Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Nov 1958, p. 10

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[0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 21, 1958 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' In UAW i's no wonder Tony Refresh- ments are undefeated in the UAW Hockey League, in accordance with official statistics released today league statistician Leonard Brisebois. No less than three players all of the league-leading Tony's find themselves tied for top spot in -- "BACK AT THE DESK, after another pleasant and happy so- Journ in "the bush," we find things have been happening sports- around these parts and throughout the country, during our wolfe session, Missed the 'wind-up of the Big Four schedule and first couple of playoff games of course, but according to the boys who have been watching things closely, it's to be Ham. ton Tiger-Cats all the way--and they have the idea around here too. that they mean just that--all the way not just as Big Four champions, to be settled this Saturday in Hamilton, but also they're picking Ti-Cats to retain the Grey Cup with a successful performance in the classic, whether against Edmonton Eskimos or the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Which it will be, is to be settled tomorrow afternoon in Winnipeg and that one could be a toss-up. We saw Wednesday night's game and it looked as if the Eskimos were just too good for the Blue Bombers but we hear from those whe saw the other game, that Winnipeg made Esk'es look just as goalie 3 bad right in Edmonton -- so that being the case, anything can|g n goals ag inst aver: happen, and probably will! Meanwhile, here in the East, Hamil-|age with a sparkling eh ton Tiger-Cats should be a lead-pipe cinch to not only protect age. Melnick also holds ue p's their lead but maybe even add to the margin, on total points. [only shutout, registered i : day when he blanked Belko Redy The hockey picture is still interesting, although actually, (nix 40, there has heen little change in the past couple of weeks. Once again this Sunday morn- Seems as if there's no stopping those Whitby Dunlops and of ing at the Bowmanville Arena an- course, that's a happy situation, to which none of the hockey Smith and Bill Berwick share the honos each having 11 points. Pivot Keith 'Bradley breaks Tony's monopoly in the scoring derby with 10 points, followed closely by teammate Gordie Ban- non, Joe Reid and Bob Sutton each with 9. Harold Ford has 8, and Frank Sutton and Keith West each have 7, to round out the top ten, Still another Refreshment play- er, goalie Joe Melnick leads the 'Tony's Unbeaten scoring. Bobby Irvine, "Sambo" Be NHL Race Closes Up As Stampeders And Quakers In Tie ™ FIGHTS LAST NIGHT P 10-Pin Tournament SASEATOON (CP) -- Calgary The first annual ten pin tourna- Red Wings Tie With Habs utes later Alex Delvecchio made it 43 for the visitors. Dickie Moore got that one back after 10 i of hard pressure play. Montreal threatened in the third, outshooting Wings 10-5, but on tap. At 10:00 am. Maddoeks the second maf of the double header at 11:30 a.m., Hoy Paving clash with Belko. By BEN WARD Canadian Press Staff Writer Ai walk away from the rest of the National Hockey League look Stamp s Quak- ers battled to a 22 overtime tie in a hard-fought Western Hockey Leagu: The r¢ standings of the teams. place in the prairie division, one point in front of Saskatoon By THE ASSOCIATED PRFSS St. Paul. Mian.