Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Nov 1958, p. 20

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no THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 21, OCVI SENIOR FOOTBALL TEAM PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR Ohawa Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute senior football team ground its way -through what coach Arn Schell has ac- cepted as a "building year" this past season. The team click as well as it might and ended with « one win, five lost record, Plagued by injuries through much of the campaign, another drawback was the | lightness of the line which | averaged under 175 pounds. The and hopes are high for better things next year. Bottom row: Bob Gay, guard; Ted Bathe, halfback; Ted McLean, quar- terback; Doug Graham, full- back; Paul Goldstein, fullback; Arn Schell, coach. Second row, | Karl Steadman, manager; Ter- showed some moments of prow- | school sponsored a vigorous ess but on the whole did not | intra - mural football program | ry Brain end; Don Stroud, guard; Dave Halliday, tackle; Ay ALBERTA DEFICIT EDMONTON (CP) -- The Al- {100 purebred poodle dogs died in berta government operated at a| a fire that swept Keegan Kennels' $4,775,655 deficit in the first half Dn barn and the nearby of the current fiscal year, due home of Adolph Martin, owner of chiefly to a decrease in oil reven- the kennel Monday night. Martin ues, the provincial auditor re- braved scorching flames to save ported Tuesday. six of the dogs. FIRE KILLS SACO, Me. 1AP) -- DOUBLE ADVENTURES & FURY! oy p- MURPHY EDDIE ALBERT -DAYS TARTS Haven't Been Around If You Haven't Visited CHUM'S aL Lad DELICIOUS FOOD --Ct-- Moderate Prices! CHUM'S Exotic SPECIAL ON Oriental » DINNERS and . e BANQUETS 4 Canadian e LUNCHEONS Dishes © CHINESE FOODS TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 OPEN 7 AM. TILL 2 AM. 19 KING ST. WEST 27 CELINA ST. OSHAWA IIR LLTAR SS SATORDAYS LAST DAY 'oarev's rangers' & 'sroTHERS RICO" STH, | Loyd Hircock, end; Cam ley, manager. Top row, Don Salter, tackle, Dennis Starkey, halfback; Doug Wallace, Fin- |= tackle; Dieter Wunderlich, centre; Peer Flemming, half- back; John Mulville, tackle, Quarry Workers End N.S. Strike By DAL WARRINGTON after 18 months. Their work week Canadian Press Staf Writer |will be cut to 42 hours now and WINDSOR, N.S. (CP) -- One,to 40 hours after 18 months. they would rather starve than accept anything but complete! victory," said CLC representative George Smith. Quick Help for Baby's LONG ESTABLISHED The rivers in West Pakistan supply the world's oldest irriga- tion canal system. TT TO-NIGHT Y Variety Club year and 19 days after they They dropped their demand for struck against the Canadian Gyp-|a compulsory checkoff. When the sum Company members of the strike began the basic wage was sa Nova Scotia Quarry Workers Un-|$1.23 an hour, hl Hom se {mm jon (CLC) have voted to return| Settlement followed the personal feverish, fretty, fussy and restless. For quick to work. |intervention of Premier Stanfield depenaible 1eief from Somme digeuive The provincial labor depart- [13 days ago. He asked union and thie h.ivs Or ment said the violence-marked|company to submit to arbitration . made just for baby q strike was the longest in the|/The Nova Scotia Federation of fod gendy 20. seliete hr Be Mr Maritimes since coal miners|Labor threatened a province-wide during teething time when this "ondition tied up Nova Scotia collieries for|strike if an agreement was not has baby feeling out-of sorts, fussy, feverish, periods up to two years in 1908-11. | Tummy Upsets { . work quickly give Baby's Own Tablets, These little tablets | § help | DANCE 9 to 12 P.M, 199 Centre St. 75¢ by YM es colicky, fretty and gassy. Clinically 'and time- reached this week. tested, Baby's Own Tablets are The end came Wednesday at a| Mr. King met the premier's! trustworthy, mild, gentle and act promptly meeting of 207 union members. arbitration request with a new io Wing uly ssiying relief Av Yous The union called out about 400 proposal which the workers ac- package today at your druggist men when the strike started Oct. cepted, 147 to 52. Under the eo NEw! BABY'S OWN COUGH SYRUP 