Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Nov 1958, p. 13

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TORONTO TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS RAH EE ERE 25 > West C Brew Copper 35 % 32% 23 53 8% 8% + + M + 3 oronto, Montreal Stocks bid A ns 924 Wood J yy) Woodward, A: 200 Curd Cdn Lt] €D Sug CG Inv C Paper D Glass Dupont gE 88a But 8s 2500 Mi City 1500 N Davies Northcal FEE 1+ fii + +1 +1+11 CEES FRESE FEF FFF oF W Decalta 100 15! Mines rl + Advocate 200 Algom 250 Algom wis 600 Ampl Rare 7825 Anglo Hur 400 Arcadia 3500 Area 17 298 $15% 22 $11% 20 # Base Metals iam Bidcop Bordulac 5000 Brunswick z100 Buffad 65 Bunker Hill Cadamet Camp Chib C Malart Cdn NW Can-Met 1100 C-Met wie 300 Chib Jac 1000 Coch Will 1300 Cody-Reco 5000 Coldstrm 4100 Cob Met 1500 C Bellekeno 2166 C Callinan 1500 j++ + Ferrer v5 "5% 00 500 500 100 1300 6000 ++ bed w w 4, " w Kirk Hud 298 15% 39% + + a Lake Leitch Lexindin Lomega Lorado wis Louviet Lynx Macassa Macfie Maralge Marcon Maritime Mc.ntyre Mentor M i'ken M nda Min-Ore Nat Expl Nealon Nelio New Bid N Goldvue New Hosco N Man 2000 N Mylama Blin Nipissing Noranda Norgold Norlartie N Rank Northsp Obaska Opem Patino M Pick Crow Pr Bord Pronto Purdex Que Ascot 105238 Que Chib Que Lith Q Metal Quemont Radiore Rayrock Rio- Rup She Slocan VR Stanleigh Steep R Sud Cont Surf Inlet Sylvanite 'Taurcanis Teck-H Temag Thom L Tiara U Asbestos Un Fort Vandoo Ventures Violam Wiltsey Wr Harg Yk Bear Zenmac a 24600 2300 18950 195 Curb Yukon Con 1200 19% 11% Bales 20 116 12 265 138 18 Montreal Stock (Quotations in cents unless marked $8. z2---0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, Ex-warrants.) Industrials rights, xw Stock Abitibi Algoma Alumin Alum 1 pr Alum 2 pr 310 Arg 240 pr 25 Asbestos 725 Atlas Steel Bail § 5%pe 200 Bank Mont 421 Bank N § 75 Banque CN 75 Banque PC 70 Bell Phone 1065 Bowater § pr z10 B A Oil 795 BC Power 360 BC Phone 1750 Brown z50 Cal Pow Bales 910 1510 1427 C Cel 81 pr 400 CIL 140 Cdn Oil 700 CP: 260 150 275 CPR Cdn Pet pr C Vickers Cockshutt 225 Coghlin 175 Con M and § 225 Dis Seag xd 465 D Bridge 225 x 100 ---Y 25 -" 23 -1 19% -- % 15 -1 Du Pont to 1 lam: 1 MONTREAL MONTREAL 11:30 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press 25 § 220 § Br iH Que "Nat Gas wn Que Pow Roe AV Can we % 124 Salada-S B Shawin Chawin A 36 Sher Will pr Sicks Simpsons Steel Can Steinbg pr T-Dom rts Tr Can PL 822 Un Steel 15% Walk GW Webb Knapp Weston A Zellers Ang Pulp Ang Nfld C Dom Sug 85 Chr Seca I Pa 1285 Hom "Oilcloth 3 10 +490,000 Que Phone Reitmans Shop Save Tooke Tooke pr T Fin A 50 Trans Mt 1475 YI Amuse A z10 Westeel 100 Exchange--Nov. 21 Windsor Hot z10 Xr--Exe Anthonlan Bateman Belechase Bonny ville Bornite Bul Jn 11:30 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 37 7% + Y% 34 34 29% 29% -- % 2 EY Canuba Cassiar Cent Del Chipman C Bi Ore Falcon Fatima Fundy Futurity Gold Age Gunnar Haitian Hollinger Iso Uran Labrador Monpre Montgary N Mylama N Pac Coal N Santiago 1050 1800 3500 z100 +11 + 6600 3300 2500 Paudash Foreupine Portage St L River Steep R Tache FF 3 FESS 2000 1700 923 6500 Tazin 3000 Tib Expl 6000 Ti 2600 3800 Asbestos Sales to 11:30 a.m.: 150 100 $102 600 5 $94 1799 13 13 100 690 690 = re Speomuggysyesy FER 360 360 $25% 25% $12 10%. $33% 33% 33% -- 410 410 $34% 34% M4 a 34% Assets U Bank of Nova Scotia continued to make increasing use of the bank's deposit and borrowing services during the year ended Oct. 31, 1958, the BNS annual statement indicates. By the end of the fiscal year just closed the hank's assets have surged upward by $348 mil- lion to a new peak of $1,704,000. This represented an increase dur- ing the year of 26 per cent, the largest in the bank's history. Net profit for the year was $5,241,000, an increase of 10 per cent, and earnings per share rose from dends to shareholders, including an extra distribution of 20 cents, amounted to $2.20 per share. Total deposits of BNS custom- Businessmen Come Before Gordon Board By PETER