--De) Flanagan, 150%, St. Paul, outpointed Gil Turner, 149%, Philadelphia, 1 Los Angeles--Noel Humphreys, 129, Charleston, W.Va. outpointed Little Cezar, 130, Manila, 10, ment will be rolled at the Oshawa Bowling Lanes this Saturday, No vember 22. Everyone is invited to come and see this fine display of ten. pin howling, afternoon and eve ning. e game Thursday night i did not change the Calgary holds down second » wei shaky these days. Canadiens are in front by a slender margin with four clubs breathing down their necks. Detroit Red Wings Thursday night battled the Habs to a 4-4 tie in Montreal Forum, where the de- fending Stanley Cup champions used to tear other hockey teams to shreds. It was Habs' fourth straight home game without a win. HOWE SHOWS WAY Wings had the lead three times, beginning with a 20 edge in the first four minutes of the opening period when Gordie Howe and Norm Ullman put shots past Jac- ques Plante, Bernie Geoffrion and Jean Bel- iveau got Montreal back into con- tention later in the period only to have Howe send Wings ahead again in the dying seconds, Beliveau's second goal squared things in the second but two min- Terry Sawchuk put on a sparkl- ing performance in the Detroit nets before 14,565 fans. COULD LOSE LEAD | Canadiens will have to find] their missing power this weekend | to stay on top of the heap. Wings | and New York Rangers are tied | for second place just two points |behind the champs. Chicago Black Hawks and Boston Bruins are three points away. About the only club Habs don't have to worry about is Toronto Maple Leafs, on the bottom 10 Hoy Paving TOP SCORERS 3 SumeveSERRT Irvine, Tony's Smith, Tony's Berwick, Tony's Bradley, Maddock's Bannon, Maddock's J. Reid, Tony's B. Sutton, Tony's Ford, Maddock's F, Sutton, Maddock's West, Tony's GOALTENDERS RECO! GP GA Melnick, Tony's Maddock, Maddocks Vanstone, Belko Kunkel, Hoy's Fielder, Maddocks Shaw, Belko ELT SCORER TN ~ SENN NuNeE Saturday night and visits Boston Sunday night. | In other weekend action Detroit | is at Boston Saturday afternoon and New York visits Toronto Sat- | urday night. Sunday night Toronto moves into Chicago and Detroit | is at New York. A SVL atta aB¥S we ococo0om RAGA other full schedule of games are fans in this area is objecting. If they keep it up, they'll win | Rule Jas. Norris bat bare hn ot i ee Smo coms | Sir woe Hall Basketball In the National Hockey League, Montreal Canadiens are not making quite the runaway of the schedule race as could have been expected with Rangers, Roston and Detroit all having a lot to say about the eventual playoff berths. Only one thing appears ceriain, Toronto Leafs aren't going to make the playoffs, in fact, they may not even get out of the cellar and if that hanpens--where will the axe fall this time ? BRIGHT BITS: Didn't get'a chance to mention it earlier MINOR LEAGUE | but one of Oshawa's oldest baseball pitchers, Denver Wilson, was Nov. 22--10:00 Bolahood Sports| celebrating his 80th birthday yesterday and he's got a memory|vs Jaycee Blues, 11.00 CKLB vs| on sports subjects especially, that is just as sharp as his curve|Police Assoc. was, when he pitched for Oshawa, over a half-century ago Nov. 29 -- 10.00 Firefighters vs| SOMEWHAT BELATED, but none the less sincere, we extend, on|Jaycee Blues, 11.00 Bolahood| behalf of the local sports fraternity, sincere sympathy