Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1958, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Rain Changing To Snowflurries Tonight, Sunny With Cloudy Intervals Tuesday, Colder. THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve-tising . RA 3-3492 All other calls ........RA 3-3474 "he Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1958 UAW STRIKE VOTE AT GM CONTINUES TWENTY-TWO PAGES VOL. 87--NO. 276 {De Gaull e Wins In French Poll PARIS (AP)--Premier Charles de Gaulle won another strong en- dorsement from the French peo- ple in first-round voting Sunday for the new National Assembly. dM With many candidates trying to ride de Gaulle's coat-tails, out- right foes of the premier made the poorest showing. A strong swing to the right was accompanied by a Communist . . |decline, althougii the anti-Gaul- 2 Skiers Die |list Communists were still the | strongest single party. Jacques Duclos, a Communist leader, In Avalanche [isa few in the ret BANFF, Alta. (CP)--Two men| L] Allies Split | --Oshawa Times Photo GM (OSHAWA) WORKERS CAST STRIKE BALLOTS TODAY U.S. Strikes Curtai °, 0) died Sunday in an avalanche trig-| ; u 0 gered by skiers who attempted to| ' ross a snowcovered mountain : yarni signs that N threatened walkouts dis-| A strike has been called kers at South Bend, Ind, re- SIUa Yeplie Warning Sizes tal - rupted service on some airlines against American Airlines at jected a company wage increase) ......1oq to safety. n ction n and curtailed auto production in|midnight Tuesday by the Air|proposal tied to new car sales |" The vieti ; teit sont parts of the United States today.|Line Pilots Association in a dis-[and votbd to strike today. The e victims Tore oareH a uw . . One major airline 'company |pute involving pay, rules and|walkout, approved by the United Lin feet down the Slopes a Berlin T1S1S Trans World, was closed for the| working conditions. American op- Auto Workers Local 5, affects Mount Thompeot, how dni] fourth day by a strike of 6,700 erates a Toronto-New York Serv-|7000 employes. Bore Onis A A ST esOr BERLIN (AP)-- The Westen han 12.000!ice. | The UAW has strikes continu-|town, when the wind-slab ava-| ried stil unabl machinists. More than i ling against two big farm mach- lanche swept them off their feet,| powers were reported still unable other TWO workers around the! Capital Airlines Sunday re- inery firms, International Har-|The snow broke loose on the up-|to agree today on a policy of uni- world were made idle by the|symed partial service after end- vester and Caterpiller Tractor. Per slopes of the 10,000-foot high|fied action toward the Commu- h Which gr nearly|ing a 37 - day strike by 2,600 A strike has been in progress) mountain. |nist challenge in Berlin. all the company's 200 planes. (machinists. Normal passenger since Nov. 20 at 19 Harvester| The men were natives of Cal-| There were many indications The federal mediation service traffic was expected to be re-|,j,ne he walkout at four Cater-|8ary. Their names were withheld that the United States, Britain sent one of its negotiators to|sumed Wednesday. |pillar plants 'was started six by police until relatives were no-|and France were finding it diffi- Kansas City, vo eadquantess, | In the auto industry, Stude-|weeks ago. Wages are the chief tified. ; [cult to agree on a plan of action to, seek to reach an agreement), ... = p,okard production wor-lissue in both disputes, Hundreds of skiers were on the jf and betweet She Company and the In slope at the time, The men were Khrushchev reveals a proposal the area. One was covered by regime for the city. k crossing a and leave the it when Premier Nikita found after a routine search of|for dismantling the four-power : i ocjased fun weeks The de Gaulle tide swamped 3 such non-Communist foes as for- mer premiers Pierre Mendes- |} France and Maurice Bourges- Maunoury., Both lost their as- sembly sea's on the first ballot. NEW PARTY SCORES A new Gaullist party, the Un- ion for the New Republic headed by Information Minister Jacques) Soustelle, scored the best indi- vidual success after the Commu- nists. This was the trend although only 41 of the 465 deputies from mainland France were elected {by a majority vote over all op- ponents. The remainder will be chosen in runoffs next Sunday when a winner will need only a | plurality. The interior ministry gave this |breakdown of the results: Communists, elected 1 deputy, 3,882,204 popular votes, 18.94 per cent of the vote. UNR, 8 deputies, 3,608,958, 17.6 per cent, "PRINCESS GRACE Grace Kelly, the movie queen who becaine a real life Prin. cess, looked as radiant as ever on her arrival from Monaco in New York. The ml Princess Grace and Prince Rainier flew over for"a month's visit to phia. ink-swathed her native Philadel- |quickly to le the overflow. Pressmen i pe from both Socialists, 2 deputies, 3,167,354 votes, 15.5 per cent. Independents, mostly rightists, 15 deputies, 2,816,716 votes, 13.74 per cent. The remaining votes were scat- tered among 14 other parties and