Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1958, p. 26

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'Ship Completes Trip 10,000 Miles To Arctic ninsu'a 365 miles northeast of By BOB TRIMBEE Cambridge Bay. The tug re- Cnadian Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER (CP)--The Are-|turned to Vancouver Oct, 13. tic Rover 'made northern ship-| It was the first time a tug, with ping history when it ddtked here a barge in tow, left a southern completing a 10,000 - mile trip|port to supply northern outposts lfrom Vancouver into'the central|and returned the same season. In Arctic and back without beinglall, The Arctic Rover unloaded iced in for the winter, supplies at 13 ports of call, trav- The stout ocean-going tug left|elling much of the way through |here July 26 towing a 1,000-ton|unchartered i/a'ers and without | steel barge with 1,200 tons of sup-| navigational guides. |plies for DEW radar - line sites | EXPERTS SURPRISED |along the central Arctic coast. It| The voyage confounded ship- |also carried petroleum products ping experts. Mindful of the short for an RCAF base at Cambridge navigational season and hazards |Bay on the southeastern coast of|lof northern shipping, most pre- | Victoria Island, 1,200 miles north |dicted The Rov.r would not com of Edmonton, and general sup- plete the trip. Some said the tug |plies for Spence Bay, on thejwould reach Spence Bay before Isouthwestern tip of Boothia Pe-|freeze-up and, at best, be able to return only to Cambridge Bay be- fore being stopped by ice. R. Earle Harcourt, president of Arctic Shipping Ltd., optimisti- cally predicted his firm's tug would return as far west at Tu- toyaktuk, 1,100 miles west Spence Bay, to winter. None said the rug, which left 10 days later to allow completion of the specially - built barge, would make the entire voyage. The tug -- launched in 1918 at HMCS Armentieres--is a former minesweeper, about 135 feet in length and 40 feet wide. Master of The Rover is Capt. Hill Wilson, 30, a native of White- head, Northern Ireland. It was his first trip into the Arctic, Only two of the 11-man crew had ever sailed in Arctic waters. CHEAPER METHOD "The most noteworthy thing of ean. Another saving is our smal- ler crew of 11 compared to the LST's 35. "Because we handle our freight lonly once it reached our destin- ation in good condition. "We had 3,000 barrels of petrol- eum products for the RCAF base at Cambridge Bay. Only four barrels were leaking after it was unloaded. A 20-per-cent loss is considered good when similar freight is hauled via the Macken- zie River," he said. PLAN TWO TUGS A second tug next year will ply the route with the Arctic Rover. The route follows the B.C. coast- line north, through the Bering |Strait and east along the Alas- |kan, Yukon and Northwest Terri- tories' Arctic shoreline. * The Arctic Rover--launched in 1918 as the HMCS Armentieres-- kept within radar site of the shore during most of the voyage. The most difficult and danger- lous sections of the trip were be- tween Point Barrow, the most northerly tip of Alaska, and Her- schel Island, 100 west of Tutoyak- tuk, and east of Cape Parry. Between Point Barrow and Her-| (lout know what you might bump into." | cos limit, ea Advice Given war On Secretary | "We heard Moscow Molly on numerous occasions," Capt. Wil | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Many [son Yu threw ga 2 lot of | bunk, the music on her pro- perha; know how |grams was good. We also man- firms po a 92.40 Uot hago says |aged to pick up Edmonton and|puth Harris, who was here. con- | Wadpeg glations in flea ducting a two - day finishing | weather and on the way back the t | entire crew huddled in the wheel- getioa) for top administration sec. {house to listen to the World Ser- |ies." 3 A good secretary does not ex- |actly turn up in every filing cab- Beaver House ic wit ompiny-ome: Ertra Large | economist, model and social sec- retary to Mrs. Nelson A. Rocke- WINNIPEG (CP)--One of the largest beaver houses in North- feller,. "A good secretary acts like a lern Manitoba has been discov-| |ered by CNR engineers survey- lady, thinks like a man, dresses like a woman and works like a ling for a new railway line be- tween Chisel and Optic Lakes. dog Condfilting engineer J. L. Charles said the house was about 15 feet high. The diameter was 35 feet and circumference more than 100 feet. nd she has at least five |years training in the business world plus top - steno- graphic techniques. "The average top secretary has more capabilities than she ever has a chance of showing. |The time the boss spends train | the trip is that we proved, at schel Island a sharp lookout must To provide a protective moat, ing her for additional responsi- bilities is time. well spent be- least to ourselves, that the tug be kept at all times for ice. and barge is : cheaper means of | supplying the north than the pres. UNCHARTED AREA ent LST landing vessels," Capt.