Pel GPTRPR cp ea g2ret Harding: PG Sister Kay Elliott; PGP Sister Mable Dis- ney. A donation of a typewriter was |given to the Retarded Children's {Association It as also voted to purchase & chair for the cerebral of Palsy children. Sister Emma Larke reported teat Sisters Dorothea a. Anne Stevens and Tva McCabe were on the sick list Sister Mary Shield is conven- Harmony H&S Ass'n Pythian Sisters ' November Meeting Hold Banquet Harmony Home and School As For Grand Chief |facialion boa go R : on. ing Tecanly. Mist a] The November meeting of th The minutes were read by Mrs, [Pythian Sisters took the form of | Kenneth Williams and the trea-a banquet in honor of the Grand surer's report by Mrs. Johnicpier sister Fern Latimer. (Wheeler. - The meeting was opened with es Oden thanked he wa, the manager, Sister Ann Holt, |ing the children's Christmas Iserved refreshments at Fairview escorting the irand Temple visit- party to be held on December 18. {Lodge. A rummage sale was dis- ors to the dais for introduction. Grand Chief, Sister Fern Latle |cussed and Mrs. Gordon Garri-| Grand honors were given to mer and visitors addressed the {son will be convener and a com-|Grand Chief, Sister Fern, Lati.| meeting briefly. MEC Sister Jean |mittee was appointed to assist|mer: grand whanager, Sister Fitches presented the Grand her. {Beatrice Edwards. 2 e Sister Chief with a gift from the Temple. | Mrs. James Hare, correspond-| Marie Lavender; , Sister Ada |ing secretary, gave her report. |Gillard; PGC, Sister Jessie had vi i fest ya Pecenibet | The principal, Mr. Ruvert Har- Goyne: PGR, Sister Edith Stein; | e the Christmas party rison, commented on the report PSR, Sister Iva Cliff, PG Sister 8d members were reminded of cards soon to be issued. There is Bertha Lewis; PG, Sister Mar- their Pythian pals. Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Edifor Diol RA 3-3474| 8 THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Wednesday, November 19, 1958 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES NAVAL VETERANS' AUX. 4TH GROUP COMMITTEE The regular bi-monthly meet-| The Fourth Group Committee| ing of the Oshawa Naval Veter- of the Girl Guide Association held| ans' Auxiliary was held at the its monthly meeting at Radio| [te be a new report card for kin- h Navy Club, Simcoe street south. Park club house with the presi-| The meeting was p president. Mrs. George Preston, secretary read the minutes of the las meeting. The treasurer's repor was given by Mrs. Henry Monag han's. The main part of the busines: meeting was taken up by prepar ing the order for Christmas pre from forms mailed by member 12 years and under. Plans were made for thi Saturday, December 13 at Oshawa boulevard north. Refreshments were served by| ! [the social convener, Mrs. Edward Quinn, Two lucky draws were won [Mrs. Percy Tullock and Mrs George Preston. The next meetin id 'MR Family, Friends Honor Cotiple Celebrating Silver Anniversary Mr. §nd Mrs, Vincent Kolodzie ski, pastor of St. Hed were guests of honor recently at|Church, Mr, Joseph Halik, mas- a surpPise reception held at the| ter of ceremonies; Mrs. John Polish Hall, Olive avenue, on the Gorycki, the maid-of-honor of 25 occasign of their 25th wedding years ago, and three ushers, anniversary. |Walter Kocoj and Mr. Waiter They: were married in St. Greg: Kolesnik of Oshawa, and Mr. aq by prayer. ory the Great Roman Catholic/ Frank Sobanski of Toronto, Church: : | Among the gifts received was Mrs, Kolodzie is the former a broadioom rug and two silver| Mary Goleski, daughter of Mr. candelabra from all the guests;|charge of the devotional period. and Mgs. Anthony Goleski of Osh- blankets from the brides par-/Mrs. H. A. Mellow took for the awa. is an active member ents; an electric fry pan from|study period the chapter on the of the: Polish Women's Soclety|the brides sisters, Mrs. Thomas Caribbean area. Opening the Branch. 