Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1958, p. 7

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| COBOURG AND DISTRICT NEWS 'Says Rabies Are Tain 'Macdonald 22 More Prevalent Unit ed C ountie s Roa AS coi mm a mnie Cost Almost $1 Million den Ray Bothwell of South Mon- paid on presentation of the tail he had planned, 'The present system is for the aghan for its nearly perfect at-to designated authorities from tendance when he opened the December 1. final meeting of the year at the». y ; United Counties buiiding Tues. >, CO-OPERATION day. There was only one absentee MT. Rickard said it was be- from the 44 member council, The ¢OMing increasingly difficult to "absentee" turned up shortly af- control the disease because of the on a year to year basis are im-to carry out the paving of the road commission to draw up practical and costly. A minimum two roads in 1960. road program in May, which they 'of three years should be set for He added that both will be hope to have completed by not county roads programs, and pos- paved the same year, but not at later than Nov. 15. = sibly fhis shold be extended to|the same time. He did not know| "This means that I must wal . five years, said United Counties! which road would get priority in|unti May to tell the road em- engineer George L. Totten in a completion, but intended to fin- ployes which construction pro- terwards to give council its first reluctance of pet owners to have attendance for some considerabie|their animals inoculated against th report to United Counties coun-'jsh whichever was the most ad- jects will be undertaken during cil in session here Tuesday. | yantageous at the time the current year. we disease. He said results at the the three free clinics in Durham : sak + it is team ahead fo : : : He said that total roads ex-| He stressed that the acquisition ape Ufo ful months and The warden said that a special than the general public realized pendiiures by his department on of properties for the roads and | 3 were disappointing, : 'committee, headed by --deputy|- Dr, Charlotte Horne 10H in- s yoatls idees this : : oF then another period of uncertain- Tr Rio Daring ite . 4 Coratodale counties roads and bridges this the improvement of existing and waiting, "1 feel this does reeve Garnet Ric kard of Daring: trodue el Dr J. F. Mc sory bodale year to Oct. 31 amounted to roads was becoming increasingly not allow me the opportunity toon: had been set up to deal withlof the hea th and animals branch $944,827.92, less $18,252.50 carried difficult. Mr. Totten did not . 3 fie "the matter, and it recommended of the depertment of agriculture over as surplus from 1957 laborate, but it is understood operate the road department al as $ Pr. elabo , s 8 awd ciency." "the payment of four dollar bounty | who showed council a film en- Of this, $652,505.87 was spent that increasing cost or land is i efficiency, he ad for foxes caught within the two tled 'Rabies in your commun- on the subsidized county roads. the most serious problem. -- counties. ity". Under the heading of construc- He added that the counties -- -- tion, largest single amounts in roads commission is now study- the itemized accounts appear {o|ing the problem and should come have been spent js Denlingion up with a solution soon. where concrete culvegts installa-| : tion cost $12,401.17; multi-plate THREE-YEAR PROGRAM culverts $17,095; Robinson bridge I feel this county council must $14,567.81, and clearing land and 8€t away from the habit of con- fences, presumably for the same sidering the road construction project cost $5556.04. An item of Program on a year-to-year basis, sealcoat is listed at $2662.54. The road program should be laid out a minimum of three years in LARGEST IN "HISTORY advance and five years in ad- Mr. Totten told the meeting vance would be preferable," de- that the roads expenditures for clared Mr. Totten. 