| eration has organized and f1- 2 Modem Inanced the venture with help from more than 80 individual "Marco Polos" firms. They emphasize that the 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 26, 1958 Downtown Area Given Ef Era Festive Yule Lighting sek Trade ers who have sailed on the ship {are not - travelling salesmen. Their main aim will be to show what Australia can produce and and then arrang-; There can be liltle doubt that SYDNEY (Reuters) -- Twelve A stem in Oshawa was this project sponsored by the modern "M arco Polos" have specially designed to complement | Downtown Merchants' Associa-|safled from Sydney with a cargo tke downtown area. tion does a great deal to create|ranging from autonobiles and are to bring back good will will be ! vision of its Down-| Preparation for this year's dis- and spread Christmas spirit in machine tools {to mineral waters Oshawa is privileged to have ed, the one of the most attractive and brilliantly Jlighte¢ business dis- tricts i= Ontario due to the in- board, . While drinking a glass of Aus. tralian beer, a glass of Austral jan sherry or a cup of coffee rown in Papua - New Guinea, visitors will be able to question the 12 experts about the products they have seen, considered more important than bringing back orders. a of the limited Modutios hi he _Jap. the miss town Merchant's Association. |play and other Downtown mer. Oshawa. ond canned milk to seek new|Sion's displays open Again this year the merchants|chant Christmas projects began trade outlets in Southeast Asia, |'0 the public at any port of call. | ype hea ds 017 2 fammeorslia dbo 3 D Go Tio sii th, ee in ® bre Ss 1 Srnee towmiovn 20D (081 Too pu TagOONS (x0 10th fred meir tes Desh he coun send 2 eum of streets with a dazzling array of ive lshts comprise a seroll altho A ixamples of the| pretty Australian mannequins to Christmas lighting effect in yellow from which is . it natural re-| vo qel the fashion clothes he is Visitors {c the area have been strung Youhie bells in red Agus, | e as A 8 ge ye ol sending. . 4 gues ny c green lights u ool bankers, govern. jure gd ry pail that zive the design a bell-ringing ef-] OTTAWA {CP Juelve Jeconnaiy a udifion for mission [ment representatives, Aisin . sance squadron t Roya! "| rters will invited on the display is on 8 par with thel 'The lights were first turned|Canadian Dragoons has been se-|If It succeeds, other ships will be and expo be that of many larger cities {one Nov. 17. They are placed on|lected for a tour of duty with the|used to carry the country's show- COST SHARED i 86 posts, and are hung over|United Nations Emergency Force|[rooms fo the markets' of the |The, lights were designed and the sidewalks so as to illuminate] jy the Middle East. world, built be Hill-Cornish © Electric|the Shopping areas and not con-| The 100 - man squadron, com- The gleaming white Delos, with Ltd onic from the Down- fuse passing motorists as|manded by Maj, Thomas Finan|the words Australian trade mis- Merchants' Association, The] hey might if hung out over thelof Sarnia, will leave Camp Peta-|sion ship" painted in letters three Jon is divided among the 65|"reet: wawa early in February to re-|feet high on its sides, will make tation members stores and Christmas lighting runs east on place the RECCE unit of the|Manila its first port of call. | ssoeiation my soared in| King street to Mary street and|Canadian - Hussards, which has| From there, it will go to Hong - 30 Spense Be Deen P west to Church street. Its been patrolling the Israeli-Egypt-|Kong, Japan, Shanghai, Borneo, FRESH ANNUALLY wvig 3 one Stored might| Yarmness and glitter extends|ian border for the last 10 months. [the Solomon Islands and New| The moose grows a fresh set maintal id bw a ey Agu from the four corners to Athol Forty-four members of the Royat Guinea, of antlers each year, perhaps six spread Christmas cheer ONCe|gtrapt and three blocks north on) Canadian Ordnance Corps will ac- EXPERTS ABOARD feet across and weighing 40 Simcoe street. company the squadron, again this year. Unlike some cities where Bens) Working Men . Clothes In Hioh Style WINNIPEG (CP) -- High style for working men was on display | {at an exhibit staged here by sup- {pliers for garmen! manufactur- | |ers The Australian Exporters' Fed-|pounds or more. From Thoughtful You to Thankful Him THE MOST ers. | Exhibitors said that solid colors | in work rlothes are about to bel old hat. They showed checks, | plaids and ivy league stripes in SIMCOE STREET LATE AT NIGHT (NORTH FROM ATHOL) |by way of imposing higher taxes lor through increased borrowing |from the public, or by having the Bank of Canada sell some of its vast holdings of goverw- ment bonds to the public and chartered banks for cash and bank credits which thus would be| | taken out of