to mem-|Sports vs CKLB. bers of the bereaved families of D. Frank Johnston. a keen sports| Dec. 6 -- 10.00 Police Assoc. vs follower and outdoor enthusiast; Art Germond, one of Oshawa's|Bolahood Sports, 11.00 CKLB vs| veteran curlers and Boris Shelenkoff, former local softball play-|Firefighters. er and sponsor. all of whom passed away since we wrote our | Dec. 13 -- 10.00 Jaycee Blues last column LOCAL LEAGUE action, in the Civil Service vs CKLB, 11.00 Police Assoc. vs| Hockey League, Mercantile Hockey League and the various has-|Firefighters. | ketball leagues holding forth at Simcoe Hall, is in high gear on| Dee:*20 -- 10.00 Firefighters vs) all fronts JACK O'REILLY, coach of Kelowna Packers got|Bolahood Sports, 11.00 Jaycee| himself quoted yesterday as saying the Russian style of close|Blues vs Police Assoc. checking is keeping his team from winning games--which is just | Teams and their coaches (from| about the most unnecessary observation to appear in print this|Y's Men's Club). year Police Association, Walt Bathe Neighborhood Association "i... scsi. sm Announce Pee Wee Games v's | John| Saturday, Nov. 22 -- 8.30 - 9.10ja.m., Sunnyside vs Southmead;|/BYPDY LEAGUE . a.m., Storie vs Connaught; 9.15 -|9.15 - .955 a.m., Woodview vs| Nov. 22 -- 9.00 St. John Cadets 9.55 a.m., Radio vs Bathe; 10.00-(Fernhill; 10.00 - 10.40 a.m., Run-|Vs Parts and Service and 9.30 10.40 a.m., Fernhill vs Kingside: [dle vs Radio; 10.50 - 11.30 a.m.,/Centre Street Cubs vs Jaycee 10.50 - 11.30 a.m., Southmead vs|North Oshawa vs Storie: 11,35 -| Whi rh North Oshawa; 11.35 - 12.15 a.m., (12.15 a.m., Kingside vs Eastview,| 29 -- 9.00 Jaycee Whites | Valleyview vs Rundle, and 12.20- land 12.20 - 1.00 p.m., Bathe vs Vs Bill's Jadgers and 9.30 Parts 1.00 p m, Sunnyside vs Wecdview,| Connaught and Service vs Centre Street Saturday, Nov. 29 -- 8.30 - 9.10 v. 2% -- 80 - 'ubs. : i am. Eastview vs Bathe; 9.15 -/5 Saturday: Jan 2 vs 85 210 3 Dec. 6 = 9.00 Lone Sect! 9.55 a.m: Storie vs Kingside; |g 15 - 9.55 a.m., Sunnyside vs Cubs vs St John ade +] 2) i | 10.00 - 10.40 a.m., Radio vs North| Radio; 10.00 - 10.40 a.m., Wood- Bill's Badgers vs Parts and § Oshawa; 10.50 - 11.30 a.m., Fern-|yiew vs Storie: 10.50 - 11.30 a.m..|VIC® hill ve Rundle; 11.35 - 12.15 a.m..|Ryndle vs Eastview: 11.35-12.15 Southmead vs Woodview, and|am ~~ North Oshawa vs Con. 20 -A00 pm. Valleyview vSinaught, and 12.20 - 1.00 p.m." "0'" 300" Bill's Badzers| Saturday, Dec. 6 -- 8.30 - 9.10 kingside vs Bathe, vs Centre Street Cubs and 9.30 a.m., Connaught vs Kingside: Saturday, Jan. 31 -- 8.30 - 9.10 Jaycee Whites vs St. John Cadets. 9.159.55 a.m., Eastview vs North|2: M+ Southmead vs Radio: 9.15. Teams and their coaches: Oshawa; 10.00 - 10.40 a.m. Storie| .55 a.m. Valleyview vs Storie:| (entre Street Cubs,+Don and vs Rundle: 1050 - 11.30 am. 0-00 - 1040 a.m., Sunnyside vs Harold Whitbread. Radio vs Woodview; 11.35 - 5|Easty 10.50 11.30 a.m... parts and Service, Bill Mikla vs Connaught: 11.35-| Jaycee Whites, Rick Salway 12.15 a.m., Rundle vs Bathe, and] Si John Cadets. Dave Kelly. ews. n Firefighters Association, Muha and Don Brunt, Bolahood Sportshaven, Hewett and Art Goodall. Clem 13 -- 9.00 St. John Cadets | vs Bill's Badgers and 9.30 Parts and Service vs Jaycee Whites. YY vs a NS N For the first time . . all these fea- tures in shimmer- ing stainless steel, for lifetime wear at such an amazing low price. a.m., Fernhill vs Sunnyside, and 9 . , Southme vs Valleyview. pam. Southmead VS|12%0 . 