1958 are the largest in the his- Se tory of the county roads system, He attributed the big expense to larger '"'by law' commitments, completion of two grade protec- tion crossings, contributed to Representative COBOURG -- Road programs quence of this, time. The gravity with which ( townships throughout the United county Counties are viewing the current Reeve Doug. Johnston of Haldi- outbreak of rabies was evidenc- mand, a member of the commit ad by the number of pleas re-|tee said he was amazed at what ceived by the council for some he had learned, The disease is p action on the matter. far more prevalent and serious Council Told United Counties Dump Must council Briefs Be Closed COBOURG -- United Counties, Reeve D, C. Johnston of Co council Tuesday was told that a hourg presented a report on pro- COBOURG -- The Ontario De. letter had been JTecelved from gress at the new Home for the partment of Highways informed the Ontari department o iii Aged, in which he stated that Cobourg town council Monday ways offering it 44 lots, oh 3.2 construction is well ahead of "night that the old town dump total area of 3344 acres for the schedule. Sewers had been laid was being closed immediately.|SUme of one dollar per are. _4into the home at a cost of $12 The site is required and has The land was previously pur: 000 and the underground hydro been purchased by the depart- chased by the department for ilSicaple had been laid. The com- ment for the extension of High- Public Likes » . roads program in connection with! mittee . however is faced with New Lighting way 401 the construction of highway 401, the probler of disposing a huge largely by the federal govern- , The town was caught unawares, | ; and was now of no use to the amount of earth which cannot ment with a smaller contribu-| COBOURG -- "The people out as the compaction truck, which department. be backfilled. tion fromt he railways, and thei the new land assembly north|paq heen on test, had not yet A provisions of the sale is that 4 ' INVITED TO SUPPE work on two development roads. on D'Arcy street want new street poon receiv the land must be used for re. SUPPER In the latter case, the United||ights, and one is needed on 4th| : a by Barry Jomins forestation or park projects. Counties entered into an agree-| street and Sons, the town garbage col-|gppK H, 8, ADDITION ment with the provincial govern- yest side, request of Murray Gor- second pole down on the lectors. : ment, and both projects, inl aid Th Use of the new sanitary landfill th and Durham and ling et Jones. 2 site four miles east of Cobourg|g.hool Board stating its inten-\supper, last official function of counties are under construction! meeting at the present time The matter was referred to the He said that he had not receiv- pyplic Utilities Commission. ed any instructions from the de-, (Considerable comment has partment of highways as to the heen received about new fluores- time which should be taken inicent street lights which the town the construction of the develop- has installed on King street east ment roads. and William street. WILL PAVE IN 1960 Residents say the new lamps, The agreements were signed in|shed much more light with less May and work started this past|ovérhead glare, and the PUC summer. He told council 'that he meeting of secretary Bill Woods| had been given to understand that announced that many people had the work should be spread over a/been phoning requesting thal period of three years. In conse- lights on their street be changed. tation to supper by the Even Russia Can Buy UK. Island _!the new wing were: Council has accepted an invi- Can- Council received a letter from borne Women's Association Wed- e East Northumberland High|nesday evening. The Warden's in Haldiman Township is impos-|ijon to present a recommenda-|the warden for the vea. will be Depart- he issued to cover cost of a pro-|day evening. This will also mark \ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 26, 1958 7° PORT HOPE AND DISTRICT NEWS Builder Moves Council Unha ToProper Zone yer Fire Pace PORT HOPE -- At least one zoning bylaw protest has reached | a pot. der hlbopinans: he oA in Port| PORT HOPE -- Port Hope's Hope. {fire protection agreement with Last month a neighbor com. Hope Township, signed last July, cost of the project is $13,286. plained that Karl Koppenol, 172|¢ame in for some criticism at In presenting the cheque to|Bruton street, was parking trucks,| Port Hope town council meeting | Lions Give | $4000 Check For Hospital COBOURG A cheque for $4,000 was presented by the Lions Club of Cobourg to the Cobourg Hospital Board Tuesday as the first instalment on a project which the club has