Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Nov 1958, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Movember 21, 1958 SOROPTIMIST CLUB LEARNS OF RETAR A gala event was held at | mount (Oshawa) Kiwanis Club. | fred Savage, of Toronto, dis- = Schmitz, president of the West- | Hibbert, Governor of the On- Members of the Oshawa Sor- Hotel Genosha Thursday night Caught by the camera at the | trict secretary; Ken Loheed, of mount Kiwanis Club; Harry tario - Quebec - Maritimes dis- optimist Club, at their meeting when officials of Kiwanis Inter- | event, from left, are: Murray | Toronto, International Kiwanis =. president Downtown Osh- trict of Kiwanis International. | in Hotel G en osha Thursday i Sa Jeuten- | President; His Worship Mayo d h b : . BEUIOR DIGSENNR Tae Shaner I ie yy Al fs an A. Gifford; J. i awa Kiwanis Club and Ken --Oshawa Times Photo night, learned of the work be- i { SR SE = ing done by the Ontario Associ- x executive of the Oshawa and | Miss Helen Pardon, vice-presi- District Association for Retard- | dent of Beta Sigma Phi; George ed Children and heard an inspir- | Wilson, charter president of the ing talk by Harold Lobb, direc- Oshawa and District Retarded tor of the Ontario Association Children's Association; Mr. for Retarded Children. From | Lobb; Miss Mary Lee, acting left, at the head table, are: ' president of the Soroptimist | DED CHILDREN'S WORK Club of Oshawa; Arthur Holds. worth, president of the Oshawa and District Association for Re- tarded Children and B. Lewis, director of the Chil dren's Aid Society for Ontarie County and O-hawa. --Oshawa Times Photo | ation for Retarded Children Kiwanis Club PlanReital | OBITUARIES Food ETT | . - Piano Music | MRS. WILBERT H. MCLEAN [sons. W. John Naylor, A. Bert church. " | Miss The death occurred at the Osh- Naylor and Russell L. Naylor, all She leaves four sisters, 8 p.m. in the concert hall of the ag 29 Oxford street. Mrs. dre ve) Uxbridge and Mrs The Kiwanis Club of Westmount to President Harry Gay of the McLaughlin Public Library. This Meyesn, ih Bxford Suse preh: memorial service will be Se Se of Osh- (Oshawa), newest memper of the Oshawa. Club, who in accepting, recital is the first in a series a . pis been in POOF health for hota ar the Armstrong Funeral awa rand one brother, Wilmer total of 4,542 clubs embraced by paid tribute to the quality of of three recitals to be given by A er be I Chapel at 2 p m Monday. Nov. 24, Stovin, of Oshawa. : Kiwanis International, throughout|/worker on the club's special students of Ontario Registered , 5° 0° late Mr. and folio Buod, srrnent iu Mount] if in » United States, Canada, Alaska committee, which had been re- Music Teachers from Oshawa Tn daightep of tie late re i folls wed by interment in eh The funeral service will iin ' : vig | " : SE : oh rs. McGregor Wilson, the de- [awn Cemetery, Rev. S H. held at the McDermott-Panabak- and Hawaii, received its official|{sponsible for organizing the West- and surrounding districts oh at F Stew- Aiki ster of Albert a i ati v Zier . A fa e-dihye iif ceased was born at Fort Stew- Atkinson, minister ol ert or Funeral Chapel, Port Perry, charter in a gala presentation mount Club, making Kiwanis the. To the pifinists it gives the op- 4 "Ont. June 21, 1894. She was Street Uni'ed Church, will con- 2 Saturday, Nov. 22, In- ceremony, last night at Hotel first service club organization in portunity to perform in public. i sagie. Ont d in d at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. ZZ. oy d v 3 married at Monteagle, Ont., and duct the services. terment will be in Bethel Ceme- Genosha, attended by almost 300this city to have two clubs. and to the citizens of Oshawa an pa. lived in Oshawa for 35 years G bank Kiwanians and their Kweens,|op.poivpn REGALIA opportunity to hear and encour-| pasides her husband she leaves FUNERAL OF tery, Greenbank. o from the various clubs within the ™ "™" "= THERE age some talented young musi- , daughter, Mrs. Harry Williams JOHANNES VAN ZANTIN Toronto-Peterborough area Lieut, Gov.