1.00 p.m., North Oshawa| Bis Badgers, Bill Horton. Saturday, Dec. 13 -- 8.30 - 9.108 Kingside. MAJOR LEAGUE am. Bathe vs North Oshawa:| Saturday, Feb 7 -- 830 - 9.10, Nov. 22 -- Ont. Steel "A" 's vs 9.15 - 9.55 am. Connaught vs|a.m., Fernhill vs Storie: 9.15-9.55 Jaycee Rockets. Rundle; 10.00 - 10.40 a.m., East-@m., Southmead vs Eastview:| Nov. 20 -- Ont. Steel "B" 's vs view vs Woodview: 10.50 - 11.30(10.00 - 10.40 a.m., Valleyview vs|Myndinger. | a.m., Storie vs Sunnyside; 11.35. Connaught; 10.50 11.30 am.,| Dec. 6 -- Ont. Steel "A" 's vs 12.15 a.m.. Radio vs Valleyview | Sunnyside vs Bathe; 11.35 - 12.15 Ont. Steel "B" 's. | and 12.20 - 1.00 p.m., Fernhill vs|a.m., Woodview vs Kingside, and| pec. 13 -- Jaycee Rockets Southmead 112.20 1.00 p.m., Rundle vs Mundinger. Saturday, Dec. 20 -- 8.30 - 9.10{North Oshawa Dec. 20 -- Jaycee Rockets a.m. Kingside vs Rundle: 9.15-| Saturday, Feb. 14 -- 8.30 - 910/Ont. Steel "B" 's. 9.55 am. Bathe vs Woodview:| a.m, Radio vs Eastview; 9.15: | Please note -- All games 10.00 - 10.40 a.m., Connaught vsla.m., Fernhill vs Connaught; |12 noon. Sunnyside 10.50 11.30 a.m..[10.00 - 10.40 a.m., Southmead vs Castview vs Valleyview; 11.35 -|Bathe; 10.50 - 11.30 a.m., Valley- 12.15 a.m., Storie vs Southmead,|view vs Kingside; 11.35 - 12.15 LAST NIGHT'S STARS | and 12.20 - 1.00 p.m., Radio vs|a.m., Sunnyside vs North Osh | Fernhill |awa, and 12.20 - 1.00 p.m., Wood By THE CANADIAN PRESS Saturday, Dec. 27 8.30 - 9.10|view vs Rundle Gordie Howe of Detroit Red am. North Oshawa vs Wood-| Playoffs -- Two game total goal Wings who got two goals and as- | view: 9.15 - 9.55 a.m., Kingside|series -- Feb. 21, 28; March 7,|sisted on another as Detroit tied vs Sunnyside; 10.00 -10.40 a.m..|14, 21 and 23. Canadiens 4-4 in Montreal. Bathe vs Valleyview; 10.50 -11.30| a.m. Connaught vs Southmead:| 11.35 - 12.15 a.m., Eastview vs WEAR THE WATCH Fernhill and 12.20 - 1.00 m . . Storie vs Radio, PM Designed in Honor of . . . Saturday. Jan. 3 8.30 - 9.10 a.m., Rundle vs Sunnvside: 9.15 - 9.35 a.m.. North Oshawa vs Val-| % leyview: 10.00 . 10.40 a.m., King- side vs Southmead; 10.50 - 11.30 a.m., Bathe vs Fernhill; 11.35 - 12.15 a.m., Connaught vs Radio- and 1220 - 1.00 p.m., Eastview vs Storie Saturday, Jan. 10 -- 8.30 . 9.10 am. Woodview vs Valleyview; 9.13 - 9.55 a.m., Rundle vs South- mead; 10.00 - 10.40 a.m., North Oshawa vs Fernhill; 10.50 - 11.30 a.m., Kingside vs Radio; 11.35 - 12.15 a.m., Bathe vs Storie, and 12.20 - 1.00 p.m., Connaught vs Eastview Saturday, 'Jan. 17 -- 8.30 - 9.10 By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League ELT FA ALL NEW 1959 =U] Ne)V/.\ 5590 Ideal for Sports! Montreal New York De roit Chico Boston £ Toronto 510 36 Thursday's Resul Detroit 4 Montreal 4 Saturday's Games Chicago at Montreal New York at Toronto Detroit at Boston Sunday's Games Montreal at Boston Toronto at Chicago Detroit at New York Eastern OHA Sp WL 63 CH {RET At Only As little 88 "1 A WEEK On sale at better jewellers A ¥ 0 68 43 Whitby Belleville 6 Cornwall 5 Hull - Ottawa 4 41 Kingston 39 1% Thursday's Result Hull-Ottawa . Cornwall 6 Tonight's Game Whitby at Belleville i everywhere! see that BULOVA difference! | Too Ill To Appear League Dates the extension of his suspension un- | this year. guarantee for becoming a pro. make a minimum of 15,000 pounds on a percentage