groups. The Communist percentage compared with 25.6 in the gen- eral election of 1956, and the pop- ular vote compared_with els k strength of 5,500, vi fn 1046. They held 142 seats in the old assembly which bad 544 New 3-Year UAW Pact At Bendix DETROIT (AP)--A new three- year master contract has been Late GM Offer Turned Down The latest officer by General Motors of Canada to the Cana- dian branch of the United Auto Workers of America (CLC) in the current negotiations was rejected unanimously by an estimated 5000 GM employes im Oshawa Sunday. This was disclosed by Cliff Dlkey:. Went of Local 222 of meetings after the mass STRIKE VOTE But the result of the strike vote which began Sunday will not be known until after 6 p.m. today -- the time when ballot boxes will be closed. Thousands packed OCVI for the meeting and the UAW Union Hall on Bond street had to be opened GM, it is , offered a 13.5 cent package deal over years. The union wants a 30.5 cents and a one-year 'coms tract in order to whittle down the 40 cents wage gap between us. and Canadian employes of "If an affirmative strike vote is registered," Mr. Pilkey 'cons tinued, 'the UAW's Canadian General Motors inter council will decide on a strike deadline," Oshawa GM employes will cons tinue to work regular shifts decided at a meeting in the UA! hall Sunday not to work eny overtime. Mr, Pilkey accredited the that 240 night shift chassis partment workers caused an add- itional 2000 men to be sent home last Friday to,"a sense of rest lessness created because the company has dragged negotia tions out, . this morn. The Oshawa UAW team left for Toronto ing where negotiations with company at the master table be resumed this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The talks involve contracts at the assembly plant in engine plant at Windsor, Diesel Ltd Fi The meetings, which began at 1% p.m., were over shortly after pm. W on, Products, Toronto and McKinnon Industries Ltd. in St, Catharines, ia, danger area. One of them appar- dealing with : i " the East Germans. ends a strike which started last munes fights between Montreal and New (AP)-- York. Gale-Smashed Tug Boat NEW HAVEN, Conn. Canadian banking firms. | Bernard J. Ezhaya, 45, presi-| dent. of Industrial Relations As-| sociates Inc. of Boston, was ar-| w « Wn |rested at his New London home| No Damage Sunday by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. OWEN SOUND (CP) -- The| He appeared here before U.S.| pale-smashed tug Helen M.B.|Commissioner Robert H. Alcorn, was steaming to Cove who bound him over to a federal Island Ninder her own power district court under $50,000 bond early today after being missing|Ezhaya is charged with violating| since Saturday. a statute forbidding the interstate P. H. Gould, head of the Wau-| transportation of stolen property. | baushene Navigation Company| Special FBI agent Edward J.| which owns the tug, said the ves- McCabe said Ezhaya used the sel was "out of danger" and had stolen bonds as collateral for) reported no damage. loans at New London banks. He Cove Island is at the tip of the said $76,000 in stolen bonds had Bruce Peninsula separating Lake been recovered from the banks. Huron and Georgian Bay. | Ezhaya's lawyer denied the| The 108-foot ocean-going tug government's charge that the was missing more than 12 hours |father of five children had en- before signals late Sunday night tered into a "devious scheme' to| told searchers she was still afloat |get money from the bonds. Bos- with her crew of seven in good ton lawyer Joseph Balliro, pic- shape, tured Ezhaya as "an unfortunate Rescue ships had been standing dupe of someone else." by to go to the aid of the tug 'He obtained the bonds from when it was believed she was an equally well-respected man," | drifting in northern Lake Huron| said Balliro. He did not name the with her engines broken down. 'other man. The government has charged a|ywere part of a $1,789,400 burglary of this type usually reach speeds official denials, reports persisted executive with receiving|from the Caisse Nationale up to 100 miles an hour. several bonds taken in multi-\g'Economie of Montreal early| million-dollar robberies of tWo|this year, and a $2,250,000-or- were caught at the edge of the less danger in doing so than has {000 had been recovered from the ibeen conducted in Switzerland, London UAW Holds Strike Vote LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Nearly the full membership of the 580- member Local 27 of the United Auto Workers, employees of Gen- eral Motors Diesel Ltd., have cast ballots in a strike vote here, Ray Atkinson, chairman of the local, reported. Mr. Atkinson said the result of the poll, taken Sunday, will be re- 958 leased Tuesday at Toronto, id ently stepped on a wind-packed| The West's dilemma is how far |plece of snow topping softer lay-|to go in dealing with Moscow's The government sald the bonds ers and it gave way. Avalanches East German satellite. Despite |here, in London, in Washington Companions of the trapped men and in Bonn that the British see more burglary of the Brockville|slide but were able to extricate the Americans, French or West Trust and Savings Company of themselves. 