-elect Gordon Coul-| iano pt js hoped that there will alg d a son Clifford Me. The funeral service for Jo- " The occasion was highlighted ter of Uxbridge officiated in the/po on" ar00 audience I Ai both of awa ~ harnes Van Zantin, who died at { by the attendance of top officials presentation of the Kiwanis re- BAN, 0h 0: MBhawa. he family residence, 220 Eulalie 1 of Kiwanis International, includ-|galia to the Westmount club. | oi bn Ig i Eng Bog Be ec , . : : i roft; |avenue 7, Nov. , was ing President Kenneth B. Loheed Other clubs in the Sistrict Sonat CITY AND Me Joseph Day of Fort held in Hel rian Reform- od af of Toronto, sixth Canadian to hold|ed the various items, as follows--| , try ay sien hit. en : S ua the gan oe gong and gavel, by the Oshawa Stewart Artiold of North Bay aud ol Church, Wi. Jo WESIP, at 1 1 1 history of the service club organ- club; president's kit by River- DISTRICT Randolph of Brimley, 1 gan:2 p.m hursday, v. 20. tion. dale; speaker's stand by Scarbor- ol psy { 2 { Lars a > 4 » : { nt ' ' ougt prick kit by West CHECKER PROBLEM The memorial service will be largely attended, was conducted .ouncil was disqualified, at the CHARTER PRESENTATION | Ye . - oe held at the Armstrong Funeral hy the pastor, Rev. John Har- poi ation meeti Xt Unbridee Hill - Highland Creek; flags and| Following is this week's check av mination eting, & Climax of the interesting pro- haces by West Rouge: Sito ban or ae eae oy § Stock Chapel at 1.30 p.m Saturday. melen, Interment was in Oshawa Town Hall. Thursday night. gram, which was punctuated b|ner by Whitby; buttons by Dun-|8, 24, 31; White -- 16, 19, 23, 23. |Nerins sone Comaters, Rev | mon Cemetery Gordon McKellar, who was a series of important presenta-|p. ion Pickering y ay Te Se + 2./Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev., The pallbearers were H. Ham- , inated to stand as a council- 4 g; guest register|29, 32, K 25. White to move and g (. H. Atkinson, minister of ors S. Hiemstra, P. Roden- : pip . tions and stirring addresses, Beaches and road signs by win , v 4 ) Siren willie rn lor, was disqualified since he at [A 7 "beh : Albert Street United Church, Will burgh, J. Schenk, C. 8. Vampreent holds a seat on the town came when Kiwanis Governor B.|, 0. y d Kenneth Hibbert of Halifax, Gov- Agincourt. In sccopting, bea BAGS BUCK conduct the services. Ginkal and M. C. Van Van-|gchool hoard. ernor of the Ontario-Quebec-|; Harry . 1 krinyl Uxbridge taxpayers still have a {18 O'Shea assured that Westmount Harry Hedrich, 109 McMillan FUNERAL OF Xridge laxpayers 5 Maritime District, presented the| "0" qeenly appreciated the|drive, Oshawa, bagged a 230- p, FRANKLIN JOHNSTON REUBEN. HILL slate of 12 candidates from which Club of Westmount, Oshawa : ; Bt h ' In his challenging message, usage. Bey oy Pb Mogg nid awa giessinen. Who died gt it sudden death of Reuben Hil ay, William Hochberg was Governor Hibbert urged the West- PRAISES CLUBS |call when attacked by a bear.|dov Nov. 18. was held in Me Tirstay morning. Rov. 3. at returned by acclamation, to his Sout C1) Rivaniau 0 Share In extending official civic wel- Mr. Marsden was Sitacked by the nfosh Funeral Chapel Thursday, Fresshiaars Bay for more than second term of office. A. G. Tip- wanis with its fellowship and e to the visiting Kiwanians bear before he despatched it. Nov. 20, at 3 p.m 40 years. He was a well known Per, and Dr. Carl Putterborough, friendships to share the oppor- and welcoming | the Westmount FIRMS INCORPORATED | The service was conducted by commercial fisherman. Although nominated for the mayoralty, tunity for service to the com.| Club to Oshawa's growing list of | yy," rent issue of The On. Pr. George Telford of St. Any, retired a few years ago, he withdrew their names. munity and to the country as|VOrthy service organizations, His| | "co ette carries the informa. drew's United Church. Interment oi oq ,ctive and had helped| Reeve Rae Ferguson was re "K.I-W-A-N-1-8", he stated, in| Worship, Mayor Lyman Gifford|,, "v1 .