Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1958, p. 7

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ges OURG AND DISTRICT NEWS ROBERT CZIRANKA FR. 2-7657 PORT HOPE AND DISTRICT NEWS [Reeve A | COB veputy | Beclamation CDCI Student Gets $1400 =mvoiese In Scholarship Awards Staff Reporter a Form New Ice Combines Ragge or ile | | . At Bowmanville | [ptermediates town hall. Also returned by ac-|,nq students crowded: the audi-\Mrs. Ruth Conlin assisted, {H. Brisbin, N. Broomfield, 'S. COBOURG -- The Kobourd (backiize fem thi pf fe PORT HOPE -- OHA eoveter, Port Hope Combines divided a third period when hompsch jack Devine, of Belleville has|clamation was deputy-reeve Ed peg Egg oi hd ; | Brown, L. Bur, A. Burns, K. Pas of sng Een I a Tem: SCee t nd forming a Ine. oad i of Lakeport. Theda gere reirg Beton recently to hs Pog i a Burns, C. Buttes, i Carsle, M. aged. 10 IAN Yossesson als hed 1p Mediate "C™ group | "ithe only two. ment of . Gi 1 Chapman, H. Cole, B, J. Crossen, ond place in the Eastern Ontariorinto the clear and he dashed Ui. ing winter which will be known| "g,." nitions were present. igen dig ng ind Te Ihe 0. Ae, Deyman, T. Dingwall, D. Intermediate "A". league stand TWA made the mistake of iry- as the Hastings-Northumberland| jc." ti oo man council. These|poara chairman Maj E. son; Grade 12, Lois Buhr Dodge, V. Dowdell, S. Erskine, ings despite their inability to ing to beat the onrushing for- Hockey League. Those entered a ma Baltimore: {hai Maj. son; 4 De Ee I auiuer Gordon Bloomfield, Castleton:| ope' student, Gary Caldwell, FIRST CLASS HONORS Grade 9 -- D. Ashton, M-M.|ris, L. Hart, C. Hogan, L. Hut- pull off a double victory. ward to the Jock and yentured are Campbellford, Havelock, Ma Friday night the Combines far out of his cage. McBeen| jock, Marmora, Bancroft and|;'i "cic RR 3, Cobourg; Joe| ded $1400 in three dif- thumped Ki Nelson Usher ferent scholarship funds. Donald Bedford-Jones, R. Brent, D. sell, D. Kelly, J. Kernaghan, J. p Intermediates caught up with the sliding disc, Lakefield. : lc Cu 74 in a fast, hard - hitting contest out vied TWA and fired The latter is an Intermediate Gilliland won scholarships total- Burpham, C. Canham, P. Davis, Lander, M. Lang, A. Lawless, J. ling $450: Douglas Christie, $400 E. Dingman, E. Dobkin, P. Do-|Lazier, M. Martin, J. MecCaig, township, was returned unoppos- | ed to office Friday at a nomina- T. Kerr, C. Haight, L. Harris, sons, H. Patch, R. Prentice, R. Judith Lewis, H. Logan, M-J. Randall, D. Robins, M. Roddy, MacCoubrey, E. McCollum, L.|S. Sine, R. Smith, K. Staples, A M. Pitts, P. Rowe, V. Rusaw, B.|Woods, P. Zufelt. Shehan, L, Stewart, M. Suurdt, K. Taylor, J. Thomas, D. Waters, | cial commercial courses went to: S. Wilson, M. Woods. GRADE 10 -- A. Alls, R. Benns, non Dowdell, J. Caldwell, M. Crossen, L. Cur. Paul Fraser. tis, S. Deyman, L. Downer, F.| Ronald Macklin, Fisher, P, Gray, B. Harris, G Heywood, D. Kingscott, M. Mac- Donald, J, McDonald, E. McClel- land, S. McFarland, R. McLean, M. Mazurek, D. Mills, A. Mit- chell, R. Noble, N. Patch, B Perfect, R. Phillips, G. Slessor, M. Stevenson, S, Webster, Y. Venhuizen Grade 11 -- A. Blackwell, Margaret Preedom, Rosemarie Prentice Christena Raymond, Sandercock, Carmelle Taylor Marlene Turk, Lynne Wilkins. graduation diplomas to vear's Grade 13, as follows: Mar R garet Aird, Alexander Boultbee Lacey, G. Ling, R. May, I. Mun- well, Peter Canham, ro, K. Roberts, K. Wilson Christie. Douglas Christie, Jer Grade 12 -- M. Bradshaw, L. emiah Corkery, Sheila Cornwall Bufir, A, Burns, C. Butters, H. Gordon Cowin, Peter Daignault Cole, B. Crossen, M. Deyman, A. peter