Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1958, p. 12

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Shon Re ei Meondey, November 24, 1958 ¥2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, i 2 TYRONE POWER'S BODY LAID TO REST IN HOLLYWOOD | A detachment of marines lifts the flag from the casket of | was lowered into the ground at | Hollywood. Mrs. Deborah Ann | at right wearing glasses. Sha A actor Tyrone Power just as it | Memorial Park Cemetery, i TELEVISION LOG 'Man's Bravery iA 'The Story Of Gershwin 5st :. Colorful And Stirring ath Power, the actor's widow, sits "THEATRE GUIDE 4 | rice Ravel; scenes from musicals | To coincide this year with paintings by George and Ira; and, George Gershwin's 60th birthday many of George's own photo- anniversary, a publishing firm graphs of his associates. has come out with a book en-| There is also a bibliography of ititled, "THE GERSHWIN all the Gershwin's compositions, | YEARS" (Doubleday of Canada complete with show sources and Ltd.) by Edward Jablonski and dates of first performances, [Lawrence D, Stewart, Scott Fitzgerald was among the | This is a handsome volume, first to proclaim that the Jazz| {beautifully and profusely illus-| Age was dead; but George Gersh- |trated, and confaining a gold|win, sitting in his Riverside | mine of important material never Drive penthouse, took the term {before published. years from the arrival in Amer- sisted; "It seems to me that we| ica of Morris Gershovitz, George's are too close to Queen Jazz and | and Ira's father, to the present;| her lively era for anyone to know| [the book is filled with anecdotes| definitely whether her throne fis | and stories, It covers the|/ more literally and (in 1931) in-| pg Rl and inside flashes of show life. It will be treasured by Gersh- tary of the 20's and 30's. 10 SA00T ON SIGHT } ORANGEVILLE (CP) -- Police officers are to use a tranquilizer gun in this town's campaign] music 1 am writing today is es- against the spread rabies. sentially no different from what it Town council last Monday gave was for the pieces 1 composed chief John Traynor authority to seven and more years ago." shoot any dogs running loose in Clearly Gershwin music was not|the town. Chief Traynor said a going to be circumscribed by the gun similar to the one used last 1920's, even though it first struck spring to BALLET EXAMINATIONS II Applications and Fees must be, in ot the HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY by Tuesday Nov. 25th 1958 THE RAD, EXAMINER will be subdue the sea lion that here iy Engle early into its melodic own in the day escaped from a London, Ont., zoo of the flapper and jelly bean, |will be used A great many people came of | age in the American twenties; = Ernest Hemingway and Cole Por-| ter, E. E. Cummings and Rich- ard Rodgers. This is a fascinating biography of George and Ira and will be 1ST-RUN DOUBLE as those of how Rhap-| already on its last legs or to fore-|treasured not only by those who sody in Blue came to be written, (cast how long she will continue know them but also by those who attempted lyric to rule," George was in the mid- how Ira first writing while working as a steam- | dle of finishing a second rhapsody | bath attendant, and of George's for piano and orchestra and he early days as a song plugger at observed: 'My feeling for the| are not too well acquainted with their colorful lives. This is a nos- talgie, fast-paced story, well punctuated with human anecdotes Remick's and as a rehearsal ac-| -companist, One of the highlights of the book are the pictures of Irving] Berlin, Jerome Kern, the As- {taires, Gertrude Lawrence, Mau- and movies, snapshots from the {family album; sketches and of the Oshawa and held At 