basis. Cornwall Chevies Move Into Third By THE CANADIAN PRESS At Cornwall Chet Melski scored | The underdogs had their day in|the first goal for the hosts at 2:29 | both divisions of Ontario Hockey |of the first and tallied again in| Association senior A hockey the second while singles went to Thursday night. Reg Grigg, Guy Henri, Gord Cornwall Chevies replaced Hull-|Haughton and Ray Laplante. | Ottawa Canadiens in third place| Twenty-year-old Claude Richard in the eastern division by defeat-|kept his place in the top 10 scor-| ing them 6-3 while in the OHA- |ers with two goals for the losers. | NOHA group, North Bay Trap-| The other Canadiens goal was | pers now share last place with by Guy Black. Sudbury Wolves after a 7-5 win| Belleville McFarlands have over Sault Ste. Marie Grey-|amassed 48 individual scoring. 4 hounds. points for their players in the last | Six players scored two goals two games and the second-place | each in the two games. eastern division club will have a At North Bay, trappers' George chance to prove whether it has Gosselin nd Ches Koneczny caught fire when it plays first- scored in one-two style in both place Whitby Dunlops tonight at the first and second periods. Tony | Belleville, Poeta added a single and Cleland scored a pair in the NEW YORK (AP)--James D. Norris, former president of the| International Boxing Club, Thurs. ay was ruled too sick to make| an appearance before a grand jury investigating corruption in boxing. Acting on a medical report, Su- preme Court Justice Jacob Mar- kowitz quashed a subpoena call- ing for Norris to testify before the grand jury. He held that for Nor- ris to appear 'would endanger his health and life.' Justice Markowitz based his de- cision on a report by a court-ap- pointed physician who said Nor- ris is suffering from 'advanced heart disease." The physician is Dr. A. Wilbur Duryee, a New York cardiologist. In his report to Justice Mar- kowitz, Dr. Duryee wrote in pait: '"My findings indicate advanced heart disease with a markedly en- larged heart and in a state of Mortson mild decompensation." | third. BURNEY , 3 TWO FOR Mc NE ; | Greyhound scorers were Jim series of McBurney who tallied in the sec-| TILDEN ond and got the game's last goal| TIPS Mervyn Rose | Tk x . ' late in the t! ir A ary Yona, John| Joins Kramer's [ion sin ire Pro Netters G A BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- The Buifalo areca was hit by gale SYDNEY, Australia (AP)--Mer.| Winds as strong as 60 miles an vyn Rose, suspended Australian hour Davis Cup doubles star, turpe!, Many reports Wednesday, There were of property dam-| professional Thursday. He will|age but no personal Injuries. Join Jack Kramer's tonring tennis 5 troupe. | The announcement came only | one day after the 28-vear-old left- hander had threatened to do some | "straight talking" about the ex-| penses of other Austrahan tennis luminaries. This outburst wes provoked by One of a pra iota YOUR PROBLEM SOLVED! Heating Problem ? for the tinest in e OIL HEATING til at least Jan. 31, 1959. The Lawn Tennis Association of Aus. | tralia had suspended him (hree | months before for irregularities in | his expenses for an overseas tour [§ ® GAS WATER HEATERS Installation by Experts o GAS HEATING The extension would have kept him out of the Davis Cup chal- lenge round and the Australian championships. It may hurt Aus-| tralia's chances of retaining the | cup. Rose