circulation? | 2 Papers In Saskatchewan Open End-Inflation Drive By THE TANADIAN PRESS [ton last year formed a minority and must give its political sup- materials for work clothing. One Canadian - designed work shirt was nade In sportshirt style with metallic weave ma. | terial, in contrast to severely-cut| and drab models. | The suppliers also said that | "warm colors" such as orange, | "Sharply - reduced government|government which sought re-elec-|port only to governmental fi- spending -- and higher taxes if{tion 10 months after its initial|nancial policies and money prac- necessary -- are urged by twolelection. In that 10-month period|tices that maintain the purchas-| Saskatchewan daily newspapers|all parties sought election by|ing power of the dollar. in @ campaign to end inflation|promises to cut taxes and in-| "The trouble is, authorities al- in Canada. |crease spending which would ways meet with a great deal of The Regina Leader-Post and|have made deficit financing in-|public resistance when anyone Saskatoon Star - Phoenix have|escapable. The victor at the polls|syygests shrinking the money beer front-paging a series of 10 found its financial difficulties stipply. The public simply does fu inclinaton "If the government does not do|green and pink will be big sellers] |this, then prices will rise still rther." BOND SALES OFF Citing statistics to indicate that Canadians are showing less to buy government bonds, the artcles comment: next fall in all types of clothes for men, women and children, One product on display was a| lightweight foam, permanent. bonded to fabric, said to give| good appearance and washability | for children's snow suits. Al-| though it is sald to have four WANTED OH LADY BE GOOD TO HIM, .. CHOOSE HERE! Shortest distance to a mons heort ot Christmes is a straight line to our wide world of gifts he'll weor with pleasure. o t cammot sell articles seeking re-establishment|COMpounded by an economicinot understand the ultimate If the governmen of conditions warranting Cana-|9!P: danger and damage to the pur-|its bonds to the people becaust diang to lend their savings to the| It is crucially important, they chasing power of the dollar, [the Jeople have grown aly o government in amounts suffi- continue, thins Canadians Should "It is only a year ago that i A rr a vary cient to finance its operations/be constantly informed of what many people decried so - called , TE aey iol without resort to "printing press" goes on, and what is involved ight av nf when all the gov-|® 8 T10us situation develops In y e ef tom? » bulk for warmth in children's i carryng on the nation's affairs. monty. (in national monetary policy. It Islernment and the Bank of Can-|™yyl By 0qy is," the articles|clothing. "These correctives," says the|Within the power of government, ada were trying to do was to E . 5 4 i i i x "|say, that Canadians now seem to series by Robert Moon, the pa-|through its handling of the na- sion the money supply from ex-|7° SH se ceria bw ite ber correspondent, |Honal debt, to speed up or slow |panding, not trying to reduce it." accept inflation as certain. bank was a good place to leave 4 ; | inflation. t the articles ""Many," it states, "try to safe-|their money and that savings o a paistal Df Sey are ig inflation. But the RESORT TO "PRINTING" guard themselves, or = 'hedge'|were a good thing to have. They 1 A " o i Sometimes, the articles com-|against inflation by buying stocks were. But prices rose and the Sully om our savings from ruin- yg Joversmen} Wij seauire ment, governments "print" and houses and tangible things. dollar dropped in value. 0 ne 'support if it is to aet effect-/money because .they wish to Even such things will not pre-| "Investors who purchased gov-| DEBT INCREASING ively. Twill seed moderation in|avoid the politically unpopular|vent eventual money and fina-\ernment bonds thought their in-| The articles say: the demands from people for pol-|action of raising taxes to cover|cial chaos." vestment was about the safest "Canada's gross national debt,|injes which will add fresh fuel|a deficit. they could make. It was, Infla-| Outliing the effects of infla- which stands at $900 for every fires, and an| "The terrible fact," they add,|tion. the articles say: tion changed all that. man, woman and child, is in- fo _ inflationary, Pheaervanon of | Those on salaries and wages Mig that iy Yethitg tv avoid af These 0 lave = Ha . Iso suffer. Salaries and wages creasing rapidly once more, It i |politically unpopular action an|comes suffer because prices als A now stands $16,000,000,000 and the buying power of A ator cxtemely harmful economic|ur and their dollar won't buy as may be rising, but they are not it's going up, Canada and Canadians today, [force is set in motion." {much as formerly. rising