Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1958, p. 8

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ae: {Jo Aldwinckle, oer, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 24, 1958 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CONANT H and S ASSN, Conant Home and School Asso- ciation held its November meel- ing with Mrs. William Baldwin, president, presiding. [Stanley Gourme read a poem; Mrs. Jackson Wray led in prayer. Mrs. John Morrison played the music for the Christmas hymns. Mrs. Frank Ball presided. Mrs. (Ont. WI Elects 'New Executive GUELPH (CP)--Executive of the Federated Women's Insti-| {tutes of Ontario, elected Wednes- day, includes: | President, Mrs. James Hag: gerty, Napanee; secrelary-treas- urer, Mrs. G, Gordon Maynard, Unionville; regional vice-pres- idents, Mrs, H. Dunn, Alliston; | (Mrs. W. Green, Caistor Centre {and Mrs. Fred Bonnett, Fort Wil-| |liam, | Delegates to a world women's {conference to be held next Aug- lust in Edinburgh, Scotland, were | also elected, They are: Mrs. Hag- gerty; Mrs. Clara Rinehart, |Campbellville; Mrs, J. R. Pen- ney, Kingston; Mrs, J. Corson, | Kirkfield; Mrs, Ewart Hunt, | Paris. : HAVING Wringer Troubles? -- We ore wringer speciolists, Our experts will rebuild your wringer os good es new . . ot reasonable rates ! JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jock Christie, owner) At Reor of 68 Simsoe $0. N RA 5-1179 For Pick-up end Delivery | Mrs. Garnet Shaver read the... poo1 road the secretary's minutes of the last meeting and | ooort and called the roll. Mrs, the treasurer's report was given A {by Mrs. Fred Britten. Audrey Metcalf read the tr | surer's report, A tour of the Dunlop Plant was . A "Night of Cards" is being |discussed and arranged for the December meeting. | planned for January 28 to be held in the centennial hall. | Mr. Farle Campbell won the door prize. The members were reminded Mrs. Thomas Kidd introduced of the WA dinner to be held on the guest speaker, Mr. A. W. December 11. Rundle on behali of the associa: BATHE PARK AUXILIARY tion flowering bulbs and showed some ya Ladies Auxiliary of Bathe very interesting slides of flowers payy Aggociation held its monthly growing Reva, xed meeting recently with Mrs, Mr. Campbell thankec Cleve McMann, president, presid ing Rundle on the Association The secretary's report was (hei Un ANE GARY WILLIAM | Sorochan of Oshawa and Mr, | and Mrs. William Fitzgerald, Westport, Ontario. | =Photo by De Joseph Studio, Ajax edical Mirror WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT This bonny young man is Gary William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fitzgerald, Olive | avenue, Gary was one year old | on October 18. He is the grand son of Mr, and Mrs. William | €?2 Q. "Please annwér the follows ing about Jrondile cancer: fir symptoms? is there pain? lo ps a cure? are bowel moves ments affected? what is the life expectancy ?"'--~T, A. There are not typical sympe toms of early prostatic cancer, The first signs of trouble usually recognized by the patient include difficulty in emptying the bladder (but no bowel trouble), urgency, and "dribbling." Pain comes later, The chance for 8 cure de- pends on whether the disease is discovered while the cancer is confined to the prostate gland, Karly diagnosis is very im) If you Bspest, trouble, get n Note to readers: Thanks for all the nice letters, As many ques- tions as possible will be answered fn this column, but for obvious reasons replies must be brief, [ bel made arrangements for this visual aids meeting. | Special attention was directed | to the next meeting of the Osh- | King Street H&S November Meeting awa and District Home and School Council which will be held Refreshments were served by mothers of the pupils in Grade . 6 and 7. given by Mrs. William Haight and ~ To observe Home and School jy 5 A, Lovell School on Tuesday, roll call taken showing 15 mem. Month the Home and School November 25. At this time the bers present. Three new mem. Créed was read at the November oghawa Little Theatre will pre- bers were welcomed into the Aux- meeting of King Street Home and gon4 a play "Scattered Showers" Mr, Q. "We are given all sorts of health advice but nothing about how to keep the eyes in good condition, Should eye drops be used regularly?""'