undertaken to completely furnish the top floor of the new hospital wing, Total PREILaadi deli The agreement provides fore payments by the township of a™ maximum of $235 per fire with the amount decreasing as the dis- tance from the town increases, You Can Bet Your Life On Dunlop Free Draw ON TWO DUNLOP Gold Seal Tires With Every 3.00 Purchase Of Gas THE WINNER RECEIVES TWO TIRES OF HIS CHOICE, Draw To Be Held On SAT., DEC. 20th, 1958 RICHMOND TIRE SERVICE 24 RICHMOND ST. E. OSHAWA R. J. Parker, chairman of the. cement mixer and building ma. Monday night when Coun. Robert| The fire at Cantop was almost" hospital board, Lions Club Pre-|tcrials, used in his construction |™Vverson asked - how much the|exactly three miles from the town council would receive from|Port Hope limits and will involve ject was but an extension of thelis in a residential area. Atty interest the club has had in this| , by He at Canton, most important community pro- oie gpteaied Ih per | By agreement with the fire ject 4 il & a men, the town must pay the Thanking the club for its gen councy and i 2 result a Jotier brigade members $150, Mr, Ever- | abor Bodies erosily, chairman R, J, Parker, =. Koppenol, advising him [5°P said, leaving Very little for| said: "I only hope the fine ex-|y "io "wad viilating the "zoning [the town to help pay for its! ample you have set will be emu- bylaw equipment, Issue Manual lated by many." "At Monday night's council wy Everson said there had) Other Lions present for the neoiing a letter was Jocelved ig ony Wo iss ia the wos OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian Jim: M.loouncil tha! he had Bn gy signed, and since the town is paid "aPor Congress and the CCF Munro, chairman of finance; Bob|site on Cavan street from which|%P 8 cost 'per fire basis, the re- have issued a publication aimed Traini, chairman of the civic(he will conduct his building and |r is very low, at stirring up interest in forma. |improvement committee; andicontracting business, Cavan {tion of 8 new political party of members Ted Prosser and John street is zoned as an industrial! PRIZES FOR DECORATIONS |the left, | Warner, y 2 i \ area, PORT HOPE -- Prizes amount-| The discussion manual was pro- include equipment for four pri resid i " a . vate rooms, three semi-private Yaa ulg 4g Fort Hope who dec. CCF and the 1,100,000 - member four public wards, making a total It szgested ays CLC. It is being distributed to the of some*26 beds, as well as gen- was suggested at Monday's "™ > 0 - meeting of the town council that | political action department of the floor rganize " -------- a - -- » council be asked to declare the arm of the socialist group as "a "w » 11} M t d winners The Business and Pro- discussion outline and reference Hasties et | 0 orca e fessional Women's Club was sug- manual for weekend institutes, gested, g renc 4 _ : SUDBURY (CP)--A caravan of geste conferences and study groups, New Army Rifle cars will travel 290 miles to Tor- PORT HOPE -- Instruction in sponsored falks fail to break the Army rifle (the 7.62 MM Fn C1) Nickel Company strike was given to the two companies Union and company officials making up the Hastings and meet in Toronto today with La. Prince Edward Militia Regiment or Minister Daley in an attempt night, A sergeant from the ar If the talks break off or fail cadre at Kingston instructed,|!0 make any headway the cara-| The new semi-automatic weapon| Van will stream out of this North replaces the Lee Enfield rifle, a ern Ontario city Thursday for a Under the commapd of Major ion officials said C. C. Sowden the unit meets each We'll demand that the prov- Tuesday night for training while Ince lake over operation of the on Thursday nights a social pro- plants," said Mike Solski, local on strength are split into two, Smelter Workers' Union (Ind), companies under Major N. B.