THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS - © Classified Adve 'tising RA 3-3492 All other calls . . co... RA 83-3474 WEATHER REPORT ah 4 Os h awn mes EEA Price Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1958 Abort Office Department, Otowe. TWENTY-TWO PAGES VOL. 87--NO. 274 1 ag PU TUGERMANS AGREE ON W. BERLIN TRAFFIC LONE ACCLAMATION ' -- J | Free Movement | Gifford Gets tL _W Gets Guarantee BERLIN (AP) -- Communist|the two halves of the city and 2 T m y vow Germany and West Ger- require a passport to cross it. - y 4 1 | 4 7 / / fmany today signed an agreement I I 7% #7 | guaranteeing freedom of German youd CLOSE Ex in 7 ivili ie i : rawing an international fronm- By THE CANADIAN PRESS (seek a council seat, the mayor- 0 | Civilian traffic 10 and GUL OF 100 or or eR One mayor was rtturned by ac- alty race is between Vincent Bar- suirces' reported ' vided city would slam shut an clamation Thursday as eight On-|rie and Thomas Currah "Phe | Pi tee is part of a new escape hatch through which more tario cities held nominations or| A woman who has held the seat int J gua altlee a a be- than 1,000,000 East Germans have © % / completed qualifications in readi- five times in bidding to return as SPZON: gre fled. About 400 refugees still are 9 "h amd igs 4 at Woodstock where Char- tween the two countries. J 5 © % ness for December municipal mayor at Woods tats i coming into West Berlin ev 7A elections les Tatham is retiring after two Authoritative sources said that da 4 ery Mayor Lyman Gifford of Osh- rs in office. Mrs. Bernadette Fan Germany agreed, sher | 'nh ing this refugee flow awa was acclaimed for a two-|Smith is opposing G. T. LaFlair. iin ance, fave eh jor op 2 : lug e . ap year term but stiff contests ap-| Peterborough Mayor John De- ic- Tool Onl Sauk nol feats Ye Se of he major oi peared to be taking shape in other wart is stepping out after five amendment to pact, $ N us v's An official announcement on efforts to drive the Western Al- sikh h x " peared to be t 8 st Sr|wart ng o Lia neff / OSHAWA CITY CLERK TAKES NOMINATIONS [cclamations: rc "ate auaifed for the race to sue. «<< MLN. MRR he agreement was expected this lies from Berlin. The 10 that the Between the hours of 7.30 and 830 p.m Thursday City Clerk Roy Barrand and the members of his staff were kept busy, in the council chamber at city hall, receiv- ing the nomination papers for | the Oshawa civic election. In | | all 63 nominations were plac- | ed. These included 20 for al. | i At Hamilton Mayor Lloyd Jack- ceed him. D. Loucke, R. Dobbin 3 d Noy a ar odu- | today to file their quali L V | x |United States, Britain and France derman, 2 Jor board lB { pn ox " os de iy r wa son had appeared almost certain|and R. E. Knox are the contend- (See story on Page 3) EASES FEARS " | Withdraw their weird o tron cation, or the depara \ paj : to be unopposed for the post fe ers. fi a Ee ord of the agreement ease Troops. School Board and four for the | intention to contest the elec. ata i At Sarnia. Dr. M. M. Gowland fears of any tightening of the Public Utilities Commission. | tion m has heig Sop Md Jraight lors is I the CTT it 0 h il Communist squeeze on the 2,200,- WASHINGTON Jap) oli The nominees have until 9 Oshawa Times Photo. wu. Wo "Gr ie stepped inio|a race between Frank Gower and S awa ounci 000 West Berliners. But it did not, . 3 |agreed today to avoid any action the Face. Iven Walker. affect the question of control of in the developing Berlin crisis | i ko . A Neg ntist, Dr. Roy Perry, pic: . [J {the Western Allies' supply lines 4 PM Em hasizes is Am Jens Soin EIGHTH TERM . Election Sure [to their garrisons in the divided|that could be Sage as recog a C Ke ding to replace Mayor Michael The town of New Liskeard re- city. The Russians are expected) ak . Date Others in the turned Mayor William Barr for| qualifications filed with City[to begin turning these controls If the Reds force the issue and Commonwealth Parpick inns x Charron, a his eighth term, by acclamation. clerk I. R. Barrand, returning over to the East Germans soon.|block allied traffic to West Ber- ti Aga ' ' | ay. arle: ve [offie hit i ; ni iq/lin, the Allies are understood to plumber, and painting contractor| Mavor J. A Marleau received | officer for the Oshawa civic elec-| A high West Berlin official said|, 0 ready to resort to an airlift. »clamation in Sturgeon Falls, |; last sh hi et Saou |] » ' John Reardon an acc € ion, last night and this morning the East Germans had shown def-| : so Y In all but two of the cities elec-|accure that elections will be held ini iness to reach der-| The United States, Britain and To Re sume On Monda Basic Needs SEVEN NOMINATED tion day is Dec. 1. Exceptions Holle Sotons eld)inite readiness to reach a unde |France also were reported study- for the city council and separate standing on trade between the By ALAN DONNELLY Mayor Kieth Hymmen may are Hamilton, which votes Dec.