¢ |etters patent of incor- Was at Union Cemeterv Charles Joyce set nets in the lake turned by acclamation for his conclusion, can be spelled as Ki- praised the good work accom-|, ration have been issued to In-| Honorary pall - bearers Were, y.. ja, before his death, fifteenth term as reeve of Ux- wanis Is Wonderful And Needs Plished for the community by all fo iors by Fabric Town Limited | Maurice Hart, A. E. Johnson. "pnerg] services were held bridge. i : Immediate Sharing". {service organizations and in Osh-|ot Ochawa and F. W. Ainsworth Fred Roberts, T. L. Wilson, and gc, i ay at Fairport United Uxbridge will have a deputy In his acceptance speech, Presi-|@Wa, by the Kiwanis Club in par- yi ited. of Ajax. Angus Mitchell. dent Joe Schmitz voiced appre-|ticular. He pointed out that he | elation for the congratulations/himself had been a member of DUPLICATE BRIDGE Bridgeman, Neil Hezzelwood, ipo ginday School had to be Uxbridge township, was elec and praises extended by the var- Oshawa Kiwanis Club, back in| The high scores made by mem- Robert Schell, Charles Smith, || +" Thany beautiful flowers deputy-reeve by acclamation. fous speakers and in particular, 1928, shortly after the club. re-|bers of the Oshawa Duplicate Russell Reeves, and R. M. John- oq testify to the esteem held Fred Kellard, nominated for expressed grateful thanks to the ceived its charter. His Worship Bridge Club at A delaide ston. for Mr. Hill in this community. deputy-reeve, withdrew. Club's "new club building com- tribution of time and service that and West Pairs Mrs. H.' P. ed by relatives, friends and busi- Jovee. F. Beckstead, F. councillors seats, three are seek- mittee", for their untiring efforts has been made over the past Hart and Miss Grace Burns, 78 ness associates Fletcher, J. Lowery, D. O'Brien ing re-election. They are: Millie and timely advice and assistance years, in civic bodies, council, |points; M. Cox and J. Buchanan, GE 4 and a nephew, G. West. Kydd, A. G. Tipper, and Fred in organizing the Westmount board of education, etc., by mem-71% points; Mr. and Mrs. O FUNERAL OF Honorary pallbearers were W. Kellard. Other candidates are: Club. bers of Oshawa Kiwanis Club and Hobbs, 68% points: B. Van Noord BORIS D. SHELENKOFF |, © "p "iiny "a" Corman, and Louis Klock, Marshal Berry, CHARTER MEMBERS expressed the hope that this ex- and P. Virslius, 66 points. North| High requiem mass was sun F Seott 5 Svs ' Charles Johnstone, Earl Howsam, To Frank Taylor chairman of ample would be continued. and South Pairs -- Mrs. E. Wads- (by Rev. P. Coffey in Holy Cross Interment took place at French- Joseph Reid, Wilfred Gould, Gor- the Oshawa A "new club Honored guests at last night's worth and Mrs. M. Clarke, 72 Roman Catholic Church at 9 am an's Bay Cemetery, adjoining don Cain, Robert Rattray (with- building committee" went the function included Harvey Kalnit- points; Mis. Sorby and J. Hart, today for Boris D. Shelenkoff, hia a Ys } ay a ac ay honor of introducing the charter sky, president of Oshawa B'Nai|70 points; Mr. and Mrs. G. Jack- Olive avenue, who died at the i Ry vivad by a brother. Tiers Dr. Carl Putterbough members of Kiwanis Interna-|B'Rith: Gordon Garrison, presi- son, 66% points; Mrs. V. Williams Oshawa General Hospital last Frank and two sisters, Mrs, Wall (withdrew), Mrs. Celia LeDrew, tional's newest "baby", together|dent of Oshawa Kinsmen: J a s.