21, and St. Hedwig's Krout and Mrs. Paul Hulaj; two(study with questions of what is Women's Auxiliary. Mr. Kolodzie table lamps from Mr. Anthony/known of the Carribean area, is the son of the late Mr, and Kolodzie, a nephew; a fancy Mrs. Pickering gave the intro- Mrs. Kolodzie of Kakolowka, Po-| casserole from friends, Mr, and duction to the study. Mrs, Mellow . AND MRS. VINCE NT KOLODZIE NORTHMINSTER WMS lors. reports were given. resided over| dent, Mrs. Melville Coolidge, by Mrs. George Stonebridge, the sents for all members children) showing the number of children Christmas party which is to be on acki, p.m. in the Sea Cadet Barracks, | by ,.| The regular meeting of the Wig's| Northminster United Chur e h/serve. [WMS was held in the ladies' par- Mrs. R. B. Galbraith, presi- Mr. |qent, opened the meeting with a |reading, "Thanksgiving," follow- | The secretary's and treasurer's| Mrs. John Pickering was in| pre- siding. 1 | The secretary, Mrs. John :| Black, read the minutes and Mrs. | t| Harold Mosier gave the treasur-| tler's report. It was decided to! -|donate ten dollars to the Park! for the use of the club house. The election of officers was as! follows: president, Mrs, Melville Coolidge; vice - president, Mrs. Harold Mosier; treasurer, Mrs. | Harold Braund; secretary, Mrs.| John Black; social convener, | Mrs. Gordon Channing; telephone] conveners, 'Mrs. Edward Ginger-| Mrs. Dorland Windover, | Mrs. Howard Read, Mrs. Kelth McGregor; card convener, Mrs. James Parker. Plans were made for a Christ-| |mas tea to be held in the Scout {hall, Gibbons street, on Decem: |ber 6, from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m, Mrs. Seymour Bigwood will be in ] 3 8 g will be held charge of the apron booth, Mrs at the home of Mrs, Henry Mon- John Gaskell and Mrs. Richard aghan on Wednesday, Noyember Crouter, the home cooking booth, |Mrs, Melville Coolidge, Mrs, Dor- land Windover and Mrs. Harold (Mosier, the tea room. The Guides| will have a booth and will also The next meeting will be a pot {luck supper and the officers will| [be installed, Mrs. William Gard-| |ner, Guide Captain, told of the | Guides' weekend camping trip to| Camp Samac when campers, fire| making, and bed roll badges were | |passed. Mrs. Windover served re- {freshments. | | NAVY LEAGUE AUXILIARY | The regular meeting of the |Oshawa Navy League Auxillary | was held at the Sea Cadet Hall, |Oshawa boulevard north. | | The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Fred Star- "FIRST COUSINS These Pankiw cousins both have a birthday this month. On the left is Mark Stephen, aged three on November 5, and on the right is Alex Harry, who is five today. Mark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pankiw and grandson of Mrs. Fanny Ryshik, Port Credit. Alex is / |dergarten and some |the primary report cards. Mr. Harrison felt that the par- | 4 | ents should be brought up to date on thé Board of Health ruling for communicable diseases since {there had beeh an outbreak of | measles recently at the school. | He advised that the school nurse) {would be in attendance all day |Friday and each Tuesday morn- MORRISON FURS SPECIAL CLEARANCE OF THE REMAINING SMOKED MERCHANDISE CAR COATS Nougalite Jackets, fully lined ond un- conditionally guaranteed. Regulor 34.95, now WINTER COATS 25 only, pure wool tweeds. Fully inter- ined ond chamois backs. 19 95 Ll Reg. 49.95 to 59.95, now WITH CRINOLINES oops Regular 5.95, Now ; Reguler 12.95, ng | ¢ attendance shield was pre- {sented to Miss Eleanor Hughes' room for October and Mr. Harri- son's room won the room prize {with 18 parents present. | The winners of the Red Fea- ther contest for the school, Jus- tine Rose, Grade 6, and Beverly) |Grills, Grade 8, spoke. | The program was a panel dis- § 4 cussion on the three R's. Mr. I/¥ John Francom was chairman and § introduced Mrs. Gordon Loft-| house, vice-president of Home |and School Council, Mr, Ronald {Wilson and Mr. Alec Hill, teach- er of the special class for boys. A di followed. | the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex | H. Pankiw, Nassau street, Osh- | awa, and grandson of Mr, and Mrs. George Metropolyt, Osh- awa. Both the boys are the gradsons of Mr. and Mrs. Harry | Pankiw, Oshawa, --Photo by Ireland | The November meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa General Hospital presided over by the president, Mrs. £. D. Rus- sell, was opened by the Lord's Prayer followed by a minute's prayerful silence in tribute to the memory of a late beloved mem- ber, Mrs. Harold Bateman, who |passed away a week ago. Mrs, | Russell commented on Mrs. Bate- Iman's loyal service to the Auxil- |{fary, her organizing ability and her cheerful and ever willing Hospital Aux. Pays Tribute To Late Mrs. Hazel Bateman Refreshments weres erved by, the mothers of the pupils in| Grade 4. | SPORTRITE SKIRTS REVERSIBLES Discontinued plaids. Reg. 25.00, now ORLON SWEATERS Brand Nomes Cardigans, regulor 8.95, MORRISON FURS 12 KING W. OSHAWA RA 5-6312 Policewoman's Lot. An Unexciting One| SUDBURY, Ont. (CP)--Lillian | In the matter of new life ship was and it was agreed that any mem- ber of the auxiliary who so de- sired might purchase a life mem- bership for $25. Mrs. A. P. Fulton, membership convener, Introduced three new members Mrs. Margaret Doner, Whitby, and Mrs, J. G. Dancey and Mrs. D, J. McGee, and mentioned the names of two|tioning children, searching new associate members, Mrs./women prisoners and trapping| A, D. Aldridge, and Mrs. W. L.|bootl business, ai /l Harvey, Sudbury policewoman, says life 1s not exciting. She has been a member of McKim township police force | since 1085. Before that she worked as a stenographer in Sud-| -- bury and in an office' in Mont-| real. | Her present job includes ques-| land. He is president of Polish nrg Elmer DesRoches; an elec-|spoke of the people of Trinidad, Alliance Society Branch 21, and atric coffee percolator from their|the lack of leadership, the hope member of St. Hedwig's Church qaughter and 25 silver dollars|to come from the young people commiftee. from their two sons. who are training in the schools Mr. and Mrs. Kolodzie have After dinner dancing to a Pol.-|there. three children: Miss Jean Kolod-|ish orchestra was enjoyed by the] Mrs. Galbraith thanked those zie, who is music supervisor in|200 guests. {taking part. aut at the Univey.| Convemers of the reception| , §A HOME LEAGUE |quet for the Cadets. A meeting|teria by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin. sity of Toronto, and Edward, a| "ere Mrs, A. Gworzdz, Mrs. Ww. The regular meeting of the Was called for Thursday, Novem-| Reports were given by the com- student at General Motors Insti- Kocoj, Mrs. N. Stroz, Mrs. S.igalvation Army Home League ber 27 to culminate the plans for|mittee conveners and plans com- tute in Flint, Michigan. Lukow, and Mrs. S. Florek. Serv-|was held on Tuesday afternoon, the banquet. pleted under the co-convener, Upon. arrival at the reception, 8 Were Miss Jose Brearton, Mrs. (November 18. Refreshments were served by Mrs, A, P. Fulton. All. bazaar ar- Mrs. Kolodzie was presented with J. Closk, Miss Helen Filipowicz,| Mrs. William James led in the|the social convener, Mrs. Edward|ticles should be handed in by a corsage of pink rosettes. The|\iss Irene Jakacki, Mrs. W.|singing of a few choruses. Mrs. Beavis. Wednesday at the latest, Baked couple were then ushered to the Kolesnik and Miss Mary Tharan. Major Rankin led in prayer. The mothers of Navy League| goods should be taken to the hos- i « of - town guests were| Announcements were made in-| Cadets and Sea Cadets were invit-|pital Friday morning, and Mrs. eluding the bazaar and tea to be/ed to Join the Auxiliary which|Crozier asked that all ticket stubs held in the Salvation Army cita-|meets on the second Thursday of and money for the bride doll be del on Friday, November 21 at each month. turned in by 1 o'clock Friday. 