|school board. At noom 11 candi-|two parts of Germany. (ing counter-moves that could be TORONTO (CP Negotia- ing in Canada was being dictated employment benefits and sever . have six opponents in his bid for|3 and Peterborough, where the dates had filed their qualifica-| "This is a positive sign of re-\made to improve their bargain tions between the United Auto/by the parent firm in the United ance pay Canadian Press Staff Writer [re-election at Kitchener. Nomin-|school board has refused use of tion paper: to contest the 12|lief of tension." the official said.|ing position with the Soviet Un- Workers of America (CLC) and States General Motors of Canada for an| GM's offer fell short of the U.S. agreement covering 15,000 em- auto settlement, although the un-|Frigidaire in Toronto; diesel plant it is idle to speak of the Common. Breithaupt, J. Meinzinger and T. Saturday, Nov. 29. fied are: |Germans, as part of the develop- ployes reached a deadlock ion is insisting on better terms|in London and McKinnon Indus Thursday. Talks are scheduled to resume Monday. Ontario UAW members in Oshawa, London, St. Cathar- ines, Windsor and Toronto have scheduled a strike vote Sunday. IN an agreement had been reached members were to have| {here to narrow the 40-cent wage gap. |MAKE VOTE PLANS Ww \ ate re S rLenne .|its schools for a Monday election | hoard of educati | 3 ir] f ion. Plants involved are the Oshawa NEW DELHI (CP) Prime ated were S. McLennan, C. M. its sc ip pard of education seats. | West Berlin officials had ore. | a and Windsor vehicle operations; Minister Diefenbaker said today Bezeau, M. M. Walters, F. A.|and the polling is scheduled for po candidates who have quali-|seen a possibility that the East| Some authorities indicated these kan AP 29 might involve a crackdown on wealth preserving peace, freedom H. Ainlay Nominations are scheduled for CITY COUNCIL ling squeeze on West Berlin, trade between the West and East i v 3.1 a y N a large number of other Ontario tries in St. Catharines. and democracy unless it can po 8 ag ea 8 pare tonight Gordon B. Attersley, Edgar F, Would close the border between'Germany. The union this week began ne- 'meet the basic needs of its peo- * a einem: | BASt@AO, R. Cecil Bint, W. R. gotiations with Ford Motor Com. ple." 3 Branch, Finley M. Dafoe, Nor- The union's GM inter-corpora- Pany of Canada and negotiations "'Unless each benefits the other LJ tion council, which includes rep-|are expected soon with Chry#ler in the Commonwealth member Outer Space Use phas in Ir Hoo Mounties : Probe [resentatives from five plants, met|Corporation of Canada. ship, devotion to abiding princi- | Thursday to make plans for Sun- Tt 1s understood offered the kins, A. Hayward Murdoch, Mrs. | {ples will not be sufficient," the Alice Reardon, Clifford B. Stark, | A GM spokesman in Oshawa Canadian leader told assembled John Stezik; Mrs. Chrsting Thom- | PY L 5 fie _(day's strike vote meetings. : . | Be --" ! . t R k i Sinai he Rayan Bu six' cents ony, or 2.5 ald Voda: to go back to the eS Ah Wun Sir Agreement Close Waa Wack Am. Alert, V. Migran ac e George Burt, UAW Canadian di- pector, said the union had tried tol negotiate a settlement without re- sorting to a strike vote 'knowing bow they can upset everyone's equilibrium, but we have been un able to avert it." He suggested the GM's bargain- per cent, whichever is greater, as|Pargaining table Monday, despite. The vast majority of the Com {included |agreement, But the company of- | Ald. John G. Brady, Ald. E. in the U.S. three.year|What has happened. monwealth's people lived in Asia Marks, Albert Hele and Robert, OTTAWA (CP)--An immigra- racket in Montreal under which "Union officials have gone On this continent the quality of By LLOYD McDONALD General Assembly's political com- H. Stroud, the other nominees, tion racket under which residents residents of Italy were illegally [fer fell short of U.S. terms on/home, and it's not surprising, Commonwealth links would be Canadian Press Staff Writer mittee appeared ready to give had not qualified at noon today. |of rerael have been admitted il-| admitted to Canada. other points. They have called off the meetings tested and its ideals judged UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) formal endorsement this after- BOARD OF EDUCATION legally to Canada has been un- REPORT ON PASSPORTS The UAW wants GM's terms to|tc go to get the brass knuckles, Only minor technicalities stood noon to a joint declaration that! Harold B. Armstrong, Freder-|covered in Montreal, it was A Montreal report said the Is- match or better U.S. terms cov- but we will be at the bargaining THOUGHT FOR TODAY today in the way of a general man's penetration into space ick R. Britten, Mortimer Brown, |learned here today. raeli residents entered Canada ering pensi plementary un-|table Monday." East - West agreement on the should be based not on political George K. Drynan, George A.