|and Mrs. O. G. Mills, 64 points. | Monday Les. and Mrs. Walton, all of Toronto: William Francis (withdrew). . i ' | The pallbearers were Ed ; | : Wii their ladies, These incluced: |Skinner, president of Oshawa NO FIRE ALARMS nick, Cass Lesnick, Stan Rogers, FUNERAL OF TSE 2a the President, Joe Schmitz; vice-| Rotary: Dr. D. Sturgis, president Th ' ve: alap ine : : + : . ere were no fire alarms in re oh. Sargeant and KE y : president, Dan O'Shea: second of = Osha Chamber of Com, Oshawa during the over-night pe- Steve ooh Stan Sargedn Pais, JON. BELLOW John Members for a second term. The vice-president, Frank Dunbar; Paive Sa Remb, ny one 0'|riod. The department was called "The many floral tributes and . .. i: tw. wi died members are: Mrs. Lennora treasurer, D'Arcy Bell: secre-|Oshawa Lions Club an ATTY on to answer only one ambulance (ne large sttendance at the mass Aelow, rE Geagrai Hospital Lennox, Alexander Williamson, tary, Mac Barnett; club direc-|Skinner, oresident of Oshawa | 1 ba AN in the Oshawa Gene Pp: Owen Moore. tors, Cam Baxter, Bob Branch, Civitan Club. rea ndiemed He high eo In Thursday, Nov. 18, was held at Joseph Watson was acclaimed Morse Hatt, Ed. McNeely, Henry| President-elect Ken Smyth of NAMED TO EXECUTIVE Which fhe deceased Wes NSC, ihe "McIntosh Funeral Chapel," the one-man public utilities Reed, Al Rundle, Bob Stroud and{the Oshawa Club, proposed the| A. E. King, of Oshawa, has Cemetery ; : * 7 Thursday, Nov. 20, at 2 p.m. commission, Doug Wilson; Syd Buffett, Tom toast to the ladies, to which Mrs.!been chosen as second vice-presi- " Rev. M A. Bury, of King Street The election date in Uxbridge Calder, Bruce Cameron, Bud|Joe (Thelma) Schmitz. made al dent of the Ontario section of the RALPH W. NAYLOR United Church conducted the is Dec, 1. and two grandchildren The service, which was very A nominee for Uxbridge town ° ks > Ty os e usiry Is > Recital o ir Ey PET" awa General Hospital Thursday. of Oshawa. Lillian Stovin, of Port Perry or Pig ua ms Nov. 20, of Alma Beatrice Wilson Also surviving are nine grand- Mrs. Richard Nugent (Mila), of y cians wi eard Saturday at, 1. oq" wife of Wilbert Herbert children and 11 great-grandehil- Sonya; Mrs. Alex Ewen (Flor Iresse Y eeve eat Reeve Walter Beath stressed township funds. "The schoolhe felt he had done what he the need for industrial and com-|board and the county get a large thought best for the township dur- ing his term of office. , mercial assessment in East Whit-| portion," he said. by Township in an address at the], In commenting on Fairview Deputy-reeve Wilfred Pascoe 1959 momination meeting Thurs- Lodge, he said the life span of |said there was a need to retain day night at Columbus, residents there had been increas- an assessor for a longer period {Our assessment on 21,000 ed due to the excellent treatment and to curb the assessment. Our tract industry. Some of these|1959, he said. things can be obtained -- but at| He said he thought council acres is about 50 per cent resi- and care they were being given, | greatest increase in assement ______|dential and 50 per cent agricul-|It will be operated solely by the has been chiefly due to hiring a ture," he said. "However, we County of Ontario when Oshawa new assessor every year, he said. |have no water or railway to at-|completes its old folks' home In| SSESSMEN1T PROBLEM The sooner a municipality real- the moment it doesn't look too should originate a program to izes that the county assessor Is bright. eliminate the Kansas bedstraw there to recommend and that "According to the county rate|and other weeds throughout the|their own assessors are hired by our equalization is good. Around | township. 9 per cent of the taxes have|, IAN , been collected. This is better than NEED FINANCIAL HELP | them to do the assessing the bet- ter it will be, Mr. Pascoe said. He said he discovered during for the same period in 1957 and is| 'Costs are going up and we his term on county council that partly due to the notices distrib-|Will need increased help to meet| East Whitby had been paying too uted by our clerk - tax-collector|0Ur increased budget," he said. high an assessment to the county advising people of the importance | Speaking of the township's new during the past two years. of paying their taxes on time. (official plan he said that it had| Mr. Pascoe suggested budget- | been pointed out in County Coun-|ing of funds next year to $2009 IN ARREARS lef that planning must be for 20| township bylaws. He concluded "Back taxes amount to only years. from now -- not just to-|by announcing his retirement for $2009. This is a commendable! day. busiess reasons. "I have enjoy- 1 ; t F position for the township." Reeve| "We have 16 registered plans ed serving youl" he said, "and framed charter Joe Schmitz, | ie but pledged that each would Pound buck while hunting with an| The funeral service for D. pRENCHMAN'S BAY -- The to select six councillors, provided Beath pointed out that council|for subdivisions and two more hope I may be available to serve charter-president of the Kiwanis be put to the utmost of good Elmira hunt club. Herbert Mars: pranklin Johnston, former Osh- Corny "as saddened by the all the nominees qualify by 9 p.m. does not have the spending of allipending." In conclusion, he said/you again if you want me. Still Search Odors Not Onus For Survivors Of Health Board But Hope Low | TORONTO--Odors emanating lakeshore residents in the area, : from Oshawa, Whitby, Port| Investigation had showed that CHARLEVOIX, Mich. (AP) -- Hope and Cobourg and other sewage was not responsible for Bradley went on today as plans| S Church, The church was filled to reeve for the first time this year. The almost-hopeless search for lake beaches are not the respon-|the odors and that the algae, Active pallbearers were A. o.nouing for the service and John A. Ball, a former reeve of pr, ther survivors of the Carl D. sibility of local health authori- beyond clogging screens some- ties. The odors are not injur-|times at the town water plant, ious to health, and are not set/had n~ effect on the purity of the 7 | were completed to honor the 33 up by sewage. Furth re. theitown water. ) ; , men aboard the cargo carriericause of the odor, Algae Clado-| py W. J. K. Harkness, chief members of the Oshawa Kiwanis 2150 commented on the fine con- House Tuesday night were: East) The funeral was largely attend. "nye pajihearers were Messrs. Of the candidates for the six who presumably died in the Lake|phora, a plant-like form of ma-|of the fish and wildlife division Michigan shipping disaster. |rine life is conducive to a bet-of the Ontario department of Coast guardsmen aided by state|ter fish population. {lands and forests stated that police and volunteers planned an-| These were some of the con-|there are many forms of algae other sweep of northern lake is-| clusions revealed by experts at abounding in the lake waters. lands for possible survivors and|a conference conducted by the|gyppyiEs OXYGEN bodies of seamen who died in the/Ontario Water Resources Com-| disaster Tuesday night {mission at Queen's Park Thurs- Also sought were clues to what ee F happened to the cargo carrier,|cOmMMission manager Dr. A. E which broke up and sank in a/Berry. The conference d violent storm: Official hope of finding further | oro ps 3 survivors was all but gone | coast guard headquarters here. | Delegates were Preset rom Only two men, Frank Mays and I Minalines, om ee on Elmer Fleming, both of Rogers C. Stewart. M.O.H Oshawa, City, Mich., apparently survived spoke on the public health pig the storm-churned waves that % of 'the conference.. while broke the 615-foot Bradley in tWO | pi ologists, botany experts che. about 45 miles west of here in mists, and wildlife experts gave 330 feet of water. |their views on the subject. All Mass funeral services on Sat-|said that research would have i Y i y riati ean srvice 3 S Oshawa _ 3 Chesser, Dave Crotin, Less Dunn, charming response, on behalf of Canadian Corps Association. In poor health for some years service. Interment was in Os! |urday and an official day of to bigs 0 ve Joe Fetchison, Art Hebb, John|all the "Kw " y -| Union Cemetery. Howson, Archie King, Norm Me:| Rn interlude of] , COLLISION REPORTED Re Wlgve a 'Pallbearers were John Clare- Alpine, Clare McCullough, Hugh|the program was an shim lid A car driven by N. W. Irvine, go 0 4i 4 at Oshawa General mont, Ray Branton, Ed. Branton, ames weep McFarlane, Doug McLaurin, Dar-| presentation