2.30 p.m, Mrs. Edward Kitchens was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs. E. Savanac led in the sing- ing of a hymn. Mrs. John Me- Phee read the Scripture. Mrs. Kitchen read an article on "'Shar- ing God's Gift." Mrs. William spirit. "She will be greatly miss-|coleman, bringing our member- hi ship to 185, Mrs. C. D. Russell and Mrs, J. G. Carter gave reports on their recent attend as delegat to the Ontario Hospital Auxiliar- fies' Association in Toronto. The theme of the convention was |""Preparing for Tomorrow'. One hundred and twenty-seven auxil- |iaries last year raised over $718,- 000. key. The minutes of the last {meeting were read by the secre- |tary, Mrs. Herbert Maynard, The |treasurer's report was given by|moment was the 'Festival of (Mrs. K. W. Vall, Gifts" bazaar on Friday of this The main business was plan- week, in conjunction with the of- {ning the annual Christmas ban-|ficial opening of the new cafe- " ' sometimes frightens children. The important business at the WHAT'S BEST FOR BABY: CURING DEFECTS KINGSTON, England (CP)-- More than 200 children in Surrey were successfully treated for speech defects in the past year. tradit g march. | pr from T\ , R Othef head table guests includ-|Hill, Hamilton, Guelph, and ed the Reverend Felix Kwiatkow-| Brantford. PERSONALS The meeting of Ontario Gam-| Little items of social news are ma 'Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sig-| always welcome in this column. the most complete variety in all baby foods... HEINZ Baby Foods! the biggest, most baby-pleasing variety of all , . . available everywhere! Now more than 140 kinds . . . the nutritious Baby Foods 'THIS CHRISTMAS ma Phi was held at the home of Mrs. James Carson. After a short business meeting, during |If you are enjoying the company [of visitors or have been visiting Saunders offered prayer. Mrs. Kitchen showed colored pictures of the trip to Niagara that do your growing baby so much good! Put shoes _'. in their & stockings ! which plans were completed for|yourself, why not telephone RA the Beta Ball, a presentation was|3-3474 and share your pleasure made to Miss Joyce Atkinson who|with others. is leaving to take a position in Daytona 'Beach, Florida. The so-| Mrs. Lyman Gifford will open cial part of the evening was in|the bazaar and tea to be held at the form of a coffee party to|the Salvation Army Citadel on meet and entertain the members|Friday afternoon, November 21, of Phi Phi Chapter of Nu Phi|under the auspices of the Home Mu. League. There will be booths for aprons, children's wear, fanc Mr. Eugene E. Sparrow of To-|work, baskets, home baking pi ronto, chairman of the Ontario|Christmas gifts and cards. Mrs, Workmen's Compensation Board, Thomas Salisbury will convene is entertaining at an informal re-|the tea room and Mrs. E. O. ception, in the Piccadilly room|Sargeant and Mrs. Chris Osbourn of the Hotel Genosha this evening {will pour tea. as a desture of appreciation to his friends in Oshawa, some of whom fssisted in the arrange-| ments of his current official visit. Guests 'will include government Falls last summer. Refreshments were served by the Cheerio Group. Next week Mrs. Henry McGhee will be in charge of the devo- tional period. LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE The officers installed at the last meeting of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 222, presided at the meeting on Monday evening, No- Hr ih Afier| ober 17, in the local lodge q * - rooms. a seven-year campai local 4 and civic officials, local business|mothers ye Pampas by is| Noble Grau Snel Lelia Pine men, Metars and trade union rep-|Leing built in this Essex town. pres May Shen he TR a resentadives. Mrs. Sparrow will|When 5,000 women petitioned for lengthy sick list ' Several acknow- assist Ber husbadd in recelving|a maternity wing in 1951 a health |jedgments for favors received the guests. Miss Dorothy Rogers, ministry spokesman admit-|were also read Mr. Colin Shaw and Mr. Johnlted that Harwich, population 13,-| Sister Emily Brown as convener Hollingworth of the Board's To-/000 was the only town of its size of the recent installation ban- ronto staff will also be in attend-|in the country without any ma- |quet gave her report, and a ance. ternity hospital beds. |hearty vote of thanks was ex- -- YS SY T [tended to Sister Brown and her {committee. It was decided to send | h | Christmas gifts to. the Barrie : y oor home, and PNG Sister {Florence Johnston and PNG {Victoria MaGee will look after (this project. Ten dollars was do- {nated to the Minor Hockey » League. | Sister Demla Hutchinson was installed as outside guard by past |district deputy president, Sister Idella McCullough. Sister Hut- chinson was unable to be pres- ent when the other officers were officially installed by district de- , puty president, Sister Gloria Bai- ? {ley and staff from Brooklin Mention was made that a de- gree staff from the Orillia Re- |bekah Lodge would confer the de- gree the first meeting in Decem- 2484 ber. It was also decided to have | a draw for fowl at the Christmas meeting and conveners were ap-! pointed. Several contributions | were also received covering this | project. / Anno incement was made that | there would be a Christmas party for the members in December, | and an exchange of gifts. A party for the children of the members | would also be held that after-| noon. 4t was also decided to cater for the Mizpah Christmas Dinner ! [to be held the first Tuesday in December and conveners were appointed 'HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOODS tempt. your Mabys growing tastes with the biggest, most delicious selection of all. HEINZ BABY CEREALS smoothest, easiest-mixing cereals ever made~7 kinds to delight your baby! HEINZ FRUIT JUICES specially for babes , . . finely strained § 10 pass easily through nursing nipples. EINZ JUNIOR FOODS rfect texture to encourage your baby | (Kaufman Foamtread Hou Executive $3.98 A man will get real comfort when you give him these Kaufman Foamtreads. Made with durable corduroy uppers in colors men like. Foam rubber soles aré weld- ed on. They can't come loose! Sanitized and washable. : HEINZ TEETHING BISCUITS 0 firm and really ta wholesome treat your baby will ap en teethin 2 course!) bn se Shoes™ 0 HEINZ MEAT DINNERS nd-vegetable meals In a single tin | HEINZ MEATS FOR BABIES nada the meats with High-Quality Protein--your & baby needs it to grow sturdy and strong. Junior Sandman $2.98 These gay slippers for children have bouncy "bubble-rubber" soles . . . 80 light and comfy! Sanitized to help keep young feet healthy. Toss these shoes in the washer when they get soiled! Deb $3.98 Any woman would love these Kaufman Foamtreads. Elegantly designed of vel vet in choice of colors, embroidered in "gold" thread. So comfortable--because millions of air bubbles cradle the soles of the feet. Sanitized for foot health, and washable. The secret of Kaufman "Foamtreads" comfort and long-wear 8 * He bh NO CEMENT o NO NAILS o NG STITCHING AT BETTER STORES EVERYWHERE Made by Kaufman Rubber Co. Limited, Kitchener, Ontario AGNEW-SURPASS OSHAWA SHOPPING C RA 5-6671 DAVIDSON SHOE STORE LTD. 31 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5.3312 MEMBER OF THE BETTER SHOE GUILD HOUSTON SHOES WHITBY PLAZA PHONE MO 8-4901 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENT MODEL SHOE STORE 32 SIMCOE ST. §. RA 5-1521 DANCEY BROS. 18 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1833 MEMBER OF THE BETTER SHOE GUILD STYLE - LITE FOOTWEAR 107 DUNDAS ST: WEST WHITEY--MO 8-4881 AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX--1060 ENTRE PHONE RA 5-6941 BURNS CO. LTD. 1 KING ST. W. RA 5-4611 MEMBER OF THE BETTER SHOE GUILD HOOP-DE-DOOP CATHOLIC NUPTIALS. mations ce ves ue | GOLLING SHOES - | 119 BROCK ST. S. c Married recently hs gely , seph Marmora of Oshawa and = No, says the Business and Pro- | ross Roman Catholic Church | the bride t fessional Women's Club in the were Mr. and Mrs. George | \ Soom he gun of town of Paris. MO 8-3476 Casser. Formerly Miss Rose- | Airs. Anthony Cassar A highlight of their meeting WHITBY mary Marmora, the bride is the | of Qormi, Malta. Saturday was a hula hoop con-|| OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jo- | -Photo by Mary's Studio test. I ¥ Now more than 140 kinds . . . the nutritious Baby Foods that do your growing baby so much good! HEINZ iy Bby Sods THE GOOD THEY DO YOUR BABY NOW WILL REMAIN AN ENTIRE LIFETIME! 1