Delanty, Sandra Franks Lawless, H. Patch, L. Woods. |ponald Gilliland, Carol Harden C. J. Porter, English teacher, James Jeffery, Carol King, Wil presented English awards to best liam Lawless, Robinson Maug students of the school. han, Mary Rudd, Gary Settering English Proficiency Awards -- ton, Barry Simpson, Rosalind Ste Desmond Harold Greaves, Sandra Harden, Turner, Barbara Tyson. Lois Harris, Eleanor Jibb, Alan| Trophies were presented as fol Lacey, Jane McCaig. Judith Par- lows: sons, Irma, Thompson. The Quinlan Award Secondary School Graduation Buhr by F. M. Quinlan, tions meeting held at Grafton| COBOURG -- Over 500 parents| Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotary clubs. champ, B. Bolan, M. Bradshaw, |lay, L. Harris, N. Harris, P. Har-| Helen Brishin, Sylvia Burge, Ver- Sandra Erskine, Margaret Lang, Mec- |Elhinney, Joan Metcalfe, Elaine Minifie, Judith Parsons ,, Richard Elizabeth Robertson, Rose Roddy, Eleanor Patricia Carr presented honor last Dalgarno, S. Harden, E. Jibb, A. yrariorie Broomfield, Gary Cald-" Dorothy Catherine Butters, Donna Dodge, phens, Joan-Anne Taylor, Wendy Lois The Hickey Cup -- Lois Buhr, from Ann Lawless by Mrs. D. A. Mann. SE A a a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 24, 1958 7 The Ravensdale Cup -- Donald Proficiency in Grade 13 -- Peter Mcllraith, Lee Woods by Mr. Canham by Chairman R. E. C. A. Hagen. Drope. The Key Club Shield -- Doro-| Valedictorian Gary Caldwell |{thy Christie by President Harold pr d the traditional address Greaves. before Principal Lt, Col. C. G. 14th Field Battery Memorial King soniuded Be eyeuilig with Cup -- Peter h 'Mi pr ation scl ers HO A 3 » td of last year's top Grade 18 The McKenzie Cup -- P et er students, Arthur Dalgarno, Carol {Canham by Mr. R. N. McKenzie. Harden, Carol King, William | The Board's Cup for General Lawless and Joan-Anne Taylor. oh ne te ws a wu ay oney to GROW on" McIntosh, N. Manley, K. Martin, Stevenson, P. Tapscott, M. Thorn- L. Moore, C. Patrick, F. Pitts, /ton, G. Weekes, S. wills, L. Awards for completion of spe- IT'S EASIER TO REPAY. THE ASSOCIATES' BUDGET PLAN WAY! YOU MONTHLY RECEIVE PAYMENTS $179.89 $11.00 277.97 17.00 412.64 25.00 860.71 36.00 1,525.00 65.00 2,500.00 107.00 Need money fo expand or improve : your home or business? Get the cash the day you want it--just phone or stop in to the nearest Associates Bydget Plan offica for fast, friendly service. BUDGET PLAN ep SHA 111 Simcoe St. RA. 5-6531 (Above Canadian Tire) | Or.12 s Firemen Plan 'Blitz Campaign or aa FOR A-1 SERVICE RE-ELECT ,--_--B Fire Destroys Ancient Hotel At Rice Lake COBOURG -- Fire levelled one of the oldest tourist spots on Rice Lake early Sunday: morning, when the Lakeview House, once _ [called White House, was reduced © to a pile of smoking rubble in| just two hours. The hotel was over 100 years old, and was re- garded as a landmark. 4 The fire was reported to Balti- more fire department at 2.30 a.m. | but by the time equipment ar- rived at the scene it was out of control. No call was put in for, High team triples -- Long Bros.,| "You'd better learn something 3754; Royal Grill, 3713; Beta else up there," said the Cadi, Rays, 3668: Blazers, 3633. "something to keep you out of Combises walloped the locals 33 OE Hope last, year, Lakerield Wil clerk Mackenzie Rutherford. presentation of athletic awards, |Gourlay, P. Graves, B. Greer, ton, J. Nicoll, G. Nie, J. Par- : 1° Sav will not participate in the group|ejection will definitely be held De- Kingston's Tom Meeker took Winners scored their seventh goa by M3). Droge. i i A 20-game schedule will be Haldimand