'Germans. | Canadian authorities said $792,- 6th Ontario City Acclaims Mayor former robbery after raids had New York City, Miami and Mont- real, Six persons have been ar- rested. The Brockville burglary may Tuesday. Terms roughly parallel: those| BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (Reut- ia'a determination to take an in. agreed upon between the UAW) ers) -- President socialism' and the auto industry's big three Communist China 8 --General Motors, Chrysler and being 'against politic Ford--in pattern - setting pacts| tence" and said the Peiping re- reached earlier this year, The new Bendix pact, Sunday, is subject to ratification by local unions and the working out of supplemental local agree- ments, It carries an annual im- provement factor raise of six cents an hour, plus an additional 4 uate nts hoy fo dutional cruited for communal life in in workers, retroactive to Oct. signed had 'nothing in The vote was called when no settlement was reached Saturday in negotiations at Toronto for a have netted far more than the : estimated $2,250,000 -- possibly] By THE CANADIAN PRESS entering the field against Mayor up to $10,000,000. At least $7,000,-| Belleville re-elected its mayor,|Frank P. Boyce and William T. THOUGHT FOR TODAY new contract for General Motors plants. An affirmative vote would em- power union leaders to call a 000, most ia registered securities, Gerald B. Hyde, by acclamation|Mills. have -been recovered. Saturday, It is the sixth Ontario| Cornwall, which had eight nom- " i ...|Ccity to name its mayor without inees, wound up with a three-man pays, Doan, restr a vote in year-end elections. |fight. Mayor L. G. Lavigne is op- Another way a person can win friends is by not trying to inflence people . , . Tito ed |dependent "'road 'to 'd y for|free from obligation to either the coexis- Kremlin or the West, said the role gime's newly-formed communes played by China in the bitter common with campaign launched against Yue marxism, goslay "revisionism were probe It was the Yugoslav leader's ably aimed at 'some others," first direct attack on the com-| Observers said this pres mune system, a drastic adminis- referred to the Soviet Union it trative reorganization in which |self. millions 'of Chnese are being re-| Tito was speaking after opening a new 80-mile highway built by 54,000 youth volunteers in the first Communist "wough brigade" operation since 1952. Tito compared the Soviet ate tacks on Yugoslavia with Ger- man propaganda during the war and said they were aimed at splitting Yugoslavia"s Communist leadership from the people through "various slanders," al 10,000 persons in Slovenia he be- lieved the current Soviet bloc campaign against Yugoslavia would "last a long time." Attacks against the Tito re- gime, often spearheaded by Com- munist China, criticize Yugoslav- business, New London authorities Mayor Hyde got back into of-| posed by Dr, Elzear Emard and|strike without further resort So said. He helped organize the AFL fice unopposed when the only | Nick Kaneb. | the membership. Metal Trades Council there dur- other nominee, Mrs. Effie Mc-|-- | ing the war and was later active Cabe, chose to contest a seat on| LJ in union work in Boston and Cily council. ( shana uinedada ' F U 1 Other cities which had already under foreign rule will join the Providence, R.I. ; : : {elected a mayor without opposi- Ezhaya was charged with two tion were: Chatham, Garnet| counts of attempting to dispose Newkirk; Galt. A. W. A. White; of the securities. The maximum | Guelph, D. E. Hastings; Oshawa, | penalty for each count is a $10,-| Lyman' Gifford; Welland, Gabriel 000 fine or 10 years in jail, or|y naCoomb. both. | Two women were among the "BUNCH OF PUNKS" |four candidates who qualified for| (Reuters) -- Five Ottawa Youths Charged With OTTAWA (CP) -- Five teen- Henry Dupuis, 19;James McDer- agers have been charged with mott, 17; and Thomas John murder in the death of Robert Drain, 19. O'Leary, stabbed through the Detective Inspector Ab Cavan heart in a gang fight early Sun- said he does not recall so many day. ever beiog Slarged in Onava in r today in connection with a single slaying. pay er 0 appes ¥ The fight scene on Somerset ¢ h uld have been Street near Bronson Avenue in O'Leary, W! s No d in an Ot. West-central Ottawa is only seven 21 today, was left dea o an ng blocks from the spot a 17-year- tawa gutter following the ane old youth was kicked to death in clash, sparked by a young Sla gang fight outside a church in flippant comment in a restaur- May last yeat. ant argument earlier. : O'Leary, born in Ottawa and A blood - stained steak knife, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George sight inches long, was found o'Leary, ras wearing a cast over his left wrist when he was Se cenagers were picked up stabbed. The wrist was broken in near the scene after a policeman a neighborhood