by Dave Broadfoot, Of 15 Division street was involved 1, ii 1 pic morning. Mr. Nay- Glen Branton, Bruce Branton and ren Michael, Don Ormiston, Dunc expert of comedy dialogue. Kiwa- in an accident with a car driven | \". iiq0q at 39 Westmoreland 'Blake Branton. Phillips, Cy Powell, Roy Rowsell,| nians Stan Hawthorne and George by D. G. Jessup, of 732 King St. jo. 0 sy | as arges Pete Simpson, George Wandless| Campbell conducted an enthusias- W-. at the King St. and Thornton " poo "in 1iverpool, England, the. MISS GRETRL DE V. STOVIN | and George West. tic sing-song following the din-|road intersection at 11.80 p.m. |, c-coi was a son of the late, A public school teacher in! GOLCONDA. Ti. (AP)--E | A < L ! : \ ; IL --Explo- Murray Sandford of Agincourt, ner, for which Kiwanian Stan Thursday, Damage to the Wo ni. and Mrs. Wardell Naylor, A Reach township schools for many "ony fire swept three loaded Lieutenant-Governor of Kiwanis|provided a background of organ cars was $225. resident of Oshawa for 56 years, vears, Miss Gertrude V. Stovin gasoline barges on the Ohio River | District No. 6, ably fulfilled the music. he was married here Nov. 8, 1905, died suddenly at the Port Perry Thursday causing possibly one onerous duties of chairman and| After District Secretary Alf| French, Ww. German and prior to coming to the city Community Memorial Hospha) death and ereating a night of toastmaster, for the evening. |Savage had presented the '"'Blue in Belleville for several Wednesday, Nov. 19. She ha "been 1 for some time but suf- SUSPense. [ Tr Past. Lieut. Gov. Bob Stroud in- Book of Kiwanis" to' Westmount | Leaders To Meet veas troduced the head table guests 3 i eade 0 ee Mr. Nav v fered a fall at her home on the] For seven hours the flaming Pres. Joe Schmitz, club member Mr. Naylor was a former em- fere |barges, lighting up the. sky,| which included president Ken Lo- Bob Stroud presented several| PARIS (Reuters) -- Premier ploye of General Motors. He was morning of her death. n heed, Governor Ken Hibbert, bouquets of flowers % visiting | Charles de Gaulle and Chancel 5 member of Albert Street Unit- A daughter of the late Wililam drifted threateningly downstream Lieut. Gov. Murray Sandford,|ladies and the presentation of a lor Konrad Adenauer will meet ed Church and of Post 43, Cana- and Hannah Stovin, the deceas-|toward a government dam. Lieut. Gov.-elect, Gordon Coulter host of fine attendance prizes. for talks in Germany next Wed- dian Legion. ed was born in Reach township.! A last-minute shift in the wind of Uxbridge, District secretary|donated by local Kiwanians, and nesday, it was announced today.| He served with the Canadian During her career she taught at saved the dam, lockmaster John Alf Savage, Westmount president supervised by Kiwanians Bob| The French and West German Scouts in the South African War Greenbank, Port Perry, Epsom Cummings said. He had feared Joe Schmitz, past-governor Bert|Branch, Drew Lindsay, Morey leaders are meeting for one day and with the 18th Battalion for and Blackstock. {the floating infernos would ram Coulter of Oshawa; first vice- Reed and Henry Reed, brought|to discuss the deadlocked nego- four years during the First World Miss Stovin was a member of the structure. | president, Dan O'shea (West- the eventful evening to conclu-|tiations over an European free War. Port Perry United Church and] ., barge, with its fire out Hous) Js vies president; Sen sion. I trade area and other key issues.| Besides his wife he leaves three|was active in the work of the foated past the lowered dam. : , Oshawa Clu - iter ----------T o_o --r---------------------------- - reser ---- k president, Harry Gay, new club The second rammed against a committee chairman Frank Tay- concrete abutment on the Ken- lor, His Worship Mayor Lyman tucky side and began to burn out Gifford and Mesdames Taylor, ' : {The third smacked into a sandy G. Coulter, Savage, O'Shea, : i é [isang Dear here and its fire va : windled. Schmitz, Sandford, Gay, Gifford, ' = Loheed and B. Coulter " pn E : George Lowry of the towhoat Oshawa vice-president, Ken i id ; 4 3 RE. Barbara Lee was reported miss-| Jaekson assisted in the introduc-| {4 a { ; Be Mal 0 ing in the fire. Three others in| tion of other guests, which includ- ] . Sat ? 