31, 1957. Some went back to work agreement 30 workers will not be made especiolly for babies Soothing, , quickly on the company's invitation. rehired. The company says these elieving...pleasant...won't upset di Company Manager M. E. King men committed acts during the ~ Ts = 4 said about 100 men were at work strike that are cause for their| when the strike ended. dismissal. An arbitration beard E The union struck for a pay in. will consider their cases. erease of 15 cents an hour, STONED CARS COUNTRY MUSIC -- NIGHT -- four-hour 4-1 k out J the do Nons wor Violence broke out several TO RADIO ARTISTS wee 1 heckoff of i and. compulsory checko times on picket lines. Company union dues, |cars and officials were stoned. NO CHECKOFF Several men were convicted of Their new 30-month contract assault and damage to property. gives them an 1l-cent pay boost RCMP sent extra men here to mow, eight cents more in six help maintain order. months and another five cents! "I have heard some say that TELEVISION LOG ©HCH-TV Channel 11-Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester gestion lt WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4---Buffale PRIDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. $-Theatre Sports 6-Hidden Pages Three Stooges 8.30 P.M, 6----Mighty Mouse 4--Dinner Date Theatre $-Wild Bill Hickock | f6.00 P.M. ll--Theatre; News; Weather 6--News 2-Colone] Bleep a1 PM 8--News 6---Captain Grief 6.30 P.M. B--Name That Tune 4.3-News; Sports 6:45 P.M 6.43--News 2.00 P.M. 11--Theatre 6----Tabiolo 8---Real. McCoys &--Colonel Flack 3---Rescue 8 1 1 1 1 1 i.30 P.M. 6---Leave It To Beaver | 8--Rin Tin Tin 4--Hit Parade 23-~Behind Cloted Doors 00 LA 11-6-5-2--Bob PN 4--Trackdown 8.30 P.M, S=Jackie Gleason PM, 11.6--Ploute Family 8-2--M-Squad | 4--Phil Silvers 9.30 P.M, | 11,6--Country Hoedown 5-2-Thin Man 4~Playhquse | 10.00 P.M, 11,8,5--Cavalcade of | Sports | 4--The Line-up 2-Naked City 10.30 P.M, 4-Person to Person 3-N.Y. Confidential 10:45 P.M, 11,6-Jim Coleman | $--Post Ng Beat | WM. IL 6 5 4 2-Newm | 1.18 P.M. 6 Viewpoint ne | | | 30 P.M. | re tiine Fremiers Perform. u-} rin Fare Pack aar AM | sdons' Blackle | + BATURDAYX rf O830 AM, &=Popey+'s Playhouse 2-Rumpus Room | i 9.00 AM, | 4 Science Museum | Fury | 9.15 A. afar and Jems 9.30 4--Capt. a 0 3-Circus Boy 2:45 AM, $--Lartoon Theatre | 10.00 AM | 2.3~Howdy Doody 0.30 AM, 8,2 Ruff and Ready 4--Heckle and Jeckle 2--Farmer Alfalfa ns AM. 2:15 P.M. 8-2-NCAA Football | 6--Bowling | 4=Fllm Feature 11--Nation's Business 11--Little Theatre 6.30 . | l1=Tennessee Ernie | 2--African Patrol 1.30 | 11--The Vise | 5--~Dean Martin 4--Oh! Susanna P.M. { S--Parls' ei | 11,6--King Whyte | 2~Flight | 5=Movie | 9.00 AM. S--Christian Science 2:00 P.M, 5---Sports Page 4---NHL Hockey 3:30 P.M 1---Wrestling 4:00 P.M, 4:30 PM, 1--Cartoon Party 4:45 PM, 1--Learn to Draw 2--Football Scoreboard SATURDAY EVE, P.M. 5.00 1,6--Zorro 4--Beat the Champ 2 Jeff's Collie 5.30 P.M. 1,6--Rin Tin Tin 5--Big Picture 2-Man Without a Gun "0 P.M. 6--Here and There 5--Manhattan Musie 4--Wrestling 2--Disney Presents 6:15 P.M, 6-Mr. Fix-It, News S--Lawrence Welk 6:45 P.M, 4--News; Sports 0n 5 11-The Rifleman 6---Ivanhoe 4-U of B Round Table P.M. 6--Saturday Date 5,2---People Are Funny | 4--Perry Mason 5.00 PM. | 11,6,5,2-- REST Como M. Wasted, ped or Alive I'm S--NHL ooh Weir Hav gue "wi Travel #-Lawrenet 9.30 4--Gunsmoke George Burns 10:15 P.M, 10.80 P.M. 11--Man Behind The Badge 86--Naked Oity 5--Pat Boone 4--Silent Service nee P.M, \J--News; Late Show 5---Rescue 8 6,4,2---News; Sports nas 6--Juliette 2--Just Musle 1.80 P.M, 6--Wrestling Weather; P.M. 4--Playhouse 2---Official Detective 12.00 Mid-nite 2-Late Watch SUNDAY 4--Let's Open The Door 3=The Mo eid Stntni on Parade A. 11--~The ChHMopliers { 11--Rev. Roberts LE | 11--The Naked City | 2=Lawman 1.45 AM. 2-Faith of Israel 12.00 NOON S$--Cartoon Theatre 4=News: Weather 2~Zero 1960 215 PM 6--U.N, Review | 4~Film Feature | 123 PM. | | 6--~Good Lif: 3 Methodist. Church 4--Face the Nation 2--Dept of Afrisaiture | (I CHUCK WAGON BOYS FORTUNE And His Featuring JIMMY AND JOHNNY THE SHEY BROS. RED BARN 1:00 P 11--Bravo 'Theatre 6--Guilty or Not Gutty 5-Jon Gnagy 4--Film