| The union hopes elected muni- Gould and Capt. E, H. Snell. cipal and provincial officials will Among the events planned by be in the caravan. Mayor Joe at the Armory Dec, 16, a chil- rounding McKim Township and dren's Christmas party Dec. 21, local legislature members Rheal and a New Years' Eve dance in Belisle and G, J. Monaghan have Millbrook. heen invited sident Bob Wilson said the PFO- busing ss. on his property which C ( i the township for a recent fire callla payment by the township of 5, cermony held on the top floor of from Mr, Koppenol | Furnishing of the top floor will mm. ivr : ¢ : |ing to $100 will again be awarded !q,, I St ike " duced by a joint committee of the gy »quipment for the entire he 1 eral equipm some organization other than!Labor body and the education onto this week if government. the use of the new Canadian deadlock in the International in the Port Hope Armory Tues to settle the two-month-old strike. | traditional British weapon meeting with Premier Frost, un gram is in opera' wn, The 75 men president of the Mine, Mill and the unit are an all ranks party Fabbro, Reeve Bill Ellis of sur. LONDON (Reuters) -- Any one and any country, Russia included, can buy an island off the Scottish coast -and no one--not even the House of Commons -- can stop them, So sald Secretary of State for Council Ends Dump Problem fx mss COBOURG Town fathers|has set out to harness council on Jament Denigiab Jays "Would it ni 9 the problem. | possible for the Russian army Jose mano yt --- » iation has nominated|to buy a Scottish island without 4 Sxpe: a slate of councillors for 1959, [our having powe: to stop them? #ive years which it is hoped willl" The last phase of the dump sit-| "The answer would be the sur- end Cobourg's garbage disposalluation ended last night with the prising one you envisage . . ." problems. |contract award. A spot where Maclay replied, unless it violated A motion awarding a garbage|the town could peacefully dump|the Official Secrets Act or other collection contract to Jenkins and|ltS rubbish was provided when a laws. Sons, Cobourg, at a cost of Haldimand township farmer leas-| Feeling of Scots on possible $2242.60 per year was passed. ed a corner of his property to the sales of such islands have been For this sum the now collectors Wn, and agreed to maintain it|edgy since this summer when the will supply a covered sanitary under United Counties Health| American television program Bid transport truck to permit the Unit supervision. |'N' Buy put a down payment of town to start dumping its gar- Under terms of contract, Jen- £357 on the island of Stroma, two bage at its new township site. kins and sons will supply the|miles off the north Scottish coast, Garbage became a problem truck, and the town will pay un- as a contest prize. earlier this year when the On- ger contract. _ | Bid 'N' Buy dropped the deal, eh aot of If hwavs als Reeve Johnston Monday point-|but subsequently Russia was re- dh a nde ai 3 ed out there were only two weeks ported to have made an offer for nounced that the o own amp, left before machines would move|the island, owned by an English lying on right of way land for(;, t; cover up the old dump {umbrella maker. sible without the use of this|tjon that debentures for $270,000 held at Cobourg Pavilion Thurs- truck. The Highways ment has extended the use of the | posed $270,000 addition to the (he retirement of Warden Ray old town dump until next week. high school at Brighton. Bothwell from public office | {LIGHT SIGNALS k I il A letter from the Board of aC n dal Transport Commissioners stated that in future. where light sig- F 5 Y nals are installed at leygl cross- | or ears ings, the hoard will assume 80 | TORONTO (CP) -- Wallace E. [Percent of the cost, while the Antler, 38, who last week pleaded applicant will take care of 12% [for a chance to spend his first Per cent. Rest will be borne by | christmas in 16 out of prison, the railway concerned, was sentenced Tuesday to five - years in penitentiary for house- breaking. Antler admitted breaking into a home with his girl friend, Neta D. Douglas, and stealing articles valued at $900. He admitted a record dating back to 1937 and that he had been sentenced to a total of 19 years in penitentiary. Magistrate Thomas Wolfe called Antler's girl friend a "very| willing and aggressive partner" in the crime and sentenced her to an indefinite period of up to two years in reformatory. Imitate Lynching LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Three seven-year - old London boys ; almost re - enacted a Wild Highway 401, would be expropri- West lynching scene Monday ated. night. The town had to find another H 1 1 Carol Davies, 10, heard her dump, and this proved