| The Cape Parry - Spence Bay Seen Best {Wilson said in an interview. stretch has not been charted and "Supplies now are hauled down few soundings have been taken. By EDNA USHER She reports the department of the Mackenzie River to Tutoyak-| . "When we ran into underwater | Canadian Press Staff Writer [poultry husbandry at the Ontariol:yk phy barge. There they are peaks of solid rock about 14 feet TORONTO (CP) -- If house Agricultural College, Guelph, |joaded aboard the landing ves- below surface it gave us quite a wives' would buy more brown found that eggs kept at 50 de-|se scare. The area is dotted with|the proposed railway on Mile 12,|secretary receives information eggs, there might be fewer neu- grees Fahrenheit retained their certain! such peaks," Capt. Wilson said. [between the two lakes. Construc-|she needs in her ordinary duties. rotic chickens about, A grade aiter 10 days, while sim: "Sailing through these peaks is|tion crews became destruction They should point out her errors So says the Canadian Associa ilar eggs kept at 70 to 75 de a pilot flying through clouds crews and the work was torn tactfully and give her construe- tion of Consumers, which is try- grees were grade B after two to tive criticism. ing to educate a public that pre-|three days. at smenpeoen --- | fers white-shelled eggs into buy- Grading is based on firmness ing more of the brown of the yoke and quality of the| The preference for white eggs albumen, and on size and weight. | | also may be increasing the price, "Chances are that if eggs are| | says Mrs. Russell Bucknam, Tor- kept unrefrigerated in the centre | onto, chairman of the CAC's On-| aisle of some supermarket, you| io committee for consumer aren't getting the grade of egg problems, you pay for," she said. | - -- |SMALLER HENS WET CONFETTI | bd y | "Farm housewives tell us the| Mrs. Bucknam's committee |tarming districts of Zealand, the white-shefled eggs are laid by a handles numerous problems, | easternmost Danish island, | cmaller breed of hen than the ranging from garters to confetti. whieh Copenhagen stands, peat 5! brown-shelled variety," said Mrs.| November brides, or any other : amark | Bucknam. "The smaller hen is|brides who risk a wet day for the beavers had built a dam across a creek flowing into Grass|cause it frees him for other River, some 25 miles north of| work. Cranberry Portage, The dam| Miss Harris further advises varied in height between five and business heads that they can of- 10 feet. {ten find their future executives Mr. Charles sald both dam and|among the ranks of the secretar- house lay directly in the path of |ial staff, and to make sure the Is. "The LSTs lose a ameunt of space because of their loading equipment and cannot like haul as great a pay-load as we in unknown country. You just down. be thrifty...be wisge... SELECT YOUR "CHRISTMAS GIFTS" NOW AND SAVE 20% - at - STEPHENSON'S JEWELLERS CLOSEUP OF DOWNTOWN DECORATION Chi Sweeps : A chimney sweep in De mi difficult t r. morela wedding, should ensure that 1 can still earn good money, espe- |More CHiCUL 9 TORT, BI en on 2 ny Y cially as competition dwindles in highly-strung, and when its 1ay-| confetti flingers shop carefully. o his trade. A top hat is not merely ing days are over, a poorer specl- There are two kinds of con-| By JOHN CHADWICK There is still a fair amount of a colorful headdress for the men to sell as meat fetti--one for throwing and the COPENHAGEN (Reuters) work for them. although Den- ween It is a most useful item "Eggs in brown shells are just|other for decoration -- and they | Denmark is in danger of losing | mark prides itself on being one|of equipment. For Generations, |® good as eggs in white shells are not interchangeable," said | ene of its most picturesque sights the most modern countries| they have tucked their