North and South re. race with 16 points, two more Who let fly with a builet that Jon MEDIATE. M. Hogg; Senior, G. i tural ice rinks and are de- eK] sCOri ino 18:20, Meeker the sniper with "3 the Kingston scoring, getting elo oi termediate, W. Marsden; Senior, or lead boritived though] Combi ver pe standing will play a best of five RR 2, Baltimore. For a two ma The lead was shortlived though, "ombines were Vi ; ; ; i ig . Baker and Jack McLean, liamson, G. Taylor. points in the Saturday game at pulled out all the stops against ,. (0 other three plavoff con-|bot ed. Pitts, M. Pitts, The game was tight for two Keith, West's shot that caught the -- - -- R. Arnew. shared four second period tallies see it. Gerry Robinson made it Bewdley Has | Safecracker Commerce awards were present- TAKE LEAD in the clear at the blueline and 1-0 lead when Rolly Campbell "combines cut the deficit in half and go ahead village of Bewdley Superm arke G. A. Lawless, as follows: and flipped the puck into the, y,ckhander under Hawe. Mc-| community project in the form of | History -- Lois Bur. innocent enough play after a (..ooned drive into the short side at the Pinecrest Bowl in Port Cobourg, was foiled early Sunday, Languages -- Lois Buh r, slipped the puck to Meeker who waco rahound at 16:37 for a 4-1! jand Sportsman's 'league com- prised by Cobourg police Con- Grade 13 Chemistry -- Peter Locals regained the lead as|"Goc's. struck for there un-| The teams are captained by|3 routine check at the. rear of cyristie and Donald Gilliland, Ca- handle and the puck dribbled ; "weet at 8:52, McGill teamed Kennedy, Paul Gosselin, Cliff an open door at the supermarket. oi Bi ciness of the Cobourg chapter.Grade 12, by J. R. Mcllwaith, play presented Kingston with two yy. .i 2s 15:14 with brothers Jun- women on each club. through the front door. dh best work in special commercial, Bamsey, W. Bawden, W. Beau- seconds of the middle canto. Just 1 ragged. Keith West scored a Marj Goss handles the treasur- shopping, had been tampered Tn MAT : ty. Police . LAB ollegiate vice- screened on the play. long range at 16:34. Bob Thomp- that it awards a small trophy cash or property. Police are in-| C. A. Hagen, collegiate vice : V | V 3 13 Hist to Mar- the target at 4:11 during a scram- yo coon d accured a carnage The league will stage a roll PRISONERVHANGED {work in Grade istory to Mar sisted. Nine penalties were awarded by have donated a trophy which will | found hanged in a police cell here |J0nes award for Grade 13 French, ill canvass this week for funds May. son sought by London police. Po-| First class honor students re- feat Muscular Dystrophy Next' i AEP A a 4 the player on the winning team will cell's steel lattice ceiling. An in- Cobourg Rotary. The awards firemen"s blitz will consist of a The committee in charge states than two thirds of whom are [] COBOURG -- J's moved back|Parnall scored again at 14:10, Uptown League A k F ] | l-| | S S or al |the disease is that a patient is so day afternoon by battering Gen- nall at 15:50 for a 6-0 edge after Hope Uptown Bowling League still doesn't pay, although they charge, and was remanded in cus-| The Muscular Dystrophy As- ing league leaders who now have eq in Red Alexander's setup at Atomics 47, Linton's 44, Church- court Friday, Roy Daryll Nicholls, |youth, Thomas Murray Ellis, lecting, is dedicated to research Scheduled games Tuesday have 6:00. Larry Taylor broke net- I . one y s 38, Highfields Dairy 37, Troubles indefinite for the rustling of one] The theft was reported Novem- | ~ - School meeting J's at 8:30 and|gtreak of 109 minut 3 o Hines Of secre ess Lakeshore