SYPNOWICH Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) committee about Ontario's 50-odd boards and commissions. ings for the three-man commit- tee appointed by Premier Frost cern about the growth of com- mission government in the prov- irce, Toronto Board of Trade, Wind- sor Chamber of Commerce and Ontario Chamber of Commerce. TORONTO -- Customers of The $2.64 in 1957 to $2.91. Divi- Business- | men today were scheduled to have their say before the Gordon | It will be the third day of hear- last May after provincial auditor Harvey Cotnam expressed con-| Briefs were expected from the | Nova Scotia Bank p High ers during the year climbed by $335 million, or 27 per cent, to a new high of $1,595,000,000. Per- sonal savings in the period were up by $91 million, or 15 per cent, and other deposits by $243 mil lion. Loans other than call, at $798 million, were up more than $138 million from the preceding year, reflecting the continuing growth in the bank's business in Canada {and abroad. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 21, 1958 L Exchanges May Be Amalgamated TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's three biggest stock exchanges-- one at Toronto and two at Mont- real -- may merge to form a single trading market which would have an annual furnover But, say the men who the markets, the "may" The new exchange, which prob- of more than $2,600,000,000. e oud be emphasized. Hear . . . writers in Christendom teaching has been on the world over. THis is SUNDAY -- 11 Calvary Bap ormAN P. Gruss NOTED CHRISTIAN LEADER Normon Grubb Is one of the most widely read todcy. Author, Lec- turer, Missionary and Traveller, his devotional inspiration to people an unusal opportunity, TONIGHT -7.45 AM., 7 P.M. tist Church (CENTRE AND JOHN) ably would be known as the Cana dian Stock Exchange if it about, would have a share trading volume; the and Canadian exchanges year exceeded 1,100,000, shares. id JAMES L. STRAITH . The dppointment of James L Straith as Automotive Soles Mana- ger of The Glidden Company Limited has just been announced by Mr. Lewis W. Lowson, Execu- tive Vice-President ond Managing Director of the Company. Mr. Straith brings to his new position a wealth of associated experience which is both practical and technical. For the lost two years Mr. Straith has been serving as on Automotive Sales Repre- sentative for Glidden. Prior fo that time Mr, Straith had been associated with the automotive industry in both Canada and the United States, In his new copacity, Mr. Straith will devote his entire time to ser- vice, sales and product develop ment for the Canadian Automotive industry. +15 Industrials 39,900; Mines and ofls 126,300. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT youngsters involved this year, all [it between the ages of 15 and 19. make out monthly reports. They operated 22 companies. the junior executives must | About 70 per cent of them wind | | Sale Deal Halted ' By Stockholders OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS RECREATION ROOM BUILDING IDEAS AND MATERIALS Your Headquarters for "They do everything them- {up with a small profit, Mr. Twy-| selves from registering the com-|man said, but all gain experi- pany to selling the product," said |ence. Roy Twyman, executive director] Twenty-one of the 22 firms this|have voted down a proposal to of the centre. year were in manufacturing. The sell the firm's assets to Tewtzon) Their advisers from parent other was the Bank of Progress, (Inc. for a cash price of $5897,- firms are experts in production, sponsored by the Bank of Mont- 600. sales and management. |real and acting as banker for the| The vote was 67,101 in favor tol Production is confined to two other companies. {41,688 against, falling short by | hours, one night a week, for 31! One firm was making and sell-| 11,587 of getting the necessary | umbia Forest Products Ltd., had turer in October, 1957, with on: IOS, Besides registering the|ing barbecue torches, another | two - thirds vote of outstanding | net profits before taxes of only ecutiyes from B.C. Forest Prod-|company, deciding what they are|jewelry from B.C.'s semi-pre- stockholders for approval of the $65.33 when it went into volun-|ucts as advisers. It had slightly going to sell and actually selling|cious stones. |sale. tary liquidation, but the firm was|more than $100 in capital. idered a solid When it went into voluntary JA. Enterprise Co. was formed liquidation last May, its record | for another purpose besides prof-|books showed sales of $551. It re-| PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP)--| | American Screw Co. stockholders Company Big Success Despite Low Profits VANCOUVER (CP) -- A "sub-; J. A. Enterprise opened up for| sidiary" of the giant British Col- business as a tie-rack manufac-| You will be amazed how easy and economical it is to transform a drab and uninviting basement or room its. It gave a dozen youngsters invaluable experience in business operation from the production stage to administration and from selling to financing. J;A. Enterprise was one of] about 25 firms sponsored by the Junior Achievement of B.C., an organization financed and sup- ported by Vancouver business- men. Its aim: to give teenagers praetical experience in running a business under free enterprise. paid its 219 shareholders their original 50-cent contributions and declared a final dividend of 10 per cent. | There are only three junior achievement centres in Canada-- one here, one in suburban New Westminster and another in Windsor, Ont. In the: United States, where the scheme was started about 30 years ago, there are hundreds of them. The Vancouver centre had 315 THE VERY BEST- COSTS NO MORE Save On into one of the most attractive and useful rooms in your home . . . Start to plan now and come in and see us for professional advice that doesn't cost you a penny. You Definitely Save at OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS On the Largest And Most Complete Variety and Stock of Wall Panelling . . . Plywoods, Masonite and Gypsum Products . . . Ceiling, Wall, and Floor Tile . .. All At Unbeatable Prices. A TYPICAL OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCT SAVING The beauty of LAUAN mahogany plywood in plain or Randum scored panelling at synthetic Rotary Cut Lauan Mahogany Panels panelling prices. 1 6 Square foot 1 5 AVAILABLE IN CONVENIENT 4' x 7' OR 4' x 8' PANELS Winter. Seal JAL-0-SEE ALUMINUM COMBINATION JALOUSIE 1S YOUR CAR ZTE CE | | | 7 FULLY OPERATING PLATE-GLASS LOUVRES Havi-duty commercial closer (at no extra cost) Deluxe hardware Wind chain o Keyed lock automotives type Adjustable internal vinyl bottom sweep Includes aluminum mesh sereen Stainless steel piano type hinges See Us BEFORE Your Car Breaks Down! . Randum Scored Lauan Mahogany Panels Square foot RRR FP ST SB TN Storm-Screen Doors Self-Storing NOW wn ORL A CONVENIENT REPAYMENT PLAN . . . 36 MONTHS TO PAY Free Estimates on All Your Building and Remodelling Needs ! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom 84 Simcoe St. S. -- RA 8-1617 Courtice -- RA 8-1611 7 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You Bowmanville -- MA 3-2130 Ajax ZEnith 2-9600 ® DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. © Don't 'ignore minor car problems. "One" repair now can save "nine" later on . . . and a big bill! We take great pride in honest, thorough, quality work that's backed by a guarantee. ® PRECISION MOTOR OVERHAUL ® AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDING ® COMPLETE ENGINE TUNE-UP SPECIAL 4% INSTALLED BEFORE YOU BUY ANY STORM DOORS OR WINDOWS, CALL LES EVENISS SALES LTD. AND SAVE. ® PAY NOTHING DOWN eo EASY TERMS ® IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Inquire About Our Free Draw LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA RA 5-4632 Cold weather ahead come in and have your Anti- Freeze checked. McLELLAN TIRE & BATTERY LTD. 38 PRINCE ST. RA 5-1021 (Corner of Prince ond Bond)

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