will when you need a car as private end } convenient as your own, use @ W. Borrowdale HEATING SALES Telephone RA 3-4878 not receive a big Kramer said his new recruit will 45 King Strect East SAVE & SAVE & SAVE the CASH & CARRY WAY EE -- -- -- -- -- -- GE G-- G-- -- O-- -- -- -- -- | RECREATION ROOM PANELS PRE-FINISHED V-PLANK HARDBOARD Here is a beautiful wood grained " panel available in two finishes, light oak and bleached mahogar.. Easy to cut and easy to apply. Less than 15V2¢ per foot. 4' x 8 x Va" PANELS our 4,96 ECONOMY HARDBOARD Here is a panel with a hundred uses for the handy man. Ideal for closing in a fruit cellar, laundry room, etc. Less than 5V4¢ per foot. ONLY PEE EET Re ". MAHOGANY PLYWOOD First grade, beautiful grained 4' x 8' x {ths panels. If you are building a Rumpus Room be sure to see these before you buy. Less than 12V2¢ per foot. ONLY FIRST QUALITY LINOLEUM TILE It costs less than $20 to cover a floor 9' x 12' with our stand- ard gauge 9" x 9" tile. ; Only 1.19 Only Qc each | RY Cr -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GE GS -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- TOP-QUALITY OVERHEAD ALUMINUM DOORS GARAGE DOORS INCLUDES: Why struggle with thet old sagging door en your porage? Replace it tedoy with one of our smartly TWO GLASS INSERTS styled Floet-away Grey Primed, Steel Doors. So ONE SCREEN INSERTS sasy te instell yourself. DOOR CLOSER 8x7" . . . ONLY 56.50 WIND CHAIN 2 for $170 ATTRACTIVE DOOR LATCH HINGES, ETC. xT [I EB | ONLY 62.00 Px&x1" Plywood Underlay Less than 7Vac per foot. ($33,600) in the next year playing RA 5.6553 GOLFERS - ATTENTION SOUTHVIEW GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED (BOWMANVILLE) is pleased to announce that MR. HARLEY TRUDELLE has been granted a licence by the Securities Commission of Ontario to act as agent for the sale of shares for this newly completed golf course. PREFERRED SHARES 59% (Non Cumulative) . COMMON SHARES (Alloted Four Common to One Preferred) ACT IMMEDIATELY -- VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF SHARES AVAILABLE No initiation fee to holders of preferred shares-- -- CONTACT -- MR. HARLEY R. TRUDELLE 102 MUSKOKA AVE. RA 5-1750 For a copy of perspectus and further information (12" high grill, 3.29 extra) 2 for 3120 SIZES 2'8" x 6'8"--2'10" x 610" B'x6'6" . . ONLY 58.50 20.05 (BXP . . . ONLY 126.50 6x7 . . . ONLYI26.50 ALUMINUM FOIL Insulate your home today with aluminum foil. Ideal for re- creation room, too. Available in rolls 36" wide. Covers 500 square feet. ONLY 3.95 PER ROLL ARBORITE 12 colors now in stock 4x8 x1/16" Only 49Q¢ Foot Wood grained patterns, 4c extra. ARBORITE CEMENT AN doors come with » herdwere. Glosed' lights extre--$4.00 per pele. SAVE ON SANDED FIR PLYWOOD Va'"x4'x8' ...oovvee. 10.9 38 x48" .......... 15.8 Y2"%x4'x8' .coivnei.. 197 5%" 'x4'x8' ....00.... 28.7 7.58 34'"x4'x8' 268 8.58 FIR SHEATHING Foot Sheet 1%" Standard 4' x 8' ... 9.4 3.01 3%' Standard 4' x 8' .. 10.5 3.36 V2! Standard 4'x8' ... 14.9 4.77 5" Standard ....... 19.3 '6.18 CEILING TILE PRIMED WHITE 12 x 12 9.3 Phot 3.4 5.06 £30 ses essen 16 x 16 ' PER SQUARE FT, Two Cashway Stores to Serve You BROOKLIN REDIFIT SUPPLY and LUMBER CASHWAY LUMBER JUNCTION OF NO. 7 & 12 HWYS. 3 BLOCKS WEST OF THE 5 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA PHONE BROOKLIN 209 PHONE AJAX 1450

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