Cleaners 34, Welders youth. One was for theft of two i ayy penitentiary. Leading the attack for the win- Goody it 8- : T | So00Y hae i §2 at 10:10. Gord all N. Carr 32, Blazers 32, Eldos other was for breaking into the Parnall with three goal hat tricks. i i . Rollings to close the scoring for| Pik hr J ancers 22, Shell Oil three counts: ana ermal ate he flicked the rubber behind , yr C ed by referees Rolly Campbell High singles 1. Benedick,|Cpl. T. Lyle. Brighton OPP de- t fort with some great saves. Bg fort With E gob the gate. High team singles -- Beta Rays, ton reformatory to learn a trade. ond. Bob Parnall scored from Rollings, F. Waghorn, A. De- No ol = | and a half later with Bill Roll CGE -- G. Lovett, C. Carlson, Spencer, 588. {youth. Malcolm Stevenson was johnny. Thompson, D. Pascoe, J. Bassin- High Triples -- B. Wall, 869; trouble." {and William Newton. The last two Arena, Saturday evening at Bow- Scotty Dowle tallied the insur; .q;5re League for years be-|saturday at 9 p.m. to file proof HE og a aor. herty, W. Dodge, B. Edward, Ds McCartney, N. McDonald, D. in a one-sided fray before a small ered over the line. McDougall and RT giretistion of atiletie aussds 08 playoffs, having received a bye cember 1. At that time will also over sole possession of first place at 17:39. Alex McKeen passed CDCI FIELD DAY 4 i ™ <i. played and will start Dec. 19. All spectively. than Bud McDougall of Cobourg- Fisher tipped past TWA, King Tarlor mand North board were Jack "219%. . 1 pendent on the weather. three goals and assisting on the help from Ball. I in the Co mi-final with the first place board for Haldimand South, h of RR 5. Cobourg; and Art| Tri-School Meet: Bowmanville to hurdle into a tie an outclassed Cobourg crew. tenders. The finals will be a Riley an Intermediate Cup -- M. Hogg. periods. Combines enjoyed a 2-1 top left corner. Sommerville was Grand Championship -- G. Cur- and Combines outscored the visi- 2.0 on a neat three way passing L tis Bowls League |i the pivotman deked Sommerville 0 g Disturbed At ed by J. P. Richardson, 'chair- worked his way out from behind g4 "19.45 on Jim Freeman's goal bowling 10 miles north of Port Art -- Carol Keenan. twine at the 14-second mark. |p 00) and Doris assisted. a village bowling league for the] COBOURG -- A break-in at: Industrial Arts faceoff to goalie George Kemp's .; 11.36 for a 3-1 BOC margin. Hope. morning when thieves busy jim-| Mathematics -- Mary Deyman. banged a slider into the lower 4 .,(a5e as the teams: headed prises eight teams with a total stable Paul Krakenberg. Canham, The Bird Archer Co. Ken Medhurst blasted a scorcher , (woo cooond period scores. Dave Craig, George Liznick, stores at the town's north end|,agian General Electric. a a ht a and Professional giplomas were given to the fol- over the line at 18:43. with Armstrong and Germond Manley and Gene Halstead. It is Going to investigate, he was just wo onc club For best work in middle schobl!,¢ by Mr. P. S. Dhillon: : : 1 fe, us t assisted h early goals. Ball was handy to, anq Keith West assisting. President is Carl Train, Mari- A small safe, used to keep " ; | Elaine Minifie. 