equally from firm to firm "The new increase shows ev- § |" The 'recession of the last year| 'Pensioners suffer because and occupation to occupation. ery sign of producing another in-|CAN CALL A HALT lor so, the articles comment, their pensions were established Those workers may be better off flationary round of cost and price] "If the working of the demo-/caused some people to save when the dollar bought more. |in inflationary times than those Increases just as it did during cratic system has led to higher money and thus alleviated pres- Those who receive life insur-jwho are on fixed incomes, but the Second World War. This and higher governmental ex-|sures which the increase in the there will be inequalities. ance benefits paid in their money - time, however, the result can be|penditures, the people also have/money supp ly have! when it was worth perhaps twice va the end, Syeryone Sitters. much, much worse. the power to call a halt caused. They ask: ever was ere a time in| as much as it is today. They "To the extent of $1,500,000,000| «They should insist that on av-| "What will happen if a boom thought they were providing for Canales ecosiomic History when | in the last 13 months our gov-| gage the government live within|comes ely uture. fils public concern and willingness to | quickly, perhaps next|their future. They Were. Soncer I ernment has added to its debt i sorting to|summer, as many believe, 3 deposited support a change of governmen- | obligations by creating new oh oA no spark a new spending spree? pid in the bank heeded a i) policies should be more force- 'printing press" money--that is,la4 that all expenditures are| "Will the $1,500,000,000 still be chiidhood injunction that the fully expressed. | by selling bonds to the banks who | stified. around to compete for existing |---------- -- - 4 2 ) pay for them by creating new|™ «There are no easy answers to goods and services? | 4 All-Wool deposits for the government to|controlling inflation. An informed| "Will the government in the j SCARVES spend. It now seems that our|sng aroused public must know meantime drain off some of the government's present spending | that there is no pie-in-the-sky potentially competitive dollars SWEATERS money being created, or|, 'printed,' and spent, to add fur- ther to the inflationary spiral." The increase in debt, the ar- ticles comment, might have ta- CURRENT DEFICIT 228 | I Referring to the current year's | 4 il li : large federal budgetary deficit, | / : Ts and indications that deficits will y " continue, the articles add i "The Conservative administra- STACKED VEITCH . ; 7 feminine fragrance High On Our | , in tantalizing I ? ; combination of SPECIAL Shelves I g bs, parfum, pa:fum ken place regardless of what gov- ernment was in power, for both 3 DAYS cologne, dusting 0 NLY powders and soap. major parties were committed to LADY ANNE BOTANY WOOL extensive spend ing programs | Both newspapers are independent 7.95 wi de i Reg. 25.00 ™ times the insulating value of reg- ular materials, exhibitors admit. ted that customer acceptance] might be poor because "mothers | ENGLE'S | (VALUE PACKED) GIFT GUIDE Men's Orlon SOX Argyles and diamond DOESKIN SHIRTS / Reg. to 3.95 d 1.00 - 1.50 ? penman's T-SHIRT White DRESSING GOWNS might Mercerized. Washable . . to! Boys' Flannelette PYJAMAS EA% tor Hop Long Sleeve Orlon PULLOVERS 4 WORK SOX Lined Leather GLOVES Boys' Leather Lined GLOVES Boys' Ivy Lined JEANS Reg. 3.98 for the woman who Is every inch a female Exciting gifts of Primitif ... , an un. mistakably new SUBURBAN give him the gift of COATS Good Grooming | " | YARDLE Y| Special Sale WORK PANTS ...... Dress Socks ... 1.00 & 1.50 ) Boys' 3 SUBURBAN COATS Novel Sophisticcat guards Primitif parfum in his ( ll paws. 1.95 Boys' All-Wool Melton -SUBURBAN Boys' Doeskin SHIRTS Boys' Dress PANTS Reg. to 5.95 Boys' Corduroy NTS Parfum Cologne with exciting Primitif fra: ANY BLOUSE $2.00 ANY DRESS or 2-Pe. SUIT $4.00 OFF ANY PAIR OF SLACKS $2.00 Knit Sport Shirts Boys' Como Bulk Orlon SWEATERS, long sleeves 9.9% DAN RIVER CAR COATS Polished Cotton, Quilt Lined Perfect Pair Primitif Dusting Powder and Parfum Cologne in dramatic presentation i, of ¢ SHAVING CREAM ¢ AFTER SHAVING LOTION $925 * Tust one of many MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS ENGLE 16 SIMCOE N. 4.95 OUCH 14,05 A worsted wool All new Fall merchondise Reg. to $14.95 35 SKIRTS You Always Save At VarsiTY SPORTSWEAR || 104 King E. RA 5-1333 § in, 9.95 Photographic" CEToR-Y] UTofe] S00 NST RA 5-35406 | f= OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE ~~ "Everything 8 KING ST.E RA.3-2245 J MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR RA 5-0611 15 KING ST. W. = MA 3-5778 317 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PLAZA, MO 8-2338