| An immigration department of-|as students but were given pass- peaceful uses of outer space or military considerations but for Fletcher, Mrs. Annie Lee, James|ficial said the illegal arrange-|ports illegally stamped landed | Driving a golf ball is as In a series of moves that trans- the benefit of the human race as Markland, C. William Minett, Al-/ment first came to the attention immigrant. . . Torso Murder Jury Disagrees | easy as pie, says a golf pro. |cended the usual Russian-Ameri- a whole. bert E. O'Neill, Stephen G. Say-|of the department 18 months ago.| Immigration regulations permit Accused Faces Death Penalty In Bribery Case KINGSTON (CP) -- Kingston Rolf players slice it. war politics, the United Nations m.nt will reach out into the other) SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD [time to investigate. {who are close relatives of Cana- - TTT" |disputed fields between .he West-| Frank J. Baron, Robert L.| Jean Miquelon, a Montreal law-|dians or residents of Canada. Stu- ern and Communist worlds is less Clancy, Mrs. Winona W. Clarke, |yer, was appointed by the justice dents may also be admitted to than problematical--the odds are|James H. Gibbens, Louis G.|department to assist the RCMP (study in Canada but must return Arson Sus ected definitely against it. Hughes, Cecil H. Jenkins, -John in the investigation. to Israel following their studies. duced letters signed by Mason lly, Clement Peter Kent,| The immigration department| The RCMP said its investiga- The Russian delegate, Valerian/J. Ke Perhaps this is why so many [can considerations based on cold. Whether this expected agree-|well and Mrs.. Margaret Shaw.|The RCMP was asked at that (the entry only of Israeli citizens | | | MONTREAL (CP) -- Hector businessman Arthur M. Mason|which signified this. Zorin, in effect withdrew his de-/Rev. Felix Kwaitowski, John A. official said no arrests have been tion into the case is not yet com- Poirier, 51, has been sentenced to| Was. acquitted Thursday night on! Mason said the $10,000 offers or mand that any space agreement Lawrence, Frank Meagher, Ri- made and he is not aware that|plete. A spokesman said if there be hanged Jan. 27 for the torso One of two charges that he at-|iginated with suggestions from his In School Blaze be linked with the continued up- chard Sciuk and James B. Top- | arrests are pending. is sufficient evidence to warrant murder of a young Montreal|lempted to bribe city officials to|accusers who, he said, demanded hi 3 tinsmith, elp him obtain a natural gas dis-| Poirier, thin-faced and bespec-| tribution franchise. tacled, showed no emotion as Mr. But a county jury said after de- | keep of American bases on for- PINES. In 1952 the RCMP uncovered al prosecution arrests will be made. the amount for their help in the eign territories. franchise 'matter. STURGEON FALLS (CP)--Fire|across town. During the St. Jo- In exchange, he asked that the LJ liboret ; He said' he first broached the gestroyed ths Old Public School |seph's fire last week, he added, Western powers accept now the Justice Wilfrid Lazure imposed liberating eight hours that it matter of the franchise to the in this Northern Ontario commun-|the new public school was en- idea of setting up a committee of u the sentence Thursday after af could not -agree on a second mayor and commissioner at | jury found Poirier guilty of mur.