personal and there is no difference in nu Mrs. Bucknam. =the top-hatted chimney sweeps. when it comes to heating houses papers and small personal belong- tritional value. Unless well-wishers Jey con- | The sobt-grimed sweeps are not and apartment buildings. ings into their tall hats, uwier 'If the public will buy brown fetti marked golor fast the #een treading the rooftops very Danes have to import thelt [which they wear a tight - fitting eggs, the farmer's job will be|bride and groom may find color | often these days. foal, mainly From Baan, aod skull-cap. sasier, yilicn coud eventually be has Tus from the paper to their i is comparatively costly fuel is _|reflected in a lower price. aon methods of heating and, a| el fore never used in the home. Woo er reais | KEEPING COOL : | And on the garters question, a| main reasons for their disappear- What coal is imported is used by|the wide-brimmed top hat | in The CAC- is also urging retail CAC member complained her ance. the gasworks from which house keeping soot out of a chimney Stores to keep eggs cool. : garters had developed a propen- Denmark's thousands of chim- Wives buy coke with which t0|gweep's eyes "With winter approaching, it Is sity to pop. Mrs. Bucknam's fieys are kept clean and in good stoke the stoves of their central| --m---m--m-- likely that eggs will be stored committee checked stores and repair by about 500 skilled heating plants. And coke is giving . BRITISH CARS unrefrigerated in over - heated manufacturers. . sweeps, who may be among the way to oil. British exports of cars, trucks stores," said Mrs. 'Bucknam, "Apparently it was an isolated fast survivors of this centuries- There are also district-heating and buses reached a record total '"'and under those conditions they case, but we are watching the old craft. plants in Copenhagen, among the of nearly 550,000 in 1957. can deteriorate fast." situation," said Mrs. Bucknam. PWINDLING NUMBERS {largest in Western Europe. These = ---- - - - As the old buildings disappear, heat some districts by steam, and chimneys become fewer, the others by hot water. The heat is sweeps have dwindled and it be- produced at three electric power comes more and more difficult to stations and represents a great get a chimney swept. Records of $aVing in fuel costs. the sweeps' own guild, an associ- From these central plants, heat | ation of employers set up in 1778, is supplied to hospitals, schools | that there are today fewer and factories in the thickly pop- 200 master sweeps, about ulated areas of the capital. 300 journey men and some 80 ap- PEAT 1S USED prentices. In north Jutland and in many ' Your gifts by SHULTON give special Christmas pleasure LADIES' and GENT'S Black Alaska Diamond OLD SPICE GIFT SET 275 Plastic Containers of After Shave Lotion and Stick Deodorant Ve OLD SPICE GIFT SET 3.85 After Shave Lotion, Smooth Shave, After Shove Talcum. 0 OFF First come first served to be at our door tomorrow. The fashions and" values are superb -- and when it to choice of styles you'll find every silhouette that 'is causing fashion excite- ment. Don't let anything keep you away. SALE PRICE $48.00 63.95 88.00 135.60 ...Tor him ON "BRAND NAME" WATCHES Santa's finest for Christmas | Ng OLD SPICE "TREASURE CHEST" 9.00 Conlains After Shave Lotion, Men's Cologne, After Shave Tolcum, Smooth Shave, Stick Deodorant, Body Talcum and Shower Soap. 5 You'll be thrilled with this beautiful diamond ensemble. Exactly as illustrated ... engagement ring has seven diamonds . wedding ring has nine. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity. ELECTRIC RAZORS a The gift that's always appreciated . Choose now and save ! PHILISHAVE AUTO-HOME REMINGTON SUNBEAM SCHICK » comes Lg SEN} di coat DESERT FLOWER GIFT SET 5.00 Dusting Powder and Spray Cologne beoutfully gift-packoged in gold, green and white, for ner... I =~ REGULAR PRICE $59.95 79.95 110.00 169.50 20% 20% 20% 20% 64 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Sat DUE aa OFF - OFF OFF OFF LD SPICE PRIENDSHIP'S GARDEN "Charmer" Set 1.50 Barly Americon ol Guest sizes of Toilet Water, Bubbling Dusting Powder Both Crystals, Tolcum, Body Sachel. Extra Special! New REMINGTON ROLLECTRIC. Reg. 33.95 Stephenson's Jewellers 14 KING ST. EAST RA 3.4822 OPEN FRIDAY EVE TILL 9 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M,

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