--A reader, A. Healthy eyes need no special attention, They are automatically lubricated and irrigated = with erm-resistant fluid --~ the tears, he anti-germ action of tears is due in part to the presence of antibiotics produced by ocular (eye) organisms, When the eye is injured or becomes infected the doctor may prescribe drops or an eye ointment, Otherwise, it's usually best to let well enough alone, Q. "I have had psoriasis for several years and nothing seems to help, Should I try vitamin B27" --A sufferer. A. New treatments for psoriasis spring up like mushrooms--and last about as long. Byz and other vitamins have had their day in treatment of this condition but have generally faded into the background, The best advice is to rely on your doctor, Published as a Public Service by Kan Drugs 28 King St. E R Oshawa COMMINGLE GROUP PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY Miss Pictured after ti wedding recently at ( 1 1 Church are Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald James Read. The bride, | of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gales the former of Mr. and Mrs Read, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Gary phy 0 lay safe, men over 55 should ine A a checkup every six months to 8 year, . Doreen Gales, is the daughter Answers do not necessarily re- flect the opinion of all doctors, The diagnosis end treatment of | | discase is the function of the patient's personal physician, Questions directed to Dr. J, D, Ralston, Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario will be incorporated in these columns when possible, Behavior - when yserved vere was The regular meeting of the De t . Commingle Group of the WA of iliary. School Association. : on the theme of child study. Fol- Reports were given by the sick Attention was also given to the lowing this performance, Dr, Alan held in the ladies' parlors recent- | ly. : chen fund, Mrs, James Fisher zine and several suggestions were and discuss the play and the Gwendolyn | and the bridegroom is the son | Following the presentation of gave the monthly report on the given by the president Mrs. characters portrayed. George Pearce as to how the) Mr, Lloyd Weiderick, principal, reports, the president, Mrs. ReX| noon in the Park building. These Members couid show their loy-| spoke briefly stressing the nec- sales (Harper called on Miss Evelyn|are proving most successful and alty to the association, essity of good study habits. He -- - - -------- |Everson, leader of the group injpew equipment has been bought.| Those who wish will attend|also expressed his satisfaction as . Address On Behavior Problems Mrs. E. Snowden presented the tion to the Bathe Park Aseocia- group on the evening of Novem. canvass on the part of some of Jevions. her, theme being "Dol- tion towards materials for the ber 30. King Street students which Stirs H&S Association Meeting CPTA Bazaar (Cilmi ain ot Kiehen. apboneds. | An "Ages nd Sages" fim DFOUEhL in over $1300 - Complete success rewarded the 8 vs Mee stool Worden and ¢icimas party on December 9 a buzz-session held to discuss the i on the Lnipry table. This was ] : : y . arrangement of the various weeks of work of the mothers of The guest speaker was Mrs at the home of Mrs. Robert Gow, findings of these groups was most nam st & 5] . iv aotiv e tag designs that have heen the secondary school are very of. inter-school competition. It is per-|the pupils in St y Sal Rossland Road West. Any mem- informative and constructive and g £ at have bee "inn. |fectly possible to be a good stu-|St. Joseph' . showed colored slides of her re- | pint p chair ten the childs beliavior.] BOLY OSS a BO St Joseph's schools the| 'ont trip to Greece, Italy and '© be at the Park building at eral meeting, Mrs. William Fro- Hembership chairman, Mrs. C.P.T.A. held its annual bazaar|guwitzerland 8:00 p.m. Gifts will be exchanged. | George Wettstos, This Colortul aud spring of br homes, Mr-|who put all the emphasis on|and bake sale on Wednesday af-| Ite OF tank e The hostesses for the evening, God has this author itatesting display Was the Napdi, George Roberts, prinncipal of sports and none on study ternoon, November 19 in St./to all who had taken part by over all principalities and powers, | p , ~ hg I | ' Edward Stewart served refresh- +| Librarian, Mrs, Clarence Ander- OCVI, told North Simcoe Home! wrs. Geoffery Andrews intro- Gregory's Auditorium, Miss Millicent Luke. Inet. Contest Sor. ye path but Satin has blinded the minds gon