2 the crew were treated for mild mourning have been announced control rather than direct ef- at Rogers City, hometown for 31|ports towards total elimination of the crew members believed of the nuisance. lost. 5 " |FREQUENT COMPLAINT Eight bod | ighteen ies have been Yer! Dr. Stewart, who spoke brief- covered. [ ly said that frequent complaints Some 130 persons searched tiny > islands Thursday in the vicinity | Vere received by his department of the sinking. Foot patrols dis- day, presided over by resources| yD ? | was run-off from farms using ealt/ some forms of fertilizer, or mainly with the nuisance along |the shores of Lakes Erie and | | This particular form, which thrived in places where there where there was a fair rate of vise and fall in the lake, gave |off oxygen necessary to main. tain the fish population. He said it was noted that where Algae Cladophora flourished, the fish population was always good and increased. A. V. DeLaporte, director of laboratories and research for tre Ontario water resources commission said that the in creasing use of package deter- gents provided the algae with nutrients by means of the chem- icals used. It was stated that most of the odors arose from rotting algae, and that the increasing effici- ency of sewage plants in muni. cipalities along the lake shore was doing much to control pel- about the offensive odors from:lution of the waters. covered empty life jackets and an empty capsized lifeboat on the southeast of High Island. The Be we w THE FOOD PLAN THAT gles, and mening s survive | SN TNC oT oY @ AVA IN I | EN A | = "an amazing piece of human en- durance." OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE STAN BRYNING GOOD FOOD | 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH | 12 noon to 2 p.m. | Foss HOTEL LANCASTER | c HAMBERS 188 ed representations from such Ki-| [Ei ; i . (burns. Pe fruit J fad Te TARR roo Je or. damage Scarborough, West Hill-Highland % % 8 Et & i May The Tn har Lolign] Creek, West Rouge, Whithy, Dun- 1 4 iid | os . get Trt Prer Ee en An ; 3 3 ¢ 3 L {48,000 Darvel ot gusolive was es- ach, | 4 ' : o [timated at $300,000. court and the sponsoring Oshawa 3 i » x Ry There was no explanation of Clitb. members. who Eo 3 X i what touched off the explosion participated in the preparation of é ; . P > , --_--_--_ the program included, in addition 3 : to those already mentioned, past- y ' FL ae : president, Bill Gibbie, secretary| FES ¥ '8 OFFI ES Ross Backus, treasurer Fred| Moss, Vern Walker, Drew Lind-| p F § ¥ 8 : say, Ray Weeks and Murray ' oY . ; FOR LEASE Townsend. . ALY 4 Governor Ken Hibbert present- : a. | : ed a "new club building" ribbon 3 - JAN TY 959 PARKED CAR DAMAGE 3 a | J. E. Danilko, of 223 Marquette LW : QENTRAL LoCaTion pg de Bin PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONERS RETURNED TO OFFICE aed Thursday afternoon while it was All four sitting members of | office by acclamation at the | re-elected members, from left F. Armstrong 116 CHURCH ST A . COPY REX Spirit Duplicator Reproduce 75 Copies in 1 Minute EASY BUDGET TERMS The "Copyrex" is designed to perform any duplicating job in the office, school, church, club or business. Ideal for: Bulletins, Maps, Sales Letters, Menus, Reports, Music, Exam Papers, Announce ments, Advertising, 50 Cards. - Ask for a 'Demon- stration parked in front of his home. Dam- | the Oshawa Public Utilities | ejvic nomination meeting in | are Roy Fleming William WALMSLEY & MAGILL Office Equipment Ltd. RA 3:3333 We was estimated at $30. | Commission were returned to 'eity hall Thursday might. The | Boddy, Henry Baldwin and E. --Oshawa Times Photo | 2 [ ]

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