football game. arrived and scared off the street/ynti] that injury, he had been a fighters. Eleven others -- includ-|jahorer and truck driver for a ing two juvenile girls -- Were construction firm here. rounded up at their homes. After', onc count about 17 hours of questioning, hd rt AB La murder charges were laid] Police gave this account of the against five of the 17 teen-agers. events culminating in the fatal againg a are william Robert brawl: Post 1 and his 16 - year - old| O'Leary, another youth and srother, James Montague Post; two girls were in a restaurant Murder when they began to exchange re- marks with another group of youths. | One of the girls with O'Leary, referred to the rival group as "a! bunch of punks." A fight threatened and the proprietor ordered one group to leave, allowing O'Leary's group to stay. When the O'Leary party left| later, the other group was wait-| ing outside. But O'Leary and his friends jumped into a car before a scuffle could start. They drove to a party in Eastview, at the other end of Ottawa, and re- turned shortly with reinforce- ments. The two factions clashed out-| Side a Somerset Street restaur- ant. When a policeman drove up in a car the fighters fled. The pa-| trolman found O'Leary lying face| down in the gutter. An autopsy| showed a knife had seveged an artery at the top of his heart. He had died almost instantly, Fort William's mayoralty race| ACCRA, Ghana hana and Guinea, "inspired by before qualifications closed at 9 thewexample of the 13 American p.m. Saturday, Mrs. Dorothy M. | Pickup and Mrs, Catherine Sep-| colonies," Sunday declared their agreement to "constitute our two pala, both with city council ex-|gtates as the nucleus of a union perience, are running against Hu-| of bert M. Limerick and Frank Wil-| West African sates." In a second declaration, Ghana lambs. Mayor Hubert Badanai is|agreed, subject to parliamentary not a candidate for re-election.| approval, to grant a loan of £10, He is Liberal MP for Fort Will |000,000 ($28,000,000) to néwly in- iam, | A woman also qualified at| Kingston, Mrs. Marion R. Earl dependent Guinea. Leaders of the. two countries said they hope other states now union. Guinea, formerly a French col- ony, got its independence last September by voting against the new constitution proposed by Premier Charles de Gaulle, Ghana, formerly the British colony of the Gold Coast, gained its, independence in March, 1957. he declaration said Ghana and Guinea had agreed as a first step to adopt a union flag, de- velop the closest contacts and harmonize defence, foreign and LATE NEWS FLASHES French Sudan Proclaime PARIS (AP) -- The French d Republic Sudan today proclaimed it- self a republic within the French community, The territorial assembly, meeting at Bamako, voted to take this form under the new federation of overseas by Premier de Gaulle. Greek Cypriots On Strike NICOSIA (Reuters) -- Greek an island-wide general strike toda; organization to mark the opening on Cyprus. To be Named Pope's Phy VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- that expected to be named shortly as Professor Filippo Rocchi, 58-year-old Rome doctor, French possessions created Cypriots were called out on y by the EOKA underground of the United Nations debate siclan Vatican sources said today is personal physician to Pope John XXIII. The doctor, who also, is expected to become chief of the Vatican's medical services, personal physician. already is acting as Pope's ec policies. | The next step will be the draw- ing up of a constitution. These moves were 'not de- signed in any way to prejudice the present and future relations of Ghana nd the Commonwealth or Guinea and the French com- munity," the declaration said. It was issued after talks here between Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekou Toure, the premier of Guinea. Nkrumah has long envisaged and worked for a West African federation that would include Ni- geria, Sierra Leone and Gambia. Others mentioned as possible member states are the Ivory Coast, Togoland, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, Spanish West Africa and the Spanish-held island of Fernando Po, off the southwest Nigerian coast, Ghana has a population of more than 4,000,000 and covers 91,843 square miles. Its produc- tion is mainly agricultural. Wy "A PRELUDE OF THINGS TO COME In preparation for Old King Winter who is due in these parts any day now, these students of the E. A. Lovell Public School on Centre street have a romp in the light snowfall this morning just seconds before the moming bell summoned them to classrooms, The snow left a white mantle across the city but it was soft and most of it melted. ~Oshawa Times Photo ITY EMERGENCY | COMMUNITY PHO TOMBE CHEST Fits DBPL Ro 274 GOORFRONRY) FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPHAL RA 3-2211 ~ $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 . $130,000 $150,000 $175,000 $109,496.86 SUPPORT YOUR COMM UNITY CHEST

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