8 pm. = N The Film "A Light Unto My Path' of "A Lady On Our Street', The Public ere Cordially Invited to Attend the 5th ANNIVERSARY MEETING FOR RETARDED CHILDREN CRA HALL, GIBB ST. IBILTMORE: ACTION SHOW! District Association ot the OVEMBER 24th will be shown ond a tape recording HOME FILL-A-CARD "Terror in a Texas + Seething THE STORY OF A TEEN-AGE MURDER! ATTENTION! Music Lovers Accordion + WE CAN TEACH YOU TO PLAY THE ACCOR- J DION FOR ONLY $2.00 CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte | Awarded By B : i i 0 Biltmore | Town" shown at 12,30, 3.05, WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN.-TV Channel foun Empire Medal MONDAY EVENING P. 11--Theatre, Sports 6~Follow Me | 2, 8--~Today 8--Dr, Christian +~--Popeye's Play- 4~Children's Theatre 5.80 FM 6---Mickey Mouse 4~Dinner Date $--Superman » 6.00 P.M 11---Theatre, New Weather 6-=News $~Colone! Bleep 6.15 P.M. 6~Live and Learr S=News 6.50 P.M. S--Anybody Can Play 4 3-News; Weather vid P.M, 8 6 &-Weather News: 7.00 P.M. 11~Theatre 6-~Tablold $=Dick Clark 4~Death Valley Days 3~Ford Show 7.5 P.M, 6---Provincial Affaire 8, 3+Tie Tac Dough 4~Name That Tune 748 PM, $--8can 8.00 P.M. | 31, Wayne and Shuster 5 2--=Restless Gun 4~The Texan Ao P.M, 5, 8-Wells Farge | 4--Susie * 4=News; 11-Theatre Lo 6--Matinee 2--Matinee oo P.M, 14, 6, 4-Daony Thomas | S--Home Cooking | 4--~House Party 2-Haggls Baggls 8--Mr, Pete Gunn 2-Voice of Firestone 9.30 P.M. 11, 6~Casnonball 8, 3--Theatre 4--Target 11, 6>-Dr. 10,00 P.M. 11~-Weekly Football §, &=~Playhouse 8, S--Arthur Murray 10.80 P.M, M---Crusader | 8--Medic | 3-Mike Hammer | noe PM 11,6,4.3-News; Weather; Yours 6-- Patti rts 2, 1.18 PM, &=Viewpnint S=-Movie Theatre > 11.50 PM, TheLate Show $~--Decoy 4--Playhouse 2~Jack Paar 1. A M. 3-Mr. D. A, 4--Playhouse 3-Jack Paar Show 11--Popeye 6----Gumby f TUESDAY MORNING 5.00 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 9.00 AM, nouse 2-Trouble With Father v.30 AM. | 5--Favorite Story 2-Dr, Christian 10.00 2, 5--~Dough Re MI 4~For Love or Money AM 10.30 AM, 2, 8--Treasure Hunt 4--~Play Your Hunch 1.00 AM, 2, 5--Price is Right &--Arthur Godfrey 1.30 AM. 2, 8-Concentration Weather PM, 2, 5-It Could Be Yau &--8earch for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, | 8--Movie Theatre 4--~Meet The L15 P.M, 11-Movie Matinee 1.30 P.M, 4=The World Turns 2.00 P 4-~Jimmy Dean 4--Father Knows Best | 3..Helen Neville 2.30 P.M, 245 PM, 11,6---Nursery School 3.00 P.M, Hudson 2, 5--Today Is Ours ~The Big Payoff 330 P.M 11, 6-Open House | | 2, From, These Roots 4---The Verdict is 4.00 P.M, | 11--Bugs Bunny Page 5-Queen For A Day 4--Serial Stories 430 P.M 6--Friendly Glant 5--County Fair 4--Edge of 2--American Bandstand 445 P.M. | TUESDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M, 11--=Theatre, Sports 6~Whistle Town OTTAWA (CP) -- The bravery |displayed by a Merritton, Ont,, |man in rescuing a United States couple from their blazing auto- mobile last April at the risk of his life has been rewarded by be- stowal Medal, The Canada Gazette announces award of the medal to MacKen- zie Hartounian whose citation says his "prompt and brave ac- tion undoubtedly was the means of saving two lives." The Gazette's account of the incident: "On April 8, 1958, an automo- | bile driven by Furman A. McClel- land of Niagara Falls, N.Y. col- |lided with a car driven by Nat | Goodwin, After striking the Good- win car, it swerved across -the |intersection, rolled over and 4--~Annie Oakley burst into flames. 