25 seconds later, Meeker slid a whify Syd Arnold at 15:41. er's post. with, but was still unopened. Ex vestigatin, ects. incipal, ssented Port H Combines pressed for the equal-| "0 501 Fisher did the spade each week to the man and woman gating suspec principal, presei ope ble around the Kingston goal. finishing of a play with Arn- Dec. 22 with nine turkeys as WOODSTOCK Ont. (CP)-- garet Aird. PLAY BACKFIRED refs Vitarelli and Simcoe, six to 80 to the top team when the Sunday. Woodstock police said he also presented by Mr. Hagen. |for the muscular dystrophy asso- _ 2 i be engraved on the [lice said body was discov- ceived awards for general pro- have already been distributed to ' 5 (0) ed be presented with a miniature. quest will be held. |were on behalf of local Kinsmen, |door-to-door collection of the en- that in Canada there are between children. No cure is yet known into first place in the Cobourg Bev Rollings aiding and Bev Roll- PORT HOPE -- Standings after weakened that a common cold eral Electric 10-2. The win was 40 minutes. at Pinecrest Bowl were as fol-|don't hang the rustlers any |tody until Saturday. Implicated sociation of Canada, for whom six points, one more than the 1:15 and Gord Ewart combined ; ¥ ley's 44, City Dairy 42, Hi-ways|18, of Wooler, was sentenced to |21, who was remanded out of cus-/in an attempt to find a cure for Harwood opposing 26 Central Or-| minder Dave Ewart's shutout ) ie 1 : Shooters 36, Wilson Cleaners 36, Holstein cow earlier this month. |per 17. Maximum penalty for the Hydro tackling General Foods in hockey that Dave Ewart h ; Yn, ove Tt Nad al Sorvice 13, PH Auto|waels fren o Woole garace |" ners Sunday were 17-year-old Ewart Stev Ewart hit from, Stevenson and 31, Lab Techs 28, Uptowners 27, garage to commit the theft. Gord Ewart opened the scoring! J's. 4 19, Wakely's 18, Joice-Sweanor ments from the youth were pre- walie George Lovett from close- . \ : and Jim Dawe. Allen DeChamp 366; J. Harwood. 355; B. Hoskin, | tachment. Accused asked that he After a close first riod "J's I | r a close pe J's D. Ewart, G. Ewart, 1439. wilson Cleaners, 1413;| Magistrate R. B. Baxter asked | Gord Ewart at 1:05 on a break- Champ, J. Skillen, P. Dawe, R. B. Wall, 605; tence, what trade he wanted to| ings helping T. Goody, J. Cavanaugh, B. Cav- on-the-spot to bat Gord Ewart's ger, B. Mellis, L. Baker, N. West, before over 500 fans at Cobourg into the open net. "A" team who played in thelfaiied to qualify bui have until manville, Bowmanville - Orono ance counter at 12:3 when his fore amalgamating with property ownership with township "ay Joo oniec farted with Francis, E. Gallagher, Cheryl|Mcllraith, E. Minifie, J. New- h et. playinakers play a full regular schedule but e y . gathering. rs fe: oy by Maj, Drope. The following re- * into "A" playdowns. be elected two school boards for Friday in the individual scoring across the blueline to Medhurst| Girls -- Junior, F. Pitts; Inter- : teams in the league have only Nominees for a two-man Haldi- i i ston scored a nothing goal at a Port Hope. Meeker figured in all i Mg ge nl Boys -- Junior, N. Kincaid; In- " The first four teams in the final | Bride, other. COMBINES OUTCLASSED Bovay Cup, 10, 12C -- L. Wil- as McDougall picked up a pair of game at Bowmanville as BOC's| +" 2110wed to pick opponents, Leonard d William Underwood, Junior Girls' Class Cup -- F. with Meeker. BOC"s went in front at 2:52 on, of seven affair, both of Grafton, have qualifi ae Bs Intermediate. Boys' Class Cup edge after one period, each team completely screened and didn't i i ried Vl tors 3-1 in the final stanza. pattern. Junior West sent Robbie Industrial Division, Chamber of Combines jumped into a quick go. the score at 9:24. PORT HOPE -- The energetic man of the division, assisted by the net on taking Bob Weiss' pass 54 10:45 The Port Hoper flicked Hope has organized yet another| Commercial -- Anne Stevenson. Kingston tied the score on an"... Copeland blistered a first time with play conducted tempt at the Dominion store, Kelly. right. Hub Ball got the draw,|G.o.ce Westfall coverted Dean The league known as the