see baby's delighted surprise . . . the great grin of approval ul : ] ~ medium and labge. ® NYLON Gis ° Pi) ® COTTON that will come with the first taste of this delicious new cereal! i : Mmmmm . . . a sunshiny new taste in cereals! & g Regular $3.98 value Choose from a wide variety of Janey and tailored Serve new Heinz Corn Cereal now--so wholesome, } 1? ] Blouses selected from our complete stock of s0 digestible, so bright-tasting! 1 better quality Blouses regularly priced as high Mix it with milk or formula. See how easily and quickly it mixes #o') 4 as 5.95. Your choice of colour and styles. You to the smo-0-o-th texture your baby loves best-- ' can't dfford to miss this special offer. Sizes 12-20 thanks to Heinz exclusive Flaking Process! I § Hi. _ Like all Heinz Baby Cereals, new Corn Cereal is wrapped TE : : in moisture-resistant cellophane to ensure freshness. Eon | RN y Try it right away. Your baby will love this new taste-treat from Heinz! " . W 'BAN - LON on ; ot Now we are seven... yo i \ : A 4 SWEATERS the largest, best-tasting, | > i Short Sleeve Pullover, Ordinarily 5.95 gy easlest-mixing variety in i $ a (0) \ 3 Imported' Real Kid 'Suede \N all baby cereals... \ Jloves, seamless, Wool ined. . 8313.1 J BIEL An auon, uy. Black om. 's RICE-BARLEY-WHEAT- £0 Reg. $3.95 ... ¢ @ OATMEAL-MIXED CEREAL- | 0 ¥ INFANTSOY- 2 , FABRIC GLOVES - Double woven, hand sewn, imported Chamoisette gloves. Colors of blac & NEW CORN CEREAL » and brown i Burs rt nt 7 Re $1.50. NTT - -- ------ FETT --. A 79¢. * » $1.50 9 'HELANCA' SPRINGIE STRETCHIE SETS .... 10.95 CRC SUN) Imported wool gloves fit evety- SRN : : $ one All one size. Wool lined Wl First quality. Colors of Black, nN : J Brown, Beige, Red, and White H Get one in every 8 oz, Heinz Baby Cereal $ 3 Reg. $1.50 .. 89¢ package!.. got two in every 16 oz. package! ; By . Collect these handy Heinz Baby Food tin tops the snap-on, sndp-oft h Aa A | lids that keep unused portions of baby food fresh in the refrigerator. A ARN \ | ¥ tight seal for all baby-food tins. So useful, you'll want several, You get > ; them FREE---and cellophane: wrapped in. every package of \ 3 A Heinz Baby Cereal! \ If your store is temporarily out-of-stock of packages with tin \ ; Pa 3 ig \ d ' SPEC A TY SH oP tops - send the cereal box-tops to Heinz Baby Foods. Dept. T.T ; N a . " " Leamingtan, Ontar, and we will send your tin tops by return mail nn hh 11 SIMCOE SOUTH - OSHAWA - RA 3.7421 EE EE EE EE EEE EE EE EE EEE Cardigans, Ordinarily 7.95 * GAD-ABOUT A smart wardrobe - stretcher | is this full length coat of cran- berry cable-weave wool. It can | be worn as a coat over other things or by itself as a dress Matching wool jersey fashions the collar, front facing, tops of the pockets and covers the but tons. The same jersey is used | in the slim dress here with | cable trim down the front around the neck, sleeve bot toms and marking the low hip. lipe Front zipper ¢ ing is hid fe? under the eable trim,