Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Nov 1958, p. 8

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Da Ep - 'GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ALL DOUBLES CLUB | The regular meeting of St. George's Anglican Church All Doubles Club was held in the parish hall. A lengthy business meeting with the president, Mr. William Carey, presiding, opened the eve- ning, Mr. Carey thanked the club for its assistance in the church's reception for the Reverend and Mrs, Peter Trant. Saturday, December 6, is to be the All Doubles Christmas din- ner and it was hoped that all members would attend this gala occasion, The evening came to a close with a few games and refresh- ments. PMA The regular meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club was held on Monday, November 17 with Mrs. Olive Harrison pre- siding. Mrs. Leonard Fisher called the roll. Mrs. George Whitbread read 4 the scripture lesson, Secretary's treasurer's reports and corre- spondence were read. Favorite hymns were sung. Readings were given by Mrs. William Collins, Mrs. Benjamin Jackin, and Mrs. Whitbread. Mrs. E. V, Sargent sang two SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT 'The engagement is announced of Marjorie fheresa, daughter of 7 2 Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Shannon, to [V] Mr. Roy J. Scott, son of Mr. and Y Mrs. Donald Scott, all of Oshawa. % 7 Li J ars i MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF TODAY [fic wedding iv is ake since This bonny little lad is Boa | lace, North Oshawa, and Mr, 2X Wallace Tink, one year old to- | and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Bowman- PERSONALS day. Brian is the son of Mr. | yyie Mrs. H. E. Tink of Solina Bowmanville, His grandparents | i Brian's great-grandmother. --Photo by Ireland Miss Margaret Louise McDon- ald whose marriage to Mr. Ron- |ald Edward Tilling will take place are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wal- in the rectory of St. Gregory's 7) Roman Catholic Church tomor- row afternoon has been guest of Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor 1958 chard Tilling. Miss Lenore Dalby and Mrs. Kenneth Tilling assisted friends of the YWCA had wished] The Rev. Clinton Cross closed|,oqicted by Mrs. Edward Well. to have a suitable memorial to the meeting with a prayer of man, Dancing brought the even. honor at several pre nuptial events. Mrs. Kenneth Tilling held ia miscellaneous shower at her home; 'with Mrs. Robert Brough and Miss Irene Robinson assist- ing with the serving. Mrs. John Woodward entertained at a per- sonal shower at her home. Serv: ing the guests were Mrs. Arthur Dial RA 3-3474 Titling and Miss Gloria Wood- ward, Mrs, Robert Brough and B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 21, Miss Donna Tilling were co- hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Ri- Portrait of Adelaide McLaughlin 0 ral 0 e al e c g the hostesses in serving. | U iled b D ht t YWC Mr. and Mrs. John Kent open- nvel y aug er da ed their home last Saturday evening to the Oshawa Lionettes On Wednesday evening, follow- her life had been one of sacri- for a hard-time party. The Lion- Ing the monthly meeting of the ficial service and mentioned some ettes had their husbands as their board of directors of the YWCA, of the many organizations in guests for the evening. Everyone a large photograph of the late which she had worked for many came dressed in the theme of the Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin was un- years -- the Hospital Auxiliary, party with the prizes being velled in the drawing-room of Home and School Association, awarded to Mrs, Peter Andrey Adelaide House. Girl Guide Association and the and Mr. Norman Gower. The Mrs. 'H. B. Armstrong, presi- Canadian Red Cross Society, and |ycky door prize winner was Mrs dent of the association, explain- concluded by saying that Mrs.|[ on Hammel There were 40 ed that the board and commit- McLaughlin's life had been 8 guests present and the affair was tee members, staff, and other truly Christian life of service. convened by Mrs. Gerald Farrell Mrs. McLaughlin placed in the benediction. 3 building and had decided on a Following the ceremony a cof- ing to a close. picture of her to be hung In the fee hour was enjoyed, with Mrs.! Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Musoron- main hall. T. K. Creighton and Mrs. George chan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-| Mrs. Armstrong called on Mrs. Telford presiding at the coffee Glashan and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Eileen McEachern to unveil the table. McGlashan of Oshawa, Mr. and pleture of her mother and Mrs.. In addition to the members of Mrs. Jack Garrett, Mr. and Mrs McEachern expressed the appre- the board of directors and com- William Garrett and Mr. and Mrs ciation of her father and other mittees, there were present: Col. Frank Braham of Stouffville, and members of the family for the R. S. McLaughlin, Mrs. Eileen Mrs. Frank Kirby of North Osh- honor being paid to her mother's McEachern and Miss Isabel Mc- awa were guests at the Musoron- memory. Laughlin of Toronto, Miss Eliza- chan-O'Neil wedding and recep- Dr. George Telford paid a trib- beth Pitt, Toronto; the Rev. Clin- tion on Saturday in Oshawa. ute to the late Adelaide Louise ton Cross, Mr. H. B. Armstrong, McLaughlin, emphasizing that Mr. Gordon Miles |solos, "When 'Jesus Came" azd "Jesus is Always There." The speaker for Monday, No. vember 24, will be the Reverend Swackhammer. Mrs. Jacklin requested that all Christmas fund cards be handed in at next meeting, November 2% Refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Dolley and Mrs. Everett Dart. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, met on Tuesday evening, November 18, with first vice - president, Mrs. Herbert Bathe, presiding. Bazaar goods were shown and final plans made for the bazaar to be held next Tuesday. It will be officially opened at 8 p.m. by Mrs. Clifford Pilkey, a past pres- ident of the Auxiliary. Conveners of books were asked to be at the Legion Hall at 7 p.m. on Mon- day evening to mark the prices on goods to be sold, A donation from Mrs. Robert Gow was great- ly appreciated. Mrs, Norman McEvers, second vice - president, presented cheques, and scholarship awards from the Ladies' Auxiliary, at last Friday's commencement ex- ercises at the OCCI. Mrs. Herbert Bathe, first vice - president, will present the cheque this week at the OCVI exercises. Election of officers will take place on December 2. To be eli- gible to vote dues must be paid up until the end of September. All tue cards must be turned in to the secretary by December 9 The Christmas party and ex- change of gifts will be held on December 16 with the men's branch as guests. Mrs. Charles Lamb and Mrs Hayball reported to be patients in the Oshawa General Hospital. AT-THE-EAR | HEARING AIDS ZENITH DIPLOMAT SLIp-~y NEARING AMD off i I oy ohm EYEGLASS NEARING AND World's most attractive, m- conspicuous hearing ad, worn night at your ear © lnconspicoses and Nghtwoight © Worn entirely ot the eer © Mo dengling cords © Ovtstending performance © Natural, sar-lovel telephone vse © 10-day meney-bock guerentee © Lyoar werrenty © Speer service ples Complete Line of Zenith Tronsistor Models from $50. *Lenses, frame Irons, ond related profes sional services in con. nection with Zenith Eyeglass Hearing Aids are available only through your ophthalmologist, ope tometrist, or oplicion. DEFERRED PAYMENTS ¥ Desired IMPERIAL OPTICAL 224, Simcoe St. S. RA 5-174} emi | Honoring his marriage to Miss eee. | M@rgaret Louise McDonald, Mr . |Ronald Edward Tilling was pre- Friends Travel From Afar ou eg . | stag party arranged by Mrs. A. T G t P An : thur Tilling and Mr. Kenneth Till. 0 uIeetl r'alr on Anniversary ie. Mrs. Ernest Ebden and Mr. Mi- Enfield, were at:-home to their Arnold Gilroy, Columbus, and relatives, friends and neighbors. Ruby Estelle Wilson of Lindsay, 125i0, are ests a! vie of recently, on the occasion of their were united in marriage by the Prostonvale oe Ve ge, 40th wedding anniversary Reverend Dr. McIntosh of St. An i : Long Branch, Willowdale, Toron-| Lindsay. The attendants were always welcome in this column. to, Peterborough, Brighton, Lake- Mrs. Robert McBurney, Kenora, If you are enjoying the company field, Oshawa, Lindsay, Buck- and Mr. George Wilson of Lind- of visitors or have been visiting horn, Flesherton, Manchester, say. yourself, why not telephone RA district, guests arrived to extend couple settled on a farm in East With others. their best wishes and renew long- Whitby. In 1921 they moved to a| ee standing friendships. farm in Darlington where they The bride and bridegroom of have lived for the past 37 years, fents of many gifts, flowers and cards including a ruby brooch with matching earrings and gold cuff links set with rubies, pre- {pan and a gift of money at a Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gilroy,| In November 1918, Morley chael Ebden of Chatham, On- From Timmins, North Bay, drew's Presbyterian Church, | Little items of social news are Columbus and the surrounding After a brief honeymoon the 33474 and share your pleasure forty years ago were the reciP-| myer family consists of two sented by their grandchildren. Home-Made Logs For Fireside Fun To enjoy a real old-fashioned Christmas this year, make some Yule logs out of old newspapers Chemicals are the secret of these brightly-burning logs. When news- papers are rolled tightly, tied and soaked in solutions of different chemicals, they burn slowly and produce a rainbow of colored flames. The logs take about a month to dry, so better start now if they are to be ready for Christmas. Put two pounds coarse salt into a pail -- preferably a polythene or wooden one, since the chem- icals will corrode metal -- two pounds bluestone and two gallons boiling water. Now add one ounce of any of the following chemicals, depending on the flame color de- sired: strontium nitrate which burns with a red flame; bismuth nitrate which burns crimson; an- timony chloride which burns blue; barium-chloride or borax, both of which give a green