Featurette 2--Shirley Temple 1:15 P. M, 4=Fostial Jhsnliatts PE Calendar 1:45 P.M, 4--8ports Page 2:00 P.M, 6--Junior Magazine 5--Mr, Wizard 4--Pro. Football 2:30 P.M, 11--Living Word 5--All Star Theatre 2--Playhouse 2:45 P.M, 11--Your Family Life 3:00 P.M. 11.8--Citizen's Forum S5--All Star Golf 11,6--Heritage 2--Sea Hunt 4:00 P.M, 11--This is the Life 6--Twentieth Century 5--Frankie Laine 2---Music Hall 30 P.M, 6--Lassie 5--Paris Precinct 4--Inside Football 2--Bat Masterson 5.00 P.M, 11,6--News Magazine 5-2---Omnibus 4-Film Feature 530 P.M. 11--Lassie 4--Amateur Hour 6--~Candid Eye 1 6=Bob Curamings . m 5--Meet the Press 4--Small World 2--Science Series .30 P.M. 11,6--Father Knows Best 5--Maverick 420th Century 7.00 P.M, 11-1 Love Lucy 6-~December Bride Yo, Akad For It M, 1 Ble S--Northwest Passage 4-Jack Benny &~Maverick 8.00 P.M, 11--Decision 6.4-Ed Sullivan "NOW PLAYING ADMITTANCE a PERSONS 18 YEARS | AGE Ob OVER RA 3.2843 Non-Members $1.00 ® REFRESHMENTS ® SPOT PRIZES 5.000 HOME FILL-A-CARD GAME "E" IS OVER Winners names will appear in tomorrow's issue! 1ST 30 NUMBERS GAME HEH tH 21 24 25 26 29 3 37 38 39 40 a4 45 {Watch This Space For | New Numbers Daily Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the C.N.I.B.. BINGO CARDS ON SALE AT YOUR NEWS DEALERS! Al C lr Ed Let's CELE * BRATE + « « To-Night at the STARLITE tackle; Graham MacMillan, | The Next Kinsmen | SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th at 8:30 p.m. sharp in the PETERBORO MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $4200.00 in prizes including a Brand New 1959 Car Plus a Special Bingo Value $250.00 if won in 50 numbers. If not won in 50 numbers $50.00 cash will be given this Bingo and the Snowball prize will be increased by another $250.00 if on the next Bingo when 51 numbers be called someone will drive home in this beautiful new car. It could be you PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE CASTING MEFTING for... for a MENTALLY RETARDED CHILD and his parents With your help... the future can hold a great promise of happy unobstructed hours for today's MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN. The type of future these children need depends on you and your generosity. When the canvasser calls PLEASE give to this great cause or if you wish MAIL OR DROP YOUR CONTRIBUTION INTO THE BUILDING CAMPAIGN FUND ANY OSHAWA BANK + $75,000 THE RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION OF OSHAWA Campiigh goal for New Retarded Children's School is . HIGH GROUND By CHARLOTTE HASTINGS Director: HARRIET RAPLEY Assisted by CATHARINE SCHELL ' at the C.R.A., GIBB ST. Monday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. ALL MEMBERS OR PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS WHO WISH TO ACT ARE WELCOME ) | «vo Uf Karn's LIGHT BAR AND LAMPS (Reg. 9.95) WHEN YOU PURCHASE BROWNIE Movie Camera 5-Steve Allan 0PM 0.00 P.M, 11,6-World's Stage 8,2--Chevy Show 4+-GE od 11,6--G. Ey Presents 4--Alfred oT cheack 10, P.M 5-This % -Christiz i 10.00 AM. Christophe | b~Lamp Unto My Feet Church Tnvilation 10:30 AM, | S--Dateline S5--Wrestling 4--Last of the Mohicans 2-Detective's Diary Lo P L Hanger Party a rm 8--Inside Football Cisco Kid | S--Little 4~Uncie Jerry 2-This Is The Life 10:45 AM, Rascals nee AM. 4--Church Service 5--Roy (cger 2---Morning $-Industry on Parade | 54-What's My Line | 4=Theatre 8.2L -- Young , 4--Keep Talking ni P.M. 11.6--Fighting Words 2-Boots and Saddles he P. l1---News: Late Show 5--Brains_ and Brawn 6.4,2---News; Weather; Sports nis Pa, 6--This Week 2--Late Watch nw» PM. 5--Feature Movie 11:45 P.M, &-Camera Three COMPLETE 69.95 WALT DISNEY'S SALUTE TO CANADA'S NORTH ON OUR NEW GIANT SEE | HIGH INTENSITY SCREEN ! Land of Adventure and Mystery, of awesome sights ang legendary animals... Sometimes Savage, Sometimes Humoroys =~ Always Exciting} Walt Disney WHITE WI TDFRNs; A True ite Feature TECHNICOLOR L Adventure SPECIAL EARLY SHOW -SATURDAY 10:30 A.M. (O])] WALT poe ps TECHNICOLOR® Bun; atriutid by Jos ae Fim Batted © rr FEATURE SHOWN TODAY. . .. 1:30-3:30-5:25-7:35-9:45 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE

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