Also being used for the first certain point the school is not|was thanked by Mr: J ; re are fixed spiritual laws, equipped to deal with them, he be ed by Mrs: J Max Ritchie were the convenors| The WMS of Centre Street Uni. ois Mean and Mrs, Yiliam Tere 2 » God's Siri world [Vik tack recently Purchased: is audience, and they must J is ves re G. 0'./ted Church held its November O8den was the winner for the J a orld. | h 30Iveq. ou told his audience, anc tne mu In the absence of the presi- for this year. Father wi G0 meeting at the home of Mrs. lucky draw. even as in the natural world. ipa giyle in the hall. Conveners pe poh Brien, introduced by Mrs. Brock- S 1 ana A " 1 " " y ganise of the ,Mdicolm Adam presided and wel- man the methas CALVARY BAPTIST wMs logical and must be obeyed. and Mrs. Robert Copithorne, the Test. of the comed the students of the two ent, said a short prayer and de-| "ar." pr Young reviewed the The regular meeting of the God expects all to use free Social chairmen for the year are $ I , Grade 8 classes who were pre-clared the bazaar opened chapter of the study hook on WMS of Calvary Baptist Church wills to choose His will. This Mrs, William Macdonald and Mrs9 t societ to Rit . a Celling h Tt se +, Ritchey and Mr. Ronald Kelling: ed around the auditorium were in asked to bring in their reports ber 20. but all cannot receive it. The one - lem which he fein. 1 ves sunounced that Mis. charge e following:: Fish at the December meeting Mrs, Henry McGee led in the Qualification necessary is the John Robertson had secured asipond, Mrs. Douglas Flintoff; re- Each member was asked. to singing of familiar hymns. Mrs, fullness of the spirit, and a real. ap by } consid: L. Osborne; principal of Ontario goods and sewing, Mrs. Robertlor used in good condition, for a Moncur called on Mrs. D. A.|the Lord. a yo ir ood ot oo od Ee ad bi speak Normoyle; aprons, Mrs. D. B. parce! to be sent to Simcoe Hall Gunn of the Worldwide Evangeli- The meeting closed with pray- ic calle X i a religious subject and answer Fudge; baking, Mrs. J. A, Yanch; at Christmas.' Mrs. Fletcher zation Crusade to speak to the © os difficulties i rE J described the gi ul oan irans Mrs, Donald Stiles reported on Leach; door prize, Mrs. Dermott byterial held at Greenwood Uni- Mrs, Gunn's message 'concern ferig fiom elsiner Ys sop the success of the UNICEF proj- Conway. ted Church ed the authority of the believer. | Vv 8 Santa Claus was present to - Mrs. Robert Kirk led in the Every true born-again child of ED WILSON to fear. Pupils ¢t to fend alot re ) 'vice - -------- -- . : pis Harold Roughley were in charge while their mothers visited the 'Judgir Not and read two FURNITURE 20 Church St. RA 3-321] |Simcoe Street United Church was | members convenor and the kit- Canadian Home and School maga- Rundle, paediatrician, will speak Charles W. the secretary's and treasurer's bingos held every Thursday after charge of the meeting. Ip {King Street United Church to th Its of the UNICEF 3 give a dona-|King Street Un urch as a e results of e ICE Success Crowns An instrumental duet was play- "uppohayt meeting will be the called "Teens" was shown and A collector's item was display- problem students in |inter-form sports in ocvi than on Ww : » , Salter, who spok y Gregory's and Wesley Salter, who spoke andy. "\iching to attend was urged provided much interst to the gen. Made throughout the year by problem pare are the off-g504 sport but he scored parents A vote of thanks was expressed Mrs. Einar Middleton: ana. Mie. ity in Chirst| work of the Home and School Ss ol Associatior Past a , n na a i i 4 and School Association. Past aquced the noted educator and he Mrs. J. B. Brockman and Mrs. CENTRE STREET WMS Fisher. Lucky cup was won by of believers to this vital truth, time was a new wrought iron be rejected from t 0k .D8: (ont 5 Vices " ix fectl derly and len jce-president, Mrs. Mal y » AL A8 ' hese are perfectly orderly and go. this were Mrs. Robert Chute 3 welcomed the people pres- Percy Fletcher who presided at note of gl ed! cont tt h, i wv . itv 1 i i Tri i a Eg sented with school pins by Mr Gaily decorated booths arrang- Mexico. The secretaries were was held on Thursday, Novem- authority is giveh to all believers Mrs, Eric Jacklin steadily increas th ox v sak 4 ; he December speaker Dr. S.iligious, Mrs. Fred Lawless: knit bring an article of clothing, new Grace Moncur led in