|charge and Judge J. C. Anderson|meeting in Toronto,in January, der. the youth in his own car on a dark charge of offering $10,000 to Pub- here, said he had no intention of road. Poirier had plotted to rob Per- Thomas A. Andre if the Consum-|the matter would go. said Mason must face a new trial| lic Utilities Commissioner reault of $200. He got only $52 in ers' Gas Company was given the cash, but stole the victim's car, franchise. clothing and some inexpensive! The jury failed to agree on Jewelry Sleuthing by Perreault's mother amount of money to Mayor Frank and a girl friend, who spotted Poirier driving the youth's car, led to discovery of the headless, handless body and Poirier's ar- rest. whether he offered a similar Boyce PRODUCED LETTERS Both men claimed Mason of- fered them the money and pro- A ity Thursday night a half-hour|tered. wide geographical range to deter. after 24 Br ies trooped hursday night's fire was" first mine how the bi wers may 1957, He duored I. A, Ando 2 ownies trooped home, Thursday ght's S BE po arson. Fire Chief Joseph La- hour after Brownies went home It was apparent that the com- Fleche had no comment. But in-| Fifty firemen from Sturgeon mittee idea would: be accepted by After deliberating for little ar yestigators from the Ontario fire Falls, North Bay--25 miles east the U.S. more than two hours, an Ontario marshal's office at North Bay and|of here--and Cache Bay battled --- county sessions jury at Whitby TRIED TO GET LETTERS an insurance company arrived the flames using hose lines strung | Thursday found Bevetly [Fiack, . sere While firemen were still patrolling [to the Sturgeon River, i St A d F 118, of Oshawa, not guilty of arson | ps, aimed, the len were the smoking ruin. TEMPORARY QUARTERS ars n ans lin connection with the F. W. © typed out by Mr. Andre. He said, It Was the second school fire Woolworth fire of Sept. 2. The pre go . " About 480 St. Joseph's students, rerdic! t 3:10 Thurs- he sig tw ave here in eight days. The first one A t verdict came at 3:10 p.m I's k sighed sw, Kept one dnd gave burned to the ground St. Joseph's burned out by the first fire, had en unera day, after a trial lasting two and the others to the officials. Later" " py tendi 5 he asked to have them back but Sacred Heart School, run by the been attending temporary classes one-half days in Ontario county : 'hris rothe ; t the Gid Public School, There urt, he said the official Christian Brothers led by Brother |® | T P court. Drone SE icials would moti, andre. was a shortage of space, how. Tone ower When. jury freman Archie pcr ever, and only 280 used it at one a he coh hin : phi, from a meeting there noticed around 6:15 p.m.--15 min- best use their scientific potential LJ : Poirier had confessed luring 21fe0 | i on which the jury|as saying: "We want $10,000) A Roman Catholic monk said, |utes after two caretakers checked in breaching the barrier of ter- year-old Jean Claude Perreault|disagr aplece in effect, that it was a case ofthe building and left and a half-|restrial gravity' 11 with promises of a job, and killing] Mason was cleared on the, Mason who once ran for mavor | paying but wanted to see how f. -------------- | BLAMES "MANIAC" ly HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Stars, | Vickers announced the verdict to |trial J W. S. Lane, the ac- _ Brother Alexandre said the la- Last week's fire and the latest near-stars and fans by the hun- wl ee the first emotion od . D h A test blaze--the loss t both started ed dreds pay final respect today to Municipal Work | Drought Brea uc jue ue be vie mi, asec buh sane "moms wed fot py fan Tepe oy bo haem Beano te TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Frost announced Thursday the Ontario government will pay 25 per cent of the wages of workers on special municipal works pro- jects this winter The federal government has al- ready offered to pay*50 per cent. This means the municipalities will get back 75 per cent of the cost of hiring men 'for special programs designed to combat unemployment such as street and sidewalk construction, highway embankments, bridges, un- derpasses, sewers, watermains, land clearing and parks The Ontario plan will become effective Dec. 1 and run to April 30, The only qualification for the assistance is that projects must|must be of a type that would not|th be carried out "by workers of otherwise have been carried out a project. PUC Chairman, H F whom the bulk are unemployed." The premier said the program will be "very much broader' than last winter's At that time the|Minister Warrender. CITY "MERGENCY PHONE -NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 province paid 70 per cent of the wages of men recruited from re- lief rolls for special projects. Building repairs and park cleanups were about the limit of last year's program. Under it the province paid 130 municipalities around $5,000,000. Mr. Frost said no estimate of (the cost of the 1958-59 plan can be | made because there is no way to |estimate unemployment in ad- vance He said Ontario has a lengthy {list of winter projects of its own. Some of it will require federal | aid. These works have a total value of about $25,000,000 Projects by the municipalities {in the winter. The program will| be managed by a special com. mittee under Municipal Affairs| |maniac." He said another separ-| The public school students neral. | pression of utter joy and she rose i dB D |ate school run by the brotherhood moved to the new public school] Two hundred elite among the almost to her feet when he said 1scusse Y {was broken into and ransacked following the Thanksgiving holi- Mourners his friends a d fellow CF guilty". An audible sigh fill- 'al } " : i : screen celebrities invit ! i " Civic Bodies even as the fire was burning 'day. widow--were expected to crowd|®d the courtroom behind her |where more than a score of in- 2 Stapel Hollywood Memorial; rested persons sat awaiting the Drought in the north-west sec {outcome of the trial. ton of Oshawa brought about a LATE NEWS FLASHES i a le In discharging Miss Black, meeting between the board of to hear the rites over loudspeak.| Judge Lane told her, "I think you Suk? and the Public Utilities ers : Spears are the author of your own dif- ommission Thursday night, to . |" A navy ehaplain |ficulties. You ask for your own discuss the possibility of running Girl Guilty Of Murder Ir M a Z Side, troubles by irresponsible answers a water main to the district LINCOLN, Neb. (AP)--A jury today found Caril Ann lan minister, will officiate. Cesar|and by trying to be a little dif- : as ut That nton's road, Sev Fugate guilty of first-degree murde: ~for helping Charles Romero will read the eulogy. The jiculs, Otherwise, you would not § ject, fraser avenue, and) starkweather on a Wlling rampage last January. Life im- | flag-draped mahogany casket will have been here. 2 y r Louisa street are affected by the a was a use Fampage y [remain closed He told the jury that he agreed MISS BLACK AFTER ACQUITTAL water, shortage. Residents in the : | A medal-of-honor winner and with their verdict and would inal ib) M Black. ittal area have had to carry water to . CI) (five other marine officers will| probably have returned the same statement missible. | For Miss Black, her acquit their homes. Jump In Radioactivity |carry the coffin to a grave Rb Lic had he been sitting on the| In ing * his decision, (ended a period of custody in the The seriousness of the situation STOCKHOLM (AP)--Soviet nuclear explosiens have |a lake opposite the cemetery's|case alone. after hearing Toronto psychiatrist Ontario County jail which began was outlined by Board of Works' caused a heavy rise in radioactivity over Sweden this mausoleum, During the trial, the jury was Dr. Arthur Doyle say the girl ap- Sept. 24, the d f h Chairman, Walter Branch, chair month, the defence research establishment announced today Power, '44, died in Madrid last|excluded for most of Wednesday,|peared immature and irre-|On Sept. 24, the ay of her arrest, man of the meeting It said gamma-ray radiation in certral Sweden at present | Saturday after a hart attack on|while defense counsel Terence V.[sponsible, he said that he was|and ended Shout 3515 on Thurs. The meeting discussed a pos is double its normal intensity a movi set Kelly and John Greer, and Crown|satisfied that the girl did not ap-|dy, Nov. 20. Bail had been set, sible route for a water main, ang | The traditional firing squad and | Attorney Harry Deyman, QC,|preciate what she was saying|but was not raised. e economical feasibility of such Bel ium Hit B St ik |bugler were omitted at the re-| argued about the admissibility of when she made the statement. He| The charges arose out of am g 1 DY oirike |quest of the widow, Deborah Anna statement which Inspector |said that it was possible that she afternoon fire at the F. W. Wool- Baldwin, assured the meeting BRUSSELS (AP)---Belgian industry ground toward a |26, the actor's' third wife. fSweet of the Fire Marshal's of-|gave the statement to serve the/worth store on King St. W., in that the commission will take the standstill today because of a strike for higher wages by gas "She doesn't feel that Tyrone|fice said he had taken from the|immediate purpose of getting out|Oshawa, a fire which completely mater under serious considera | and electricity workers. An estimated 500,000 workers were was a military man," a friend ex-|accused on the day before she of the office and home, not realiz-| gutted the building, causing $300, 'tion, COMMUNITY CHEST SCOREBOARD made idle by plant shutdowns. I plained. Iwas arrested. His honor ruled thel!ing the consequences. {000 damage. $30,000 | $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 $150,000 $175,000 p : $103,686.49 SupTnt YOUR Ci CHEST | .