Lake-| "0.0% 2 small safe were sur-| goignce -- Lois Buhr. right corner at 17:30. for the dressing rooms. of 58 bowlers, Const. Krakenberg was making Grade 13 Physics -- Douglas which TWA found too hot to petilCl LS on, Keith and Jun- Garth Manley, Bill Benson, Bill oiopping centre when he spotted "yiye paisy McCullagh present- in ti 2 awards as presi-\jowing who graduated In the second, sloppy defensive 4 4 10:36 and Robinson scored his a mixed league with men and; time to see somebody flee| jon home economics, Helen Cole; for 7, Abraham, M. Andrews, C. ston te i : cuff in Meeker's passout at 16| "qwo tnird period was particu- lyn Halstead is the secretary and store receipts from weekend | at I CANADIAN CLUB AWARD 15-footer into the net with Kemp pg i MoDougall beat Hawe from| A novel feature of the league is amination revealed no loss of i Canadi 1 yard f best izer and got it. Paul Doris found = "eo" combines' second goal. with the highest single score. | Canadian club award for bes A A ac| Donald Gilliland won the Laura COBOURG -- Cobourg firemen Jim Freeman and McDougall as-| 14 ani Mercer at 18:45. prizes. M. E. Knox Jewellers Clarence Van, 34, of London, was i i i . | FIRST CLASS AWARDS lciation. Envelopes labeled "De- Kingston had the power play! the victors. league play-offs take place in was being held as a missing per: Names will | th Peterborough Trophy and each ered suspended by a belt to the | ficiency from Ed Harp, president, most Cobourg homes, and. the ree velopes. Y 1 ics Lead ne ron Atomics Lea attle Rustler: [jaf in Canes oie are Sebvth One complication arising out of Mercantile Hockey League Sun- ings blinked the light from Par- nine weeks of play in the Port| COBOURG -- Cattle rustling | Nicholls appeared Friday on the can cause death. the third straight for the high fly-| In the third, John Skillen cash- lows: more. In Cobourg magistrate's with him is a second Wooler the local fire department is col- runner-up Grafton Brancs. with Parnall and Stevenson at A r, t 42, Clouters 39, Lightles 38, TPT one year definite and six months tody to appear next Friday. |the disease. dnance Depot at 7:15, Training spell at 9:25. The goal broke a 3 : Royal Grill 35, Long Bros. 34! Two other charges faced the | offense is 10 years in a provincial the finale at 9:50 blank: t siti anked the opposition Ted. ov O'Neill's FIVers 32. Ly. | wi Gres aml tibes creocion tus Gord Ewart and 37 year-old Bob gp y i Frank Waghorn scored from Bill Beta Rays 26, Foden's 26, Lucky| Nicholls pleaded guilty to all at 5:59 of the initial stanza when ' i . Only two penalties were assess- 16. AMF 15. Ink Spots 14. sented by investigating' officer in range after Lovett had held ' y + d . of J's and Larry Taylor of G.E 343: G. Poulin, 335. |be sentenced to year at Bramp- i in th - Bi i 4 started to pull away in the sec- MM, Stevenson, Bill Rollings, Bev Atomics, 1346; Long Bros., 1331. [the youth, after pronouncing sen- | away and tallied again a minute Appew, R. Alexander, D. Croft. | c Poulin, 592: B. Brown, 589; |learn. 'Cook', answered ADDS SIXTH anaugh, L. Taylor, T. Beatty, G pass into the short side at 11:15. R. Gallagher. omd Lending J UST fifty cents a regular deposit of th FINLEY M. DAFOE FOR INFORMATION PHONE RA 3-2888 | "valued customer" of She's one of more Canadians saving at t total deposits amount But her part in th Well, along with th lent to build houses, lumber -- to do a th things. How? Through hundreds bank loans, the B of M Atom Power Plant Planned By Altilities though the department does not WASHINGTON (AP) The approve of the building of small Philadelphia Electric Company high