prayer Mrs. ization of utter dependence upon falls for Parents and P . He parents' queries. white elephant, Mrs. Donald read a report of the WMS Pres- group, : the nothing ~ 3 / hearers hat there Both Mrs. R. G. Lancaster and Mrs greet and talk to the children worship service on the theme -- RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA CHRISTMAS Ives 1stea of i ur pd for oDemselve a. % of the social hour bootits poems 'Eating Our Morsel having one t 13 The Association presen heb h Alone" and "Open My Eyes." RUGS AND her ev have Wing " I n t hal E i interested in them t Ve prizes to the following children ie hands) 1 the tea "mpe pecemhber meeting is to 2 F from six to ten. Seven out of fin" coctumes in the Hallowe'en with Christ po" held at the home of Mrs Cleaned to Perfection s are grad- parade Kathleen Lancaster, mas candles and Santa Claus. Robert Kirk. French street. NU-WAY RUG Larry Sheppard, Jimmie McNab, Mrs. Alex Knox was convener of Sally MacDonald, Danny St. An- the tea room. Tea pourers were FELLOWSHIP GROUP and Carpet Sales 174 Mory RA 5.0433 uated to Gr There are jects which tng, history, ence and English there are ten options a better - than - ave to take four options Kathy Irwin, Eleanor Mrs. William Boission, Mrs. W. A.| whe regular meeting of the Rice, Jimmy York, Dona'd Rud- Clarke, Miss defte Robin- pellowship Group of King Street im Fleming, John Tre son and Miss re White United Church took the form of He advised! Joan Stanley, Arlene Adam A beautiful cake, donated by a 'Pot Luck Supper'. student Douglas Dell, Carol the Sisters of St. Joseph was won| Christmas was the theme of ess Dawn Wilson, Andrew by Mr Ray Scott and Mrs. the worship service conducted by Brian, Lynch, Johr ola VS. Cubitt won the door prize Mrs. Audrey Metcalf assisted by - 'Moore, Margaret Toole mcan and the crochet set went to Miss Mrs, Seymour Bigmod reading a e Vipond, Laird Blac} Janice Tierney} Mrs. Edward poem; Mrs. Douglas Mac Kay ence Aor Thompson Cathy' Penfouhd, Caine's name was drawn for the read the scripture; Mrs. Howard 1 parents Grant Wilson bride doll Armstrong read the story; Mrs.! ... Their future looks , GREAT! «.. and so it should, . because their children ARE normal STOP for a moment and take a good tong look at your family . . . now picture one of them as being MENTALLY RETARDED. . . . It hurts doesn't it? The feeling you have just experienced is felt every day, ten times worse by thousands of heartbroken parents of mentally retarded 'children. YOU CAN HELP BY GIVING GIFT-RIGHT "HOSTESS APRONS" WHEN THE VOLUNTEER CAN- : " " : A great variety of smart 'Hostess' aprons. Gay colored prints VASSER CALLS or if you wish th tty trim. A tical and ful Christ MAIL OR DROP YOUR CONTRIBUTION INTO THE vipa am Arnau ce Re WATCH FOR ZELLER'S WEDNESDAY AD BUILDING CAMPAIGN FUND drews, mathematics In add on! dy, sice Langn:id next da part ¢ the small homework should be a pa work. A 2 spend seven to week at homewor} Another ] and constant ' ...at Karn's AT A PRICE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS 72" X 84" CANDY STRIPES ~--Rayon and nylon blend in to congre- uble finders to keep some gate and be The school control ov breaks obviou These cont? usually cont and too many tro! the mo teen-year-old In future ! more empha PERSONALS FREE! 4-LITE MOVIE BAR AND 4 LAMPS (Reg. 19.45) headi pretty pastel stripes on white, Wide weight and warm satin binding. Light- cold weather comfort. Wonderfully for WHEN YOU PURCHASE THE in handy washable, comes plastic bag. A lovely and use- Sell & Howell P g Y Automatic ELECTRIC EYE | MOVIE CAMERA : ful Christmas gift. 4.97 no; Mr. and Mrs, ville. Mrs. Harry Kerry of Melfi have arrived the Christma Vicar's pa Arthur Weint enue COMPLETE 189.95 Wo 10p ; Hotel, -Te eis A >. §ha ronto, Mrs. Earl Hoy| v. The moder- » panel wa« Mr. Man sel department, Prov- I io. Panelists were Mr. Angus Munro, editorial staff, Windsor Daily St I Jo Aid winckle, wor tor, Oshawa Times; Mr editor of the Boll Speaking for 1 0 ANY OSHAWA BANK Campaign goal for the New Retarded Children's School is $75,000 THE RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION OF OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD, PHONE RA 3.2209 DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3.2294 and METAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS |

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