2-1f You Had a Million| "'Mr. |who witnessed the accident, ran {toward the overturned, burning |car to rescue Mr, and Mrs. 2-Three Stooges 6.16 P.M. 4--Chilaren's Theatre 630 P.M. 6-8ky King | 4=Dinner Date Theatre 2~-Woody Woodpecker | 2-5ky King 6.15 6-It's A Great Lite 8--News | 630 P.M. 8----Bengal Lancers 4 3--News, Weather 645 P.M, 6, 4, 2-News [ 7.00 P.M. 11--~Theatre 65-Tablold §--Zorro 1.30 PM' | 6~Donna Reed | S--~Dragnet &~Whirlybirds 2--Sugarfoot 5.00 P.M, 11, 6-Front Page Challenge 8--Shirley Temple 4~Ann Sothern N30 P.M, 11, 6--~Chevy Show 4-To Tell The Truth 2-Wyatt Ea son P.M, 8--George Burns &~Arthur Godfrey 2-Rifleman "sw 11,6--Folio 5, 2---Bob Cummings 4--Red Skelton 10.00 P.M, | 8, 2-Californians 111 Willers [the collision and unable to help themselves, He shouted for as- but no one was willing to risk his life to assist him, "Mr. Hartounian pried ope 8--Boots and Saddles 2-Highway Patrol 1.00 P.M 11, 6, 5, 4 2-News Weather; Sports ms PM, 6 Viewpoint 8--Movie 11.50 P.M, 11---Late Show 6-8ports Views % 4--Theatre x 2-Jack Paar Night 00 AM, 3-Public Defender New Zealand In Grip Of Recession By J. C, GRAHAM Canadian Press Corresp AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) -- New Zealand is in the grip of the worst recession since the war, But the total number of unem- ployed throughout the country is only 1,133. New Zealand has been severely hit by the worldwide economic setback. The country depends for prosperity almost entirely on world market prices for 'wool, dairy produce and meat. Of these, wool and dairy pro- duce have dropped drastically in price and so far show little re covery. Only meat among New Zealands major exports is sell ing well, The result has been a heavy rundown in New Zealand over- seas exchange, heavy cuts in im- ports, sharply increased taxes and a thoroughly gloomy outlook throughout industry and agricul ture. PEOPLE RETRENCH Farmers have much less to spend, business is retrenching drastically, importers and stores have less to sell. By ordinary standards unem- ployment might by now be more severe than in the northern hemi- sphere. In fact it is at present about 0.13 per cent of the labor force--only a small fraction of the figure in the United States, Canada, Britain, or even nearby Australia. Even more strange, although thé worst effects of the recession are believed still to come, em ployment has shown a rise within the last month. At the end of Sep tember the national total of un. employed stood at 1501. In the last month 'it has dropped by 368 to the current figure of 1,133, Fl 'have reached American buyers, And of those 1,133, only 597 have been out of work long enough to qualify for unemploy-| ment benefits. \ The reason for New Zealands great resistance to unemployment in face of a severe economic re- cession is believed to be the state of full employment which has prevailed since the war. For more than a decade there have been many thousands of va- cant jobs with no one available to fill them, and unemployment until the last year or two has been non-existent. The surplus of | vacancies has, in fact, held back MacKenzie Hartounian, ©" ® 6.05, 9.05 p.m. "The Gun Run- ners' shown at 1.30, 4.30, 7.30, 10.30 p.m. Last complete show at 9.00 p.m, Marks -- "The River's Edge" | 1.15, 4.45, 8.15 p.m, also "Trial" | 2.50, 6.15, 9.45 p.m, Last com- | plete show at 8,15 p.m, glades" 1,10, 4.16, 7.10, 10.20 p.m,, also 'Rooney' 2.50, 5.45, 855 p.m. Last complete show 8.45 p.m. Regent -- "Walt Disney's "White | Wilderness" in Technicolor, shown dally at 1.30, 3.30, 5.25, 7.35, 9.45 p.m, Last complete show at 8.55 p.m. | | RARE EDITION LONDON (CP)--A copy of the first illustrated edition of Dante's "Divine Comedy' published in |Florence in 1481 sold for £4,200 at Sotheby's in London, the door of the car and dragged Mrs. McClelland to safety, Mr, [McClelland who were injured in|McClelland was trapped but Mr. | Hartounian persisted in his ef- forts and after