SOMETHING NEW IN ACCESSORIES Birdwatching may be the newest hazard for motorists | designers say the comfortably caged at the back window of a new sedan. The bird cage | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 26, 1955 35! Canadians On Broadway By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer NEW YORK (CP) -- Glimpses of Canadian players on the New | York stage: Diana van der Vlis, on Broad- (way in Comes a Day, is playing | her first serious dramatic role since leaving Toronto's Crest Theatre. The beautiful blonde actress, who made her Broadway debut] last year with Walter Pidgeon in so long as it's a good evening's) theatre?" says Dino, who re- ceived good personal reviews, He was on Broadway last season in| Look Back in Anger, [ RUNS 'FOREVER' The Boy Friend is still at the Cherry Lane in Greenwich Vil-| lage. The critic was probably right who said it will run 'for: ever." l This rollicking play on life in the 1920s has a number of new SHOP AT DUNN'S EER USE YOUR CREDIT IEEE MONTHS TO PAY ) FREE cimisTMas] % BONUS SALE MAKE YOUR PURCHASE OF ANY SUIT OR SPORT COAT AND 2 TROUSERS . . . THEN RECEIVE A SUBURBAN OR CAR COAT AS A BONUS, in Paris, where starlet Claudie | wot interfere greatly with the The Happiest Millionaire, hopes|faces since last year, but Hali- Laurence checks a pair of doves | driver's rear view. pp to *'kill this idea people have that |fax's Leon Shaw is sti! the Epg- I'm cut out only for light com- lish pillar of virtue who is melted | 4 edy roles." In Comes a Day at the Am- hassador, she's a daughter trying | to make an intelligent marriage| despite the money-Lungry ambi- nightly by a French flame, | "I like it," grinned the hand-| some Leon, SHATNER'S THEORY | William Shatner, star of the hif| Travef light and handsome with NEW (On Sp i TRAVEL SET by Shulton tions of her iron-willed mother, |The World of Suzie Wong, has a| played by Judith Anderson, | theory on why Canadian actors-- "A glowing ormance" was like himself--have been able to the verdiet of critic Brooks At-|switch from Shakespearean roles kinson of the New York Times, to light parts on Broadway, [ DINO"S HAMLET "The vigor and virility of Montreal's Dino Narizzano is| Shakespearean drama at Strat- Hamlet in the light-hearted pro-|ford makes the transition eas. duction of Hamlet of Stepney ier," he said, "An English Shake- | Green at the Cricket Theatre in|spearean actor would probably | Greenwich Village, find it easier to change to one of | Dino's Hamlet happily sere-|Noel Cow ard's conversational, nades his father's ghost in the drawing-room plays.' | play which is full of Yiddish bu- On a different subject: 21 op- | mor but caused some puzziement eras will be broadcast from the| among the critics, apparently be-| Metropolitan Opera here by the cause they could discern no{CBS and CBC radio networks | "message." during the 1958-59 season, hegin- "Who cares about the message nine Saturday Nov, 29 College Man Raising Sea Serpent By J, C, GRAHAM has ever been caught, Professor | Richardson thinks it may grow to| |a length of five feet before ehang-| ing to the round stage. After graduating at MeGill,| Richardson was lecturer in zopl-| ogy and animal ecology there| from 1930 to 1937. Since taking up his post in Wellington he has |engaged in much deep-sea re- |search and has led studies of Canadian Press Correspondent |marine creatures in the ocean WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP) --l|trench off Coek Strait, near Well-| Prof. L. R, Richardson, former|ington, | McGill University graduate and = Already these studies have led lecturer, is raising what he thinks to the finding of many _ strange may be a sea serpent and hitherto unknown species. Re- Now professor of zoology atisearch is continuing and as meth- Victoria University, Wellington,|ods of probing deeper are evolved New Zealand, Richardson thinks|it is hoped to find still more a baby eel under study by his de-| weird denizens of the extreme Suburban or Car Coat All wool Suburbens er Car Coots Top Quality UITS All wool Melange flannels, oll wool twists and all wool worsted gloths = in two- and three: sutton single breasteds -- colors of brown, blue, navy, charcoal snd black sizes 34 to 52 in regular, short and tall