schools the department and more than 50 other private [would not oppose a school at Mill- utilities offered Friday to build a [brook if the board wanted it. $24,500,000 nuclear power plant Millbrook, with a public school voted for the school, nine were manville High School. near Philadelphia. The aim is to|population of 343 pupils and'against it Built for 710 students, Bowman- provide cheaper electric power. |a high school enrolment of 90, ex Chairman Carroll Nichols said ville High is now overcrowded The nationwide association of|pects to have 125 high school siu- the vote didn't mean plans for the vith 744 enrolled. One of the; as utilities, while offering to build (dents within the next five years. Millbrook school were discarded pects of the problem is whether the plant, made it contingent on They are requesting that a high but postponed while more press- or not to build two new schools the Atomic Energy Commission school of four classrooms and a ing problems in other parts of the one on either side of Bow man- ng up an additional $14,500.- laboratory be corstructed to ac- district were dealt with. ville in Darlington and Clarke for research and develop- | colutionate 150 students. Obviously disappointed, Dr. W. /nships. Other alternatives Following a lengthy discussion J. Wright Millbrook said: (will be studied, I HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING | A report was heard from a committee of the board which met recently with the Dept. of Education in Toronto to consider the problem of high school bui'd ing for Millbrook some 24 miles northwest of Port Hope. . R. R. Waddell reported that al the high school board take over "That' the old building for school use, s right forget all about us." secondary consider the needs of the district as a whole rather than the wants R. R. Waddell said that al- of specific localities though he. was in favor of the The hoard then decided to call school he did not want to see it'a special committee meeting in built at this time and added that {Bow manville on Wednesday, Nov. he thought councils throughout |26 to meet representatives of the | the district would not certify it. |Department of Education to con- | When the vote was taken three |sider the pressing needs of Bow- BANK oF Canada RESOURCE B. Golding, 858; C. Branning, 840; - assistance under the mutual aid | - Standings N ew Hi gh S h 1 COBOURG--Veterans of World |[Partments for help when serious j Regiment, Royal Canadian Artil-| three years, the old hotel was Bowling League at Pine crest Bill Austin, 641 2° Durham County District High at Millbrook at this time. | Toronto, presided. Also in attend. iv previous to the fire, and the better: D. Ferguson. po..q hold its regular monthly Luild a school at Millbrook at this special guest Col. C. G. -King| insurance on the building. Helen Fulford, 237: Bubs Towne, "ive grants received hy pressure on the seriously over-|Church, Toronto, was the subject | Donners have taken a com. duce the surplus. As a result next ' , ; + | Alan Strike of Bowmanville the church, Rev. Ray McCleary, Don't Lose It--Use It! sition at 32, while Blitzens and somewhat lower than the last y f ge Mo Wg lly Bh counts for the month totalling mending the school for Millbrook| A wreath was laid Sunday g s, shers 5703 as the possibility of adding to the rates dead comrades of the regi- might be built at Millbrook and DRYNAN | Constri:tion R. Hochu, 838. 