several attempts safety. "Seconds later the car ex- ded." in a good cigar A) WINNERS OF GAME "E" Betty Gordon, 148 Alemeda, Toronto Mrs, H. Reece, R.R, 3, Fenwick, Ont, Pater Schnurr, 99 Tindall, Toronto Mrs. Fanny Jacob, 135 Portland St, | Toronto | Mrs, Esther Ishii 1424 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa | Miss Dorothy Neel, 239 Russel Hill Rd, Toronto | of the British Empire Plaza -- "Wind Across the Ever. Mr. 5. Schiffer, 85 Waellsley St, EK, | Toronto [ | TOMORROW'S NOS. 652 -- G-58 GAME "FF" BINGO 1 18 34 46 62 | 4 64 | 70 8 73 | 9 110 12 ¥' Gorge "of the | Gods (ADULT) CINEMASCOPE A ny KATY JURADO CONTINUOUS (ADULT) STARRING RAY ANTHONY SHOWS DAILY NE cer | a 242%. [LIT TODAY > CLENN FORD | DOROTHY NUE | * INCLUDING RENTAL OF ACCORDION STUDIO HOURS: WED. 4-9 P.M. | CINGOLANI ACCORDION SCHOOL SIMCOE HALL--SIMCOE AND FISHER RA 8-8243 Budd Schulberqg's I WIND ACROSS b- THE EVERGLADES sistance from nearby onlookers he managed to pull the man to! Watch This Space For | New Numbers Daily Benefit of | CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND | Not affiliated with the C.N.1.B: | BINGO CARDS ON SALE AT YOUR NEWS DEALERS! | OUTLETS IN OSHAWA Jack Fraser Prince Variety Ritson Foods Bloor Lunch Rainbow Confectionery Victory Billiards Peter's Barber Shop Mike's Place Smith's Coffee Shop Town Bar McCordick's Pharmacy Coxie's Billiards Handy Bar South End Billiards Variety Henderson's Book Store Royal Snack Bor Palm Cigar Store Powell Drugs Genosho Hotel Coffee Shop Nick's Billiards Ideal Food Market Harmony Grill OUTLETS IN WHITBY W. H. Rigler Allin's Drug Store Shorty's Cigar Store Palm Billiards | Hollywood Motel | OUTLETS IN BOWMANVILLE Berry Book Store lack's Smoke Shop Oke"s Smoke Shop Rite Smoke Shop -- the development of industry and has also created a somewhat slack labor force, secure in the] knowledge that there were plenty| of jobs to choose from. Stop Notes On Trees To US. BATHURST, N.B. (CP)---Steps are being taken to halt the prac- tice of attaching hard-luck notes W to Christmas trees being shipped to buyers in the United States. 4 Last year Lands and Forests T Minister Buchanan said unscrup- ulous adults in New Brunswick turned the notes into a full- fledged business. A lands department official sald there is no law against the practice, but shippers are check, ing the trees to make sure no notes are attached In past year the notes A FAMOUS PLAYERS HARIRI KKEKAKA SPECIAL MATINEES DAILY FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN AT 3:35 P.M. WALT DISNEY'S SALUTE TO CANADA'S NORTH alt Disneys WIDER TECHNICOLOR THEATRE FEATURE AT 1:30 3:30-5:25-7:35-9:45 | take the responsibility of Don't be left out of Learn to dance the new steps now for the party season ahead There's no surer way of having a happier holiday than by learning to dance at Arthur Murray's, For once you're a good dancer, you can count on being more popular than ever before. Just let an Arthur Murray expert making you a sought-after partner in time for all the festive parties. By coming in now you can join in the fun and holiday good times. For at this gala season there are more studio parties than ever before. So don't wait. Studios open daily 10 AM to 10 PM. ARTHUR MURRAY "Air-conditioned Ballroom" HH % 2) # § AJ vel Technicolor ---- % 8 i . 7 FROM THE MAN WHO GAVE YOU ON THE t PLU SNA BI dnc of IRISH ugh THE RANK ORGANISATION PRESENTS ¥ JOHN GREGSON MURIEL PAVLOW BARRY FITZGERALD JUNE THORBURN NOEL PURCELL THINKING OF CHRISTMAS? GIVE BOOKS OF "ODEON" GIFT TICKETS -- NOW ON SALE! 11% SIMCOE ST. S. RA 8.1681 A Christmas Party A Staff Party A Banquet Make Your Reservations NOW. Phone RA 3-464] GENOSH

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