models ~ plus o free topcoat or subur- man with every suit, vg 9.50 Sport Coats All wool sport Jockets in single breasted, 2-button end 3-button models with centre vent = fear turing Harris Tweeds In colors of blue, brown end grey ~-- sizes 35 to 48 in reguler end tell models, Priced At 34.50 TROUSERS Means y an unknown creature 30 feet long or even more, At present it is only three feet |1ong, but is still in the flat larval stage, A normal eel is only about ® AFTER SHAVE LOTION ® SPRAY DEODORANT The going's great with these two fine grooming aids from Shulton! Happiest ending a shave ever had: bracing OLD SPICE After Shave lotion, designed to keep a man's skin healthy! And, for all-day protection: easy-to-use OLD SPICE Spray Deodorant! Both in light, unbreakable plastic bottles that travel perfectly. 150 | |from that stage to the normal round shape of adult eels Only two similar eels of such size have been caught, They were taken by a Danish deep-sea re- search expedition, but it is doubt- ful they were identical with the eel being studied in Wellington, REPTILIAN HEAD It was caught by a commercial trawler last July off the west coast of New Zealand's far south corner, It was recognized as |highly unusual | alive to Wellington. reptilian head, similar to the heads seen in illustrations of pre- historic creatures such as the exalt b)) gigantic tyrannosaurus of the nugs | earth's reptilian age PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E CET RNY Talo] 30% 1 pHONE RA 3.2245 OSHAWA "Phone RAS-3546 BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA 13-5778 Its large, sharp teeth and well | developed large eyes give a vi- clous appearance even at this im- mature stage of development The eel bears a distinet re semblance to several desciptions given by seafarers who claim to have sighted a sea serpent An elongated creature 30 feet long or more with a head re- sembling that of the eel in Well ington could well be described as a sea serpent. No adult specimen of this eel 5S KING ST. W. ~ 317 BROCK ST, ¢ WHITBY MO 8-2338 RENE AADEAN RW AATEN Highlight Christmas wardrobe . . . your festive and your own lovely features with a hair glamourizing treatment by one of our ex- perienced beauticians. Treat yourself to a new styling, cut, shampoo, colouring and permanent, TELEPHONE RA 5-7878 We specialize in all types of beauty Culture, Slenderizing, Steam baths, Jair Styling, Cutting, Tinting, Cold Waves, Facials and oodlyt BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 SIMCOE ST. N. partment might be the young of ocean depths. |six inches long when it changes Di [3 ' Disappearing and forwarded hetween $1 | The baby eel has a curiously High Riggers | | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mechan- |ization is gradually displacing one of the logging industry's oldest | experts, the high rigger. Mobile metal spar trees tower: | |ing up to 100 feet are rapidly | gaining = acceptance by British Columbia loggers, Initial cost of a mobile spar is pretty high, about $20,000 but says its sup. porters, savings can amount to and $2 on every thousand feet logged. l Like its wooden counterpart, | | the metal spar tree is a high tower used to haul logs over dif. ficult ground, Mounted on a trailer or sledge it can be moved to a new site and fitted {up in a matter of a couple of | hours, | Spar trees are being manufac: | tured in Vancouver and Na- naime, SHOP AT DUNN'S EESSSSESSSSSSSSS USE YOUR CREDIT IESE SESESSNNEE MONTHS TO PAY in solid colors end ivy striped Tweeds, three patch pockets -- all wool -- quilted lined, FREE USE YOUR CREDIT All wool in Gabardine, Serges, Tweeds ond Melange Flannels with pleated front, zipper fly, 4 pockets ond pleats ~~ Sizes 28 WITH YOUR PURCHASE to 52, OF ANY SUIT OR h SPORT COAT AND 2 Priced From * TROUSERS OPEN FRIDAY TILL ® PM, eo NO DOWN PAYMENT 4 OL SHAINOW HINES 110330 ¥NOoA-3Sn IEEE S.NNNG LV d0HS tain NECESSARY e NO PAYMENT UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS OTE vis 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH xiii VAR SHOP AT DUNN'S IEE USE YOUR CREDIT IEEE MONTHS TO PAY THREE DAYS ONLY ESBITT ON ANY MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE!! Convenient Budget Terms 33 KING ST. E i RA 5.0533 iy 9 -- {