itself no| e en a we four - year - old brother Vern easy matter, Hamilton township, crying and found three boys which encloses Cobourg on all trying to hang the child from sides but the south, passed a by- a tree. law stopping location of dump ee S assey Carol ran home and told Sites in the township. . Mrs. William Fisher who lives It offered the town the use of COBOURG -- Calvary Baptist) Rev. C. W. Lohnes officiated| at the same address, then ran one of its already established|Church, Cobourg, was the scene with weddi i 1 back and freed her brother. dumps for a rent of $3000 a year,|of the wedding Saturday after-\Mre. I. Thomas on. plaved byl ig him home, Carol but the town would have to main-|noon of Helen Isabel Caldwell, | Grittich o7has and Mrs. Lou told. Mrs. Fisher the boys tain it and later for nearby town-|Cobourg and Carman Edward] riffith as soloist, were now trying to hang Mare ship residents who would con-|Massey of Baltimore, Ont. The| The bride was given in mar. garet Ranx, 10, Mrs, Fisher's tinue using it. |bride is the drughter of Mrs, |Fiage by her brother, Constable] Goo "one hurried to the The town was thinking of mak- James Caldwell of Cobourg and Robert Caldwell of the Cobourg [0 0". i treed the girl. ing a "santary fill" in the resi- the late Mr. Caldwell, and the Police. She wore a floor-length| "Cp "coe stern lectures dential west end of town, This bridegroom is the son of Grant|gown of faille taffeta on prin-| ©. culprits for playing a resulted in protests and forma. Msasey, R.R. 1, Baltimore and|CesS lines, with a sequin-trim- too realistic game of cowboys tion of a ward association which the late Mrs. Massey. med bateau neckline and sash ---- olsen |effect at the centre.back of the {Roop ln n rhinestone. tiara 225 P d D el er cathedral veil of silk - {illusion and she carried a bou- oun oe quet of white carnations and pink S 1 F roses. t I Nateon of honor was the bride's 0 en om |cousin, Mrs, W. Haw and the Prigesinaids were Jean Caldwell Inco Worker and Merle Flanders. They wore vi |full-skirted, street-length frocks SUDBURY mE tise slog- of French appre. velvet with £16 rough bushland lor five |scoop necklines in fitte dice | pW in bi and three-quarter sleeves; mat. PIV of meat, striking Inco worker | |ching feather headresses and| Napoleon Dupret returned to Sud- |velvet mittens. They carried bou./bury with a 225-pound doe tied quets of pink-sprayed chrysan. on the front of his car. |themums. He stoma at a fonts Jome | | | Lynn Warner was best man and 0, tell of his successiu hun ane) i [the ushers were Gary Caldwell when he returned to He ie the| land Thomas Massey. ropes had been cut and the deer | 3 was gone, A reception was held at the «j4{ook me five days to make Legion Hall, Orr street. The ype kill," says Dupret," but it| bride's mother receive in altook them only five minules to navy blue lace sheath. She was| ginal jt." { |assisted by the bridegroom's sister wearing a green wool sheath. As the couple left for their honeymoon the bride was wear- ing a cinnamon brown two-piece dress with white accessciies and a pink rose corsage Mr. and Mrs. Massey make their home at R.R Baltimore will NAY Looking for a clean way out ? Give a book of . . . CAR WASH TICKETS $10 BOOKLETS AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD. 116 BOND ST. W RA 5.0322 (good for 8 washes) A si MR. AND MRS. CARMAN MASSEY "There but for the grace of GODgol..." These words of gratitude cen be uttered by any father or mother with a normed youngster. The fact is, a meatally retarded child can be born te anyone swe regardless of economic states, educational background, rece, colour er religion. There are at least 70 known or suspected reasons for this conditiea that can oceur before or during birth--or in early childhood. In Canada alone, 2 mentally retarded children are born every day, Give thanks that your child is normel by helping a great cause. mentally retarded children CAN be helped! GIVE TO THE MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN'S BUILDING CAMPAIGN FUND -- $75,000 All donations to be mailed or taken to: ANY BANK IN THE CITY OF OSHAWA Addressed to the : BUILDING FUND MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION

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