14th B tt | program, by which municipalities PORT TOPE. Eichih wed | War II met at the annual reunion fires break out. } - LRN week Bowl are as follows: Triples o,f OB1 HOPE -- A surplus of the board decided to turn down a lery, at the Hotel British Satur- once a tourist centre at Harwood. | Zeke Sanders, School Board was reported by G. ot : ance was the president, a former estimated $12,000 damages are 619: Lois PD ) Inspector Dr. W. Turner said 276, 238, 236: Ann Russell, 226 meeting in Port Hope High School ime. 'R. Richardsor both of Cobourg. There were 52! ---------- Fullord, 297. Bits To that the most pressing need is in A stained glass memorial win- 236; Bill Austin, 236 and Johnnie the board last year were higher crowded Bowmanville High of a report by former RSM Bert manding lead with 37 points. | DA ue Daca Following Mr. Stone's financial $id he thought the committee was battery chaplain during the Com RE-ELECT bit Boon igr 8 |$5703. at this time. He thought alterna- morning at a piaque in Cobourg public school. Another suggestion ment who fell in action in Eu- to oF Positive Planning Thrifty ! LJ 20-0 League Board Discusses | Holds Reuni 0 eunion |are able to call nearby fire de- ; _Eigh v {of the 14th Battery, 4th Field] Unoccupied during the past| results in the 50-50" Mixed over 600: Doug Fermuson, 750. $40.000 in the 1958 budget of the motion that a high school be built 48Y night. Major H. H. Berry, Ownership had changed frequent- Brandwood, 600. SI ony ; CO, 1t. Col. F Lloyd, iit y i is N" Strong of Port Hope as the pe Holt Tt world Be rie ol. Frank Lloyd, and total loss as there was no fire Owen Lent, 260: Z. Sanders, 248 Wadneslay evening remarked at the dinner Darlington township to relieve dow for Greenwood United V Hills, 231 than expected and helped to pro- Y ou OWN A VO i E! 3 h School. . . ind BADE hi yi [yeabs budget is expected to be Hanks, from Toronto. Minister of Vixens and Prancers are tied TePOrt the board approved ac. [hid sverstepped itself in recom. war years tive plans should be studied such |Armories. The plaque commemo- GEORGE was that a new public school rope. Economical Administration Ajax Branch: Bowmanville Branch: Whithy Branch: WORKING WITH CAN one of our school wickets makes her a deposits run into the billions. To be exact, this year-end -- October 31st -- deposits" is only half the picture. What's happening to het deposit? other two million, her money is being Oshawa Branch, 20 Simcoe = COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager PB She kehing 1 our Bank Statement... nanan". to Build Howser... week ...yet the is young lady at youngster's deposits, with many others, to finance the operations of business and industrial enterprises of all kinds and "MY BANK". than two million he Bof M. Their sizes... of farmers, fishermen, oil-men, miners, lumbermen and ranchers... of citizens of every calling... of provincial to $3,038,849,556. e Bof M's "total and municipal governments and school districts. Total B of M loans now run to no less than $1,416,518,876. Yes, when you save your money at the e deposits of the Bof M you not only keep it safe and earning interest for you, but you make a sound investment for yourself in Cana- da's growth now and in the years ahead. What's more -- whether you want to buy tractors, cut ousand and one save money or borrow it-- you'll like banking at the Bof M. Why not drop in next time you're passing? of thousands of is employing this MONTREAL & Pint Bank S $3,277,788,554 TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS North: ANK BEDFORD, Manager h Shopping Centre Branch, King Street West Dhitws Soppng NORMAN McALPINE, Manager HUGH HUSTLER, Manager JAMES BELL, Manager bN ADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1812

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