flame: or potassium chloride which burns purple. Put the rolled newspapers into the solution and let them soak until the liquid is absorbed. Don't use slick paper magazines be- cause they won't absorb liquid easily. Dry the logs on a rack till they are completely dry. When they are put on a holiday fire they'll burn with an array of glowing colors. | sons, three daughters and 11 grandchildren. The sons are Mr William Gilroy, Oshawa, and Mr. George Gilroy, Columbus, who (assisted in receiving the guests. {The daughters are Mrs. David Beath (Muriel), RR 2 Oshawa; Mrs. Alfred Olsen (Ferne) Flesh- |erton: Mrs. Murray Vice (Faye), Enniskillen, who served the guests assisted by Mrs. William and Mrs. George Gilroy and the Misses Joan and Kathleen Beath, granddaughters. The sons-in-law assisted the sons in greeting the guests. The tea table was set with a lace cloth, centered by the wed- ding cake nested in white tulle, maidenhair fern and ruby chrys- anthemums which was flanked by ruby-colored candles in crystal candelabra Those pouring tea in the after-' noon and evening were Mrs. Edna Ford, Lindsay; Mrs. Fred Gilroy, Brighton; Mrs. Gordon Byrnell, Oshawa; Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Bowmanville; Mrs. George Me-| Cullough, Columbus, and Mrs, Meredith Dring, Raglan. BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . . . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST. RA 5.1202 | of your problems and PRESCRIPTION IS The diabetic, by following the prescribed routine of diet, exercise and treatment, can live a long, active and useful life. We are prepared to make it easier to follow the routine by catering fully to the -diabetic's needs. Here in our diabetic department are fresh stocks of insulin, an assortment of syringes and needles, testing equipment, diabetic foods cd other needs for the care and control of diabetes. You will be served with sympathetic understanding products at the fairest prices. "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S Jury & Lovell LIMITED OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" supplied with the finest OUR PROFESSION" RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS he TOYLAND SPICIALS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA PRACTICAL GIFTS! | ® 100% Nylon ® 6" Nylon Lace Trim ® Sizes 32 to 40 SPECIAL 1.77 100% wear, Full length white nylon f slips washes wonderfully keeps lovely ideal for the |' SIZES 8 TO 14 -- ORLON -- For short working girl. A perfect | longer easier care, sleeve pull- gift for Christmas. styling. Popular school classic colors, Ideal Christmas gift-giving. overs, for or White Nylon Panties to mat Young-Miss sizes 11 to 2; ""Caonoe" - type moccasin slippers in tan or pale blue leather with matching USE OUR CONVENIENT "LAY-AWAY" "PLAN shearling collar. So com- fortable and so cosy-warm! Zeller Thrift Priced. V { SPORT SHIRTS 1.99 Men's warm cotton flonnel shirts in a wide range of smart prints. Easy to care for! Priced for savings. S, M, L. HE STORE FOR VV (0 SLEEVELESS PULLOVER 3.98 Men's Sleeveless Pullovers, Pure woal knit in attractive designs. Popular ""V"' neck style. So right to wear with dress ond sport shirts. SLIM JIMS 1.57 SIZES 3 - 6x -- Of fine qual- ity cotton corduroy 'in block, red and Caribbean. Special Value, GIFT RIGHT ACCESSORIES FOR MEN WHITE INITIALED HANDKERCHIEFS-- three in a box A great variety WOOL SCARVES in assorted plaids MATCHING TIES AND HANDKERCHIEFS various colors attractively gift boxed ..... 1.98 | i | ; SMART GIFT LUGGAGE 4 Tapered contour Luggage designed for rugged use. Sturdy construc- tion, "Vinyl" tweed-effect cover ngs- in toast or grey shages, Zeller-Gift-Priced. 21-INCH WARDROBE CASE 15.95 WOOL AND NYLON GLOVES--nylon durability, wool warmth, leather palms .. 24-INCH PULLMAN CASE 13.95 IMPORTED LEATHER BILLFOLDS--distinctly styled o. 298% 18-INCH FITTED VANITY 12 9s | by Canadian leather craftsmen. 21.INCH DRESSING GE A gift of distinction. "oie ARISTOCRATIC 25" MOLL "MISS TEENAGER" -- A vinyl beauty - dressed in loveable the very latest of doll-land fashions" Complete to lovely costume jointed, saran hair. gift-giving. jewellery. Fully Value-right for "FRICTION TOYS" Famous -moke Cars end Trucks that run smoothly and look much more expensive than Zeller's special low price for them. Metal with rubber tires, colorful finish, Great Big Buy at 8-pec. "CowlPoke" Set ® Handsome rifle ® Neckerchiet eo Pr. of Spurs ® 2 Guns ® 2 Holsters 4.98 Grand Gift For Young Cowboy Fans! Zeller Gift-Priced. SPECIAL Wooden Furniture Made of hardwood, shellacked. Assortment includes chairs, beds fect gift for the little mother. and rockers. A per- Buy yours now fc: Christmas at this money saving price. 5 and 10 Pin Games. Plastic - 10 pins per set some with two balls. Great fun for the youngsters. Zeller's Gift Priced. | .y . f ASSORTED LEATHER BELTS -- 1.00 | ® * # §o : 4.98 1.00 ¢ 1.37 each DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 ZELLER 9 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 3-2209 C2

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